You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

22010 lines
668 KiB

Ext.define("Ext.draw.ContainerBase", {
extend: "Ext.panel.Panel",
requires: ["Ext.window.Window"],
previewTitleText: "Chart Preview",
previewAltText: "Chart preview",
layout: "container",
addElementListener: function() {
var b = this,
a = arguments;
if (b.rendered) {
b.el.on.apply(b.el, a)
} else {
b.on("render", function() {
b.el.on.apply(b.el, a)
removeElementListener: function() {
var b = this,
a = arguments;
if (b.rendered) {
b.el.un.apply(b.el, a)
afterRender: function() {
getItems: function() {
var b = this,
a = b.items;
if (!a || !a.isMixedCollection) {
return b.items
onRender: function() {
this.element = this.el;
this.innerElement = this.body
setItems: function(a) {
this.items = a;
return a
setSurfaceSize: function(b, a) {
width: b,
height: a
onResize: function(c, a, b, e) {
var d = this;
d.callParent([c, a, b, e]);
width: c,
height: a
preview: function() {
var a = this.getImage();
new Ext.window.Window({
title: this.previewTitleText,
closeable: true,
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
autoShow: true,
maximizeable: true,
maximized: true,
border: true,
layout: {
type: "hbox",
pack: "center",
align: "middle"
items: {
xtype: "container",
items: {
xtype: "image",
mode: "img",
cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "chart-image",
alt: this.previewAltText,
listeners: {
afterrender: function() {
var e = this,
b = e.imgEl.dom,
d = a.type === "svg" ? 1 : (window.devicePixelRatio || 1),
if (!b.naturalWidth || !b.naturalHeight) {
b.onload = function() {
var g = b.naturalWidth,
f = b.naturalHeight;
e.setWidth(Math.floor(g / d));
e.setHeight(Math.floor(f / d))
} else {
c = e.getSize();
e.setWidth(Math.floor(c.width / d));
e.setHeight(Math.floor(c.height / d))
privates: {
getTargetEl: function() {
return this.innerElement
reattachToBody: function() {
var a = this;
if (a.pendingDetachSize) {
a.pendingDetachSize = false;
Ext.define("Ext.draw.SurfaceBase", {
extend: "Ext.Widget",
getOwnerBody: function() {
return this.ownerCt.body
destroy: function() {
var a = this;
if (a.hasListeners.destroy) {
a.fireEvent("destroy", a)
Ext.define("Ext.draw.Color", {
statics: {
colorToHexRe: /(.*?)rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)/,
rgbToHexRe: /\s*rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)/,
rgbaToHexRe: /\s*rgba\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*([\.\d]+)\)/,
hexRe: /\s*#([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]?)([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]?)([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]?)\s*/,
NONE: "none",
RGBA_NONE: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"
isColor: true,
lightnessFactor: 0.2,
constructor: function(d, b, a, c) {
this.setRGB(d, b, a, c)
setRGB: function(e, c, a, d) {
var b = this;
b.r = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, e));
b.g = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, c));
b.b = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, a));
if (d === undefined) {
b.a = 1
} else {
b.a = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, d))
getGrayscale: function() {
return this.r * 0.3 + this.g * 0.59 + this.b * 0.11
getHSL: function() {
var i = this,
a = i.r / 255,
f = i.g / 255,
j = i.b / 255,
k = Math.max(a, f, j),
d = Math.min(a, f, j),
m = k - d,
e, n = 0,
c = 0.5 * (k + d);
if (d !== k) {
n = (c <= 0.5) ? m / (k + d) : m / (2 - k - d);
if (a === k) {
e = 60 * (f - j) / m
} else {
if (f === k) {
e = 120 + 60 * (j - a) / m
} else {
e = 240 + 60 * (a - f) / m
if (e < 0) {
e += 360
if (e >= 360) {
e -= 360
return [e, n, c]
getHSV: function() {
var i = this,
a = i.r / 255,
f = i.g / 255,
j = i.b / 255,
k = Math.max(a, f, j),
d = Math.min(a, f, j),
c = k - d,
e, m = 0,
l = k;
if (d != k) {
m = l ? c / l : 0;
if (a === k) {
e = 60 * (f - j) / c
} else {
if (f === k) {
e = 60 * (j - a) / c + 120
} else {
e = 60 * (a - f) / c + 240
if (e < 0) {
e += 360
if (e >= 360) {
e -= 360
return [e, m, l]
setHSL: function(g, f, e) {
var i = this,
d = Math.abs,
j, b, a;
g = (g % 360 + 360) % 360;
f = f > 1 ? 1 : f < 0 ? 0 : f;
e = e > 1 ? 1 : e < 0 ? 0 : e;
if (f === 0 || g === null) {
e *= 255;
i.setRGB(e, e, e)
} else {
g /= 60;
j = f * (1 - d(2 * e - 1));
b = j * (1 - d(g % 2 - 1));
a = e - j / 2;
a *= 255;
j *= 255;
b *= 255;
switch (Math.floor(g)) {
case 0:
i.setRGB(j + a, b + a, a);
case 1:
i.setRGB(b + a, j + a, a);
case 2:
i.setRGB(a, j + a, b + a);
case 3:
i.setRGB(a, b + a, j + a);
case 4:
i.setRGB(b + a, a, j + a);
case 5:
i.setRGB(j + a, a, b + a);
return i
setHSV: function(f, e, d) {
var g = this,
i, b, a;
f = (f % 360 + 360) % 360;
e = e > 1 ? 1 : e < 0 ? 0 : e;
d = d > 1 ? 1 : d < 0 ? 0 : d;
if (e === 0 || f === null) {
d *= 255;
g.setRGB(d, d, d)
} else {
f /= 60;
i = d * e;
b = i * (1 - Math.abs(f % 2 - 1));
a = d - i;
a *= 255;
i *= 255;
b *= 255;
switch (Math.floor(f)) {
case 0:
g.setRGB(i + a, b + a, a);
case 1:
g.setRGB(b + a, i + a, a);
case 2:
g.setRGB(a, i + a, b + a);
case 3:
g.setRGB(a, b + a, i + a);
case 4:
g.setRGB(b + a, a, i + a);
case 5:
g.setRGB(i + a, a, b + a);
return g
createLighter: function(b) {
if (!b && b !== 0) {
b = this.lightnessFactor
var a = this.getHSL();
a[2] = Ext.Number.constrain(a[2] + b, 0, 1);
return Ext.draw.Color.fromHSL(a[0], a[1], a[2])
createDarker: function(a) {
if (!a && a !== 0) {
a = this.lightnessFactor
return this.createLighter(-a)
toString: function() {
var f = this,
c = Math.round;
if (f.a === 1) {
var e = c(f.r).toString(16),
d = c(f.g).toString(16),
a = c(f.b).toString(16);
e = (e.length === 1) ? "0" + e : e;
d = (d.length === 1) ? "0" + d : d;
a = (a.length === 1) ? "0" + a : a;
return ["#", e, d, a].join("")
} else {
return "rgba(" + [c(f.r), c(f.g), c(f.b), f.a === 0 ? 0 : f.a.toFixed(15)].join(", ") + ")"
toHex: function(b) {
if (Ext.isArray(b)) {
b = b[0]
if (!Ext.isString(b)) {
return ""
if (b.substr(0, 1) === "#") {
return b
var e = Ext.draw.Color.colorToHexRe.exec(b);
if (Ext.isArray(e)) {
var f = parseInt(e[2], 10),
d = parseInt(e[3], 10),
a = parseInt(e[4], 10),
c = a | (d << 8) | (f << 16);
return e[1] + "#" + ("000000" + c.toString(16)).slice(-6)
} else {
return ""
setFromString: function(j) {
var e, h, f, c, d = 1,
i = parseInt;
if (j === Ext.draw.Color.NONE) {
this.r = this.g = this.b = this.a = 0;
return this
if ((j.length === 4 || j.length === 7) && j.substr(0, 1) === "#") {
e = j.match(Ext.draw.Color.hexRe);
if (e) {
h = i(e[1], 16) >> 0;
f = i(e[2], 16) >> 0;
c = i(e[3], 16) >> 0;
if (j.length === 4) {
h += (h * 16);
f += (f * 16);
c += (c * 16)
} else {
if ((e = j.match(Ext.draw.Color.rgbToHexRe))) {
h = +e[1];
f = +e[2];
c = +e[3]
} else {
if ((e = j.match(Ext.draw.Color.rgbaToHexRe))) {
h = +e[1];
f = +e[2];
c = +e[3];
d = +e[4]
} else {
if (Ext.draw.Color.ColorList.hasOwnProperty(j.toLowerCase())) {
return this.setFromString(Ext.draw.Color.ColorList[j.toLowerCase()])
if (typeof h === "undefined") {
return this
this.r = h;
this.g = f;
this.b = c;
this.a = d;
return this
}, function() {
var a = new this();
fly: function(f, e, c, d) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
case 3:
case 4:
a.setRGB(f, e, c, d);
return null
return a
ColorList: {
aliceblue: "#f0f8ff",
antiquewhite: "#faebd7",
aqua: "#00ffff",
aquamarine: "#7fffd4",
azure: "#f0ffff",
beige: "#f5f5dc",
bisque: "#ffe4c4",
black: "#000000",
blanchedalmond: "#ffebcd",
blue: "#0000ff",
blueviolet: "#8a2be2",
brown: "#a52a2a",
burlywood: "#deb887",
cadetblue: "#5f9ea0",
chartreuse: "#7fff00",
chocolate: "#d2691e",
coral: "#ff7f50",
cornflowerblue: "#6495ed",
cornsilk: "#fff8dc",
crimson: "#dc143c",
cyan: "#00ffff",
darkblue: "#00008b",
darkcyan: "#008b8b",
darkgoldenrod: "#b8860b",
darkgray: "#a9a9a9",
darkgreen: "#006400",
darkkhaki: "#bdb76b",
darkmagenta: "#8b008b",
darkolivegreen: "#556b2f",
darkorange: "#ff8c00",
darkorchid: "#9932cc",
darkred: "#8b0000",
darksalmon: "#e9967a",
darkseagreen: "#8fbc8f",
darkslateblue: "#483d8b",
darkslategray: "#2f4f4f",
darkturquoise: "#00ced1",
darkviolet: "#9400d3",
deeppink: "#ff1493",
deepskyblue: "#00bfff",
dimgray: "#696969",
dodgerblue: "#1e90ff",
firebrick: "#b22222",
floralwhite: "#fffaf0",
forestgreen: "#228b22",
fuchsia: "#ff00ff",
gainsboro: "#dcdcdc",
ghostwhite: "#f8f8ff",
gold: "#ffd700",
goldenrod: "#daa520",
gray: "#808080",
green: "#008000",
greenyellow: "#adff2f",
honeydew: "#f0fff0",
hotpink: "#ff69b4",
indianred: "#cd5c5c",
indigo: "#4b0082",
ivory: "#fffff0",
khaki: "#f0e68c",
lavender: "#e6e6fa",
lavenderblush: "#fff0f5",
lawngreen: "#7cfc00",
lemonchiffon: "#fffacd",
lightblue: "#add8e6",
lightcoral: "#f08080",
lightcyan: "#e0ffff",
lightgoldenrodyellow: "#fafad2",
lightgray: "#d3d3d3",
lightgrey: "#d3d3d3",
lightgreen: "#90ee90",
lightpink: "#ffb6c1",
lightsalmon: "#ffa07a",
lightseagreen: "#20b2aa",
lightskyblue: "#87cefa",
lightslategray: "#778899",
lightsteelblue: "#b0c4de",
lightyellow: "#ffffe0",
lime: "#00ff00",
limegreen: "#32cd32",
linen: "#faf0e6",
magenta: "#ff00ff",
maroon: "#800000",
mediumaquamarine: "#66cdaa",
mediumblue: "#0000cd",
mediumorchid: "#ba55d3",
mediumpurple: "#9370d8",
mediumseagreen: "#3cb371",
mediumslateblue: "#7b68ee",
mediumspringgreen: "#00fa9a",
mediumturquoise: "#48d1cc",
mediumvioletred: "#c71585",
midnightblue: "#191970",
mintcream: "#f5fffa",
mistyrose: "#ffe4e1",
moccasin: "#ffe4b5",
navajowhite: "#ffdead",
navy: "#000080",
oldlace: "#fdf5e6",
olive: "#808000",
olivedrab: "#6b8e23",
orange: "#ffa500",
orangered: "#ff4500",
orchid: "#da70d6",
palegoldenrod: "#eee8aa",
palegreen: "#98fb98",
paleturquoise: "#afeeee",
palevioletred: "#d87093",
papayawhip: "#ffefd5",
peachpuff: "#ffdab9",
peru: "#cd853f",
pink: "#ffc0cb",
plum: "#dda0dd",
powderblue: "#b0e0e6",
purple: "#800080",
red: "#ff0000",
rosybrown: "#bc8f8f",
royalblue: "#4169e1",
saddlebrown: "#8b4513",
salmon: "#fa8072",
sandybrown: "#f4a460",
seagreen: "#2e8b57",
seashell: "#fff5ee",
sienna: "#a0522d",
silver: "#c0c0c0",
skyblue: "#87ceeb",
slateblue: "#6a5acd",
slategray: "#708090",
snow: "#fffafa",
springgreen: "#00ff7f",
steelblue: "#4682b4",
tan: "#d2b48c",
teal: "#008080",
thistle: "#d8bfd8",
tomato: "#ff6347",
turquoise: "#40e0d0",
violet: "#ee82ee",
wheat: "#f5deb3",
white: "#ffffff",
whitesmoke: "#f5f5f5",
yellow: "#ffff00",
yellowgreen: "#9acd32"
fromHSL: function(d, c, b) {
return (new this(0, 0, 0, 0)).setHSL(d, c, b)
fromHSV: function(d, c, b) {
return (new this(0, 0, 0, 0)).setHSL(d, c, b)
fromString: function(b) {
return (new this(0, 0, 0, 0)).setFromString(b)
create: function(b) {
if (b instanceof this) {
return b
} else {
if (Ext.isArray(b)) {
return new Ext.draw.Color(b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3])
} else {
if (Ext.isString(b)) {
return Ext.draw.Color.fromString(b)
} else {
if (arguments.length > 2) {
return new Ext.draw.Color(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3])
} else {
return new Ext.draw.Color(0, 0, 0, 0)
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.AnimationParser", function() {
function a(d, c, b) {
return d + (c - d) * b
return {
singleton: true,
attributeRe: /^url\(#([a-zA-Z\-]+)\)$/,
requires: ["Ext.draw.Color"],
color: {
parseInitial: function(c, b) {
if (Ext.isString(c)) {
c = Ext.draw.Color.create(c)
if (Ext.isString(b)) {
b = Ext.draw.Color.create(b)
if ((c instanceof Ext.draw.Color) && (b instanceof Ext.draw.Color)) {
return [
[c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a],
[b.r, b.g, b.b, b.a]
} else {
return [c || b, b || c]
compute: function(d, c, b) {
if (!Ext.isArray(d) || !Ext.isArray(c)) {
return c || d
} else {
return [a(d[0], c[0], b), a(d[1], c[1], b), a(d[2], c[2], b), a(d[3], c[3], b)]
serve: function(c) {
var b =[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
return b.toString()
number: {
parse: function(b) {
return b === null ? null : +b
compute: function(d, c, b) {
if (!Ext.isNumber(d) || !Ext.isNumber(c)) {
return c || d
} else {
return a(d, c, b)
angle: {
parseInitial: function(c, b) {
if (b - c > Math.PI) {
b -= Math.PI * 2
} else {
if (b - c < -Math.PI) {
b += Math.PI * 2
return [c, b]
compute: function(d, c, b) {
if (!Ext.isNumber(d) || !Ext.isNumber(c)) {
return c || d
} else {
return a(d, c, b)
path: {
parseInitial: function(m, n) {
var c = m.toStripes(),
o = n.toStripes(),
e, d, k = c.length,
p = o.length,
h, f, b, g = o[p - 1],
l = [g[g.length - 2], g[g.length - 1]];
for (e = k; e < p; e++) {
c.push(c[k - 1].slice(0))
for (e = p; e < k; e++) {
b = c.length;
o.path = n;
o.temp = new Ext.draw.Path();
for (e = 0; e < b; e++) {
h = c[e];
f = o[e];
k = h.length;
p = f.length;
for (d = p; d < k; d += 6) {
f.push(l[0], l[1], l[0], l[1], l[0], l[1])
g = o[o.length - 1];
l = [g[g.length - 2], g[g.length - 1]];
for (d = k; d < p; d += 6) {
h.push(l[0], l[1], l[0], l[1], l[0], l[1])
for (e = 0; e < f.length; e++) {
f[e] -= h[e]
for (e = 2; e < f.length; e += 6) {
return [c, o]
compute: function(c, l, m) {
if (m >= 1) {
return l.path
var e = 0,
f = c.length,
d = 0,
b, k, h, n = l.temp.params,
g = 0;
for (; e < f; e++) {
k = c[e];
h = l[e];
b = k.length;
for (d = 0; d < b; d++) {
n[g++] = h[d] * m + k[d]
return l.temp
data: {
compute: function(h, j, k, g) {
var m = h.length - 1,
b = j.length - 1,
e = Math.max(m, b),
d, l, c;
if (!g || g === h) {
g = []
g.length = e + 1;
for (c = 0; c <= e; c++) {
d = h[Math.min(c, m)];
l = j[Math.min(c, b)];
if (Ext.isNumber(d)) {
if (!Ext.isNumber(l)) {
l = 0
g[c] = (l - d) * k + d
} else {
g[c] = l
return g
text: {
compute: function(d, c, b) {
return d.substr(0, Math.round(d.length * (1 - b))) + c.substr(Math.round(c.length * (1 - b)))
limited: "number",
limited01: "number"
(function() {
if (! {
var a = function(d) {
if (typeof d === "number") {
this.length = d
} else {
if ("length" in d) {
this.length = d.length;
for (var c = 0, b = d.length; c < b; c++) {
this[c] = +d[c]
a.prototype = []; = a
Ext.define("Ext.draw.Draw", {
singleton: true,
radian: Math.PI / 180,
pi2: Math.PI * 2,
reflectFn: function(b) {
return b
rad: function(a) {
return (a % 360) * this.radian
degrees: function(a) {
return (a / this.radian) % 360
isBBoxIntersect: function(b, a, c) {
c = c || 0;
return (Math.max(b.x, a.x) - c > Math.min(b.x + b.width, a.x + a.width)) || (Math.max(b.y, a.y) - c > Math.min(b.y + b.height, a.y + a.height))
isPointInBBox: function(a, c, b) {
return !!b && a >= b.x && a <= (b.x + b.width) && c >= b.y && c <= (b.y + b.height)
spline: function(m) {
var e, c, k = m.length,
b, h, l, f, a = 0,
g = new Float32Array(m.length),
n = new Float32Array(m.length * 3 - 2);
g[0] = 0;
g[k - 1] = 0;
for (e = 1; e < k - 1; e++) {
g[e] = (m[e + 1] + m[e - 1] - 2 * m[e]) - g[e - 1];
a = 1 / (4 - a);
g[e] *= a
for (e = k - 2; e > 0; e--) {
a = 3.732050807568877 + 48.248711305964385 / (-13.928203230275537 + Math.pow(0.07179676972449123, e));
g[e] -= g[e + 1] * a
f = m[0];
b = f - g[0];
for (e = 0, c = 0; e < k - 1; c += 3) {
l = f;
h = b;
f = m[e];
b = f - g[e];
n[c] = l;
n[c + 1] = (b + 2 * h) / 3;
n[c + 2] = (b * 2 + h) / 3
n[c] = f;
return n
getAnchors: function(e, d, i, h, t, s, o) {
o = o || 4;
var n = Math.PI,
p = n / 2,
k = Math.abs,
a = Math.sin,
b = Math.cos,
f = Math.atan,
r, q, g, j, m, l, v, u, c;
r = (i - e) / o;
q = (t - i) / o;
if ((h >= d && h >= s) || (h <= d && h <= s)) {
g = j = p
} else {
g = f((i - e) / k(h - d));
if (d < h) {
g = n - g
j = f((t - i) / k(h - s));
if (s < h) {
j = n - j
c = p - ((g + j) % (n * 2)) / 2;
if (c > p) {
c -= n
g += c;
j += c;
m = i - r * a(g);
l = h + r * b(g);
v = i + q * a(j);
u = h + q * b(j);
if ((h > d && l < d) || (h < d && l > d)) {
m += k(d - l) * (m - i) / (l - h);
l = d
if ((h > s && u < s) || (h < s && u > s)) {
v -= k(s - u) * (v - i) / (u - h);
u = s
return {
x1: m,
y1: l,
x2: v,
y2: u
smooth: function(l, j, o) {
var k = l.length,
h, g, c, b, q, p, n, m, f = [],
e = [],
d, a;
for (d = 0; d < k - 1; d++) {
h = l[d];
g = j[d];
if (d === 0) {
n = h;
m = g;
if (k === 1) {
c = l[d + 1];
b = j[d + 1];
q = l[d + 2];
p = j[d + 2];
if (!Ext.isNumber(q + p)) {
f.push(n, c, c);
e.push(m, b, b);
a = this.getAnchors(h, g, c, b, q, p, o);
f.push(n, a.x1, c);
e.push(m, a.y1, b);
n = a.x2;
m = a.y2
return {
smoothX: f,
smoothY: e
beginUpdateIOS: ? function() {
this.iosUpdateEl = Ext.getBody().createChild({
style: "position: absolute; top: 0px; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.001); z-index: 100000"
} : Ext.emptyFn,
endUpdateIOS: function() {
this.iosUpdateEl = Ext.destroy(this.iosUpdateEl)
Ext.define("Ext.draw.gradient.Gradient", {
requires: ["Ext.draw.Color"],
isGradient: true,
config: {
stops: []
applyStops: function(f) {
var e = [],
d = f.length,
c, b, a;
for (c = 0; c < d; c++) {
b = f[c];
a = b.color;
if (!(a && a.isColor)) {
a = || Ext.draw.Color.NONE)
offset: Math.min(1, Math.max(0, "offset" in b ? b.offset : b.position || 0)),
color: a.toString()
e.sort(function(h, g) {
return h.offset - g.offset
return e
onClassExtended: function(a, b) {
if (!b.alias && b.type) {
b.alias = "gradient." + b.type
constructor: function(a) {
generateGradient: Ext.emptyFn
Ext.define("Ext.draw.gradient.GradientDefinition", {
singleton: true,
urlStringRe: /^url\(#([\w\-]+)\)$/,
gradients: {},
add: function(a) {
var b = this.gradients,
c, e, d;
for (c = 0, e = a.length; c < e; c++) {
d = a[c];
if (Ext.isString( {
b[] = d
get: function(d) {
var a = this.gradients,
b = d.match(this.urlStringRe),
if (b && b[1] && (c = a[b[1]])) {
return c || d
return d
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.AttributeParser", {
singleton: true,
attributeRe: /^url\(#([a-zA-Z\-]+)\)$/,
requires: ["Ext.draw.Color", "Ext.draw.gradient.GradientDefinition"],
"default": Ext.identityFn,
string: function(a) {
return String(a)
number: function(a) {
if (Ext.isNumber(+a)) {
return a
angle: function(a) {
if (Ext.isNumber(a)) {
a %= Math.PI * 2;
if (a < -Math.PI) {
a += Math.PI * 2
} else {
if (a >= Math.PI) {
a -= Math.PI * 2
return a
data: function(a) {
if (Ext.isArray(a)) {
return a.slice()
} else {
if (a instanceof Float32Array) {
return new Float32Array(a)
bool: function(a) {
return !!a
color: function(a) {
if (a instanceof Ext.draw.Color) {
return a.toString()
} else {
if (a instanceof Ext.draw.gradient.Gradient) {
return a
} else {
if (!a) {
return Ext.draw.Color.NONE
} else {
if (Ext.isString(a)) {
if (a.substr(0, 3) === "url") {
a = Ext.draw.gradient.GradientDefinition.get(a);
if (Ext.isString(a)) {
return a
} else {
if (a.type === "linear") {
return Ext.create("Ext.draw.gradient.Linear", a)
} else {
if (a.type === "radial") {
return Ext.create("Ext.draw.gradient.Radial", a)
} else {
if (a.type === "pattern") {
return Ext.create("Ext.draw.gradient.Pattern", a)
} else {
return Ext.draw.Color.NONE
limited: function(a, b) {
return function(c) {
c = +c;
return Ext.isNumber(c) ? Math.min(Math.max(c, a), b) : undefined
limited01: function(a) {
a = +a;
return Ext.isNumber(a) ? Math.min(Math.max(a, 0), 1) : undefined
enums: function() {
var d = {},
a =, 0),
b, c;
for (b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) {
d[a[b]] = true
return function(e) {
return e in d ? e : undefined
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.AttributeDefinition", {
requires: ["Ext.draw.sprite.AttributeParser", "Ext.draw.sprite.AnimationParser"],
config: {
defaults: {
$value: {},
lazy: true
aliases: {},
animationProcessors: {},
processors: {
$value: {},
lazy: true
dirtyTriggers: {},
triggers: {},
updaters: {}
inheritableStatics: {
processorFactoryRe: /^(\w+)\(([\w\-,]*)\)$/
spriteClass: null,
constructor: function(a) {
var b = this;
applyDefaults: function(b, a) {
a = Ext.apply(a || {}, this.normalize(b));
return a
applyAliases: function(b, a) {
return Ext.apply(a || {}, b)
applyProcessors: function(e, i) {
var j = i || {},
h = Ext.draw.sprite.AttributeParser,
a = this.self.processorFactoryRe,
g = {},
d, b, c, f;
for (b in e) {
f = e[b];
if (typeof f === "string") {
c = f.match(a);
if (c) {
f = h[c[1]].apply(h, c[2].split(","))
} else {
if (h[f]) {
g[b] = f;
d = true;
f = h[f]
j[b] = f
if (d) {
return j
applyAnimationProcessors: function(c, a) {
var e = Ext.draw.sprite.AnimationParser,
b, d;
if (!a) {
a = {}
for (b in c) {
d = c[b];
if (d === "none") {
a[b] = null
} else {
if (Ext.isString(d) && !(b in a)) {
if (d in e) {
while (Ext.isString(e[d])) {
d = e[d]
a[b] = e[d]
} else {
if (Ext.isObject(d)) {
a[b] = d
return a
updateDirtyTriggers: function(a) {
applyTriggers: function(b, c) {
if (!c) {
c = {}
for (var a in b) {
c[a] = b[a].split(",")
return c
applyUpdaters: function(b, a) {
return Ext.apply(a || {}, b)
batchedNormalize: function(f, n) {
if (!f) {
return {}
var j = this.getProcessors(),
d = this.getAliases(),
a = f.translation || f.translate,
o = {},
g, h, b, e, p, c, m, l, k;
if ("rotation" in f) {
p = f.rotation
} else {
p = ("rotate" in f) ? f.rotate : undefined
if ("scaling" in f) {
c = f.scaling
} else {
c = ("scale" in f) ? f.scale : undefined
if (typeof c !== "undefined") {
if (Ext.isNumber(c)) {
o.scalingX = c;
o.scalingY = c
} else {
if ("x" in c) {
o.scalingX = c.x
if ("y" in c) {
o.scalingY = c.y
if ("centerX" in c) {
o.scalingCenterX = c.centerX
if ("centerY" in c) {
o.scalingCenterY = c.centerY
if (typeof p !== "undefined") {
if (Ext.isNumber(p)) {
p = Ext.draw.Draw.rad(p);
o.rotationRads = p
} else {
if ("rads" in p) {
o.rotationRads = p.rads
} else {
if ("degrees" in p) {
if (Ext.isArray(p.degrees)) {
o.rotationRads =, function(i) {
return Ext.draw.Draw.rad(i)
} else {
o.rotationRads = Ext.draw.Draw.rad(p.degrees)
if ("centerX" in p) {
o.rotationCenterX = p.centerX
if ("centerY" in p) {
o.rotationCenterY = p.centerY
if (typeof a !== "undefined") {
if ("x" in a) {
o.translationX = a.x
if ("y" in a) {
o.translationY = a.y
if ("matrix" in f) {
m = Ext.draw.Matrix.create(f.matrix);
k = m.split();
o.matrix = m;
o.rotationRads = k.rotation;
o.rotationCenterX = 0;
o.rotationCenterY = 0;
o.scalingX = k.scaleX;
o.scalingY = k.scaleY;
o.scalingCenterX = 0;
o.scalingCenterY = 0;
o.translationX = k.translateX;
o.translationY = k.translateY
for (b in f) {
e = f[b];
if (typeof e === "undefined") {
} else {
if (Ext.isArray(e)) {
if (b in d) {
b = d[b]
if (b in j) {
o[b] = [];
for (g = 0, h = e.length; g < h; g++) {
l = j[b].call(this, e[g]);
if (typeof l !== "undefined") {
o[b][g] = l
} else {
if (n) {
o[b] = e
} else {
if (b in d) {
b = d[b]
if (b in j) {
e = j[b].call(this, e);
if (typeof e !== "undefined") {
o[b] = e
} else {
if (n) {
o[b] = e
return o
normalize: function(i, j) {
if (!i) {
return {}
var f = this.getProcessors(),
d = this.getAliases(),
a = i.translation || i.translate,
k = {},
b, e, l, c, h, g;
if ("rotation" in i) {
l = i.rotation
} else {
l = ("rotate" in i) ? i.rotate : undefined
if ("scaling" in i) {
c = i.scaling
} else {
c = ("scale" in i) ? i.scale : undefined
if (a) {
if ("x" in a) {
k.translationX = a.x
if ("y" in a) {
k.translationY = a.y
if (typeof c !== "undefined") {
if (Ext.isNumber(c)) {
k.scalingX = c;
k.scalingY = c
} else {
if ("x" in c) {
k.scalingX = c.x
if ("y" in c) {
k.scalingY = c.y
if ("centerX" in c) {
k.scalingCenterX = c.centerX
if ("centerY" in c) {
k.scalingCenterY = c.centerY
if (typeof l !== "undefined") {
if (Ext.isNumber(l)) {
l = Ext.draw.Draw.rad(l);
k.rotationRads = l
} else {
if ("rads" in l) {
k.rotationRads = l.rads
} else {
if ("degrees" in l) {
k.rotationRads = Ext.draw.Draw.rad(l.degrees)
if ("centerX" in l) {
k.rotationCenterX = l.centerX
if ("centerY" in l) {
k.rotationCenterY = l.centerY
if ("matrix" in i) {
h = Ext.draw.Matrix.create(i.matrix);
g = h.split();
k.matrix = h;
k.rotationRads = g.rotation;
k.rotationCenterX = 0;
k.rotationCenterY = 0;
k.scalingX = g.scaleX;
k.scalingY = g.scaleY;
k.scalingCenterX = 0;
k.scalingCenterY = 0;
k.translationX = g.translateX;
k.translationY = g.translateY
for (b in i) {
e = i[b];
if (typeof e === "undefined") {
if (b in d) {
b = d[b]
if (b in f) {
e = f[b].call(this, e);
if (typeof e !== "undefined") {
k[b] = e
} else {
if (j) {
k[b] = e
return k
setBypassingNormalization: function(a, c, b) {
return c.pushDown(a, b)
set: function(a, c, b) {
b = this.normalize(b);
return this.setBypassingNormalization(a, c, b)
Ext.define("Ext.draw.Matrix", {
isMatrix: true,
statics: {
createAffineMatrixFromTwoPair: function(h, t, g, s, k, o, i, j) {
var v = g - h,
u = s - t,
e = i - k,
q = j - o,
d = 1 / (v * v + u * u),
p = v * e + u * q,
n = e * u - v * q,
m = -p * h - n * t,
l = n * h - p * t;
return new this(p * d, -n * d, n * d, p * d, m * d + k, l * d + o)
createPanZoomFromTwoPair: function(q, e, p, c, h, s, n, g) {
if (arguments.length === 2) {
return this.createPanZoomFromTwoPair.apply(this, q.concat(e))
var k = p - q,
j = c - e,
d = (q + p) * 0.5,
b = (e + c) * 0.5,
o = n - h,
a = g - s,
f = (h + n) * 0.5,
l = (s + g) * 0.5,
m = k * k + j * j,
i = o * o + a * a,
t = Math.sqrt(i / m);
return new this(t, 0, 0, t, f - t * d, l - t * b)
fly: (function() {
var a = null,
b = function(c) {
a.elements = c;
return a
return function(c) {
if (!a) {
a = new Ext.draw.Matrix()
a.elements = c; = b;
return a
create: function(a) {
if (a instanceof this) {
return a
return new this(a)
constructor: function(e, d, a, f, c, b) {
if (e && e.length === 6) {
this.elements = e.slice()
} else {
if (e !== undefined) {
this.elements = [e, d, a, f, c, b]
} else {
this.elements = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
prepend: function(a, l, h, g, m, k) {
var b = this.elements,
d = b[0],
j = b[1],
e = b[2],
c = b[3],
i = b[4],
f = b[5];
b[0] = a * d + h * j;
b[1] = l * d + g * j;
b[2] = a * e + h * c;
b[3] = l * e + g * c;
b[4] = a * i + h * f + m;
b[5] = l * i + g * f + k;
return this
prependMatrix: function(a) {
return this.prepend.apply(this, a.elements)
append: function(a, l, h, g, m, k) {
var b = this.elements,
d = b[0],
j = b[1],
e = b[2],
c = b[3],
i = b[4],
f = b[5];
b[0] = a * d + l * e;
b[1] = a * j + l * c;
b[2] = h * d + g * e;
b[3] = h * j + g * c;
b[4] = m * d + k * e + i;
b[5] = m * j + k * c + f;
return this
appendMatrix: function(a) {
return this.append.apply(this, a.elements)
set: function(f, e, a, g, c, b) {
var d = this.elements;
d[0] = f;
d[1] = e;
d[2] = a;
d[3] = g;
d[4] = c;
d[5] = b;
return this
inverse: function(i) {
var g = this.elements,
o = g[0],
m = g[1],
l = g[2],
k = g[3],
j = g[4],
h = g[5],
n = 1 / (o * k - m * l);
o *= n;
m *= n;
l *= n;
k *= n;
if (i) {
i.set(k, -m, -l, o, l * h - k * j, m * j - o * h);
return i
} else {
return new Ext.draw.Matrix(k, -m, -l, o, l * h - k * j, m * j - o * h)
translate: function(a, c, b) {
if (b) {
return this.prepend(1, 0, 0, 1, a, c)
} else {
return this.append(1, 0, 0, 1, a, c)
scale: function(f, e, c, a, b) {
var d = this;
if (e == null) {
e = f
if (c === undefined) {
c = 0
if (a === undefined) {
a = 0
if (b) {
return d.prepend(f, 0, 0, e, c - c * f, a - a * e)
} else {
return d.append(f, 0, 0, e, c - c * f, a - a * e)
rotate: function(g, e, c, b) {
var d = this,
f = Math.cos(g),
a = Math.sin(g);
e = e || 0;
c = c || 0;
if (b) {
return d.prepend(f, a, -a, f, e - f * e + c * a, c - f * c - e * a)
} else {
return d.append(f, a, -a, f, e - f * e + c * a, c - f * c - e * a)
rotateFromVector: function(a, h, c) {
var e = this,
g = Math.sqrt(a * a + h * h),
f = a / g,
b = h / g;
if (c) {
return e.prepend(f, b, -b, f, 0, 0)
} else {
return e.append(f, b, -b, f, 0, 0)
clone: function() {
return new Ext.draw.Matrix(this.elements)
flipX: function() {
return this.append(-1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
flipY: function() {
return this.append(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0)
skewX: function(a) {
return this.append(1, 0, Math.tan(a), 1, 0, 0)
skewY: function(a) {
return this.append(1, Math.tan(a), 0, 1, 0, 0)
shearX: function(a) {
return this.append(1, 0, a, 1, 0, 0)
shearY: function(a) {
return this.append(1, a, 0, 1, 0, 0)
reset: function() {
return this.set(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
precisionCompensate: function(j, g) {
var c = this.elements,
f = c[0],
e = c[1],
i = c[2],
h = c[3],
d = c[4],
b = c[5],
a = e * i - f * h;
g.b = j * e / f;
g.c = j * i / h;
g.d = j;
g.xx = f / j;
g.yy = h / j;
g.dx = (b * f * i - d * f * h) / a / j;
g.dy = (d * e * h - b * f * h) / a / j
precisionCompensateRect: function(j, g) {
var b = this.elements,
f = b[0],
e = b[1],
i = b[2],
h = b[3],
c = b[4],
a = b[5],
d = i / f;
g.b = j * e / f;
g.c = j * d;
g.d = j * h / f;
g.xx = f / j;
g.yy = f / j;
g.dx = (a * i - c * h) / (e * d - h) / j;
g.dy = -(a * f - c * e) / (e * d - h) / j
x: function(a, c) {
var b = this.elements;
return a * b[0] + c * b[2] + b[4]
y: function(a, c) {
var b = this.elements;
return a * b[1] + c * b[3] + b[5]
get: function(b, a) {
return +this.elements[b + a * 2].toFixed(4)
transformPoint: function(b) {
var c = this.elements,
a, d;
if (b.isPoint) {
a = b.x;
d = b.y
} else {
a = b[0];
d = b[1]
return [a * c[0] + d * c[2] + c[4], a * c[1] + d * c[3] + c[5]]
transformBBox: function(q, i, j) {
var b = this.elements,
d = q.x,
r = q.y,
g = q.width * 0.5,
o = q.height * 0.5,
a = b[0],
s = b[1],
n = b[2],
k = b[3],
e = d + g,
c = r + o,
p, f, m;
if (i) {
g -= i;
o -= i;
m = [Math.sqrt(b[0] * b[0] + b[2] * b[2]), Math.sqrt(b[1] * b[1] + b[3] * b[3])];
p = Math.abs(g * a) + Math.abs(o * n) + Math.abs(m[0] * i);
f = Math.abs(g * s) + Math.abs(o * k) + Math.abs(m[1] * i)
} else {
p = Math.abs(g * a) + Math.abs(o * n);
f = Math.abs(g * s) + Math.abs(o * k)
if (!j) {
j = {}
j.x = e * a + c * n + b[4] - p;
j.y = e * s + c * k + b[5] - f;
j.width = p + p;
j.height = f + f;
return j
transformList: function(e) {
var b = this.elements,
a = b[0],
h = b[2],
l = b[4],
k = b[1],
g = b[3],
j = b[5],
f = e.length,
c, d;
for (d = 0; d < f; d++) {
c = e[d];
e[d] = [c[0] * a + c[1] * h + l, c[0] * k + c[1] * g + j]
return e
isIdentity: function() {
var a = this.elements;
return a[0] === 1 && a[1] === 0 && a[2] === 0 && a[3] === 1 && a[4] === 0 && a[5] === 0
isEqual: function(a) {
var c = a && a.isMatrix ? a.elements : a,
b = this.elements;
return b[0] === c[0] && b[1] === c[1] && b[2] === c[2] && b[3] === c[3] && b[4] === c[4] && b[5] === c[5]
equals: function(a) {
return this.isEqual(a)
toArray: function() {
var a = this.elements;
return [a[0], a[2], a[4], a[1], a[3], a[5]]
toVerticalArray: function() {
return this.elements.slice()
toString: function() {
var a = this;
return [a.get(0, 0), a.get(0, 1), a.get(1, 0), a.get(1, 1), a.get(2, 0), a.get(2, 1)].join(",")
toContext: function(a) {
a.transform.apply(a, this.elements);
return this
toSvg: function() {
var a = this.elements;
return "matrix(" + a[0].toFixed(9) + "," + a[1].toFixed(9) + "," + a[2].toFixed(9) + "," + a[3].toFixed(9) + "," + a[4].toFixed(9) + "," + a[5].toFixed(9) + ")"
getScaleX: function() {
var a = this.elements;
return Math.sqrt(a[0] * a[0] + a[2] * a[2])
getScaleY: function() {
var a = this.elements;
return Math.sqrt(a[1] * a[1] + a[3] * a[3])
getXX: function() {
return this.elements[0]
getXY: function() {
return this.elements[1]
getYX: function() {
return this.elements[2]
getYY: function() {
return this.elements[3]
getDX: function() {
return this.elements[4]
getDY: function() {
return this.elements[5]
split: function() {
var b = this.elements,
d = b[0],
c = b[1],
e = b[3],
a = {
translateX: b[4],
translateY: b[5]
a.rotate = a.rotation = Math.atan2(c, d);
a.scaleX = d / Math.cos(a.rotate);
a.scaleY = e / d * a.scaleX;
return a
}, function() {
function b(e, c, d) {
e[c] = {
get: function() {
return this.elements[d]
set: function(f) {
this.elements[d] = f
if (Object.defineProperties) {
var a = {};
b(a, "a", 0);
b(a, "b", 1);
b(a, "c", 2);
b(a, "d", 3);
b(a, "e", 4);
b(a, "f", 5);
Object.defineProperties(this.prototype, a)
this.prototype.multiply = this.prototype.appendMatrix
Ext.define("Ext.draw.modifier.Modifier", {
mixins: {
observable: "Ext.mixin.Observable"
config: {
previous: null,
next: null,
sprite: null
constructor: function(a) {, a)
updateNext: function(a) {
if (a) {
updatePrevious: function(a) {
if (a) {
prepareAttributes: function(a) {
if (this._previous) {
popUp: function(a, b) {
if (this._next) {
this._next.popUp(a, b)
} else {
Ext.apply(a, b)
pushDown: function(a, c) {
if (this._previous) {
return this._previous.pushDown(a, c)
} else {
for (var b in c) {
if (c[b] === a[b]) {
delete c[b]
return c
Ext.define("Ext.draw.modifier.Target", {
requires: ["Ext.draw.Matrix"],
extend: "Ext.draw.modifier.Modifier",
alias: "",
statics: {
uniqueId: 0
prepareAttributes: function(a) {
var b = this.getPrevious();
if (b) {
a.attributeId = "attribute-" + Ext.draw.modifier.Target.uniqueId++;
if (!a.hasOwnProperty("canvasAttributes")) {
a.bbox = {
plain: {
dirty: true
transform: {
dirty: true
a.dirty = true;
a.pendingUpdaters = {};
a.canvasAttributes = {};
a.matrix = new Ext.draw.Matrix();
a.inverseMatrix = new Ext.draw.Matrix()
applyChanges: function(f, k) {
Ext.apply(f, k);
var l = this.getSprite(),
o = f.pendingUpdaters,
h = l.self.def.getTriggers(),
p, a, m, b, e, n, d, c, g;
for (b in k) {
e = true;
if ((p = h[b])) {
l.scheduleUpdaters(f, p, [b])
if (f.template && k.removeFromInstance && k.removeFromInstance[b]) {
delete f[b]
if (!e) {
if (o.canvas) {
n = o.canvas;
delete o.canvas;
for (d = 0, g = n.length; d < g; d++) {
b = n[d];
f.canvasAttributes[b] = f[b]
if (f.hasOwnProperty("children")) {
a = f.children;
for (d = 0, g = a.length; d < g; d++) {
m = a[d];
Ext.apply(m.pendingUpdaters, o);
if (n) {
for (c = 0; c < n.length; c++) {
b = n[c];
m.canvasAttributes[b] = m[b]
popUp: function(a, b) {
this.applyChanges(a, b)
pushDown: function(a, b) {
var c = this.getPrevious();
if (c) {
b = c.pushDown(a, b)
this.applyChanges(a, b);
return b
Ext.define("Ext.draw.TimingFunctions", function() {
var g = Math.pow,
j = Math.sin,
m = Math.cos,
l = Math.sqrt,
e = Math.PI,
b = ["quad", "cube", "quart", "quint"],
c = {
pow: function(o, i) {
return g(o, i || 6)
expo: function(i) {
return g(2, 8 * (i - 1))
circ: function(i) {
return 1 - l(1 - i * i)
sine: function(i) {
return 1 - j((1 - i) * e / 2)
back: function(i, o) {
o = o || 1.616;
return i * i * ((o + 1) * i - o)
bounce: function(q) {
for (var o = 0, i = 1; 1; o += i, i /= 2) {
if (q >= (7 - 4 * o) / 11) {
return i * i - g((11 - 6 * o - 11 * q) / 4, 2)
elastic: function(o, i) {
return g(2, 10 * --o) * m(20 * o * e * (i || 1) / 3)
k = {},
a, f, d;
function h(i) {
return function(o) {
return g(o, i)
function n(i, o) {
k[i + "In"] = function(p) {
return o(p)
k[i + "Out"] = function(p) {
return 1 - o(1 - p)
k[i + "InOut"] = function(p) {
return (p <= 0.5) ? o(2 * p) / 2 : (2 - o(2 * (1 - p))) / 2
for (d = 0, f = b.length; d < f; ++d) {
c[b[d]] = h(d + 2)
for (a in c) {
n(a, c[a])
k.linear = Ext.identityFn;
k.easeIn = k.quadIn;
k.easeOut = k.quadOut;
k.easeInOut = k.quadInOut;
return {
singleton: true,
easingMap: k
}, function(a) {
Ext.apply(a, a.easingMap)
Ext.define("Ext.draw.Animator", {
uses: ["Ext.draw.Draw"],
singleton: true,
frameCallbacks: {},
frameCallbackId: 0,
scheduled: 0,
animations: [],
running: false,
animationTime: function() {
return Ext.AnimationQueue.frameStartTime - this.frameStartTimeOffset
add: function(b) {
var a = this;
if (!a.contains(b)) {
if ("fireEvent" in b) {
b.fireEvent("animationstart", b)
remove: function(d) {
var c = this,
e = c.animations,
b = 0,
a = e.length;
for (; b < a; ++b) {
if (e[b] === d) {
e.splice(b, 1);
if ("fireEvent" in d) {
d.fireEvent("animationend", d)
contains: function(a) {
return Ext.Array.indexOf(this.animations, a) > -1
empty: function() {
return this.animations.length === 0
step: function(d) {
var c = this,
f = c.animations,
e, a = 0,
b = f.length;
for (; a < b; a++) {
e = f[a];
if (!e.animating) {
f.splice(a, 1);
if (e.fireEvent) {
e.fireEvent("animationend", e)
schedule: function(c, a) {
a = a || this;
var b = "frameCallback" + (this.frameCallbackId++);
if (Ext.isString(c)) {
c = a[c]
Ext.draw.Animator.frameCallbacks[b] = {
fn: c,
scope: a,
once: true
return b
scheduleIf: function(e, b) {
b = b || this;
var c = Ext.draw.Animator.frameCallbacks,
a, d;
if (Ext.isString(e)) {
e = b[e]
for (d in c) {
a = c[d];
if (a.once && a.fn === e && a.scope === b) {
return null
return this.schedule(e, b)
cancel: function(a) {
if (Ext.draw.Animator.frameCallbacks[a] && Ext.draw.Animator.frameCallbacks[a].once) {
delete Ext.draw.Animator.frameCallbacks[a]
addFrameCallback: function(c, a) {
a = a || this;
if (Ext.isString(c)) {
c = a[c]
var b = "frameCallback" + (this.frameCallbackId++);
Ext.draw.Animator.frameCallbacks[b] = {
