_client = new Client( ['http_errors' => false, 'timeout' => 10] ); } public function defaultColour() { return '#363840'; } public function icon() { return 'supportedapps/CouchPotato.png'; } public function configDetails() { return 'couchpotato'; } public function testConfig() { $res = $this->sendRequest(); if ($res == null) { echo 'CouchPotato connection failed'; return; } switch($res->getStatusCode()) { case 200: echo "Successfully connected to CouchPotato"; break; case 401: echo 'Failed: Invalid credentials'; break; case 404: echo 'Failed: Please make sure your URL is correct and includes the port'; break; case 409: echo 'Failed: Incorrect session id'; break; default: echo 'Something went wrong... Code: '.$res->getStatusCode(); break; } } public function executeConfig() { $html = ''; $res = $this->sendRequest(); if ($res == null) { Log::debug('CouchPotato connection failed'); return ''; } $data = json_decode($res->getBody()); if (! isset($data->movies)) { Log::debug('Failed to fetch data from CouchPotato'); return ''; } $movies = $data->movies; $wantedMovies = $availableMovies = 0; foreach ($movies as $v) { switch ($v->status) { case 'active': $wantedMovies++; break; case 'done': $availableMovies++; break; default: Log::warning('Unexpected CouchPotato status received: '.$v['status']); break; } } $html = ' '; $active = 'inactive'; if (isset($this->config->aggressive_polling) && $this->config->aggressive_polling) { $active = 'active'; } return json_encode(['status' => $active, 'html' => $html]);; } private function sendRequest() { $res = null; try{ $res = $this->_client->request( 'GET', $this->getApiUrl() ); }catch(\GuzzleHttp\Exception\BadResponseException $e){ Log::error("Connection to {$e->getRequest()->getUrl()} failed"); Log::debug($e->getMessage()); $res = $e->getRequest(); }catch(\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException $e) { Log::error("CouchPotato connection refused"); Log::debug($e->getMessage()); } return $res; } private function getApiUrl() { $url = $this->config->url; $url = rtrim($url, '/'); $apiUrl = $url.'/api/'.$this->config->apikey.'/movie.list'; return $apiUrl; } }