* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Mime\Tests\Encoder; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Symfony\Component\Mime\Encoder\Rfc2231Encoder; class Rfc2231EncoderTest extends TestCase { private $rfc2045Token = '/^[\x21\x23-\x27\x2A\x2B\x2D\x2E\x30-\x39\x41-\x5A\x5E-\x7E]+$/D'; /* -- This algorithm is described in RFC 2231, but is barely touched upon except for mentioning bytes can be represented as their octet values (e.g. %20 for the SPACE character). The tests here focus on how to use that representation to always generate text which matches RFC 2045's definition of "token". */ public function testEncodingAsciiCharactersProducesValidToken() { $string = ''; foreach (range(0x00, 0x7F) as $octet) { $char = pack('C', $octet); $string .= $char; } $encoder = new Rfc2231Encoder(); $encoded = $encoder->encodeString($string); foreach (explode("\r\n", $encoded) as $line) { $this->assertRegExp($this->rfc2045Token, $line, 'Encoder should always return a valid RFC 2045 token.'); } } public function testEncodingNonAsciiCharactersProducesValidToken() { $string = ''; foreach (range(0x80, 0xFF) as $octet) { $char = pack('C', $octet); $string .= $char; } $encoder = new Rfc2231Encoder(); $encoded = $encoder->encodeString($string); foreach (explode("\r\n", $encoded) as $line) { $this->assertRegExp($this->rfc2045Token, $line, 'Encoder should always return a valid RFC 2045 token.'); } } public function testMaximumLineLengthCanBeSet() { $string = ''; for ($x = 0; $x < 200; ++$x) { $char = 'a'; $string .= $char; } $encoder = new Rfc2231Encoder(); $encoded = $encoder->encodeString($string, 'utf-8', 0, 75); // 72 here and not 75 as we read 4 chars at a time $this->assertEquals( str_repeat('a', 72)."\r\n". str_repeat('a', 72)."\r\n". str_repeat('a', 56), $encoded, 'Lines should be wrapped at each 72 characters' ); } public function testFirstLineCanHaveShorterLength() { $string = ''; for ($x = 0; $x < 200; ++$x) { $char = 'a'; $string .= $char; } $encoder = new Rfc2231Encoder(); $encoded = $encoder->encodeString($string, 'utf-8', 24, 72); $this->assertEquals( str_repeat('a', 48)."\r\n". str_repeat('a', 72)."\r\n". str_repeat('a', 72)."\r\n". str_repeat('a', 8), $encoded, 'First line should be 24 bytes shorter than the others.' ); } public function testEncodingAndDecodingSamples() { $dir = realpath(__DIR__.'/../Fixtures/samples/charsets'); $sampleFp = opendir($dir); while (false !== $encoding = readdir($sampleFp)) { if ('.' == substr($encoding, 0, 1)) { continue; } $encoder = new Rfc2231Encoder(); if (is_dir($dir.'/'.$encoding)) { $fileFp = opendir($dir.'/'.$encoding); while (false !== $sampleFile = readdir($fileFp)) { if ('.' == substr($sampleFile, 0, 1)) { continue; } $text = file_get_contents($dir.'/'.$encoding.'/'.$sampleFile); $encodedText = $encoder->encodeString($text, $encoding); $this->assertEquals( urldecode(implode('', explode("\r\n", $encodedText))), $text, 'Encoded string should decode back to original string for sample '.$dir.'/'.$encoding.'/'.$sampleFile ); } closedir($fileFp); } } closedir($sampleFp); } }