fn: c,
scope: a
return b
removeFrameCallback: function(a) {
delete Ext.draw.Animator.frameCallbacks[a]
fireFrameCallbacks: function() {
var c = this.frameCallbacks,
d, b, a;
for (d in c) {
a = c[d];
b = a.fn;
if (Ext.isString(b)) {
b = a.scope[b]
if (c[d] && a.once) {
delete c[d]
handleFrame: function() {
if (!this.scheduled && this.empty()) {
Ext.AnimationQueue.stop(this.handleFrame, this);
this.running = false;
ignite: function() {
if (!this.running) {
this.running = true;
Ext.AnimationQueue.start(this.handleFrame, this);
Ext.define("Ext.draw.modifier.Animation", {
requires: ["Ext.draw.TimingFunctions", "Ext.draw.Animator"],
extend: "Ext.draw.modifier.Modifier",
alias: "modifier.animation",
config: {
easing: Ext.identityFn,
duration: 0,
customEasings: {},
customDurations: {},
customDuration: null
constructor: function(a) {
var b = this;
b.anyAnimation = b.anySpecialAnimations = false;
b.animating = 0;
b.animatingPool = [];
prepareAttributes: function(a) {
if (!a.hasOwnProperty("timers")) {
a.animating = false;
a.timers = {};
a.animationOriginal = Ext.Object.chain(a);
a.animationOriginal.prototype = a
if (this._previous) {
updateSprite: function(a) {
updateDuration: function(a) {
this.anyAnimation = a > 0
applyEasing: function(a) {
if (typeof a === "string") {
a = Ext.draw.TimingFunctions.easingMap[a]
return a
applyCustomEasings: function(a, e) {
e = e || {};
var g, d, b, h, c, f;
for (d in a) {
g = true;
h = a[d];
b = d.split(",");
if (typeof h === "string") {
h = Ext.draw.TimingFunctions.easingMap[h]
for (c = 0, f = b.length; c < f; c++) {
e[b[c]] = h
if (g) {
this.anySpecialAnimations = g
return e
setEasingOn: function(a, e) {
a = Ext.Array.from(a).slice();
var c = {},
d = a.length,
b = 0;
for (; b < d; b++) {
c[a[b]] = e
clearEasingOn: function(a) {
a = Ext.Array.from(a, true);
var b = 0,
c = a.length;
for (; b < c; b++) {
delete this._customEasings[a[b]]
applyCustomDurations: function(g, h) {
h = h || {};
var e, c, f, a, b, d;
for (c in g) {
e = true;
f = g[c];
a = c.split(",");
for (b = 0, d = a.length; b < d; b++) {
h[a[b]] = f
if (e) {
this.anySpecialAnimations = e
return h
applyCustomDuration: function(a, b) {
if (a) {
setDurationOn: function(b, e) {
b = Ext.Array.from(b).slice();
var a = {},
c = 0,
d = b.length;
for (; c < d; c++) {
a[b[c]] = e
clearDurationOn: function(a) {
a = Ext.Array.from(a, true);
var b = 0,
c = a.length;
for (; b < c; b++) {
delete this._customDurations[a[b]]
setAnimating: function(a, b) {
var e = this,
d = e.animatingPool;
if (a.animating !== b) {
a.animating = b;
if (b) {
if (e.animating === 0) {
} else {
for (var c = d.length; c--;) {
if (d[c] === a) {
d.splice(c, 1)
e.animating = d.length
setAttrs: function(r, t) {
var s = this,
m = r.timers,
h = s._sprite.self.def._animationProcessors,
f = s._easing,
e = s._duration,
j = s._customDurations,
i = s._customEasings,
g = s.anySpecialAnimations,
n = s.anyAnimation || g,
o = r.animationOriginal,
d = false,
k, u, l, p, c, q, a;
if (!n) {
for (u in t) {
if (r[u] === t[u]) {
delete t[u]
} else {
r[u] = t[u]
delete o[u];
delete m[u]
return t
} else {
for (u in t) {
l = t[u];
p = r[u];
if (l !== p && p !== undefined && p !== null && (c = h[u])) {
q = f;
a = e;
if (g) {
if (u in i) {
q = i[u]
if (u in j) {
a = j[u]
if (p && p.isGradient || l && l.isGradient) {
a = 0
if (a) {
if (!m[u]) {
m[u] = {}
k = m[u];
k.start = 0;
k.easing = q;
k.duration = a;
k.compute = c.compute;
k.serve = c.serve || Ext.identityFn;
k.remove = t.removeFromInstance && t.removeFromInstance[u];
if (c.parseInitial) {
var b = c.parseInitial(p, l);
k.source = b[0]; = b[1]
} else {
if (c.parse) {
k.source = c.parse(p); = c.parse(l)
} else {
k.source = p; = l
o[u] = l;
delete t[u];
d = true;
} else {
delete o[u]
} else {
delete o[u]
delete m[u]
if (d && !r.animating) {
s.setAnimating(r, true)
return t
updateAttributes: function(g) {
if (!g.animating) {
return {}
var h = {},
e = false,
d = g.timers,
f = g.animationOriginal,
c = Ext.draw.Animator.animationTime(),
a, b, i;
if (g.lastUpdate === c) {
return null
for (a in d) {
b = d[a];
if (!b.start) {
b.start = c;
i = 0
} else {
i = (c - b.start) / b.duration
if (i >= 1) {
h[a] = f[a];
delete f[a];
if (d[a].remove) {
h.removeFromInstance = h.removeFromInstance || {};
h.removeFromInstance[a] = true
delete d[a]
} else {
h[a] = b.serve(b.compute(b.source,, b.easing(i), g[a]));
e = true
g.lastUpdate = c;
this.setAnimating(g, e);
return h
pushDown: function(a, b) {
b = this.callParent([a.animationOriginal, b]);
return this.setAttrs(a, b)
popUp: function(a, b) {
a = a.prototype;
b = this.setAttrs(a, b);
if (this._next) {
return this._next.popUp(a, b)
} else {
return Ext.apply(a, b)
step: function(g) {
var f = this,
c = f.animatingPool.slice(),
e = c.length,
b = 0,
a, d;
for (; b < e; b++) {
a = c[b];
d = f.updateAttributes(a);
if (d && f._next) {
f._next.popUp(a, d)
stop: function() {
var d = this,
b = d.animatingPool,
a, c;
for (a = 0, c = b.length; a < c; a++) {
b[a].animating = false
d.animatingPool.length = 0;
d.animating = 0;
destroy: function() {
this.animatingPool.length = 0;
this.animating = 0;
Ext.define("Ext.draw.modifier.Highlight", {
extend: "Ext.draw.modifier.Modifier",
alias: "modifier.highlight",
config: {
enabled: false,
highlightStyle: null
preFx: true,
applyHighlightStyle: function(b, a) {
a = a || {};
if (this.getSprite()) {
Ext.apply(a, this.getSprite().self.def.normalize(b))
} else {
Ext.apply(a, b)
return a
prepareAttributes: function(a) {
if (!a.hasOwnProperty("highlightOriginal")) {
a.highlighted = false;
a.highlightOriginal = Ext.Object.chain(a);
a.highlightOriginal.prototype = a;
a.highlightOriginal.removeFromInstance = {}
if (this._previous) {
updateSprite: function(b, a) {
if (b) {
if (this.getHighlightStyle()) {
this._highlightStyle = b.self.def.normalize(this.getHighlightStyle())
defaults: {
highlighted: false
processors: {
highlighted: "bool"
filterChanges: function(a, d) {
var e = this,
f = a.highlightOriginal,
c = e.getHighlightStyle(),
if (a.highlighted) {
for (b in d) {
if (c.hasOwnProperty(b)) {
f[b] = d[b];
delete d[b]
for (b in d) {
if (b !== "highlighted" && f[b] === d[b]) {
delete d[b]
return d
pushDown: function(e, g) {
var f = this.getHighlightStyle(),
c = e.highlightOriginal,
i = c.removeFromInstance,
d, a, h, b;
if (g.hasOwnProperty("highlighted")) {
d = g.highlighted;
delete g.highlighted;
if (this._previous) {
g = this._previous.pushDown(c, g)
g = this.filterChanges(e, g);
if (d !== e.highlighted) {
if (d) {
for (a in f) {
if (a in g) {
c[a] = g[a]
} else {
h = e.template && e.template.ownAttr;
if (h && !e.prototype.hasOwnProperty(a)) {
i[a] = true;
c[a] = h.animationOriginal[a]
} else {
b = c.timers[a];
if (b && b.remove) {
i[a] = true
c[a] = e[a]
if (c[a] !== f[a]) {
g[a] = f[a]
} else {
for (a in f) {
if (!(a in g)) {
g[a] = c[a]
delete c[a]
g.removeFromInstance = g.removeFromInstance || {};
Ext.apply(g.removeFromInstance, i);
c.removeFromInstance = {}
g.highlighted = d
} else {
if (this._previous) {
g = this._previous.pushDown(c, g)
g = this.filterChanges(e, g)
return g
popUp: function(a, b) {
b = this.filterChanges(a, b);, a, b)
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.Sprite", {
alias: "sprite.sprite",
mixins: {
observable: "Ext.mixin.Observable"
requires: ["Ext.draw.Draw", "Ext.draw.gradient.Gradient", "Ext.draw.sprite.AttributeDefinition", "Ext.draw.modifier.Target", "Ext.draw.modifier.Animation", "Ext.draw.modifier.Highlight"],
isSprite: true,
statics: {
defaultHitTestOptions: {
fill: true,
stroke: true
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
strokeStyle: "color",
fillStyle: "color",
strokeOpacity: "limited01",
fillOpacity: "limited01",
lineWidth: "number",
lineCap: "enums(butt,round,square)",
lineJoin: "enums(round,bevel,miter)",
lineDash: "data",
lineDashOffset: "number",
miterLimit: "number",
shadowColor: "color",
shadowOffsetX: "number",
shadowOffsetY: "number",
shadowBlur: "number",
globalAlpha: "limited01",
globalCompositeOperation: "enums(source-over,destination-over,source-in,destination-in,source-out,destination-out,source-atop,destination-atop,lighter,xor,copy)",
hidden: "bool",
transformFillStroke: "bool",
zIndex: "number",
translationX: "number",
translationY: "number",
rotationRads: "number",
rotationCenterX: "number",
rotationCenterY: "number",
scalingX: "number",
scalingY: "number",
scalingCenterX: "number",
scalingCenterY: "number",
constrainGradients: "bool"
aliases: {
stroke: "strokeStyle",
fill: "fillStyle",
color: "fillStyle",
"stroke-width": "lineWidth",
"stroke-linecap": "lineCap",
"stroke-linejoin": "lineJoin",
"stroke-miterlimit": "miterLimit",
"text-anchor": "textAlign",
opacity: "globalAlpha",
translateX: "translationX",
translateY: "translationY",
rotateRads: "rotationRads",
rotateCenterX: "rotationCenterX",
rotateCenterY: "rotationCenterY",
scaleX: "scalingX",
scaleY: "scalingY",
scaleCenterX: "scalingCenterX",
scaleCenterY: "scalingCenterY"
defaults: {
hidden: false,
zIndex: 0,
strokeStyle: "none",
fillStyle: "none",
lineWidth: 1,
lineDash: [],
lineDashOffset: 0,
lineCap: "butt",
lineJoin: "miter",
miterLimit: 10,
shadowColor: "none",
shadowOffsetX: 0,
shadowOffsetY: 0,
shadowBlur: 0,
globalAlpha: 1,
strokeOpacity: 1,
fillOpacity: 1,
transformFillStroke: false,
translationX: 0,
translationY: 0,
rotationRads: 0,
rotationCenterX: null,
rotationCenterY: null,
scalingX: 1,
scalingY: 1,
scalingCenterX: null,
scalingCenterY: null,
constrainGradients: false
triggers: {
zIndex: "zIndex",
globalAlpha: "canvas",
globalCompositeOperation: "canvas",
transformFillStroke: "canvas",
strokeStyle: "canvas",
fillStyle: "canvas",
strokeOpacity: "canvas",
fillOpacity: "canvas",
lineWidth: "canvas",
lineCap: "canvas",
lineJoin: "canvas",
lineDash: "canvas",
lineDashOffset: "canvas",
miterLimit: "canvas",
shadowColor: "canvas",
shadowOffsetX: "canvas",
shadowOffsetY: "canvas",
shadowBlur: "canvas",
translationX: "transform",
translationY: "transform",
rotationRads: "transform",
rotationCenterX: "transform",
rotationCenterY: "transform",
scalingX: "transform",
scalingY: "transform",
scalingCenterX: "transform",
scalingCenterY: "transform",
constrainGradients: "canvas"
updaters: {
bbox: "bboxUpdater",
zIndex: function(a) {
a.dirtyZIndex = true
transform: function(a) {
a.dirtyTransform = true;
a.bbox.transform.dirty = true
config: {
parent: null,
surface: null
onClassExtended: function(d, c) {
var b = d.superclass.self.def.initialConfig,
e = c.inheritableStatics && c.inheritableStatics.def,
if (e) {
a = Ext.Object.merge({}, b, e);
d.def = new Ext.draw.sprite.AttributeDefinition(a);
delete c.inheritableStatics.def
} else {
d.def = new Ext.draw.sprite.AttributeDefinition(b)
d.def.spriteClass = d
constructor: function(b) {
var d = this,
c = d.self.def,
e = c.getDefaults(),
b = Ext.isObject(b) ? b : {}; = ||, "ext-sprite-");
d.attr = {};
d.mixins.observable.constructor.apply(d, arguments);
a = Ext.Array.from(b.modifiers, true);
d.setAttributes(e, true);
getDirty: function() {
return this.attr.dirty
setDirty: function(b) {
this.attr.dirty = b;
if (b) {
var a = this.getParent();
if (a) {
addModifier: function(a, b) {
var c = this;
if (!(a instanceof Ext.draw.modifier.Modifier)) {
a = Ext.factory(a, null, null, "modifier")
if (a.preFx || a.config && a.config.preFx) {
if (c.fx.getPrevious()) {
} else {
if (b) {
return a
prepareModifiers: function(d) {
var c = this,
a, b;
c.topModifier = new Ext.draw.modifier.Target({
sprite: c
c.fx = new Ext.draw.modifier.Animation({
sprite: c
for (a = 0, b = d.length; a < b; a++) {
c.addModifier(d[a], false)
getAnimation: function() {
return this.fx
setAnimation: function(a) {
initializeAttributes: function() {
callUpdaters: function(d) {
var e = this,
h = d.pendingUpdaters,
i = e.self.def.getUpdaters(),
c = false,
a = false,
b, g, f;
e.callUpdaters = Ext.emptyFn;
do {
c = false;
for (g in h) {
c = true;
b = h[g];
delete h[g];
f = i[g];
if (typeof f === "string") {
f = e[f]
if (f) {, d, b)
a = a || c
} while (c);
delete e.callUpdaters;
if (a) {
scheduleUpdaters: function(a, e, c) {
var f;
if (c) {
for (var b = 0, d = e.length; b < d; b++) {
f = e[b];
this.scheduleUpdater(a, f, c)
} else {
for (f in e) {
c = e[f];
this.scheduleUpdater(a, f, c)
scheduleUpdater: function(a, c, b) {
b = b || [];
var d = a.pendingUpdaters;
if (c in d) {
if (b.length) {
d[c] = Ext.Array.merge(d[c], b)
} else {
d[c] = b
setAttributes: function(d, g, c) {
var a = this.attr,
b, e, f;
if (g) {
if (c) {
this.topModifier.pushDown(a, d)
} else {
f = {};
for (b in d) {
e = d[b];
if (e !== a[b]) {
f[b] = e
this.topModifier.pushDown(a, f)
} else {
this.topModifier.pushDown(a, this.self.def.normalize(d))
setAttributesBypassingNormalization: function(b, a) {
return this.setAttributes(b, true, a)
bboxUpdater: function(b) {
var c = b.rotationRads !== 0,
a = b.scalingX !== 1 || b.scalingY !== 1,
d = b.rotationCenterX === null || b.rotationCenterY === null,
e = b.scalingCenterX === null || b.scalingCenterY === null;
b.bbox.plain.dirty = true;
b.bbox.transform.dirty = true;
if (c && d || a && e) {
this.scheduleUpdater(b, "transform")
getBBox: function(d) {
var e = this,
a = e.attr,
f = a.bbox,
c = f.plain,
b = f.transform;
if (c.dirty) {
c.dirty = false
if (!d) {
if (b.dirty) {
e.updateTransformedBBox(b, c);
b.dirty = false
return b
return c
updatePlainBBox: Ext.emptyFn,
updateTransformedBBox: function(a, b) {
this.attr.matrix.transformBBox(b, 0, a)
getBBoxCenter: function(a) {
var b = this.getBBox(a);
if (b) {
return [b.x + b.width * 0.5, b.y + b.height * 0.5]
} else {
return [0, 0]
hide: function() {
this.attr.hidden = true;
return this
show: function() {
this.attr.hidden = false;
return this
useAttributes: function(i, f) {
var d = this.attr,
h = d.canvasAttributes,
e = h.strokeStyle,
g = h.fillStyle,
b = h.lineDash,
c = h.lineDashOffset,
if (e) {
if (e.isGradient) {
i.strokeStyle = "black";
i.strokeGradient = e
} else {
i.strokeGradient = false
if (g) {
if (g.isGradient) {
i.fillStyle = "black";
i.fillGradient = g
} else {
i.fillGradient = false
if (b) {
if (Ext.isNumber(c + i.lineDashOffset)) {
i.lineDashOffset = c
for (a in h) {
if (h[a] !== undefined && h[a] !== i[a]) {
i[a] = h[a]
this.setGradientBBox(i, f)
setGradientBBox: function(b, c) {
var a = this.attr;
if (a.constrainGradients) {
x: c[0],
y: c[1],
width: c[2],
height: c[3]
} else {
applyTransformations: function(b) {
if (!b && !this.attr.dirtyTransform) {
var r = this,
k = r.attr,
p = r.getBBoxCenter(true),
g = p[0],
f = p[1],
q = k.translationX,
o = k.translationY,
j = k.scalingX,
i = k.scalingY === null ? k.scalingX : k.scalingY,
m = k.scalingCenterX === null ? g : k.scalingCenterX,
l = k.scalingCenterY === null ? f : k.scalingCenterY,
s = k.rotationRads,
e = k.rotationCenterX === null ? g : k.rotationCenterX,
d = k.rotationCenterY === null ? f : k.rotationCenterY,
c = Math.cos(s),
a = Math.sin(s),
n, h;
if (j === 1 && i === 1) {
m = 0;
l = 0
if (s === 0) {
e = 0;
d = 0
n = m * (1 - j) - e;
h = l * (1 - i) - d;
k.matrix.elements = [c * j, a * j, -a * i, c * i, c * n - a * h + e + q, a * n + c * h + d + o];
k.dirtyTransform = false;
k.bbox.transform.dirty = true
transform: function(b, c) {
var a = this.attr,
e = a.matrix,
if (b && b.isMatrix) {
d = b.elements
} else {
d = b
e.prepend.apply(e, d.slice());
if (c) {
a.dirtyTransform = false;
a.bbox.transform.dirty = true;
return this
updateTransformAttributes: function() {
var a = this.attr,
b = a.matrix.split();
a.rotationRads = b.rotate;
a.rotationCenterX = 0;
a.rotationCenterY = 0;
a.scalingX = b.scaleX;
a.scalingY = b.scaleY;
a.scalingCenterX = 0;
a.scalingCenterY = 0;
a.translationX = b.translateX;
a.translationY = b.translateY
resetTransform: function(b) {
var a = this.attr;
if (!b) {
a.dirtyTransform = false;
a.bbox.transform.dirty = true;
return this
setTransform: function(a, b) {
this.resetTransform(true);, a, b);
return this
preRender: Ext.emptyFn,
render: Ext.emptyFn,
hitTest: function(b, c) {
if (this.isVisible()) {
var a = b[0],
f = b[1],
e = this.getBBox(),
d = e && a >= e.x && a <= (e.x + e.width) && f >= e.y && f <= (e.y + e.height);
if (d) {
return {
sprite: this
return null
isVisible: function() {
var e = this.attr,
f = this.getParent(),
g = f && (f.isSurface || f.isVisible()),
d = g && !e.hidden && e.globalAlpha,
b = Ext.draw.Color.NONE,
a = Ext.draw.Color.RGBA_NONE,
c = e.fillOpacity && e.fillStyle !== b && e.fillStyle !== a,
i = e.strokeOpacity && e.strokeStyle !== b && e.strokeStyle !== a,
h = d && (c || i);
return !!h
repaint: function() {
var a = this.getSurface();
if (a) {
remove: function() {
var a = this.getSurface();
if (a && a.isSurface) {
return a.remove(this)
return null
destroy: function() {
var b = this,
a = b.topModifier,
while (a) {
c = a;
a = a.getPrevious();
delete b.attr;
if (b.fireEvent("beforedestroy", b) !== false) {
b.fireEvent("destroy", b)
}, function() {
this.def = new Ext.draw.sprite.AttributeDefinition(this.def);
this.def.spriteClass = this
Ext.define("Ext.draw.Path", {
requires: ["Ext.draw.Draw"],
statics: {
pathRe: /,?([achlmqrstvxz]),?/gi,
pathRe2: /-/gi,
pathSplitRe: /\s|,/g
svgString: "",
constructor: function(a) {
var b = this;
b.commands = [];
b.params = [];
b.cursor = null;
b.startX = 0;
b.startY = 0;
if (a) {
clear: function() {
var a = this;
a.params.length = 0;
a.commands.length = 0;
a.cursor = null;
a.startX = 0;
a.startY = 0;
dirt: function() {
this.svgString = ""
moveTo: function(a, c) {
var b = this;
if (!b.cursor) {
b.cursor = [a, c]
b.params.push(a, c);
b.startX = a;
b.startY = c;
b.cursor[0] = a;
b.cursor[1] = c;
lineTo: function(a, c) {
var b = this;
if (!b.cursor) {
b.cursor = [a, c];
b.params.push(a, c);
} else {
b.params.push(a, c);
b.cursor[0] = a;
b.cursor[1] = c;
bezierCurveTo: function(c, e, b, d, a, g) {
var f = this;
if (!f.cursor) {
f.moveTo(c, e)
f.params.push(c, e, b, d, a, g);
f.cursor[0] = a;
f.cursor[1] = g;
quadraticCurveTo: function(b, e, a, d) {
var c = this;
if (!c.cursor) {
c.moveTo(b, e)
c.bezierCurveTo((2 * b + c.cursor[0]) / 3, (2 * e + c.cursor[1]) / 3, (2 * b + a) / 3, (2 * e + d) / 3, a, d)
closePath: function() {
var a = this;
if (a.cursor) {
a.cursor = null;
arcTo: function(A, f, z, d, j, i, v) {
var E = this;
if (i === undefined) {
i = j
if (v === undefined) {
v = 0
if (!E.cursor) {
E.moveTo(A, f);
if (j === 0 || i === 0) {
E.lineTo(A, f);
z -= A;
d -= f;
var B = E.cursor[0] - A,
g = E.cursor[1] - f,
C = z * g - d * B,
b, a, l, r, k, q, x = Math.sqrt(B * B + g * g),
u = Math.sqrt(z * z + d * d),
t, e, c;
if (C === 0) {
E.lineTo(A, f);
if (i !== j) {
b = Math.cos(v);
a = Math.sin(v);
l = b / j;
r = a / i;
k = -a / j;
q = b / i;
var D = l * B + r * g;
g = k * B + q * g;
B = D;
D = l * z + r * d;
d = k * z + q * d;
z = D
} else {
B /= j;
g /= i;
z /= j;
d /= i
e = B * u + z * x;
c = g * u + d * x;
t = 1 / (Math.sin(Math.asin(Math.abs(C) / (x * u)) * 0.5) * Math.sqrt(e * e + c * c));
e *= t;
c *= t;
var o = (e * B + c * g) / (B * B + g * g),
m = (e * z + c * d) / (z * z + d * d);
var n = B * o - e,
p = g * o - c,
h = z * m - e,
y = d * m - c,
w = Math.atan2(p, n),
s = Math.atan2(y, h);
if (C > 0) {
if (s < w) {
s += Math.PI * 2
} else {
if (w < s) {
w += Math.PI * 2
if (i !== j) {
e = b * e * j - a * c * i + A;
c = a * c * i + b * c * i + f;
E.lineTo(b * j * n - a * i * p + e, a * j * n + b * i * p + c);
E.ellipse(e, c, j, i, v, w, s, C < 0)
} else {
e = e * j + A;
c = c * i + f;
E.lineTo(j * n + e, i * p + c);
E.ellipse(e, c, j, i, v, w, s, C < 0)
ellipse: function(h, f, c, a, q, n, d, e) {
var o = this,
g = o.params,
b = g.length,
m, l, k;
if (d - n >= Math.PI * 2) {
o.ellipse(h, f, c, a, q, n, n + Math.PI, e);
o.ellipse(h, f, c, a, q, n + Math.PI, d, e);
if (!e) {
if (d < n) {
d += Math.PI * 2
m = o.approximateArc(g, h, f, c, a, q, n, d)
} else {
if (n < d) {
n += Math.PI * 2
m = o.approximateArc(g, h, f, c, a, q, d, n);
for (l = b, k = g.length - 2; l < k; l += 2, k -= 2) {
var p = g[l];
g[l] = g[k];
g[k] = p;
p = g[l + 1];
g[l + 1] = g[k + 1];
g[k + 1] = p
if (!o.cursor) {
o.cursor = [g[g.length - 2], g[g.length - 1]];
} else {
o.cursor[0] = g[g.length - 2];
o.cursor[1] = g[g.length - 1];
for (l = 2; l < m; l += 6) {
arc: function(b, f, a, d, c, e) {
this.ellipse(b, f, a, a, 0, d, c, e)
rect: function(b, e, c, a) {
if (c == 0 || a == 0) {
var d = this;
d.moveTo(b, e);
d.lineTo(b + c, e);
d.lineTo(b + c, e + a);
d.lineTo(b, e + a);
approximateArc: function(s, i, f, o, n, d, x, v) {
var e = Math.cos(d),
z = Math.sin(d),
k = Math.cos(x),
l = Math.sin(x),
q = e * k * o - z * l * n,
y = -e * l * o - z * k * n,
p = z * k * o + e * l * n,
w = -z * l * o + e * k * n,
m = Math.PI / 2,
r = 2,
j = q,
u = y,
h = p,
t = w,
b = 0.547443256150549,
C, g, A, a, B, c;
v -= x;
if (v < 0) {
v += Math.PI * 2
s.push(q + i, p + f);
while (v >= m) {
s.push(j + u * b + i, h + t * b + f, j * b + u + i, h * b + t + f, u + i, t + f);
r += 6;
v -= m;
C = j;
j = u;
u = -C;
C = h;
h = t;
t = -C
if (v) {
g = (0.3294738052815987 + 0.012120855841304373 * v) * v;
A = Math.cos(v);
a = Math.sin(v);
B = A + g * a;
c = a - g * A;
s.push(j + u * g + i, h + t * g + f, j * B + u * c + i, h * B + t * c + f, j * A + u * a + i, h * A + t * a + f);
r += 6
return r
arcSvg: function(j, h, r, m, w, t, c) {
if (j < 0) {
j = -j
if (h < 0) {
h = -h
var x = this,
u = x.cursor[0],
f = x.cursor[1],
a = (u - t) / 2,
y = (f - c) / 2,
d = Math.cos(r),
s = Math.sin(r),
o = a * d + y * s,
v = -a * s + y * d,
i = o / j,
g = v / h,
p = i * i + g * g,
e = (u + t) * 0.5,
b = (f + c) * 0.5,
l = 0,
k = 0;
if (p >= 1) {
p = Math.sqrt(p);
j *= p;
h *= p
} else {
p = Math.sqrt(1 / p - 1);
if (m === w) {
p = -p
l = p * j * g;
k = -p * h * i;
e += d * l - s * k;
b += s * l + d * k
var q = Math.atan2((v - k) / h, (o - l) / j),
n = Math.atan2((-v - k) / h, (-o - l) / j) - q;
if (w) {
if (n <= 0) {
n += Math.PI * 2
} else {
if (n >= 0) {
n -= Math.PI * 2
x.ellipse(e, b, j, h, r, q, q + n, 1 - w)
fromSvgString: function(e) {
if (!e) {
var m = this,
h, l = {
a: 7,
c: 6,
h: 1,
l: 2,
m: 2,
q: 4,
s: 4,
t: 2,
v: 1,
z: 0,
A: 7,
C: 6,
H: 1,
L: 2,
M: 2,
Q: 4,
S: 4,
T: 2,
V: 1,
Z: 0
k = "",
g, f, c = 0,
b = 0,
d = false,
j, n, a;
if (Ext.isString(e)) {
h = e.replace(Ext.draw.Path.pathRe, " $1 ").replace(Ext.draw.Path.pathRe2, " -").split(Ext.draw.Path.pathSplitRe)
} else {
if (Ext.isArray(e)) {
h = e.join(",").split(Ext.draw.Path.pathSplitRe)
for (j = 0, n = 0; j < h.length; j++) {
if (h[j] !== "") {
h[n++] = h[j]
h.length = n;
for (j = 0; j < h.length;) {
k = d;
d = h[j];
a = (d.toUpperCase() !== d);
switch (d) {
case "M":
m.moveTo(c = +h[j], b = +h[j + 1]);
j += 2;
while (j < n && !l.hasOwnProperty(h[j])) {
m.lineTo(c = +h[j], b = +h[j + 1]);
j += 2
case "L":
m.lineTo(c = +h[j], b = +h[j + 1]);
j += 2;
while (j < n && !l.hasOwnProperty(h[j])) {
m.lineTo(c = +h[j], b = +h[j + 1]);
j += 2
case "A":
while (j < n && !l.hasOwnProperty(h[j])) {
m.arcSvg(+h[j], +h[j + 1], +h[j + 2] * Math.PI / 180, +h[j + 3], +h[j + 4], c = +h[j + 5], b = +h[j + 6]);
j += 7
case "C":
while (j < n && !l.hasOwnProperty(h[j])) {
m.bezierCurveTo(+h[j], +h[j + 1], g = +h[j + 2], f = +h[j + 3], c = +h[j + 4], b = +h[j + 5]);
j += 6
case "Z":
case "m":
m.moveTo(c += +h[j], b += +h[j + 1]);
j += 2;
while (j < n && !l.hasOwnProperty(h[j])) {
m.lineTo(c += +h[j], b += +h[j + 1]);
j += 2
case "l":
m.lineTo(c += +h[j], b += +h[j + 1]);
j += 2;
while (j < n && !l.hasOwnProperty(h[j])) {
m.lineTo(c += +h[j], b += +h[j + 1]);
j += 2
case "a":
while (j < n && !l.hasOwnProperty(h[j])) {
m.arcSvg(+h[j], +h[j + 1], +h[j + 2] * Math.PI / 180, +h[j + 3], +h[j + 4], c += +h[j + 5], b += +h[j + 6]);
j += 7
case "c":
while (j < n && !l.hasOwnProperty(h[j])) {
m.bezierCurveTo(c + (+h[j]), b + (+h[j + 1]), g = c + (+h[j + 2]), f = b + (+h[j + 3]), c += +h[j + 4], b += +h[j + 5]);
j += 6
case "z":
case "s":
if (!(k === "c" || k === "C" || k === "s" || k === "S")) {
g = c;
f = b
while (j < n && !l.hasOwnProperty(h[j])) {
m.bezierCurveTo(c + c - g, b + b - f, g = c + (+h[j]), f = b + (+h[j + 1]), c += +h[j + 2], b += +h[j + 3]);
j += 4
case "S":
if (!(k === "c" || k === "C" || k === "s" || k === "S")) {
g = c;
f = b
while (j < n && !l.hasOwnProperty(h[j])) {
m.bezierCurveTo(c + c - g, b + b - f, g = +h[j], f = +h[j + 1], c = (+h[j + 2]), b = (+h[j + 3]));
j += 4
case "q":
while (j < n && !l.hasOwnProperty(h[j])) {
m.quadraticCurveTo(g = c + (+h[j]), f = b + (+h[j + 1]), c += +h[j + 2], b += +h[j + 3]);
j += 4
case "Q":
while (j < n && !l.hasOwnProperty(h[j])) {
m.quadraticCurveTo(g = +h[j], f = +h[j + 1], c = +h[j + 2], b = +h[j + 3]);
j += 4
case "t":
if (!(k === "q" || k === "Q" || k === "t" || k === "T")) {
g = c;
f = b
while (j < n && !l.hasOwnProperty(h[j])) {
m.quadraticCurveTo(g = c + c - g, f = b + b - f, c += +h[j + 1], b += +h[j + 2]);
j += 2
case "T":
if (!(k === "q" || k === "Q" || k === "t" || k === "T")) {
g = c;
f = b
while (j < n && !l.hasOwnProperty(h[j])) {
m.quadraticCurveTo(g = c + c - g, f = b + b - f, c = (+h[j + 1]), b = (+h[j + 2]));
j += 2
case "h":
while (j < n && !l.hasOwnProperty(h[j])) {
m.lineTo(c += +h[j], b);
case "H":
while (j < n && !l.hasOwnProperty(h[j])) {
m.lineTo(c = +h[j], b);
case "v":
while (j < n && !l.hasOwnProperty(h[j])) {
m.lineTo(c, b += +h[j]);
case "V":
while (j < n && !l.hasOwnProperty(h[j])) {
m.lineTo(c, b = +h[j]);
clone: function() {
var a = this,
b = new Ext.draw.Path();
b.params = a.params.slice(0);
b.commands = a.commands.slice(0);
b.cursor = a.cursor ? a.cursor.slice(0) : null;
b.startX = a.startX;
b.startY = a.startY;
b.svgString = a.svgString;
return b
transform: function(j) {
if (j.isIdentity()) {
var a = j.getXX(),
f = j.getYX(),
m = j.getDX(),
l = j.getXY(),
e = j.getYY(),
k = j.getDY(),
b = this.params,
c = 0,
d = b.length,
h, g;
for (; c < d; c += 2) {
h = b[c];
g = b[c + 1];
b[c] = h * a + g * f + m;
b[c + 1] = h * l + g * e + k
getDimension: function(f) {
if (!f) {
f = {}
if (!this.commands || !this.commands.length) {
f.x = 0;
f.y = 0;
f.width = 0;
f.height = 0;
return f
f.left = Infinity; = Infinity;
f.right = -Infinity;
f.bottom = -Infinity;
var d = 0,
c = 0,
b = this.commands,
g = this.params,
e = b.length,
a, h;
for (; d < e; d++) {
switch (b[d]) {
case "M":
case "L":
a = g[c];
h = g[c + 1];
f.left = Math.min(a, f.left); = Math.min(h,;
f.right = Math.max(a, f.right);
f.bottom = Math.max(h, f.bottom);
c += 2;
case "C":
this.expandDimension(f, a, h, g[c], g[c + 1], g[c + 2], g[c + 3], a = g[c + 4], h = g[c + 5]);
c += 6;
f.x = f.left;
f.y =;
f.width = f.right - f.left;
f.height = f.bottom -;
return f
getDimensionWithTransform: function(n, f) {
if (!this.commands || !this.commands.length) {
if (!f) {
f = {}
f.x = 0;
f.y = 0;
f.width = 0;
f.height = 0;
return f
f.left = Infinity; = Infinity;
f.right = -Infinity;
f.bottom = -Infinity;
var a = n.getXX(),
k = n.getYX(),
q = n.getDX(),
p = n.getXY(),
h = n.getYY(),
o = n.getDY(),
e = 0,
d = 0,
b = this.commands,
c = this.params,
g = b.length,
m, l;
for (; e < g; e++) {
switch (b[e]) {
case "M":
case "L":
m = c[d] * a + c[d + 1] * k + q;
l = c[d] * p + c[d + 1] * h + o;
f.left = Math.min(m, f.left); = Math.min(l,;
f.right = Math.max(m, f.right);
f.bottom = Math.max(l, f.bottom);
d += 2;
case "C":
this.expandDimension(f, m, l, c[d] * a + c[d + 1] * k + q, c[d] * p + c[d + 1] * h + o, c[d + 2] * a + c[d + 3] * k + q, c[d + 2] * p + c[d + 3] * h + o, m = c[d + 4] * a + c[d + 5] * k + q, l = c[d + 4] * p + c[d + 5] * h + o);
d += 6;
if (!f) {
f = {}
f.x = f.left;
f.y =;
f.width = f.right - f.left;
f.height = f.bottom -;
return f
expandDimension: function(i, d, p, k, g, j, e, c, o) {
var m = this,
f = i.left,
a = i.right,
q =,
n = i.bottom,
h = m.dim || (m.dim = []);
m.curveDimension(d, k, j, c, h);
f = Math.min(f, h[0]);
a = Math.max(a, h[1]);
m.curveDimension(p, g, e, o, h);
q = Math.min(q, h[0]);
n = Math.max(n, h[1]);
i.left = f;
i.right = a; = q;
i.bottom = n
curveDimension: function(p, n, k, j, h) {
var i = 3 * (-p + 3 * (n - k) + j),
g = 6 * (p - 2 * n + k),
f = -3 * (p - n),
o, m, e = Math.min(p, j),
l = Math.max(p, j),
if (i === 0) {
if (g === 0) {
h[0] = e;
h[1] = l;
} else {
o = -f / g;
if (0 < o && o < 1) {
m = this.interpolate(p, n, k, j, o);
e = Math.min(e, m);
l = Math.max(l, m)
} else {
q = g * g - 4 * i * f;
if (q >= 0) {
q = Math.sqrt(q);
o = (q - g) / 2 / i;
if (0 < o && o < 1) {
m = this.interpolate(p, n, k, j, o);
e = Math.min(e, m);
l = Math.max(l, m)
if (q > 0) {
o -= q / i;
if (0 < o && o < 1) {
m = this.interpolate(p, n, k, j, o);
e = Math.min(e, m);
l = Math.max(l, m)
h[0] = e;
h[1] = l
interpolate: function(f, e, j, i, g) {
if (g === 0) {
return f
if (g === 1) {
return i
var h = (1 - g) / g;
return g * g * g * (i + h * (3 * j + h * (3 * e + h * f)))
fromStripes: function(g) {
var e = this,
c = 0,
d = g.length,
b, a, f;
for (; c < d; c++) {
f = g[c];
e.params.push.apply(e.params, f);
for (b = 2, a = f.length; b < a; b += 6) {
if (!e.cursor) {
e.cursor = []
e.cursor[0] = e.params[e.params.length - 2];
e.cursor[1] = e.params[e.params.length - 1];
toStripes: function(k) {
var o = k || [],
p, n, m, b, a, h, g, f, e, c = this.commands,
d = this.params,
l = c.length;
for (f = 0, e = 0; f < l; f++) {
switch (c[f]) {
case "M":
p = [h = b = d[e++], g = a = d[e++]];
case "L":
n = d[e++];
m = d[e++];
p.push((b + b + n) / 3, (a + a + m) / 3, (b + n + n) / 3, (a + m + m) / 3, b = n, a = m);
case "C":
p.push(d[e++], d[e++], d[e++], d[e++], b = d[e++], a = d[e++]);
case "Z":
n = h;
m = g;
p.push((b + b + n) / 3, (a + a + m) / 3, (b + n + n) / 3, (a + m + m) / 3, b = n, a = m);
return o
updateSvgString: function() {
var b = [],
a = this.commands,
f = this.params,
e = a.length,
d = 0,
c = 0;
for (; d < e; d++) {
switch (a[d]) {
case "M":
b.push("M" + f[c] + "," + f[c + 1]);
c += 2;
case "L":
b.push("L" + f[c] + "," + f[c + 1]);
c += 2;
case "C":
b.push("C" + f[c] + "," + f[c + 1] + " " + f[c + 2] + "," + f[c + 3] + " " + f[c + 4] + "," + f[c + 5]);
c += 6;
case "Z":
this.svgString = b.join("")
toString: function() {
if (!this.svgString) {
return this.svgString
Ext.define("Ext.draw.overrides.Path", {
override: "Ext.draw.Path",
rayOrigin: {
x: -10000,
y: -10000
isPointInPath: function(o, n) {
var m = this,
c = m.commands,
q = Ext.draw.PathUtil,
p = m.rayOrigin,
f = m.params,
l = c.length,
e = null,
d = null,
b = 0,
a = 0,
k = 0,
h, g;
for (h = 0, g = 0; h < l; h++) {
switch (c[h]) {
case "M":
if (e !== null) {
if (q.linesIntersection(e, d, b, a, p.x, p.y, o, n)) {
k += 1
e = b = f[g];
d = a = f[g + 1];
g += 2;
case "L":
if (q.linesIntersection(b, a, f[g], f[g + 1], p.x, p.y, o, n)) {
k += 1
b = f[g];
a = f[g + 1];
g += 2;
case "C":
k += q.cubicLineIntersections(b, f[g], f[g + 2], f[g + 4], a, f[g + 1], f[g + 3], f[g + 5], p.x, p.y, o, n).length;
b = f[g + 4];
a = f[g + 5];
g += 6;
case "Z":
if (e !== null) {
if (q.linesIntersection(e, d, b, a, p.x, p.y, o, n)) {
k += 1
return k % 2 === 1
isPointOnPath: function(n, m) {
var l = this,
c = l.commands,
o = Ext.draw.PathUtil,
f = l.params,
k = c.length,
e = null,
d = null,
b = 0,
a = 0,
h, g;
for (h = 0, g = 0; h < k; h++) {
switch (c[h]) {
case "M":
if (e !== null) {
if (o.pointOnLine(e, d, b, a, n, m)) {
return true
e = b = f[g];
d = a = f[g + 1];
g += 2;
case "L":
if (o.pointOnLine(b, a, f[g], f[g + 1], n, m)) {
return true
b = f[g];
a = f[g + 1];
g += 2;
case "C":
if (o.pointOnCubic(b, f[g], f[g + 2], f[g + 4], a, f[g + 1], f[g + 3], f[g + 5], n, m)) {
return true
b = f[g + 4];
a = f[g + 5];
g += 6;
case "Z":
if (e !== null) {
if (o.pointOnLine(e, d, b, a, n, m)) {
return true
return false
getSegmentIntersections: function(t, d, s, c, r, b, o, a) {
var w = this,
g = arguments.length,
v = Ext.draw.PathUtil,
f = w.commands,
u = w.params,
k = f.length,
m = null,
l = null,
h = 0,
e = 0,
x = [],
q, n, p;
for (q = 0, n = 0; q < k; q++) {
switch (f[q]) {
case "M":
if (m !== null) {
switch (g) {
case 4:
p = v.linesIntersection(m, l, h, e, t, d, s, c);
if (p) {
case 8:
p = v.cubicLineIntersections(t, s, r, o, d, c, b, a, m, l, h, e);
x.push.apply(x, p);
m = h = u[n];
l = e = u[n + 1];
n += 2;
case "L":
switch (g) {
case 4:
p = v.linesIntersection(h, e, u[n], u[n + 1], t, d, s, c);
if (p) {
case 8:
p = v.cubicLineIntersections(t, s, r, o, d, c, b, a, h, e, u[n], u[n + 1]);
x.push.apply(x, p);
h = u[n];
e = u[n + 1];
n += 2;
case "C":
switch (g) {
case 4:
p = v.cubicLineIntersections(h, u[n], u[n + 2], u[n + 4], e, u[n + 1], u[n + 3], u[n + 5], t, d, s, c);
x.push.apply(x, p);
case 8:
p = v.cubicsIntersections(h, u[n], u[n + 2], u[n + 4], e, u[n + 1], u[n + 3], u[n + 5], t, s, r, o, d, c, b, a);
x.push.apply(x, p);
h = u[n + 4];
e = u[n + 5];
n += 6;
case "Z":
if (m !== null) {
switch (g) {
case 4:
p = v.linesIntersection(m, l, h, e, t, d, s, c);
if (p) {
case 8:
p = v.cubicLineIntersections(t, s, r, o, d, c, b, a, m, l, h, e);
x.push.apply(x, p);
return x
getIntersections: function(o) {
var m = this,
c = m.commands,
g = m.params,
l = c.length,
f = null,
e = null,
b = 0,
a = 0,
d = [],
k, h, n;
for (k = 0, h = 0; k < l; k++) {
switch (c[k]) {
case "M":
if (f !== null) {
n =, f, e, b, a);
d.push.apply(d, n)
f = b = g[h];
e = a = g[h + 1];
h += 2;
case "L":
n =, b, a, g[h], g[h + 1]);
d.push.apply(d, n);
b = g[h];
a = g[h + 1];
h += 2;
case "C":
n =, b, a, g[h], g[h + 1], g[h + 2], g[h + 3], g[h + 4], g[h + 5]);
d.push.apply(d, n);
b = g[h + 4];
a = g[h + 5];
h += 6;
case "Z":
if (f !== null) {
n =, f, e, b, a);
d.push.apply(d, n)
return d
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.Path", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Sprite",
requires: ["Ext.draw.Draw", "Ext.draw.Path"],
alias: ["sprite.path", "Ext.draw.Sprite"],
type: "path",
isPath: true,
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
path: function(b, a) {
if (!(b instanceof Ext.draw.Path)) {
b = new Ext.draw.Path(b)
return b
aliases: {
d: "path"
triggers: {
path: "bbox"
updaters: {
path: function(a) {
var b = a.path;
if (!b || b.bindAttr !== a) {
b = new Ext.draw.Path();
b.bindAttr = a;
a.path = b
this.updatePath(b, a);
this.scheduleUpdater(a, "bbox", ["path"])
updatePlainBBox: function(a) {
if (this.attr.path) {
updateTransformedBBox: function(a) {
if (this.attr.path) {
this.attr.path.getDimensionWithTransform(this.attr.matrix, a)
render: function(b, c) {
var d = this.attr.matrix,
a = this.attr;
if (!a.path || a.path.params.length === 0) {
updatePath: function(b, a) {}
Ext.define("Ext.draw.overrides.sprite.Path", {
override: "Ext.draw.sprite.Path",
requires: ["Ext.draw.Color"],
isPointInPath: function(c, g) {
var b = this.attr;
if (b.fillStyle === Ext.draw.Color.RGBA_NONE) {
return this.isPointOnPath(c, g)
var e = b.path,
d = b.matrix,
f, a;
if (!d.isIdentity()) {
f = e.params.slice(0);
a = e.isPointInPath(c, g);
if (f) {
e.params = f
return a
isPointOnPath: function(c, g) {
var b = this.attr,
e = b.path,
d = b.matrix,
f, a;
if (!d.isIdentity()) {
f = e.params.slice(0);
a = e.isPointOnPath(c, g);
if (f) {
e.params = f
return a
hitTest: function(i, l) {
var e = this,
c = e.attr,
k = c.path,
g = c.matrix,
h = i[0],
f = i[1],
d = e.callParent([i, l]),
j = null,
a, b;
if (!d) {
return j
l = l || Ext.draw.sprite.Sprite.defaultHitTestOptions;
if (!g.isIdentity()) {
a = k.params.slice(0);
if (l.fill && l.stroke) {
b = c.fillStyle !== Ext.draw.Color.NONE && c.fillStyle !== Ext.draw.Color.RGBA_NONE;
if (b) {
if (k.isPointInPath(h, f)) {
j = {
sprite: e
} else {
if (k.isPointInPath(h, f) || k.isPointOnPath(h, f)) {
j = {
sprite: e
} else {
if (l.stroke && !l.fill) {
if (k.isPointOnPath(h, f)) {
j = {
sprite: e
} else {
if (l.fill && !l.stroke) {
if (k.isPointInPath(h, f)) {
j = {
sprite: e
if (a) {
k.params = a
return j
getIntersections: function(j) {
if (!(j.isSprite && j.isPath)) {
return []
var e = this.attr,
d = j.attr,
i = e.path,
h = d.path,
g = e.matrix,
a = d.matrix,
c, f, b;
if (!g.isIdentity()) {
c = i.params.slice(0);
if (!a.isIdentity()) {
f = h.params.slice(0);
b = i.getIntersections(h);
if (c) {
i.params = c
if (f) {
h.params = f
return b
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.Circle", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Path",
alias: "",
type: "circle",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
cx: "number",
cy: "number",
r: "number"
aliases: {
radius: "r",
x: "cx",
y: "cy",
centerX: "cx",
centerY: "cy"
defaults: {
cx: 0,
cy: 0,
r: 4
triggers: {
cx: "path",
cy: "path",
r: "path"
updatePlainBBox: function(c) {
var b = this.attr,
a =,
e =,
d = b.r;
c.x = a - d;
c.y = e - d;
c.width = d + d;
c.height = d + d
