Simple Parser Example ===================== Extend the ``Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer`` class and implement the ``getCatchablePatterns``, ``getNonCatchablePatterns``, and ``getType`` methods. Here is a very simple example lexer implementation named ``CharacterTypeLexer``. It tokenizes a string to ``T_UPPER``, ``T_LOWER`` and``T_NUMBER`` tokens: .. code-block:: php lexer = $lexer; } public function getUpperCaseCharacters($string) { $this->lexer->setInput($string); $this->lexer->moveNext(); $upperCaseChars = array(); while (true) { if (!$this->lexer->lookahead) { break; } $this->lexer->moveNext(); if ($this->lexer->token['type'] === CharacterTypeLexer::T_UPPER) { $upperCaseChars[] = $this->lexer->token['value']; } } return $upperCaseChars; } } $upperCaseCharacterExtractor = new UpperCaseCharacterExtracter(new CharacterTypeLexer()); $upperCaseCharacters = $upperCaseCharacterExtractor->getUpperCaseCharacters('1aBcdEfgHiJ12'); print_r($upperCaseCharacters); The variable ``$upperCaseCharacters`` contains all of the upper case characters: .. code-block:: php Array ( [0] => B [1] => E [2] => H [3] => J ) This is a simple example but it should demonstrate the low level API that can be used to build more complex parsers.