469 lines
16 KiB
469 lines
16 KiB
* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <>
* This code is partially based on the Rack-Cache library by Ryan Tomayko,
* which is released under the MIT license.
* (based on commit 02d2b48d75bcb63cf1c0c7149c077ad256542801)
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Tests\HttpCache;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpCache\ResponseCacheStrategy;
class ResponseCacheStrategyTest extends TestCase
public function testMinimumSharedMaxAgeWins()
$cacheStrategy = new ResponseCacheStrategy();
$response1 = new Response();
$response2 = new Response();
$response = new Response();
$this->assertSame('60', $response->headers->getCacheControlDirective('s-maxage'));
public function testSharedMaxAgeNotSetIfNotSetInAnyEmbeddedRequest()
$cacheStrategy = new ResponseCacheStrategy();
$response1 = new Response();
$response2 = new Response();
$response = new Response();
public function testSharedMaxAgeNotSetIfNotSetInMasterRequest()
$cacheStrategy = new ResponseCacheStrategy();
$response1 = new Response();
$response2 = new Response();
$response = new Response();
public function testMasterResponseNotCacheableWhenEmbeddedResponseRequiresValidation()
$cacheStrategy = new ResponseCacheStrategy();
$embeddedResponse = new Response();
$embeddedResponse->setLastModified(new \DateTime());
$masterResponse = new Response();
public function testValidationOnMasterResponseIsNotPossibleWhenItContainsEmbeddedResponses()
$cacheStrategy = new ResponseCacheStrategy();
// This master response uses the "validation" model
$masterResponse = new Response();
$masterResponse->setLastModified(new \DateTime());
// Embedded response uses "expiry" model
$embeddedResponse = new Response();
public function testMasterResponseWithValidationIsUnchangedWhenThereIsNoEmbeddedResponse()
$cacheStrategy = new ResponseCacheStrategy();
$masterResponse = new Response();
$masterResponse->setLastModified(new \DateTime());
public function testMasterResponseWithExpirationIsUnchangedWhenThereIsNoEmbeddedResponse()
$cacheStrategy = new ResponseCacheStrategy();
$masterResponse = new Response();
public function testMasterResponseIsNotCacheableWhenEmbeddedResponseIsNotCacheable()
$cacheStrategy = new ResponseCacheStrategy();
$masterResponse = new Response();
$masterResponse->setSharedMaxAge(3600); // Public, cacheable
/* This response has no validation or expiration information.
That makes it uncacheable, it is always stale.
(It does *not* make this private, though.) */
$embeddedResponse = new Response();
$this->assertFalse($embeddedResponse->isFresh()); // not fresh, as no lifetime is provided
public function testEmbeddingPrivateResponseMakesMainResponsePrivate()
$cacheStrategy = new ResponseCacheStrategy();
$masterResponse = new Response();
$masterResponse->setSharedMaxAge(3600); // public, cacheable
// The embedded response might for example contain per-user data that remains valid for 60 seconds
$embeddedResponse = new Response();
$embeddedResponse->setMaxAge(60); // this would implicitly set "private" as well, but let's be explicit
public function testEmbeddingPublicResponseDoesNotMakeMainResponsePublic()
$cacheStrategy = new ResponseCacheStrategy();
$masterResponse = new Response();
$masterResponse->setPrivate(); // this is the default, but let's be explicit
$embeddedResponse = new Response();
public function testResponseIsExiprableWhenEmbeddedResponseCombinesExpiryAndValidation()
/* When "expiration wins over validation" (
* and both the main and embedded response provide s-maxage, then the more restricting value of both
* should be fine, regardless of whether the embedded response can be validated later on or must be
* completely regenerated.
