73 KiB
73 KiB
2018-07-12, v1.8.0
- Typo in readme #1521 (jmhobbs)
- Replaced Hilll with Hill #1516 (MarkVaughn)
- [it_IT] Improve vat ID generated using official rules #1508 (mavimo)
- [hu_HU] Address: Fix unnecessary new line in string #1507 (ntomka)
- add phone numer format #1506 (Enosh-Yu)
- Fix typo in fr_CA Provider #1505 (ultreson)
- Add fake-car provider link #1497 (pelmered)
- create
function #1493 (browner12) - update Polish bank list #1482 (IonBazan)
- Update the parameters to check if the setter is callable #1470 (rossmitchell)
- Push the max date far into the future so the test can pass #1469 (rossmitchell)
- Update Address.php #1465 (Saibamen)
- Turkish identity number for tr_TR #1462 (aykutaras)
- Fixing rare iin with 13-digits. #1450 (vadimonus)
- Fix Polish PESEL faker #1449 (Dartui)
- Adds valid 08 number formats for fr_FR #1439 (ppelgrims)
- Add YouTube provider link #1422 (aalaap)
- Update PHPDoc of the DateTime provider. #1419 (tomzx)
- Normalize name of variable #1412 (eaglewu)
- Added "blockchain" to en-us company provider catchPhrase method #1411 (samoldenburg)
- Fix for Spot2 ORM EntityPopulator #1408 (michal-borek)
- TH color name #1404 (Naruedom)
- added Malaysia [ms_MY] locale #1403 (kenfai)
- Implementation of the function that generates Brazilian area codes fixed. #1401 (jackmiras)
- VISA retired the 13 digit PAN moved to new cardParams #1400 (hppycoder)
- Remove unused variable inside closure #1395 (carusogabriel)
- .nz domain updates #1393 (xurizaemon)
- Add licenceCode method in the to es_ES person provider #1392 (ffiguereo)
- allow
to accept a Traversable object #1389 (browner12) - Doc: rg remove formatting #1387 (emtudo)
- Add numbers with start 4 #1386 (emtudo)
- update th_TH mobile number format #1385 (earthpyy)
- Translate country names for lv_LV provider. #1383 (ronaldsgailis)
- Clean elses #1382 (carusogabriel)
- French vat formatter #1381 (ppelgrims)
- Replaces rtrim with preg_replace #1380 (ppelgrims)
- Refactoring tests #1375 (carusogabriel)
- Added link in readme to provider FakerRestaurant #1374 (jzonta)
- Remove obsolete currency codes #1373 (tpraxl)
- [ru_RU] Updated countries and added source link #1372 (ilyahoilik)
- Test against PHP 7.2 #1371 (carusogabriel)
- Feature: nl_BE text provider #1370 (rauwebieten)
- default value for Payment::iban() country code #1369 (madmanmax)
- skip test failing on bigendian #1365 (remicollet)
- Update Person.php #1364 (majamusan)
- Prevent errors on private methods #1363 (petecoop)
- adds rijksregisternummer #1361 (ppelgrims)
- Add secondary address to fr_FR provider #1356 (nicodmf)
- Add company provider for tr_TR #1355 (yuks)
- nb_NO provider updates #1350 (alexqhj)
- only test available date range on 32-bit #1348 (remicollet)
- Bump PHPUnit version for namespace compatibility #1345 (carusogabriel)
- Use PSR-1 for PHPUnit TestCase #1344 (carusogabriel)
- Fix FR_fr 07 prefix mobile number generation #1343 (svanpoeck)
- Update Text.php #1339 (gulaandrij)
- Add two new company type in the Swiss Provider #1336 (pvullioud)
- Change symbol 'minus' with code 226 to 'minus' with code 45 #1333 (Negasus)
- [sl_SI] Created provider for Company #1331 (alesvaupotic)
- Update city name #1328 (s9801077)
- Fix #1305 realText in some cases breaks last character #1326 (iamraccoon)
- Real Dutch postal codes #1323 (ametad)
- Added male and female titles for the en_ZA locale #1321 (ViGouRCanberra)
- Add German Email Providers #1320 (Stoffo)
- Fix "Resource temporarily unavailable" #1319 (eberkund)
- Introduced the ability to specify a default timezone... #1316 (telkins)
- South African licence codes #1315 (royalmitten)
- Fix with incorrect name city. #1309 (zzenmate)
- Fixed type-o in readme under section about Language specific formatters #1302 (espenkn)
- Update Person.php #1298 (yappkahowe)
- Allow children classes to access self::$suffix #1296 (greg0ire)
- Fix with namespace payment provider for uk_UA #1293 (zzenmate)
- Update zh_TW text provider #1292 (s9801077)
- Fix CURL status code in ImageTest.php #1290 (Sanfra1407)
- Tax Id for companies and new formats for es_VE #1287 (DIOHz0r)
- Added idNumber for nl_NL #1283 (artorozenga)
- Feature/en us company ein #1273 (zachflower)
2017-08-15, v1.7.0
- Added more Ukrainian banks #1271 (iamraccoon)
- Hotfix/failing unit tests #1269 (zachflower)
- Lock Travis-CI environment to Ubuntu Precise #1268 (zachflower)
- Added Ukrainian job title #1267 (iamraccoon)
- Add compliant en_US SSN generator #1266 (zachflower)
- Added more Ukrainian streets and removed irrelevant names. Added more Ukrainian mobile formats #1265 (iamraccoon)
