You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

109 lines
3.9 KiB

<?php namespace App\SupportedApps;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
class Deluge implements Contracts\Applications, Contracts\Livestats {
public function defaultColour()
return '#357';
public function icon()
return 'supportedapps/deluge.png';
public function configDetails()
return 'deluge';
public function testConfig()
$res = $this->login()[0];
switch($res->getStatusCode()) {
case 200:
$data = json_decode($res->getBody());
if(!isset($data->result) || is_null($data->result) || $data->result == false) {
echo 'Failed: Invalid Credentials';
} else {
echo 'Successfully connected to the API';
case 401:
echo 'Failed: Invalid credentials';
case 404:
echo 'Failed: Please make sure your URL is correct and that there is a trailing slash';
echo 'Something went wrong... Code: '.$res->getStatusCode();
public function executeConfig()
$html = '';
$active = 'active';
$jar = $this->login()[1];
$res = $this->getDetails($jar);
$data = json_decode($res->getBody());
$download_rate = $data->result->stats->download_rate;
$upload_rate = $data->result->stats->upload_rate;
$seed_count = $data->result->filters->state[2];
$leech_count = $data->result->filters->state[1];
$html = '
<ul class="livestats">
<li><span class="title"><i class="fas fa-arrow-down"></i> '.$this->formatBytes($download_rate).'</span></li>
<li><span class="title"><i class="fas fa-arrow-up"></i> '.$this->formatBytes($upload_rate).'</span></li>
<ul class="livestats">
<li><span class="title">Leech: '.$leech_count[1].'</span></li>
<li><span class="title">Seed: '.$seed_count[1].'</span></li>
return json_encode(['status' => $active, 'html' => $html]);
public function getDetails($jar)
$config = $this->config;
$url = $config->url;
$url = rtrim($url, '/');
$api_url = $url.'/json';
$client = new Client(['http_errors' => false, 'timeout' => 15, 'connect_timeout' => 15]);
$res = $client->request('POST', $api_url, [
'body' => '{"method": "web.update_ui", "params": [["none"], {}], "id": 1}',
'cookies' => $jar,
'headers' => ['content-type' => 'application/json', 'Accept' => 'application/json']
return $res;
public function login()
$config = $this->config;
$url = $config->url;
$password = $config->password;
$url = rtrim($url, '/');
$api_url = $url.'/json';
$jar = new \GuzzleHttp\Cookie\CookieJar();
$client = new Client(['http_errors' => false, 'timeout' => 15, 'connect_timeout' => 15]);
$res = $client->request('POST', $api_url, [
'body' => '{"method": "auth.login", "params": ["'.$password.'"], "id": 1}',
'cookies' => $jar,
'headers' => ['content-type' => 'application/json', 'Accept' => 'application/json']
return array($res,$jar);
function formatBytes($bytes, $precision = 2) {
$units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB');
$bytes = max($bytes, 0);
$pow = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log(1024));
$pow = min($pow, count($units) - 1);
// Uncomment one of the following alternatives
$bytes /= pow(1024, $pow);
// $bytes /= (1 << (10 * $pow));
return round($bytes, $precision) . ' ' . $units[$pow] . 'ps';