$cacheStrategy = new ResponseCacheStrategy();
$masterResponse = new Response();
$embeddedResponse = new Response();
$this->assertSame('60', $masterResponse->headers->getCacheControlDirective('s-maxage'));
public function testResponseIsExpirableButNotValidateableWhenMasterResponseCombinesExpirationAndValidation()
$cacheStrategy = new ResponseCacheStrategy();
$masterResponse = new Response();
$masterResponse->setLastModified(new \DateTime());
$embeddedResponse = new Response();
$this->assertSame('60', $masterResponse->headers->getCacheControlDirective('s-maxage'));
* @dataProvider cacheControlMergingProvider
public function testCacheControlMerging(array $expects, array $master, array $surrogates)
$cacheStrategy = new ResponseCacheStrategy();
$buildResponse = function ($config) {
$response = new Response();
foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
switch ($key) {
case 'age':
$response->headers->set('Age', $value);
case 'expires':
$expires = clone $response->getDate();
$expires->modify('+'.$value.' seconds');
case 'max-age':
case 's-maxage':
case 'private':
case 'public':
$response->headers->addCacheControlDirective($key, $value);
return $response;
foreach ($surrogates as $config) {
$response = $buildResponse($master);
foreach ($expects as $key => $value) {
if ('expires' === $key) {
$this->assertSame($value, $response->getExpires()->format('U') - $response->getDate()->format('U'));
} elseif ('age' === $key) {
$this->assertSame($value, $response->getAge());
} elseif (true === $value) {
$this->assertTrue($response->headers->hasCacheControlDirective($key), sprintf('Cache-Control header must have "%s" flag', $key));
} elseif (false === $value) {
sprintf('Cache-Control header must NOT have "%s" flag', $key)
} else {
$this->assertSame($value, $response->headers->getCacheControlDirective($key), sprintf('Cache-Control flag "%s" should be "%s"', $key, $value));
public function cacheControlMergingProvider()
yield 'result is public if all responses are public' => [
['private' => false, 'public' => true],
['public' => true],
['public' => true],
yield 'result is private by default' => [
['private' => true, 'public' => false],
['public' => true],
yield 'combines public and private responses' => [
['must-revalidate' => false, 'private' => true, 'public' => false],
['public' => true],
['private' => true],
yield 'inherits no-cache from surrogates' => [
['no-cache' => true, 'public' => false],
['public' => true],
['no-cache' => true],
yield 'inherits no-store from surrogate' => [
['no-store' => true, 'public' => false],
['public' => true],
['no-store' => true],
yield 'resolve to lowest possible max-age' => [
['public' => false, 'private' => true, 's-maxage' => false, 'max-age' => '60'],
['public' => true, 'max-age' => 3600],
['private' => true, 'max-age' => 60],
yield 'resolves multiple max-age' => [
['public' => false, 'private' => true, 's-maxage' => false, 'max-age' => '60'],
['private' => true, 'max-age' => 100],
['private' => true, 'max-age' => 3600],
['public' => true, 'max-age' => 60, 's-maxage' => 60],
['private' => true, 'max-age' => 60],
yield 'merge max-age and s-maxage' => [
['public' => true, 's-maxage' => '60', 'max-age' => null],
['public' => true, 's-maxage' => 3600],
['public' => true, 'max-age' => 60],
yield 'result is private when combining private responses' => [
['no-cache' => false, 'must-revalidate' => false, 'private' => true],
['s-maxage' => 60, 'private' => true],
['s-maxage' => 60, 'private' => true],
yield 'result can have s-maxage and max-age' => [
['public' => true, 'private' => false, 's-maxage' => '60', 'max-age' => '30'],
['s-maxage' => 100, 'max-age' => 2000],
['s-maxage' => 1000, 'max-age' => 30],
['s-maxage' => 500, 'max-age' => 500],
['s-maxage' => 60, 'max-age' => 1000],
yield 'does not set headers without value' => [
['max-age' => null, 's-maxage' => null, 'public' => null],
['private' => true],
['private' => true],
yield 'max-age 0 is sent to the client' => [
['private' => true, 'max-age' => '0'],
['max-age' => 0, 'private' => true],
['max-age' => 60, 'private' => true],
yield 'max-age is relative to age' => [
['max-age' => '240', 'age' => 60],
['max-age' => 180],
['max-age' => 600, 'age' => 60],
yield 'retains lowest age of all responses' => [
['max-age' => '160', 'age' => 60],
['max-age' => 600, 'age' => 60],
['max-age' => 120, 'age' => 20],
yield 'max-age can be less than age, essentially expiring the response' => [
['age' => 120, 'max-age' => '90'],
['max-age' => 90, 'age' => 120],
['max-age' => 120, 'age' => 60],
yield 'max-age is 0 regardless of age' => [
['max-age' => '0'],
['max-age' => 60],
['max-age' => 0, 'age' => 60],
yield 'max-age is not negative' => [
['max-age' => '0'],
['max-age' => 0],
['max-age' => 0, 'age' => 60],
yield 'calculates lowest Expires header' => [
['expires' => 60],
['expires' => 60],
['expires' => 120],
yield 'calculates Expires header relative to age' => [
['expires' => 210, 'age' => 120],
['expires' => 90],
['expires' => 600, 'age' => '120'],