/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) { /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ } /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ i: moduleId, /******/ l: false, /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.l = true; /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /******/ /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; /******/ /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; /******/ /******/ // define getter function for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) { /******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { /******/ configurable: false, /******/ enumerable: true, /******/ get: getter /******/ }); /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules /******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) { /******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? /******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } : /******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; }; /******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter); /******/ return getter; /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call /******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); }; /******/ /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __webpack_require__.p = ""; /******/ /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0); /******/ }) /************************************************************************/ /******/ ({ /***/ "./resources/assets/js/app.js": /***/ (function(module, exports) { $.when($.ready).then(function () { if ($('.message-container').length) { setTimeout(function () { $('.message-container').fadeOut(); }, 3500); } if ($('.livestats-container').length) { $('.livestats-container').each(function (index) { var id = $(this).data('id'); var dataonly = $(this).data('dataonly'); var increaseby = dataonly == 1 ? 20000 : 1000; var container = $(this); var max_timer = 30000; var timer = 5000; (function worker() { $.ajax({ url: '/get_stats/' + id, dataType: 'json', success: function success(data) { container.html(data.html); if (data.status == 'active') timer = increaseby;else { if (timer < max_timer) timer += 2000; } }, complete: function complete() { // Schedule the next request when the current one's complete setTimeout(worker, timer); } }); })(); }); } function readURL(input) { if (input.files && input.files[0]) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (e) { $('#appimage img').attr('src', e.target.result); }; reader.readAsDataURL(input.files[0]); } } $("#upload").change(function () { readURL(this); }); /*$(".droppable").droppable({ tolerance: "intersect", drop: function( event, ui ) { var tag = $( this ).data('id'); var item = $( ui.draggable ).data('id'); $.get('tag/add/'+tag+'/'+item, function(data) { if(data == 1) { $( ui.draggable ).remove(); } else { alert('not added'); } }); } });*/ $("#sortable").sortable({ stop: function stop(event, ui) { var idsInOrder = $("#sortable").sortable('toArray', { attribute: 'data-id' }); $.post('/order', { order: idsInOrder }); } }); $("#sortable").sortable("disable"); $('#app').on('click', '#config-button', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var app = $('#app'); var active = app.hasClass('header'); app.toggleClass('header'); if (active) { $('.add-item').hide(); $('.item-edit').hide(); $('#app').removeClass('sidebar'); $("#sortable").sortable("disable"); } else { $("#sortable").sortable("enable"); setTimeout(function () { $('.add-item').fadeIn(); $('.item-edit').fadeIn(); }, 350); } }).on('click', '#add-item, #pin-item', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var app = $('#app'); var active = app.hasClass('sidebar'); app.toggleClass('sidebar'); }).on('click', '.close-sidenav', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var