You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
730 lines
29 KiB
730 lines
29 KiB
7 years ago
namespace PhpParser;
* This parser is based on a skeleton written by Moriyoshi Koizumi, which in
* turn is based on work by Masato Bito.
use PhpParser\Node\Name;
use PhpParser\Node\Param;
use PhpParser\Node\Scalar\LNumber;
use PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Class_;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassConst;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Interface_;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Namespace_;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Property;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\TryCatch;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\UseUse;
abstract class ParserAbstract implements Parser
const SYMBOL_NONE = -1;
* The following members will be filled with generated parsing data:
/** @var int Size of $tokenToSymbol map */
protected $tokenToSymbolMapSize;
/** @var int Size of $action table */
protected $actionTableSize;
/** @var int Size of $goto table */
protected $gotoTableSize;
/** @var int Symbol number signifying an invalid token */
protected $invalidSymbol;
/** @var int Symbol number of error recovery token */
protected $errorSymbol;
/** @var int Action number signifying default action */
protected $defaultAction;
/** @var int Rule number signifying that an unexpected token was encountered */
protected $unexpectedTokenRule;
protected $YY2TBLSTATE;
protected $YYNLSTATES;
/** @var array Map of lexer tokens to internal symbols */
protected $tokenToSymbol;
/** @var array Map of symbols to their names */
protected $symbolToName;
/** @var array Names of the production rules (only necessary for debugging) */
protected $productions;
/** @var array Map of states to a displacement into the $action table. The corresponding action for this
* state/symbol pair is $action[$actionBase[$state] + $symbol]. If $actionBase[$state] is 0, the
action is defaulted, i.e. $actionDefault[$state] should be used instead. */
protected $actionBase;
/** @var array Table of actions. Indexed according to $actionBase comment. */
protected $action;
/** @var array Table indexed analogously to $action. If $actionCheck[$actionBase[$state] + $symbol] != $symbol
* then the action is defaulted, i.e. $actionDefault[$state] should be used instead. */
protected $actionCheck;
/** @var array Map of states to their default action */
protected $actionDefault;
/** @var array Map of non-terminals to a displacement into the $goto table. The corresponding goto state for this
* non-terminal/state pair is $goto[$gotoBase[$nonTerminal] + $state] (unless defaulted) */
protected $gotoBase;
/** @var array Table of states to goto after reduction. Indexed according to $gotoBase comment. */
protected $goto;
/** @var array Table indexed analogously to $goto. If $gotoCheck[$gotoBase[$nonTerminal] + $state] != $nonTerminal
* then the goto state is defaulted, i.e. $gotoDefault[$nonTerminal] should be used. */
protected $gotoCheck;
/** @var array Map of non-terminals to the default state to goto after their reduction */
protected $gotoDefault;
/** @var array Map of rules to the non-terminal on their left-hand side, i.e. the non-terminal to use for
* determining the state to goto after reduction. */
protected $ruleToNonTerminal;
/** @var array Map of rules to the length of their right-hand side, which is the number of elements that have to
* be popped from the stack(s) on reduction. */
protected $ruleToLength;
* The following members are part of the parser state:
/** @var Lexer Lexer that is used when parsing */
protected $lexer;
/** @var mixed Temporary value containing the result of last semantic action (reduction) */
protected $semValue;
/** @var int Position in stacks (state stack, semantic value stack, attribute stack) */
protected $stackPos;
/** @var array Semantic value stack (contains values of tokens and semantic action results) */
protected $semStack;
/** @var array[] Start attribute stack */
protected $startAttributeStack;
/** @var array[] End attribute stack */
protected $endAttributeStack;
/** @var array End attributes of last *shifted* token */
protected $endAttributes;
/** @var array Start attributes of last *read* token */
protected $lookaheadStartAttributes;
/** @var ErrorHandler Error handler */
protected $errorHandler;
/** @var Error[] Errors collected during last parse */
protected $errors;
/** @var int Error state, used to avoid error floods */
protected $errorState;
* Creates a parser instance.
* @param Lexer $lexer A lexer
* @param array $options Options array. Currently no options are supported.
public function __construct(Lexer $lexer, array $options = array()) {
$this->lexer = $lexer;
$this->errors = array();
if (isset($options['throwOnError'])) {
throw new \LogicException(
'"throwOnError" is no longer supported, use "errorHandler" instead');
* Parses PHP code into a node tree.
