
namespace Github;

use Github\Api\ApiInterface;
use Github\Exception\BadMethodCallException;
use Github\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Github\HttpClient\Builder;
use Github\HttpClient\Plugin\Authentication;
use Github\HttpClient\Plugin\GithubExceptionThrower;
use Github\HttpClient\Plugin\History;
use Github\HttpClient\Plugin\PathPrepend;
use Http\Client\Common\HttpMethodsClient;
use Http\Client\Common\Plugin;
use Http\Client\HttpClient;
use Http\Discovery\UriFactoryDiscovery;
use Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface;

 * Simple yet very cool PHP GitHub client.
 * @method Api\CurrentUser currentUser()
 * @method Api\CurrentUser me()
 * @method Api\Enterprise ent()
 * @method Api\Enterprise enterprise()
 * @method Api\Miscellaneous\CodeOfConduct codeOfConduct()
 * @method Api\Miscellaneous\Emojis emojis()
 * @method Api\GitData git()
 * @method Api\GitData gitData()
 * @method Api\Gists gist()
 * @method Api\Gists gists()
 * @method Api\Miscellaneous\Gitignore gitignore()
 * @method Api\Integrations integration() (deprecated)
 * @method Api\Integrations integrations() (deprecated)
 * @method Api\Apps apps()
 * @method Api\Issue issue()
 * @method Api\Issue issues()
 * @method Api\Markdown markdown()
 * @method Api\Notification notification()
 * @method Api\Notification notifications()
 * @method Api\Organization organization()
 * @method Api\Organization organizations()
 * @method Api\Organization\Projects orgProject()
 * @method Api\Organization\Projects orgProjects()
 * @method Api\Organization\Projects organizationProject()
 * @method Api\Organization\Projects organizationProjects()
 * @method Api\PullRequest pr()
 * @method Api\PullRequest pullRequest()
 * @method Api\PullRequest pullRequests()
 * @method Api\RateLimit rateLimit()
 * @method Api\Repo repo()
 * @method Api\Repo repos()
 * @method Api\Repo repository()
 * @method Api\Repo repositories()
 * @method Api\Search search()
 * @method Api\Organization team()
 * @method Api\Organization teams()
 * @method Api\User user()
 * @method Api\User users()
 * @method Api\Authorizations authorization()
 * @method Api\Authorizations authorizations()
 * @method Api\Meta meta()
 * @method Api\GraphQL graphql()
 * @author Joseph Bielawski <stloyd@gmail.com>
 * Website: http://github.com/KnpLabs/php-github-api
class Client
     * Constant for authentication method. Indicates the default, but deprecated
     * login with username and token in URL.
    const AUTH_URL_TOKEN = 'url_token';

     * Constant for authentication method. Not indicates the new login, but allows
     * usage of unauthenticated rate limited requests for given client_id + client_secret.
    const AUTH_URL_CLIENT_ID = 'url_client_id';

     * Constant for authentication method. Indicates the new favored login method
     * with username and password via HTTP Authentication.
    const AUTH_HTTP_PASSWORD = 'http_password';

     * Constant for authentication method. Indicates the new login method with
     * with username and token via HTTP Authentication.
    const AUTH_HTTP_TOKEN = 'http_token';

     * Constant for authentication method. Indicates JSON Web Token
     * authentication required for integration access to the API.
    const AUTH_JWT = 'jwt';

     * @var string
    private $apiVersion;

     * @var Builder
    private $httpClientBuilder;

     * @var History
    private $responseHistory;

     * Instantiate a new GitHub client.
     * @param Builder|null $httpClientBuilder
     * @param string|null  $apiVersion
     * @param string|null  $enterpriseUrl
    public function __construct(Builder $httpClientBuilder = null, $apiVersion = null, $enterpriseUrl = null)
        $this->responseHistory = new History();
        $this->httpClientBuilder = $builder = $httpClientBuilder ?: new Builder();

        $builder->addPlugin(new GithubExceptionThrower());
        $builder->addPlugin(new Plugin\HistoryPlugin($this->responseHistory));
        $builder->addPlugin(new Plugin\RedirectPlugin());
        $builder->addPlugin(new Plugin\AddHostPlugin(UriFactoryDiscovery::find()->createUri('https://api.github.com')));
        $builder->addPlugin(new Plugin\HeaderDefaultsPlugin([
            'User-Agent' => 'php-github-api (http://github.com/KnpLabs/php-github-api)',

        $this->apiVersion = $apiVersion ?: 'v3';
        $builder->addHeaderValue('Accept', sprintf('application/vnd.github.%s+json', $this->apiVersion));

        if ($enterpriseUrl) {

     * Create a Github\Client using a HttpClient.
     * @param HttpClient $httpClient
     * @return Client
    public static function createWithHttpClient(HttpClient $httpClient)
        $builder = new Builder($httpClient);

        return new self($builder);

