# Change Log The change log describes what is "Added", "Removed", "Changed" or "Fixed" between each release. ## 2.10.1 ### Fixed - Convert the assignee parameter to array to avoid getting a 422 error on github (#738) - Fix GraphQL test warnings when they do not assert anything (#735) ### Changed - Check for BC breaks during the travis build (#734) ## 2.10.0 ### Added - Support for "before" parameter on Notification API (#724) ### Changed - Allow unspecified `event` when creating review (#723) ### Fixed - Adjust: installationn access token endpoint (#731) - Fixed "get single label" example and add correct example for getting issue's labels (#732) - Add comment about `Key` constructor argument (#722) ## 2.9.0 ### Added - API endpoint `Github\Api\Repo::transfer()` - API endpoint `Github\Api\Notification::markThreadRead()` - API endpoint `Github\Api\Search::topics()` ### Fixed - Make sure to always reset the "per page" in `Github\ResultPager::fetchAll()`. ## 2.8.0 ### Added - Allow our HTTP plugins to show up in the Symfony web profiler page. (#687) - Repository documentation to current user (#671) - Add collaborator permission call (#678) - Add missing parameters for User/CurrentUser Repositories (#684) - Pimp the readme with badge poser (#686) ### Fixed - Typo in assignee documentation - Missing use statement in security example - Fixed phpdoc typo (#695) - Replace use of deprecated api to the correct one in the security docs (#697) ### Changed - Updated requirements in readme (#689) ## 2.7.0 ### Added - Phpunit 6 compatibility - `Github\Api\AbstractApi::setPage()` to allow you to set the page on all endpoints. - Support for query parameters and request headers on `Github\Api\User::following` and `Github\Api\User::followers` - API endpoint `Github\Api\CurrentUser\Emails::allPublic()` - API endpoint `Github\Api\Search::commits()` - API endpoint `Github\Api\Miscellaneous\CodeOfConduct` - API endpoint `Github\Api\Repo::topics()` - API endpoint `Github\Api\Repo::replaceTopics()` ### Fixed - Fixed bug in `PathPrepend` plugin where "api/vX" could be duplicated. ### Changed - Improved documentation and doc blocks ### Removed - Dropped support for php 5.5 ### Deprecated The following endpoints were deprecated by Github and are also deprecated in the client: - `Github\Api\Repo::find()` - `Github\Api\User::find()` - `Github\Api\Issue::find()` ## 2.6.0 ### Added - Support for graphql api [variables](https://developer.github.com/v4/guides/forming-calls/#working-with-variables) (#612) - Added missing branch protection methods (#616) - Helper function `fromFile ` to get GraphQL queries from a file (#628) - Extra parameter `params` to collaborators api calls (#623) - Documentation for GitData API (#613) ### Fixed - Remove `body` as a required parameter when creating an issue (#624) - Minor fixes in example code (#617) ## 2.5.0 ### Added - Stable support for graphql api (V4) (#593) - Stable support for apps (previously integrations) (#592) - `Repo::events()` ### Fixed - Incorrect link in repository search docs (#594) - Added the required parameter `$message` on `Review::dismiss`. ## 2.4.0 ### Added - `Integrations::configure` to allow accessing early access program endpoints. - Add support for pagination and parameters in the pull request comments - Add the ability to fetch user installations (`CurrentUser::installations`) - Allow getting repo info by id (`Repo::showById`) - Allow fetching repositories for a specific installation and user (`CurrentUser::repositoriesByInstallation`) ### Changed - `PullRequest\Review` and `PullRequest\ReviewRequest` is now part of the official API. No need to call `configure`. ## 2.3.0 ### Fixed - Issue where we serve the wrong cached response. We vary on authorization header now. ### Added - `PullRequest::status` - Throw InvalidArgumentException on `PullRequest::merge` when wrong merge method is used. - Added `Protection::configure` ### Changed - First argument to `Integrations::listRepositories()` is now optional. - Moved tests from "functional" to "integration" ## 2.2.0 ### Added - API support for Pull Request Review Requests. - API support for Traffic. - API support for issue Assignees. - API support for Miscellaneous Gitignore and Emojis. - Added endpoints for issue lock, unlock and issue label show. - Added more parameters to `User::starred`. - Fluid interface by allowing `configure()` to return `$this`. - `configure()` support for issues API. ### Fixed - Cache issue where some requests are not cached - Issue with `User::all()` creates a query with double question marks. ## 2.1.0 ### Added - Add support for retrieving a single notification info using his ID - Add a function to get user organizations - Added GraphQL support - Add page variable to organization repo list (Organization::repositories()) - Add support for pull request review. - Add support for adding branch protection. ### Fixed - Bug with double slashes when using enterprise URL. - Bug when headers not being passed to request (#529) ## 2.0.0 ### Added - Support for JWT authentication - API for Organization\Members - API for Integrations - API for Repo\Cards - API for Repo\Columns - API for Repo\Projects - API for User\MyRepositories - Methods in Repo API for frequency and participation ### Changed - `ApiLimitExceedException::__construct` has a new second parameter for the remaining API calls. - First parameter of `Github\Client` has changed type from `\Http\Client\HttpClient` to `Github\HttpClient\Builder`. A factory class was also added. To upgrade you need to change: ```php // Old way does not work: $github = new Github\Client($httpClient); // New way will work: $github = new Github\Client(new Github\HttpClient\Builder($httpClient)); $github = Github\Client::createWithHttpClient($httpClient); ``` - Renamed the currentuser `DeployKeys` api class to `PublicKeys` to reflect to github api name. ## 2.0.0-rc4 ### Added - HTTPlug to decouple from Guzzle - `Github\Client::getLastResponse` was added - Support for PSR-6 cache - `Github\Client::addPlugin` and `Github\Client::removePlugin` - `Github\Client::getApiVersion` - `Github\Client::removeCache` ### Changed - Uses of `Github\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface` is replaced by `Http\Client\HttpClient` ie the constructor of `Github\Client`. - We use PSR-7's representation of HTTP message instead of `Guzzle\Http\Message\Response` and `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request`. - `Github\Client::addHeaders` was added instead of `Github\Client::setHeaders` - Signature of `Github\Client::useCache` has changed. First argument must be a `CacheItemPoolInterface` - We use PSR-4 instead of PSR-0 ### Removed - Support for PHP 5.3 and 5.4 - `Github/HttpClient/HttpClientInterface` was removed - `Github/HttpClient/HttpClient` was removed - All classes in `Github/HttpClient/HttpClient/Listener/*` were removed - `Github/HttpClient/CachedHttpClient` was removed - All classes in `Github/HttpClient/Cache/*` were removed ## 1.7.1 No change log before this version