- Add Internet Format for ja_JP. #1260 (itigoppo)
- rectify ISO 4217 codes #1258 (eidng8)
- Corrected of grammar of Ukrainian middlenames and test added #1257 (vladbuk)
- Update ISO 4217 active codes #1251 (eidng8)
- Update Composer File #1248 (vinkla)
- Set capitals to false #1243 (Stichoza)
- Use static instead of self #1242 (Stichoza)
- Add VAT french format #1241 (baptistedonaux)
- Add swedish job titles #1234 (vinkla)
- Name Simo shouldn't have comma in it #1230 (simoheinonen)
- Fix: Add method annotation for ValidGenerator #1223 (localheinz)
- Add real text for es_ES #1220 (driade)
- Fix spelling errors #1218 (driade)
- Fix spelling errors #1217 (driade)
- Fixes typo #1212 (skullboner)
- Add Person::middleName for ru_RU provider #1209 (JustBlackBird)
- Fix creditCardDetails type hint #1208 (jejung)
- Expand dictionaries for ru_RU locale #1206 (pwsdotru)
- Fix ng_NG to en_NG #1205 (raphaeldealmeida)
- Add INN and KPP support for ru_RU locale #1204 (pwsdotru)
- Remove break line on pt_PT Address format #1203 (raphaeldealmeida)
- Fix syntax of phpdoc boolean property #1198 (pavelkovar)
- add en_HK provider #1196 (miklcct)
- use secure https #1186 (jpuck)
- Add PhoneNumberFormat for ja_JP. #1185 (itigoppo)
- Fix: Add class-level method annotations for DateTime provider #1183 (localheinz)
- Add ar_SA Color Provider #1182 (alhoqbani)
- Added uk_UA Payment provider with bank name generator #1181 (spaghettimaster)
- Typos #1177 (ankitpokhrel)
- Fix XML document example #1176 (ankitpokhrel)
- Added Emoji to Miscellaneous #1175 (thomasfdm)
- Typos and doc block fixes #1170 (ankitpokhrel)
- Rewrote deprecated
usage #1168 (hboomsma) - Refactor text method to remove duplication #1163 (ankitpokhrel)
- Generate valid individual identification numbers kk_KZ #1161 (YerlenZhubangaliyev)
- Added Address and Company [fa_IR] #1160 (thisissorna)
- Add Peruvian DNI generator #1158 (jgwong)
- Removed double semicolon #1154 (pjona)
- Add prefixes for nl_NL #1151 (hyperized)
- Separated male and female names for sr_RS locale. #1144 (bogdanpet)
- Add personal ID, VAT for zh_TW #1135 (Dagolin)
- Updating ninth digit on whole country #1132 (gpressutto5)
- Indian states added to en_IN locale #1131 (jiveshsg)
- Add Text provider for ro_MD #1129 (wecerny)
- Add strict to randomNumber example #1124 (leepownall)
- Say Eloquent is supported #1123 (guidocella)
- Link Eloquent Populator #1120 (guidocella)
- Removed dead code from Luhn.php #1118 (Newman101)
- Improve Internet::transliterate performance #1112 (dunglas)
- fix typo #1109 (johannesnagl)
- [cs_CZ] Fixed Czech phone numbers #1108 (tomasbedrich)
- Update MasterCard BIN Range #1103 (andysnell)
- Add biggest german cities #1102 (Konafets)
- Change postal code format for ko_KR #1094 (coozplz)
- Introduced the ability to specify the timezone for dateTimeThis*() methods #1090 (telkins)
- Fixed Issue #1086 #1088 (Newman101)
- [ja_JP]kana of Japanese name by gender. #1087 (itigoppo)
- Fix unused code #1083 (borgogelli)
- Amended permissions for en_GB AddressTest.php #1071 (Newman101)
- Ensure unique IDs in randomHtml #1068 (vlakoff)
- Updated [de_DE] city names #1067 (plxx)
- Update method signature in Generator phpdoc #1066 (vlakoff)
- Add Thai providers #1065 (tuwannu)
- (Minor) Fixed the default locale stated in the readme #1064 (taylankasap)
- [nl_NL] Make person provider behave more realistically #1061 (curry684)
- Add allowDuplicates option to randomElements() #1060 (vlakoff)
- Docblocks: Add some missing @method tags #1059 (Kurre)
- [fi_FI] Improve phone number generator #1054 (Kurre)
- Add personalIdentityNumber() to fi_FI/Person.php #1053 (oittaa)
- Issue #1041 #1052 (daleattree)
- Update Text.php #1051 (gulaandrij)
- Fix French phone numbers with 07 prefix #1046 (fzaninotto)
- [Generator.php] mt_rand() changed in PHP 7.1 #1045 (oittaa)
- Add 'FI' to Payment Provider #1044 (oittaa)
- Added id number generator to Person Provider for the en_ZA locale #1039 (smithandre)
- [Feature] Add nigerian provider #1030 (elchroy)
- [pl_PL] Handle state. #1029 (piotrooo)
- Fixed polish text - change '--' into '-'. #1027 (piotrooo)
- Update Text.php #1025 (gulaandrij)
- Adding Nationalized Citizens to DNI in Person.php #1021 (celisflen-bers)
- Add nik to indonesia #1019 (Nuffic)
- fix mb_substr missing parameter error when generating japanese string with realText method #1018 (horan-geeker)
- IBAN Formatters for New Locales #1015 (okj579)
- German Bank Names #1014 (okj579)
- Adding countries for pl_PL provider #1009 (mertcanesen)
- Adding Pattern Lab plugin to list of 3rd party libraries #1008 (EvanLovely)
- Korea top 100 lastName #1006 (tael)