app = $('#app'); app.removeClass('sidebar'); }).on('click', '#test_config', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var apiurl = $('#create input[name=url]').val(); var override_url = $('#override_url'); if (override_url.length && override_url.val() != '') { apiurl = override_url; } var data = {}; data['url'] = apiurl; $('input.config-item').each(function (index) { var config = $(this).data('config'); data[config] = $(this).val(); }); $.post('/test_config', { data: data }, function (data) { alert(data); }); }); $('#pinlist').on('click', 'a', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var current = $(this); var id = current.data('id'); $.get('items/pintoggle/' + id + '/true', function (data) { var inner = $(data).filter('#sortable').html(); $('#sortable').html(inner); current.toggleClass('active'); }); }); }); /***/ }), /***/ "./resources/assets/js/huebee.js": /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var __WEBPACK_LOCAL_MODULE_0__, __WEBPACK_LOCAL_MODULE_0__factory, __WEBPACK_LOCAL_MODULE_0__module;var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_LOCAL_MODULE_1__;var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; /** * Huebee PACKAGED v2.0.0 * 1-click color picker * MIT license * http://huebee.buzz * Copyright 2018 Metafizzy */ !function (t, e) { true ? !(__WEBPACK_LOCAL_MODULE_0__factory = (e), (__WEBPACK_LOCAL_MODULE_0__module = { id: "ev-emitter/ev-emitter", exports: {}, loaded: false }), __WEBPACK_LOCAL_MODULE_0__ = (typeof __WEBPACK_LOCAL_MODULE_0__factory === 'function' ? (__WEBPACK_LOCAL_MODULE_0__factory.call(__WEBPACK_LOCAL_MODULE_0__module.exports, __webpack_require__, __WEBPACK_LOCAL_MODULE_0__module.exports, __WEBPACK_LOCAL_MODULE_0__module)) : __WEBPACK_LOCAL_MODULE_0__factory), (__WEBPACK_LOCAL_MODULE_0__module.loaded = true), __WEBPACK_LOCAL_MODULE_0__ === undefined && (__WEBPACK_LOCAL_MODULE_0__ = __WEBPACK_LOCAL_MODULE_0__module.exports)) : "object" == (typeof module === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(module)) && module.exports ? module.exports = e() : t.EvEmitter = e(); }("undefined" != typeof window ? window : this, function () { function t() {}var e = t.prototype;return e.on = function (t, e) { if (t && e) { var n = this._events = this._events || {}, i = n[t] = n[t] || [];return i.indexOf(e) == -1 && i.push(e), this; } }, e.once = function (t, e) { if (t && e) { this.on(t, e);var n = this._onceEvents = this._onceEvents || {}, i = n[t] = n[t] || {};return i[e] = !0, this; } }, e.off = function (t, e) { var n = this._events && this._events[t];if (n && n.length) { var i = n.indexOf(e);return i != -1 && n.splice(i, 1), this; } }, e.emitEvent = function (t, e) { var n = this._events && this._events[t];if (n && n.length) { var i = 0, o = n[i];e = e || [];for (var s = this._onceEvents && this._onceEvents[t]; o;) { var r = s && s[o];r && (this.off(t, o), delete s[o]), o.apply(this, e), i += r ? 0 : 1, o = n[i]; }return this; } }, t; }), function (t, e) { true ? !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [__WEBPACK_LOCAL_MODULE_0__], __WEBPACK_LOCAL_MODULE_1__ = ((function (n) { return e(t, n); }).apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__))) : "object" == (typeof module === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(module)) && module.exports ? module.exports = e(t, require("ev-emitter")) : t.Unipointer = e(t, t.EvEmitter); }(window, function (t, e) { function n() {}function i() {}var o = i.