     * @param string $name
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
     * @return ApiInterface
    public function api($name)
        switch ($name) {
            case 'me':
            case 'current_user':
            case 'currentUser':
                $api = new Api\CurrentUser($this);
            case 'codeOfConduct':
                $api = new Api\Miscellaneous\CodeOfConduct($this);

            case 'deployment':
            case 'deployments':
                $api = new Api\Deployment($this);

            case 'ent':
            case 'enterprise':
                $api = new Api\Enterprise($this);

            case 'emojis':
                $api = new Api\Miscellaneous\Emojis($this);

            case 'git':
            case 'git_data':
            case 'gitData':
                $api = new Api\GitData($this);

            case 'gist':
            case 'gists':
                $api = new Api\Gists($this);

            case 'gitignore':
                $api = new Api\Miscellaneous\Gitignore($this);

            case 'integration':
            case 'integrations':
                $api = new Api\Integrations($this);

            case 'apps':
                $api = new Api\Apps($this);

            case 'issue':
            case 'issues':
                $api = new Api\Issue($this);

            case 'markdown':
                $api = new Api\Markdown($this);

            case 'notification':
            case 'notifications':
                $api = new Api\Notification($this);

            case 'organization':
            case 'organizations':
                $api = new Api\Organization($this);

            case 'org_project':
            case 'orgProject':
            case 'org_projects':
            case 'orgProjects':
            case 'organization_project':
            case 'organizationProject':
            case 'organization_projects':
            case 'organizationProjects':
                $api = new Api\Organization\Projects($this);

            case 'pr':
            case 'pulls':
            case 'pullRequest':
            case 'pull_request':
            case 'pullRequests':
            case 'pull_requests':
                $api = new Api\PullRequest($this);

            case 'rateLimit':
            case 'rate_limit':
                $api = new Api\RateLimit($this);

            case 'repo':
            case 'repos':
            case 'repository':
            case 'repositories':
                $api = new Api\Repo($this);

            case 'search':
                $api = new Api\Search($this);

            case 'team':
            case 'teams':
                $api = new Api\Organization\Teams($this);

            case 'member':
            case 'members':
                $api = new Api\Organization\Members($this);

            case 'user':
            case 'users':
                $api = new Api\User($this);

            case 'authorization':
            case 'authorizations':
                $api = new Api\Authorizations($this);

            case 'meta':
                $api = new Api\Meta($this);

            case 'graphql':
                $api = new Api\GraphQL($this);

                throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Undefined api instance called: "%s"', $name));

        return $api;

     * Authenticate a user for all next requests.
     * @param string      $tokenOrLogin GitHub private token/username/client ID
     * @param null|string $password     GitHub password/secret (optionally can contain $authMethod)
     * @param null|string $authMethod   One of the AUTH_* class constants
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException If no authentication method was given
    public function authenticate($tokenOrLogin, $password = null, $authMethod = null)
        if (null === $password && null === $authMethod) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('You need to specify authentication method!');

        if (null === $authMethod && in_array($password, [self::AUTH_URL_TOKEN, self::AUTH_URL_CLIENT_ID, self::AUTH_HTTP_PASSWORD, self::AUTH_HTTP_TOKEN, self::AUTH_JWT])) {
            $authMethod = $password;
            $password = null;

        if (null === $authMethod) {
            $authMethod = self::AUTH_HTTP_PASSWORD;

        $this->getHttpClientBuilder()->addPlugin(new Authentication($tokenOrLogin, $password, $authMethod));

     * Sets the URL of your GitHub Enterprise instance.
     * @param string $enterpriseUrl URL of the API in the form of http(s)://hostname
    private function setEnterpriseUrl($enterpriseUrl)
        $builder = $this->getHttpClientBuilder();

        $builder->addPlugin(new Plugin\AddHostPlugin(UriFactoryDiscovery::find()->createUri($enterpriseUrl)));
        $builder->addPlugin(new PathPrepend(sprintf('/api/%s', $this->getApiVersion())));

     * @return string
    public function getApiVersion()
        return $this->apiVersion;

     * Add a cache plugin to cache responses locally.
     * @param CacheItemPoolInterface $cache
     * @param array                  $config
    public function addCache(CacheItemPoolInterface $cachePool, array $config = [])
        $this->getHttpClientBuilder()->addCache($cachePool, $config);

     * Remove the cache plugin.
    public function removeCache()

     * @param string $name
     * @throws BadMethodCallException
     * @return ApiInterface
    public function __call($name, $args)
        try {
            return $this->api($name);
        } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
            throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('Undefined method called: "%s"', $name));

     * @return null|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface
    public function getLastResponse()
        return $this->responseHistory->getLastResponse();

     * @return HttpMethodsClient
    public function getHttpClient()
        return $this->getHttpClientBuilder()->getHttpClient();

     * @return Builder
    protected function getHttpClientBuilder()
        return $this->httpClientBuilder;