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* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Tests\Output;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\Output;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterStyle;
class OutputTest extends TestCase
public function testConstructor()
$output = new TestOutput(Output::VERBOSITY_QUIET, true);
$this->assertEquals(Output::VERBOSITY_QUIET, $output->getVerbosity(), '__construct() takes the verbosity as its first argument');
$this->assertTrue($output->isDecorated(), '__construct() takes the decorated flag as its second argument');
public function testSetIsDecorated()
$output = new TestOutput();
$this->assertTrue($output->isDecorated(), 'setDecorated() sets the decorated flag');
public function testSetGetVerbosity()
$output = new TestOutput();
$this->assertEquals(Output::VERBOSITY_QUIET, $output->getVerbosity(), '->setVerbosity() sets the verbosity');
public function testWriteWithVerbosityQuiet()
$output = new TestOutput(Output::VERBOSITY_QUIET);
$this->assertEquals('', $output->output, '->writeln() outputs nothing if verbosity is set to VERBOSITY_QUIET');
public function testWriteAnArrayOfMessages()
$output = new TestOutput();
$output->writeln(array('foo', 'bar'));
$this->assertEquals("foo\nbar\n", $output->output, '->writeln() can take an array of messages to output');
* @dataProvider provideWriteArguments
public function testWriteRawMessage($message, $type, $expectedOutput)
$output = new TestOutput();
$output->writeln($message, $type);
$this->assertEquals($expectedOutput, $output->output);
public function provideWriteArguments()
return array(
array('<info>foo</info>', Output::OUTPUT_RAW, "<info>foo</info>\n"),
array('<info>foo</info>', Output::OUTPUT_PLAIN, "foo\n"),
public function testWriteWithDecorationTurnedOff()
$output = new TestOutput();
$this->assertEquals("foo\n", $output->output, '->writeln() strips decoration tags if decoration is set to false');
public function testWriteDecoratedMessage()
$fooStyle = new OutputFormatterStyle('yellow', 'red', array('blink'));
$output = new TestOutput();
$output->getFormatter()->setStyle('FOO', $fooStyle);
$this->assertEquals("\033[33;41;5mfoo\033[39;49;25m\n", $output->output, '->writeln() decorates the output');
public function testWriteWithInvalidStyle()
$output = new TestOutput();
$this->assertEquals('<bar>foo</bar>', $output->output, '->write() do nothing when a style does not exist');
$this->assertEquals("<bar>foo</bar>\n", $output->output, '->writeln() do nothing when a style does not exist');
* @dataProvider verbosityProvider
public function testWriteWithVerbosityOption($verbosity, $expected, $msg)
$output = new TestOutput();
$output->write('1', false);
$output->write('2', false, Output::VERBOSITY_QUIET);
$output->write('3', false, Output::VERBOSITY_NORMAL);
$output->write('4', false, Output::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE);
$output->write('5', false, Output::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE);
$output->write('6', false, Output::VERBOSITY_DEBUG);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $output->output, $msg);
public function verbosityProvider()
return array(
array(Output::VERBOSITY_QUIET, '2', '->write() in QUIET mode only outputs when an explicit QUIET verbosity is passed'),
array(Output::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, '123', '->write() in NORMAL mode outputs anything below an explicit VERBOSE verbosity'),
array(Output::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE, '1234', '->write() in VERBOSE mode outputs anything below an explicit VERY_VERBOSE verbosity'),
array(Output::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE, '12345', '->write() in VERY_VERBOSE mode outputs anything below an explicit DEBUG verbosity'),
array(Output::VERBOSITY_DEBUG, '123456', '->write() in DEBUG mode outputs everything'),
class TestOutput extends Output
public $output = '';
public function clear()
$this->output = '';
protected function doWrite($message, $newline)
$this->output .= $message.($newline ? "\n" : '');