- Use real Belgian postcodes instead of random number #1004 (toonevdb)
- Add bankAccountNumber implementations #1000 (akramfares)
- Generates a random NIR number (fr_FR) #997 (Ultim4T0m)
- #989 Fix country typo #996 (adriantombu)
- adding back CNP #988 (the-noob)
- Fix phpunit tests fail on 64-bit systems #982 #983 (Powerhead13)
- Remove trailing dot in username if any #975 (vlakoff)
- HTML Lorem #971 (rudkjobing)
- Fix a mixup between male and female last names in Icelandic. #970 (arthur-olafsson)
- Remove duplicate #969 (mijgame)
- fix [zh_CN]PhoneNumber illegal operator prefix #966 (zhwei)
- es_ES: Generate VAT Number #964 (miguelgf)
- Update Image.php #963 (gulaandrij)
- Remove cnp formatter from RO_ro locale (fails tests) #962 (fzaninotto)
- Adding valid en_GB postcodes #961 (the-noob)
- Adding Text for ro_RO #959 (the-noob)
- Minor: Fixed trailing space in DateTime provider #956 (tifabien)
- Remove 'Stripper' from en_US job titles #954 (amcsi)
- fix 32bits issue #953 (remicollet)
- Fix EAN8 checkSum generator #951 (MatthieuMota)
- Fixed description and the use of early undocumented parameters. #949 (andrey-helldar)
- Pushing new mobile prefixes in philippines #944 (napoleon101392)
- Update Company.php #943 (thiagotalma)
- Fix to Issue #935 - German Locale #936 (Newman101)
- el_CY Locale #930 (softius)
- Add phpdoc method dateTimeInInterval in Generator.php #926 (KeithYeh)
- Harmonize fr_*\Company #918 (Max13)
- Fix: fix invalid parameter of mb_substr() #917 (tkawaji)
- kk_KZ Company/person identification numbers unit tests #916 (YerlenZhubangaliyev)
- ka_GE: overall improvements to ka_GE locale #913 (hertzg)
- Fix: Do not pick a random float less than minimum #909 (localheinz)
- Fix: Prefer dependencies installed from dist #908 (localheinz)
- Add a building number with letter to German speaking locales. #903 (markuspoerschke)
- [RFR] Remove parts of the hu_HU address formatters #902 (fzaninotto)
- use Luhn to calculate ar_SA id numbers. #875 (FooBarQuaxx)
- Fix Doctrine ODM Support #489 (cbourgois)
2016-04-29, v1.6.0
- Remove parts of the Hungarian (hu_HU) address formatters #902 (fzaninotto)
- Renamed norwegian (nb_NO) locale #901 (fzaninotto)
- Improveed German (de_DE) titles #897 (christianbartels)
- Added VAT formatter to nl_BE and fr_BE providers #896 (anvanza)
- Fixed provider namespace for Lithuanian (lt_LT) #894 (sanis)
- Removed unnecessary (and incompatible) license from Russian and Ukrainian (uk_UA & ru_RU) Text providers #892 (Newman101)
- Improved
formatted to include all ISO-639-1 standard codes #889 (andrewnicols) - Improved Hungarian provider #883 (balping)
- Fixed typo in Austrian Person provider #880 (xelan)
- Added Chines (zh_CN)
formatter #878 (z-song) - Added mention of Brazilian (pt_BR) providers in readme #877 (iget-master)
- Updated composer
section to allow PHP 7 in safer way #874 (TomasVotruba) - Added Greek (el_GR)
formatters #869 (sebdesign) - Added Lorempixel check for
to avoid test fails when the service is offline #866 (Newman101) - Added Chinese (zh_CN) Providers #864 (z-song)
- Added unit tests for Canadian (en_CA) provider #862 (Newman101)
- Added Dutch BTW (vat) Number #861 (LauLaman)
- Improved Australian (en_AU) provider #858 (Newman101)
- Added Propel2 ORM support #852 (iTechDhaval)
- Added en_IN unit test for
#849 (Newman101) - Updated docs to clarify that
does not repeat input elements #848 (sustmi) - Optimized Taiwanese (zh_TW)
provider #844 (Newman101) - Added more Iranian (fa_IR) TLDs #843 (VagrantStory)
- Added Hebrew (he_IL)
formatter #841 (yonirom) - Documented
formatter #840 (danieliancu) - Fixed modifiers anchor readme #838 (danieliancu)
- Added Dutch (nl_NL) real text provider #837 (endroid)
- Added
modifier #836 (fzaninotto) - Added Iranian (fa_IR)
provider #833 (ghost) - Add Brazilian (pt_BR)
formatters #828 (francinaldo) - Improved Austrian (de_AT) names, states, and realtext #826 (Findus23)
- Improved German (de_DE) names #825 (Findus23)
- Improved Latvian (lv_LV) first names #823 (veisis)
- Improved Latvian (lv_LV)
formatter #822 (veisis) - Updated phpDoc link to IBAN format reference in
provider #821 (god107) - Updated Sport ORM populator to populate values for numeric fields #820 (urisavka)
- Updated Chinese (zh_CN) operators' phone number prefix. #819 (vistart)
- Optimized Spot ORM
#817 (Newman101) - Added Korean (ko_KR)
formatter #815 (jdssem) - Updated
formatter phpDoc #814 (jonwurtzler) - Optimized Taiwanese (zh_TW) text provider #809 (BePsvPT)
- Added strict comparison to Czech (cs_CS)
formatter #807 (Newman101) - Added Greek (el_GR)