* If a non-throwing error handler is used, the parser will continue parsing after an error
* occurred and attempt to build a partial AST.
* @param string $code The source code to parse
* @param ErrorHandler|null $errorHandler Error handler to use for lexer/parser errors, defaults
* to ErrorHandler\Throwing.
* @return Node[]|null Array of statements (or null if the 'throwOnError' option is disabled and the parser was
* unable to recover from an error).
public function parse($code, ErrorHandler $errorHandler = null) {
$this->errorHandler = $errorHandler ?: new ErrorHandler\Throwing;
// Initialize the lexer
$this->lexer->startLexing($code, $this->errorHandler);
// We start off with no lookahead-token
$symbol = self::SYMBOL_NONE;
// The attributes for a node are taken from the first and last token of the node.
// From the first token only the startAttributes are taken and from the last only
// the endAttributes. Both are merged using the array union operator (+).
$startAttributes = '*POISON';
$endAttributes = '*POISON';
$this->endAttributes = $endAttributes;
// Keep stack of start and end attributes
$this->startAttributeStack = array();
$this->endAttributeStack = array($endAttributes);
// Start off in the initial state and keep a stack of previous states
$state = 0;
$stateStack = array($state);
// Semantic value stack (contains values of tokens and semantic action results)
$this->semStack = array();
// Current position in the stack(s)
$this->stackPos = 0;
$this->errorState = 0;
for (;;) {
//$this->traceNewState($state, $symbol);
if ($this->actionBase[$state] == 0) {
$rule = $this->actionDefault[$state];
} else {
if ($symbol === self::SYMBOL_NONE) {
// Fetch the next token id from the lexer and fetch additional info by-ref.
// The end attributes are fetched into a temporary variable and only set once the token is really
// shifted (not during read). Otherwise you would sometimes get off-by-one errors, when a rule is
// reduced after a token was read but not yet shifted.
$tokenId = $this->lexer->getNextToken($tokenValue, $startAttributes, $endAttributes);
// map the lexer token id to the internally used symbols
$symbol = $tokenId >= 0 && $tokenId < $this->tokenToSymbolMapSize
? $this->tokenToSymbol[$tokenId]
: $this->invalidSymbol;
if ($symbol === $this->invalidSymbol) {
throw new \RangeException(sprintf(
'The lexer returned an invalid token (id=%d, value=%s)',
$tokenId, $tokenValue
// This is necessary to assign some meaningful attributes to /* empty */ productions. They'll get
// the attributes of the next token, even though they don't contain it themselves.
$this->startAttributeStack[$this->stackPos+1] = $startAttributes;
$this->endAttributeStack[$this->stackPos+1] = $endAttributes;
$this->lookaheadStartAttributes = $startAttributes;
$idx = $this->actionBase[$state] + $symbol;
if ((($idx >= 0 && $idx < $this->actionTableSize && $this->actionCheck[$idx] == $symbol)
|| ($state < $this->YY2TBLSTATE
&& ($idx = $this->actionBase[$state + $this->YYNLSTATES] + $symbol) >= 0
&& $idx < $this->actionTableSize && $this->actionCheck[$idx] == $symbol))
&& ($action = $this->action[$idx]) != $this->defaultAction) {
* >= YYNLSTATES: shift and reduce
* > 0: shift
* = 0: accept
* < 0: reduce
* = -YYUNEXPECTED: error
if ($action > 0) {
/* shift */
$stateStack[$this->stackPos] = $state = $action;
$this->semStack[$this->stackPos] = $tokenValue;
$this->startAttributeStack[$this->stackPos] = $startAttributes;
$this->endAttributeStack[$this->stackPos] = $endAttributes;
$this->endAttributes = $endAttributes;
$symbol = self::SYMBOL_NONE;
if ($this->errorState) {
if ($action < $this->YYNLSTATES) {