updateTransformedBBox: function(d) {
var g = this.attr,
f =,
e =,
a = g.r,
h = g.matrix,
j = h.getScaleX(),
i = h.getScaleY(),
c, b;
c = j * a;
b = i * a;
d.x = h.x(f, e) - c;
d.y = h.y(f, e) - b;
d.width = c + c;
d.height = b + b
updatePath: function(b, a) {
b.arc(,, a.r, 0, Math.PI * 2, false)
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.Arc", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Circle",
alias: "sprite.arc",
type: "arc",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
startAngle: "number",
endAngle: "number",
anticlockwise: "bool"
aliases: {
from: "startAngle",
to: "endAngle",
start: "startAngle",
end: "endAngle"
defaults: {
startAngle: 0,
endAngle: Math.PI * 2,
anticlockwise: false
triggers: {
startAngle: "path",
endAngle: "path",
anticlockwise: "path"
updatePath: function(b, a) {
b.arc(,, a.r, a.startAngle, a.endAngle, a.anticlockwise)
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.Arrow", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Path",
alias: "sprite.arrow",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
x: "number",
y: "number",
size: "number"
defaults: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
size: 4
triggers: {
x: "path",
y: "path",
size: "path"
updatePath: function(d, b) {
var c = b.size * 1.5,
a = b.x - b.lineWidth / 2,
e = b.y;
d.fromSvgString("M".concat(a - c * 0.7, ",", e - c * 0.4, "l", [c * 0.6, 0, 0, -c * 0.4, c, c * 0.8, -c, c * 0.8, 0, -c * 0.4, -c * 0.6, 0], "z"))
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.Composite", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Sprite",
alias: "sprite.composite",
type: "composite",
isComposite: true,
config: {
sprites: []
constructor: function() {
this.sprites = []; = {};
add: function(c) {
if (!c) {
return null
if (!c.isSprite) {
c = Ext.create("sprite." + c.type, c);
var d = this,
a = d.attr,
b = c.applyTransformations;
c.applyTransformations = function() {
if (c.attr.dirtyTransform) {
a.dirtyTransform = true;
a.bbox.plain.dirty = true;
a.bbox.transform.dirty = true
d.sprites.push(c);[] = c.getId();
a.bbox.plain.dirty = true;
a.bbox.transform.dirty = true;
return c
updateSurface: function(a) {
for (var b = 0, c = this.sprites.length; b < c; b++) {
addAll: function(b) {
if (b.isSprite || b.type) {
} else {
if (Ext.isArray(b)) {
var a = 0;
while (a < b.length) {
updatePlainBBox: function(g) {
var e = this,
b = Infinity,
h = -Infinity,
f = Infinity,
a = -Infinity,
j, k, c, d;
for (c = 0, d = e.sprites.length; c < d; c++) {
j = e.sprites[c];
k = j.getBBox();
if (b > k.x) {
b = k.x
if (h < k.x + k.width) {
h = k.x + k.width
if (f > k.y) {
f = k.y
if (a < k.y + k.height) {
a = k.y + k.height
g.x = b;
g.y = f;
g.width = h - b;
g.height = a - f
render: function(a, b, f) {
var d = this.attr.matrix,
c, e;
for (c = 0, e = this.sprites.length; c < e; c++) {
a.renderSprite(this.sprites[c], f)
destroy: function() {
var c = this,
d = c.sprites,
b = d.length,
for (a = 0; a < b; a++) {
d.length = 0
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.Cross", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Path",
alias: "sprite.cross",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
x: "number",
y: "number",
size: "number"
defaults: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
size: 4
triggers: {
x: "path",
y: "path",
size: "path"
updatePath: function(d, b) {
var c = b.size / 1.7,
a = b.x - b.lineWidth / 2,
e = b.y;
d.fromSvgString("M".concat(a - c, ",", e, "l", [-c, -c, c, -c, c, c, c, -c, c, c, -c, c, c, c, -c, c, -c, -c, -c, c, -c, -c, "z"]))
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.Diamond", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Path",
alias: "sprite.diamond",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
x: "number",
y: "number",
size: "number"
defaults: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
size: 4
triggers: {
x: "path",
y: "path",
size: "path"
updatePath: function(d, b) {
var c = b.size * 1.25,
a = b.x - b.lineWidth / 2,
e = b.y;
d.fromSvgString(["M", a, e - c, "l", c, c, -c, c, -c, -c, c, -c, "z"])
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.Ellipse", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Path",
alias: "sprite.ellipse",
type: "ellipse",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
cx: "number",
cy: "number",
rx: "number",
ry: "number",
axisRotation: "number"
aliases: {
radius: "r",
x: "cx",
y: "cy",
centerX: "cx",
centerY: "cy",
radiusX: "rx",
radiusY: "ry"
defaults: {
cx: 0,
cy: 0,
rx: 1,
ry: 1,
axisRotation: 0
triggers: {
cx: "path",
cy: "path",
rx: "path",
ry: "path",
axisRotation: "path"
updatePlainBBox: function(c) {
var b = this.attr,
a =,
f =,
e = b.rx,
d = b.ry;
c.x = a - e;
c.y = f - d;
c.width = e + e;
c.height = d + d
updateTransformedBBox: function(d) {
var i = this.attr,
f =,
e =,
c = i.rx,
b = i.ry,
l = b / c,
m = i.matrix.clone(),
a, q, k, j, p, o, n, g;
m.append(1, 0, 0, l, 0, e * (1 - l));
a = m.getXX();
k = m.getYX();
p = m.getDX();
q = m.getXY();
j = m.getYY();
o = m.getDY();
n = Math.sqrt(a * a + k * k) * c;
g = Math.sqrt(q * q + j * j) * c;
d.x = f * a + e * k + p - n;
d.y = f * q + e * j + o - g;
d.width = n + n;
d.height = g + g
updatePath: function(b, a) {
b.ellipse(,, a.rx, a.ry, a.axisRotation, 0, Math.PI * 2, false)
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.EllipticalArc", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Ellipse",
alias: "sprite.ellipticalArc",
type: "ellipticalArc",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
startAngle: "number",
endAngle: "number",
anticlockwise: "bool"
aliases: {
from: "startAngle",
to: "endAngle",
start: "startAngle",
end: "endAngle"
defaults: {
startAngle: 0,
endAngle: Math.PI * 2,
anticlockwise: false
triggers: {
startAngle: "path",
endAngle: "path",
anticlockwise: "path"
updatePath: function(b, a) {
b.ellipse(,, a.rx, a.ry, a.axisRotation, a.startAngle, a.endAngle, a.anticlockwise)
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.Rect", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Path",
alias: "sprite.rect",
type: "rect",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
x: "number",
y: "number",
width: "number",
height: "number",
radius: "number"
aliases: {},
triggers: {
x: "path",
y: "path",
width: "path",
height: "path",
radius: "path"
defaults: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 8,
height: 8,
radius: 0
updatePlainBBox: function(b) {
var a = this.attr;
b.x = a.x;
b.y = a.y;
b.width = a.width;
b.height = a.height
updateTransformedBBox: function(a, b) {
this.attr.matrix.transformBBox(b, this.attr.radius, a)
updatePath: function(f, d) {
var c = d.x,
g = d.y,
e = d.width,
b = d.height,
a = Math.min(d.radius, Math.abs(d.height) * 0.5, Math.abs(d.width) * 0.5);
if (a === 0) {
f.rect(c, g, e, b)
} else {
f.moveTo(c + a, g);
f.arcTo(c + e, g, c + e, g + b, a);
f.arcTo(c + e, g + b, c, g + b, a);
f.arcTo(c, g + b, c, g, a);
f.arcTo(c, g, c + a, g, a)
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.Image", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Rect",
alias: "sprite.image",
type: "image",
statics: {
imageLoaders: {}
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
src: "string"
defaults: {
src: "",
width: null,
height: null
render: function(c, o) {
var j = this,
h = j.attr,
n = h.matrix,
a = h.src,
l = h.x,
k = h.y,
b = h.width,
m = h.height,
g = Ext.draw.sprite.Image.imageLoaders[a],
f, d, e;
if (g && g.done) {
d = g.image;
o.drawImage(d, l, k, b || (d.naturalWidth || d.width) / c.devicePixelRatio, m || (d.naturalHeight || d.height) / c.devicePixelRatio)
} else {
if (!g) {
f = new Image();
g = Ext.draw.sprite.Image.imageLoaders[a] = {
image: f,
done: false,
pendingSprites: [j],
pendingSurfaces: [c]
f.width = b;
f.height = m;
f.onload = function() {
if (!g.done) {
g.done = true;
for (e = 0; e < g.pendingSprites.length; e++) {
for (e in g.pendingSurfaces) {
f.src = a
} else {
Ext.Array.include(g.pendingSprites, j);
Ext.Array.include(g.pendingSurfaces, c)
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.Instancing", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Sprite",
alias: "sprite.instancing",
type: "instancing",
isInstancing: true,
config: {
template: null
instances: null,
applyTemplate: function(a) {
if (!a.isSprite) {
if (!a.xclass && !a.type) {
a.type = "circle"
a = Ext.create(a.xclass || "sprite." + a.type, a)
return a
updateTemplate: function(a, b) {
if (b) {
delete b.ownAttr
a.ownAttr = a.attr;
updateSurface: function(a) {
var b = this.getTemplate();
if (b) {
get: function(a) {
return this.instances[a]
getCount: function() {
return this.instances.length
clearAll: function() {
var a = this.getTemplate();
a.attr.children = this.instances = [];
this.position = 0
createInstance: function(d, f, c) {
var e = this.getTemplate(),
b = e.attr,
a = Ext.Object.chain(b);
e.attr = a;
e.setAttributes(d, f, c);
a.template = e;
e.attr = b;
return a
getBBox: function() {
return null
getBBoxFor: function(b, d) {
var c = this.getTemplate(),
a = c.attr,
c.attr = this.instances[b];
e = c.getBBox(d);
c.attr = a;
return e
isVisible: function() {
var b = this.attr,
c = this.getParent(),
a = c && c.isSurface && !b.hidden && b.globalAlpha;
return !!a
isInstanceVisible: function(c) {
var e = this,
d = e.getTemplate(),
b = d.attr,
f = e.instances,
a = false;
if (!Ext.isNumber(c) || c < 0 || c >= f.length || !e.isVisible()) {
return a
d.attr = f[c];
a = d.isVisible(point, options);
d.attr = b;
return a
render: function(b, l, d, h) {
var g = this,
j = g.getTemplate(),
k = g.attr.matrix,
c = j.attr,
a = g.instances,
e, f = g.position;
j.preRender(b, l, d, h);
j.useAttributes(l, h);
for (e = 0; e < f; e++) {
if (a[e].dirtyZIndex) {
for (e = 0; e < f; e++) {
if (a[e].hidden) {
j.attr = a[e];
j.useAttributes(l, h);
j.render(b, l, d, h);
j.attr = c
setAttributesFor: function(c, e, f) {
var d = this.getTemplate(),
b = d.attr,
a = this.instances[c];
if (!a) {
d.attr = a;
if (f) {
e = Ext.apply({}, e)
} else {
e = d.self.def.normalize(e)
d.topModifier.pushDown(a, e);
d.attr = b
destroy: function() {
var b = this,
a = b.getTemplate();
b.instances = null;
if (a) {
Ext.define("Ext.draw.overrides.sprite.Instancing", {
override: "Ext.draw.sprite.Instancing",
hitTest: function(f, j) {
var e = this,
g = e.getTemplate(),
b = g.attr,
a = e.instances,
d = a.length,
c = 0,
h = null;
if (!e.isVisible()) {
return h
for (; c < d; c++) {
g.attr = a[c];
h = g.hitTest(f, j);
if (h) {
h.isInstance = true;
h.template = h.sprite;
h.sprite = this;
h.instance = a[c];
h.index = c;
return h
g.attr = b;
return h
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.Line", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Sprite",
alias: "sprite.line",
type: "line",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
fromX: "number",
fromY: "number",
toX: "number",
toY: "number"
defaults: {
fromX: 0,
fromY: 0,
toX: 1,
toY: 1,
strokeStyle: "black"
aliases: {
x1: "fromX",
y1: "fromY",
x2: "toX",
y2: "toY"
updateLineBBox: function(b, i, s, g, r, f) {
var o = this.attr,
q = o.matrix,
h = o.lineWidth / 2,
m, l, d, c, k, j, n;
if (i) {
n = q.transformPoint([s, g]);
s = n[0];
g = n[1];
n = q.transformPoint([r, f]);
r = n[0];
f = n[1]
m = Math.min(s, r);
d = Math.max(s, r);
l = Math.min(g, f);
c = Math.max(g, f);
var t = Math.atan2(d - m, c - l),
a = Math.sin(t),
e = Math.cos(t),
k = h * e,
j = h * a;
m -= k;
l -= j;
d += k;
c += j;
b.x = m;
b.y = l;
b.width = d - m;
b.height = c - l
updatePlainBBox: function(b) {
var a = this.attr;
this.updateLineBBox(b, false, a.fromX, a.fromY, a.toX, a.toY)
updateTransformedBBox: function(b, c) {
var a = this.attr;
this.updateLineBBox(b, true, a.fromX, a.fromY, a.toX, a.toY)
render: function(b, c) {
var a = this.attr,
d = this.attr.matrix;
c.moveTo(a.fromX, a.fromY);
c.lineTo(a.toX, a.toY);
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.Plus", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Path",
alias: "",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
x: "number",
y: "number",
size: "number"
defaults: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
size: 4
triggers: {
x: "path",
y: "path",
size: "path"
updatePath: function(d, b) {
var c = b.size / 1.3,
a = b.x - b.lineWidth / 2,
e = b.y;
d.fromSvgString("M".concat(a - c / 2, ",", e - c / 2, "l", [0, -c, c, 0, 0, c, c, 0, 0, c, -c, 0, 0, c, -c, 0, 0, -c, -c, 0, 0, -c, "z"]))
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.Sector", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Path",
alias: "sprite.sector",
type: "sector",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
centerX: "number",
centerY: "number",
startAngle: "number",
endAngle: "number",
startRho: "number",
endRho: "number",
margin: "number"
aliases: {
rho: "endRho"
triggers: {
centerX: "path,bbox",
centerY: "path,bbox",
startAngle: "path,bbox",
endAngle: "path,bbox",
startRho: "path,bbox",
endRho: "path,bbox",
margin: "path,bbox"
defaults: {
centerX: 0,
centerY: 0,
startAngle: 0,
endAngle: 0,
startRho: 0,
endRho: 150,
margin: 0,
path: "M 0,0"
getMidAngle: function() {
return this.midAngle || 0
updatePath: function(j, h) {
var g = Math.min(h.startAngle, h.endAngle),
c = Math.max(h.startAngle, h.endAngle),
b = this.midAngle = (g + c) * 0.5,
d = h.margin,
f = h.centerX,
e = h.centerY,
i = Math.min(h.startRho, h.endRho),
a = Math.max(h.startRho, h.endRho);
if (d) {
f += d * Math.cos(b);
e += d * Math.sin(b)
j.moveTo(f + i * Math.cos(g), e + i * Math.sin(g));
j.lineTo(f + a * Math.cos(g), e + a * Math.sin(g));
j.arc(f, e, a, g, c, false);
j.lineTo(f + i * Math.cos(c), e + i * Math.sin(c));
j.arc(f, e, i, c, g, true)
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.Square", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Rect",
alias: "sprite.square",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
size: "number"
defaults: {
size: 4
triggers: {
size: "size"
updaters: {
size: function(a) {
var c = a.size,
b = a.lineWidth / 2;
x: a.x - c - b,
y: a.y - c,
height: 2 * c,
width: 2 * c
Ext.define("Ext.draw.TextMeasurer", {
singleton: true,
requires: ["Ext.util.TextMetrics"],
measureDiv: null,
measureCache: {},
precise: Ext.isIE8,
measureDivTpl: {
tag: "div",
style: {
overflow: "hidden",
position: "relative",
"float": "left",
width: 0,
height: 0
children: {
tag: "div",
style: {
display: "block",
position: "absolute",
x: -100000,
y: -100000,
padding: 0,
margin: 0,
"z-index": -100000,
"white-space": "nowrap"
actualMeasureText: function(g, b) {
var e = Ext.draw.TextMeasurer,
f = e.measureDiv,
a = 100000,
if (!f) {
var d = Ext.Element.create({
style: {
overflow: "hidden",
position: "relative",
"float": "left",
width: 0,
height: 0
e.measureDiv = f = Ext.Element.create({
style: {
position: "absolute",
x: a,
y: a,
"z-index": -a,
"white-space": "nowrap",
display: "block",
padding: 0,
margin: 0
if (b) {
font: b,
lineHeight: "normal"
f.setText("(" + g + ")");
c = f.getSize();
c.width -= f.getSize().width;
return c
measureTextSingleLine: function(h, d) {
if (this.precise) {
return this.preciseMeasureTextSingleLine(h, d)
h = h.toString();
var a = this.measureCache,
g = h.split(""),
c = 0,
j = 0,
l, b, e, f, k;
if (!a[d]) {
a[d] = {}
a = a[d];
if (a[h]) {
return a[h]
for (e = 0, f = g.length; e < f; e++) {
b = g[e];
if (!(l = a[b])) {
k = this.actualMeasureText(b, d);
l = a[b] = k
c += l.width;
j = Math.max(j, l.height)
return a[h] = {
width: c,
height: j
preciseMeasureTextSingleLine: function(c, a) {
c = c.toString();
var b = this.measureDiv || (this.measureDiv = Ext.getBody().createChild(this.measureDivTpl).down("div"));
font: a || ""
return Ext.util.TextMetrics.measure(b, c)
measureText: function(e, b) {
var h = e.split("\n"),
d = h.length,
f = 0,
a = 0,
j, c, g;
if (d === 1) {
return this.measureTextSingleLine(e, b)
g = [];
for (c = 0; c < d; c++) {
j = this.measureTextSingleLine(h[c], b);
f += j.height;
a = Math.max(a, j.width)
return {
width: a,
height: f,
sizes: g
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.Text", function() {
var d = {
"xx-small": true,
"x-small": true,
small: true,
medium: true,
large: true,
"x-large": true,
"xx-large": true
var b = {
normal: true,
bold: true,
bolder: true,
lighter: true,
100: true,
200: true,
300: true,
400: true,
500: true,
600: true,
700: true,
800: true,
900: true
var a = {
start: "start",
left: "start",
center: "center",
middle: "center",
end: "end",
right: "end"
var c = {
top: "top",
hanging: "hanging",
middle: "middle",
center: "middle",
alphabetic: "alphabetic",
ideographic: "ideographic",
bottom: "bottom"
return {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Sprite",
requires: ["Ext.draw.TextMeasurer", "Ext.draw.Color"],
alias: "sprite.text",
type: "text",
lineBreakRe: /\r?\n/g,
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
animationProcessors: {
text: "text"
processors: {
x: "number",
y: "number",
text: "string",
fontSize: function(e) {
if (Ext.isNumber(+e)) {
return e + "px"
} else {
if (e.match(Ext.dom.Element.unitRe)) {
return e
} else {
if (e in d) {
return e
fontStyle: "enums(,italic,oblique)",
fontVariant: "enums(,small-caps)",
fontWeight: function(e) {
if (e in b) {
return String(e)
} else {
return ""
fontFamily: "string",
textAlign: function(e) {
return a[e] || "center"
textBaseline: function(e) {
return c[e] || "alphabetic"
font: "string"
aliases: {
"font-size": "fontSize",
"font-family": "fontFamily",
"font-weight": "fontWeight",
"font-variant": "fontVariant",
"text-anchor": "textAlign"
defaults: {
fontStyle: "",
fontVariant: "",
fontWeight: "",
fontSize: "10px",
fontFamily: "sans-serif",
font: "10px sans-serif",
textBaseline: "alphabetic",
textAlign: "start",
strokeStyle: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",
fillStyle: "#000",
x: 0,
y: 0,
text: ""
triggers: {
fontStyle: "fontX,bbox",
fontVariant: "fontX,bbox",
fontWeight: "fontX,bbox",
fontSize: "fontX,bbox",
fontFamily: "fontX,bbox",
font: "font,bbox,canvas",
textBaseline: "bbox",
textAlign: "bbox",
x: "bbox",
y: "bbox",
text: "bbox"
updaters: {
fontX: "makeFontShorthand",
font: "parseFontShorthand"
constructor: function(e) {
if (e && e.font) {
e = Ext.clone(e);
for (var f in e) {
if (f !== "font" && f.indexOf("font") === 0) {
delete e[f]
}, e)
fontValuesMap: {
italic: "fontStyle",
oblique: "fontStyle",
"small-caps": "fontVariant",
bold: "fontWeight",
bolder: "fontWeight",
lighter: "fontWeight",
"100": "fontWeight",
"200": "fontWeight",
"300": "fontWeight",
"400": "fontWeight",
"500": "fontWeight",
"600": "fontWeight",
"700": "fontWeight",
"800": "fontWeight",
"900": "fontWeight",
"xx-small": "fontSize",
"x-small": "fontSize",
small: "fontSize",
medium: "fontSize",
large: "fontSize",
"x-large": "fontSize",
"xx-large": "fontSize"
makeFontShorthand: function(e) {
var f = [];
if (e.fontStyle) {
if (e.fontVariant) {
if (e.fontWeight) {
if (e.fontSize) {
if (e.fontFamily) {
font: f.join(" ")
}, true)
parseFontShorthand: function(j) {
var m = j.font,
k = m.length,
l = {},
n = this.fontValuesMap,
e = 0,
i, g, f, h;
while (e < k && i !== -1) {
i = m.indexOf(" ", e);
if (i < 0) {
f = m.substr(e)
} else {
if (i > e) {
f = m.substr(e, i - e)
} else {
g = f.indexOf("/");
if (g > 0) {
f = f.substr(0, g)
} else {
if (g === 0) {
if (f !== "normal" && f !== "inherit") {
h = n[f];
if (h) {
l[h] = f
} else {
if (f.match(Ext.dom.Element.unitRe)) {
l.fontSize = f
} else {
l.fontFamily = m.substr(e);
e = i + 1
if (!l.fontStyle) {
l.fontStyle = ""
if (!l.fontVariant) {
l.fontVariant = ""
if (!l.fontWeight) {
l.fontWeight = ""
this.setAttributes(l, true)
fontProperties: {
fontStyle: true,
fontVariant: true,
fontWeight: true,
fontSize: true,
fontFamily: true
setAttributes: function(g, i, e) {
var f, h;
if (g && g.font) {
h = {};
for (f in g) {
if (!(f in this.fontProperties)) {
h[f] = g[f]
g = h
this.callParent([g, i, e])
getBBox: function(g) {
var h = this,
f = h.attr.bbox.plain,
e = h.getSurface();
if (f.dirty) {
f.dirty = false
if (e.getInherited().rtl && e.getFlipRtlText()) {
h.updatePlainBBox(f, true)
return h.callParent([g])
rtlAlignments: {
start: "end",
center: "center",
end: "start"
updatePlainBBox: function(k, B) {
var C = this,
w = C.attr,
o = w.x,
n = w.y,
q = [],
t = w.font,
r = w.text,
s = w.textBaseline,
l = w.textAlign,
u = (B && C.oldSize) ? C.oldSize : (C.oldSize = Ext.draw.TextMeasurer.measureText(r, t)),
z = C.getSurface(),
p = z.getInherited().rtl,
v = p && z.getFlipRtlText(),
h = z.getRect(),
f = u.sizes,
g = u.height,
j = u.width,
m = f ? f.length : 0,
e, A = 0;
switch (s) {
case "hanging":
case "top":
case "ideographic":
case "bottom":
n -= g;
case "alphabetic":
n -= g * 0.8;
case "middle":
n -= g * 0.5;
if (v) {
o = h[2] - h[0] - o;
l = C.rtlAlignments[l]
switch (l) {
case "start":
if (p) {
for (; A < m; A++) {
e = f[A].width;
q.push(-(j - e))
case "end":
o -= j;
if (p) {
for (; A < m; A++) {
e = f[A].width;
q.push(j - e)
case "center":
o -= j * 0.5;
for (; A < m; A++) {
e = f[A].width;
q.push((p ? -1 : 1) * (j - e) * 0.5)
w.textAlignOffsets = q;
k.x = o;
k.y = n;
k.width = j;
k.height = g
setText: function(e) {
text: e
}, true)
render: function(e, q, k) {
var h = this,
g = h.attr,
p =,
o = h.getBBox(true),
s = g.textAlignOffsets,
m = Ext.draw.Color.RGBA_NONE,
l, j, f, r, n;
if (g.text.length === 0) {
r = g.text.split(h.lineBreakRe);
n = o.height / r.length;
l = g.bbox.plain.x;
j = g.bbox.plain.y + n * 0.78;
if (e.getInherited().rtl) {
l += g.bbox.plain.width
for (f = 0; f < r.length; f++) {
if (q.fillStyle !== m) {
q.fillText(r[f], l + (s[f] || 0), j + n * f)
if (q.strokeStyle !== m) {
q.strokeText(r[f], l + (s[f] || 0), j + n * f)
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.Tick", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Line",
alias: "sprite.tick",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
x: "number",
y: "number",
size: "number"
defaults: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
size: 4
triggers: {
x: "tick",
y: "tick",
size: "tick"
updaters: {
tick: function(b) {
var d = b.size * 1.5,
c = b.lineWidth / 2,
a = b.x,
e = b.y;
fromX: a - c,
fromY: e - d,
toX: a - c,
toY: e + d
Ext.define("Ext.draw.sprite.Triangle", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Path",
alias: "sprite.triangle",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
x: "number",
y: "number",
size: "number"
defaults: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
size: 4
triggers: {
x: "path",
y: "path",
size: "path"
updatePath: function(d, b) {
var c = b.size * 2.2,
a = b.x,
e = b.y;
d.fromSvgString("M".concat(a, ",", e, "m0-", c * 0.58, "l", c * 0.5, ",", c * 0.87, "-", c, ",0z"))
Ext.define("Ext.draw.gradient.Linear", {
extend: "Ext.draw.gradient.Gradient",
requires: ["Ext.draw.Color"],
type: "linear",
config: {
degrees: 0,
radians: 0
applyRadians: function(b, a) {
if (Ext.isNumber(b)) {
return b
return a
applyDegrees: function(b, a) {
if (Ext.isNumber(b)) {
return b
return a
updateRadians: function(a) {
updateDegrees: function(a) {
generateGradient: function(q, o) {
var c = this.getRadians(),
p = Math.cos(c),
j = Math.sin(c),
m = o.width,
f = o.height,
d = o.x + m * 0.5,
b = o.y + f * 0.5,
n = this.getStops(),
g = n.length,
k, a, e;
if (Ext.isNumber(d + b) && f > 0 && m > 0) {
a = (Math.sqrt(f * f + m * m) * Math.abs(Math.cos(c - Math.atan(f / m)))) / 2;
k = q.createLinearGradient(d + p * a, b + j * a, d - p * a, b - j * a);
for (e = 0; e < g; e++) {
k.addColorStop(n[e].offset, n[e].color)
return k
return Ext.draw.Color.NONE
Ext.define("Ext.draw.gradient.Radial", {
extend: "Ext.draw.gradient.Gradient",
type: "radial",
config: {
start: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
r: 0
end: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
r: 1
applyStart: function(a, b) {
if (!b) {
return a
var c = {
x: b.x,
y: b.y,
r: b.r
if ("x" in a) {
c.x = a.x
} else {
if ("centerX" in a) {
c.x = a.centerX
if ("y" in a) {
c.y = a.y
} else {
if ("centerY" in a) {
c.y = a.centerY
if ("r" in a) {
c.r = a.r
} else {
if ("radius" in a) {
c.r = a.radius
return c
applyEnd: function(b, a) {
if (!a) {
return b
var c = {
x: a.x,
y: a.y,
r: a.r
if ("x" in b) {
c.x = b.x
} else {
if ("centerX" in b) {
c.x = b.centerX
if ("y" in b) {
c.y = b.y
} else {
if ("centerY" in b) {
c.y = b.centerY
if ("r" in b) {
c.r = b.r
} else {
if ("radius" in b) {
c.r = b.radius
return c
generateGradient: function(n, m) {
var a = this.getStart(),
b = this.getEnd(),
k = m.width * 0.5,
d = m.height * 0.5,
j = m.x + k,
f = m.y + d,
g = n.createRadialGradient(j + a.x * k, f + a.y * d, a.r * Math.max(k, d), j + b.x * k, f + b.y * d, b.r * Math.max(k, d)),
l = this.getStops(),
e = l.length,
for (c = 0; c < e; c++) {
g.addColorStop(l[c].offset, l[c].color)
return g
Ext.define("Ext.draw.Surface", {
extend: "Ext.draw.SurfaceBase",
xtype: "surface",
requires: ["Ext.draw.sprite.*", "Ext.draw.gradient.*", "Ext.draw.sprite.AttributeDefinition", "Ext.draw.Matrix", "Ext.draw.Draw"],
uses: ["Ext.draw.engine.Canvas"],
devicePixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio || window.screen.deviceXDPI / window.screen.logicalXDPI,
deprecated: {
"5.1.0": {
statics: {
methods: {
stableSort: function(a) {
return Ext.Array.sort(a, function(d, c) {
return d.attr.zIndex - c.attr.zIndex
config: {
cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "surface",
rect: null,
background: null,
items: [],
dirty: false,
flipRtlText: false
isSurface: true,
isPendingRenderFrame: false,
dirtyPredecessorCount: 0,
constructor: function(a) {
var b = this;
b.predecessors = [];
b.successors = []; = {};
b.matrix = new Ext.draw.Matrix();
b.inverseMatrix = b.matrix.inverse()
roundPixel: function(a) {
return Math.round(this.devicePixelRatio * a) / this.devicePixelRatio
waitFor: function(a) {
var b = this,
c = b.predecessors;
if (!Ext.Array.contains(c, a)) {
if (a.getDirty()) {
updateDirty: function(d) {
var c = this.successors,
e = c.length,
b = 0,
for (; b < e; b++) {
a = c[b];
if (d) {
} else {
if (a.dirtyPredecessorCount === 0 && a.isPendingRenderFrame) {
applyBackground: function(a, b) {
if (Ext.isString(a)) {
a = {
fillStyle: a
return Ext.factory(a, Ext.draw.sprite.Rect, b)
applyRect: function(a, b) {
if (b && a[0] === b[0] && a[1] === b[1] && a[2] === b[2] && a[3] === b[3]) {
if (Ext.isArray(a)) {
return [a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]]
} else {
if (Ext.isObject(a)) {
return [a.x || a.left, a.y ||, a.width || (a.right - a.left), a.height || (a.bottom -]
updateRect: function(i) {
var h = this,
c = i[0],
f = i[1],
g = c + i[2],
a = f + i[3],
e = h.getBackground(),
d = h.element;
d.setLocalXY(Math.floor(c), Math.floor(f));
d.setSize(Math.ceil(g - Math.floor(c)), Math.ceil(a - Math.floor(f)));
if (e) {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: Math.ceil(g - Math.floor(c)),
height: Math.ceil(a - Math.floor(f))
resetTransform: function() {
this.matrix.set(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
this.inverseMatrix.set(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
get: function(a) {
return[a] || this.getItems()[a]
add: function() {
var g = this,
e =,
j = Ext.isArray(e[0]),
a =,
c = [],
f, k, h, b, d;
f = Ext.Array.clean(j ? e[0] : e);
if (!f.length) {
return c
for (b = 0, d = f.length; b < d; b++) {
k = f[b];
h = null;
if (k.isSprite && !a[k.getId()]) {
h = k
} else {
if (!a[]) {
h = this.createItem(k)
if (h) {
a[h.getId()] = h;
f = g.getItems();
if (f) {
f.push.apply(f, c)
g.dirtyZIndex = true;
if (!j && c.length === 1) {
return c[0]
} else {
return c
onAdd: Ext.emptyFn,
remove: function(a, c) {
var b = this,
e, d;
if (a) {
if (a.charAt) {
a =[a]
if (!a || !a.isSprite) {
return null
if (a.isDestroyed || a.isDestroying) {
return a
e = a.getId();
d =[e];
if (c) {
if (!d) {
return a
Ext.Array.remove(b.getItems(), a);
b.dirtyZIndex = true;
return a || null
removeAll: function(d) {
var a = this.getItems(),
b = a.length - 1,
if (d) {
for (; b >= 0; b--) {
} else {
for (; b >= 0; b--) {
c = a[b];
a.length = 0; = {};
this.dirtyZIndex = true
applyItems: function(a) {
if (this.getItems()) {
return Ext.Array.from(this.add(a))
createItem: function(a) {
return Ext.create(a.xclass || "sprite." + a.type, a)
getBBox: function(f, b) {
var f = Ext.Array.from(f),
c = Infinity,
h = -Infinity,
g = Infinity,
a = -Infinity,
j, k, d, e;
for (d = 0, e = f.length; d < e; d++) {
j = f[d];
k = j.getBBox(b);
if (c > k.x) {
c = k.x
if (h < k.x + k.width) {
h = k.x + k.width
if (g > k.y) {
g = k.y
if (a < k.y + k.height) {
a = k.y + k.height
return {
x: c,
y: g,
width: h - c,
height: a - g
emptyRect: [0, 0, 0, 0],
getEventXY: function(d) {
var g = this,
f = g.getInherited().rtl,
c = d.getXY(),
a = g.getOwnerBody(),
i = a.getXY(),
h = g.getRect() || g.emptyRect,
j = [],
if (f) {
b = a.getWidth();
j[0] = i[0] - c[0] - h[0] + b
} else {
j[0] = c[0] - i[0] - h[0]
j[1] = c[1] - i[1] - h[1];
return j
clear: Ext.emptyFn,
orderByZIndex: function() {
var d = this,
a = d.getItems(),
e = false,
b, c;
if (d.getDirty()) {
for (b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) {
if (a[b].attr.dirtyZIndex) {
e = true;
if (e) {
Ext.Array.sort(a, function(g, f) {
return g.attr.zIndex - f.attr.zIndex
for (b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) {
a[b].attr.dirtyZIndex = false
repaint: function() {
var a = this;
a.repaint = Ext.emptyFn;
Ext.defer(function() {
delete a.repaint;
}, 1)
renderFrame: function() {
var g = this;
if (!g.element) {
if (g.dirtyPredecessorCount > 0) {
g.isPendingRenderFrame = true;
var f = g.getRect(),
c = g.getBackground(),
a = g.getItems(),
e, b, d;
if (!f) {
if (g.getDirty()) {
if (c) {
for (b = 0, d = a.length; b < d; b++) {
e = a[b];
if (g.renderSprite(e) === false) {
e.attr.textPositionCount = g.textPosition
renderSprite: Ext.emptyFn,
clearTransform: Ext.emptyFn,
destroy: function() {
var a = this;
a.predecessors = null;
a.successors = null;
Ext.define("Ext.draw.overrides.Surface", {
override: "Ext.draw.Surface",
hitTest: function(b, c) {
var f = this,
g = f.getItems(),
e, d, a;
c = c || Ext.draw.sprite.Sprite.defaultHitTestOptions;
for (e = g.length - 1; e >= 0; e--) {
d = g[e];
if (d.hitTest) {
a = d.hitTest(b, c);
if (a) {
return a
return null
hitTestEvent: function(b, a) {
var c = this.getEventXY(b);
return this.hitTest(c, a)
Ext.define("Ext.draw.engine.SvgContext", {
requires: ["Ext.draw.Color"],
toSave: ["strokeOpacity", "strokeStyle", "fillOpacity", "fillStyle", "globalAlpha", "lineWidth", "lineCap", "lineJoin", "lineDash", "lineDashOffset", "miterLimit", "shadowOffsetX", "shadowOffsetY", "shadowBlur", "shadowColor", "globalCompositeOperation", "position", "fillGradient", "strokeGradient"],
strokeOpacity: 1,
strokeStyle: "none",
fillOpacity: 1,
fillStyle: "none",
lineDash: [],
lineDashOffset: 0,
globalAlpha: 1,
lineWidth: 1,
lineCap: "butt",
lineJoin: "miter",
miterLimit: 10,
shadowOffsetX: 0,
shadowOffsetY: 0,
shadowBlur: 0,
shadowColor: "none",
globalCompositeOperation: "src",
urlStringRe: /^url\(#([\w\-]+)\)$/,
constructor: function(a) {
this.surface = a;
this.state = [];
this.matrix = new Ext.draw.Matrix();
this.path = null;
clear: function() { = this.surface.mainGroup;
this.position = 0;
this.path = null
getElement: function(a) {
return this.surface.getSvgElement(, a, this.position++)
removeElement: function(d) {
var d =,
h, g, b, f, a, e, c;
if (!d) {
if (d.dom.tagName === "g") {
a = d.dom.gradients;
for (c in a) {
} else {
h = d.getAttribute("fill");
g = d.getAttribute("stroke");
b = h && h.match(this.urlStringRe);
f = g && g.match(this.urlStringRe);
if (b && b[1]) {
e =[1]);
if (e) {
if (f && f[1]) {
e =[1]);
if (e) {
save: function() {
var c = this.toSave,
e = {},
d = this.getElement("g"),
b, a;
for (a = 0; a < c.length; a++) {
b = c[a];
if (b in this) {
e[b] = this[b]
this.position = 0;
e.matrix = this.matrix.clone();
this.state.push(e); = d;
return d
restore: function() {
var d = this.toSave,
e = this.state.pop(),
c =,
b, a;
while (c.length > this.position) {
this.removeElement(c[c.length - 1])
for (a = 0; a < d.length; a++) {
b = d[a];
if (b in e) {
this[b] = e[b]
} else {
delete this[b]
this.setTransform.apply(this, e.matrix.elements); =
transform: function(f, b, e, g, d, c) {
if (this.path) {
var a =[f, b, e, g, d, c]).inverse();
this.matrix.append(f, b, e, g, d, c)
setTransform: function(e, a, d, f, c, b) {
if (this.path) {
this.transform(e, a, d, f, c, b)
scale: function(a, b) {
this.transform(a, 0, 0, b, 0, 0)
rotate: function(d) {
var c = Math.cos(d),
a = Math.sin(d),
b = -Math.sin(d),
e = Math.cos(d);
this.transform(c, a, b, e, 0, 0)
translate: function(a, b) {
this.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, a, b)
setGradientBBox: function(a) {
this.bbox = a
beginPath: function() {
this.path = new Ext.draw.Path()
moveTo: function(a, b) {
if (!this.path) {
this.path.moveTo(a, b);
this.path.element = null
lineTo: function(a, b) {
if (!this.path) {
this.path.lineTo(a, b);
this.path.element = null
rect: function(b, d, c, a) {
this.moveTo(b, d);
this.lineTo(b + c, d);
this.lineTo(b + c, d + a);
this.lineTo(b, d + a);
strokeRect: function(b, d, c, a) {
this.rect(b, d, c, a);
fillRect: function(b, d, c, a) {
this.rect(b, d, c, a);
closePath: function() {
if (!this.path) {
this.path.element = null
arcSvg: function(d, a, f, g, c, b, e) {
if (!this.path) {
this.path.arcSvg(d, a, f, g, c, b, e);
this.path.element = null
arc: function(b, f, a, d, c, e) {
if (!this.path) {
this.path.arc(b, f, a, d, c, e);
this.path.element = null
ellipse: function(a, h, g, f, d, c, b, e) {
if (!this.path) {
this.path.ellipse(a, h, g, f, d, c, b, e);
this.path.element = null
arcTo: function(b, e, a, d, g, f, c) {
if (!this.path) {
this.path.arcTo(b, e, a, d, g, f, c);
this.path.element = null
bezierCurveTo: function(d, f, b, e, a, c) {
if (!this.path) {
this.path.bezierCurveTo(d, f, b, e, a, c);
this.path.element = null
strokeText: function(d, a, e) {
d = String(d);
if (this.strokeStyle) {
var b = this.getElement("text"),
c = this.surface.getSvgElement(b, "tspan", 0);
this.surface.setElementAttributes(b, {
x: a,
y: e,
transform: this.matrix.toSvg(),
stroke: this.strokeStyle,
fill: "none",
opacity: this.globalAlpha,
"stroke-opacity": this.strokeOpacity,
style: "font: " + this.font,
"stroke-dasharray": this.lineDash.join(","),
"stroke-dashoffset": this.lineDashOffset
if (this.lineDash.length) {
this.surface.setElementAttributes(b, {
"stroke-dasharray": this.lineDash.join(","),
"stroke-dashoffset": this.lineDashOffset
if (c.dom.firstChild) {
this.surface.setElementAttributes(c, {
"alignment-baseline": "alphabetic"
fillText: function(d, a, e) {
d = String(d);
if (this.fillStyle) {
var b = this.getElement("text"),
c = this.surface.getSvgElement(b, "tspan", 0);
this.surface.setElementAttributes(b, {
x: a,
y: e,
transform: this.matrix.toSvg(),
fill: this.fillStyle,
opacity: this.globalAlpha,
"fill-opacity": this.fillOpacity,
style: "font: " + this.font
if (c.dom.firstChild) {
this.surface.setElementAttributes(c, {
"alignment-baseline": "alphabetic"
drawImage: function(c, k, i, l, e, p, n, a, g) {
var f = this,
d = f.getElement("image"),
j = k,
h = i,
b = typeof l === "undefined" ? c.width : l,
m = typeof e === "undefined" ? c.height : e,
o = null;
if (typeof g !== "undefined") {
o = k + " " + i + " " + l + " " + e;
j = p;
h = n;
b = a;
m = g
d.dom.setAttributeNS("", "href", c.src);
f.surface.setElementAttributes(d, {
viewBox: o,
x: j,
y: h,
width: b,
height: m,
opacity: f.globalAlpha,
transform: f.matrix.toSvg()
fill: function() {
if (!this.path) {
if (this.fillStyle) {
var c, a = this.fillGradient,
d = this.bbox,
b = this.path.element;
if (!b) {
c = this.path.toString();
b = this.path.element = this.getElement("path");
this.surface.setElementAttributes(b, {
d: c,
transform: this.matrix.toSvg()
this.surface.setElementAttributes(b, {
fill: a && d ? a.generateGradient(this, d) : this.fillStyle,
"fill-opacity": this.fillOpacity * this.globalAlpha
stroke: function() {
if (!this.path) {
if (this.strokeStyle) {
var c, b = this.strokeGradient,
d = this.bbox,
a = this.path.element;
if (!a || !this.path.svgString) {
c = this.path.toString();
if (!c) {
a = this.path.element = this.getElement("path");
this.surface.setElementAttributes(a, {
fill: "none",
d: c,
transform: this.matrix.toSvg()
this.surface.setElementAttributes(a, {
stroke: b && d ? b.generateGradient(this, d) : this.strokeStyle,
"stroke-linecap": this.lineCap,
"stroke-linejoin": this.lineJoin,
"stroke-width": this.lineWidth,
"stroke-opacity": this.strokeOpacity * this.globalAlpha,
"stroke-dasharray": this.lineDash.join(","),