formatter #805 (hootlex) - Added Simplified Chinese (zh_CN)
formatters #804 (zhanghuanchong) - Update
provider to allow generation of grayscale images #801 (neutralrockets) - Fixed Taiwanese (zh_TW) incorrect
arguments #799 (BePsvPT) - Added Spot ORM populator #796 (urisavka)
- Added Italian (it_IT)
formatters #790 (brainrepo) - Added some fixes to Armenian (hy_AM) locale #788 (mhamlet)
- Removed duplicate entries in
transliteration table, used inInternet
provider #787 (vlakoff) - Added Indian (en_IN) providers #785 (kartiksomani)
- Removed duplicate country names in various locales, removed non-random country arrays #784 (fzaninotto)
- Improved Swiss (de_CH) phone numbers #782 (z38)
- Added Swiss (de_CH) names #781 (z38)
- Make capitalization of first word optional in Text Provider #778 (LagunaJavier)
- Added Georgian (ka_GE) providers #777 (akalongman)
- Fix CakePHP populator #776 (daniel-mueller)
- Added unit tests for
provider in many locales #775 #773 #772 #767 #765 #764 #758 #756 #747 #741 (Newman101) - Added
formatter to Spanish (es_ES) Person provider #763 (mikk150) - Added South Africa (en_ZA) locale #761 (smithandre) #760 (smithandre) #759 (smithandre)
- Added E.164 phone number generator #753 (daleattree)
- Fixed serialization issue in
modifier #749 (EmanueleMinotto) - Added Switzerland (de_CH, fr_CH, it_CH) providers #739 (r3h6)
- Added PHPDocs, removed unused variable #738 (daniel-mueller)
- Fixed building numbers to have non-zero first bumber #737 (jmauerhan)
- Updated ninth digit for Brazilian cell phone numbers #734 (igorsantos07)
- Simplified Factory code #732 (vlakoff)
- Added mention of images-generator in readme #731 (bruceheller)
- Optimize Internet::toAscii() by using a static cache and translitteration #730 #729 #725 #724 (vlakoff)
- Added more English (en_GB) Phone Number formats #721 (nickwebcouk)
- Cleaned up
statements across the code #719 (pomaxa) - Fixed CackePHP populator #718 (sdustinh)
- Cleaned up various phpmd notices #715 (pomaxa)
- Added
provider to Latvian (lv_LV) locale #714 (pomaxa) - Fixed bad randomization in Doctrine populator #713 (pomaxa)
- Added Mongolian (mn_MN) providers #709 (selmonal)
- Improved Australian (en_AU)
formatter #703 (xfxf) - Added support for asterisks in
#701 (nineinchnick) - Fixed important distinction between ORM and database framework in README’s reference to an external Faker provider for POMM that I have never even tested. Anyway, POMM is highly recommended if you are a Postgres fan, or if you want to please Grégoire and help him finish his lifelong project of listening to music on a hi-fi audio equipment he built from his own hands #696 (chanmix51)
- Fixed example
output in README #694 (vlakoff) - Added mention of CakePHP 2.x Seeder Plugin to readme #691 (ravage84)
- Fixed invalid email bug for Korean (ko_KR) #690 (pearlc)
- Removed an invalid Dutch (nl_NL) lastname that breaks email generator #689 (SpaceK33z)
- Updated
to be order agnostic #683 (xfxf) - Added several English (en_US) bank-related formatters #682 (okj579)
- Fixed
formatter to avoid generating special purpose addresses #681 (ravage84) - Moved
extension torequire-dev
file #680 (jaschweder) - Added more Turkish (tr_TR) phones number formats #678 (Quanthir)
- Fixed primary Key warning in CakePHP ORM populator #677 (davidyell)
- Added time zone support for provider methods returning DateTime instance #675 (bishopb)
- Removed trailing spaces from some Argentinian (es_AR) female first names #674 (ivanmirson)
- Added Lithuanian (lt_LT) locale #673 (ekateiva)
- Added mention of Alice to readme #665 (Seldaek)
- Fixed namespace in tests #663 (localheinz)
- Fixed trailing spaces in
provider #662 (apsylone) - Removed duplicate country names in Russian (ru_RU)
provider #659 (nurolopher) - Added
formatter toColor
provider #653 (apsylone) - Fixed bad randomization in CakePHP populator #648 (jadb)
- Updated phpunit configuration to better use colors #643 (localheinz)
- Updated
to install dev dependencies by default #642 (localheinz) - Updated Travis configuration to cache dependencies between builds #641 (localheinz)
- Added SVG badge to readme for displaying Travis build status #640 (localheinz)
- Added Croatian (hr_HR) locale #638 (toniperic)
- Updated
PHPDoc #635 (theofidry) - Add mention of Symfony2 bundles in readme #634 (theofidry)
- Added Hebrew (he_IL) locale #633 (yonirom)
- Updated
to accept non-integer seeds #632 (theofidry) - Added DocBlock to
#631 (tonynelson19) - Added
generator #630 (gregoryduckworth) - Updated Chinese (zh_CN)
provider to generate more correct names #628 (phoenixgao) - Updated Brazilian (pt_BR)