/* $yyn >= YYNLSTATES means shift-and-reduce */
$rule = $action - $this->YYNLSTATES;
} else {
$rule = -$action;
} else {
$rule = $this->actionDefault[$state];
for (;;) {
if ($rule === 0) {
/* accept */
return $this->semValue;
} elseif ($rule !== $this->unexpectedTokenRule) {
/* reduce */
try {
$this->{'reduceRule' . $rule}();
} catch (Error $e) {
if (-1 === $e->getStartLine() && isset($startAttributes['startLine'])) {
// Can't recover from this type of error
return null;
/* Goto - shift nonterminal */
$lastEndAttributes = $this->endAttributeStack[$this->stackPos];
$this->stackPos -= $this->ruleToLength[$rule];
$nonTerminal = $this->ruleToNonTerminal[$rule];
$idx = $this->gotoBase[$nonTerminal] + $stateStack[$this->stackPos];
if ($idx >= 0 && $idx < $this->gotoTableSize && $this->gotoCheck[$idx] == $nonTerminal) {
$state = $this->goto[$idx];
} else {
$state = $this->gotoDefault[$nonTerminal];
$stateStack[$this->stackPos] = $state;
$this->semStack[$this->stackPos] = $this->semValue;
$this->endAttributeStack[$this->stackPos] = $lastEndAttributes;
} else {
/* error */
switch ($this->errorState) {
case 0:
$msg = $this->getErrorMessage($symbol, $state);
$this->emitError(new Error($msg, $startAttributes + $endAttributes));
// Break missing intentionally
case 1:
case 2:
$this->errorState = 3;
// Pop until error-expecting state uncovered
while (!(
(($idx = $this->actionBase[$state] + $this->errorSymbol) >= 0
&& $idx < $this->actionTableSize && $this->actionCheck[$idx] == $this->errorSymbol)
|| ($state < $this->YY2TBLSTATE
&& ($idx = $this->actionBase[$state + $this->YYNLSTATES] + $this->errorSymbol) >= 0
&& $idx < $this->actionTableSize && $this->actionCheck[$idx] == $this->errorSymbol)
) || ($action = $this->action[$idx]) == $this->defaultAction) { // Not totally sure about this
if ($this->stackPos <= 0) {
// Could not recover from error
return null;
$state = $stateStack[--$this->stackPos];
$stateStack[$this->stackPos] = $state = $action;
// We treat the error symbol as being empty, so we reset the end attributes
// to the end attributes of the last non-error symbol
$this->endAttributeStack[$this->stackPos] = $this->endAttributeStack[$this->stackPos - 1];
$this->endAttributes = $this->endAttributeStack[$this->stackPos - 1];
case 3:
if ($symbol === 0) {
// Reached EOF without recovering from error
return null;
$symbol = self::SYMBOL_NONE;
break 2;
if ($state < $this->YYNLSTATES) {
/* >= YYNLSTATES means shift-and-reduce */
$rule = $state - $this->YYNLSTATES;
throw new \RuntimeException('Reached end of parser loop');
protected function emitError(Error $error) {
protected function getErrorMessage($symbol, $state) {
$expectedString = '';
if ($expected = $this->getExpectedTokens($state)) {
$expectedString = ', expecting ' . implode(' or ', $expected);
return 'Syntax error, unexpected ' . $this->symbolToName[$symbol] . $expectedString;
protected function getExpectedTokens($state) {
$expected = array();
$base = $this->actionBase[$state];
foreach ($this->symbolToName as $symbol => $name) {
$idx = $base + $symbol;
if ($idx >= 0 && $idx < $this->actionTableSize && $this->actionCheck[$idx] === $symbol
|| $state < $this->YY2TBLSTATE
&& ($idx = $this->actionBase[$state + $this->YYNLSTATES] + $symbol) >= 0
&& $idx < $this->actionTableSize && $this->actionCheck[$idx] === $symbol
) {
if ($this->action[$idx] != $this->unexpectedTokenRule
&& $this->action[$idx] != $this->defaultAction
&& $symbol != $this->errorSymbol
) {
if (count($expected) == 4) {
/* Too many expected tokens */
return array();
$expected[] = $name;
return $expected;
* Tracing functions used for debugging the parser.