"stroke-dashoffset": this.lineDashOffset
if (this.lineDash.length) {
this.surface.setElementAttributes(a, {
"stroke-dasharray": this.lineDash.join(","),
"stroke-dashoffset": this.lineDashOffset
fillStroke: function(a, e) {
var b = this,
d = b.fillStyle,
g = b.strokeStyle,
c = b.fillOpacity,
f = b.strokeOpacity;
if (e === undefined) {
e = a.transformFillStroke
if (!e) {
if (d && c !== 0) {
if (g && f !== 0) {
appendPath: function(a) {
this.path = a.clone()
setLineDash: function(a) {
this.lineDash = a
getLineDash: function() {
return this.lineDash
createLinearGradient: function(d, g, b, e) {
var f = this,
c = f.surface.getNextDef("linearGradient"),
a = || ( = {}),
f.surface.setElementAttributes(c, {
x1: d,
y1: g,
x2: b,
y2: e,
gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse"
h = new Ext.draw.engine.SvgContext.Gradient(f, f.surface, c);
a[] = h;
return h
createRadialGradient: function(b, j, d, a, i, c) {
var g = this,
e = g.surface.getNextDef("radialGradient"),
f = || ( = {}),
g.surface.setElementAttributes(e, {
fx: b,
fy: j,
cx: a,
cy: i,
r: c,
gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse"
h = new Ext.draw.engine.SvgContext.Gradient(g, g.surface, e, d / c);
f[] = h;
return h
Ext.define("Ext.draw.engine.SvgContext.Gradient", {
statics: {
map: {}
constructor: function(c, a, d, b) {
var f = this.statics().map,
e = f[];
if (e) {
e.element = null
f[] = this;
this.ctx = c;
this.surface = a;
this.element = d;
this.position = 0;
this.compression = b || 0
addColorStop: function(d, b) {
var c = this.surface.getSvgElement(this.element, "stop", this.position++),
a = this.compression;
this.surface.setElementAttributes(c, {
offset: (((1 - a) * d + a) * 100).toFixed(2) + "%",
"stop-color": b,
toString: function() {
var a = this.element.dom.childNodes;
while (a.length > this.position) {[a.length - 1]).destroy()
return "url(#" + this.element.getId() + ")"
destroy: function() {
var b = this.statics().map,
a = this.element;
if (a && a.dom) {
delete b[];
Ext.define("Ext.draw.engine.Svg", {
extend: "Ext.draw.Surface",
requires: ["Ext.draw.engine.SvgContext"],
statics: {
BBoxTextCache: {}
config: {
highPrecision: false
getElementConfig: function() {
return {
reference: "element",
style: {
position: "absolute"
children: [{
reference: "innerElement",
style: {
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
position: "relative"
children: [{
tag: "svg",
reference: "svgElement",
namespace: "",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
version: 1.1
constructor: function(a) {
var b = this;
b.mainGroup = b.createSvgNode("g");
b.defElement = b.createSvgNode("defs");
b.ctx = new Ext.draw.engine.SvgContext(b)
createSvgNode: function(a) {
var b = document.createElementNS("", a);
return Ext.get(b)
getSvgElement: function(d, b, a) {
var c;
if (d.dom.childNodes.length > a) {
c = d.dom.childNodes[a];
if (c.tagName === b) {
return Ext.get(c)
} else {
c = Ext.get(this.createSvgNode(b));
if (a === 0) {
} else {
c.insertAfter([a - 1]))
c.cache = {};
return c
setElementAttributes: function(d, b) {
var f = d.dom,
a = d.cache,
c, e;
for (c in b) {
e = b[c];
if (a[c] !== e) {
a[c] = e;
f.setAttribute(c, e)
getNextDef: function(a) {
return this.getSvgElement(this.defElement, a, this.defPosition++)
clearTransform: function() {
var a = this;
transform: a.matrix.toSvg()
clear: function() {
this.defPosition = 0
renderSprite: function(b) {
var d = this,
c = d.getRect(),
a = d.ctx;
if (b.attr.hidden || b.attr.globalAlpha === 0) {;
b.element =;
b.useAttributes(a, c);
if (false === b.render(this, a, [0, 0, c[2], c[3]])) {
return false
flatten: function(e, b) {
var c = '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>',
f = Ext.getClassName(this),
a, g, d;
c += '<svg version="1.1" baseProfile="full" xmlns="" width="' + e.width + '" height="' + e.height + '">';
for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
a = b[d];
if (Ext.getClassName(a) !== f) {
g = a.getRect();
c += '<g transform="translate(' + g[0] + "," + g[1] + ')">';
c += this.serializeNode(a.svgElement.dom);
c += "</g>"
c += "</svg>";
return {
data: "data:image/svg+xml;utf8," + encodeURIComponent(c),
type: "svg"
serializeNode: function(d) {
var b = "",
c, f, a, e;
if (d.nodeType === document.TEXT_NODE) {
return d.nodeValue
b += "<" + d.nodeName;
if (d.attributes.length) {
for (c = 0, f = d.attributes.length; c < f; c++) {
a = d.attributes[c];
b += " " + + '="' + a.value + '"'
b += ">";
if (d.childNodes && d.childNodes.length) {
for (c = 0, f = d.childNodes.length; c < f; c++) {
e = d.childNodes[c];
b += this.serializeNode(e)
b += "</" + d.nodeName + ">";
return b
destroy: function() {
var a = this;
delete a.mainGroup;
delete a.ctx;
remove: function(a, b) {
if (a && a.element) {
if (this.ctx) {
} else {
a.element = null
Ext.draw || (Ext.draw = {});
Ext.draw.engine || (Ext.draw.engine = {});
Ext.draw.engine.excanvas = true;
if (!document.createElement("canvas").getContext) {
(function() {
var ab = Math;
var n = ab.round;
var l = ab.sin;
var A = ab.cos;
var H = ab.abs;
var N = ab.sqrt;
var d = 10;
var f = d / 2;
var z = +navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE ([\d.]+)?/)[1];
function y() {
return this.context_ || (this.context_ = new D(this))
var t = Array.prototype.slice;
function g(j, m, p) {
var i =, 2);
return function() {
return j.apply(m, i.concat(
function af(i) {
return String(i).replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;")
function Y(m, j, i) {
Ext.onReady(function() {
if (!m.namespaces[j]) {
m.namespaces.add(j, i, "#default#VML")
function R(j) {
Y(j, "g_vml_", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml");
Y(j, "g_o_", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office");
if (!j.styleSheets.ex_canvas_) {
var i = j.createStyleSheet(); = "ex_canvas_";
i.cssText = "canvas{display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;text-align:left;width:300px;height:150px}"
var e = {
init: function(i) {
var j = i || document;
j.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", g(this.init_, this, j))
init_: function(p) {
var m = p.getElementsByTagName("canvas");
for (var j = 0; j < m.length; j++) {
initElement: function(j) {
if (!j.getContext) {
j.getContext = y;
j.innerHTML = "";
j.attachEvent("onpropertychange", x);
j.attachEvent("onresize", W);
var i = j.attributes;
if (i.width && i.width.specified) { = i.width.nodeValue + "px"
} else {
j.width = j.clientWidth
if (i.height && i.height.specified) { = i.height.nodeValue + "px"
} else {
j.height = j.clientHeight
return j
function x(j) {
var i = j.srcElement;
switch (j.propertyName) {
case "width":
i.getContext().clearRect(); = i.attributes.width.nodeValue + "px"; = i.clientWidth + "px";
case "height":
i.getContext().clearRect(); = i.attributes.height.nodeValue + "px"; = i.clientHeight + "px";
function W(j) {
var i = j.srcElement;
if (i.firstChild) { = i.clientWidth + "px"; = i.clientHeight + "px"
var k = [];
for (var ae = 0; ae < 16; ae++) {
for (var ad = 0; ad < 16; ad++) {
k[ae * 16 + ad] = ae.toString(16) + ad.toString(16)
function B() {
return [
[1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 1]
function J(p, m) {
var j = B();
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (var ah = 0; ah < 3; ah++) {
var Z = 0;
for (var ag = 0; ag < 3; ag++) {
Z += p[i][ag] * m[ag][ah]
j[i][ah] = Z
return j
function v(j, i) {
i.fillStyle = j.fillStyle;
i.lineCap = j.lineCap;
i.lineJoin = j.lineJoin;
i.lineDash = j.lineDash;
i.lineWidth = j.lineWidth;
i.miterLimit = j.miterLimit;
i.shadowBlur = j.shadowBlur;
i.shadowColor = j.shadowColor;
i.shadowOffsetX = j.shadowOffsetX;
i.shadowOffsetY = j.shadowOffsetY;
i.strokeStyle = j.strokeStyle;
i.globalAlpha = j.globalAlpha;
i.font = j.font;
i.textAlign = j.textAlign;
i.textBaseline = j.textBaseline;
i.arcScaleX_ = j.arcScaleX_;
i.arcScaleY_ = j.arcScaleY_;
i.lineScale_ = j.lineScale_
var b = {
aliceblue: "#F0F8FF",
antiquewhite: "#FAEBD7",
aquamarine: "#7FFFD4",
azure: "#F0FFFF",
beige: "#F5F5DC",
bisque: "#FFE4C4",
black: "#000000",
blanchedalmond: "#FFEBCD",
blueviolet: "#8A2BE2",
brown: "#A52A2A",
burlywood: "#DEB887",
cadetblue: "#5F9EA0",
chartreuse: "#7FFF00",
chocolate: "#D2691E",
coral: "#FF7F50",
cornflowerblue: "#6495ED",
cornsilk: "#FFF8DC",
crimson: "#DC143C",
cyan: "#00FFFF",
darkblue: "#00008B",
darkcyan: "#008B8B",
darkgoldenrod: "#B8860B",
darkgray: "#A9A9A9",
darkgreen: "#006400",
darkgrey: "#A9A9A9",
darkkhaki: "#BDB76B",
darkmagenta: "#8B008B",
darkolivegreen: "#556B2F",
darkorange: "#FF8C00",
darkorchid: "#9932CC",
darkred: "#8B0000",
darksalmon: "#E9967A",
darkseagreen: "#8FBC8F",
darkslateblue: "#483D8B",
darkslategray: "#2F4F4F",
darkslategrey: "#2F4F4F",
darkturquoise: "#00CED1",
darkviolet: "#9400D3",
deeppink: "#FF1493",
deepskyblue: "#00BFFF",
dimgray: "#696969",
dimgrey: "#696969",
dodgerblue: "#1E90FF",
firebrick: "#B22222",
floralwhite: "#FFFAF0",
forestgreen: "#228B22",
gainsboro: "#DCDCDC",
ghostwhite: "#F8F8FF",
gold: "#FFD700",
goldenrod: "#DAA520",
grey: "#808080",
greenyellow: "#ADFF2F",
honeydew: "#F0FFF0",
hotpink: "#FF69B4",
indianred: "#CD5C5C",
indigo: "#4B0082",
ivory: "#FFFFF0",
khaki: "#F0E68C",
lavender: "#E6E6FA",
lavenderblush: "#FFF0F5",
lawngreen: "#7CFC00",
lemonchiffon: "#FFFACD",
lightblue: "#ADD8E6",
lightcoral: "#F08080",
lightcyan: "#E0FFFF",
lightgoldenrodyellow: "#FAFAD2",
lightgreen: "#90EE90",
lightgrey: "#D3D3D3",
lightpink: "#FFB6C1",
lightsalmon: "#FFA07A",
lightseagreen: "#20B2AA",
lightskyblue: "#87CEFA",
lightslategray: "#778899",
lightslategrey: "#778899",
lightsteelblue: "#B0C4DE",
lightyellow: "#FFFFE0",
limegreen: "#32CD32",
linen: "#FAF0E6",
magenta: "#FF00FF",
mediumaquamarine: "#66CDAA",
mediumblue: "#0000CD",
mediumorchid: "#BA55D3",
mediumpurple: "#9370DB",
mediumseagreen: "#3CB371",
mediumslateblue: "#7B68EE",
mediumspringgreen: "#00FA9A",
mediumturquoise: "#48D1CC",
mediumvioletred: "#C71585",
midnightblue: "#191970",
mintcream: "#F5FFFA",
mistyrose: "#FFE4E1",
moccasin: "#FFE4B5",
navajowhite: "#FFDEAD",
oldlace: "#FDF5E6",
olivedrab: "#6B8E23",
orange: "#FFA500",
orangered: "#FF4500",
orchid: "#DA70D6",
palegoldenrod: "#EEE8AA",
palegreen: "#98FB98",
paleturquoise: "#AFEEEE",
palevioletred: "#DB7093",
papayawhip: "#FFEFD5",
peachpuff: "#FFDAB9",
peru: "#CD853F",
pink: "#FFC0CB",
plum: "#DDA0DD",
powderblue: "#B0E0E6",
rosybrown: "#BC8F8F",
royalblue: "#4169E1",
saddlebrown: "#8B4513",
salmon: "#FA8072",
sandybrown: "#F4A460",
seagreen: "#2E8B57",
seashell: "#FFF5EE",
sienna: "#A0522D",
skyblue: "#87CEEB",
slateblue: "#6A5ACD",
slategray: "#708090",
slategrey: "#708090",
snow: "#FFFAFA",
springgreen: "#00FF7F",
steelblue: "#4682B4",
tan: "#D2B48C",
thistle: "#D8BFD8",
tomato: "#FF6347",
turquoise: "#40E0D0",
violet: "#EE82EE",
wheat: "#F5DEB3",
whitesmoke: "#F5F5F5",
yellowgreen: "#9ACD32"
function M(j) {
var p = j.indexOf("(", 3);
var i = j.indexOf(")", p + 1);
var m = j.substring(p + 1, i).split(",");
if (m.length != 4 || j.charAt(3) != "a") {
m[3] = 1
return m
function c(i) {
return parseFloat(i) / 100
function r(j, m, i) {
return Math.min(i, Math.max(m, j))
function I(ag) {
var i, ai, aj, ah, ak, Z;
ah = parseFloat(ag[0]) / 360 % 360;
if (ah < 0) {
ak = r(c(ag[1]), 0, 1);
Z = r(c(ag[2]), 0, 1);
if (ak == 0) {
i = ai = aj = Z
} else {
var j = Z < 0.5 ? Z * (1 + ak) : Z + ak - Z * ak;
var m = 2 * Z - j;
i = a(m, j, ah + 1 / 3);
ai = a(m, j, ah);
aj = a(m, j, ah - 1 / 3)
return "#" + k[Math.floor(i * 255)] + k[Math.floor(ai * 255)] + k[Math.floor(aj * 255)]
function a(j, i, m) {
if (m < 0) {
if (m > 1) {
if (6 * m < 1) {
return j + (i - j) * 6 * m
} else {
if (2 * m < 1) {
return i
} else {
if (3 * m < 2) {
return j + (i - j) * (2 / 3 - m) * 6
} else {
return j
var C = {};
function F(j) {
if (j in C) {
return C[j]
var ag, Z = 1;
j = String(j);
if (j.charAt(0) == "#") {
ag = j
} else {
if (/^rgb/.test(j)) {
var p = M(j);
var ag = "#",
for (var m = 0; m < 3; m++) {
if (p[m].indexOf("%") != -1) {
ah = Math.floor(c(p[m]) * 255)
} else {
ah = +p[m]
ag += k[r(ah, 0, 255)]
Z = +p[3]
} else {
if (/^hsl/.test(j)) {
var p = M(j);
ag = I(p);
Z = p[3]
} else {
ag = b[j] || j
return C[j] = {
color: ag,
alpha: Z
var o = {
style: "normal",
variant: "normal",
weight: "normal",
size: 10,
family: "sans-serif"
var L = {};
function E(i) {
if (L[i]) {
return L[i]
var p = document.createElement("div");
var m =;
try {
m.font = i
} catch (j) {}
return L[i] = {
style: m.fontStyle ||,
variant: m.fontVariant || o.variant,
weight: m.fontWeight || o.weight,
size: m.fontSize || o.size,
family: m.fontFamily ||
function u(m, j) {
var i = {};
for (var ah in m) {
i[ah] = m[ah]
var ag = parseFloat(j.currentStyle.fontSize),
Z = parseFloat(m.size);
if (typeof m.size == "number") {
i.size = m.size
} else {
if (m.size.indexOf("px") != -1) {
i.size = Z
} else {
if (m.size.indexOf("em") != -1) {
i.size = ag * Z
} else {
if (m.size.indexOf("%") != -1) {
i.size = (ag / 100) * Z
} else {
if (m.size.indexOf("pt") != -1) {
i.size = Z / 0.75
} else {
i.size = ag
i.size *= 0.981;
return i
function ac(i) {
return + " " + i.variant + " " + i.weight + " " + i.size + "px " +
var s = {
butt: "flat",
round: "round"
function S(i) {
return s[i] || "square"
function D(i) {
this.m_ = B();
this.mStack_ = [];
this.aStack_ = [];
this.currentPath_ = [];
this.strokeStyle = "#000";
this.fillStyle = "#000";
this.lineWidth = 1;
this.lineJoin = "miter";
this.lineDash = [];
this.lineCap = "butt";
this.miterLimit = d * 1;
this.globalAlpha = 1;
this.font = "10px sans-serif";
this.textAlign = "left";
this.textBaseline = "alphabetic";
this.canvas = i;
var m = "width:" + i.clientWidth + "px;height:" + i.clientHeight + "px;overflow:hidden;position:absolute";
var j = i.ownerDocument.createElement("div"); = m;
var p = j.cloneNode(false); = "red"; = "alpha(opacity=0)";
this.element_ = j;
this.arcScaleX_ = 1;
this.arcScaleY_ = 1;
this.lineScale_ = 1
var q = D.prototype;
q.clearRect = function() {
if (this.textMeasureEl_) {
this.textMeasureEl_ = null
this.element_.innerHTML = ""
q.beginPath = function() {
this.currentPath_ = []
q.moveTo = function(j, i) {
var m = V(this, j, i);
type: "moveTo",
x: m.x,
y: m.y
this.currentX_ = m.x;
this.currentY_ = m.y
q.lineTo = function(j, i) {
var m = V(this, j, i);
type: "lineTo",
x: m.x,
y: m.y
this.currentX_ = m.x;
this.currentY_ = m.y
q.bezierCurveTo = function(m, j, ak, aj, ai, ag) {
var i = V(this, ai, ag);
var ah = V(this, m, j);
var Z = V(this, ak, aj);
K(this, ah, Z, i)
function K(i, Z, m, j) {
type: "bezierCurveTo",
cp1x: Z.x,
cp1y: Z.y,
cp2x: m.x,
cp2y: m.y,
x: j.x,
y: j.y
i.currentX_ = j.x;
i.currentY_ = j.y
q.quadraticCurveTo = function(ai, m, j, i) {
var ah = V(this, ai, m);
var ag = V(this, j, i);
var aj = {
x: this.currentX_ + 2 / 3 * (ah.x - this.currentX_),
y: this.currentY_ + 2 / 3 * (ah.y - this.currentY_)
var Z = {
x: aj.x + (ag.x - this.currentX_) / 3,
y: aj.y + (ag.y - this.currentY_) / 3
K(this, aj, Z, ag)
q.arc = function(al, aj, ak, ag, j, m) {
ak *= d;
var ap = m ? "at" : "wa";
var am = al + A(ag) * ak - f;
var ao = aj + l(ag) * ak - f;
var i = al + A(j) * ak - f;
var an = aj + l(j) * ak - f;
if (am == i && !m) {
am += 0.125
var Z = V(this, al, aj);
var ai = V(this, am, ao);
var ah = V(this, i, an);
type: ap,
x: Z.x,
y: Z.y,
radius: ak,
xStart: ai.x,
yStart: ai.y,
xEnd: ah.x,
yEnd: ah.y
q.rect = function(m, j, i, p) {
this.moveTo(m, j);
this.lineTo(m + i, j);
this.lineTo(m + i, j + p);
this.lineTo(m, j + p);
q.strokeRect = function(m, j, i, p) {
var Z = this.currentPath_;
this.moveTo(m, j);
this.lineTo(m + i, j);
this.lineTo(m + i, j + p);
this.lineTo(m, j + p);
this.currentPath_ = Z
q.fillRect = function(m, j, i, p) {
var Z = this.currentPath_;
this.moveTo(m, j);
this.lineTo(m + i, j);
this.lineTo(m + i, j + p);
this.lineTo(m, j + p);
this.currentPath_ = Z
q.createLinearGradient = function(j, p, i, m) {
var Z = new U("gradient");
Z.x0_ = j;
Z.y0_ = p;
Z.x1_ = i;
Z.y1_ = m;
return Z
q.createRadialGradient = function(p, ag, m, j, Z, i) {
var ah = new U("gradientradial");
ah.x0_ = p;
ah.y0_ = ag;
ah.r0_ = m;
ah.x1_ = j;
ah.y1_ = Z;
ah.r1_ = i;
return ah
q.drawImage = function(an, j) {
var ah, Z, aj, ar, al, ak, ao, av;
var ai = an.runtimeStyle.width;
var am = an.runtimeStyle.height;
an.runtimeStyle.width = "auto";
an.runtimeStyle.height = "auto";
var ag = an.width;
var aq = an.height;
an.runtimeStyle.width = ai;
an.runtimeStyle.height = am;
if (arguments.length == 3) {
ah = arguments[1];
Z = arguments[2];
al = ak = 0;
ao = aj = ag;
av = ar = aq
} else {
if (arguments.length == 5) {
ah = arguments[1];
Z = arguments[2];
aj = arguments[3];
ar = arguments[4];
al = ak = 0;
ao = ag;
av = aq
} else {
if (arguments.length == 9) {
al = arguments[1];
ak = arguments[2];
ao = arguments[3];
av = arguments[4];
ah = arguments[5];
Z = arguments[6];
aj = arguments[7];
ar = arguments[8]
} else {
throw Error("Invalid number of arguments")
var au = V(this, ah, Z);
var at = [];
var i = 10;
var p = 10;
var ap = this.m_;
at.push(" <g_vml_:group", ' coordsize="', d * i, ",", d * p, '"', ' coordorigin="0,0"', ' style="width:', n(i * ap[0][0]), "px;height:", n(p * ap[1][1]), "px;position:absolute;", "top:", n(au.y / d), "px;left:", n(au.x / d), "px; rotation:", n(Math.atan(ap[0][1] / ap[1][1]) * 180 / Math.PI), ";");
at.push('" >', '<g_vml_:image src="', an.src, '"', ' style="width:', d * aj, "px;", " height:", d * ar, 'px"', ' cropleft="', al / ag, '"', ' croptop="', ak / aq, '"', ' cropright="', (ag - al - ao) / ag, '"', ' cropbottom="', (aq - ak - av) / aq, '"', " />", "</g_vml_:group>");
this.element_.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd", at.join(""))
q.setLineDash = function(i) {
if (i.length === 1) {
i = i.slice();
i[1] = i[0]
this.lineDash = i
q.getLineDash = function() {
return this.lineDash
q.stroke = function(ak) {
var ai = [];
var m = 10;
var al = 10;
ai.push("<g_vml_:shape", ' filled="', !!ak, '"', ' style="position:absolute;width:', m, "px;height:", al, 'px;left:0px;top:0px;"', ' coordorigin="0,0"', ' coordsize="', d * m, ",", d * al, '"', ' stroked="', !ak, '"', ' path="');
var Z = {
x: null,
y: null
var aj = {
x: null,
y: null
for (var ag = 0; ag < this.currentPath_.length; ag++) {
var j = this.currentPath_[ag];
var ah;
switch (j.type) {
case "moveTo":
ah = j;
ai.push(" m ", n(j.x), ",", n(j.y));
case "lineTo":
ai.push(" l ", n(j.x), ",", n(j.y));
case "close":
ai.push(" x ");
j = null;
case "bezierCurveTo":
ai.push(" c ", n(j.cp1x), ",", n(j.cp1y), ",", n(j.cp2x), ",", n(j.cp2y), ",", n(j.x), ",", n(j.y));
case "at":
case "wa":
ai.push(" ", j.type, " ", n(j.x - this.arcScaleX_ * j.radius), ",", n(j.y - this.arcScaleY_ * j.radius), " ", n(j.x + this.arcScaleX_ * j.radius), ",", n(j.y + this.arcScaleY_ * j.radius), " ", n(j.xStart), ",", n(j.yStart), " ", n(j.xEnd), ",", n(j.yEnd));
if (j) {
if (Z.x == null || j.x < Z.x) {
Z.x = j.x
if (aj.x == null || j.x > aj.x) {
aj.x = j.x
if (Z.y == null || j.y < Z.y) {
Z.y = j.y
if (aj.y == null || j.y > aj.y) {
aj.y = j.y
ai.push(' ">');
if (!ak) {
w(this, ai)
} else {
G(this, ai, Z, aj)
this.element_.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", ai.join(""))
function w(m, ag) {
var j = F(m.strokeStyle);
var p = j.color;
var Z = j.alpha * m.globalAlpha;
var i = m.lineScale_ * m.lineWidth;
if (i < 1) {
Z *= i
ag.push("<g_vml_:stroke", ' opacity="', Z, '"', ' joinstyle="', m.lineJoin, '"', ' dashstyle="', m.lineDash.join(" "), '"', ' miterlimit="', m.miterLimit, '"', ' endcap="', S(m.lineCap), '"', ' weight="', i, 'px"', ' color="', p, '" />')
function G(aq, ai, aK, ar) {
var aj = aq.fillStyle;
var aB = aq.arcScaleX_;
var aA = aq.arcScaleY_;
var j = ar.x - aK.x;
var p = ar.y - aK.y;
if (aj instanceof U) {
var an = 0;
var aF = {
x: 0,
y: 0
var ax = 0;
var am = 1;
if (aj.type_ == "gradient") {
var al = aj.x0_ / aB;
var m = aj.y0_ / aA;
var ak = aj.x1_ / aB;
var aM = aj.y1_ / aA;
var aJ = V(aq, al, m);
var aI = V(aq, ak, aM);
var ag = aI.x - aJ.x;
var Z = aI.y - aJ.y;
an = Math.atan2(ag, Z) * 180 / Math.PI;
if (an < 0) {
an += 360
if (an < 0.000001) {
an = 0
} else {
var aJ = V(aq, aj.x0_, aj.y0_);
aF = {
x: (aJ.x - aK.x) / j,
y: (aJ.y - aK.y) / p
j /= aB * d;
p /= aA * d;
var aD = ab.max(j, p);
ax = 2 * aj.r0_ / aD;
am = 2 * aj.r1_ / aD - ax
var av = aj.colors_;
av.sort(function(aN, i) {
return aN.offset - i.offset
var ap = av.length;
var au = av[0].color;
var at = av[ap - 1].color;
var az = av[0].alpha * aq.globalAlpha;
var ay = av[ap - 1].alpha * aq.globalAlpha;
var aE = [];
for (var aH = 0; aH < ap; aH++) {
var ao = av[aH];
aE.push(ao.offset * am + ax + " " + ao.color)
ai.push('<g_vml_:fill type="', aj.type_, '"', ' method="none" focus="100%"', ' color="', au, '"', ' color2="', at, '"', ' colors="', aE.join(","), '"', ' opacity="', ay, '"', ' g_o_:opacity2="', az, '"', ' angle="', an, '"', ' focusposition="', aF.x, ",", aF.y, '" />')
} else {
if (aj instanceof T) {
if (j && p) {
var ah = -aK.x;
var aC = -aK.y;
ai.push("<g_vml_:fill", ' position="', ah / j * aB * aB, ",", aC / p * aA * aA, '"', ' type="tile"', ' src="', aj.src_, '" />')
} else {
var aL = F(aq.fillStyle);
var aw = aL.color;
var aG = aL.alpha * aq.globalAlpha;
ai.push('<g_vml_:fill color="', aw, '" opacity="', aG, '" />')
q.fill = function() {
q.closePath = function() {
type: "close"
function V(j, Z, p) {
var i = j.m_;
return {
x: d * (Z * i[0][0] + p * i[1][0] + i[2][0]) - f,
y: d * (Z * i[0][1] + p * i[1][1] + i[2][1]) - f
} = function() {
var i = {};
v(this, i);
this.m_ = J(B(), this.m_)
q.restore = function() {
if (this.aStack_.length) {
v(this.aStack_.pop(), this);
this.m_ = this.mStack_.pop()
function h(i) {
return isFinite(i[0][0]) && isFinite(i[0][1]) && isFinite(i[1][0]) && isFinite(i[1][1]) && isFinite(i[2][0]) && isFinite(i[2][1])
function aa(j, i, p) {
if (!h(i)) {
j.m_ = i;
if (p) {
var Z = i[0][0] * i[1][1] - i[0][1] * i[1][0];
j.lineScale_ = N(H(Z))
q.translate = function(m, j) {
var i = [
[1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0],
[m, j, 1]
aa(this, J(i, this.m_), false)
q.rotate = function(j) {
var p = A(j);
var m = l(j);
var i = [
[p, m, 0],
[-m, p, 0],
[0, 0, 1]
aa(this, J(i, this.m_), false)
q.scale = function(m, j) {
this.arcScaleX_ *= m;
this.arcScaleY_ *= j;
var i = [
[m, 0, 0],
[0, j, 0],
[0, 0, 1]
aa(this, J(i, this.m_), true)
q.transform = function(Z, p, ah, ag, j, i) {
var m = [
[Z, p, 0],
[ah, ag, 0],
[j, i, 1]
aa(this, J(m, this.m_), true)
q.setTransform = function(ag, Z, ai, ah, p, j) {
var i = [
[ag, Z, 0],
[ai, ah, 0],
[p, j, 1]
aa(this, i, true)
q.drawText_ = function(am, ak, aj, ap, ai) {
var ao = this.m_,
at = 1000,
j = 0,
ar = at,
ah = {
x: 0,
y: 0
ag = [];
var i = u(E(this.font), this.element_);
var p = ac(i);
var au = this.element_.currentStyle;
var Z = this.textAlign.toLowerCase();
switch (Z) {
case "left":
case "center":
case "right":
case "end":
Z = au.direction == "ltr" ? "right" : "left";
case "start":
Z = au.direction == "rtl" ? "right" : "left";
Z = "left"
switch (this.textBaseline) {
case "hanging":
case "top":
ah.y = i.size / 1.75;
case "middle":
case null:
case "alphabetic":
case "ideographic":
case "bottom":
ah.y = -i.size / 3;
switch (Z) {
case "right":
j = at;
ar = 0.05;
case "center":
j = ar = at / 2;
var aq = V(this, ak + ah.x, aj + ah.y);
ag.push('<g_vml_:line from="', -j, ' 0" to="', ar, ' 0.05" ', ' coordsize="100 100" coordorigin="0 0"', ' filled="', !ai, '" stroked="', !!ai, '" style="position:absolute;width:1px;height:1px;left:0px;top:0px;">');
if (ai) {
w(this, ag)
} else {
G(this, ag, {
x: -j,
y: 0
}, {
x: ar,
y: i.size
var an = ao[0][0].toFixed(3) + "," + ao[1][0].toFixed(3) + "," + ao[0][1].toFixed(3) + "," + ao[1][1].toFixed(3) + ",0,0";
var al = n(aq.x / d) + "," + n(aq.y / d);
ag.push('<g_vml_:skew on="t" matrix="', an, '" ', ' offset="', al, '" origin="', j, ' 0" />', '<g_vml_:path textpathok="true" />', '<g_vml_:textpath on="true" string="', af(am), '" style="v-text-align:', Z, ";font:", af(p), '" /></g_vml_:line>');
this.element_.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", ag.join(""))
q.fillText = function(m, i, p, j) {
this.drawText_(m, i, p, j, false)
q.strokeText = function(m, i, p, j) {
this.drawText_(m, i, p, j, true)
q.measureText = function(m) {
if (!this.textMeasureEl_) {
var i = '<span style="position:absolute;top:-20000px;left:0;padding:0;margin:0;border:none;white-space:pre;"></span>';
this.element_.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", i);
this.textMeasureEl_ = this.element_.lastChild
var j = this.element_.ownerDocument;
this.textMeasureEl_.innerHTML = ""; = this.font;
return {
width: this.textMeasureEl_.offsetWidth
q.clip = function() {};
q.arcTo = function() {};
q.createPattern = function(j, i) {
return new T(j, i)
function U(i) {
this.type_ = i;
this.x0_ = 0;
this.y0_ = 0;
this.r0_ = 0;
this.x1_ = 0;
this.y1_ = 0;
this.r1_ = 0;
this.colors_ = []
U.prototype.addColorStop = function(j, i) {
i = F(i);
offset: j,
color: i.color,
alpha: i.alpha
function T(j, i) {
switch (i) {
case "repeat":
case null:
case "":
this.repetition_ = "repeat";
case "repeat-x":
case "repeat-y":
case "no-repeat":
this.repetition_ = i;
this.src_ = j.src;
this.width_ = j.width;
this.height_ = j.height
function O(i) {
throw new P(i)
function Q(i) {
if (!i || i.nodeType != 1 || i.tagName != "IMG") {
if (i.readyState != "complete") {
function P(i) {
this.code = this[i];
this.message = i + ": DOM Exception " + this.code
var X = P.prototype = new Error();
G_vmlCanvasManager = e;
CanvasRenderingContext2D = D;
CanvasGradient = U;
CanvasPattern = T;
DOMException = P
Ext.define("Ext.draw.engine.Canvas", {
extend: "Ext.draw.Surface",
requires: ["Ext.draw.engine.excanvas", "Ext.draw.Animator", "Ext.draw.Color"],
config: {
highPrecision: false
statics: {
contextOverrides: {
setGradientBBox: function(a) {
this.bbox = a
fill: function() {
var c = this.fillStyle,
a = this.fillGradient,
b = this.fillOpacity,
d = this.globalAlpha,
e = this.bbox;
if (c !== Ext.draw.Color.RGBA_NONE && b !== 0) {
if (a && e) {
this.fillStyle = a.generateGradient(this, e)
if (b !== 1) {
this.globalAlpha = d * b
if (b !== 1) {
this.globalAlpha = d
if (a && e) {
this.fillStyle = c
stroke: function() {
var e = this.strokeStyle,
c = this.strokeGradient,
a = this.strokeOpacity,
b = this.globalAlpha,
d = this.bbox;
if (e !== Ext.draw.Color.RGBA_NONE && a !== 0) {
if (c && d) {
this.strokeStyle = c.generateGradient(this, d)
if (a !== 1) {
this.globalAlpha = b * a
if (a !== 1) {
this.globalAlpha = b
if (c && d) {
this.strokeStyle = e
fillStroke: function(d, e) {
var j = this,
i = this.fillStyle,
h = this.fillOpacity,
f = this.strokeStyle,
c = this.strokeOpacity,
b = j.shadowColor,
a = j.shadowBlur,
g = Ext.draw.Color.RGBA_NONE;
if (e === undefined) {
e = d.transformFillStroke
if (!e) {
if (i !== g && h !== 0) {
j.shadowColor = g;
j.shadowBlur = 0
if (f !== g && c !== 0) {
j.shadowColor = b;
j.shadowBlur = a
setLineDash: function(a) {
if (this.$setLineDash) {
getLineDash: function() {
if (this.$getLineDash) {
return this.$getLineDash()
ellipse: function(g, e, c, a, j, b, f, d) {
var i = Math.cos(j),
h = Math.sin(j);
this.transform(i * c, h * c, -h * a, i * a, g, e);
this.arc(0, 0, 1, b, f, d);
this.transform(i / c, -h / a, h / c, i / a, -(i * g + h * e) / c, (h * g - i * e) / a)
appendPath: function(f) {
var e = this,
c = 0,
b = 0,
a = f.commands,
g = f.params,
d = a.length;
for (; c < d; c++) {
switch (a[c]) {
case "M":
e.moveTo(g[b], g[b + 1]);
b += 2;
case "L":
e.lineTo(g[b], g[b + 1]);
b += 2;
case "C":
e.bezierCurveTo(g[b], g[b + 1], g[b + 2], g[b + 3], g[b + 4], g[b + 5]);
b += 6;
case "Z":
save: function() {
var c = this.toSave,
d = c.length,
e = d && {},
b = 0,
for (; b < d; b++) {
a = c[b];
if (a in this) {
e[a] = this[a]
restore: function() {
var b = this.state.pop(),
if (b) {
for (a in b) {
this[a] = b[a]
splitThreshold: 3000,
toSave: ["fillGradient", "strokeGradient"],
element: {
reference: "element",
style: {
position: "absolute"
children: [{
reference: "innerElement",
style: {
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
position: "relative"
createCanvas: function() {
var c = Ext.Element.create({
tag: "canvas",
cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "surface-canvas"
window.G_vmlCanvasManager && G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(c.dom);
var d = Ext.draw.engine.Canvas.contextOverrides,
a = c.dom.getContext("2d"),
if (a.ellipse) {
delete d.ellipse
a.state = [];
a.toSave = this.toSave;
for (b in d) {
a["$" + b] = a[b]
Ext.apply(a, d);
if (this.getHighPrecision()) {
} else {
updateHighPrecision: function(d) {
var e = this.contexts,
c = e.length,
b, a;
for (b = 0; b < c; b++) {
a = e[b];
if (d) {
} else {
precisionNames: ["rect", "fillRect", "strokeRect", "clearRect", "moveTo", "lineTo", "arc", "arcTo", "save", "restore", "updatePrecisionCompensate", "setTransform", "transform", "scale", "translate", "rotate", "quadraticCurveTo", "bezierCurveTo", "createLinearGradient", "createRadialGradient", "fillText", "strokeText", "drawImage"],
disablePrecisionCompensation: function(b) {
var a = Ext.draw.engine.Canvas.contextOverrides,
f = this.precisionNames,
e = f.length,
d, c;
for (d = 0; d < e; d++) {
c = f[d];
if (!(c in a)) {
delete b[c]
enablePrecisionCompensation: function(j) {
var c = this,
a = 1,
g = 1,
l = 0,
k = 0,
i = new Ext.draw.Matrix(),
b = [],
e = {},
d = Ext.draw.engine.Canvas.contextOverrides,
h = j.constructor.prototype;
var f = {
toSave: c.toSave,
rect: function(m, p, n, o) {
return, m * a + l, p * g + k, n * a, o * g)
fillRect: function(m, p, n, o) {
this.updatePrecisionCompensateRect();, m * a + l, p * g + k, n * a, o * g);
strokeRect: function(m, p, n, o) {
this.updatePrecisionCompensateRect();, m * a + l, p * g + k, n * a, o * g);
clearRect: function(m, p, n, o) {
return, m * a + l, p * g + k, n * a, o * g)
moveTo: function(m, n) {
return, m * a + l, n * g + k)
lineTo: function(m, n) {
return, m * a + l, n * g + k)
arc: function(n, r, m, p, o, q) {
this.updatePrecisionCompensateRect();, n * a + l, r * a + k, m * a, p, o, q);
arcTo: function(o, q, n, p, m) {
this.updatePrecisionCompensateRect();, o * a + l, q * g + k, n * a + l, p * g + k, m * a);
save: function() {
i = i.clone();;
restore: function() {
i = b.pop();;;
updatePrecisionCompensate: function() {
i.precisionCompensate(c.devicePixelRatio, e);
a = e.xx;
g = e.yy;
l = e.dx;
k = e.dy;, c.devicePixelRatio, e.b, e.c, e.d, 0, 0)
updatePrecisionCompensateRect: function() {
i.precisionCompensateRect(c.devicePixelRatio, e);
a = e.xx;
g = e.yy;
l = e.dx;
k = e.dy;, c.devicePixelRatio, e.b, e.c, e.d, 0, 0)
setTransform: function(q, o, n, m, r, p) {
i.set(q, o, n, m, r, p);
transform: function(q, o, n, m, r, p) {
i.append(q, o, n, m, r, p);
scale: function(n, m) {
this.transform(n, 0, 0, m, 0, 0)
translate: function(n, m) {
this.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, n, m)
rotate: function(o) {
var n = Math.cos(o),
m = Math.sin(o);
this.transform(n, m, -m, n, 0, 0)
quadraticCurveTo: function(n, p, m, o) {, n * a + l, p * g + k, m * a + l, o * g + k)
bezierCurveTo: function(r, p, o, n, m, q) {, r * a + l, p * g + k, o * a + l, n * g + k, m * a + l, q * g + k)
createLinearGradient: function(n, p, m, o) {
var q =, n * a + l, p * g + k, m * a + l, o * g + k);
return q
createRadialGradient: function(p, r, o, n, q, m) {
var s =, p * a + l, r * a + k, o * a, n * a + l, q * a + k, m * a);
return s
fillText: function(o, m, p, n) {
h.setTransform.apply(this, i.elements);
if (typeof n === "undefined") {, o, m, p)
} else {, o, m, p, n)
strokeText: function(o, m, p, n) {
h.setTransform.apply(this, i.elements);
if (typeof n === "undefined") {, o, m, p)
} else {, o, m, p, n)
fill: function() {
var m = this.fillGradient,
n = this.bbox;
if (m && n) {
this.fillStyle = m.generateGradient(this, n)
stroke: function() {
var m = this.strokeGradient,
n = this.bbox;
if (m && n) {
this.strokeStyle = m.generateGradient(this, n)
drawImage: function(u, s, r, q, p, o, n, m, t) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 3:
return, u, s * a + l, r * g + k);
case 5:
return, u, s * a + l, r * g + k, q * a, p * g);
case 9:
return, u, s, r, q, p, o * a + l, n * g * k, m * a, t * g)
Ext.apply(j, f);
updateRect: function(a) {
var C = this,
p = Math.floor(a[0]),
e = Math.floor(a[1]),
g = Math.ceil(a[0] + a[2]),
B = Math.ceil(a[1] + a[3]),
u = C.devicePixelRatio,
D = C.canvases,
d = g - p,
y = B - e,
n = Math.round(C.splitThreshold / u),
c = C.xSplits = Math.ceil(d / n),
f = C.ySplits = Math.ceil(y / n),
v, s, q, A, z, x, o, m;
for (s = 0, z = 0; s < f; s++, z += n) {
for (v = 0, A = 0; v < c; v++, A += n) {
q = s * c + v;
if (q >= D.length) {
x = D[q].dom; = A + "px"; = z + "px";
m = Math.min(n, y - z);
if (m * u !== x.height) {
x.height = m * u; = m + "px"
o = Math.min(n, d - A);
if (o * u !== x.width) {
x.width = o * u; = o + "px"
for (q += 1; q < D.length; q++) {
C.activeCanvases = c * f;
D.length = C.activeCanvases;
clearTransform: function() {
var f = this,
a = f.xSplits,
g = f.ySplits,
d = f.contexts,
h = f.splitThreshold,
l = f.devicePixelRatio,
e, c, b, m;
for (e = 0; e < a; e++) {
for (c = 0; c < g; c++) {
b = c * a + e;
m = d[b];
m.translate(-h * e, -h * c);
m.scale(l, l);
renderSprite: function(q) {
var C = this,
b = C.getRect(),
e = C.matrix,
g = q.getParent(),
v =[1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]),
p = C.splitThreshold / C.devicePixelRatio,
c = C.xSplits,
m = C.ySplits,
A, z, s, a, r, o, d = 0,
B, n = 0,
f, l = b[2],
y = b[3],
x, u, t;
while (g && (g !== C)) {
v.prependMatrix(g.matrix || g.attr && g.attr.matrix);
g = g.getParent()
a = q.getBBox();
if (a) {
a = v.transformBBox(a)
if (q.attr.hidden || q.attr.globalAlpha === 0) {
for (u = 0, z = 0; u < m; u++, z += p) {
for (x = 0, A = 0; x < c; x++, A += p) {
t = u * c + x;
s = C.contexts[t];
r = Math.min(p, l - A);
o = Math.min(p, y - z);
d = A;
B = d + r;
n = z;
f = n + o;
if (a) {
if (a.x > B || a.x + a.width < d || a.y > f || a.y + a.height < n) {
q.useAttributes(s, b);
if (false === q.render(C, s, [d, n, r, o], b)) {
return false
flatten: function(n, a) {
var k = document.createElement("canvas"),
f = Ext.getClassName(this),
g = this.devicePixelRatio,
l = k.getContext("2d"),
b, c, h, e, d, m;
k.width = Math.ceil(n.width * g);
k.height = Math.ceil(n.height * g);
for (e = 0; e < a.length; e++) {
b = a[e];
if (Ext.getClassName(b) !== f) {
h = b.getRect();
for (d = 0; d < b.canvases.length; d++) {
c = b.canvases[d];
m = c.getOffsetsTo(c.getParent());
l.drawImage(c.dom, (h[0] + m[0]) * g, (h[1] + m[1]) * g)
return {
data: k.toDataURL(),
type: "png"
applyDefaults: function(a) {
var b = Ext.draw.Color.RGBA_NONE;
a.strokeStyle = b;
a.fillStyle = b;
a.textAlign = "start";
a.textBaseline = "alphabetic";
a.miterLimit = 1
clear: function() {
var d = this,
e = d.activeCanvases,
c, b, a;
for (c = 0; c < e; c++) {
b = d.canvases[c].dom;
a = d.contexts[c];
a.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
a.clearRect(0, 0, b.width, b.height)
destroy: function() {
var c = this,
a, b = c.canvases.length;
for (a = 0; a < b; a++) {
c.contexts[a] = null;
c.canvases[a] = null
delete c.contexts;
delete c.canvases;
privates: {
initElement: function() {
var a = this;
a.canvases = [];
a.contexts = [];
a.activeCanvases = (a.xSplits = 0) * (a.ySplits = 0)
}, function() {
var c = this,
b = c.prototype,
a = 10000000000;
if ( && {
a = 3000
} else {
if ( {
a = 2200
b.splitThreshold = a
Ext.define("Ext.draw.Container", {
extend: "Ext.draw.ContainerBase",
alternateClassName: "Ext.draw.Component",
xtype: "draw",
defaultType: "surface",
isDrawContainer: true,
requires: ["Ext.draw.Surface", "Ext.draw.engine.Svg", "Ext.draw.engine.Canvas", "Ext.draw.gradient.GradientDefinition"],
engine: "Ext.draw.engine.Canvas",
config: {
cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "draw-container",
resizeHandler: null,
sprites: null,
gradients: []
defaultDownloadServerUrl: "",
supportedFormats: ["png", "pdf", "jpeg", "gif"],
supportedOptions: {
version: Ext.isNumber,
data: Ext.isString,
format: function(a) {
return Ext.Array.indexOf(this.supportedFormats, a) >= 0
filename: Ext.isString,
width: Ext.isNumber,
height: Ext.isNumber,
scale: Ext.isNumber,
pdf: Ext.isObject,
jpeg: Ext.isObject
initAnimator: function() {
this.frameCallbackId = Ext.draw.Animator.addFrameCallback("renderFrame", this)
applyGradients: function(b) {
var a = [],
c, f, d, e;
if (!Ext.isArray(b)) {
return a
for (c = 0, f = b.length; c < f; c++) {
d = b[c];
if (!Ext.isObject(d)) {
if (typeof d.type !== "string") {