formatter to make it more flexible #623 (igorsantos07) - Add Arabic for Saudi Arabia (ar_SA) locale #618 (ibrasho)
- Updated en_US phone numbers #615 (okj579)
- Fixed typos in variable names and exceptions #614 (pborreli)
- Added a table of contents to the readme file. #613 (camilopayan)
- Added Brazilian (es_BR) credit card formatters #608 (igorsantos07)
- Updated
formatter to be cross-locale #607 (okj579) - Improved ORM name guesser logic #606 (watermanio)
- Fixed doc typo #605 (igorsantos07)
- Removed executable bits #593 (siwinski)
- Fixed
generator #590 (okj579) - Added Philippines (en_PH)
formatter #589 (lozadaOmr) - Added support for min / max params in
formatters #570 (actuallymab) - Added Czech (cs_CZ)
formatter #535 (tomasbedrich) - Added
formatter #526 (nicodmf) - Updated
apis to be more consistent #513 (EmanueleMinotto) - Added Greek (el_GR)
provider #504 (drakakisgeo)
2015-05-29, v1.5.0
- Added ability to print custom text on the images fetched by the Image provider #583 (fzaninotto)
- Fixed typos in Peruvian (es_PE) Person provider #581 #580 (ysramirez)
- Added instructions for installing with composer to readme.md #572 (totophe)
- Added Kazakh (kk_KZ) locale #569 (YerlenZhubangaliyev)
- Added Korean (ko_KR) locale #566 (pearlc)
- Fixed file provider to ignore unreadable and special files #565 (svrnm)
- Fixed Dutch (nl_NL) Address and Person providers #560 (killerog)
- Fixed Dutch (nl_NL) Person provider #559 (pauledenburg)
- Added Russian (ru_RU) Bank names provider #553 (wizardjedi)
- Added mobile phone function in French (fr_FR) provider #552 (kletellier)
- Added phpdoc for new magic methods in Generator to help IntelliSense completion #550 (stof)
- Fixed File provider bug 'The first argument to copy() function cannot be a directory' #547 (svrnm)
- Added new Brazilian (pt_BR) Providers #545 (igorsantos07)
- Fixed ability to seed the generator #543 (schmengler)
- Added streetAddress formatter to Russian (ru_RU) provider #542 (ZAYEC77)
- Fixed Internet provider warning "Could not create transliterator"* #541 (fonsecas72)
- Fixed Spanish for Argentina (es_AR) Address provider #540 (ivanmirson)
- Fixed region names in French for Belgium (fr_BE) address provider #536 (miclf)
- Fixed broken Doctrine2 link in README #534 (JonathanKryza)
- Added link to faker-context Behat extension in readme #532 (denheck)
- Added PHP 7.0 nightly to Travis build targets #525 (TomasVotruba)
- Added Dutch (nl_NL) color names #523 (belendel)
- Fixed Chinese (zh_CN) Address provider (remove Taipei) #522 (asika32764)
- Fixed phonenumber formats in Dutch (nl_NL) PhoneNumber provider #521 (SpaceK33z)
- Fixed Russian (ru_RU) Address provider #518 (glagola)
- Added Italian (it_IT) Text provider #517 (endelwar)
- Added Norwegian (no_NO) locale #515 (phaza)
- Added VAT number to Bulgarian (bg_BG) Payment provider #512 (ronanguilloux)
- Fixed UserAgent provider outdated user agents #511 (ajbdev)
- Fixed
formatter to make it work with temp dir of any (decent) OS #507 (ronanguilloux) - Added Persian (fa_IR) locale #500 (zoli)
- Added Currency Code formatter #497 (stelgenhof)
- Added VAT number to Belgium (be_BE) Payment provider #495 (ronanguilloux)
- Fixed
formatter bug where it would always return the same image #494 (fzaninotto) - Added more Indonesian (id_ID) providers #493 (deerawan)
- Added Indonesian (id_ID) locale #492 (stoutZero)
- Fixed unique generator performance #491 (ikwattro)
- Added transliterator to
#490 (fzaninotto) - Added Hungarian (hu_HU) Text provider #486 (lintaba)
- Fixed CakePHP Entity Popolator (some cases where no entities prev. inserted) #483 (jadb)
- Added Color and DateTime Turkish (tr_TR) Providers #481 (behramcelen)
- Added Latvian (lv_LV)
formatter #472 (MatissJanis) - Added VAT number to Austrian (at_AT) Payment provider #470 (ronanguilloux)
- Fixed missing @return phpDoc in Payment provider #469 (ronanguilloux)
- Added SWIFT/BIC payment type formatter to the Payment provider #465 (ronanguilloux)
- Fixed small typo in Base provider exception #460 (miclf)
- Added Georgian (ka_Ge) locale #457 (lperto)
- Added PSR-4 Autoloading #455 (GrahamCampbell)
- Added Uganda (en_UG) locale #454 (tharoldD)
- Added
formatter, generating a random string based on a regular expression #453 (fzaninotto) - Added shuffle formatter, to shuffle an array or a string #452 (fzaninotto)
- Added ISBN-10 & ISBN-13 codes formatters to Barcode provider #451 (gietos)
- Fixed Russian (ru_RU) middle names (different for different genders) #450 (gietos)
- Fixed Ukranian (uk_UA) Person provider #448 (aivus)
- Added Vietnamese (vi_VN) locale #447 (huy95)
