@ -21,21 +21,30 @@ You can use the app to link to any site or application, but Foundation apps will
- Sabnzbd
- Deluge
- Duplicati
- Emby
- Graylog
- Jdownloader
- Mcmyadmin
- NZBGet
- Lidarr
- McMyAdmin
- Medusa
- Netdata
- Nextcloud
- Openhab
- NZBhydra & NZBhydra2
- Ombi
- OpenHAB
- pfSense
- Plex
- Plexpy
- Plexrequests
- Portainer
- Sabnzbd
- Radarr
- rTorrent/ruTorrent
- Sonarr
- Traefik
- UniFi
- pFsense
- UniFI
## Installing
Apart from the Laravel dependencies, namely PHP >= 7.0.0, OpenSSL PHP Extension, PDO PHP Extension, Mbstring PHP Extension, Tokenizer PHP Extension and XML PHP Extension, the only other thing Heimdall needs is sqlite support.