buildRequest('status'); switch($res->getStatusCode()) { case 200: echo 'Successfully connected to the API'; break; case 401: echo 'Failed: Invalid credentials'; break; case 404: echo 'Failed: Please make sure your URL is correct and that there is a trailing slash'; break; default: echo 'Something went wrong... Code: '.$res->getStatusCode(); break; } } public function executeConfig() { $res = $this->buildRequest('status'); $data = json_decode($res->getBody()); //$data->result->RemainingSizeMB = '10000000'; //$data->result->DownloadRate = '100000000'; $queue_size = format_bytes($data->result->RemainingSizeMB*1000*1000, false, ' ', ''); $current_speed = format_bytes($data->result->DownloadRate, false, ' '); $output = ' '; return $output; } public function buildRequest($endpoint) { $config = $this->config; $url = $config->url; $username = $config->username; $password = $config->password; $rebuild_url = str_replace('http://', 'http://'.$username.':'.$password.'@', $url); $rebuild_url = str_replace('https://', 'https://'.$username.':'.$password.'@', $rebuild_url); $api_url = $rebuild_url.'jsonrpc/'.$endpoint; $client = new Client(['http_errors' => false]); $res = $client->request('GET', $api_url); return $res; } }