- Added type hint to the Documentor constructor #446 (JeroenDeDauw)
- Fixed Russian (ru_RU) Person provider (joined names) #445 (aivus)
- Added English (en_GB)
methods #438 (daveblake) - Added Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) Realtext provider #434 (tzhuan)
- Fixed first name in Spanish for Argentina (es_AR) Person provider #433 (fzaninotto)
- Fixed Canadian (en_CA) state abbreviation for Nunavut #430 (julien-c)
- Added CakePHP ORM entity populator #428 (jadb)
- Added Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) locale #427 (tzhuan)
- Fixed typo in Doctrine Populator phpDoc #425 (ihsanudin)
- Added Chinese (zh_CN) Internet provider #424 (Lisso-Me)
- Added Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code to the Miscellaneous provider#422 (gido)
- Added English (en_GB) Person provider #421 (AlexCutts)
- Added missing tests for the Color Provider #420 (bessl)
- Added Nepali (ne_NP) locale #419 (ankitpokhrel)
- Fixed latitude and longitude formatters bug (numeric value out of range for 32bits) #416 (fzaninotto)
- Added a dedicated calculator Luhn calculator service #414 (fzaninotto)
- Fixed Russian (ru_RU) Person provider (removed lowercase duplications) #413 (Ragazzo)
- Fixed barcode formatter (improved speed, added tests) #412 (fzaninotto)
- Added ipv4 and barcode formatters tests #410 (bessl)
- Fixed typos in various comments blocks #409 (bessl)
- Fixed InternetTest (replaced regex with PHP filter) #406 (bessl)
- Added password formatter to the Internet provider#402 (fzaninotto)
- Added Company and Internet Austrian (de_AT) Providers #400 (bessl)
- Added third-party libraries section in README #399 (fzaninotto)
- Added Spanish for Venezuela (es_VE) locale #398 (DIOHz0r)
- Added PhoneNumber Autrian (de_AT) Provider, and missing test for the 'locale' method. #395 (bessl)
- Removed wrongly localized Lorem provider #394 (fzaninotto)
- Fixed Miscellaneous provider (made the
formatter static) #390 (bessl) - Added a unit test file for the Miscellaneous Provider #389 (bessl)
- Added warning in README about using `rand()`` and the seed functions #386 (paulvalla)
- Fixed French (fr_FR) Person provider (Uppercased a first name) #385 (netcarver)
- Added Russian (ru_RU) and Ukrainian (uk_UA) Text providers #383 (terion-name)
- Added more street prefixes to French (fr_FR) Address provider #381 (ronanguilloux)
- Added PHP 5.6 to CI targets #378 (GrahamCampbell)
- Fixed spaces remaining at the end of liine in various files #377 (GrahamCampbell)
- Fixed UserAgent provider (added space before processor on linux platform) #374 (TomK)
- Added Company generator for Russian (ru_RU) locale #371 (kix)
- Fixed Russian (ru_RU) Color provider (uppercase letters) #370 (semanser)
- Added more Polish (pl_PL) phone numbers #369 (piotrantosik)
- Fixed Ruby Faker link in readme #368 (philsturgeon)
- Added more Japanese (ja_JP) names in Person provider #366 (kumamidori)
- Added Slovenian (sl_SL) locale #363 (alesf)
- Fixed German (de_DE) Person provider (first names) #362 (mikehaertl)
- Fixed Ukrainian (uk_UA) Person providr (there is no such letter "ы" in Ukrainian) #359 (nazar-pc)
- Fixed Chinese (zh_CN) PhoneNumber provider (the length of mobile phone number is 11) #358 (byan)
- Added Arabic (ar_\JO) Locale #357 (zrashwani)
- Fixed Czech (cs_CZ) Person provider (missing lowercase in last name) #355 (halaxa)
- Fixed French for Belgium (fr_BE) Address Provider (doubled city names) #354 (miclf)
- Added Biased Integer Provider #332 (TimWolla)
- Added Swedish (sv_SE) locale #316 (ulrikjohansson)
- Added English for New Zealand (en_NZ) locale #283 (JasonMortonNZ)
- Added mention of external Provider for cron expressions to readme#498 (swekaj)
2014-06-04, v1.4.0
- Fixed typo in Slovak person names (cinan)
- Added tests for uk_UA providers (serge-kuharev)
- Fixed numerify() performance by making it 30% faster (fzaninotto)
- Added strict option to randomNumber to force number of digits (fzaninotto)
- Fixed randomNumber usage duplicating numberBetween (fzaninotto)
- Fixed address provider for latvian language (MatissJA)
- Added Czech Republic (cs_CZ) address, company, datetime and text providers (Mikulas)
- Fixed da_DK Person provider data containing an 'unnamed' person (tolnem)
- Added slug provider (fzaninotto)
- Fixed IDE insights for new local IP and MAC address providers (hugofonseca)
- Added firstname gender method to all Person providers (csanquer)
- Fixed tr_TR email service, city name, person, and phone number formats (ogunkarakus)
- Fixed US_en state list (fzaninotto)
- Fixed en_US address provider so state abbr are ISO 3166 codes (Garbee)