d.type = "linear"
if (d.angle) {
d.degrees = d.angle;
delete d.angle
if (Ext.isObject(d.stops)) {
d.stops = (function(i) {
var g = [],
for (e in i) {
h = i[e];
h.offset = e / 100;
return g
return a
applySprites: function(f) {
if (!f) {
f = Ext.Array.from(f);
var e = f.length,
b = [],
d, a, c;
for (d = 0; d < e; d++) {
c = f[d];
a = c.surface;
if (!(a && a.isSurface)) {
if (Ext.isString(a)) {
a = this.getSurface(a)
} else {
a = this.getSurface("main")
c = a.add(c);
return b
onBodyResize: function() {
var b = this.element,
if (!b) {
a = b.getSize();
if (a.width && a.height) {
setBodySize: function(c) {
var d = this,
b = d.getResizeHandler() || d.defaultResizeHandler,
d.fireEvent("bodyresize", d, c);
a =, c);
if (a !== false) {
defaultResizeHandler: function(a) {
this.getItems().each(function(b) {
b.setRect([0, 0, a.width, a.height])
getSurface: function(d) {
d = this.getId() + "-" + (d || "main");
var c = this,
b = c.getItems(),
a = b.get(d);
if (!a) {
a = c.add({
xclass: c.engine,
id: d
return a
renderFrame: function() {
var e = this,
a = e.getItems(),
b, d, c;
for (b = 0, d = a.length; b < d; b++) {
c = a.items[b];
if (c.isSurface) {
getImage: function(k) {
var l = this.innerElement.getSize(),
a =,
d, g, c = this.surfaceZIndexes,
f, e, b, h;
for (e = 1; e < a.length; e++) {
b = a[e];
h = c[b.type];
f = e - 1;
while (f >= 0 && c[a[f].type] > h) {
a[f + 1] = a[f];
a[f + 1] = b
d = a[0].flatten(l, a);
if (k === "image") {
g = new Image();
g.src =; = g;
return d
if (k === "stream") { =^data:image\/[^;]+/, "data:application/octet-stream");
return d
return d
download: function(d) {
var e = this,
a = [],
b, c, f;
d = Ext.apply({
version: 2,
data: e.getImage().data
}, d);
for (c in d) {
if (d.hasOwnProperty(c)) {
f = d[c];
if (c in e.supportedOptions) {
if (e.supportedOptions[c].call(e, f)) {
tag: "input",
type: "hidden",
name: c,
value: Ext.String.htmlEncode(Ext.isObject(f) ? Ext.JSON.encode(f) : f)
b = Ext.dom.Helper.markup({
tag: "html",
children: [{
tag: "head"
}, {
tag: "body",
children: [{
tag: "form",
method: "POST",
action: d.url || e.defaultDownloadServerUrl,
children: a
}, {
tag: "script",
type: "text/javascript",
children: 'document.getElementsByTagName("form")[0].submit();'
});"", "ImageDownload_" +
destroy: function() {
var a = this.frameCallbackId;
if (a) {
}, function() {
if ("svg")) {
Ext.draw.Container.prototype.engine = "Ext.draw.engine.Svg"
} else {
if (( && Ext.os.version.getMajor() === 10) || ( && (Ext.os.version.getMinor() === 1 || Ext.os.version.getMinor() === 2 || Ext.os.version.getMinor() === 3))) {
Ext.draw.Container.prototype.engine = "Ext.draw.engine.Svg"
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Base", {
mixins: {
factoryable: "Ext.mixin.Factoryable"
requires: ["Ext.draw.Color"],
factoryConfig: {
type: "chart.theme"
isTheme: true,
config: {
baseColor: null,
colors: undefined,
gradients: null,
chart: {
defaults: {
background: "white"
axis: {
defaults: {
label: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
textBaseline: "middle",
textAlign: "center",
fontSize: "default",
fontFamily: "default",
fontWeight: "default",
fillStyle: "black"
title: {
fillStyle: "black",
fontSize: "default*1.23",
fontFamily: "default",
fontWeight: "default"
style: {
strokeStyle: "black"
grid: {
strokeStyle: "rgb(221, 221, 221)"
top: {
style: {
textPadding: 5
bottom: {
style: {
textPadding: 5
series: {
defaults: {
label: {
fillStyle: "black",
strokeStyle: "none",
fontFamily: "default",
fontWeight: "default",
fontSize: "default*1.077",
textBaseline: "middle",
textAlign: "center"
labelOverflowPadding: 5
sprites: {
text: {
fontSize: "default",
fontWeight: "default",
fontFamily: "default",
fillStyle: "black"
seriesThemes: undefined,
markerThemes: {
type: ["circle", "cross", "plus", "square", "triangle", "diamond"]
useGradients: false,
background: null
colorDefaults: ["#94ae0a", "#115fa6", "#a61120", "#ff8809", "#ffd13e", "#a61187", "#24ad9a", "#7c7474", "#a66111"],
constructor: function(a) {
defaultRegEx: /^default([+\-/\*]\d+(?:\.\d+)?)?$/,
defaultOperators: {
"*": function(b, a) {
return b * a
"+": function(b, a) {
return b + a
"-": function(b, a) {
return b - a
resolveDefaults: function() {
var a = this;
Ext.onReady(function() {
var f = Ext.clone(a.getSprites()),
e = Ext.clone(a.getAxis()),
d = Ext.clone(a.getSeries()),
g, c, b;
if (!a.superclass.defaults) {
g = Ext.getBody().createChild({
tag: "div",
cls: "x-component"
a.superclass.defaults = {
fontFamily: g.getStyle("fontFamily"),
fontWeight: g.getStyle("fontWeight"),
fontSize: parseFloat(g.getStyle("fontSize")),
fontVariant: g.getStyle("fontVariant"),
fontStyle: g.getStyle("fontStyle")
for (c in e) {
b = e[c];
for (c in d) {
b = d[c];
replaceDefaults: function(h) {
var e = this,
g = e.superclass.defaults,
a = e.defaultRegEx,
d, f, c, b;
if (Ext.isObject(h)) {
for (d in g) {
c = a.exec(h[d]);
if (c) {
f = g[d];
c = c[1];
if (c) {
b = e.defaultOperators[c.charAt(0)];
f = Math.round(b(f, parseFloat(c.substr(1))))
h[d] = f
applyBaseColor: function(c) {
var a, b;
if (c) {
a = c.isColor ? c : Ext.draw.Color.fromString(c);
b = a.getHSL()[2];
if (b < 0.15) {
a = a.createLighter(0.3)
} else {
if (b < 0.3) {
a = a.createLighter(0.15)
} else {
if (b > 0.85) {
a = a.createDarker(0.3)
} else {
if (b > 0.7) {
a = a.createDarker(0.15)
this.setColors([a.createDarker(0.3).toString(), a.createDarker(0.15).toString(), a.toString(), a.createLighter(0.12).toString(), a.createLighter(0.24).toString(), a.createLighter(0.31).toString()])
return c
applyColors: function(a) {
return a || this.colorDefaults
updateUseGradients: function(a) {
if (a) {
type: "linear",
degrees: 90
updateBackground: function(a) {
if (a) {
var b = this.getChart();
b.defaults.background = a;
updateGradients: function(a) {
var c = this.getColors(),
e = [],
h, b, d, f, g;
if (Ext.isObject(a)) {
for (f = 0, g = c && c.length || 0; f < g; f++) {
b = Ext.draw.Color.fromString(c[f]);
if (b) {
d = b.createLighter(0.15).toString();
h = Ext.apply(Ext.Object.chain(a), {
stops: [{
offset: 1,
color: b.toString()
}, {
offset: 0,
color: d.toString()
applySeriesThemes: function(a) {
var b = this.getColors();
if (!a) {
a = {
fillStyle: Ext.Array.clone(b),
strokeStyle:, function(d) {
var c = Ext.draw.Color.fromString(d.stops ? d.stops[0].color : d);
return c.createDarker(0.15).toString()
return a
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Default", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["chart.theme.default", "chart.theme.Base"]
Ext.define("Ext.chart.Markers", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Instancing",
isMarkers: true,
defaultCategory: "default",
constructor: function() {
this.categories = {};
this.revisions = {}
destroy: function() {
this.categories = null;
this.revisions = null;
getMarkerFor: function(b, a) {
if (b in this.categories) {
var c = this.categories[b];
if (a in c) {
return this.get(c[a])
clear: function(a) {
a = a || this.defaultCategory;
if (!(a in this.revisions)) {
this.revisions[a] = 1
} else {
putMarkerFor: function(e, b, c, h, f) {
e = e || this.defaultCategory;
var d = this,
g = d.categories[e] || (d.categories[e] = {}),
if (c in g) {
d.setAttributesFor(g[c], b, h)
} else {
g[c] = d.getCount();
d.createInstance(b, h)
a = d.get(g[c]);
if (a) {
a.category = e;
if (!f) {
a.revision = d.revisions[e] || (d.revisions[e] = 1)
getMarkerBBoxFor: function(c, a, b) {
if (c in this.categories) {
var d = this.categories[c];
if (a in d) {
return this.getBBoxFor(d[a], b)
getBBox: function() {
return null
render: function(a, l, b) {
var f = this,
k = f.revisions,
j = f.attr.matrix,
h = f.getTemplate(),
d = h.attr,
g, c, e;
h.preRender(a, l, b);
h.useAttributes(l, b);
for (c = 0, e = f.instances.length; c < e; c++) {
g = f.get(c);
if (g.hidden || g.revision !== k[g.category]) {
h.attr = g;
h.useAttributes(l, b);
h.render(a, l, b);
h.attr = d
Ext.define("Ext.chart.label.Callout", {
extend: "Ext.draw.modifier.Modifier",
prepareAttributes: function(a) {
if (!a.hasOwnProperty("calloutOriginal")) {
a.calloutOriginal = Ext.Object.chain(a);
a.calloutOriginal.prototype = a
if (this._previous) {
setAttrs: function(e, h) {
var d = e.callout,
i = e.calloutOriginal,
l = e.bbox.plain,
c = (l.width || 0) + e.labelOverflowPadding,
m = (l.height || 0) + e.labelOverflowPadding,
p, o;
if ("callout" in h) {
d = h.callout
if ("callout" in h || "calloutPlaceX" in h || "calloutPlaceY" in h || "x" in h || "y" in h) {
var n = "rotationRads" in h ? i.rotationRads = h.rotationRads : i.rotationRads,
g = "x" in h ? (i.x = h.x) : i.x,
f = "y" in h ? (i.y = h.y) : i.y,
b = "calloutPlaceX" in h ? h.calloutPlaceX : e.calloutPlaceX,
a = "calloutPlaceY" in h ? h.calloutPlaceY : e.calloutPlaceY,
k = "calloutVertical" in h ? h.calloutVertical : e.calloutVertical,
n %= Math.PI * 2;
if (Math.cos(n) < 0) {
n = (n + Math.PI) % (Math.PI * 2)
if (n > Math.PI) {
n -= Math.PI * 2
if (k) {
n = n * (1 - d) - Math.PI / 2 * d;
j = c;
c = m;
m = j
} else {
n = n * (1 - d)
h.rotationRads = n;
h.x = g * (1 - d) + b * d;
h.y = f * (1 - d) + a * d;
p = b - g;
o = a - f;
if (Math.abs(o * c) > Math.abs(p * m)) {
if (o > 0) {
h.calloutEndX = h.x - (m / 2) * (p / o) * d;
h.calloutEndY = h.y - (m / 2) * d
} else {
h.calloutEndX = h.x + (m / 2) * (p / o) * d;
h.calloutEndY = h.y + (m / 2) * d
} else {
if (p > 0) {
h.calloutEndX = h.x - c / 2;
h.calloutEndY = h.y - (c / 2) * (o / p) * d
} else {
h.calloutEndX = h.x + c / 2;
h.calloutEndY = h.y + (c / 2) * (o / p) * d
if (h.calloutStartX && h.calloutStartY) {
h.calloutHasLine = (p > 0 && h.calloutStartX < h.calloutEndX) || (p <= 0 && h.calloutStartX > h.calloutEndX) || (o > 0 && h.calloutStartY < h.calloutEndY) || (o <= 0 && h.calloutStartY > h.calloutEndY)
} else {
h.calloutHasLine = true
return h
pushDown: function(a, b) {
b = this.callParent([a.calloutOriginal, b]);
return this.setAttrs(a, b)
popUp: function(a, b) {
a = a.prototype;
b = this.setAttrs(a, b);
if (this._next) {
return this._next.popUp(a, b)
} else {
return Ext.apply(a, b)
Ext.define("Ext.chart.label.Label", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Text",
requires: ["Ext.chart.label.Callout"],
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
callout: "limited01",
calloutHasLine: "bool",
calloutPlaceX: "number",
calloutPlaceY: "number",
calloutStartX: "number",
calloutStartY: "number",
calloutEndX: "number",
calloutEndY: "number",
calloutColor: "color",
calloutWidth: "number",
calloutVertical: "bool",
labelOverflowPadding: "number",
display: "enums(none,under,over,rotate,insideStart,insideEnd,inside,outside)",
orientation: "enums(horizontal,vertical)",
renderer: "default"
defaults: {
callout: 0,
calloutHasLine: true,
calloutPlaceX: 0,
calloutPlaceY: 0,
calloutStartX: 0,
calloutStartY: 0,
calloutEndX: 0,
calloutEndY: 0,
calloutWidth: 1,
calloutVertical: false,
calloutColor: "black",
labelOverflowPadding: 5,
display: "none",
orientation: "",
renderer: null
triggers: {
callout: "transform",
calloutPlaceX: "transform",
calloutPlaceY: "transform",
labelOverflowPadding: "transform",
calloutRotation: "transform",
display: "hidden"
updaters: {
hidden: function(a) {
a.hidden = a.display === "none"
config: {
fx: {
customDurations: {
callout: 200
field: null,
calloutLine: true
applyCalloutLine: function(a) {
if (a) {
return Ext.apply({}, a)
prepareModifiers: function() {
this.calloutModifier = new Ext.chart.label.Callout({
sprite: this
render: function(b, c) {
var e = this,
a = e.attr,
d = a.calloutColor;;
c.globalAlpha *= a.callout;
if (c.globalAlpha > 0 && a.calloutHasLine) {
if (d && d.isGradient) {
d = d.getStops()[0].color
c.strokeStyle = d;
c.fillStyle = d;
c.lineWidth = a.calloutWidth;
c.moveTo(e.attr.calloutStartX, e.attr.calloutStartY);
c.lineTo(e.attr.calloutEndX, e.attr.calloutEndY);
c.arc(e.attr.calloutStartX, e.attr.calloutStartY, 1 * a.calloutWidth, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
c.arc(e.attr.calloutEndX, e.attr.calloutEndY, 1 * a.calloutWidth, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
Ext.draw.sprite.Text.prototype.render.apply(e, arguments)
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.Series", {
requires: ["Ext.chart.Markers", "Ext.chart.label.Label", "Ext.tip.ToolTip"],
mixins: ["Ext.mixin.Observable", "Ext.mixin.Bindable"],
isSeries: true,
defaultBindProperty: "store",
type: null,
seriesType: "sprite",
identifiablePrefix: "ext-line-",
observableType: "series",
darkerStrokeRatio: 0.15,
config: {
chart: null,
title: null,
renderer: null,
showInLegend: true,
triggerAfterDraw: false,
style: {},
subStyle: {},
themeStyle: {},
colors: null,
useDarkerStrokeColor: true,
store: null,
label: {},
labelOverflowPadding: null,
showMarkers: true,
marker: null,
markerSubStyle: null,
itemInstancing: null,
background: null,
highlightItem: null,
surface: null,
overlaySurface: null,
hidden: false,
highlight: false,
highlightCfg: {
merge: function(a) {
return a
$value: {
fillStyle: "yellow",
strokeStyle: "red"
animation: null,
tooltip: null
directions: [],
sprites: null,
themeColorCount: function() {
return 1
isStoreDependantColorCount: false,
themeMarkerCount: function() {
return 0
getFields: function(f) {
var e = this,
a = [],
c, b, d;
for (b = 0, d = f.length; b < d; b++) {
c = e["get" + f[b] + "Field"]();
if (Ext.isArray(c)) {
a.push.apply(a, c)
} else {
return a
applyAnimation: function(a, b) {
if (!a) {
a = {
duration: 0
} else {
if (a === true) {
a = {
easing: "easeInOut",
duration: 500
return b ? Ext.apply({}, a, b) : a
getAnimation: function() {
var a = this.getChart();
if (a && a.animationSuspendCount) {
return {
duration: 0
} else {
return this.callParent()
updateTitle: function(a) {
var j = this,
g = j.getChart();
if (!g || g.isInitializing) {
a = Ext.Array.from(a);
var c = g.getSeries(),
b = Ext.Array.indexOf(c, j),
e = g.getLegendStore(),
h = j.getYField(),
d, l, k, f;
if (e.getCount() && b !== -1) {
f = h ? Math.min(a.length, h.length) : a.length;
for (d = 0; d < f; d++) {
k = a[d];
l = e.getAt(b + d);
if (k && l) {
l.set("name", k)
applyHighlight: function(a, b) {
if (Ext.isObject(a)) {
a = Ext.merge({}, this.config.highlightCfg, a)
} else {
if (a === true) {
a = this.config.highlightCfg
return Ext.apply(b || {}, a)
updateHighlight: function(a) {
if (!Ext.Object.isEmpty(a)) {
updateHighlightCfg: function(a) {
if (!Ext.Object.equals(a, this.defaultConfig.highlightCfg)) {
applyItemInstancing: function(a, b) {
return Ext.merge(b || {}, a)
setAttributesForItem: function(c, d) {
var b = c && c.sprite,
if (b) {
if (b.itemsMarker && c.category === "items") {
b.putMarker(c.category, d, c.index, false, true)
if (b.isMarkerHolder && c.category === "markers") {
b.putMarker(c.category, d, c.index, false, true)
} else {
if (b.isInstancing) {
b.setAttributesFor(c.index, d)
} else {
if (Ext.isArray(b)) {
for (a = 0; a < b.length; a++) {
} else {
getBBoxForItem: function(a) {
if (a && a.sprite) {
if (a.sprite.itemsMarker && a.category === "items") {
return a.sprite.getMarkerBBox(a.category, a.index)
} else {
if (a.sprite instanceof Ext.draw.sprite.Instancing) {
return a.sprite.getBBoxFor(a.index)
} else {
return a.sprite.getBBox()
return null
applyHighlightItem: function(d, a) {
if (d === a) {
if (Ext.isObject(d) && Ext.isObject(a)) {
var c = d.sprite === a.sprite,
b = d.index === a.index;
if (c && b) {
return d
updateHighlightItem: function(b, a) {
this.setAttributesForItem(a, {
highlighted: false
this.setAttributesForItem(b, {
highlighted: true
constructor: function(a) {
var b = this,
a = a || {};
if ( {
a = Ext.apply({
}, a)
if (a.highlightCfg) {
a = Ext.apply({
highlight: a.highlightCfg
}, a)
if ("id" in a) {
c =
} else {
if ("id" in b.config) {
c =
} else {
c = b.getId()
b.sprites = [];
b.dataRange = [];, a);
lookupViewModel: function(a) {
var b = this.getChart();
return b ? b.lookupViewModel(a) : null
applyTooltip: function(c, b) {
var a = Ext.apply({
xtype: "tooltip",
renderer: Ext.emptyFn,
constrainPosition: true,
shrinkWrapDock: true,
autoHide: true,
offsetX: 10,
offsetY: 10
}, c);
return Ext.create(a)
updateTooltip: function() {
addItemHighlight: function() {
var d = this.getChart();
if (!d) {
var e = d.getInteractions(),
c, a, b;
for (c = 0; c < e.length; c++) {
a = e[c];
if (a.isItemHighlight || a.isItemEdit) {
b = true;
if (!b) {
showTooltip: function(l, m) {
var d = this,
n = d.getTooltip(),
j, a, i, f, h, k, g, e, b, c;
if (!n) {
b = n.config;
if (n.trackMouse) {
m[0] += b.offsetX;
m[1] += b.offsetY
} else {
j = l.sprite;
a = j.getSurface();
i = Ext.get(a.getId());
if (i) {
k = l.series.getBBoxForItem(l);
g = k.x + k.width / 2;
e = k.y + k.height / 2;
h = a.matrix.transformPoint([g, e]);
f = i.getXY();
c = a.getInherited().rtl;
g = c ? f[0] + i.getWidth() - h[0] : f[0] + h[0];
e = f[1] + h[1];
m = [g, e]
Ext.callback(n.renderer, n.scope, [n, l.record, l], 0, d);
hideTooltip: function(b) {
var a = this,
c = a.getTooltip();
if (!c) {
a.tooltipTimeout = Ext.defer(function() {
}, 1)
applyStore: function(a) {
return a && Ext.StoreManager.lookup(a)
getStore: function() {
return this._store || this.getChart() && this.getChart().getStore()
updateStore: function(b, a) {
var h = this,
g = h.getChart(),
c = g && g.getStore(),
f, j, e, d;
a = a || c;
if (a && a !== b) {
datachanged: "onDataChanged",
update: "onDataChanged",
scope: h
if (b) {
datachanged: "onDataChanged",
update: "onDataChanged",
scope: h
f = h.getSprites();
for (d = 0, e = f.length; d < e; d++) {
j = f[d];
if (j.setStore) {
h.fireEvent("storechange", h, b, a)
onStoreChange: function(b, a, c) {
if (!this._store) {
this.updateStore(a, c)
coordinate: function(o, m, e) {
var l = this,
p = l.getStore(),
h = l.getHidden(),
k = p.getData().items,
b = l["get" + o + "Axis"](),
f = {
min: Infinity,
max: -Infinity
q = l["fieldCategory" + o] || [o],
g = l.getFields(q),
d, n, c, a = {},
j = l.getSprites();
if (j.length > 0) {
if (!Ext.isBoolean(h) || !h) {
for (d = 0; d < q.length; d++) {
n = g[d];
c = l.coordinateData(k, n, b);
l.getRangeOfData(c, f);
a["data" + q[d]] = c
l.dataRange[m] = f.min;
l.dataRange[m + e] = f.max;
a["dataMin" + o] = f.min;
a["dataMax" + o] = f.max;
if (b) {
b.range = null;
a["range" + o] = b.getRange()
for (d = 0; d < j.length; d++) {
coordinateData: function(b, h, d) {
var g = [],
f = b.length,
e = d && d.getLayout(),
c, a;
for (c = 0; c < f; c++) {
a = b[c].data[h];
if (!Ext.isEmpty(a, true)) {
if (e) {
g[c] = e.getCoordFor(a, h, c, b)
} else {
g[c] = +a
} else {
g[c] = a
return g
getRangeOfData: function(g, b) {
var e = g.length,
d = b.min,
a = b.max,
c, f;
for (c = 0; c < e; c++) {
f = g[c];
if (f < d) {
d = f
if (f > a) {
a = f
b.min = d;
b.max = a
updateLabelData: function() {
var h = this,
l = h.getStore(),
g = l.getData().items,
f = h.getSprites(),
a = h.getLabel().getTemplate(),
n = Ext.Array.from(a.getField()),
c, b, e, d, m, k;
if (!f.length || !n.length) {
for (c = 0; c < f.length; c++) {
d = [];
m = f[c];
k = m.getField();
if (Ext.Array.indexOf(n, k) < 0) {
k = n[c]
for (b = 0, e = g.length; b < e; b++) {
labels: d
processData: function() {
if (!this.getStore()) {
var d = this,
f = this.directions,
a, c = f.length,
e, b;
for (a = 0; a < c; a++) {
e = f[a];
b = d["get" + e + "Axis"]();
if (b) {
if (d["coordinate" + e]) {
d["coordinate" + e]()
applyBackground: function(a) {
if (this.getChart()) {
return this.getSurface().getBackground()
} else {
return a
updateChart: function(d, a) {
var c = this,
b = c._store;
if (a) {
a.un("axeschange", "onAxesChange", c);
if (!b) {
if (d) {
d.on("axeschange", "onAxesChange", c);
if (d.getAxes()) {
if (!b) {
onAxesChange: function(h) {
var k = this,
g = h.getAxes(),
c, a = {},
b = {},
e = false,
j = this.directions,
l, d, f;
for (d = 0, f = j.length; d < f; d++) {
l = j[d];
b[l] = k.getFields(k["fieldCategory" + l])
for (d = 0, f = g.length; d < f; d++) {
c = g[d];
if (!a[c.getDirection()]) {
a[c.getDirection()] = [c]
} else {
for (d = 0, f = j.length; d < f; d++) {
l = j[d];
if (k["get" + l + "Axis"]()) {
if (a[l]) {
c = k.findMatchingAxis(a[l], b[l]);
if (c) {
k["set" + l + "Axis"](c);
if (c.getNeedHighPrecision()) {
e = true
findMatchingAxis: function(f, e) {
var d, c, b, a;
for (b = 0; b < f.length; b++) {
d = f[b];
c = d.getFields();
if (!c.length) {
return d
} else {
if (e) {
for (a = 0; a < e.length; a++) {
if (Ext.Array.indexOf(c, e[a]) >= 0) {
return d
onChartDetached: function(a) {
var b = this;
b.fireEvent("chartdetached", a, b);
a.un("storechange", "onStoreChange", b)
onChartAttached: function(a) {
var b = this;
b.fireEvent("chartattached", a, b);
a.on("storechange", "onStoreChange", b);
updateOverlaySurface: function(a) {
var b = this;
if (a) {
if (b.getLabel()) {
applyLabel: function(a, b) {
if (!b) {
b = new Ext.chart.Markers({
zIndex: 10
b.setTemplate(new Ext.chart.label.Label(a))
} else {
return b
createItemInstancingSprite: function(c, b) {
var e = this,
f = new Ext.chart.Markers(),
a, d;
zIndex: Number.MAX_VALUE
a = Ext.apply({}, b);
if (e.getHighlight()) {
a.highlight = e.getHighlight();
a.modifiers = ["highlight"]
d = f.getTemplate();
d.fx.on("animationstart", "onSpriteAnimationStart", this);
d.fx.on("animationend", "onSpriteAnimationEnd", this);
c.bindMarker("items", f);
return f
getDefaultSpriteConfig: function() {
return {
type: this.seriesType,
renderer: this.getRenderer()
updateRenderer: function(c) {
var b = this,
a = b.getChart(),
if (a && a.isInitializing) {
d = b.getSprites();
if (d.length) {
renderer: c || null
if (a && !a.isInitializing) {
updateShowMarkers: function(a) {
var d = this.getSprites(),
b = d && d[0],
c = b && b.getMarker("markers");
if (c) {
hidden: !a
createSprite: function() {
var f = this,
a = f.getSurface(),
e = f.getItemInstancing(),
d = a.add(f.getDefaultSpriteConfig()),
b = f.getMarker(),
g, c;
if (e) {
d.itemsMarker = f.createItemInstancingSprite(d, e)
if (d.bindMarker) {
if (b) {
g = new Ext.chart.Markers();
c = Ext.Object.merge({}, b);
if (f.getHighlight()) {
c.highlight = f.getHighlight();
c.modifiers = ["highlight"]
translationX: 0,
translationY: 0
d.dataMarker = g;
d.bindMarker("markers", g);
if (f.getLabel().getTemplate().getField()) {
d.bindMarker("labels", f.getLabel())
if (d.setStore) {
d.fx.on("animationstart", "onSpriteAnimationStart", f);
d.fx.on("animationend", "onSpriteAnimationEnd", f);
return d
getSprites: Ext.emptyFn,
onDataChanged: function() {
var d = this,
c = d.getChart(),
b = c && c.getStore(),
a = d.getStore();
if (a !== b) {
isXType: function(a) {
return a === "series"
getItemId: function() {
return this.getId()
applyThemeStyle: function(e, a) {
var b = this,
d, c;
d = e && e.subStyle && e.subStyle.fillStyle;
c = d && e.subStyle.strokeStyle;
if (d && !c) {
e.subStyle.strokeStyle = b.getStrokeColorsFromFillColors(d)
d = e && e.markerSubStyle && e.markerSubStyle.fillStyle;
c = d && e.markerSubStyle.strokeStyle;
if (d && !c) {
e.markerSubStyle.strokeStyle = b.getStrokeColorsFromFillColors(d)
return Ext.apply(a || {}, e)
applyStyle: function(c, b) {
var a = Ext.ClassManager.get(Ext.ClassManager.getNameByAlias("sprite." + this.seriesType));
if (a && a.def) {
c = a.def.normalize(c)
return Ext.apply({}, c, b)
applySubStyle: function(b, c) {
var a = Ext.ClassManager.get(Ext.ClassManager.getNameByAlias("sprite." + this.seriesType));
if (a && a.def) {
b = a.def.batchedNormalize(b, true)
return Ext.merge({}, c, b)
applyMarker: function(c, a) {
var d = (c && c.type) || (a && a.type) || "circle",
b = Ext.ClassManager.get(Ext.ClassManager.getNameByAlias("sprite." + d));
if (b && b.def) {
c = b.def.normalize(Ext.isObject(c) ? c : {}, true);
c.type = d
return Ext.merge(a || {}, c)
applyMarkerSubStyle: function(c, a) {
var d = (c && c.type) || (a && a.type) || "circle",
b = Ext.ClassManager.get(Ext.ClassManager.getNameByAlias("sprite." + d));
if (b && b.def) {
c = b.def.batchedNormalize(c, true)
return Ext.merge(a || {}, c)
updateHidden: function(b) {
var a = this;
hidden: b
if (!Ext.isArray(b)) {
updateLegendStore: function(f, b) {
var e = this,
d = e.getChart(),
c = d.getLegendStore(),
g = e.getId(),
if (c) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
a = c.findBy(function(h) {
return h.get("series") === g && h.get("index") === b
if (a !== -1) {
a = c.getAt(a)
} else {
a = c.findRecord("series", g)
if (a && a.get("disabled") !== f) {
a.set("disabled", f)
setHiddenByIndex: function(a, c) {
var b = this;
if (Ext.isArray(b.getHidden())) {
b.getHidden()[a] = c;
b.updateLegendStore(c, a)
} else {
getStrokeColorsFromFillColors: function(a) {
var c = this,
e = c.getUseDarkerStrokeColor(),
b = (Ext.isNumber(e) ? e : c.darkerStrokeRatio),
if (e) {
d =, function(f) {
f = Ext.isString(f) ? f : f.stops[0].color;
f = Ext.draw.Color.fromString(f);
return f.createDarker(b).toString()
} else {
d = Ext.Array.clone(a)
return d
updateThemeColors: function(b) {
var c = this,
d = c.getThemeStyle(),
a = Ext.Array.clone(b),
f = c.getStrokeColorsFromFillColors(b),
e = {
fillStyle: a,
strokeStyle: f
d.subStyle = Ext.apply(d.subStyle || {}, e);
d.markerSubStyle = Ext.apply(d.markerSubStyle || {}, e);
themeOnlyIfConfigured: {},
updateTheme: function(d) {
var h = this,
a = d.getSeries(),
n = h.getInitialConfig(),
c = h.defaultConfig,
f = h.getConfigurator().configs,
j = a.defaults,
k = a[h.type],
g = h.themeOnlyIfConfigured,
l, i, o, b, m, e;
a = Ext.merge({}, j, k);
for (l in a) {
i = a[l];
e = f[l];
if (i !== null && i !== undefined && e) {
m = n[l];
o = Ext.isObject(i);
b = m === c[l];
if (o) {
if (b && g[l]) {
i = Ext.merge({}, i, m)
if (b || o) {
updateChartColors: function(a) {
var b = this;
if (!b.getColors()) {
updateColors: function(a) {
updateStyle: function() {
updateSubStyle: function() {
updateThemeStyle: function() {
doUpdateStyles: function() {
var g = this,
h = g.sprites,
d = g.getItemInstancing(),
c = 0,
f = h && h.length,
a = g.getConfig("showMarkers", true),
b = g.getMarker(),
for (; c < f; c++) {
e = g.getStyleByIndex(c);
if (d) {
if (b && h[c].dataMarker) {
getStyleWithTheme: function() {
var b = this,
c = b.getThemeStyle(),
d = (c && || {},
a = Ext.applyIf(Ext.apply({}, b.getStyle()), d);
return a
getSubStyleWithTheme: function() {
var c = this,
d = c.getThemeStyle(),
a = (d && d.subStyle) || {},
b = Ext.applyIf(Ext.apply({}, c.getSubStyle()), a);
return b
getStyleByIndex: function(b) {
var e = this,
h = e.getThemeStyle(),
d, g, c, f, a = {};
d = e.getStyle();
g = (h && || {};
c = e.styleDataForIndex(e.getSubStyle(), b);
f = e.styleDataForIndex((h && h.subStyle), b);
Ext.apply(a, g);
Ext.apply(a, f);
Ext.apply(a, d);
Ext.apply(a, c);
return a
getMarkerStyleByIndex: function(d) {
var g = this,
c = g.getThemeStyle(),
a, e, k, j, b, l, h, f, m = {};
a = g.getStyle();
e = (c && || {};
k = g.styleDataForIndex(g.getSubStyle(), d);
if (k.hasOwnProperty("hidden")) {
k.hidden = k.hidden || !this.getConfig("showMarkers", true)
j = g.styleDataForIndex((c && c.subStyle), d);
b = g.getMarker();
l = (c && c.marker) || {};
h = g.getMarkerSubStyle();
f = g.styleDataForIndex((c && c.markerSubStyle), d);
Ext.apply(m, e);
Ext.apply(m, j);
Ext.apply(m, l);
Ext.apply(m, f);
Ext.apply(m, a);
Ext.apply(m, k);
Ext.apply(m, b);
Ext.apply(m, h);
return m
styleDataForIndex: function(d, c) {
var e, b, a = {};
if (d) {
for (b in d) {
e = d[b];
if (Ext.isArray(e)) {
a[b] = e[c % e.length]
} else {
a[b] = e
return a
getItemForPoint: Ext.emptyFn,
getItemByIndex: function(a, e) {
var d = this,
f = d.getSprites(),
b = f && f[0],
if (!b) {
if (e === undefined && b.isMarkerHolder) {
e = d.getItemInstancing() ? "items" : "markers"
} else {
if (!e || e === "" || e === "sprites") {
b = f[a]
if (b) {
c = {
series: d,
category: e,
index: a,
record: d.getStore().getData().items[a],
field: d.getYField(),
sprite: b
return c
onSpriteAnimationStart: function(a) {
this.fireEvent("animationstart", this, a)
onSpriteAnimationEnd: function(a) {
this.fireEvent("animationend", this, a)
resolveListenerScope: function(e) {
var d = this,
a = Ext._namedScopes[e],
c = d.getChart(),
if (!a) {
b = c ? c.resolveListenerScope(e, false) : (e || d)
} else {
if (a.isThis) {
b = d
} else {
if (a.isController) {
b = c ? c.resolveListenerScope(e, false) : d
} else {
if (a.isSelf) {
b = c ? c.resolveListenerScope(e, false) : d;
if (b === c && !c.getInheritedConfig("defaultListenerScope")) {
b = d
return b
provideLegendInfo: function(a) {
name: this.getTitle() || this.getId(),
mark: "black",
disabled: this.getHidden(),
series: this.getId(),
index: 0
clearSprites: function() {
var d = this.sprites,
b, a, c;
for (a = 0, c = d.length; a < c; a++) {
b = d[a];
if (b && b.isSprite) {
this.sprites = []
destroy: function() {
var b = this,
a = b._store,
c = b.getConfig("tooltip", true);
if (a && a.getAutoDestroy()) {
if (c) {
Ext.define("Ext.chart.interactions.Abstract", {
xtype: "interaction",
mixins: {
observable: "Ext.mixin.Observable"
config: {
gestures: {
tap: "onGesture"
chart: null,
enabled: true
throttleGap: 0,
stopAnimationBeforeSync: false,
constructor: function(a) {
var b = this,
a = a || {};
if ("id" in a) {
c =
} else {
if ("id" in b.config) {
c =
} else {
c = b.getId()
b.setId(c);, a)
initialize: Ext.emptyFn,
updateChart: function(c, a) {
var b = this;
if (a === c) {
if (a) {
if (c) {
updateEnabled: function(a) {
var c = this,
b = c.getChart();
if (b) {
if (a) {
} else {
onGesture: Ext.emptyFn,
getItemForEvent: function(d) {
var b = this,
a = b.getChart(),
c = a.getEventXY(d);
return a.getItemForPoint(c[0], c[1])
getItemsForEvent: function(d) {
var b = this,
a = b.getChart(),
c = a.getEventXY(d);
return a.getItemsForPoint(c[0], c[1])
addChartListener: function() {
var c = this,
b = c.getChart(),
e = c.getGestures(),
if (!c.getEnabled()) {
function d(f, g) {
b.addElementListener(f, c.listeners[f] = function(j) {
var i = c.getLocks(),
if (c.getEnabled() && (!(f in i) || i[f] === c)) {
h = (Ext.isFunction(g) ? g : c[g]).apply(this, arguments);
if (h === false && j && j.stopPropagation) {
return h
}, c)
c.listeners = c.listeners || {};
for (a in e) {
d(a, e[a])
removeChartListener: function(c) {
var d = this,
e = d.getGestures(),
function a(f) {
var g = d.listeners[f];
if (g) {
c.removeElementListener(f, g);
delete d.listeners[f]
if (d.listeners) {
for (b in e) {
lockEvents: function() {
var d = this,
c = d.getLocks(),
a =,
b = a.length;
while (b--) {
c[a[b]] = d
unlockEvents: function() {
var c = this.getLocks(),
a =,
b = a.length;
while (b--) {
delete c[a[b]]
getLocks: function() {
var a = this.getChart();
return a.lockedEvents || (a.lockedEvents = {})
isMultiTouch: function() {
if ( {
return true
return !
initializeDefaults: Ext.emptyFn,
doSync: function() {
var b = this,
a = b.getChart();
if (b.syncTimer) {
b.syncTimer = null
if (b.stopAnimationBeforeSync) {
if (b.stopAnimationBeforeSync) {
b.syncThrottle = + b.throttleGap
sync: function() {
var a = this;
if (a.throttleGap && Ext.frameStartTime < a.syncThrottle) {
if (a.syncTimer) {
a.syncTimer = Ext.defer(function() {
}, a.throttleGap)
} else {
getItemId: function() {
return this.getId()
isXType: function(a) {
return a === "interaction"
destroy: function() {
var a = this;
delete a.listeners;
}, function() {
if ( {
this.prototype.throttleGap = 40
Ext.define("Ext.chart.MarkerHolder", {
extend: "Ext.Mixin",
mixinConfig: {
id: "markerHolder",
after: {
constructor: "constructor",
preRender: "preRender"
before: {
destroy: "destroy"
isMarkerHolder: true,
surfaceMatrix: null,
inverseSurfaceMatrix: null,
deprecated: {
6: {
methods: {
getBoundMarker: {
message: "Please use the 'getMarker' method instead.",
fn: function(b) {
var a = this.boundMarkers[b];
return a ? [a] : a
constructor: function() {
this.boundMarkers = {};
this.cleanRedraw = false
bindMarker: function(b, a) {
var c = this,
d = c.boundMarkers;
if (a && a.isMarkers) {
d[b] = a;
a.on("destroy", c.onMarkerDestroy, c)
onMarkerDestroy: function(a) {
releaseMarker: function(a) {
var c = this.boundMarkers,
if (a && a.isMarkers) {
for (b in c) {
if (c[b] === a) {
delete c[b];
} else {
b = a;
a = c[b];
delete c[b]
return a || null
getMarker: function(a) {
return this.boundMarkers[a] || null
preRender: function() {
var f = this,
g = f.getId(),
d = f.boundMarkers,
e = f.getParent(),
c, a, b;
if (f.surfaceMatrix) {
b = f.surfaceMatrix.set(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
} else {
b = f.surfaceMatrix = new Ext.draw.Matrix()
f.cleanRedraw = !f.attr.dirty;
if (!f.cleanRedraw) {
for (c in d) {
a = d[c];
if (a) {
while (e && e.attr && e.attr.matrix) {
e = e.getParent()
f.surfaceMatrix = b;
f.inverseSurfaceMatrix = b.inverse(f.inverseSurfaceMatrix)
putMarker: function(d, a, c, g, e) {
var b = this.boundMarkers[d],
f = this.getId();
if (b) {
b.putMarkerFor(f, a, c, g, e)
getMarkerBBox: function(c, b, d) {
var a = this.boundMarkers[c],
e = this.getId();
if (a) {
return a.getMarkerBBoxFor(e, b, d)
destroy: function() {
var c = this.boundMarkers,
b, a;
for (b in c) {
a = c[b];
Ext.define("Ext.chart.axis.sprite.Axis", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Sprite",
alias: "sprite.axis",
type: "axis",
mixins: {
markerHolder: "Ext.chart.MarkerHolder"
requires: ["Ext.draw.sprite.Text"],
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
grid: "bool",
axisLine: "bool",
minorTicks: "bool",
minorTickSize: "number",
majorTicks: "bool",
majorTickSize: "number",
length: "number",
startGap: "number",
endGap: "number",
dataMin: "number",
dataMax: "number",
visibleMin: "number",
visibleMax: "number",
position: "enums(left,right,top,bottom,angular,radial,gauge)",
minStepSize: "number",
estStepSize: "number",
titleOffset: "number",
textPadding: "number",
min: "number",
max: "number",
centerX: "number",
centerY: "number",
radius: "number",
totalAngle: "number",
baseRotation: "number",
data: "default",
enlargeEstStepSizeByText: "bool"
defaults: {
grid: false,
axisLine: true,
minorTicks: false,
minorTickSize: 3,
majorTicks: true,
majorTickSize: 5,
length: 0,
startGap: 0,
endGap: 0,
visibleMin: 0,
visibleMax: 1,
dataMin: 0,
dataMax: 1,
position: "",
minStepSize: 0,
estStepSize: 20,
min: 0,
max: 1,
centerX: 0,
centerY: 0,
radius: 1,
baseRotation: 0,
data: null,
titleOffset: 0,
textPadding: 0,
scalingCenterY: 0,
scalingCenterX: 0,
strokeStyle: "black",
enlargeEstStepSizeByText: false
triggers: {
minorTickSize: "bbox",
majorTickSize: "bbox",
position: "bbox,layout",
axisLine: "bbox,layout",
min: "layout",
max: "layout",
length: "layout",
minStepSize: "layout",
estStepSize: "layout",
data: "layout",
dataMin: "layout",
dataMax: "layout",
visibleMin: "layout",
visibleMax: "layout",
enlargeEstStepSizeByText: "layout"
updaters: {
layout: "layoutUpdater"
config: {
label: null,
layout: null,
segmenter: null,
renderer: null,
layoutContext: null,
axis: null
thickness: 0,
stepSize: 0,
getBBox: function() {
return null
defaultRenderer: function(a) {
return this.segmenter.renderer(a, this)
layoutUpdater: function() {
var h = this,
f = h.getAxis().getChart();
if (f.isInitializing) {
var e = h.attr,
d = h.getLayout(),
g = f.getInherited().rtl,
b = e.dataMin + (e.dataMax - e.dataMin) * e.visibleMin,
i = e.dataMin + (e.dataMax - e.dataMin) * e.visibleMax,
c = e.position,
a = {
attr: e,
segmenter: h.getSegmenter(),
renderer: h.defaultRenderer
if (c === "left" || c === "right") {
e.translationX = 0;
e.translationY = i * e.length / (i - b);
e.scalingX = 1;
e.scalingY = -e.length / (i - b);
e.scalingCenterY = 0;
e.scalingCenterX = 0;
} else {
if (c === "top" || c === "bottom") {
if (g) {
e.translationX = e.length + b * e.length / (i - b) + 1
} else {
e.translationX = -b * e.length / (i - b)
e.translationY = 0;
e.scalingX = (g ? -1 : 1) * e.length / (i - b);
e.scalingY = 1;
e.scalingCenterY = 0;
e.scalingCenterX = 0;
if (d) {
iterate: function(e, j) {
var c, g, a, b, h, d, k = Ext.Array.some,
m = Math.abs,
if (e.getLabel) {
if (e.min < e.from) {, e.min, e.getLabel(e.min), -1, e)
for (c = 0; c <= e.steps; c++) {, e.get(c), e.getLabel(c), c, e)
if (e.max > {, e.max, e.getLabel(e.max), e.steps + 1, e)
} else {
b = this.getAxis();
h = b.floatingAxes;
d = [];
f = ( - e.from) / (e.steps + 1);
if (b.getFloating()) {
for (a in h) {
function l(i) {
return !d.length || k(d, function(n) {
return m(n - i) > f
if (e.min < e.from && l(e.min)) {, e.min, e.min, -1, e)
for (c = 0; c <= e.steps; c++) {
g = e.get(c);
if (l(g)) {, g, g, c, e)
if (e.max > && l(e.max)) {, e.max, e.max, e.steps + 1, e)
renderTicks: function(l, m, s, p) {
var v = this,
k = v.attr,
u = k.position,
n = k.matrix,
e = 0.5 * k.lineWidth,
f = n.getXX(),
i = n.getDX(),
j = n.getYY(),
h = n.getDY(),
o = s.majorTicks,
d = k.majorTickSize,
