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* [BC BREAK] Support for the IIS-only `X_ORIGINAL_URL` and `X_REWRITE_URL`
HTTP headers has been dropped for security reasons.
* Query string normalization uses `parse_str()` instead of custom parsing logic.
* Passing the file size to the constructor of the `UploadedFile` class is deprecated.
* The `getClientSize()` method of the `UploadedFile` class is deprecated. Use `getSize()` instead.
* added `RedisSessionHandler` to use Redis as a session storage
* The `get()` method of the `AcceptHeader` class now takes into account the
`*` and `*/*` default values (if they are present in the Accept HTTP header)
when looking for items.
* deprecated `Request::getSession()` when no session has been set. Use `Request::hasSession()` instead.
* added `CannotWriteFileException`, `ExtensionFileException`, `FormSizeFileException`,
`IniSizeFileException`, `NoFileException`, `NoTmpDirFileException`, `PartialFileException` to
handle failed `UploadedFile`.
* added `MigratingSessionHandler` for migrating between two session handlers without losing sessions
* added `HeaderUtils`.
* the `Request::setTrustedHeaderName()` and `Request::getTrustedHeaderName()`
methods have been removed
* the `Request::HEADER_CLIENT_IP` constant has been removed, use
`Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_FOR` instead
* the `Request::HEADER_CLIENT_HOST` constant has been removed, use
`Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_HOST` instead
* the `Request::HEADER_CLIENT_PROTO` constant has been removed, use
* the `Request::HEADER_CLIENT_PORT` constant has been removed, use
`Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_PORT` instead
* checking for cacheable HTTP methods using the `Request::isMethodSafe()`
method (by not passing `false` as its argument) is not supported anymore and
throws a `\BadMethodCallException`
* the `WriteCheckSessionHandler`, `NativeSessionHandler` and `NativeProxy` classes have been removed
* setting session save handlers that do not implement `\SessionHandlerInterface` in
`NativeSessionStorage::setSaveHandler()` is not supported anymore and throws a
* implemented PHP 7.0's `SessionUpdateTimestampHandlerInterface` with a new
`AbstractSessionHandler` base class and a new `StrictSessionHandler` wrapper
* deprecated the `WriteCheckSessionHandler`, `NativeSessionHandler` and `NativeProxy` classes
* deprecated setting session save handlers that do not implement `\SessionHandlerInterface` in `NativeSessionStorage::setSaveHandler()`
* deprecated using `MongoDbSessionHandler` with the legacy mongo extension; use it with the mongodb/mongodb package and ext-mongodb instead
* deprecated `MemcacheSessionHandler`; use `MemcachedSessionHandler` instead
* the `Request::setTrustedProxies()` method takes a new `$trustedHeaderSet` argument,
see for more info,
* deprecated the `Request::setTrustedHeaderName()` and `Request::getTrustedHeaderName()` methods,
* added `File\Stream`, to be passed to `BinaryFileResponse` when the size of the served file is unknown,
disabling `Range` and `Content-Length` handling, switching to chunked encoding instead
* added the `Cookie::fromString()` method that allows to create a cookie from a
raw header string
* Added support for creating `JsonResponse` with a string of JSON data
* The precedence of parameters returned from `Request::get()` changed from "GET, PATH, BODY" to "PATH, GET, BODY"
* Finding deep items in `ParameterBag::get()` is deprecated since version 2.8 and
will be removed in 3.0.
* PdoSessionHandler changes
- implemented different session locking strategies to prevent loss of data by concurrent access to the same session
- [BC BREAK] save session data in a binary column without base64_encode
- [BC BREAK] added lifetime column to the session table which allows to have different lifetimes for each session
- implemented lazy connections that are only opened when a session is used by either passing a dsn string
explicitly or falling back to session.save_path ini setting
- added a createTable method that initializes a correctly defined table depending on the database vendor
* added `JsonResponse::setEncodingOptions()` & `JsonResponse::getEncodingOptions()` for easier manipulation
of the options used while encoding data to JSON format.
* added RequestStack
* added Request::getEncodings()
* added accessors methods to session handlers
* added support for ranges of IPs in trusted proxies
* `UploadedFile::isValid` now returns false if the file was not uploaded via HTTP (in a non-test mode)
* Improved error-handling of `\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler\PdoSessionHandler`
to ensure the supplied PDO handler throws Exceptions on error (as the class expects). Added related test cases
to verify that Exceptions are properly thrown when the PDO queries fail.