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype);o.bindStartEvent = function (t) { this._bindStartEvent(t, !0); }, o.unbindStartEvent = function (t) { this._bindStartEvent(t, !1); }, o._bindStartEvent = function (e, n) { n = void 0 === n || !!n;var i = n ? "addEventListener" : "removeEventListener";t.navigator.pointerEnabled ? e[i]("pointerdown", this) : t.navigator.msPointerEnabled ? e[i]("MSPointerDown", this) : (e[i]("mousedown", this), e[i]("touchstart", this)); }, o.handleEvent = function (t) { var e = "on" + t.type;this[e] && this[e](t); }, o.getTouch = function (t) { for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) { var n = t[e];if (n.identifier == this.pointerIdentifier) return n; } }, o.onmousedown = function (t) { var e = t.button;e && 0 !== e && 1 !== e || this._pointerDown(t, t); }, o.ontouchstart = function (t) { this._pointerDown(t, t.changedTouches[0]); }, o.onMSPointerDown = o.onpointerdown = function (t) { this._pointerDown(t, t); }, o._pointerDown = function (t, e) { this.isPointerDown || (this.isPointerDown = !0, this.pointerIdentifier = void 0 !== e.pointerId ? e.pointerId : e.identifier, this.pointerDown(t, e)); }, o.pointerDown = function (t, e) { this._bindPostStartEvents(t), this.emitEvent("pointerDown", [t, e]); };var s = { mousedown: ["mousemove", "mouseup"], touchstart: ["touchmove", "touchend", "touchcancel"], pointerdown: ["pointermove", "pointerup", "pointercancel"], MSPointerDown: ["MSPointerMove", "MSPointerUp", "MSPointerCancel"] };return o._bindPostStartEvents = function (e) { if (e) { var n = s[e.type];n.forEach(function (e) { t.addEventListener(e, this); }, this), this._boundPointerEvents = n; } }, o._unbindPostStartEvents = function () { this._boundPointerEvents && (this._boundPointerEvents.forEach(function (e) { t.removeEventListener(e, this); }, this), delete this._boundPointerEvents); }, o.onmousemove = function (t) { this._pointerMove(t, t); }, o.onMSPointerMove = o.onpointermove = function (t) { t.pointerId == this.pointerIdentifier && this._pointerMove(t, t); }, o.ontouchmove = function (t) { var e = this.getTouch(t.changedTouches);e && this._pointerMove(t, e); }, o._pointerMove = function (t, e) { this.pointerMove(t, e); }, o.pointerMove = function (t, e) { this.emitEvent("pointerMove", [t, e]); }, o.onmouseup = function (t) { this._pointerUp(t, t); }, o.onMSPointerUp = o.onpointerup = function (t) { t.pointerId == this.pointerIdentifier && this._pointerUp(t, t); }, o.ontouchend = function (t) { var e = this.getTouch(t.changedTouches);e && this._pointerUp(t, e); }, o._pointerUp = function (t, e) { this._pointerDone(), this.pointerUp(t, e); }, o.pointerUp = function (t, e) { this.emitEvent("pointerUp", [t, e]); }, o._pointerDone = function () { this.isPointerDown = !1, delete this.pointerIdentifier, this._unbindPostStartEvents(), this.pointerDone(); }, o.pointerDone = n, o.onMSPointerCancel = o.onpointercancel = function (t) { t.pointerId == this.pointerIdentifier && this._pointerCancel(t, t); }, o.ontouchcancel = function (t) { var e = this.getTouch(t.changedTouches);e && this._pointerCancel(t, e); }, o._pointerCancel = function (t, e) { this._pointerDone(), this.pointerCancel(t, e); }, o.pointerCancel = function (t, e) { this.emitEvent("pointerCancel", [t, e]); }, i.getPointerPoint = function (t) { return { x: t.pageX, y: t.pageY }; }, i; }), function (t, e) { true ? !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [__WEBPACK_LOCAL_MODULE_0__, __WEBPACK_LOCAL_MODULE_1__], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (function (n, i) { return e(t, n, i); }).apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__), __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__)) : "object" == (typeof module === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(module)) && module.exports ? module.exports = e(t, require("ev-emitter"), require("unipointer")) : t.Huebee = e(t, t.EvEmitter, t.Unipointer); }(window, function (t, e, n) { function i(t, e) { if (t = h(t), !t) throw "Bad element for Huebee: " + t;this.anchor = t, this.options = {}, this.option(i.defaults), this.option(e), this.create(); }function o() { for (var t = document.querySelectorAll("[data-huebee]"), e = 0; e < t.length; e++) { var n, o = t[e], s = o.getAttribute("data-huebee");try { n = s && JSON.parse(s); } catch (t) { C && C.error("Error parsing data-huebee on " + o.className + ": " + t);continue; }new i(o, n); } }function s(t) { _.clearRect(0, 0, 1, 1), _.fillStyle = "#010203", _.fillStyle = t, _.