a = s.minorTicks,
r = k.minorTickSize;
if (o) {
switch (u) {
case "right":
function q(w) {
return function(x, z, y) {
x = l.roundPixel(x * j + h) + e;
m.moveTo(0, x);
m.lineTo(w, x)
v.iterate(o, q(d));
a && v.iterate(a, q(r));
case "left":
function t(w) {
return function(x, z, y) {
x = l.roundPixel(x * j + h) + e;
m.moveTo(p[2] - w, x);
m.lineTo(p[2], x)
v.iterate(o, t(d));
a && v.iterate(a, t(r));
case "bottom":
function c(w) {
return function(x, z, y) {
x = l.roundPixel(x * f + i) - e;
m.moveTo(x, 0);
m.lineTo(x, w)
v.iterate(o, c(d));
a && v.iterate(a, c(r));
case "top":
function b(w) {
return function(x, z, y) {
x = l.roundPixel(x * f + i) - e;
m.moveTo(x, p[3]);
m.lineTo(x, p[3] - w)
v.iterate(o, b(d));
a && v.iterate(a, b(r));
case "angular":
v.iterate(o, function(w, y, x) {
w = w / (k.max + 1) * Math.PI * 2 + k.baseRotation;
m.moveTo(k.centerX + (k.length) * Math.cos(w), k.centerY + (k.length) * Math.sin(w));
m.lineTo(k.centerX + (k.length + d) * Math.cos(w), k.centerY + (k.length + d) * Math.sin(w))
case "gauge":
var g = v.getGaugeAngles();
v.iterate(o, function(w, y, x) {
w = (w - k.min) / (k.max - k.min + 1) * k.totalAngle - k.totalAngle + g.start;
m.moveTo(k.centerX + (k.length) * Math.cos(w), k.centerY + (k.length) * Math.sin(w));
m.lineTo(k.centerX + (k.length + d) * Math.cos(w), k.centerY + (k.length + d) * Math.sin(w))
renderLabels: function(E, q, D, K) {
var o = this,
k = o.attr,
i = 0.5 * k.lineWidth,
u = k.position,
y = k.matrix,
A = k.textPadding,
x = y.getXX(),
d = y.getDX(),
g = y.getYY(),
c = y.getDY(),
n = 0,
I = D.majorTicks,
G = Math.max(k.majorTickSize, k.minorTickSize) + k.lineWidth,
f = Ext.draw.Draw.isBBoxIntersect,
F = o.getLabel(),
J, s, r = null,
w = 0,
b = 0,
m = D.segmenter,
B = o.getRenderer(),
t = o.getAxis(),
z = t.getTitle(),
a = z && z.attr.text !== "" && z.getBBox(),
l, h = null,
p, C, v, e, H;
if (I && F && !F.attr.hidden) {
J = F.attr.font;
if (q.font !== J) {
q.font = J
translationX: 0,
translationY: 0
}, true);
l = F.attr.inverseMatrix.elements.slice(0);
switch (u) {
case "left":
e = a ? a.x + a.width : 0;
switch (F.attr.textAlign) {
case "start":
H = E.roundPixel(e + d) - i;
case "end":
H = E.roundPixel(K[2] - G + d) - i;
H = E.roundPixel(e + (K[2] - e - G) / 2 + d) - i
translationX: H
}, true);
case "right":
e = a ? K[2] - a.x : 0;
switch (F.attr.textAlign) {
case "start":
H = E.roundPixel(G + d) + i;
case "end":
H = E.roundPixel(K[2] - e + d) + i;
H = E.roundPixel(G + (K[2] - G - e) / 2 + d) + i
translationX: H
}, true);
case "top":
e = a ? a.y + a.height : 0;
translationY: E.roundPixel(e + (K[3] - e - G) / 2) - i
}, true);
case "bottom":
e = a ? K[3] - a.y : 0;
translationY: E.roundPixel(G + (K[3] - G - e) / 2) + i
}, true);
case "radial":
translationX: k.centerX
}, true);
case "angular":
translationY: k.centerY
}, true);
case "gauge":
translationY: k.centerY
}, true);
if (u === "left" || u === "right") {
o.iterate(I, function(L, N, M) {
if (N === undefined) {
if (B) {
v = Ext.callback(B, null, [t, N, D, r], 0, t)
} else {
v = m.renderer(N, D, r)
r = N;
text: String(v),
translationY: E.roundPixel(L * g + c)
}, true);
n = Math.max(n, F.getBBox().width + G);
if (n <= o.thickness) {
C =;
p = C.prepend.apply(C, l).transformBBox(F.getBBox(true));
if (h && !f(p, h, A)) {
h = p;
w += p.height;
} else {
if (u === "top" || u === "bottom") {
o.iterate(I, function(L, N, M) {
if (N === undefined) {
if (B) {
v = Ext.callback(B, null, [t, N, D, r], 0, t)
} else {
v = m.renderer(N, D, r)
r = N;
text: String(v),
translationX: E.roundPixel(L * x + d)
}, true);
n = Math.max(n, F.getBBox().height + G);
if (n <= o.thickness) {
C =;
p = C.prepend.apply(C, l).transformBBox(F.getBBox(true));
if (h && !f(p, h, A)) {
h = p;
w += p.width;
} else {
if (u === "radial") {
o.iterate(I, function(L, N, M) {
if (N === undefined) {
if (B) {
v = Ext.callback(B, null, [t, N, D, r], 0, t)
} else {
v = m.renderer(N, D, r)
r = N;
if (typeof v !== "undefined") {
text: String(v),
translationX: k.centerX - E.roundPixel(L) / k.max * k.length * Math.cos(k.baseRotation + Math.PI / 2),
translationY: k.centerY - E.roundPixel(L) / k.max * k.length * Math.sin(k.baseRotation + Math.PI / 2)
}, true);
p = F.attr.matrix.transformBBox(F.getBBox(true));
if (h && !f(p, h)) {
h = p;
w += p.width;
} else {
if (u === "angular") {
s = k.majorTickSize + k.lineWidth * 0.5 + (parseInt(F.attr.fontSize, 10) || 10) / 2;
o.iterate(I, function(L, N, M) {
if (N === undefined) {
if (B) {
v = Ext.callback(B, null, [t, N, D, r], 0, t)
} else {
v = m.renderer(N, D, r)
r = N;
n = Math.max(n, Math.max(k.majorTickSize, k.minorTickSize) + (k.lineCap !== "butt" ? k.lineWidth * 0.5 : 0));
if (typeof v !== "undefined") {
var O = L / (k.max + 1) * Math.PI * 2 + k.baseRotation;
text: String(v),
translationX: k.centerX + (k.length + s) * Math.cos(O),
translationY: k.centerY + (k.length + s) * Math.sin(O)
}, true);
p = F.attr.matrix.transformBBox(F.getBBox(true));
if (h && !f(p, h)) {
h = p;
w += p.width;
} else {
if (u === "gauge") {
var j = o.getGaugeAngles();
o.iterate(I, function(L, N, M) {
if (N === undefined) {
if (B) {
v = Ext.callback(B, null, [t, N, D, r], 0, t)
} else {
v = m.renderer(N, D, r)
r = N;
if (typeof v !== "undefined") {
var O = (L - k.min) / (k.max - k.min + 1) * k.totalAngle - k.totalAngle + j.start;
text: String(v),
translationX: k.centerX + (k.length + 10) * Math.cos(O),
translationY: k.centerY + (k.length + 10) * Math.sin(O)
}, true);
p = F.attr.matrix.transformBBox(F.getBBox(true));
if (h && !f(p, h)) {
h = p;
w += p.width;
if (k.enlargeEstStepSizeByText && b) {
w /= b;
w += G;
w *= 2;
if (k.estStepSize < w) {
k.estStepSize = w
if (Math.abs(o.thickness - (n)) > 1) {
o.thickness = n;
k.bbox.plain.dirty = true;
k.bbox.transform.dirty = true;
return false
renderAxisLine: function(a, i, e, c) {
var h = this,
g = h.attr,
b = g.lineWidth * 0.5,
j = g.position,
d, f;
if (g.axisLine && g.length) {
switch (j) {
case "left":
d = a.roundPixel(c[2]) - b;
i.moveTo(d, -g.endGap);
i.lineTo(d, g.length + g.startGap + 1);
case "right":
i.moveTo(b, -g.endGap);
i.lineTo(b, g.length + g.startGap + 1);
case "bottom":
i.moveTo(-g.startGap, b);
i.lineTo(g.length + g.endGap, b);
case "top":
d = a.roundPixel(c[3]) - b;
i.moveTo(-g.startGap, d);
i.lineTo(g.length + g.endGap, d);
case "angular":
i.moveTo(g.centerX + g.length, g.centerY);
i.arc(g.centerX, g.centerY, g.length, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
case "gauge":
f = h.getGaugeAngles();
i.moveTo(g.centerX + Math.cos(f.start) * g.length, g.centerY + Math.sin(f.start) * g.length);
i.arc(g.centerX, g.centerY, g.length, f.start, f.end, true);
getGaugeAngles: function() {
var a = this,
c = a.attr.totalAngle,
if (c <= Math.PI) {
b = (Math.PI - c) * 0.5
} else {
b = -(Math.PI * 2 - c) * 0.5
b = Math.PI * 2 - b;
return {
start: b,
end: b - c
renderGridLines: function(m, n, s, r) {
var t = this,
b = t.getAxis(),
l = t.attr,
p = l.matrix,
d = l.startGap,
a = l.endGap,
c = p.getXX(),
k = p.getYY(),
h = p.getDX(),
g = p.getDY(),
u = l.position,
f = b.getGridAlignment(),
q = s.majorTicks,
e, o, i;
if (l.grid) {
if (q) {
if (u === "left" || u === "right") {
i = l.min * k + g + a + d;
t.iterate(q, function(j, w, v) {
e = j * k + g + a;
t.putMarker(f + "-" + (v % 2 ? "odd" : "even"), {
y: e,
height: i - e
}, o = v, true);
i = e
e = 0;
t.putMarker(f + "-" + (o % 2 ? "odd" : "even"), {
y: e,
height: i - e
}, o, true)
} else {
if (u === "top" || u === "bottom") {
i = l.min * c + h + d;
if (d) {
t.putMarker(f + "-even", {
x: 0,
width: i
}, -1, true)
t.iterate(q, function(j, w, v) {
e = j * c + h + d;
t.putMarker(f + "-" + (v % 2 ? "odd" : "even"), {
x: e,
width: i - e
}, o = v, true);
i = e
e = l.length + l.startGap + l.endGap;
t.putMarker(f + "-" + (o % 2 ? "odd" : "even"), {
x: e,
width: i - e
}, o, true)
} else {
if (u === "radial") {
t.iterate(q, function(j, w, v) {
if (!j) {
e = j / l.max * l.length;
t.putMarker(f + "-" + (v % 2 ? "odd" : "even"), {
scalingX: e,
scalingY: e
}, v, true);
i = e
} else {
if (u === "angular") {
t.iterate(q, function(j, w, v) {
if (!l.length) {
e = j / (l.max + 1) * Math.PI * 2 + l.baseRotation;
t.putMarker(f + "-" + (v % 2 ? "odd" : "even"), {
rotationRads: e,
rotationCenterX: 0,
rotationCenterY: 0,
scalingX: l.length,
scalingY: l.length
}, v, true);
i = e
renderLimits: function(o) {
var t = this,
a = t.getAxis(),
h = a.getChart(),
p = h.getInnerPadding(),
d = Ext.Array.from(a.getLimits());
if (!d.length) {
var r = a.limits.surface.getRect(),
m = t.attr,
n = m.matrix,
u = m.position,
k = Ext.Object.chain,
v = a.limits.titles,
c, j, b, s, l, q, f, g, e;
v.instances = [];
v.position = 0;
if (u === "left" || u === "right") {
for (q = 0, f = d.length; q < f; q++) {
s = k(d[q]);
!s.line && (s.line = {});
l = Ext.isString(s.value) ? a.getCoordFor(s.value) : s.value;
l = l * n.getYY() + n.getDY();
s.line.y = l +;
s.line.strokeStyle = s.line.strokeStyle || m.strokeStyle;
t.putMarker("horizontal-limit-lines", s.line, q, true);
if (s.line.title) {
c = v.getBBoxFor(v.position - 1);
j = s.line.title.position || (u === "left" ? "start" : "end");
switch (j) {
case "start":
g = 10;
case "end":
g = r[2] - 10;
case "middle":
g = r[2] / 2;
v.setAttributesFor(v.position - 1, {
x: g,
y: s.line.y - c.height / 2,
textAlign: j,
fillStyle: s.line.title.fillStyle || s.line.strokeStyle
} else {
if (u === "top" || u === "bottom") {
for (q = 0, f = d.length; q < f; q++) {
s = k(d[q]);
!s.line && (s.line = {});
l = Ext.isString(s.value) ? a.getCoordFor(s.value) : s.value;
l = l * n.getXX() + n.getDX();
s.line.x = l + p.left;
s.line.strokeStyle = s.line.strokeStyle || m.strokeStyle;
t.putMarker("vertical-limit-lines", s.line, q, true);
if (s.line.title) {
c = v.getBBoxFor(v.position - 1);
j = s.line.title.position || (u === "top" ? "end" : "start");
switch (j) {
case "start":
e = r[3] - c.width / 2 - 10;
case "end":
e = c.width / 2 + 10;
case "middle":
e = r[3] / 2;
v.setAttributesFor(v.position - 1, {
x: s.line.x + c.height / 2,
y: e,
fillStyle: s.line.title.fillStyle || s.line.strokeStyle,
rotationRads: Math.PI / 2
} else {
if (u === "radial") {
for (q = 0, f = d.length; q < f; q++) {
s = k(d[q]);
!s.line && (s.line = {});
l = Ext.isString(s.value) ? a.getCoordFor(s.value) : s.value;
if (l > m.max) {
l = l / m.max * m.length; = m.centerX; = m.centerY;
s.line.scalingX = l;
s.line.scalingY = l;
s.line.strokeStyle = s.line.strokeStyle || m.strokeStyle;
t.putMarker("circular-limit-lines", s.line, q, true);
if (s.line.title) {
c = v.getBBoxFor(v.position - 1);
v.setAttributesFor(v.position - 1, {
x: m.centerX,
y: m.centerY - l - c.height / 2,
fillStyle: s.line.title.fillStyle || s.line.strokeStyle
} else {
if (u === "angular") {
for (q = 0, f = d.length; q < f; q++) {
s = k(d[q]);
!s.line && (s.line = {});
l = Ext.isString(s.value) ? a.getCoordFor(s.value) : s.value;
l = l / (m.max + 1) * Math.PI * 2 + m.baseRotation;
s.line.translationX = m.centerX;
s.line.translationY = m.centerY;
s.line.rotationRads = l;
s.line.rotationCenterX = 0;
s.line.rotationCenterY = 0;
s.line.scalingX = m.length;
s.line.scalingY = m.length;
s.line.strokeStyle = s.line.strokeStyle || m.strokeStyle;
t.putMarker("radial-limit-lines", s.line, q, true);
if (s.line.title) {
c = v.getBBoxFor(v.position - 1);
b = ((l > -0.5 * Math.PI && l < 0.5 * Math.PI) || (l > 1.5 * Math.PI && l < 2 * Math.PI)) ? 1 : -1;
v.setAttributesFor(v.position - 1, {
x: m.centerX + 0.5 * m.length * Math.cos(l) + b * c.height / 2 * Math.sin(l),
y: m.centerY + 0.5 * m.length * Math.sin(l) - b * c.height / 2 * Math.cos(l),
rotationRads: b === 1 ? l : l - Math.PI,
fillStyle: s.line.title.fillStyle || s.line.strokeStyle
} else {
if (u === "gauge") {}
doThicknessChanged: function() {
var a = this.getAxis();
if (a) {
render: function(a, c, d) {
var e = this,
b = e.getLayoutContext();
if (b) {
if (false === e.renderLabels(a, c, b, d)) {
return false
e.renderTicks(a, c, b, d);
e.renderAxisLine(a, c, b, d);
e.renderGridLines(a, c, b, d);
Ext.define("Ext.chart.axis.segmenter.Segmenter", {
config: {
axis: null
constructor: function(a) {
renderer: function(b, a) {
return String(b)
from: function(a) {
return a
diff: Ext.emptyFn,
align: Ext.emptyFn,
add: Ext.emptyFn,
preferredStep: Ext.emptyFn
Ext.define("Ext.chart.axis.segmenter.Names", {
extend: "Ext.chart.axis.segmenter.Segmenter",
alias: "segmenter.names",
renderer: function(b, a) {
return b
diff: function(b, a, c) {
return Math.floor(a - b)
align: function(c, b, a) {
return Math.floor(c)
add: function(c, b, a) {
return c + b
preferredStep: function(c, a, b, d) {
return {
unit: 1,
step: 1
Ext.define("Ext.chart.axis.segmenter.Numeric", {
extend: "Ext.chart.axis.segmenter.Segmenter",
alias: "segmenter.numeric",
isNumeric: true,
renderer: function(b, a) {
return b.toFixed(Math.max(0, a.majorTicks.unit.fixes))
diff: function(b, a, c) {
return Math.floor((a - b) / c.scale)
align: function(c, b, a) {
return Math.floor(c / (a.scale * b)) * a.scale * b
add: function(c, b, a) {
return c + b * a.scale
preferredStep: function(c, b) {
var a = Math.floor(Math.log(b) * Math.LOG10E),
d = Math.pow(10, a);
b /= d;
if (b < 2) {
b = 2
} else {
if (b < 5) {
b = 5
} else {
if (b < 10) {
b = 10;
return {
unit: {
fixes: -a,
scale: d
step: b
exactStep: function(c, b) {
var a = Math.floor(Math.log(b) * Math.LOG10E),
d = Math.pow(10, a);
return {
unit: {
fixes: -a + (b % d === 0 ? 0 : 1),
scale: 1
step: b
adjustByMajorUnit: function(e, g, c) {
var d = c[0],
b = c[1],
a = e * g,
f = d % a;
if (f !== 0) {
c[0] = d - f + (d < 0 ? -a : 0)
f = b % a;
if (f !== 0) {
c[1] = b - f + (b > 0 ? a : 0)
Ext.define("Ext.chart.axis.segmenter.Time", {
extend: "Ext.chart.axis.segmenter.Segmenter",
alias: "segmenter.time",
config: {
step: null
renderer: function(c, b) {
var a = Ext.Date;
switch (b.majorTicks.unit) {
case "y":
return a.format(c, "Y");
case "mo":
return a.format(c, "Y-m");
case "d":
return a.format(c, "Y-m-d")
return a.format(c, "Y-m-d\nH:i:s")
from: function(a) {
return new Date(a)
diff: function(b, a, c) {
if (isFinite(b)) {
b = new Date(b)
if (isFinite(a)) {
a = new Date(a)
return Ext.Date.diff(b, a, c)
align: function(a, c, b) {
if (b === "d" && c >= 7) {
a = Ext.Date.align(a, "d", c);
a.setDate(a.getDate() - a.getDay() + 1);
return a
} else {
return Ext.Date.align(a, b, c)
add: function(c, b, a) {
return Ext.Date.add(new Date(c), a, b)
stepUnits: [
[Ext.Date.YEAR, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500],
[Ext.Date.MONTH, 1, 3, 6],
[Ext.Date.DAY, 1, 7, 14],
[Ext.Date.HOUR, 1, 6, 12],
[Ext.Date.MINUTE, 1, 5, 15, 30],
[Ext.Date.SECOND, 1, 5, 15, 30],
[Ext.Date.MILLI, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500]
preferredStep: function(b, e) {
if (this.getStep()) {
return this.getStep()
var f = new Date(+b),
g = new Date(+b + Math.ceil(e)),
d = this.stepUnits,
l, k, h, c, a;
for (c = 0; c < d.length; c++) {
k = d[c][0];
h = this.diff(f, g, k);
if (h > 0) {
for (a = 1; a < d[c].length; a++) {
if (h <= d[c][a]) {
l = {
unit: k,
step: d[c][a]
if (!l) {
l = {
unit: d[c][0],
step: 1
if (!l) {
l = {
unit: Ext.Date.DAY,
step: 1
return l
Ext.define("Ext.chart.axis.layout.Layout", {
mixins: {
observable: "Ext.mixin.Observable"
config: {
axis: null
constructor: function(a) {, a)
processData: function(b) {
var e = this,
c = e.getAxis(),
f = c.getDirection(),
g = c.boundSeries,
a, d;
if (b) {
b["coordinate" + f]()
} else {
for (a = 0, d = g.length; a < d; a++) {
g[a]["coordinate" + f]()
calculateMajorTicks: function(a) {
var f = this,
e = a.attr,
d = e.max - e.min,
i = d / Math.max(1, e.length) * (e.visibleMax - e.visibleMin),
h = e.min + d * e.visibleMin,
b = e.min + d * e.visibleMax,
g = e.estStepSize * i,
c = f.snapEnds(a, e.min, e.max, g);
if (c) {
f.trimByRange(a, c, h, b);
a.majorTicks = c
calculateMinorTicks: function(a) {
if (this.snapMinorEnds) {
a.minorTicks = this.snapMinorEnds(a)
calculateLayout: function(b) {
var c = this,
a = b.attr;
if (a.length === 0) {
return null
if (a.majorTicks) {
if (a.minorTicks) {
snapEnds: Ext.emptyFn,
trimByRange: function(b, f, i, a) {
var g = b.segmenter,
j = f.unit,
h = g.diff(f.from, i, j),
d = g.diff(f.from, a, j),
c = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(h / f.step)),
e = Math.min(f.steps, Math.floor(d / f.step));
if (e < f.steps) { = g.add(f.from, e * f.step, j)
if (f.max > a) {
f.max =
if (f.from < i) {
f.from = g.add(f.from, c * f.step, j);
while (f.from < i) {
f.from = g.add(f.from, f.step, j)
if (f.min < i) {
f.min = f.from
f.steps = e - c
Ext.define("Ext.chart.axis.layout.Discrete", {
extend: "Ext.chart.axis.layout.Layout",
alias: "axisLayout.discrete",
isDiscrete: true,
processData: function() {
var f = this,
d = f.getAxis(),
c = d.boundSeries,
g = d.getDirection(),
b, e, a;
f.labels = [];
f.labelMap = {};
for (b = 0, e = c.length; b < e; b++) {
a = c[b];
if (a["get" + g + "Axis"]() === d) {
a["coordinate" + g]()
data: f.labels
f.fireEvent("datachange", f.labels)
calculateLayout: function(a) { = this.labels;
calculateMajorTicks: function(a) {
var g = this,
f = a.attr,
d =,
e = f.max - f.min,
j = e / Math.max(1, f.length) * (f.visibleMax - f.visibleMin),
i = f.min + e * f.visibleMin,
b = f.min + e * f.visibleMax,
h = f.estStepSize * j;
var c = g.snapEnds(a, Math.max(0, f.min), Math.min(f.max, d.length - 1), h);
if (c) {
g.trimByRange(a, c, i, b);
a.majorTicks = c
snapEnds: function(e, d, a, b) {
b = Math.ceil(b);
var c = Math.floor((a - d) / b),
f =;
return {
min: d,
max: a,
from: d,
to: c * b + d,
step: b,
steps: c,
unit: 1,
getLabel: function(g) {
return f[this.from + this.step * g]
get: function(g) {
return this.from + this.step * g
trimByRange: function(b, f, h, a) {
var i = f.unit,
g = Math.ceil((h - f.from) / i) * i,
d = Math.floor((a - f.from) / i) * i,
c = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(g / f.step)),
e = Math.min(f.steps, Math.floor(d / f.step));
if (e < f.steps) { = e
if (f.max > a) {
f.max =
if (f.from < h && f.step > 0) {
f.from = f.from + c * f.step * i;
while (f.from < h) {
f.from += f.step * i
if (f.min < h) {
f.min = f.from
f.steps = e - c
getCoordFor: function(c, d, a, b) {
return this.labels.length - 1
Ext.define("Ext.chart.axis.layout.CombineDuplicate", {
extend: "Ext.chart.axis.layout.Discrete",
alias: "axisLayout.combineDuplicate",
getCoordFor: function(d, e, b, c) {
if (!(d in this.labelMap)) {
var a = this.labelMap[d] = this.labels.length;
return a
return this.labelMap[d]
Ext.define("Ext.chart.axis.layout.Continuous", {
extend: "Ext.chart.axis.layout.Layout",
alias: "axisLayout.continuous",
isContinuous: true,
config: {
adjustMinimumByMajorUnit: false,
adjustMaximumByMajorUnit: false
getCoordFor: function(c, d, a, b) {
return +c
snapEnds: function(a, d, i, h) {
var f = a.segmenter,
c = this.getAxis(),
l = c.getMajorTickSteps(),
e = l && f.exactStep ? f.exactStep(d, (i - d) / l) : f.preferredStep(d, h),
k = e.unit,
b = e.step,
j = f.align(d, b, k),
g = (l || f.diff(d, i, k)) + 1;
return {
min: f.from(d),
max: f.from(i),
from: j,
to: f.add(j, g * b, k),
step: b,
steps: g,
unit: k,
get: function(m) {
return f.add(this.from, this.step * m, k)
snapMinorEnds: function(a) {
var e = a.majorTicks,
m = this.getAxis().getMinorTickSteps(),
f = a.segmenter,
d = e.min,
i = e.max,
k = e.from,
l = e.unit,
b = e.step / m,
n = b * l.scale,
j = k - d,
c = Math.floor(j / n),
h = c + Math.floor((i - / n) + 1,
g = e.steps * m + h;
return {
min: d,
max: i,
from: d + j % n,
to: f.add(k, g * b, l),
step: b,
steps: g,
unit: l,
get: function(o) {
return (o % m + c + 1 !== 0) ? f.add(this.from, this.step * o, l) : null
Ext.define("Ext.chart.axis.Axis", {
xtype: "axis",
mixins: {
observable: "Ext.mixin.Observable"
requires: ["Ext.chart.axis.sprite.Axis", "Ext.chart.axis.segmenter.*", "Ext.chart.axis.layout.*"],
isAxis: true,
config: {
position: "bottom",
fields: [],
label: undefined,
grid: false,
limits: null,
renderer: null,
chart: null,
style: null,
margin: 0,
titleMargin: 4,
background: null,
minimum: NaN,
maximum: NaN,
reconcileRange: false,
minZoom: 1,
maxZoom: 10000,
layout: "continuous",
segmenter: "numeric",
hidden: false,
majorTickSteps: 0,
minorTickSteps: 0,
adjustByMajorUnit: true,
title: null,
increment: 0.5,
length: 0,
center: null,
radius: null,
totalAngle: Math.PI,
rotation: null,
labelInSpan: null,
visibleRange: [0, 1],
needHighPrecision: false,
linkedTo: null,
floating: null
titleOffset: 0,
spriteAnimationCount: 0,
prevMin: 0,
prevMax: 1,
boundSeries: [],
sprites: null,
surface: null,
range: null,
xValues: [],
yValues: [],
masterAxis: null,
applyRotation: function(b) {
var a = Math.PI * 2;
return (b % a + Math.PI) % a - Math.PI
updateRotation: function(b) {
var c = this.getSprites(),
a = this.getPosition();
if (!this.getHidden() && a === "angular" && c[0]) {
baseRotation: b
applyTitle: function(c, b) {
var a;
if (Ext.isString(c)) {
c = {
text: c
if (!b) {
b = Ext.create("sprite.text", c);
if ((a = this.getSurface())) {
} else {
return b
applyFloating: function(b, a) {
if (b === null) {
b = {
value: null,
alongAxis: null
} else {
if (Ext.isNumber(b)) {
b = {
value: b,
alongAxis: null
if (Ext.isObject(b)) {
if (a && a.alongAxis) {
delete this.getChart().getAxis(a.alongAxis).floatingAxes[this.getId()]
return b
return a
constructor: function(a) {
var b = this,
b.sprites = [];
b.labels = [];
b.floatingAxes = {};
a = a || {};
if (a.position === "angular") { = || {}; = 1
if ("id" in a) {
c =
} else {
if ("id" in b.config) {
c =
} else {
c = b.getId()
b.mixins.observable.constructor.apply(b, arguments)
getAlignment: function() {
switch (this.getPosition()) {
case "left":
case "right":
return "vertical";
case "top":
case "bottom":
return "horizontal";
case "radial":
return "radial";
case "angular":
return "angular"
getGridAlignment: function() {
switch (this.getPosition()) {
case "left":
case "right":
return "horizontal";
case "top":
case "bottom":
return "vertical";
case "radial":
return "circular";
case "angular":
return "radial"
getSurface: function() {
var e = this,
d = e.getChart();
if (d && !e.surface) {
var b = e.surface = d.getSurface(e.getId(), "axis"),
c = e.gridSurface = d.getSurface("main"),
a = e.getSprites()[0],
f = e.getGridAlignment();
if (e.getLimits() && f) {
f = f.replace("3d", "");
e.limits = {
surface: d.getSurface("overlay"),
lines: new Ext.chart.Markers(),
titles: new Ext.draw.sprite.Instancing()
xclass: "grid." + f
strokeStyle: "black"
}, true);
a.bindMarker(f + "-limit-lines", e.limits.lines);
e.limitTitleTpl = new Ext.draw.sprite.Text();
d.on("redraw", e.renderLimits, e)
return e.surface
applyGrid: function(a) {
if (a === true) {
return {}
return a
updateGrid: function(b) {
var e = this,
d = e.getChart();
if (!d) {
chartattached: Ext.bind(e.updateGrid, e, [b]),
single: true
var c = e.gridSurface,
a = e.getSprites()[0],
f = e.getGridAlignment(),
if (b) {
g = e.gridSpriteEven;
if (!g) {
g = e.gridSpriteEven = new Ext.chart.Markers();
xclass: "grid." + f
a.bindMarker(f + "-even", g)
if (Ext.isObject(b)) {
if (Ext.isObject(b.even)) {
g = e.gridSpriteOdd;
if (!g) {
g = e.gridSpriteOdd = new Ext.chart.Markers();
xclass: "grid." + f
a.bindMarker(f + "-odd", g)
if (Ext.isObject(b)) {
if (Ext.isObject(b.odd)) {
renderLimits: function() {
getCoordFor: function(c, d, a, b) {
return this.getLayout().getCoordFor(c, d, a, b)
applyPosition: function(a) {
return a.toLowerCase()
applyLength: function(b, a) {
return b > 0 ? b : a
applyLabel: function(b, a) {
if (!a) {
a = new Ext.draw.sprite.Text({})
if (this.limitTitleTpl) {
return a
applyLayout: function(b, a) {
b = Ext.factory(b, null, a, "axisLayout");
return b
applySegmenter: function(a, b) {
a = Ext.factory(a, null, b, "segmenter");
return a
updateMinimum: function() {
this.range = null
updateMaximum: function() {
this.range = null
hideLabels: function() {
hidden: true
showLabels: function() {
hidden: false
renderFrame: function() {
updateChart: function(d, b) {
var c = this,
if (b) {
b.un("serieschange", c.onSeriesChange, c);
b.un("redraw", c.renderLimits, c);
c.fireEvent("chartdetached", b, c)
if (d) {
d.on("serieschange", c.onSeriesChange, c);
c.surface = null;
a = c.getSurface();
c.fireEvent("chartattached", d, c)
applyBackground: function(a) {
var b = Ext.ClassManager.getByAlias("sprite.rect");
return b.def.normalize(a)
processData: function() {
this.range = null
getDirection: function() {
return this.getChart().getDirectionForAxis(this.getPosition())
isSide: function() {
var a = this.getPosition();
return a === "left" || a === "right"
applyFields: function(a) {
return Ext.Array.from(a)
applyVisibleRange: function(a, c) {
if (a[0] > a[1]) {
var b = a[0];
a[0] = a[1];
a[0] = b
if (a[1] === a[0]) {
a[1] += 1 / this.getMaxZoom()
if (a[1] > a[0] + 1) {
a[0] = 0;
a[1] = 1
} else {
if (a[0] < 0) {
a[1] -= a[0];
a[0] = 0
} else {
if (a[1] > 1) {
a[0] -= a[1] - 1;
a[1] = 1
if (c && a[0] === c[0] && a[1] === c[1]) {
return undefined
return a
updateVisibleRange: function(a) {
this.fireEvent("visiblerangechange", this, a)
onSeriesChange: function(e) {
var f = this,
b = e.getSeries(),
j = "get" + f.getDirection() + "Axis",
g = [],
c, d = b.length,
a, h;
for (c = 0; c < d; c++) {
if (this === b[c][j]()) {
f.boundSeries = g;
a = f.getLinkedTo();
h = !Ext.isEmpty(a) && e.getAxis(a);
if (h) {
} else {
linkAxis: function(a) {
var c = this;
function b(f, d, e) {
e.getLayout()[f]("datachange", "onDataChange", d);
e[f]("rangechange", "onMasterAxisRangeChange", d)
if (c.masterAxis) {
b("un", c, c.masterAxis);
c.masterAxis = null
if (a) {
if (a.type !== this.type) {
Ext.Error.raise("Linked axes must be of the same type.")
b("on", c, a);
c.onMasterAxisRangeChange(a, a.range);
c.setTitle(Ext.apply({}, c.config.title, a.config.title));
c.setLabel(Ext.apply({}, c.config.label, a.config.label));
c.masterAxis = a
onDataChange: function(a) {
this.getLayout().labels = a
onMasterAxisRangeChange: function(b, a) {
this.range = a
applyRange: function(a) {
if (!a) {
return this.dataRange.slice(0)
} else {
return [a[0] === null ? this.dataRange[0] : a[0], a[1] === null ? this.dataRange[1] : a[1]]
getRange: function() {
var m = this;
if (m.range) {
return m.range
} else {
if (m.masterAxis) {
return m.masterAxis.range
if (Ext.isNumber(m.getMinimum() + m.getMaximum())) {
return m.range = [m.getMinimum(), m.getMaximum()]
var d = Infinity,
n = -Infinity,
o = m.boundSeries,
h = m.getLayout(),
l = m.getSegmenter(),
p = m.getVisibleRange(),
b = "get" + m.getDirection() + "Range",
a, j, g, f, e, k;
for (e = 0, k = o.length; e < k; e++) {
f = o[e];
var c = f[b]();
if (c) {
if (c[0] < d) {
d = c[0]
if (c[1] > n) {
n = c[1]
if (!isFinite(n)) {
n = m.prevMax
if (!isFinite(d)) {
d = m.prevMin
if (m.getLabelInSpan() || d === n) {
n += m.getIncrement();
d -= m.getIncrement()
if (Ext.isNumber(m.getMinimum())) {
d = m.getMinimum()
} else {
m.prevMin = d
if (Ext.isNumber(m.getMaximum())) {
n = m.getMaximum()
} else {
m.prevMax = n
m.range = [Ext.Number.correctFloat(d), Ext.Number.correctFloat(n)];
if (m.getReconcileRange()) {
if (m.getAdjustByMajorUnit() && l.adjustByMajorUnit && !m.getMajorTickSteps()) {
j = Ext.Object.chain(m.getSprites()[0].attr);
j.min = m.range[0];
j.max = m.range[1];
j.visibleMin = p[0];
j.visibleMax = p[1];
a = {
attr: j,
segmenter: l
g = a.majorTicks;
if (g) {
l.adjustByMajorUnit(g.step, g.unit.scale, m.range);
j.min = m.range[0];
j.max = m.range[1];
delete a.majorTicks;
g = a.majorTicks;
l.adjustByMajorUnit(g.step, g.unit.scale, m.range)
} else {
if (!m.hasClearRangePending) {
m.hasClearRangePending = true;
m.getChart().on("layout", "clearRange", m)
if (!Ext.Array.equals(m.range, m.oldRange || [])) {
m.fireEvent("rangechange", m, m.range);
m.oldRange = m.range
return m.range
clearRange: function() {
delete this.hasClearRangePending;
this.range = null
reconcileRange: function() {
var e = this,
g = e.getChart().getAxes(),
f = e.getDirection(),
b, d, c, a;
if (!g) {
for (b = 0, d = g.length; b < d; b++) {
c = g[b];
a = c.getRange();
if (c === e || c.getDirection() !== f || !a || !c.getReconcileRange()) {
if (a[0] < e.range[0]) {
e.range[0] = a[0]
if (a[1] > e.range[1]) {
e.range[1] = a[1]
applyStyle: function(c, b) {
var a = Ext.ClassManager.getByAlias("sprite." + this.seriesType);
if (a && a.def) {
c = a.def.normalize(c)
b = Ext.apply(b || {}, c);
return b
themeOnlyIfConfigured: {
grid: true
updateTheme: function(d) {
var i = this,
k = d.getAxis(),
e = i.getPosition(),
o = i.getInitialConfig(),
c = i.defaultConfig,
g = i.getConfigurator().configs,
a = k.defaults,
n = k[e],
h = i.themeOnlyIfConfigured,
l, j, p, b, m, f;
k = Ext.merge({}, a, n);
for (l in k) {
j = k[l];
f = g[l];
if (j !== null && j !== undefined && f) {
m = o[l];
p = Ext.isObject(j);
b = m === c[l];
if (p) {
if (b && h[l]) {
j = Ext.merge({}, j, m)
if (b || p) {
updateCenter: function(b) {
var e = this.getSprites(),
a = e[0],
d = b[0],
c = b[1];
if (a) {
centerX: d,
centerY: c
if (this.gridSpriteEven) {
translationX: d,
translationY: c,
rotationCenterX: d,
rotationCenterY: c
if (this.gridSpriteOdd) {
translationX: d,
translationY: c,
rotationCenterX: d,
rotationCenterY: c
getSprites: function() {
if (!this.getChart()) {
var i = this,
e = i.getRange(),
f = i.getPosition(),
g = i.getChart(),
c = g.getAnimation(),
d, a, b = i.getLength(),
h = i.superclass;
if (c === false) {
c = {
duration: 0
if (e) {
a = Ext.applyIf({
position: f,
axis: i,
min: e[0],
max: e[1],
length: b,
grid: i.getGrid(),
hidden: i.getHidden(),
titleOffset: i.titleOffset,
layout: i.getLayout(),
segmenter: i.getSegmenter(),
totalAngle: i.getTotalAngle(),
label: i.getLabel()
}, i.getStyle());
if (!i.sprites.length) {
while (!h.xtype) {
h = h.superclass
d = Ext.create("sprite." + h.xtype, a);
baseRotation: 0
d.fx.on("animationstart", "onAnimationStart", i);
d.fx.on("animationend", "onAnimationEnd", i);
} else {
d = i.sprites[0];
if (i.getRenderer()) {
return i.sprites
updateTitleSprite: function() {
var f = this,
b = f.getLength();
if (!f.sprites[0] || !Ext.isNumber(b)) {
var h = this.sprites[0].thickness,
a = f.getSurface(),
g = f.getTitle(),
e = f.getPosition(),
c = f.getMargin(),
i = f.getTitleMargin(),
d = a.roundPixel(b / 2);
if (g) {
switch (e) {
case "top":
x: d,
y: c + i / 2,
textBaseline: "top",
textAlign: "center"
}, true);
f.titleOffset = g.getBBox().height + i;
case "bottom":
x: d,
y: h + i / 2,
textBaseline: "top",
textAlign: "center"
}, true);
f.titleOffset = g.getBBox().height + i;
case "left":
x: c + i / 2,
y: d,
textBaseline: "top",
textAlign: "center",
rotationCenterX: c + i / 2,
rotationCenterY: d,
rotationRads: -Math.PI / 2
}, true);
f.titleOffset = g.getBBox().width + i;
case "right":
x: h - c + i / 2,
y: d,
textBaseline: "bottom",
textAlign: "center",
rotationCenterX: h + i / 2,
rotationCenterY: d,
rotationRads: Math.PI / 2
}, true);
f.titleOffset = g.getBBox().width + i;
onThicknessChanged: function() {
getThickness: function() {
if (this.getHidden()) {
return 0
return (this.sprites[0] && this.sprites[0].thickness || 1) + this.titleOffset + this.getMargin()
onAnimationStart: function() {
if (this.spriteAnimationCount === 1) {
this.fireEvent("animationstart", this)
onAnimationEnd: function() {
if (this.spriteAnimationCount === 0) {
this.fireEvent("animationend", this)
getItemId: function() {
return this.getId()
getAncestorIds: function() {
return [this.getChart().getId()]
isXType: function(a) {
return a === "axis"
resolveListenerScope: function(e) {
var d = this,
a = Ext._namedScopes[e],
c = d.getChart(),
if (!a) {
b = c ? c.resolveListenerScope(e, false) : (e || d)
} else {
if (a.isThis) {
b = d
} else {
if (a.isController) {
b = c ? c.resolveListenerScope(e, false) : d
} else {
if (a.isSelf) {
b = c ? c.resolveListenerScope(e, false) : d;
if (b === c && !c.getInheritedConfig("defaultListenerScope")) {
b = d
return b
destroy: function() {
var a = this;
a.surface = null;
Ext.define("Ext.chart.LegendBase", {
extend: "Ext.view.View",
config: {
tpl: ['<div class="', Ext.baseCSSPrefix, 'legend-container">', '<tpl for=".">', '<div class="', Ext.baseCSSPrefix, 'legend-item">', "<span ", 'class="', Ext.baseCSSPrefix, "legend-item-marker {[ values.disabled ? Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'legend-inactive' : '' ]}\" ", 'style="background:{mark};">', "</span>{name}", "</div>", "</tpl>", "</div>"],
nodeContainerSelector: "div." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "legend-container",
itemSelector: "div." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "legend-item",
docked: "bottom"
setDocked: function(d) {
var c = this,
a = c.ownerCt,
c.docked = d;
switch (d) {
case "top":
case "bottom":
c.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "horizontal");
b = "hbox";
case "left":
case "right":
c.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "horizontal");
b = "vbox";
if (a) {
setStore: function(a) {
clearViewEl: function() {
onItemClick: function(a, c, b, d) {
Ext.define("Ext.chart.Legend", {
xtype: "legend",
extend: "Ext.chart.LegendBase",
config: {
baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "legend",
padding: 5,
rect: null,
disableSelection: true,
toggleable: true
toggleItem: function(c) {
if (!this.getToggleable()) {
var b = this.getStore(),
h = 0,
e, g = true,
d, f, a;
if (b) {
f = b.getCount();
for (d = 0; d < f; d++) {
a = b.getAt(d);
if (a.get("disabled")) {
g = f - h > 1;
a = b.getAt(c);
if (a) {
e = a.get("disabled");
if (e || g) {
a.set("disabled", !e)
Ext.define("Ext.chart.AbstractChart", {
extend: "Ext.draw.Container",
requires: ["Ext.chart.theme.Default", "Ext.chart.series.Series", "Ext.chart.interactions.Abstract", "Ext.chart.axis.Axis", "", "Ext.chart.Legend", ""],
isChart: true,
defaultBindProperty: "store",
config: {
store: "ext-empty-store",
theme: "default",
style: null,
animation: !Ext.isIE8,
series: [],
axes: [],
legend: null,
colors: null,
insetPadding: {
top: 10,
left: 10,
right: 10,
bottom: 10
background: null,
interactions: [],
mainRect: null,
resizeHandler: null,
highlightItem: null
animationSuspendCount: 0,
chartLayoutSuspendCount: 0,
axisThicknessSuspendCount: 0,
isThicknessChanged: false,
surfaceZIndexes: {
background: 0,
main: 1,
grid: 2,
series: 3,
axis: 4,
chart: 5,
overlay: 6,
events: 7
constructor: function(a) {
var b = this;
b.itemListeners = {};
b.surfaceMap = {};
b.chartComponents = {};
b.isInitializing = true;
delete b.isInitializing;
applyAnimation: function(a, b) {
if (!a) {
a = {
duration: 0
} else {
if (a === true) {
a = {
easing: "easeInOut",
duration: 500
return b ? Ext.apply({}, a, b) : a
getAnimation: function() {
if (this.animationSuspendCount) {
return {
duration: 0
} else {
return this.callParent()
applyInsetPadding: function(b, a) {
if (!Ext.isObject(b)) {
return Ext.util.Format.parseBox(b)
} else {
if (!a) {
return b
} else {
return Ext.apply(a, b)
suspendAnimation: function() {
var d = this,
c = d.getSeries(),
e = c.length,
b = -1,
if (d.animationSuspendCount === 1) {
while (++b < e) {
a = c[b];
resumeAnimation: function() {
var d = this,
c = d.getSeries(),
f = c.length,
b = -1,
a, e;
if (d.animationSuspendCount === 0) {
while (++b < f) {
a = c[b];
e = a.getAnimation();
a.setAnimation(e.duration && e || d.getAnimation())
suspendChartLayout: function() {
if (this.chartLayoutSuspendCount === 1) {
if (this.scheduledLayoutId) {
this.layoutInSuspension = true;
} else {
this.layoutInSuspension = false
resumeChartLayout: function() {
if (this.chartLayoutSuspendCount === 0) {
if (this.layoutInSuspension) {
cancelChartLayout: function() {
if (this.scheduledLayoutId) {
this.scheduledLayoutId = null
scheduleLayout: function() {
var a = this;
if (a.allowSchedule() && !a.scheduledLayoutId) {
a.scheduledLayoutId = Ext.draw.Animator.schedule("doScheduleLayout", a)
allowSchedule: function() {
return true
doScheduleLayout: function() {
if (this.chartLayoutSuspendCount) {
this.layoutInSuspension = true
} else {
suspendThicknessChanged: function() {
resumeThicknessChanged: function() {
if (this.axisThicknessSuspendCount > 0) {
if (this.axisThicknessSuspendCount === 0 && this.isThicknessChanged) {
onThicknessChanged: function() {
if (this.axisThicknessSuspendCount === 0) {
this.isThicknessChanged = false;
} else {
this.isThicknessChanged = true
applySprites: function(b) {
var a = this.getSurface("chart");
b = Ext.Array.from(b);
return b
initItems: function() {
var a = this.items,
b, d, c;
if (a && !a.isMixedCollection) {
this.items = [];
a = Ext.Array.from(a);
for (b = 0, d = a.length; b < d; b++) {
c = a[b];
if (c.type) {
Ext.raise("To add custom sprites to the chart use the 'sprites' config.")
