702 lines
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702 lines
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* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
* Provides helpers to display a table.
* @author Fabien Potencier <>
* @author Саша Стаменковић <>
* @author Abdellatif Ait boudad <>
* @author Max Grigorian <>
class Table
* Table headers.
private $headers = array();
* Table rows.
private $rows = array();
* Column widths cache.
private $effectiveColumnWidths = array();
* Number of columns cache.
* @var int
private $numberOfColumns;
* @var OutputInterface
private $output;
* @var TableStyle
private $style;
* @var array
private $columnStyles = array();
* User set column widths.
* @var array
private $columnWidths = array();
private static $styles;
public function __construct(OutputInterface $output)
$this->output = $output;
if (!self::$styles) {
self::$styles = self::initStyles();
* Sets a style definition.
* @param string $name The style name
* @param TableStyle $style A TableStyle instance
public static function setStyleDefinition($name, TableStyle $style)
if (!self::$styles) {
self::$styles = self::initStyles();
self::$styles[$name] = $style;
* Gets a style definition by name.
* @param string $name The style name
* @return TableStyle
public static function getStyleDefinition($name)
if (!self::$styles) {
self::$styles = self::initStyles();
if (isset(self::$styles[$name])) {
return self::$styles[$name];
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Style "%s" is not defined.', $name));
* Sets table style.
* @param TableStyle|string $name The style name or a TableStyle instance
* @return $this
public function setStyle($name)
$this->style = $this->resolveStyle($name);
return $this;
* Gets the current table style.
* @return TableStyle
public function getStyle()
return $this->style;
* Sets table column style.
* @param int $columnIndex Column index
* @param TableStyle|string $name The style name or a TableStyle instance
* @return $this
public function setColumnStyle($columnIndex, $name)
$columnIndex = (int) $columnIndex;
$this->columnStyles[$columnIndex] = $this->resolveStyle($name);
return $this;
* Gets the current style for a column.
* If style was not set, it returns the global table style.
* @param int $columnIndex Column index
* @return TableStyle
public function getColumnStyle($columnIndex)
if (isset($this->columnStyles[$columnIndex])) {
return $this->columnStyles[$columnIndex];
return $this->getStyle();
* Sets the minimum width of a column.
* @param int $columnIndex Column index
* @param int $width Minimum column width in characters
* @return $this
public function setColumnWidth($columnIndex, $width)
$this->columnWidths[(int) $columnIndex] = (int) $width;
return $this;
* Sets the minimum width of all columns.
* @param array $widths
* @return $this
public function setColumnWidths(array $widths)
$this->columnWidths = array();
foreach ($widths as $index => $width) {
$this->setColumnWidth($index, $width);
return $this;
public function setHeaders(array $headers)
$headers = array_values($headers);
if (!empty($headers) && !is_array($headers[0])) {
$headers = array($headers);
$this->headers = $headers;
return $this;
public function setRows(array $rows)
$this->rows = array();
return $this->addRows($rows);
public function addRows(array $rows)
foreach ($rows as $row) {
return $this;
public function addRow($row)
if ($row instanceof TableSeparator) {
$this->rows[] = $row;
return $this;
if (!is_array($row)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('A row must be an array or a TableSeparator instance.');
$this->rows[] = array_values($row);
return $this;
public function setRow($column, array $row)
$this->rows[$column] = $row;
return $this;
* Renders table to output.
* Example:
* <code>
* +---------------+-----------------------+------------------+
* | ISBN | Title | Author |
* +---------------+-----------------------+------------------+
* | 99921-58-10-7 | Divine Comedy | Dante Alighieri |
* | 9971-5-0210-0 | A Tale of Two Cities | Charles Dickens |
* | 960-425-059-0 | The Lord of the Rings | J. R. R. Tolkien |
* +---------------+-----------------------+------------------+
* </code>
public function render()
$rows = $this->buildTableRows($this->rows);
$headers = $this->buildTableRows($this->headers);
$this->calculateColumnsWidth(array_merge($headers, $rows));
if (!empty($headers)) {
foreach ($headers as $header) {
$this->renderRow($header, $this->style->getCellHeaderFormat());
foreach ($rows as $row) {
if ($row instanceof TableSeparator) {
} else {
$this->renderRow($row, $this->style->getCellRowFormat());
if (!empty($rows)) {
* Renders horizontal header separator.
* Example: <code>+-----+-----------+-------+</code>
private function renderRowSeparator()
if (0 === $count = $this->numberOfColumns) {
if (!$this->style->getHorizontalBorderChar() && !$this->style->getCrossingChar()) {
$markup = $this->style->getCrossingChar();
for ($column = 0; $column < $count; ++$column) {
$markup .= str_repeat($this->style->getHorizontalBorderChar(), $this->effectiveColumnWidths[$column]).$this->style->getCrossingChar();
$this->output->writeln(sprintf($this->style->getBorderFormat(), $markup));
* Renders vertical column separator.
private function renderColumnSeparator()
return sprintf($this->style->getBorderFormat(), $this->style->getVerticalBorderChar());
* Renders table row.
