'database/migrations', '--force' => true, '--seed' => true)); //Cache //Artisan::call('config:cache'); //Artisan::call('route:cache'); } if(is_file(database_path('app.sqlite'))) { if(Schema::hasTable('settings')) { die("s: ".\Session::get('current_user')); //die("c: ".User::currentUser()); if($bg_image = Setting::_fetch('background_image', User::currentUser())) { $alt_bg = ' style="background-image: url(/storage/'.$bg_image.')"'; } // check version to see if an upgrade is needed $db_version = Setting::_fetch('version'); $app_version = config('app.version'); if(version_compare($app_version, $db_version) == 1) { // app is higher than db, so need to run migrations etc Artisan::call('migrate', array('--path' => 'database/migrations', '--force' => true, '--seed' => true)); } } else { Artisan::call('migrate', array('--path' => 'database/migrations', '--force' => true, '--seed' => true)); } $lang = Setting::fetch('language'); \App::setLocale($lang); } if(!is_file(public_path('storage'))) { Artisan::call('storage:link'); } view()->share('alt_bg', $alt_bg); //var_dump(env('FORCE_HTTPS')); if (env('FORCE_HTTPS') === true) { \URL::forceScheme('https'); } if(env('APP_URL') != 'http://localhost') { \URL::forceRootUrl(env('APP_URL')); } } /** * Register any application services. * * @return void */ public function register() { $this->app->singleton('settings', function () { return new Setting(); }); } }