protected function traceNewState($state, $symbol) {
echo '% State ' . $state
. ', Lookahead ' . ($symbol == self::SYMBOL_NONE ? '--none--' : $this->symbolToName[$symbol]) . "\n";
protected function traceRead($symbol) {
echo '% Reading ' . $this->symbolToName[$symbol] . "\n";
protected function traceShift($symbol) {
echo '% Shift ' . $this->symbolToName[$symbol] . "\n";
protected function traceAccept() {
echo "% Accepted.\n";
protected function traceReduce($n) {
echo '% Reduce by (' . $n . ') ' . $this->productions[$n] . "\n";
protected function tracePop($state) {
echo '% Recovering, uncovered state ' . $state . "\n";
protected function traceDiscard($symbol) {
echo '% Discard ' . $this->symbolToName[$symbol] . "\n";
* Helper functions invoked by semantic actions
* Moves statements of semicolon-style namespaces into $ns->stmts and checks various error conditions.
* @param Node[] $stmts
* @return Node[]
protected function handleNamespaces(array $stmts) {
$hasErrored = false;
$style = $this->getNamespacingStyle($stmts);
if (null === $style) {
// not namespaced, nothing to do
return $stmts;
} elseif ('brace' === $style) {
// For braced namespaces we only have to check that there are no invalid statements between the namespaces
$afterFirstNamespace = false;
foreach ($stmts as $stmt) {
if ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Namespace_) {
$afterFirstNamespace = true;
} elseif (!$stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\HaltCompiler
&& !$stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Nop
&& $afterFirstNamespace && !$hasErrored) {
$this->emitError(new Error(
'No code may exist outside of namespace {}', $stmt->getAttributes()));
$hasErrored = true; // Avoid one error for every statement
return $stmts;
} else {
// For semicolon namespaces we have to move the statements after a namespace declaration into ->stmts
$resultStmts = array();
$targetStmts =& $resultStmts;
foreach ($stmts as $stmt) {
if ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Namespace_) {
if ($stmt->stmts === null) {
$stmt->stmts = array();
$targetStmts =& $stmt->stmts;
$resultStmts[] = $stmt;
} else {
// This handles the invalid case of mixed style namespaces
$resultStmts[] = $stmt;
$targetStmts =& $resultStmts;
} elseif ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\HaltCompiler) {
// __halt_compiler() is not moved into the namespace
$resultStmts[] = $stmt;
} else {
$targetStmts[] = $stmt;
return $resultStmts;
private function getNamespacingStyle(array $stmts) {
$style = null;
$hasNotAllowedStmts = false;
foreach ($stmts as $i => $stmt) {
if ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Namespace_) {
$currentStyle = null === $stmt->stmts ? 'semicolon' : 'brace';
if (null === $style) {
$style = $currentStyle;
if ($hasNotAllowedStmts) {
$this->emitError(new Error(
'Namespace declaration statement has to be the very first statement in the script',
$stmt->getLine() // Avoid marking the entire namespace as an error
} elseif ($style !== $currentStyle) {
$this->emitError(new Error(
'Cannot mix bracketed namespace declarations with unbracketed namespace declarations',
$stmt->getLine() // Avoid marking the entire namespace as an error
// Treat like semicolon style for namespace normalization
return 'semicolon';
/* declare(), __halt_compiler() and nops can be used before a namespace declaration */
if ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Declare_
|| $stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\HaltCompiler
|| $stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Nop) {
/* There may be a hashbang line at the very start of the file */
if ($i == 0 && $stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\InlineHTML && preg_match('/\A#!.*\r?\n\z/', $stmt->value)) {
/* Everything else if forbidden before namespace declarations */
$hasNotAllowedStmts = true;
return $style;
protected function handleBuiltinTypes(Name $name) {
$scalarTypes = [
'bool' => true,
'int' => true,
'float' => true,
'string' => true,
'iterable' => true,
'void' => true,
'object' => true,
if (!$name->isUnqualified()) {
return $name;
$lowerName = strtolower($name->toString());
return isset($scalarTypes[$lowerName]) ? $lowerName : $name;