} else {
applyBackground: function(c, e) {
var b = this.getSurface("background"),
d, a, f;
if (c) {
if (e) {
d = e.attr.width;
a = e.attr.height;
f = e.type === (c.type || "rect")
if (c.isSprite) {
e = c
} else {
if (c.type === "image" && Ext.isString(c.src)) {
if (f) {
src: c.src
} else {
b.remove(e, true);
e = b.add(c)
} else {
if (f) {
fillStyle: c
} else {
b.remove(e, true);
e = b.add({
type: "rect",
fillStyle: c,
fx: {
customDurations: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0
if (d && a) {
width: d,
height: a
return e
getLegendStore: function() {
return this.legendStore
refreshLegendStore: function() {
if (this.getLegendStore()) {
var d, e, c = this.getSeries(),
b, a = [];
if (c) {
for (d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; d++) {
b = c[d];
if (b.getShowInLegend()) {
resetLegendStore: function() {
var c = this.getLegendStore(),
e, d, a, b;
if (c) {
e = this.getLegendStore().getData().items;
for (d = 0, a = e.length; d < a; d++) {
b = e[d];
b.set("disabled", false);
onUpdateLegendStore: function(b, a) {
var d = this.getSeries(),
if (a && d) {
c =[a.get("series")];
if (c) {
c.setHiddenByIndex(a.get("index"), a.get("disabled"));
defaultResizeHandler: function(a) {
return false
applyMainRect: function(a, b) {
if (!b) {
return a
if (a[0] === b[0] && a[1] === b[1] && a[2] === b[2] && a[3] === b[3]) {
return b
} else {
return a
register: function(a) {
var b = this.chartComponents,
c = a.getId();
b[c] = a
unregister: function(a) {
var b = this.chartComponents,
c = a.getId();
delete b[c]
get: function(a) {
return this.chartComponents[a]
getAxis: function(a) {
if (a instanceof Ext.chart.axis.Axis) {
return a
} else {
if (Ext.isNumber(a)) {
return this.getAxes()[a]
} else {
if (Ext.isString(a)) {
return this.get(a)
getSurface: function(b, c) {
b = b || "main";
c = c || b;
var d = this,
a = this.callParent([b]),
f = d.surfaceZIndexes,
e = d.surfaceMap;
if (c in f) {
a.element.setStyle("zIndex", f[c])
if (!e[c]) {
e[c] = []
if (Ext.Array.indexOf(e[c], a) < 0) {
a.type = c;
a.on("destroy", d.forgetSurface, d)
return a
forgetSurface: function(a) {
var d = this.surfaceMap;
if (!d || this.isDestroying) {
var c = d[a.type],
b = c ? Ext.Array.indexOf(c, a) : -1;
if (b >= 0) {
c.splice(b, 1)
applyAxes: function(b, k) {
var l = this,
g = {
left: "right",
right: "left"
m = [],
c, d, e, a, f, h, j;
if (!k) {
k = []; = {}
j =; = {};
b = Ext.Array.from(b, true);
for (f = 0, h = b.length; f < h; f++) {
c = b[f];
if (!c) {
if (c instanceof Ext.chart.axis.Axis) {
d = j[c.getId()];
} else {
c = Ext.Object.chain(c);
e = c.linkedTo;
a =;
if (Ext.isNumber(e)) {
c = Ext.merge({}, b[e], c)
} else {
if (Ext.isString(e)) {
Ext.Array.each(b, function(i) {
if ( === c.linkedTo) {
c = Ext.merge({}, i, c);
return false
} = a;
c.chart = l;
if (l.getInherited().rtl) {
c.position = g[c.position] || c.position
a = c.getId && c.getId() ||;
c = Ext.factory(c, null, d = j[a], "axis")
if (c) {
m.push(c);[c.getId()] = c;
if (!d) {
c.on("animationstart", "onAnimationStart", l);
c.on("animationend", "onAnimationEnd", l)
for (f in j) {
if (![f]) {
return m
updateAxes: function() {
if (!this.isDestroying) {
circularCopyArray: function(e, f, d) {
var c = [],
b, a = e && e.length;
if (a) {
for (b = 0; b < d; b++) {
c.push(e[(f + b) % a])
return c
circularCopyObject: function(f, g, d) {
var c = this,
b, e, a = {};
if (d) {
for (b in f) {
if (f.hasOwnProperty(b)) {
e = f[b];
if (Ext.isArray(e)) {
a[b] = c.circularCopyArray(e, g, d)
} else {
a[b] = e
return a
getColors: function() {
var b = this,
a = b.config.colors,
c = b.getTheme();
if (Ext.isArray(a) && a.length > 0) {
a = b.applyColors(a)
return a || (c && c.getColors())
applyColors: function(a) {
a =, function(b) {
if (Ext.isString(b)) {
return b
} else {
return b.toString()
return a
updateColors: function(c) {
var k = this,
e = k.getTheme(),
a = c || (e && e.getColors()),
l = 0,
f = k.getSeries(),
d = f && f.length,
g, j, b, h;
if (a.length) {
for (g = 0; g < d; g++) {
j = f[g];
h = j.themeColorCount();
b = k.circularCopyArray(a, l, h);
l += h;
applyTheme: function(a) {
if (a && a.isTheme) {
return a
return Ext.Factory.chartTheme(a)
updateTheme: function(g) {
var e = this,
f = e.getAxes(),
d = e.getSeries(),
a = e.getColors(),
c, b;
for (b = 0; b < f.length; b++) {
for (b = 0; b < d.length; b++) {
c = d[b];
themeOnlyIfConfigured: {},
updateChartTheme: function(c) {
var i = this,
k = c.getChart(),
n = i.getInitialConfig(),
b = i.defaultConfig,
e = i.getConfigurator().configs,
f = k.defaults,
g = k[i.xtype],
h = i.themeOnlyIfConfigured,
l, j, o, a, m, d;
k = Ext.merge({}, f, g);
for (l in k) {
j = k[l];
d = e[l];
if (j !== null && j !== undefined && d) {
m = n[l];
o = Ext.isObject(j);
a = m === b[l];
if (o) {
if (a && h[l]) {
j = Ext.merge({}, j, m)
if (a || o) {
updateSpriteTheme: function(c) {
var j = this,
e = j.getSurface("chart"),
h = e.getItems(),
m = c.getSprites(),
k, a, l, f, d, b, g;
for (b = 0, g = h.length; b < g; b++) {
k = h[b];
a = m[k.type];
if (a) {
f = {};
d = k.type === "text";
for (l in a) {
if (!(l in k.config)) {
if (!(d && l.indexOf("font") === 0 && k.config.font)) {
f[l] = a[l]
addSeries: function(b) {
var a = this.getSeries();
Ext.Array.push(a, b);
removeSeries: function(d) {
d = Ext.Array.from(d);
var b = this.getSeries(),
f = [],
a = d.length,
g = {},
c, e;
for (c = 0; c < a; c++) {
e = d[c];
if (typeof e !== "string") {
e = e.getId()
g[e] = true
for (c = 0, a = b.length; c < a; c++) {
if (!g[b[c].getId()]) {
applySeries: function(e, d) {
var g = this,
j = [],
h, a, c, f, b;
if (d) {
h =
} else {
d = [];
h = = {}
} = {};
e = Ext.Array.from(e, true);
for (c = 0, f = e.length; c < f; c++) {
b = e[c];
if (!b) {
a = h[b.getId && b.getId() ||];
if (b instanceof Ext.chart.series.Series) {
if (a && a !== b) {
} else {
if (Ext.isObject(b)) {
if (a) {
b = a
} else {
if (Ext.isString(b)) {
b = {
type: b
b.chart = g;
b = Ext.create(b.xclass || ("series." + b.type), b);
b.on("animationstart", "onAnimationStart", g);
b.on("animationend", "onAnimationEnd", g)
j.push(b);[b.getId()] = b
for (c in h) {
if (![h[c].getId()]) {
return j
applyLegend: function(b, a) {
return Ext.factory(b, Ext.chart.Legend, a)
updateLegend: function(b, a) {
if (a) {
if (b) {
this.legendStore = new{
autoDestroy: true,
fields: ["id", "name", "mark", "disabled", "series", "index"]
this.legendStore.on("update", "onUpdateLegendStore", this)
updateSeries: function(b, a) {
var c = this;
if (c.isDestroying) {
c.fireEvent("serieschange", c, b, a);
if (!Ext.isEmpty(b)) {
applyInteractions: function(h, d) {
if (!d) {
d = []; = {}
var g = this,
a = [],
c =,
e, f, b; = {};
h = Ext.Array.from(h, true);
for (e = 0, f = h.length; e < f; e++) {
b = h[e];
if (!b) {
b = Ext.factory(b, null, c[b.getId && b.getId() ||], "interaction");
if (b) {
a.push(b);[b.getId()] = b
for (e in c) {
if (![e]) {
return a
getInteraction: function(e) {
var f = this.getInteractions(),
a = f && f.length,
c = null,
b, d;
if (a) {
for (d = 0; d < a; ++d) {
b = f[d];
if (b.type === e) {
c = b;
return c
applyStore: function(a) {
return a && Ext.StoreManager.lookup(a)
updateStore: function(a, c) {
var b = this;
if (c) {
datachanged: "onDataChanged",
update: "onDataChanged",
scope: b,
order: "after"
if (c.autoDestroy) {
if (a) {
datachanged: "onDataChanged",
update: "onDataChanged",
scope: b,
order: "after"
b.fireEvent("storechange", b, a, c);
redraw: function() {
this.fireEvent("redraw", this)
performLayout: function() {
var d = this,
b = d.getChartSize(true),
c = [0, 0, b.width, b.height],
a = d.getBackground();
d.hasFirstLayout = true;
d.fireEvent("layout", d);
width: b.width,
height: b.height
getChartSize: function(b) {
var a = this;
if (b) {
a.chartSize = null
return a.chartSize || (a.chartSize = a.innerElement.getSize())
getEventXY: function(a) {
return this.getSurface().getEventXY(a)
getItemForPoint: function(h, g) {
var f = this,
a = f.getSeries(),
e = f.getMainRect(),
d = a.length,
b = f.hasFirstLayout ? d - 1 : -1,
c, j;
if (!(e && h >= 0 && h <= e[2] && g >= 0 && g <= e[3])) {
return null
for (; b >= 0; b--) {
c = a[b];
j = c.getItemForPoint(h, g);
if (j) {
return j
return null
getItemsForPoint: function(h, g) {
var f = this,
a = f.getSeries(),
d = a.length,
b = f.hasFirstLayout ? d - 1 : -1,
e = [],
c, j;
for (; b >= 0; b--) {
c = a[b];
j = c.getItemForPoint(h, g);
if (j) {
return e
onAnimationStart: function() {
this.fireEvent("animationstart", this)
onAnimationEnd: function() {
this.fireEvent("animationend", this)
onDataChanged: function() {
var d = this;
if (d.isInitializing) {
var c = d.getMainRect(),
a = d.getStore(),
b = d.getSeries(),
e = d.getAxes();
if (!a || !e || !b) {
if (!c) {
redraw: d.onDataChanged,
scope: d,
single: true
recordCount: 0,
processData: function() {
var g = this,
e = g.getStore().getCount(),
c = g.getSeries(),
f = c.length,
d = false,
b = 0,
for (; b < f; b++) {
a = c[b];
if (!d && a.isStoreDependantColorCount) {
d = true
if (d && e > g.recordCount) {
g.recordCount = e
bindStore: function(a) {
applyHighlightItem: function(f, a) {
if (f === a) {
if (Ext.isObject(f) && Ext.isObject(a)) {
var e = f,
d = a,
c = e.sprite && (e.sprite[0] || e.sprite),
b = d.sprite && (d.sprite[0] || d.sprite);
if (c === b && e.index === d.index) {
return f
updateHighlightItem: function(b, a) {
if (a) {
a.series.setAttributesForItem(a, {
highlighted: false
if (b) {
b.series.setAttributesForItem(b, {
highlighted: true
this.fireEvent("itemhighlight", this, b, a)
this.fireEvent("itemhighlightchange", this, b, a)
destroyChart: function() {
var f = this,
d = f.getLegend(),
g = f.getAxes(),
c = f.getSeries(),
h = f.getInteractions(),
b = [],
a, e;
f.surfaceMap = null;
for (a = 0, e = h.length; a < e; a++) {
for (a = 0, e = g.length; a < e; a++) {
for (a = 0, e = c.length; a < e; a++) {
if (d) {
f.legendStore = null;
getRefItems: function(b) {
var g = this,
e = g.getSeries(),
h = g.getAxes(),
a = g.getInteractions(),
c = [],
d, f;
for (d = 0, f = e.length; d < f; d++) {
if (e[d].getRefItems) {
c.push.apply(c, e[d].getRefItems(b))
for (d = 0, f = h.length; d < f; d++) {
if (h[d].getRefItems) {
c.push.apply(c, h[d].getRefItems(b))
for (d = 0, f = a.length; d < f; d++) {
if (a[d].getRefItems) {
c.push.apply(c, a[d].getRefItems(b))
return c
Ext.define("Ext.chart.overrides.AbstractChart", {
override: "Ext.chart.AbstractChart",
updateLegend: function(b, a) {
var c;
this.callParent([b, a]);
if (b) {
c = b.docked;
dock: c,
xtype: "panel",
shrinkWrap: true,
scrollable: true,
layout: {
type: c === "top" || c === "bottom" ? "hbox" : "vbox",
pack: "center"
items: b,
cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "legend-panel"
performLayout: function() {
if (this.isVisible(true)) {
return this.callParent()
return false
afterComponentLayout: function(c, a, b, d) {
this.callParent([c, a, b, d]);
allowSchedule: function() {
return this.rendered
onDestroy: function() {
Ext.define("Ext.chart.grid.HorizontalGrid", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Sprite",
alias: "grid.horizontal",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
x: "number",
y: "number",
width: "number",
height: "number"
defaults: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 1,
height: 1,
strokeStyle: "#DDD"
render: function(b, c, e) {
var a = this.attr,
f = b.roundPixel(a.y),
d = c.lineWidth * 0.5;
c.rect(e[0] - b.matrix.getDX(), f + d, +e[2], a.height);
c.moveTo(e[0] - b.matrix.getDX(), f + d);
c.lineTo(e[0] + e[2] - b.matrix.getDX(), f + d);
Ext.define("Ext.chart.grid.VerticalGrid", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Sprite",
alias: "grid.vertical",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
x: "number",
y: "number",
width: "number",
height: "number"
defaults: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 1,
height: 1,
strokeStyle: "#DDD"
render: function(c, d, f) {
var b = this.attr,
a = c.roundPixel(b.x),
e = d.lineWidth * 0.5;
d.rect(a - e, f[1] - c.matrix.getDY(), b.width, f[3]);
d.moveTo(a - e, f[1] - c.matrix.getDY());
d.lineTo(a - e, f[1] + f[3] - c.matrix.getDY());
Ext.define("Ext.chart.CartesianChart", {
extend: "Ext.chart.AbstractChart",
alternateClassName: "Ext.chart.Chart",
requires: ["Ext.chart.grid.HorizontalGrid", "Ext.chart.grid.VerticalGrid"],
xtype: ["cartesian", "chart"],
isCartesian: true,
config: {
flipXY: false,
innerRect: [0, 0, 1, 1],
innerPadding: {
top: 0,
left: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0
applyInnerPadding: function(b, a) {
if (!Ext.isObject(b)) {
return Ext.util.Format.parseBox(b)
} else {
if (!a) {
return b
} else {
return Ext.apply(a, b)
getDirectionForAxis: function(a) {
var b = this.getFlipXY();
if (a === "left" || a === "right") {
if (b) {
return "X"
} else {
return "Y"
} else {
if (b) {
return "Y"
} else {
return "X"
performLayout: function() {
var A = this;
if (A.callParent() === false) {
var d = A.getSurface("chart").getRect(),
o = d[2],
n = d[3],
z = A.getAxes(),
b, q = A.getSeries(),
h, l, a, f = A.getInsetPadding(),
v = A.getInnerPadding(),
r, c, e = Ext.apply({}, f),
u, p, s, k, m, y, t, x, g, j = A.getInherited().rtl,
w = A.getFlipXY();
if (o <= 0 || n <= 0) {
for (x = 0; x < z.length; x++) {
b = z[x];
l = b.getSurface();
m = b.getFloating();
y = m ? m.value : null;
a = b.getThickness();
switch (b.getPosition()) {
case "top":
l.setRect([0, + 1, o, a]);
case "bottom":
l.setRect([0, n - (e.bottom + a), o, a]);
case "left":
l.setRect([e.left, 0, a, n]);
case "right":
l.setRect([o - (e.right + a), 0, a, n]);
if (y === null) {
e[b.getPosition()] += a
o -= e.left + e.right;
n -= + e.bottom;
u = [e.left,, o, n];
e.left += v.left; +=;
e.right += v.right;
e.bottom += v.bottom;
p = o - v.left - v.right;
s = n - - v.bottom;
A.setInnerRect([e.left,, p, s]);
if (p <= 0 || s <= 0) {
for (x = 0, g = A.surfaceMap.grid && A.surfaceMap.grid.length; x < g; x++) {
c = A.surfaceMap.grid[x];
c.matrix.set(1, 0, 0, 1, v.left,;
for (x = 0; x < z.length; x++) {
b = z[x];
l = b.getSurface();
t = l.matrix;
k = t.elements;
switch (b.getPosition()) {
case "top":
case "bottom":
k[4] = e.left;
case "left":
case "right":
k[5] =;
for (x = 0, g = q.length; x < g; x++) {
h = q[x];
r = h.getSurface();
if (w) {
if (j) {
r.matrix.set(0, -1, -1, 0, v.left + p, + s)
} else {
r.matrix.set(0, -1, 1, 0, v.left, + s)
} else {
r.matrix.set(1, 0, 0, -1, v.left, + s)
refloatAxes: function() {
var h = this,
g = h.getAxes(),
o = (g && g.length) || 0,
c, d, n, f, l, b, k, r = h.getChartSize(),
q = h.getInsetPadding(),
p = h.getInnerPadding(),
a = r.width - q.left - q.right,
m = r.height - - q.bottom,
j, e;
for (e = 0; e < o; e++) {
c = g[e];
f = c.getFloating();
l = f ? f.value : null;
if (l === null) {
delete c.floatingAtCoord;
d = c.getSurface();
n = d.getRect();
if (!n) {
n = n.slice();
b = h.getAxis(f.alongAxis);
if (b) {
j = b.getAlignment() === "horizontal";
if (Ext.isString(l)) {
l = b.getCoordFor(l)
b.floatingAxes[c.getId()] = l;
k = b.getSprites()[0].attr.matrix;
if (j) {
l = l * k.getXX() + k.getDX();
c.floatingAtCoord = l + p.left + p.right
} else {
l = l * k.getYY() + k.getDY();
c.floatingAtCoord = l + + p.bottom
} else {
j = c.getAlignment() === "horizontal";
if (j) {
c.floatingAtCoord = l + + p.bottom
} else {
c.floatingAtCoord = l + p.left + p.right
l = d.roundPixel(0.01 * l * (j ? m : a))
switch (c.getPosition()) {
case "top":
n[1] = + + l - n[3] + 1;
case "bottom":
n[1] = + + (b ? l : m - l);
case "left":
n[0] = q.left + p.left + l - n[2];
case "right":
n[0] = q.left + p.left + (b ? l : a - l) - 1;
redraw: function() {
var C = this,
r = C.getSeries(),
z = C.getAxes(),
b = C.getMainRect(),
p, t, w = C.getInnerPadding(),
f, l, s, e, q, A, v, g, d, c, a, k, n, y = C.getFlipXY(),
x = 1000,
m, u, h, o, B;
if (!b) {
p = b[2] - w.left - w.right;
t = b[3] - - w.bottom;
for (A = 0; A < r.length; A++) {
h = r[A];
if ((c = h.getXAxis())) {
n = c.getVisibleRange();
l = c.getRange();
l = [l[0] + (l[1] - l[0]) * n[0], l[0] + (l[1] - l[0]) * n[1]]
} else {
l = h.getXRange()
if ((a = h.getYAxis())) {
n = a.getVisibleRange();
s = a.getRange();
s = [s[0] + (s[1] - s[0]) * n[0], s[0] + (s[1] - s[0]) * n[1]]
} else {
s = h.getYRange()
q = {
visibleMinX: l[0],
visibleMaxX: l[1],
visibleMinY: s[0],
visibleMaxY: s[1],
innerWidth: p,
innerHeight: t,
flipXY: y
f = h.getSprites();
for (v = 0, g = f.length; v < g; v++) {
o = f[v];
m = o.attr.zIndex;
if (m < x) {
m += (A + 1) * 100 + x;
o.attr.zIndex = m;
B = o.getMarker("items");
if (B) {
u = B.attr.zIndex;
if (u === Number.MAX_VALUE) {
B.attr.zIndex = m
} else {
if (u < x) {
B.attr.zIndex = m + u
o.setAttributes(q, true)
for (A = 0; A < z.length; A++) {
d = z[A];
e = d.isSide();
f = d.getSprites();
k = d.getRange();
n = d.getVisibleRange();
q = {
dataMin: k[0],
dataMax: k[1],
visibleMin: n[0],
visibleMax: n[1]
if (e) {
q.length = t;
q.startGap = w.bottom;
q.endGap =
} else {
q.length = p;
q.startGap = w.left;
q.endGap = w.right
for (v = 0, g = f.length; v < g; v++) {
f[v].setAttributes(q, true)
renderFrame: function() {
Ext.define("Ext.chart.grid.CircularGrid", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Circle",
alias: "grid.circular",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
defaults: {
r: 1,
strokeStyle: "#DDD"
Ext.define("Ext.chart.grid.RadialGrid", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Path",
alias: "grid.radial",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
startRadius: "number",
endRadius: "number"
defaults: {
startRadius: 0,
endRadius: 1,
scalingCenterX: 0,
scalingCenterY: 0,
strokeStyle: "#DDD"
triggers: {
startRadius: "path,bbox",
endRadius: "path,bbox"
render: function() {
updatePath: function(d, a) {
var b = a.startRadius,
c = a.endRadius;
d.moveTo(b, 0);
d.lineTo(c, 0)
Ext.define("Ext.chart.PolarChart", {
extend: "Ext.chart.AbstractChart",
requires: ["Ext.chart.grid.CircularGrid", "Ext.chart.grid.RadialGrid"],
xtype: "polar",
isPolar: true,
config: {
center: [0, 0],
radius: 0,
innerPadding: 0
getDirectionForAxis: function(a) {
return a === "radial" ? "Y" : "X"
applyCenter: function(a, b) {
if (b && a[0] === b[0] && a[1] === b[1]) {
return [+a[0], +a[1]]
updateCenter: function(a) {
var g = this,
h = g.getAxes(),
d = g.getSeries(),
c, f, e, b;
for (c = 0, f = h.length; c < f; c++) {
e = h[c];
for (c = 0, f = d.length; c < f; c++) {
b = d[c];
applyInnerPadding: function(b, a) {
return Ext.isNumber(b) ? b : a
doSetSurfaceRect: function(b, c) {
var a = this.getMainRect();
b.matrix.set(1, 0, 0, 1, a[0] - c[0], a[1] - c[1]);
b.inverseMatrix.set(1, 0, 0, 1, c[0] - a[0], c[1] - a[1])
applyAxes: function(f, h) {
var e = this,
g = Ext.Array.from(e.config.series)[0],
b, d, c, a;
if (g.type === "radar" && f && f.length) {
for (b = 0, d = f.length; b < d; b++) {
c = f[b];
if (c.position === "angular") {
a = true;
if (!a) {
type: "category",
position: "angular",
fields: g.xField || g.angleField,
style: {
estStepSize: 1
grid: true
return this.callParent(arguments)
performLayout: function() {
var F = this,
g = true;
try {
if (this.callParent() === false) {
g = false;
var h = F.getSurface("chart").getRect(),
v = F.getInsetPadding(),
G = F.getInnerPadding(),
l = Ext.apply({}, v),
d, s = h[2] - v.left - v.right,
r = h[3] - - v.bottom,
x = [v.left,, s, r],
u = F.getSeries(),
p, t = s - G * 2,
w = r - G * 2,
D = [t * 0.5 + G, w * 0.5 + G],
j = Math.min(t, w) * 0.5,
A = F.getAxes(),
f, a, k, m = [],
o = [],
E = j - G,
z, n, b, q, y, c, C;
F.doSetSurfaceRect(F.getSurface(), x);
for (z = 0, n = F.surfaceMap.grid && F.surfaceMap.grid.length; z < n; z++) {
F.doSetSurfaceRect(F.surfaceMap.grid[z], h)
for (z = 0, n = A.length; z < n; z++) {
f = A[z];
switch (f.getPosition()) {
case "angular":
case "radial":
for (z = 0, n = m.length; z < n; z++) {
f = m[z];
q = f.getFloating();
y = q ? q.value : null;
F.doSetSurfaceRect(f.getSurface(), h);
a = f.getThickness();
for (d in l) {
l[d] += a
s = h[2] - l.left - l.right;
r = h[3] - - l.bottom;
b = Math.min(s, r) * 0.5;
if (z === 0) {
E = b - G
k = f.sprites[0].attr.lineWidth * 0.5;
for (d in l) {
l[d] += k
for (z = 0, n = o.length; z < n; z++) {
f = o[z];
F.doSetSurfaceRect(f.getSurface(), h);
for (z = 0, n = u.length; z < n; z++) {
p = u[z];
if (p.type === "gauge" && !c) {
c = p
} else {
F.doSetSurfaceRect(p.getSurface(), x)
F.doSetSurfaceRect(F.getSurface("overlay"), h);
if (c) {
C = c.getRadius() - G;
if (A.length && A[0].getPosition() === "gauge") {
f = A[0];
F.doSetSurfaceRect(f.getSurface(), h);
} else {
} catch (B) {
throw B
} finally {
if (g) {
refloatAxes: function() {
var j = this,
g = j.getAxes(),
h = j.getMainRect(),
f, k, b, d, a, c, e;
if (!h) {
e = 0.5 * Math.min(h[2], h[3]);
for (d = 0, a = g.length; d < a; d++) {
c = g[d];
f = c.getFloating();
k = f ? f.value : null;
if (k !== null) {
b = j.getAxis(f.alongAxis);
if (c.getPosition() === "angular") {
if (b) {
k = b.getLength() * k / b.getRange()[1]
} else {
k = 0.01 * k * e
length: k
}, true)
} else {
if (b) {
if (Ext.isString(k)) {
k = b.getCoordFor(k)
k = k / (b.getRange()[1] + 1) * Math.PI * 2 - Math.PI * 1.5 + c.getRotation()
} else {
k = Ext.draw.Draw.rad(k)
baseRotation: k
}, true)
redraw: function() {
var f = this,
g = f.getAxes(),
d, c = f.getSeries(),
b, a, e;
for (a = 0, e = g.length; a < e; a++) {
d = g[a];
for (a = 0, e = c.length; a < e; a++) {
b = c[a];
renderFrame: function() {
Ext.define("Ext.chart.SpaceFillingChart", {
extend: "Ext.chart.AbstractChart",
xtype: "spacefilling",
config: {},
performLayout: function() {
var j = this;
try {
if (j.callParent() === false) {
var k = j.getSurface("chart").getRect(),
l = j.getInsetPadding(),
a = k[2] - l.left - l.right,
m = k[3] - - l.bottom,
h = [l.left,, a, m],
b = j.getSeries(),
d, c, g;
for (c = 0, g = b.length; c < g; c++) {
d = b[c];
if (d.setRect) {
} catch (f) {
throw f
} finally {
redraw: function() {
var e = this,
c = e.getSeries(),
b, a, d;
for (a = 0, d = c.length; a < d; a++) {
b = c[a];
Ext.define("Ext.chart.axis.sprite.Axis3D", {
extend: "Ext.chart.axis.sprite.Axis",
alias: "sprite.axis3d",
type: "axis3d",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
depth: "number"
defaults: {
depth: 0
triggers: {
depth: "layout"
config: {
fx: {
customDurations: {
depth: 0
layoutUpdater: function() {
var h = this,
f = h.getAxis().getChart();
if (f.isInitializing) {
var e = h.attr,
d = h.getLayout(),
c = d.isDiscrete ? 0 : e.depth,
g = f.getInherited().rtl,
b = e.dataMin + (e.dataMax - e.dataMin) * e.visibleMin,
i = e.dataMin + (e.dataMax - e.dataMin) * e.visibleMax,
a = {
attr: e,
segmenter: h.getSegmenter(),
renderer: h.defaultRenderer
if (e.position === "left" || e.position === "right") {
e.translationX = 0;
e.translationY = i * (e.length - c) / (i - b) + c;
e.scalingX = 1;
e.scalingY = (-e.length + c) / (i - b);
e.scalingCenterY = 0;
e.scalingCenterX = 0;
} else {
if (e.position === "top" || e.position === "bottom") {
if (g) {
e.translationX = e.length + b * e.length / (i - b) + 1
} else {
e.translationX = -b * e.length / (i - b)
e.translationY = 0;
e.scalingX = (g ? -1 : 1) * (e.length - c) / (i - b);
e.scalingY = 1;
e.scalingCenterY = 0;
e.scalingCenterX = 0;
if (d) {
renderAxisLine: function(a, j, f, c) {
var i = this,
h = i.attr,
b = h.lineWidth * 0.5,
f = i.getLayout(),
d = f.isDiscrete ? 0 : h.depth,
k = h.position,
e, g;
if (h.axisLine && h.length) {
switch (k) {
case "left":
e = a.roundPixel(c[2]) - b;
j.moveTo(e, -h.endGap + d);
j.lineTo(e, h.length + h.startGap);
case "right":
j.moveTo(b, -h.endGap);
j.lineTo(b, h.length + h.startGap);
case "bottom":
j.moveTo(-h.startGap, b);
j.lineTo(h.length - d + h.endGap, b);
case "top":
e = a.roundPixel(c[3]) - b;
j.moveTo(-h.startGap, e);
j.lineTo(h.length + h.endGap, e);
case "angular":
j.moveTo(h.centerX + h.length, h.centerY);
j.arc(h.centerX, h.centerY, h.length, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
case "gauge":
g = i.getGaugeAngles();
j.moveTo(h.centerX + Math.cos(g.start) * h.length, h.centerY + Math.sin(g.start) * h.length);
j.arc(h.centerX, h.centerY, h.length, g.start, g.end, true);
Ext.define("Ext.chart.axis.Axis3D", {
extend: "Ext.chart.axis.Axis",
xtype: "axis3d",
requires: ["Ext.chart.axis.sprite.Axis3D"],
config: {
depth: 0
onSeriesChange: function(e) {
var g = this,
b = "depthchange",
f = "onSeriesDepthChange",
d, c;
function a(h) {
var i = g.boundSeries;
for (d = 0; d < i.length; d++) {
c = i[d];
c[h](b, f, g)
onSeriesDepthChange: function(b, f) {
var d = this,
g = f,
e = d.boundSeries,
a, c;
if (f > d.getDepth()) {
g = f
} else {
for (a = 0; a < e.length; a++) {
c = e[a];
if (c !== b && c.getDepth) {
f = c.getDepth();
if (f > g) {
g = f
updateDepth: function(d) {
var b = this,
c = b.getSprites(),
a = {
depth: d
if (c && c.length) {
if (b.gridSpriteEven && b.gridSpriteOdd) {
getGridAlignment: function() {
switch (this.getPosition()) {
case "left":
case "right":
return "horizontal3d";
case "top":
case "bottom":
return "vertical3d"
Ext.define("Ext.chart.axis.Category", {
requires: ["Ext.chart.axis.layout.CombineDuplicate", "Ext.chart.axis.segmenter.Names"],
extend: "Ext.chart.axis.Axis",
alias: "axis.category",
type: "category",
config: {
layout: "combineDuplicate",
segmenter: "names"
Ext.define("Ext.chart.axis.Category3D", {
requires: ["Ext.chart.axis.layout.CombineDuplicate", "Ext.chart.axis.segmenter.Names"],
extend: "Ext.chart.axis.Axis3D",
alias: "axis.category3d",
type: "category3d",
config: {
layout: "combineDuplicate",
segmenter: "names"
Ext.define("Ext.chart.axis.Numeric", {
extend: "Ext.chart.axis.Axis",
type: "numeric",
alias: ["axis.numeric", "axis.radial"],
requires: ["Ext.chart.axis.layout.Continuous", "Ext.chart.axis.segmenter.Numeric"],
config: {
layout: "continuous",
segmenter: "numeric",
aggregator: "double"
Ext.define("Ext.chart.axis.Numeric3D", {
extend: "Ext.chart.axis.Axis3D",
alias: ["axis.numeric3d"],
type: "numeric3d",
requires: ["Ext.chart.axis.layout.Continuous", "Ext.chart.axis.segmenter.Numeric"],
config: {
layout: "continuous",
segmenter: "numeric",
aggregator: "double"
Ext.define("Ext.chart.axis.Time", {
extend: "Ext.chart.axis.Numeric",
alias: "axis.time",
type: "time",
requires: ["Ext.chart.axis.layout.Continuous", "Ext.chart.axis.segmenter.Time"],
config: {
calculateByLabelSize: true,
dateFormat: null,
fromDate: null,
toDate: null,
step: [Ext.Date.DAY, 1],
layout: "continuous",
segmenter: "time",
aggregator: "time"
updateDateFormat: function(a) {
this.setRenderer(function(c, b) {
return Ext.Date.format(new Date(b), a)
updateFromDate: function(a) {
updateToDate: function(a) {
getCoordFor: function(a) {
if (Ext.isString(a)) {
a = new Date(a)
return +a
Ext.define("Ext.chart.axis.Time3D", {
extend: "Ext.chart.axis.Numeric3D",
alias: "axis.time3d",
type: "time3d",
requires: ["Ext.chart.axis.layout.Continuous", "Ext.chart.axis.segmenter.Time"],
config: {
calculateByLabelSize: true,
dateFormat: null,
fromDate: null,
toDate: null,
step: [Ext.Date.DAY, 1],
layout: "continuous",
segmenter: "time",
aggregator: "time"
updateDateFormat: function(a) {
this.setRenderer(function(c, b) {
return Ext.Date.format(new Date(b), a)
updateFromDate: function(a) {
updateToDate: function(a) {
getCoordFor: function(a) {
if (Ext.isString(a)) {
a = new Date(a)
return +a
Ext.define("Ext.chart.grid.HorizontalGrid3D", {
extend: "Ext.chart.grid.HorizontalGrid",
alias: "grid.horizontal3d",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
depth: "number"
defaults: {
depth: 0
render: function(a, k, d) {
var f = this.attr,
i = a.roundPixel(f.x),
h = a.roundPixel(f.y),
l = a.matrix.getDX(),
c = k.lineWidth * 0.5,
j = f.height,
e = f.depth,
b, g;
if (h <= d[1]) {
b = d[0] + e - l;
g = h + c - e;
k.rect(b, g, d[2], j);
k.moveTo(b, g);
k.lineTo(b + d[2], g);
b = d[0] + i - l;
g = h + c;
k.moveTo(b, g);
k.lineTo(b + e, g - e);
k.lineTo(b + e, g - e + j);
k.lineTo(b, g + j);
k.moveTo(b, g);
k.lineTo(b + e, g - e);
Ext.define("Ext.chart.grid.VerticalGrid3D", {
extend: "Ext.chart.grid.VerticalGrid",
alias: "grid.vertical3d",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
depth: "number"
defaults: {
depth: 0
render_: function(c, d, f) {
var b = this.attr,
a = c.roundPixel(b.x),
e = d.lineWidth * 0.5;
d.rect(a - e, f[1] - c.matrix.getDY(), b.width, f[3]);
d.moveTo(a - e, f[1] - c.matrix.getDY());
d.lineTo(a - e, f[1] + f[3] - c.matrix.getDY());
render: function(b, j, e) {
var g = this.attr,
i = b.roundPixel(g.x),
k = b.matrix.getDY(),
d = j.lineWidth * 0.5,
a = g.width,
f = g.depth,
c, h;
if (i >= e[2]) {
c = i - d + f;
h = e[1] - f - k;
j.rect(c, h, a, e[3]);
j.moveTo(c, h);
j.lineTo(c, h + e[3]);
c = i - d;
h = e[3];
j.moveTo(c, h);
j.lineTo(c + f, h - f);
j.lineTo(c + f + a, h - f);
j.lineTo(c + a, h);
c = i - d;
h = e[3];
j.moveTo(c, h);
j.lineTo(c + f, h - f);
Ext.define("Ext.chart.interactions.CrossZoom", {
extend: "Ext.chart.interactions.Abstract",
type: "crosszoom",
alias: "interaction.crosszoom",
isCrossZoom: true,
config: {
axes: true,
gestures: {
dragstart: "onGestureStart",
drag: "onGesture",
dragend: "onGestureEnd",
dblclick: "onDoubleTap"
undoButton: {}
stopAnimationBeforeSync: false,
zoomAnimationInProgress: false,
constructor: function() {
this.zoomHistory = []
applyAxes: function(b) {
var a = {};
if (b === true) {
return {
top: {},
right: {},
bottom: {},
left: {}
} else {
if (Ext.isArray(b)) {
a = {};
Ext.each(b, function(c) {
a[c] = {}
} else {
if (Ext.isObject(b)) {
Ext.iterate(b, function(c, d) {
if (d === true) {
a[c] = {}
} else {
if (d !== false) {
a[c] = d
return a
applyUndoButton: function(b, a) {
var c = this;
if (a) {
if (b) {
return Ext.create("Ext.Button", Ext.apply({
cls: [],
text: "Undo Zoom",
disabled: true,
handler: function() {
}, b))
getSurface: function() {
return this.getChart() && this.getChart().getSurface("main")
setSeriesOpacity: function(b) {
var a = this.getChart() && this.getChart().getSurface("series");
if (a) {
a.element.setStyle("opacity", b)
onGestureStart: function(h) {
var j = this,
i = j.getChart(),
d = j.getSurface(),
l = i.getInnerRect(),
c = i.getInnerPadding(),
g = c.left,
b = g + l[2],
f =,
a = f + l[3],
n = i.getEventXY(h),
m = n[0],
k = n[1];
if (j.zoomAnimationInProgress) {
if (m > g && m < b && k > f && k < a) {
j.gestureEvent = "drag";
j.startX = m;
j.startY = k;
j.selectionRect = d.add({
type: "rect",
globalAlpha: 0.5,
fillStyle: "rgba(80,80,140,0.5)",
strokeStyle: "rgba(80,80,140,1)",
lineWidth: 2,
x: m,
y: k,
width: 0,
height: 0,
zIndex: 10000
return false
onGesture: function(h) {
var j = this;
if (j.zoomAnimationInProgress) {
if (j.getLocks()[j.gestureEvent] === j) {
var i = j.getChart(),
d = j.getSurface(),
l = i.getInnerRect(),
c = i.getInnerPadding(),
g = c.left,
b = g + l[2],
f =,
a = f + l[3],
n = i.getEventXY(h),
m = n[0],
k = n[1];
if (m < g) {
m = g
} else {
if (m > b) {
m = b
if (k < f) {
k = f
} else {
if (k > a) {
k = a
width: m - j.startX,
height: k - j.startY
if (Math.abs(j.startX - m) < 11 || Math.abs(j.startY - k) < 11) {
globalAlpha: 0.5
} else {
globalAlpha: 1
return false
onGestureEnd: function(i) {
var l = this;
if (l.zoomAnimationInProgress) {
if (l.getLocks()[l.gestureEvent] === l) {
var k = l.getChart(),
d = l.getSurface(),
n = k.getInnerRect(),
c = k.getInnerPadding(),
g = c.left,
b = g + n[2],
f =,
a = f + n[3],
h = n[2],
j = n[3],
p = k.getEventXY(i),
o = p[0],
m = p[1];
if (o < g) {
o = g
} else {
if (o > b) {
o = b
if (m < f) {
m = f
} else {
if (m > a) {
m = a
if (Math.abs(l.startX - o) < 11 || Math.abs(l.startY - m) < 11) {
} else {
l.zoomBy([Math.min(l.startX, o) / h, 1 - Math.max(l.startY, m) / j, Math.max(l.startX, o) / h, 1 - Math.min(l.startY, m) / j]);
x: Math.min(l.startX, o),
y: Math.min(l.startY, m),
width: Math.abs(l.startX - o),
height: Math.abs(l.startY - m)
l.selectionRect.setAnimation(k.getAnimation() || {
duration: 0
globalAlpha: 0,
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: h,
height: j
l.zoomAnimationInProgress = true;
l.selectionRect.fx.on("animationend", function() {
l.selectionRect = null;
l.zoomAnimationInProgress = false
if (!l.zoomAnimationInProgress) {
l.selectionRect = null
zoomBy: function(o) {
var n = this,
a = n.getAxes(),
k = n.getChart(),
j = k.getAxes(),
l = k.getInherited().rtl,
f, d = {},
c, b;
if (l) {
o = o.slice();
c = 1 - o[0];
b = 1 - o[2];
o[0] = Math.min(c, b);
o[2] = Math.max(c, b)
for (var h = 0; h < j.length; h++) {
var g = j[h];
f = a[g.getPosition()];
if (f && f.allowZoom !== false) {
var e = g.isSide(),
m = g.getVisibleRange();
d[g.getId()] = m.slice(0);
if (!e) {
g.setVisibleRange([(m[1] - m[0]) * o[0] + m[0], (m[1] - m[0]) * o[2] + m[0]])
} else {
g.setVisibleRange([(m[1] - m[0]) * o[1] + m[0], (m[1] - m[0]) * o[3] + m[0]])
undoZoom: function() {
var c = this.zoomHistory.pop(),
d = this.getChart().getAxes();
if (c) {
for (var a = 0; a < d.length; a++) {
var b = d[a];
if (c[b.getId()]) {
this.getUndoButton().setDisabled(this.zoomHistory.length === 0);
onDoubleTap: function(a) {
destroy: function() {
Ext.define("Ext.chart.interactions.Crosshair", {
extend: "Ext.chart.interactions.Abstract",
requires: ["Ext.chart.grid.HorizontalGrid", "Ext.chart.grid.VerticalGrid", "Ext.chart.CartesianChart", "Ext.chart.axis.layout.Discrete"],
type: "crosshair",
alias: "interaction.crosshair",
config: {
axes: {
top: {
label: {},
rect: {}
right: {
label: {},
rect: {}
bottom: {
label: {},
rect: {}
left: {
label: {},
rect: {}
lines: {
horizontal: {
strokeStyle: "black",
lineDash: [5, 5]
vertical: {
strokeStyle: "black",
lineDash: [5, 5]
gesture: "drag"
applyAxes: function(b, a) {
return Ext.merge(a || {}, b)
applyLines: function(a, b) {
return Ext.merge(b || {}, a)
updateChart: function(a) {
if (a && !a.isCartesian) {
Ext.raise("Crosshair interaction can only be used on cartesian charts.")
getGestures: function() {
var a = this,
b = {};
b[a.getGesture()] = "onGesture";
b[a.getGesture() + "start"] = "onGestureStart";
b[a.getGesture() + "end"] = "onGestureEnd";
return b
onGestureStart: function(N) {
var m = this,
O = m.getChart(),
B = O.getTheme().getAxis(),
A, F = O.getSurface("overlay"),
s = O.getInnerRect(),
n = s[2],
M = s[3],
r = O.getEventXY(N),
D = r[0],
C = r[1],
E = O.getAxes(),
u = m.getAxes(),
h = m.getLines(),
q, v, b, d, k, z, G, L, J, o, I, w, l, f, p, j, t, a, g, H, c, K;
if (D > 0 && D < n && C > 0 && C < M) {
H = Ext.apply({
xclass: "Ext.chart.grid.HorizontalGrid",
x: 0,
y: C,
width: n
}, h.horizontal);
c = Ext.apply({
xclass: "Ext.chart.grid.VerticalGrid",
x: D,
y: 0,
height: M
}, h.vertical);
m.axesLabels = m.axesLabels || {};
for (K = 0; K < E.length; K++) {
q = E[K];
v = q.getSurface();
b = v.getRect();
w = q.getSprites()[0];
d = b[2];
k = b[3];
z = q.getPosition();
G = q.getAlignment();
t = q.getTitle();
a = t && t.attr.text !== "" && t.getBBox();
l = w.attr;
f = w.thickness;
p = l.axisLine ? l.lineWidth : 0;
j = p / 2;
I = Math.max(l.majorTickSize, l.minorTickSize) + p;
L = m.axesLabels[z] = v.add({
type: "composite"
L.labelRect = L.add(Ext.apply({
type: "rect",
fillStyle: "white",
x: z === "right" ? p : 0,
y: z === "bottom" ? p : 0,
width: d - p - (G === "vertical" && a ? a.width : 0),
height: k - p - (G === "horizontal" && a ? a.height : 0),
translationX: z === "left" && a ? a.width : 0,
translationY: z === "top" && a ? a.height : 0
}, u.rect || u[z].rect));
if (G === "vertical" && !c.strokeStyle) {
c.strokeStyle = l.strokeStyle
if (G === "horizontal" && !H.strokeStyle) {
H.strokeStyle = l.strokeStyle
A = Ext.merge({}, B.defaults, B[z]);
J = Ext.apply({}, q.config.label, A.label);
o = u.label || u[z].label;
L.labelText = L.add(Ext.apply(J, o, {
type: "text",
x: (function() {
switch (z) {
case "left":
g = a ? a.x + a.width : 0;
return g + (d - g - I) / 2 - j;
case "right":
g = a ? d - a.x : 0;
return I + (d - I - g) / 2 + j;
return 0
y: (function() {
switch (z) {
case "top":
g = a ? a.y + a.height : 0;
return g + (k - g - I) / 2 - j;
case "bottom":
g = a ? k - a.y : 0;
return I + (k - I - g) / 2 + j;
return 0
m.horizontalLine = F.add(H);
m.verticalLine = F.add(c);
return false
onGesture: function(G) {
var K = this;
if (K.getLocks()[K.getGesture()] !== K) {
var u = K.getChart(),
z = u.getSurface("overlay"),
a = Ext.Array.slice(u.getInnerRect()),
r = u.getInnerPadding(),
t = r.left,
q =,
E = a[2],
f = a[3],
d = u.getEventXY(G),
k = d[0],
j = d[1],
D = u.getAxes(),
c, h, m, p, J, w, I, H, s, b, C, g, v, n, l, A, F, o, B;
if (k < 0) {
k = 0
} else {
if (k > E) {
k = E
if (j < 0) {
j = 0
} else {
if (j > f) {
j = f
k += t;
j += q;
for (B = 0; B < D.length; B++) {
c = D[B];
h = c.getPosition();
m = c.getAlignment();
p = c.getSurface();
J = c.getSprites()[0];
w = J.attr.matrix;
C = J.attr.textPadding * 2;
s = K.axesLabels[h];
I = J.getLayoutContext();
H = c.getSegmenter();
if (s) {
if (m === "vertical") {
v = w.getYY();
l = w.getDY();
F = (j - l - q) / v;
if (c.getLayout() instanceof Ext.chart.axis.layout.Discrete) {
j = Math.round(F) * v + l + q;
F = H.from(Math.round(F));
F =[F]
} else {
F = H.from(F)
o = H.renderer(F, I);
translationY: j - q
text: o
b = s.labelText.getBBox();
height: b.height + C,
y: -(b.height + C) / 2
} else {
g = w.getXX();
n = w.getDX();
A = (k - n - t) / g;
if (c.getLayout() instanceof Ext.chart.axis.layout.Discrete) {
k = Math.round(A) * g + n + t;
A = H.from(Math.round(A));
A =[A]
} else {
A = H.from(A)
o = H.renderer(A, I);
translationX: k - t
text: o
b = s.labelText.getBBox();
width: b.width + C,
x: -(b.width + C) / 2
y: j,
strokeStyle: J.attr.strokeStyle
x: k,
strokeStyle: J.attr.strokeStyle
return false
onGestureEnd: function(h) {
var l = this,
k = l.getChart(),
a = k.getSurface("overlay"),
j = k.getAxes(),
c, g, d, b, f;
for (f = 0; f < j.length; f++) {
c = j[f];
g = c.getPosition();
d = c.getSurface();
b = l.axesLabels[g];
if (b) {
delete l.axesLabels[g];
Ext.define("Ext.chart.interactions.ItemHighlight", {
extend: "Ext.chart.interactions.Abstract",
type: "itemhighlight",
alias: "interaction.itemhighlight",
isItemHighlight: true,
config: {
gestures: {
tap: "onTapGesture",
mousemove: "onMouseMoveGesture",
mousedown: "onMouseDownGesture",
mouseup: "onMouseUpGesture",
mouseleave: "onMouseUpGesture"
sticky: false
stickyHighlightItem: null,
onMouseMoveGesture: function(g) {
var d = this,
h = d.tipItem,
a = g.pointerType === "mouse",
c, f, b;
if (d.getSticky()) {
return true
if (d.isDragging) {
if (h && a) {
d.tipItem = null
} else {
if (!d.stickyHighlightItem) {
c = d.getItemForEvent(g);
b = d.getChart();
if (c !== b.getHighlightItem()) {
if (a) {
if (h && (!c || h.field !== c.field || h.record !== c.record)) {
d.tipItem = h = null
if (c && (f = c.series.getTooltip())) {
if (f.trackMouse || !h) {
c.series.showTooltip(c, g.getXY())
d.tipItem = c
return false
highlight: function(a) {
showTooltip: function(b, a) {
a.series.showTooltip(a, b.getXY());
this.tipItem = a
onMouseDownGesture: function() {
this.isDragging = true
onMouseUpGesture: function() {
this.isDragging = false
onTapGesture: function(c) {
var b = this;
if (c.pointerType === "mouse" && !b.getSticky()) {
var a = b.getItemForEvent(c);
if (b.stickyHighlightItem && a && (b.stickyHighlightItem.index === a.index)) {
a = null
b.stickyHighlightItem = a;
Ext.define("Ext.chart.interactions.ItemEdit", {
extend: "Ext.chart.interactions.ItemHighlight",
requires: ["Ext.tip.ToolTip"],
type: "itemedit",
alias: "interaction.itemedit",
isItemEdit: true,
config: {
style: null,
renderer: null,
tooltip: true,
gestures: {
dragstart: "onDragStart",
drag: "onDrag",
dragend: "onDragEnd"
cursors: {
ewResize: "ew-resize",
nsResize: "ns-resize",
move: "move"
item: null,
applyTooltip: function(b) {
if (b) {
var a = Ext.apply({}, b, {
renderer: this.defaultTooltipRenderer,
constrainPosition: true,
shrinkWrapDock: true,
autoHide: true,
offsetX: 10,
offsetY: 10
b = new Ext.tip.ToolTip(a)
return b
defaultTooltipRenderer: function(b, a, f, d) {
var c = [];
if (f.xField) {
c.push(f.xField + ": " + f.xValue)
if (f.yField) {
c.push(f.yField + ": " + f.yValue)
onDragStart: function(d) {
var c = this,
a = c.getChart(),
b = a.getHighlightItem();
if (b) {
a.fireEvent("beginitemedit", a, c, c.item = b);
return false
onDrag: function(f) {
var d = this,
b = d.getChart(),
c = b.getHighlightItem(),
a = c && c.sprite.type;
if (c) {
switch (a) {
case "barSeries":
return d.onDragBar(f);
case "scatterSeries":
return d.onDragScatter(f);
highlight: function(f) {
var e = this,
d = e.getChart(),
a = d.getFlipXY(),
g = e.getCursors(),
c = f && f.sprite.type,
b =;
if (f) {
switch (c) {
case "barSeries":
if (a) {
b.cursor = g.ewResize
} else {
b.cursor = g.nsResize
case "scatterSeries":
b.cursor = g.move;
} else { = "default"
onDragBar: function(i) {
var m = this,
k = m.getChart(),
l = k.getInherited().rtl,
f = k.isCartesian && k.getFlipXY(),
q = k.getHighlightItem(),
g = q.sprite.getMarker("items"),
p = g.getMarkerFor(q.sprite.getId(), q.index),
b = q.sprite.getSurface(),
c = b.getRect(),
r = b.getEventXY(i),
o = q.sprite.attr.matrix,
j = m.getRenderer(),
a, n, d, h;
if (f) {
h = l ? c[2] - r[0] : r[0]
} else {
h = c[3] - r[1]
a = {
x: p.x,
y: h,
width: p.width,
height: p.height + (p.y - h),
radius: p.radius,
fillStyle: "none",
lineDash: [4, 4],
zIndex: 100
Ext.apply(a, m.getStyle());
if (Ext.isArray(q.series.getYField())) {
h = h - p.y - p.height
} = {
index: q.index,
yField: q.field,
yValue: (h - o.getDY()) / o.getYY()
d = [k, {
style: a,
item: q
n = Ext.callback(j, null, d, 0, k);
if (n) {
Ext.apply(a, n)
q.sprite.putMarker("items", a, "itemedit");
m.showTooltip(i,, q);
onDragScatter: function(n) {
var t = this,
g = t.getChart(),
d = g.getInherited().rtl,
l = g.isCartesian && g.getFlipXY(),
o = g.getHighlightItem(),
b = o.sprite.getMarker("items"),
p = b.getMarkerFor(o.sprite.getId(), o.index),
j = o.sprite.getSurface(),
h = j.getRect(),
a = j.getEventXY(n),
k = o.sprite.attr.matrix,
c = o.series.getXAxis(),
f = c && c.getLayout().isContinuous,
i = t.getRenderer(),
m, u, q, s, r;
if (l) {
r = d ? h[2] - a[0] : a[0]
} else {
r = h[3] - a[1]
if (f) {
if (l) {
s = h[3] - a[1]
} else {
s = a[0]
} else {
s = p.translationX
m = {
translationX: s,
translationY: r,
scalingX: p.scalingX,
scalingY: p.scalingY,
r: p.r,
fillStyle: "none",
lineDash: [4, 4],
zIndex: 100
Ext.apply(m, t.getStyle()); = {
index: o.index,
yField: o.field,
yValue: (r - k.getDY()) / k.getYY()
if (f) {
Ext.apply(, {
xField: o.series.getXField(),