- Added local IP and MAC address providers (kielabokkie)
- Fixed typo in century list affecting the century provider (fzaninotto)
- Added default value to optional modifier (joshuajabbour)
- Fixed Portuguese phonenumbers have 9 digits (hugofonseca)
- Added fileCopy to File provider to simulate file upload (stefanosala)
- Added pt_PT providers (hugofonseca)
- Fixed dead code in text provider (hugofonseca)
- Fixed IDE insights for magic properties (hugofonseca)
- Added tin (NIF) generator for pt_PT provider (hugofonseca)
- Fixed numberBetween max default value handling (fzaninotto)
- Added pt_PT phone number provider (hugofonseca)
- Fixed PSR-2 standards and add make task to force it on Travis (terite)
- Added new ro_RO Personal Numerical Code (CNP) and phone number providers (avataru)
- Fixed Internet provider for sk_SK locale (cinan)
- Fixed typo in en_ZA Internet provider (bjorntheart)
- Fixed phpdoc for DateTime magic methods (stof)
- Added doc about seeding with maximum timestamp using dateTime formatters (fzaninotto)
- Added Maximum Timestamp option to get always same unix timestamp when using a fixed seed (csanquer)
- Added Montenegrian (me_ME) providers (ognjenm)
- Added ean barcode provider (nineinchnick)
- Added fullPath parameter to Image provider (stefanosala)
- Added more Polish company formats (nineinchnick)
- Added Polish realText provider (nineinchnick)
- Fixed remaining non-seedable random generators (terite)
- Added randomElements provider (terite)
- Added French realText provider (fzaninotto)
- Fixed realText provider bootstrap slowness (fzaninotto)
- Added realText provider for English and German, based on Markov Chains Generator (TimWolla)
- Fixed address format in nl_NL provider (doenietzomoeilijk)
- Fixed potentially offensive word from last name list (joshuajabbour)
- Fixed reamde documentation about the optional modifier (cryode)
- Fixed Image provider and documentor routine (fzaninotto)
- Fixed IDE insights for methods (PedroTroller)
- Fixed missing data in en_US Address provider (Garbee)
- Added Bengali (bn_BD) providers (masnun)
- Fixed warning on test file when short tags are on (bateller)
- Fixed Doctrine populator undefined index warning (dbojdo)
- Added French Canadian (fr_CA) Address and Person providers (marcaube)
- Fixed typo in NullGenerator (mhanson01)
- Fixed Doctrine populator issue with one-to-one nullable relationship (jpetitcolas)
- Added Canadian English (en_CA) address and phone number providers (cviebrock)
- Fixed duplicated Payment example in readme (Garbee)
- Fixed Polish (pl_PL) Person provider data (czogori)
- Added Hungarian (hu_HU) providers (sagikazarmark)
- Added 'kana' (ja_JP) name formatters (kzykhys)
- Added allow_failure for hhvm to travis-ci and test against php 5.5 (toin0u)
2013-12-16, v1.3.0
- Fixed state generator in Australian (en_AU) provider (sebklaus)
- Fixed IDE insights for locale specific providers (ulrikjohansson)
- Added English (South Africa) (en_ZA) person, address, Internet and phone number providers (dmfaux)
- Fixed integer values overflowing on signed INTEGER columns on Doctrine populator (Thinkscape)
- Fixed spelling error in French (fr_FR) address provider (leihog)
- Added improvements based on SensioLabsInsights analysis
- Fixed Italian (it_IT) email provider (garak)
- Added Spanish (es_ES) Internet provider (eusonlito)
- Added English Philippines (en_PH) address provider (kamote)
- Added Brazilian (pt_BR) email provider data (KennedyTedesco)
- Fixed UK country code (pgscandeias)
- Added Peruvian (es_PE) person, address, phone number, and company providers (cslucano)
- Added Ukrainian (uk_UA) color provider (ruden)
- Fixed Ukrainian (uk_UA) namespace and email translitteration (ruden)
- Added Romanian (Moldova) (ro_MD) person, address, and phone number providers (AlexanderC)
- Added IBAN generator for every currently known locale that uses it (nineinchnick)
- Added Image generation powered by LoremPixel (weotch)
- Fixed missing timezone with dateTimeBetween (baldurrensch)
- Fixed call to undefined method cardType in Payment (WMeldon)
- Added Romanian (ro_RO) address and person providers (calina-c)
- Fixed Doctrine populator to use ObjectManager instead of EntityManagerInterface (mgiustiniani)
- Fixed docblock for Provider\Base::unique() (pschultz)
- Added Payment providers (creditCardType, creditCardNumber, creditCardExpirationDate, creditCardExpirationDateString) (pomaxa)
- Added unique() modifier
- Added IDE insights to allow better intellisense/phpStorm autocompletion (thallisphp)
- Added Polish (pl_PL) address provider, personal identity number and pesel number generator (nineinchnick)