* Example: <code>| 9971-5-0210-0 | A Tale of Two Cities | Charles Dickens |</code>
* @param array $row
* @param string $cellFormat
private function renderRow(array $row, $cellFormat)
if (empty($row)) {
$rowContent = $this->renderColumnSeparator();
foreach ($this->getRowColumns($row) as $column) {
$rowContent .= $this->renderCell($row, $column, $cellFormat);
$rowContent .= $this->renderColumnSeparator();
* Renders table cell with padding.
* @param array $row
* @param int $column
* @param string $cellFormat
private function renderCell(array $row, $column, $cellFormat)
$cell = isset($row[$column]) ? $row[$column] : '';
$width = $this->effectiveColumnWidths[$column];
if ($cell instanceof TableCell && $cell->getColspan() > 1) {
// add the width of the following columns(numbers of colspan).
foreach (range($column + 1, $column + $cell->getColspan() - 1) as $nextColumn) {
$width += $this->getColumnSeparatorWidth() + $this->effectiveColumnWidths[$nextColumn];
// str_pad won't work properly with multi-byte strings, we need to fix the padding
if (false !== $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($cell, null, true)) {
$width += strlen($cell) - mb_strwidth($cell, $encoding);
$style = $this->getColumnStyle($column);
if ($cell instanceof TableSeparator) {
return sprintf($style->getBorderFormat(), str_repeat($style->getHorizontalBorderChar(), $width));
$width += Helper::strlen($cell) - Helper::strlenWithoutDecoration($this->output->getFormatter(), $cell);
$content = sprintf($style->getCellRowContentFormat(), $cell);
return sprintf($cellFormat, str_pad($content, $width, $style->getPaddingChar(), $style->getPadType()));
* Calculate number of columns for this table.
private function calculateNumberOfColumns()
if (null !== $this->numberOfColumns) {
$columns = array(0);
foreach (array_merge($this->headers, $this->rows) as $row) {
if ($row instanceof TableSeparator) {
$columns[] = $this->getNumberOfColumns($row);
$this->numberOfColumns = max($columns);
private function buildTableRows($rows)
$unmergedRows = array();
for ($rowKey = 0; $rowKey < count($rows); ++$rowKey) {
$rows = $this->fillNextRows($rows, $rowKey);
// Remove any new line breaks and replace it with a new line
foreach ($rows[$rowKey] as $column => $cell) {
if (!strstr($cell, "\n")) {
$lines = explode("\n", str_replace("\n", "<fg=default;bg=default>\n</>", $cell));
foreach ($lines as $lineKey => $line) {
if ($cell instanceof TableCell) {
$line = new TableCell($line, array('colspan' => $cell->getColspan()));
if (0 === $lineKey) {
$rows[$rowKey][$column] = $line;
} else {
$unmergedRows[$rowKey][$lineKey][$column] = $line;
$tableRows = array();
foreach ($rows as $rowKey => $row) {
$tableRows[] = $this->fillCells($row);
if (isset($unmergedRows[$rowKey])) {
$tableRows = array_merge($tableRows, $unmergedRows[$rowKey]);
return $tableRows;
* fill rows that contains rowspan > 1.
* @param array $rows
* @param int $line
* @return array
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
private function fillNextRows(array $rows, $line)
$unmergedRows = array();
foreach ($rows[$line] as $column => $cell) {
if (null !== $cell && !$cell instanceof TableCell && !is_scalar($cell) && !(is_object($cell) && method_exists($cell, '__toString'))) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('A cell must be a TableCell, a scalar or an object implementing __toString, %s given.', gettype($cell)));
if ($cell instanceof TableCell && $cell->getRowspan() > 1) {
$nbLines = $cell->getRowspan() - 1;
$lines = array($cell);
if (strstr($cell, "\n")) {
$lines = explode("\n", str_replace("\n", "<fg=default;bg=default>\n</>", $cell));
$nbLines = count($lines) > $nbLines ? substr_count($cell, "\n") : $nbLines;
$rows[$line][$column] = new TableCell($lines[0], array('colspan' => $cell->getColspan()));
// create a two dimensional array (rowspan x colspan)
$unmergedRows = array_replace_recursive(array_fill($line + 1, $nbLines, array()), $unmergedRows);
foreach ($unmergedRows as $unmergedRowKey => $unmergedRow) {
$value = isset($lines[$unmergedRowKey - $line]) ? $lines[$unmergedRowKey - $line] : '';
$unmergedRows[$unmergedRowKey][$column] = new TableCell($value, array('colspan' => $cell->getColspan()));
if ($nbLines === $unmergedRowKey - $line) {
foreach ($unmergedRows as $unmergedRowKey => $unmergedRow) {
// we need to know if $unmergedRow will be merged or inserted into $rows
if (isset($rows[$unmergedRowKey]) && is_array($rows[$unmergedRowKey]) && ($this->getNumberOfColumns($rows[$unmergedRowKey]) + $this->getNumberOfColumns($unmergedRows[$unmergedRowKey]) <= $this->numberOfColumns)) {
foreach ($unmergedRow as $cellKey => $cell) {
// insert cell into row at cellKey position
array_splice($rows[$unmergedRowKey], $cellKey, 0, array($cell));
} else {
$row = $this->copyRow($rows, $unmergedRowKey - 1);
foreach ($unmergedRow as $column => $cell) {
if (!empty($cell)) {
$row[$column] = $unmergedRow[$column];
array_splice($rows, $unmergedRowKey, 0, array($row));
return $rows;
* fill cells for a row that contains colspan > 1.