* fixed the Request::create() precedence (URI information always take precedence now)
* added Request::getTrustedProxies()
* deprecated Request::isProxyTrusted()
* [BC BREAK] JsonResponse does not turn a top level empty array to an object anymore, use an ArrayObject to enforce objects
* added a IpUtils class to check if an IP belongs to a CIDR
* added Request::getRealMethod() to get the "real" HTTP method (getMethod() returns the "intended" HTTP method)
* disabled _method request parameter support by default (call Request::enableHttpMethodParameterOverride() to
enable it, and Request::getHttpMethodParameterOverride() to check if it is supported)
* Request::splitHttpAcceptHeader() method is deprecated and will be removed in 2.3
* Deprecated Flashbag::count() and \Countable interface, will be removed in 2.3
* added Request::getSchemeAndHttpHost() and Request::getUserInfo()
* added a fluent interface to the Response class
* added Request::isProxyTrusted()
* added JsonResponse
* added a getTargetUrl method to RedirectResponse
* added support for streamed responses
* made Response::prepare() method the place to enforce HTTP specification
* [BC BREAK] moved management of the locale from the Session class to the Request class
* added a generic access to the PHP built-in filter mechanism: ParameterBag::filter()
* made FileBinaryMimeTypeGuesser command configurable
* added Request::getUser() and Request::getPassword()
* added support for the PATCH method in Request
* removed the ContentTypeMimeTypeGuesser class as it is deprecated and never used on PHP 5.3
* added ResponseHeaderBag::makeDisposition() (implements RFC 6266)
* made mimetype to extension conversion configurable
* [BC BREAK] Moved all session related classes and interfaces into own namespace, as
`Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session` and renamed classes accordingly.
Session handlers are located in the subnamespace `Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Handler`.
* SessionHandlers must implement `\SessionHandlerInterface` or extend from the
`Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Storage\Handler\NativeSessionHandler` base class.
* Added internal storage driver proxy mechanism for forward compatibility with
PHP 5.4 `\SessionHandler` class.
* Added session handlers for custom Memcache, Memcached and Null session save handlers.
* [BC BREAK] Removed `NativeSessionStorage` and replaced with `NativeFileSessionHandler`.
* [BC BREAK] `SessionStorageInterface` methods removed: `write()`, `read()` and
`remove()`. Added `getBag()`, `registerBag()`. The `NativeSessionStorage` class
is a mediator for the session storage internals including the session handlers
which do the real work of participating in the internal PHP session workflow.
* [BC BREAK] Introduced mock implementations of `SessionStorage` to enable unit
and functional testing without starting real PHP sessions. Removed
`ArraySessionStorage`, and replaced with `MockArraySessionStorage` for unit
tests; removed `FilesystemSessionStorage`, and replaced with`MockFileSessionStorage`
for functional tests. These do not interact with global session ini
configuration values, session functions or `$_SESSION` superglobal. This means
they can be configured directly allowing multiple instances to work without
conflicting in the same PHP process.
* [BC BREAK] Removed the `close()` method from the `Session` class, as this is
now redundant.
* Deprecated the following methods from the Session class: `setFlash()`, `setFlashes()`
`getFlash()`, `hasFlash()`, and `removeFlash()`. Use `getFlashBag()` instead
which returns a `FlashBagInterface`.
* `Session->clear()` now only clears session attributes as before it cleared
flash messages and attributes. `Session->getFlashBag()->all()` clears flashes now.
* Session data is now managed by `SessionBagInterface` to better encapsulate
session data.
* Refactored session attribute and flash messages system to their own
`SessionBagInterface` implementations.
* Added `FlashBag`. Flashes expire when retrieved by `get()` or `all()`. This
implementation is ESI compatible.
* Added `AutoExpireFlashBag` (default) to replicate Symfony 2.0.x auto expire
behaviour of messages auto expiring after one page page load. Messages must
be retrieved by `get()` or `all()`.
* Added `Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Attribute\AttributeBag` to replicate
attributes storage behaviour from 2.0.x (default).
* Added `Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Attribute\NamespacedAttributeBag` for
namespace session attributes.
* Flash API can stores messages in an array so there may be multiple messages
per flash type. The old `Session` class API remains without BC break as it
will allow single messages as before.
* Added basic session meta-data to the session to record session create time,
last updated time, and the lifetime of the session cookie that was provided
to the client.
* Request::getClientIp() method doesn't take a parameter anymore but bases
itself on the trustProxy parameter.
* Added isMethod() to Request object.
* [BC BREAK] The methods `getPathInfo()`, `getBaseUrl()` and `getBasePath()` of
a `Request` now all return a raw value (vs a urldecoded value before). Any call
to one of these methods must be checked and wrapped in a `rawurldecode()` if