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1);var e = _.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data;if (e = [e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3]], "1,2,3,255" != e.join(",")) { var n = u.apply(this, e);return { color: t.trim(), hue: n[0], sat: n[1], lum: n[2] }; } }function r(t, e) { for (var n in e) { t[n] = e[n]; }return t; }function h(t) { return "string" == typeof t && (t = document.querySelector(t)), t; }function a(t, e, n) { var i = c(t, e, n);return d(i); }function c(t, e, n) { var i, o, s = (1 - Math.abs(2 * n - 1)) * e, r = t / 60, h = s * (1 - Math.abs(r % 2 - 1));switch (Math.floor(r)) {case 0: i = [s, h, 0];break;case 1: i = [h, s, 0];break;case 2: i = [0, s, h];break;case 3: i = [0, h, s];break;case 4: i = [h, 0, s];break;case 5: i = [s, 0, h];break;default: i = [0, 0, 0];}return o = n - s / 2, i = i.map(function (t) { return t + o; }); }function u(t, e, n) { t /= 255, e /= 255, n /= 255;var i, o = Math.max(t, e, n), s = Math.min(t, e, n), r = o - s, h = .5 * (o + s), a = 0 === r ? 0 : r / (1 - Math.abs(2 * h - 1));0 === r ? i = 0 : o === t ? i = (e - n) / r % 6 : o === e ? i = (n - t) / r + 2 : o === n && (i = (t - e) / r + 4);var c = 60 * i;return [c, parseFloat(a), parseFloat(h)]; }function d(t) { var e = t.map(function (t) { t = Math.round(255 * t);var e = t.toString(16).toUpperCase();return e = e.length < 2 ? "0" + e : e; });return "#" + e.join(""); }function p(t) { return "#" + t[1] + t[3] + t[5]; }i.defaults = { hues: 12, hue0: 0, shades: 5, saturations: 3, notation: "shortHex", setText: !0, setBGColor: !0 };var f = i.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype);f.option = function (t) { this.options = r(this.options, t); };var v = 0, l = {};f.create = function () { function t(t) { t.target == i && t.preventDefault(); }var e = this.guid = ++v;this.anchor.huebeeGUID = e, l[e] = this, this.setBGElems = this.getSetElems(this.options.setBGColor), this.setTextElems = this.getSetElems(this.options.setText), this.outsideCloseIt = this.outsideClose.bind(this), this.onDocKeydown = this.docKeydown.bind(this), this.closeIt = this.close.bind(this), this.openIt = this.open.bind(this), this.onElemTransitionend = this.elemTransitionend.bind(this), this.isInputAnchor = "INPUT" == this.anchor.nodeName, this.options.staticOpen || (this.anchor.addEventListener("click", this.openIt), this.anchor.addEventListener("focus", this.openIt)), this.isInputAnchor && this.anchor.addEventListener("input", this.inputInput.bind(this));var n = this.element = document.createElement("div");n.className = "huebee ", n.className += this.options.staticOpen ? "is-static-open " : "is-hidden ", n.className += this.options.className || "";var i = this.container = document.createElement("div");if (i.className = "huebee__container", i.addEventListener("mousedown", t), i.addEventListener("touchstart", t), this.createCanvas(), this.cursor = document.createElement("div"), this.cursor.className = "huebee__cursor is-hidden", i.appendChild(this.cursor), this.createCloseButton(), n.appendChild(i), !this.options.staticOpen) { var o = getComputedStyle(this.anchor.parentNode);"relative" != o.position && "absolute" != o.position && (this.anchor.parentNode.style.position = "relative"); }var s = this.options.hues, r = this.options.customColors, h = r && r.length;this.satY = h ? Math.ceil(h / s) + 1 : 0, this.updateColors(), this.setAnchorColor(), this.options.staticOpen && this.open(); }, f.getSetElems = function (t) { return t === !0 ? [this.anchor] : "string" == typeof t ? document.querySelectorAll(t) : void 0; }, f.createCanvas = function () { var t = this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas");t.className = "huebee__canvas", this.ctx = t.getContext("2d");var e = this.canvasPointer = new n();e._bindStartEvent(t), e.on("pointerDown", this.canvasPointerDown.bind(this)), e.on("pointerMove", this.canvasPointerMove.bind(this)), this.container.appendChild(t); };var m = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";f.createCloseButton = function () { if (!this.options.staticOpen) { var t = document.createElementNS(m, "svg");t.setAttribute("class", "huebee__close-button"), t.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), t.setAttribute("width", "24"), t.setAttribute("height", "24");var e = document.createElementNS(m, "path");e.setAttribute("d", "M 7,7 L 17,17 M 17,7 L 7,17"), e.setAttribute("class", "huebee__close-button__x"), t.appendChild(e), t.addEventListener("click", this.closeIt), this.container.appendChild(t); } }, f.updateColors = function () { this.swatches = {}, this.colorGrid = {}, this.updateColorModer();var t = this.options.shades, e = this.options.saturations, n = this.options.hues, i = this.options.customColors;if (i && i.length) { var o = 0;i.forEach(function (t) { var e = o % n, i = Math.floor(o / n), r = s(t);r && (this.addSwatch(r, e, i), o++); }.bind(this)); }for (var r = 0; r < e; r++) { var h = 1 - r / e, a = t * r + this.satY;this.updateSaturationGrid(r, h, a); }for (r = 0; r < t + 2; r++) { var c = 1 - r / (t + 1), u = this.colorModer(0, 0, c), d = s(u);this.addSwatch(d, n + 1, r); } }, f.updateSaturationGrid = function (t, e, n) { for (var i = this.options.shades, o = this.options.hues, r = this.options.hue0, h = 0; h < i; h++) { for (var a = 0; a < o; a++) { var c = Math.round(360 * a / o + r) % 360, u = 1 - (h + 1) / (i + 1), d = this.colorModer(c, e, u), p = s(d), f = h + n;this.addSwatch(p, a, f); } } }, f.addSwatch = function (t, e, n) { this.swatches[e + "," + n] = t, this.colorGrid[t.color.toUpperCase()] = { x: e, y: n }; };var E = { hsl: function hsl(t, e, n) { return e = Math.round(100 * e), n = Math.round(100 * n), "hsl(" + t + ", " + e + "%, " + n + "%)"; }, hex: a, shortHex: function shortHex(t, e, n) { var i = a(t, e, n);return p(i); } };f.updateColorModer = function () { this.colorModer = E[this.options.notation] || E.shortHex; }, f.renderColors = function () { var t = 2 * this.gridSize;for (var e in this.swatches) { var n = this.swatches[e], i = e.split(","), o = i[0], s = i[1];this.ctx.fillStyle = n.color, this.ctx.fillRect(o * t, s * t, t, t); } }, f.setAnchorColor = function () { this.isInputAnchor && this.setColor(this.anchor.value); };var g = document.documentElement;f.open = function () { if (!this.isOpen) { var t = this.anchor, e = this.element;this.options.staticOpen || (e.style.left = t.offsetLeft + "px", e.style.top = t.offsetTop + t.offsetHeight + "px"), this.bindOpenEvents(!0), e.removeEventListener("transitionend", this.onElemTransitionend), t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t.nextSibling);var n = getComputedStyle(e).transitionDuration;this.hasTransition = n && "none" != n && parseFloat(n), this.isOpen = !0, this.updateSizes(), this.renderColors(), this.setAnchorColor();e.offsetHeight;e.classList.remove("is-hidden"); } }, f.bindOpenEvents = function (t) { if (!this.options.staticOpen) { var e = (t ? "add" : "remove") + "EventListener";g[e]("mousedown", this.outsideCloseIt), g[e]("touchstart", this.outsideCloseIt), document[e]("focusin", this.outsideCloseIt), document[e]("keydown", this.onDocKeydown), this.anchor[e]("blur", this.closeIt); } }, f.updateSizes = function () { var t = this.options.hues, e = this.options.shades, n = this.options.saturations;this.cursorBorder = parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.cursor).borderTopWidth, 10), this.gridSize = Math.round(this.cursor.offsetWidth - 2 * this.cursorBorder), this.canvasOffset = { x: this.canvas.offsetLeft, y: this.canvas.offsetTop };var i = Math.max(e * n + this.satY, e + 2), o = this.gridSize * (t + 2);this.canvas.width = 2 * o, this.canvas.style.width = o + "px", this.canvas.height = this.gridSize * i * 2; }, f.outsideClose = function (t) { var e = this.anchor.contains(t.target), n = this.element.contains(t.target);e || n || this.close(); };var b = { 13: !0, 27: !0 };f.docKeydown = function (t) { b[t.keyCode] && this.close(); };var w = "string" == typeof g.style.transform;f.close = function () { this.isOpen && (w && this.hasTransition ? this.element.addEventListener("transitionend", this.onElemTransitionend) : this.remove(), this.element.classList.add("is-hidden"), this.bindOpenEvents(!1), this.isOpen = !1); }, f.remove = function () { var t = this.element.parentNode;t.contains(this.element) && t.removeChild(this.element); }, f.elemTransitionend = function (t) { t.target == this.element && (this.element.removeEventListener("transitionend", this.onElemTransitionend), this.remove()); }, f.inputInput = function () { this.setColor(this.anchor.value); }, f.canvasPointerDown = function (t, e) { t.preventDefault(), this.updateOffset(), this.canvasPointerChange(e); }, f.updateOffset = function () { var e = this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect();this.offset = { x: e.left + t.pageXOffset, y: e.top + t.pageYOffset }; }, f.canvasPointerMove = function (t, e) { this.canvasPointerChange(e); }, f.canvasPointerChange = function (t) { var e = Math.round(t.pageX - this.offset.x), n = Math.round(t.pageY - this.offset.y), i = this.gridSize, o = Math.floor(e / i), s = Math.floor(n / i), r = this.swatches[o + "," + s];this.setSwatch(r); }, f.setColor = function (t) { var e = s(t);this.setSwatch(e); }, f.setSwatch = function (t) { var e = t && t.color;if (t) { var n = e == this.color;this.color = e, this.hue = t.hue, this.sat = t.sat, this.lum = t.lum;var i = this.lum - .15 * Math.cos((this.hue + 70) / 180 * Math.PI);this.isLight = i > .5;var o = this.colorGrid[e.toUpperCase()];this.updateCursor(o), this.setTexts(), this.setBackgrounds(), n || this.emitEvent("change", [e, t.hue, t.sat, t.lum]); } }, f.setTexts = function () { if (this.setTextElems) for (var t = 0; t < this.setTextElems.length; t++) { var e = this.setTextElems[t], n = "INPUT" == e.nodeName ? "value" : "textContent";e[n] = this.color; } }, f.setBackgrounds = function () { if (this.setBGElems) for (var t = this.isLight ? "#222" : "white", e = 0; e < this.setBGElems.length; e++) { var n = this.setBGElems[e];n.style.backgroundColor = this.color, n.style.color = t; } }, f.updateCursor = function (t) { if (this.isOpen) { var e = t ? "remove" : "add";if (this.cursor.classList[e]("is-hidden"), t) { var n = this.gridSize, i = this.canvasOffset, o = this.cursorBorder;this.cursor.style.left = t.x * n + i.x - o + "px", this.cursor.style.top = t.y * n + i.y - o + "px"; } } };var C = t.console, S = document.readyState;"complete" == S || "interactive" == S ? o() : document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", o), i.data = function (t) { t = h(t);var e = t && t.huebeeGUID;return e && l[e]; };var y = document.createElement("canvas");y.width = y.height = 1;var _ = y.getContext("2d");return i; }); /***/ }), /***/ "./resources/assets/sass/app.scss": /***/ (function(module, exports) { // removed by extract-text-webpack-plugin /***/ }), /***/ 0: /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__("./resources/assets/js/huebee.js"); __webpack_require__("./resources/assets/js/app.js"); module.exports = __webpack_require__("./resources/assets/sass/app.scss"); /***/ }) /******/ });