protected static $specialNames = array(
'self' => true,
'parent' => true,
'static' => true,
protected function getAttributesAt($pos) {
return $this->startAttributeStack[$pos] + $this->endAttributeStack[$pos];
protected function parseLNumber($str, $attributes, $allowInvalidOctal = false) {
try {
return LNumber::fromString($str, $attributes, $allowInvalidOctal);
} catch (Error $error) {
// Use dummy value
return new LNumber(0, $attributes);
protected function parseNumString($str, $attributes) {
if (!preg_match('/^(?:0|-?[1-9][0-9]*)$/', $str)) {
return new String_($str, $attributes);
$num = +$str;
if (!is_int($num)) {
return new String_($str, $attributes);
return new LNumber($num, $attributes);
protected function checkModifier($a, $b, $modifierPos) {
// Jumping through some hoops here because verifyModifier() is also used elsewhere
try {
Class_::verifyModifier($a, $b);
} catch (Error $error) {
protected function checkParam(Param $node) {
if ($node->variadic && null !== $node->default) {
$this->emitError(new Error(
'Variadic parameter cannot have a default value',
protected function checkTryCatch(TryCatch $node) {
if (empty($node->catches) && null === $node->finally) {
$this->emitError(new Error(
'Cannot use try without catch or finally', $node->getAttributes()
protected function checkNamespace(Namespace_ $node) {
if (isset(self::$specialNames[strtolower($node->name)])) {
$this->emitError(new Error(
sprintf('Cannot use \'%s\' as namespace name', $node->name),
if (null !== $node->stmts) {
foreach ($node->stmts as $stmt) {
if ($stmt instanceof Namespace_) {
$this->emitError(new Error(
'Namespace declarations cannot be nested', $stmt->getAttributes()
protected function checkClass(Class_ $node, $namePos) {
if (null !== $node->name && isset(self::$specialNames[strtolower($node->name)])) {
$this->emitError(new Error(
sprintf('Cannot use \'%s\' as class name as it is reserved', $node->name),
if (isset(self::$specialNames[strtolower($node->extends)])) {
$this->emitError(new Error(
sprintf('Cannot use \'%s\' as class name as it is reserved', $node->extends),
foreach ($node->implements as $interface) {
if (isset(self::$specialNames[strtolower($interface)])) {
$this->emitError(new Error(
sprintf('Cannot use \'%s\' as interface name as it is reserved', $interface),
protected function checkInterface(Interface_ $node, $namePos) {
if (null !== $node->name && isset(self::$specialNames[strtolower($node->name)])) {
$this->emitError(new Error(
sprintf('Cannot use \'%s\' as class name as it is reserved', $node->name),
foreach ($node->extends as $interface) {
if (isset(self::$specialNames[strtolower($interface)])) {
$this->emitError(new Error(
sprintf('Cannot use \'%s\' as interface name as it is reserved', $interface),
protected function checkClassMethod(ClassMethod $node, $modifierPos) {
if ($node->flags & Class_::MODIFIER_STATIC) {
switch (strtolower($node->name)) {
case '__construct':
$this->emitError(new Error(
sprintf('Constructor %s() cannot be static', $node->name),
case '__destruct':
$this->emitError(new Error(
sprintf('Destructor %s() cannot be static', $node->name),
case '__clone':
$this->emitError(new Error(
sprintf('Clone method %s() cannot be static', $node->name),
protected function checkClassConst(ClassConst $node, $modifierPos) {
if ($node->flags & Class_::MODIFIER_STATIC) {
$this->emitError(new Error(
"Cannot use 'static' as constant modifier",
if ($node->flags & Class_::MODIFIER_ABSTRACT) {
$this->emitError(new Error(
"Cannot use 'abstract' as constant modifier",
if ($node->flags & Class_::MODIFIER_FINAL) {
$this->emitError(new Error(
"Cannot use 'final' as constant modifier",
protected function checkProperty(Property $node, $modifierPos) {
if ($node->flags & Class_::MODIFIER_ABSTRACT) {
$this->emitError(new Error('Properties cannot be declared abstract',
if ($node->flags & Class_::MODIFIER_FINAL) {
$this->emitError(new Error('Properties cannot be declared final',
protected function checkUseUse(UseUse $node, $namePos) {
if ('self' == strtolower($node->alias) || 'parent' == strtolower($node->alias)) {
$this->emitError(new Error(
'Cannot use %s as %s because \'%2$s\' is a special class name',
$node->name, $node->alias