- Added Turkish (tr_TR) address provider, and improved internet provider (hasandz)
- Fixed Propel column number guesser to use signed range of values (gunnarlium)
- Added Greek (el_GR) person, address, and phone number providers (georgeharito)
- Added Austrian (en_AU) address, Internet, and phone number providers (rcuddy)
- Fixed phpDoc in Doctrine Entity populator (rogamoore)
- Added French (fr_FR) phone number formats (vchabot)
- Added optional() modifier (weotch)
- Fixed typo in the Person provider documentation (jtreminio)
- Fixed Russian (ru_RU) person format (alexshadow007)
- Added Japanese (ja_JP) person, address, Internet, phone number, and company providers (kumamidori)
- Added color providers, driver license and passport number formats for the ru_RU locale (pomaxa)
- Added Latvian (lv_LV) person, address, Internet, and phone number providers (pomaxa)
- Added Brazilian (pt_BR) Internet provider (vjnrv)
- Added more Czech (cs_CZ) lastnames (petrkle)
- Added Chinese Simplified (zh_CN) person, address, Internet, and phone number providers (tlikai)
- Fixed Typos (pborelli)
- Added Color provider with hexColor, rgbColor, rgbColorAsArray, rgbCssColor, safeColorName, and colorName formatters (lsv)
- Added support for associative arrays in
2013-06-09, v1.2.0
- Added new provider for fr_BE locale (jflefebvre)
- Updated locale provider to use a static locale list (spawn-guy)
- Fixed invalid UTF-8 sequence in domain provider with the Bulgarian provider (Dynom)
- Fixed the nl_NL Person provider (Dynom)
- Removed all requires and added the autoload definition to composer (Dynom)
- Fixed encoding problems in nl_NL Address provider (Dynom)
- Added icelandic provider (is_IS) (birkir)
- Added en_CA address and phone numbers (cviebrock)
- Updated safeEmail provider to be really safe (TimWolla)
- Documented alternative randomNumber usage (Seldaek)
- Added basic file provider (anroots)
- Fixed use of fourth argument on Doctrine addEntity (ecentinela)
- Added nl_BE provider (wimvds)
- Added Random Float provider (csanquer)
- Fixed bug in Faker\ORM\Doctrine\Populator (mmf-amarcos)
- Updated ru_RU provider (rmrevin)
- Added safe email domain provider (csanquer)
- Fixed latitude provider (rumpl)
- Fixed unpredictability of fake data generated by Faker\Provider\Base::numberBetween() (goatherd)
- Added uuid provider (goatherd)
- Added possibility to call methods on Doctrine entities, possibility to generate unique id (nenadalm)
- Fixed prefixes typos in 'pl_PL' Person provider (krymen)
- Added more fake data to the Ukraininan providers (lysenkobv)
- Added more fake data to the Italian providers (EmanueleMinotto)
- Fixed spaces appearing in generated emails (alchy58)
- Added Armenian (hy_AM) provider (artash)
- Added Generation of valid SIREN & SIRET codes to French providers (alexsegura)
- Added Dutch (nl_NL) provider (WouterJ)
- Fixed missing typehint in Base::__construct() (benja-M-1)
- Fixed typo in README (benja-M-1)
- Added Ukrainian (ua_UA) provider (rsvasilyev)
- Added Turkish (tr_TR) Provider (faridmovsumov)
- Fixed executable bit in some PHP files (siwinski)
- Added Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) provider (oliveiraev)
- Added Spanish (es_ES) provider (ivannis)
- Fixed Doctrine populator to allow for the population of entity data that has associations to other entities (afishnamedsquish)
- Added Danish (da_DK) providers (toin0u)
- Cleaned up whitespaces (toin0u)
- Fixed utf-8 bug with lowercase generators (toin0u)
- Fixed composer.json (Seldaek)
- Fixed bug in Doctrine EntityPopulator (beberlei)
- Added Finnish (fi_FI) provider (drodil)
2012-10-29, v1.1.0
- Updated text provider to return paragraphs as a string instead of array. Great for populating markdown textarea fields (Seldaek)
- Updated dateTimeBetween to accept DateTime instances (Seldaek)
- Added random number generator between a and b, simply like rand() (Seldaek)
- Fixed spaces in generated emails (blaugueux)
- Fixed Person provider in Russian locale (Isamashii)
- Added new UserAgent provider (blaugueux)
- Added locale generator to Miscellaneous provider (blaugueux)
- Added timezone generator to DateTime provider (blaugueux)
- Added new generators to French Address providers (departments, regions) (geoffrey-brier)
- Added new generators to French Company provider (catch phrase, SIREN, and SIRET numbers) (geoffrey-brier)
- Added state generator to German Address provider (Powerhamster)
- Added Slovak provider (bazo)
- Added latitude and longitude formatters to Address provider (fixe)
- Added Serbian provider (umpirsky)
2012-07-10, v1.0.0
- Initial Version