* @return array
private function fillCells($row)
$newRow = array();
foreach ($row as $column => $cell) {
$newRow[] = $cell;
if ($cell instanceof TableCell && $cell->getColspan() > 1) {
foreach (range($column + 1, $column + $cell->getColspan() - 1) as $position) {
// insert empty value at column position
$newRow[] = '';
return $newRow ?: $row;
* @param array $rows
* @param int $line
* @return array
private function copyRow(array $rows, $line)
$row = $rows[$line];
foreach ($row as $cellKey => $cellValue) {
$row[$cellKey] = '';
if ($cellValue instanceof TableCell) {
$row[$cellKey] = new TableCell('', array('colspan' => $cellValue->getColspan()));
return $row;
* Gets number of columns by row.
* @return int
private function getNumberOfColumns(array $row)
$columns = count($row);
foreach ($row as $column) {
$columns += $column instanceof TableCell ? ($column->getColspan() - 1) : 0;
return $columns;
* Gets list of columns for the given row.
* @return array
private function getRowColumns(array $row)
$columns = range(0, $this->numberOfColumns - 1);
foreach ($row as $cellKey => $cell) {
if ($cell instanceof TableCell && $cell->getColspan() > 1) {
// exclude grouped columns.
$columns = array_diff($columns, range($cellKey + 1, $cellKey + $cell->getColspan() - 1));
return $columns;
* Calculates columns widths.
private function calculateColumnsWidth(array $rows)
for ($column = 0; $column < $this->numberOfColumns; ++$column) {
$lengths = array();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
if ($row instanceof TableSeparator) {
foreach ($row as $i => $cell) {
if ($cell instanceof TableCell) {
$textContent = Helper::removeDecoration($this->output->getFormatter(), $cell);
$textLength = Helper::strlen($textContent);
if ($textLength > 0) {
$contentColumns = str_split($textContent, ceil($textLength / $cell->getColspan()));
foreach ($contentColumns as $position => $content) {
$row[$i + $position] = $content;
$lengths[] = $this->getCellWidth($row, $column);
$this->effectiveColumnWidths[$column] = max($lengths) + strlen($this->style->getCellRowContentFormat()) - 2;
* Gets column width.
* @return int
private function getColumnSeparatorWidth()
return strlen(sprintf($this->style->getBorderFormat(), $this->style->getVerticalBorderChar()));
* Gets cell width.
* @param array $row
* @param int $column
* @return int
private function getCellWidth(array $row, $column)
$cellWidth = 0;
if (isset($row[$column])) {
$cell = $row[$column];
$cellWidth = Helper::strlenWithoutDecoration($this->output->getFormatter(), $cell);
$columnWidth = isset($this->columnWidths[$column]) ? $this->columnWidths[$column] : 0;
return max($cellWidth, $columnWidth);
* Called after rendering to cleanup cache data.
private function cleanup()
$this->effectiveColumnWidths = array();
$this->numberOfColumns = null;
private static function initStyles()
$borderless = new TableStyle();
->setVerticalBorderChar(' ')
->setCrossingChar(' ')
$compact = new TableStyle();
->setVerticalBorderChar(' ')
$styleGuide = new TableStyle();
->setVerticalBorderChar(' ')
->setCrossingChar(' ')
return array(
'default' => new TableStyle(),
'borderless' => $borderless,
'compact' => $compact,
'symfony-style-guide' => $styleGuide,
private function resolveStyle($name)
if ($name instanceof TableStyle) {
return $name;
if (isset(self::$styles[$name])) {
return self::$styles[$name];
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Style "%s" is not defined.', $name));