false, 'timeout' => 15, 'connect_timeout' => 15]); return $client->request('GET', $url); } public function login() { } public function apiRequest($url) { } public function getLiveStats($status, $data) { $className = get_class($this); $explode = explode('\\', $className); $name = end($explode); $html = view('SupportedApps::'.$name.'.livestats', $data)->with('data', $data)->render(); return json_encode(['status' => $status, 'html' => $html]); //return } public static function getList() { $list_url = 'https://apps.heimdall.site/list'; $client = new Client(['http_errors' => false, 'timeout' => 15, 'connect_timeout' => 15]); return $client->request('GET', $list_url); } public static function getFiles($app) { $zipurl = $app->files; $client = new Client(['http_errors' => false, 'timeout' => 60, 'connect_timeout' => 15]); $res = $client->request('GET', $zipurl); $src = app_path('SupportedApps/'.$app->name.'.zip'); file_put_contents($src, $res->getBody()); $zip = new \ZipArchive(); $x = $zip->open($src); // open the zip file to extract if ($x === true) { $zip->extractTo(app_path('SupportedApps')); // place in the directory with same name $zip->close(); unlink($src); //Deleting the Zipped file } } public static function saveApp($details, $app) { $img_src = app_path('SupportedApps/'.$details->name.'/'.$details->icon); $img_dest = public_path('storage/supportedapps/'.$details->icon); copy($img_src, $img_dest); $app->name = $details->name; $app->sha = $details->sha; $app->icon = 'supportedapps/'.$details->icon; $app->website = $details->website; $app->license = $details->license; $app->description = $details->description; $appclass = $app->class(); $application = new $appclass; $enhanced = (bool)($application instanceof \App\EnhancedApps); $app->enhanced = $enhanced; $app->tile_background = $details->tile_background; $app->save(); } }