xValue: (s - k.getDX()) / k.getXX()
q = [g, {
style: m,
item: o
u = Ext.callback(i, null, q, 0, g);
if (u) {
Ext.apply(m, u)
o.sprite.putMarker("items", m, "itemedit");
t.showTooltip(n,, o);
showTooltip: function(g, f, c) {
var d = this.getTooltip(),
a, b;
if (d && Ext.toolkit !== "modern") {
a = d.config;
b = this.getChart();
Ext.callback(a.renderer, null, [d, c, f, g], 0, b);[g.x + a.offsetX, g.y + a.offsetY])
hideTooltip: function() {
var a = this.getTooltip();
if (a && Ext.toolkit !== "modern") {
onDragEnd: function(g) {
var d = this,
f =,
c = d.getChart(),
b = c.getStore(),
if (f) {
a = b.getAt(f.index);
if (f.yField) {
a.set(f.yField, f.yValue, {
convert: false
if (f.xField) {
a.set(f.xField, f.xValue, {
convert: false
if (f.yField || f.xField) {
} = null
if (d.item) {
c.fireEvent("enditemedit", c, d, d.item, f)
d.highlight(d.item = null)
destroy: function() {
var a = this.getConfig("tooltip", true);
Ext.define("Ext.chart.interactions.PanZoom", {
extend: "Ext.chart.interactions.Abstract",
type: "panzoom",
alias: "interaction.panzoom",
requires: ["Ext.draw.Animator"],
config: {
axes: {
top: {},
right: {},
bottom: {},
left: {}
minZoom: null,
maxZoom: null,
showOverflowArrows: true,
panGesture: "drag",
zoomGesture: "pinch",
zoomOnPanGesture: false,
modeToggleButton: {
xtype: "segmentedbutton",
width: 200,
defaults: {
ui: "default-toolbar"
cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "panzoom-toggle",
items: [{
text: "Pan"
}, {
text: "Zoom"
hideLabelInGesture: false
stopAnimationBeforeSync: true,
applyAxes: function(b, a) {
return Ext.merge(a || {}, b)
applyZoomOnPanGesture: function(a) {
if (this.isMultiTouch()) {
return false
return a
updateZoomOnPanGesture: function(b) {
var a = this.getModeToggleButton();
if (!this.isMultiTouch()) {;
a.setValue(b ? 1 : 0)
} else {
toggleMode: function() {
var a = this;
if (!a.isMultiTouch()) {
applyModeToggleButton: function(c, b) {
var d = this,
a = Ext.factory(c, "Ext.button.Segmented", b);
if (!a && b) {
if (a && !b) {
a.addListener("toggle", function(e) {
d.setZoomOnPanGesture(e.getValue() === 1)
return a
getGestures: function() {
var c = this,
e = {},
d = c.getPanGesture(),
b = c.getZoomGesture(),
a = Ext.supports.Touch;
e[b] = "onZoomGestureMove";
e[b + "start"] = "onZoomGestureStart";
e[b + "end"] = "onZoomGestureEnd";
e[d] = "onPanGestureMove";
e[d + "start"] = "onPanGestureStart";
e[d + "end"] = "onPanGestureEnd";
e.doubletap = "onDoubleTap";
return e
onDoubleTap: function(h) {
var f = this,
c = f.getChart(),
g = c.getAxes(),
b, a, d;
for (a = 0, d = g.length; a < d; a++) {
b = g[a];
b.setVisibleRange([0, 1])
onPanGestureStart: function(d) {
if (!d || !d.touches || d.touches.length < 2) {
var b = this,
a = b.getChart().getInnerRect(),
c = b.getChart().element.getXY();
b.startX = d.getX() - c[0] - a[0];
b.startY = d.getY() - c[1] - a[1];
b.oldVisibleRanges = null;
return false
onPanGestureMove: function(d) {
var b = this;
if (b.getLocks()[b.getPanGesture()] === b) {
var a = b.getChart().getInnerRect(),
c = b.getChart().element.getXY();
if (b.getZoomOnPanGesture()) {
b.transformAxesBy(b.getZoomableAxes(d), 0, 0, (d.getX() - c[0] - a[0]) / b.startX, b.startY / (d.getY() - c[1] - a[1]))
} else {
b.transformAxesBy(b.getPannableAxes(d), d.getX() - c[0] - a[0] - b.startX, d.getY() - c[1] - a[1] - b.startY, 1, 1)
return false
onPanGestureEnd: function(b) {
var a = this,
c = a.getPanGesture();
if (a.getLocks()[c] === a) {
return false
onZoomGestureStart: function(b) {
if (b.touches && b.touches.length === 2) {
var c = this,
i = c.getChart().element.getXY(),
f = c.getChart().getInnerRect(),
h = i[0] + f[0],
d = i[1] + f[1],
j = [b.touches[0].point.x - h, b.touches[0].point.y - d, b.touches[1].point.x - h, b.touches[1].point.y - d],
g = Math.max(44, Math.abs(j[2] - j[0])),
a = Math.max(44, Math.abs(j[3] - j[1]));
c.lastZoomDistances = [g, a];
c.lastPoints = j;
c.oldVisibleRanges = null;
return false
onZoomGestureMove: function(d) {
var f = this;
if (f.getLocks()[f.getZoomGesture()] === f) {
var i = f.getChart().getInnerRect(),
n = f.getChart().element.getXY(),
k = n[0] + i[0],
h = n[1] + i[1],
o = Math.abs,
c = f.lastPoints,
m = [d.touches[0].point.x - k, d.touches[0].point.y - h, d.touches[1].point.x - k, d.touches[1].point.y - h],
g = Math.max(44, o(m[2] - m[0])),
b = Math.max(44, o(m[3] - m[1])),
a = this.lastZoomDistances || [g, b],
l = g / a[0],
j = b / a[1];
f.transformAxesBy(f.getZoomableAxes(d), i[2] * (l - 1) / 2 + m[2] - c[2] * l, i[3] * (j - 1) / 2 + m[3] - c[3] * j, l, j);
return false
onZoomGestureEnd: function(c) {
var b = this,
a = b.getZoomGesture();
if (b.getLocks()[a] === b) {
return false
hideLabels: function() {
if (this.getHideLabelInGesture()) {
this.eachInteractiveAxes(function(a) {
showLabels: function() {
if (this.getHideLabelInGesture()) {
this.eachInteractiveAxes(function(a) {
isEventOnAxis: function(c, a) {
var b = a.getSurface().getRect();
return b[0] <= c.getX() && c.getX() <= b[0] + b[2] && b[1] <= c.getY() && c.getY() <= b[1] + b[3]
getPannableAxes: function(d) {
var h = this,
a = h.getAxes(),
f = h.getChart().getAxes(),
c, g = f.length,
k = [],
j = false,
if (d) {
for (c = 0; c < g; c++) {
if (this.isEventOnAxis(d, f[c])) {
j = true;
for (c = 0; c < g; c++) {
b = a[f[c].getPosition()];
if (b && b.allowPan !== false && (!j || this.isEventOnAxis(d, f[c]))) {
return k
getZoomableAxes: function(f) {
var j = this,
a = j.getAxes(),
g = j.getChart().getAxes(),
l = [],
d, h = g.length,
c, k = false,
if (f) {
for (d = 0; d < h; d++) {
if (this.isEventOnAxis(f, g[d])) {
k = true;
for (d = 0; d < h; d++) {
c = g[d];
b = a[c.getPosition()];
if (b && b.allowZoom !== false && (!k || this.isEventOnAxis(f, c))) {
return l
eachInteractiveAxes: function(c) {
var d = this,
b = d.getAxes(),
e = d.getChart().getAxes();
for (var a = 0; a < e.length; a++) {
if (b[e[a].getPosition()]) {
if (false ===, e[a])) {
transformAxesBy: function(d, j, g, h, e) {
var f = this.getChart().getInnerRect(),
a = this.getAxes(),
k, b = this.oldVisibleRanges,
l = false;
if (!b) {
this.oldVisibleRanges = b = {};
this.eachInteractiveAxes(function(i) {
b[i.getId()] = i.getVisibleRange()
if (!f) {
for (var c = 0; c < d.length; c++) {
k = a[d[c].getPosition()];
l = this.transformAxisBy(d[c], b[d[c].getId()], j, g, h, e, this.minZoom || k.minZoom, this.maxZoom || k.maxZoom) || l
return l
transformAxisBy: function(c, o, r, q, k, i, h, m) {
var s = this,
b = o[1] - o[0],
l = c.getVisibleRange(),
g = h || s.getMinZoom() || c.config.minZoom,
j = m || s.getMaxZoom() || c.config.maxZoom,
a = s.getChart().getInnerRect(),
f, p;
if (!a) {
var d = c.isSide(),
e = d ? a[3] : a[2],
n = d ? -q : r;
b /= d ? i : k;
if (b < 0) {
b = -b
if (b * g > 1) {
b = 1
if (b * j < 1) {
b = 1 / j
f = o[0];
p = o[1];
l = l[1] - l[0];
if (b === l && l === 1) {
c.setVisibleRange([(o[0] + o[1] - b) * 0.5 - n / e * b, (o[0] + o[1] + b) * 0.5 - n / e * b]);
return (Math.abs(f - c.getVisibleRange()[0]) > 1e-10 || Math.abs(p - c.getVisibleRange()[1]) > 1e-10)
destroy: function() {
Ext.define("Ext.chart.interactions.Rotate", {
extend: "Ext.chart.interactions.Abstract",
type: "rotate",
alias: "interaction.rotate",
config: {
gesture: "rotate",
gestures: {
rotate: "onRotate",
rotateend: "onRotate",
dragstart: "onGestureStart",
drag: "onGesture",
dragend: "onGestureEnd"
rotation: 0
oldRotations: null,
getAngle: function(f) {
var c = this,
b = c.getChart(),
d = b.getEventXY(f),
a = b.getCenter();
return Math.atan2(d[1] - a[1], d[0] - a[0])
getRadius: function(a) {
return this.getChart().getRadius()
getEventRadius: function(h) {
var f = this,
d = f.getChart(),
g = d.getEventXY(h),
a = d.getCenter(),
c = g[0] - a[0],
b = g[1] - a[1];
return Math.sqrt(c * c + b * b)
onGestureStart: function(d) {
var c = this,
b = c.getRadius(d),
a = c.getEventRadius(d);
if (b >= a) {
c.angle = c.getAngle(d);
c.oldRotations = {};
return false
onGesture: function(b) {
var a = this,
c = a.getAngle(b) - a.angle;
if (a.getLocks().drag === a) {
a.doRotateTo(c, true);
return false
doRotateTo: function(d, a, b) {
var n = this,
l = n.getChart(),
k = l.getAxes(),
f = l.getSeries(),
m = n.oldRotations,
c, j, g, e, h;
if (!b) {
for (e = 0, h = k.length; e < h; e++) {
c = k[e];
g = m[c.getId()] || (m[c.getId()] = c.getRotation());
c.setRotation(d + (a ? g : 0))
for (e = 0, h = f.length; e < h; e++) {
j = f[e];
g = m[j.getId()] || (m[j.getId()] = j.getRotation());
j.setRotation(d + (a ? g : 0))
n.setRotation(d + (a ? g : 0));
n.fireEvent("rotate", n, n.getRotation());
if (!b) {
rotateTo: function(c, b, a) {
this.doRotateTo(c, b, a);
this.oldRotations = {}
onGestureEnd: function(b) {
var a = this;
if (a.getLocks().drag === a) {
a.fireEvent("rotationEnd", a, a.getRotation());
return false
onRotate: function(a) {}
Ext.define("Ext.chart.interactions.RotatePie3D", {
extend: "Ext.chart.interactions.Rotate",
type: "rotatePie3d",
alias: "interaction.rotatePie3d",
getAngle: function(g) {
var a = this.getChart(),
f = a.getInherited().rtl,
d = f ? -1 : 1,
h = g.getXY(),
c = a.element.getXY(),
b = a.getMainRect();
return d * Math.atan2(h[1] - c[1] - b[3] * 0.5, h[0] - c[0] - b[2] * 0.5)
getRadius: function(j) {
var f = this.getChart(),
a = f.getRadius(),
d = f.getSeries(),
h = d.length,
c = 0,
b, g;
for (; c < h; c++) {
b = d[c];
if (b.isPie3D) {
g = b.getRadius();
if (g > a) {
a = g
return a
Ext.define("Ext.chart.plugin.ItemEvents", {
extend: "Ext.plugin.Abstract",
alias: "plugin.chartitemevents",
moveEvents: false,
mouseMoveEvents: {
mousemove: true,
mouseover: true,
mouseout: true
itemMouseMoveEvents: {
itemmousemove: true,
itemmouseover: true,
itemmouseout: true
init: function(b) {
var a = "handleEvent";
this.chart = b;
click: a,
dblclick: a,
mousedown: a,
mousemove: a,
mouseup: a,
mouseover: a,
mouseout: a,
priority: 1001,
scope: this
hasItemMouseMoveListeners: function() {
var b = this.chart.hasListeners,
for (a in this.itemMouseMoveEvents) {
if (a in b) {
return true
return false
handleEvent: function(g) {
var d = this,
a = d.chart,
h = g.type in d.mouseMoveEvents,
c = d.lastItem,
f, b;
if (h && !d.hasItemMouseMoveListeners() && !d.moveEvents) {
f = a.getEventXY(g);
b = a.getItemForPoint(f[0], f[1]);
if (h && !Ext.Object.equals(b, c)) {
if (c) {
a.fireEvent("itemmouseout", a, c, g);
c.series.fireEvent("itemmouseout", c.series, c, g)
if (b) {
a.fireEvent("itemmouseover", a, b, g);
b.series.fireEvent("itemmouseover", b.series, b, g)
if (b) {
a.fireEvent("item" + g.type, a, b, g);
b.series.fireEvent("item" + g.type, b.series, b, g)
d.lastItem = b
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.Cartesian", {
extend: "Ext.chart.series.Series",
config: {
xField: null,
yField: null,
xAxis: null,
yAxis: null
directions: ["X", "Y"],
fieldCategoryX: ["X"],
fieldCategoryY: ["Y"],
applyXAxis: function(a, b) {
return this.getChart().getAxis(a) || b
applyYAxis: function(a, b) {
return this.getChart().getAxis(a) || b
updateXAxis: function(a) {
updateYAxis: function(a) {
coordinateX: function() {
return this.coordinate("X", 0, 2)
coordinateY: function() {
return this.coordinate("Y", 1, 2)
getItemForPoint: function(a, g) {
if (this.getSprites()) {
var f = this,
d = f.getSprites()[0],
b = f.getStore(),
e, c;
if (f.getHidden()) {
return null
if (d) {
c = d.getIndexNearPoint(a, g);
if (c !== -1) {
e = {
series: f,
category: f.getItemInstancing() ? "items" : "markers",
index: c,
record: b.getData().items[c],
field: f.getYField(),
sprite: d
return e
createSprite: function() {
var c = this,
a = c.callParent(),
b = c.getChart(),
d = c.getXAxis();
flipXY: b.getFlipXY(),
xAxis: d
if (a.setAggregator && d && d.getAggregator) {
if (d.getAggregator) {
strategy: d.getAggregator()
} else {
return a
getSprites: function() {
var d = this,
c = this.getChart(),
e = d.getAnimation() || c && c.getAnimation(),
b = d.getItemInstancing(),
f = d.sprites,
if (!c) {
return []
if (!f.length) {
a = d.createSprite()
} else {
a = f[0]
if (e) {
if (b) {
return f
provideLegendInfo: function(d) {
var b = this,
a = b.getSubStyleWithTheme(),
c = a.fillStyle;
if (Ext.isArray(c)) {
c = c[0]
name: b.getTitle() || b.getYField() || b.getId(),
mark: (Ext.isObject(c) ? c.stops && c.stops[0].color : c) || a.strokeStyle || "black",
disabled: b.getHidden(),
series: b.getId(),
index: 0
getXRange: function() {
return [this.dataRange[0], this.dataRange[2]]
getYRange: function() {
return [this.dataRange[1], this.dataRange[3]]
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.StackedCartesian", {
extend: "Ext.chart.series.Cartesian",
config: {
stacked: true,
splitStacks: true,
fullStack: false,
fullStackTotal: 100,
hidden: []
spriteAnimationCount: 0,
themeColorCount: function() {
var b = this,
a = b.getYField();
return Ext.isArray(a) ? a.length : 1
updateStacked: function() {
updateSplitStacks: function() {
coordinateY: function() {
return this.coordinateStacked("Y", 1, 2)
coordinateStacked: function(D, e, m) {
var F = this,
f = F.getStore(),
r = f.getData().items,
B = r.length,
c = F["get" + D + "Axis"](),
x = F.getHidden(),
a = F.getSplitStacks(),
z = F.getFullStack(),
l = F.getFullStackTotal(),
p = {
min: 0,
max: 0
n = F["fieldCategory" + D],
C = [],
o = [],
E = [],
h, A = F.getStacked(),
g = F.getSprites(),
q = [],
w, v, u, s, H, y, b, d, G, t;
if (!g.length) {
for (w = 0; w < n.length; w++) {
d = n[w];
s = F.getFields([d]);
H = s.length;
for (v = 0; v < B; v++) {
C[v] = 0;
o[v] = 0;
E[v] = 0
for (v = 0; v < H; v++) {
if (!x[v]) {
q[v] = F.coordinateData(r, s[v], c)
if (A && z) {
y = [];
if (a) {
b = []
for (v = 0; v < B; v++) {
y[v] = 0;
if (a) {
b[v] = 0
for (u = 0; u < H; u++) {
G = q[u];
if (!G) {
G = G[v];
if (G >= 0 || !a) {
y[v] += G
} else {
if (G < 0) {
b[v] += G
for (v = 0; v < H; v++) {
t = {};
if (x[v]) {
t["dataStart" + d] = C;
t["data" + d] = C;
G = q[v];
if (A) {
h = [];
for (u = 0; u < B; u++) {
if (!G[u]) {
G[u] = 0
if (G[u] >= 0 || !a) {
if (z && y[u]) {
G[u] *= l / y[u]
C[u] = o[u];
o[u] += G[u];
h[u] = o[u]
} else {
if (z && b[u]) {
G[u] *= l / b[u]
C[u] = E[u];
E[u] += G[u];
h[u] = E[u]
t["dataStart" + d] = C;
t["data" + d] = h;
F.getRangeOfData(C, p);
F.getRangeOfData(h, p)
} else {
t["dataStart" + d] = C;
t["data" + d] = G;
F.getRangeOfData(G, p)
F.dataRange[e] = p.min;
F.dataRange[e + m] = p.max;
t = {};
t["dataMin" + D] = p.min;
t["dataMax" + D] = p.max;
for (w = 0; w < g.length; w++) {
getFields: function(f) {
var e = this,
a = [],
c, b, d;
for (b = 0, d = f.length; b < d; b++) {
c = e["get" + f[b] + "Field"]();
if (Ext.isArray(c)) {
a.push.apply(a, c)
} else {
return a
updateLabelOverflowPadding: function(a) {
labelOverflowPadding: a
getSprites: function() {
var k = this,
j = k.getChart(),
c = k.getAnimation() || j && j.getAnimation(),
f = k.getFields(k.fieldCategoryY),
b = k.getItemInstancing(),
h = k.sprites,
l, e = k.getHidden(),
g = false,
d, a = f.length;
if (!j) {
return []
for (d = 0; d < a; d++) {
l = h[d];
if (!l) {
l = k.createSprite();
zIndex: -d
g = true;
if (b) {
} else {
if (c) {
if (b) {
if (g) {
return h
getItemForPoint: function(k, j) {
if (this.getSprites()) {
var h = this,
b, g, m, a = h.getItemInstancing(),
f = h.getSprites(),
l = h.getStore(),
c = h.getHidden(),
n, d, e;
for (b = 0, g = f.length; b < g; b++) {
if (!c[b]) {
m = f[b];
d = m.getIndexNearPoint(k, j);
if (d !== -1) {
e = h.getYField();
n = {
series: h,
index: d,
category: a ? "items" : "markers",
record: l.getData().items[d],
field: typeof e === "string" ? e : e[b],
sprite: m
return n
return null
provideLegendInfo: function(e) {
var g = this,
f = g.getSprites(),
h = g.getTitle(),
j = g.getYField(),
d = g.getHidden(),
k = f.length === 1,
b, l, c, a;
for (c = 0; c < f.length; c++) {
b = g.getStyleByIndex(c);
l = b.fillStyle;
if (h) {
if (Ext.isArray(h)) {
a = h[c]
} else {
if (k) {
a = h
} else {
if (Ext.isArray(j)) {
a = j[c]
} else {
a = g.getId()
name: a,
mark: (Ext.isObject(l) ? l.stops && l.stops[0].color : l) || b.strokeStyle || "black",
disabled: d[c],
series: g.getId(),
index: c
onSpriteAnimationStart: function(a) {
if (this.spriteAnimationCount === 1) {
onSpriteAnimationEnd: function(a) {
if (this.spriteAnimationCount === 0) {
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.sprite.Series", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Sprite",
mixins: {
markerHolder: "Ext.chart.MarkerHolder"
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
dataMinX: "number",
dataMaxX: "number",
dataMinY: "number",
dataMaxY: "number",
rangeX: "data",
rangeY: "data",
dataX: "data",
dataY: "data"
defaults: {
dataMinX: 0,
dataMaxX: 1,
dataMinY: 0,
dataMaxY: 1,
rangeX: null,
rangeY: null,
dataX: null,
dataY: null
triggers: {
dataX: "bbox",
dataY: "bbox",
dataMinX: "bbox",
dataMaxX: "bbox",
dataMinY: "bbox",
dataMaxY: "bbox"
config: {
store: null,
series: null,
field: null
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.sprite.Cartesian", {
extend: "Ext.chart.series.sprite.Series",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
labels: "default",
labelOverflowPadding: "number",
selectionTolerance: "number",
flipXY: "bool",
renderer: "default",
visibleMinX: "number",
visibleMinY: "number",
visibleMaxX: "number",
visibleMaxY: "number",
innerWidth: "number",
innerHeight: "number"
defaults: {
labels: null,
labelOverflowPadding: 10,
selectionTolerance: 20,
flipXY: false,
renderer: null,
transformFillStroke: false,
visibleMinX: 0,
visibleMinY: 0,
visibleMaxX: 1,
visibleMaxY: 1,
innerWidth: 1,
innerHeight: 1
triggers: {
dataX: "dataX,bbox",
dataY: "dataY,bbox",
visibleMinX: "panzoom",
visibleMinY: "panzoom",
visibleMaxX: "panzoom",
visibleMaxY: "panzoom",
innerWidth: "panzoom",
innerHeight: "panzoom"
updaters: {
dataX: function(a) {
this.scheduleUpdater(a, "dataY", ["dataY"])
dataY: function() {
panzoom: function(c) {
var e = c.visibleMaxX - c.visibleMinX,
d = c.visibleMaxY - c.visibleMinY,
b = c.flipXY ? c.innerHeight : c.innerWidth,
g = !c.flipXY ? c.innerHeight : c.innerWidth,
a = this.getSurface(),
f = a ? a.getInherited().rtl : false;
if (f && !c.flipXY) {
c.translationX = b + c.visibleMinX * b / e
} else {
c.translationX = -c.visibleMinX * b / e
c.translationY = -c.visibleMinY * g / d;
c.scalingX = (f && !c.flipXY ? -1 : 1) * b / e;
c.scalingY = g / d;
c.scalingCenterX = 0;
c.scalingCenterY = 0;
processDataY: Ext.emptyFn,
processDataX: Ext.emptyFn,
updatePlainBBox: function(b) {
var a = this.attr;
b.x = a.dataMinX;
b.y = a.dataMinY;
b.width = a.dataMaxX - a.dataMinX;
b.height = a.dataMaxY - a.dataMinY
binarySearch: function(d) {
var b = this.attr.dataX,
f = 0,
a = b.length;
if (d <= b[0]) {
return f
if (d >= b[a - 1]) {
return a - 1
while (f + 1 < a) {
var c = (f + a) >> 1,
e = b[c];
if (e === d) {
return c
} else {
if (e < d) {
f = c
} else {
a = c
return f
render: function(b, c, g) {
var f = this,
a = f.attr,
e = a.inverseMatrix.clone();
if (a.dataX === null || a.dataX === undefined) {
if (a.dataY === null || a.dataY === undefined) {
if (e.getXX() * e.getYX() || e.getXY() * e.getYY()) {
console.log("Cartesian Series sprite does not support rotation/sheering");
var d = e.transformList([
[g[0] - 1, g[3] + 1],
[g[0] + g[2] + 1, -1]
d = d[0].concat(d[1]);
f.renderClipped(b, c, d, g)
renderClipped: Ext.emptyFn,
getIndexNearPoint: function(f, e) {
var w = this,
q = w.attr.matrix,
h = w.attr.dataX,
g = w.attr.dataY,
k = w.attr.selectionTolerance,
t, r, c = -1,
j = q.clone().prependMatrix(w.surfaceMatrix).inverse(),
u = j.transformPoint([f, e]),
b = j.transformPoint([f - k, e - k]),
n = j.transformPoint([f + k, e + k]),
a = Math.min(b[0], n[0]),
s = Math.max(b[0], n[0]),
l = Math.min(b[1], n[1]),
d = Math.max(b[1], n[1]),
m, v, o, p;
for (o = 0, p = h.length; o < p; o++) {
m = h[o];
v = g[o];
if (m > a && m < s && v > l && v < d) {
if (c === -1 || (Math.abs(m - u[0]) < t) && (Math.abs(v - u[1]) < r)) {
t = Math.abs(m - u[0]);
r = Math.abs(v - u[1]);
c = o
return c
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.sprite.StackedCartesian", {
extend: "Ext.chart.series.sprite.Cartesian",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
groupCount: "number",
groupOffset: "number",
dataStartY: "data"
defaults: {
selectionTolerance: 20,
groupCount: 1,
groupOffset: 0,
dataStartY: null
triggers: {
dataStartY: "dataY,bbox"
getIndexNearPoint: function(e, d) {
var o = this,
q = o.attr.matrix,
h = o.attr.dataX,
f = o.attr.dataY,
u = o.attr.dataStartY,
l = o.attr.selectionTolerance,
s = 0.5,
r = Infinity,
b = -1,
k = q.clone().prependMatrix(this.surfaceMatrix).inverse(),
t = k.transformPoint([e, d]),
a = k.transformPoint([e - l, d - l]),
n = k.transformPoint([e + l, d + l]),
m = Math.min(a[1], n[1]),
c = Math.max(a[1], n[1]),
j, g;
for (var p = 0; p < h.length; p++) {
if (Math.min(u[p], f[p]) <= c && m <= Math.max(u[p], f[p])) {
j = Math.abs(h[p] - t[0]);
g = Math.max(-Math.min(f[p] - t[1], t[1] - u[p]), 0);
if (j < s && g <= r) {
s = j;
r = g;
b = p
return b
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.sprite.Area", {
alias: "sprite.areaSeries",
extend: "Ext.chart.series.sprite.StackedCartesian",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
step: "bool"
defaults: {
step: false
renderClipped: function(q, s, A) {
var B = this,
p = B.attr,
l = p.dataX,
j = p.dataY,
C = p.dataStartY,
t = p.matrix,
h, g, v, f, d, z, w, e = t.elements[0],
m = t.elements[4],
o = t.elements[3],
k = t.elements[5],
c = B.surfaceMatrix,
n = {},
r = Math.min(A[0], A[2]),
u = Math.max(A[0], A[2]),
b = Math.max(0, this.binarySearch(r)),
a = Math.min(l.length - 1, this.binarySearch(u) + 1);
z = l[b] * e + m;
w = j[b] * o + k;
s.moveTo(z, w);
if (p.step) {
d = w;
for (v = b; v <= a; v++) {
h = l[v] * e + m;
g = j[v] * o + k;
s.lineTo(h, d);
s.lineTo(h, d = g)
} else {
for (v = b; v <= a; v++) {
h = l[v] * e + m;
g = j[v] * o + k;
s.lineTo(h, g)
if (C) {
if (p.step) {
f = l[a] * e + m;
for (v = a; v >= b; v--) {
h = l[v] * e + m;
g = C[v] * o + k;
s.lineTo(f, g);
s.lineTo(f = h, g)
} else {
for (v = a; v >= b; v--) {
h = l[v] * e + m;
g = C[v] * o + k;
s.lineTo(h, g)
} else {
s.lineTo(l[a] * e + m, g);
s.lineTo(l[a] * e + m, k);
s.lineTo(z, k);
s.lineTo(z, j[v] * o + k)
if (p.transformFillStroke) {
if (p.transformFillStroke) {
s.moveTo(z, w);
if (p.step) {
for (v = b; v <= a; v++) {
h = l[v] * e + m;
g = j[v] * o + k;
s.lineTo(h, d);
s.lineTo(h, d = g);
n.translationX = c.x(h, g);
n.translationY = c.y(h, g);
B.putMarker("markers", n, v, !p.renderer)
} else {
for (v = b; v <= a; v++) {
h = l[v] * e + m;
g = j[v] * o + k;
s.lineTo(h, g);
n.translationX = c.x(h, g);
n.translationY = c.y(h, g);
B.putMarker("markers", n, v, !p.renderer)
if (p.transformFillStroke) {
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.Area", {
extend: "Ext.chart.series.StackedCartesian",
alias: "series.area",
type: "area",
seriesType: "areaSeries",
requires: ["Ext.chart.series.sprite.Area"],
config: {
splitStacks: false
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.sprite.Bar", {
alias: "sprite.barSeries",
extend: "Ext.chart.series.sprite.StackedCartesian",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
minBarWidth: "number",
maxBarWidth: "number",
minGapWidth: "number",
radius: "number",
inGroupGapWidth: "number"
defaults: {
minBarWidth: 2,
maxBarWidth: 100,
minGapWidth: 5,
inGroupGapWidth: 3,
radius: 0
drawLabel: function(k, i, s, h, o) {
var q = this,
n = q.attr,
f = q.getMarker("labels"),
d = f.getTemplate(),
l = q.labelCfg || (q.labelCfg = {}),
c = q.surfaceMatrix,
j = n.labelOverflowPadding,
b = d.attr.display,
m = d.attr.orientation,
g, e, a, r, t, p;
l.x = c.x(i, h);
l.y = c.y(i, h);
if (!n.flipXY) {
l.rotationRads = -Math.PI * 0.5
} else {
l.rotationRads = 0
l.calloutVertical = !n.flipXY;
switch (m) {
case "horizontal":
l.rotationRads = 0;
l.calloutVertical = false;
case "vertical":
l.rotationRads = -Math.PI * 0.5;
l.calloutVertical = true;
l.text = k;
if (d.attr.renderer) {
p = [k, f, l, {
store: q.getStore()
}, o];
r = Ext.callback(d.attr.renderer, null, p, 0, q.getSeries());
if (typeof r === "string") {
l.text = r
} else {
if (typeof r === "object") {
if ("text" in r) {
l.text = r.text
t = true
a = q.getMarkerBBox("labels", o, true);
if (!a) {
q.putMarker("labels", l, o);
a = q.getMarkerBBox("labels", o, true)
e = (a.width / 2 + j);
if (s > h) {
e = -e
if ((m === "horizontal" && n.flipXY) || (m === "vertical" && !n.flipXY) || !m) {
g = (b === "insideStart") ? s + e : h - e
} else {
g = (b === "insideStart") ? s + j * 2 : h - j * 2
l.x = c.x(i, g);
l.y = c.y(i, g);
g = (b === "insideStart") ? s - e : h + e;
l.calloutPlaceX = c.x(i, g);
l.calloutPlaceY = c.y(i, g);
g = (b === "insideStart") ? s : h;
l.calloutStartX = c.x(i, g);
l.calloutStartY = c.y(i, g);
if (s > h) {
e = -e
if (Math.abs(h - s) <= e * 2 || b === "outside") {
l.callout = 1
} else {
l.callout = 0
if (t) {
Ext.apply(l, r)
q.putMarker("labels", l, o)
drawBar: function(l, b, d, c, h, k, a, e) {
var g = this,
j = {},
f = g.attr.renderer,
j.x = c;
j.y = h;
j.width = k - c;
j.height = a - h;
j.radius = g.attr.radius;
if (f) {
i = Ext.callback(f, null, [g, j, {
store: g.getStore()
}, e], 0, g.getSeries());
Ext.apply(j, i)
g.putMarker("items", j, e, !f)
renderClipped: function(G, u, F, C) {
if (this.cleanRedraw) {
var q = this,
o = q.attr,
w = o.dataX,
v = o.dataY,
H = o.labels,
n = o.dataStartY,
m = o.groupCount,
E = o.groupOffset - (m - 1) * 0.5,
z = o.inGroupGapWidth,
t = u.lineWidth,
D = o.matrix,
B = D.elements[0],
j = D.elements[3],
e = D.elements[4],
d = G.roundPixel(D.elements[5]) - 1,
J = (B < 0 ? -1 : 1) * B - o.minGapWidth,
k = (Math.min(J, o.maxBarWidth) - z * (m - 1)) / m,
A = G.roundPixel(Math.max(o.minBarWidth, k)),
c = q.surfaceMatrix,
g, I, b, h, K, a, l = 0.5 * o.lineWidth,
L = Math.min(F[0], F[2]),
x = Math.max(F[0], F[2]),
y = Math.max(0, Math.floor(L)),
p = Math.min(w.length - 1, Math.ceil(x)),
f = H && q.getMarker("labels"),
s, r;
for (K = y; K <= p; K++) {
s = n ? n[K] : 0;
r = v[K];
a = w[K] * B + e + E * (A + z);
g = G.roundPixel(a - A / 2) + l;
h = G.roundPixel(r * j + d + t);
I = G.roundPixel(a + A / 2) - l;
b = G.roundPixel(s * j + d + t);
q.drawBar(u, G, F, g, h - l, I, b - l, K);
if (f && H[K] != null) {
q.drawLabel(H[K], a, b, h, K)
q.putMarker("markers", {
translationX: c.x(a, h),
translationY: c.y(a, h)
}, K, true)
getIndexNearPoint: function(l, k) {
var m = this,
g = m.attr,
h = g.dataX,
a = m.getSurface(),
b = a.getRect() || [0, 0, 0, 0],
j = b[3],
e, d, c, n, f = -1;
if (g.flipXY) {
e = j - k;
if (a.getInherited().rtl) {
d = b[2] - l
} else {
d = l
} else {
e = l;
d = j - k
for (c = 0; c < h.length; c++) {
n = m.getMarkerBBox("items", c);
if (Ext.draw.Draw.isPointInBBox(e, d, n)) {
f = c;
return f
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.Bar", {
extend: "Ext.chart.series.StackedCartesian",
alias: "",
type: "bar",
seriesType: "barSeries",
requires: ["Ext.chart.series.sprite.Bar", "Ext.draw.sprite.Rect"],
config: {
itemInstancing: {
type: "rect",
fx: {
customDurations: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0,
radius: 0
getItemForPoint: function(a, f) {
if (this.getSprites()) {
var d = this,
c = d.getChart(),
e = c.getInnerPadding(),
b = c.getInherited().rtl;
arguments[0] = a + (b ? e.right : -e.left);
arguments[1] = f + e.bottom;
return d.callParent(arguments)
updateXAxis: function(a) {
updateHidden: function(a) {
updateStacked: function(c) {
var e = this,
g = e.getSprites(),
d = g.length,
f = [],
a = {},
for (b = 0; b < d; b++) {
if (!g[b].attr.hidden) {
d = f.length;
if (e.getStacked()) {
a.groupCount = 1;
a.groupOffset = 0;
for (b = 0; b < d; b++) {
} else {
a.groupCount = f.length;
for (b = 0; b < d; b++) {
a.groupOffset = b;
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.sprite.Bar3D", {
extend: "Ext.chart.series.sprite.Bar",
alias: "sprite.bar3dSeries",
requires: ["Ext.draw.gradient.Linear"],
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
depthWidthRatio: "number",
saturationFactor: "number",
brightnessFactor: "number",
colorSpread: "number"
defaults: {
depthWidthRatio: 1 / 3,
saturationFactor: 1,
brightnessFactor: 1,
colorSpread: 1,
transformFillStroke: true
triggers: {
groupCount: "panzoom"
updaters: {
panzoom: function(c) {
var g = this,
e = c.visibleMaxX - c.visibleMinX,
d = c.visibleMaxY - c.visibleMinY,
b = c.flipXY ? c.innerHeight : c.innerWidth,
h = !c.flipXY ? c.innerHeight : c.innerWidth,
a = g.getSurface(),
f = a ? a.getInherited().rtl : false;
if (f && !c.flipXY) {
c.translationX = b + c.visibleMinX * b / e
} else {
c.translationX = -c.visibleMinX * b / e
c.translationY = -c.visibleMinY * (h - g.depth) / d;
c.scalingX = (f && !c.flipXY ? -1 : 1) * b / e;
c.scalingY = (h - g.depth) / d;
c.scalingCenterX = 0;
c.scalingCenterY = 0;
config: {
showStroke: false
depth: 0,
drawBar: function(p, b, d, c, l, o, a, h) {
var k = this,
i = k.attr,
n = {},
j = i.renderer,
m, g, f, e;
n.x = (c + o) * 0.5;
n.y = l;
n.width = (o - c) * 0.75;
n.height = a - l;
n.depth = g = n.width * i.depthWidthRatio;
n.orientation = i.flipXY ? "horizontal" : "vertical";
n.saturationFactor = i.saturationFactor;
n.brightnessFactor = i.brightnessFactor;
n.colorSpread = i.colorSpread;
if (g !== k.depth) {
k.depth = g;
f = k.getSeries();
f.fireEvent("depthchange", f, g)
if (j) {
e = [k, n, {
store: k.getStore()
}, h];
m = Ext.callback(j, null, e, 0, k.getSeries());
Ext.apply(n, m)
k.putMarker("items", n, h, !j)
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.sprite.Box", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Sprite",
alias: "",
type: "box",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
x: "number",
y: "number",
width: "number",
height: "number",
depth: "number",
orientation: "enums(vertical,horizontal)",
showStroke: "bool",
saturationFactor: "number",
brightnessFactor: "number",
colorSpread: "number"
triggers: {
x: "bbox",
y: "bbox",
width: "bbox",
height: "bbox",
depth: "bbox",
orientation: "bbox"
defaults: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 8,
height: 8,
depth: 8,
orientation: "vertical",
showStroke: false,
saturationFactor: 1,
brightnessFactor: 1,
colorSpread: 1,
lineJoin: "bevel"
constructor: function(a) {
this.topGradient = new Ext.draw.gradient.Linear({});
this.rightGradient = new Ext.draw.gradient.Linear({});
this.frontGradient = new Ext.draw.gradient.Linear({})
updatePlainBBox: function(d) {
var c = this.attr,
b = c.x,
g = c.y,
e = c.width,
a = c.height,
f = c.depth;
d.x = b - e * 0.5;
d.width = e + f;
if (a > 0) {
d.y = g;
d.height = a + f
} else {
d.y = g + f;
d.height = a - f
render: function(l, m) {
var u = this,
k = u.attr,
r = k.x,
j = k.y,
f = j + k.height,
i = j < f,
e = k.width * 0.5,
v = k.depth,
d = k.orientation === "horizontal",
g = k.globalAlpha < 1,
c = k.fillStyle,
n = Ext.draw.Color.create(c.isGradient ? c.getStops()[0].color : c),
h = k.saturationFactor,
o = k.brightnessFactor,
t = k.colorSpread,
b = n.getHSV(),
a = {},
s, q, p;
if (!k.showStroke) {
m.strokeStyle = Ext.draw.Color.RGBA_NONE
if (i) {
p = j;
j = f;
f = p
u.topGradient.setDegrees(d ? 0 : 80);
offset: 0,
color: Ext.draw.Color.fromHSV(b[0], Ext.Number.constrain(b[1] * h, 0, 1), Ext.Number.constrain((0.5 + t * 0.1) * o, 0, 1))
}, {
offset: 1,
color: Ext.draw.Color.fromHSV(b[0], Ext.Number.constrain(b[1] * h, 0, 1), Ext.Number.constrain((0.5 - t * 0.11) * o, 0, 1))
u.rightGradient.setDegrees(d ? 45 : 90);
offset: 0,
color: Ext.draw.Color.fromHSV(b[0], Ext.Number.constrain(b[1] * h, 0, 1), Ext.Number.constrain((0.5 - t * 0.14) * o, 0, 1))
}, {
offset: 1,
color: Ext.draw.Color.fromHSV(b[0], Ext.Number.constrain(b[1] * (1 + t * 0.4) * h, 0, 1), Ext.Number.constrain((0.5 - t * 0.32) * o, 0, 1))
if (d) {
} else {
u.frontGradient.setRadians(Math.atan2(j - f, e * 2))
offset: 0,
color: Ext.draw.Color.fromHSV(b[0], Ext.Number.constrain(b[1] * (1 - t * 0.1) * h, 0, 1), Ext.Number.constrain((0.5 + t * 0.1) * o, 0, 1))
}, {
offset: 1,
color: Ext.draw.Color.fromHSV(b[0], Ext.Number.constrain(b[1] * (1 + t * 0.1) * h, 0, 1), Ext.Number.constrain((0.5 - t * 0.23) * o, 0, 1))
if (g || i) {
m.moveTo(r - e, f);
m.lineTo(r - e + v, f + v);
m.lineTo(r + e + v, f + v);
m.lineTo(r + e, f);
a.x = r - e;
a.y = j;
a.width = e + v;
a.height = v;
m.fillStyle = (d ? u.rightGradient : u.topGradient).generateGradient(m, a);
if (g) {
m.moveTo(r - e, j);
m.lineTo(r - e + v, j + v);
m.lineTo(r - e + v, f + v);
m.lineTo(r - e, f);
a.x = r + e;
a.y = f;
a.width = v;
a.height = j + v - f;
m.fillStyle = (d ? u.topGradient : u.rightGradient).generateGradient(m, a);
q = l.roundPixel(j);
m.moveTo(r - e, q);
m.lineTo(r - e + v, j + v);
m.lineTo(r + e + v, j + v);
m.lineTo(r + e, q);
a.x = r - e;
a.y = j;
a.width = e + v;
a.height = v;
m.fillStyle = (d ? u.rightGradient : u.topGradient).generateGradient(m, a);
s = l.roundPixel(r + e);
m.moveTo(s, l.roundPixel(j));
m.lineTo(r + e + v, j + v);
m.lineTo(r + e + v, f + v);
m.lineTo(s, f);
a.x = r + e;
a.y = f;
a.width = v;
a.height = j + v - f;
m.fillStyle = (d ? u.topGradient : u.rightGradient).generateGradient(m, a);
s = l.roundPixel(r + e);
q = l.roundPixel(j);
m.moveTo(r - e, f);
m.lineTo(r - e, q);
m.lineTo(s, q);
m.lineTo(s, f);
a.x = r - e;
a.y = f;
a.width = e * 2;
a.height = j - f;
m.fillStyle = u.frontGradient.generateGradient(m, a);
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.Bar3D", {
extend: "Ext.chart.series.Bar",
requires: ["Ext.chart.series.sprite.Bar3D", "Ext.chart.series.sprite.Box"],
alias: "series.bar3d",
type: "bar3d",
seriesType: "bar3dSeries",
config: {
itemInstancing: {
type: "box",
fx: {
customDurations: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0,
depth: 0
highlightCfg: {
opacity: 0.8
getSprites: function() {
var c = this.callParent(arguments),
b, d, a;
for (a = 0; a < c.length; a++) {
b = c[a];
d = b.attr.zIndex;
if (d < 0) {
zIndex: -d
if (b.setSeries) {
return c
getDepth: function() {
var a = this.getSprites()[0];
return a ? (a.depth || 0) : 0
getItemForPoint: function(m, k) {
if (this.getSprites()) {
var j = this,
b, o, a = j.getItemInstancing(),
h = j.getSprites(),
n = j.getStore(),
c = j.getHidden(),
g = j.getChart(),
l = g.getInnerPadding(),
f = g.getInherited().rtl,
p, d, e;
m = m + (f ? l.right : -l.left);
k = k + l.bottom;
for (b = h.length - 1; b >= 0; b--) {
if (!c[b]) {
o = h[b];
d = o.getIndexNearPoint(m, k);
if (d !== -1) {
e = j.getYField();
p = {
series: j,
index: d,
category: a ? "items" : "markers",
record: n.getData().items[d],
field: typeof e === "string" ? e : e[b],
sprite: o
return p
return null
Ext.define("Ext.draw.LimitedCache", {
config: {
limit: 40,
feeder: function() {
return 0
scope: null
cache: null,
constructor: function(a) {
this.cache = {};
this.cache.list = [];
this.cache.tail = 0;
get: function(e) {
var c = this.cache,
b = this.getLimit(),
a = this.getFeeder(),
d = this.getScope() || this;
if (c[e]) {
return c[e].value
if (c.list[c.tail]) {
delete c[c.list[c.tail].cacheId]
c[e] = c.list[c.tail] = {
value: a.apply(d,, 1)),
cacheId: e
if (c.tail === b) {
c.tail = 0
return c[e].value
clear: function() {
this.cache = {};
this.cache.list = [];
this.cache.tail = 0
Ext.define("Ext.draw.SegmentTree", {
config: {
strategy: "double"
time: function(m, l, n, c, E, d, e) {
var f = 0,
o, A, s = new Date(n[m.startIdx[0]]),
x = new Date(n[m.endIdx[l - 1]]),
D = Ext.Date,
u = [
[D.MILLI, 1, "ms1", null],
[D.MILLI, 2, "ms2", "ms1"],
[D.MILLI, 5, "ms5", "ms1"],
[D.MILLI, 10, "ms10", "ms5"],
[D.MILLI, 50, "ms50", "ms10"],
[D.MILLI, 100, "ms100", "ms50"],
[D.MILLI, 500, "ms500", "ms100"],
[D.SECOND, 1, "s1", "ms500"],
[D.SECOND, 10, "s10", "s1"],
[D.SECOND, 30, "s30", "s10"],
[D.MINUTE, 1, "mi1", "s10"],
[D.MINUTE, 5, "mi5", "mi1"],
[D.MINUTE, 10, "mi10", "mi5"],
[D.MINUTE, 30, "mi30", "mi10"],
[D.HOUR, 1, "h1", "mi30"],
[D.HOUR, 6, "h6", "h1"],
[D.HOUR, 12, "h12", "h6"],
[D.DAY, 1, "d1", "h12"],
[D.DAY, 7, "d7", "d1"],
[D.MONTH, 1, "mo1", "d1"],
[D.MONTH, 3, "mo3", "mo1"],
[D.MONTH, 6, "mo6", "mo3"],
[D.YEAR, 1, "y1", "mo3"],
[D.YEAR, 5, "y5", "y1"],
[D.YEAR, 10, "y10", "y5"],
[D.YEAR, 100, "y100", "y10"]
z, b, k = f,
F = l,
j = false,
r = m.startIdx,
h = m.endIdx,
w = m.minIdx,
C = m.maxIdx,
a =,
y = m.close,
g = m.minX,
q = m.minY,
p = m.maxX,
B = m.maxY,
v, t;
for (z = 0; l > f + 1 && z < u.length; z++) {
s = new Date(n[r[0]]);
b = u[z];
s = D.align(s, b[0], b[1]);
if (D.diff(s, x, b[0]) > n.length * 2 * b[1]) {
if (b[3] &&["time_" + b[3]]) {
o =["time_" + b[3]][0];
A =["time_" + b[3]][1]
} else {
o = k;
A = F
f = l;
t = s;
j = true;
r[l] = r[o];
h[l] = h[o];
w[l] = w[o];
C[l] = C[o];
a[l] = a[o];
y[l] = y[o];
g[l] = g[o];
q[l] = q[o];
p[l] = p[o];
B[l] = B[o];
t = Ext.Date.add(t, b[0], b[1]);
for (v = o + 1; v < A; v++) {
if (n[h[v]] < +t) {
h[l] = h[v];
y[l] = y[v];
if (B[v] > B[l]) {
B[l] = B[v];
p[l] = p[v];
C[l] = C[v]
if (q[v] < q[l]) {
q[l] = q[v];
g[l] = g[v];
w[l] = w[v]
} else {
r[l] = r[v];
h[l] = h[v];
w[l] = w[v];
C[l] = C[v];
a[l] = a[v];
y[l] = y[v];
g[l] = g[v];
q[l] = q[v];
p[l] = p[v];
B[l] = B[v];
t = Ext.Date.add(t, b[0], b[1])
if (l > f) {["time_" + b[2]] = [f, l]
"double": function(h, u, j, a, t, b, c) {
var e = 0,
k, f = 1,
n, d, v, g, s, l, m, r, q, p, o;
while (u > e + 1) {
k = e;
e = u;
f += f;
for (n = k; n < e; n += 2) {
if (n === e - 1) {
d = h.startIdx[n];
v = h.endIdx[n];
g = h.minIdx[n];
s = h.maxIdx[n];
l =[n];
m = h.close[n];
r = h.minX[n];
q = h.minY[n];
p = h.maxX[n];
o = h.maxY[n]
} else {
d = h.startIdx[n];
v = h.endIdx[n + 1];
l =[n];
m = h.close[n];
if (h.minY[n] <= h.minY[n + 1]) {
g = h.minIdx[n];
r = h.minX[n];
q = h.minY[n]
} else {
g = h.minIdx[n + 1];
r = h.minX[n + 1];
q = h.minY[n + 1]
if (h.maxY[n] >= h.maxY[n + 1]) {
s = h.maxIdx[n];
p = h.maxX[n];
o = h.maxY[n]
} else {
s = h.maxIdx[n + 1];
p = h.maxX[n + 1];
o = h.maxY[n + 1]
h.startIdx[u] = d;
h.endIdx[u] = v;
h.minIdx[u] = g;
h.maxIdx[u] = s;[u] = l;
h.close[u] = m;
h.minX[u] = r;
h.minY[u] = q;
h.maxX[u] = p;
h.maxY[u] = o;
}["double_" + f] = [e, u]
none: Ext.emptyFn,
aggregateData: function(h, a, r, c, d) {
var b = h.length,
e = [],
s = [],
f = [],
q = [],
j = [],
p = [],
n = [],
o = [],
m = [],
k = [],
g = {
startIdx: e,
endIdx: s,
minIdx: f,
maxIdx: q,
open: j,
minX: p,
minY: n,
maxX: o,
maxY: m,
close: k
for (l = 0; l < b; l++) {
e[l] = l;
s[l] = l;
f[l] = l;
q[l] = l;
j[l] = a[l];
p[l] = h[l];
n[l] = c[l];
o[l] = h[l];
m[l] = r[l];
k[l] = d[l]
} = {
original: [0, b]
if (b) {
this[this.getStrategy()](g, b, h, a, r, c, d)
return g
binarySearchMin: function(c, g, a, e) {
var b = this.dataX;
if (e <= b[c.startIdx[0]]) {
return g
if (e >= b[c.startIdx[a - 1]]) {
return a - 1
while (g + 1 < a) {
var d = (g + a) >> 1,
f = b[c.startIdx[d]];
if (f === e) {
return d
} else {
if (f < e) {
g = d
} else {
a = d
return g
binarySearchMax: function(c, g, a, e) {
var b = this.dataX;
if (e <= b[c.endIdx[0]]) {
return g
if (e >= b[c.endIdx[a - 1]]) {
return a - 1
while (g + 1 < a) {
var d = (g + a) >> 1,
f = b[c.endIdx[d]];
if (f === e) {
return d
} else {
if (f < e) {
g = d
} else {
a = d
return a
constructor: function(a) {
setData: function(d, a, b, c, e) {
if (!b) {
e = c = b = a
this.dataX = d;
this.dataOpen = a;
this.dataHigh = b;
this.dataLow = c;
this.dataClose = e;
if (d.length === b.length && d.length === c.length) {
this.cache = this.aggregateData(d, a, b, c, e)
getAggregation: function(d, k, i) {
if (!this.cache) {
return null
var c = Infinity,
g = this.dataX[this.dataX.length - 1] - this.dataX[0],
l =,
m = l.original,
a, e, j, b, f, h;
for (a in l) {
e = l[a];
j = e[1] - e[0] - 1;
b = g / j;
if (i <= b && b < c) {
m = e;
c = b
f = Math.max(this.binarySearchMin(this.cache, m[0], m[1], d), m[0]);
h = Math.min(this.binarySearchMax(this.cache, m[0], m[1], k) + 1, m[1]);
return {
data: this.cache,
start: f,
end: h
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.sprite.Aggregative", {
extend: "Ext.chart.series.sprite.Cartesian",
requires: ["Ext.draw.LimitedCache", "Ext.draw.SegmentTree"],
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
dataHigh: "data",
dataLow: "data",
dataClose: "data"
aliases: {
dataOpen: "dataY"
defaults: {
dataHigh: null,
dataLow: null,
dataClose: null
config: {
aggregator: {}
applyAggregator: function(b, a) {
return Ext.factory(b, Ext.draw.SegmentTree, a)
constructor: function() {
processDataY: function() {
var d = this,
b = d.attr,
e = b.dataHigh,
a = b.dataLow,
f = b.dataClose,
c = b.dataY;
if (b.dataX && c && c.length > 0) {
if (e) {
d.getAggregator().setData(b.dataX, b.dataY, e, a, f)
} else {
d.getAggregator().setData(b.dataX, b.dataY)
getGapWidth: function() {
return 1
renderClipped: function(b, c, g, f) {
var e = this,
d = Math.min(g[0], g[2]),
a = Math.max(g[0], g[2]),
h = e.getAggregator() && e.getAggregator().getAggregation(d, a, (a - d) / f[2] * e.getGapWidth());
if (h) {
e.dataStart =[h.start];
e.dataEnd =[h.end - 1];
e.renderAggregates(, h.start, h.end, b, c, g, f)
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.sprite.CandleStick", {
alias: "sprite.candlestickSeries",
extend: "Ext.chart.series.sprite.Aggregative",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
raiseStyle: function(b, a) {
return Ext.merge({}, a || {}, b)
dropStyle: function(b, a) {
return Ext.merge({}, a || {}, b)
barWidth: "number",
padding: "number",
ohlcType: "enums(candlestick,ohlc)"
defaults: {
raiseStyle: {
strokeStyle: "green",
fillStyle: "green"
dropStyle: {
strokeStyle: "red",
fillStyle: "red"
planar: false,
barWidth: 15,
padding: 3,
lineJoin: "miter",
miterLimit: 5,
ohlcType: "candlestick"
triggers: {
raiseStyle: "raiseStyle",
dropStyle: "dropStyle"
updaters: {
raiseStyle: function() {
this.raiseTemplate && this.raiseTemplate.setAttributes(this.attr.raiseStyle)
dropStyle: function() {
this.dropTemplate && this.dropTemplate.setAttributes(this.attr.dropStyle)
candlestick: function(i, c, a, e, h, f, b) {
var d = Math.min(c, h),
g = Math.max(c, h);
i.moveTo(f, e);
i.lineTo(f, g);
i.moveTo(f + b, g);
i.lineTo(f + b, d);
i.lineTo(f - b, d);
i.lineTo(f - b, g);
i.moveTo(f, a);
i.lineTo(f, d)
ohlc: function(b, d, e, a, f, c, g) {
b.moveTo(c, e);
b.lineTo(c, a);
b.moveTo(c, d);
b.lineTo(c - g, d);
b.moveTo(c, f);
b.lineTo(c + g, f)
constructor: function() {
this.raiseTemplate = new Ext.draw.sprite.Rect({
parent: this
this.dropTemplate = new Ext.draw.sprite.Rect({
parent: this
getGapWidth: function() {
var a = this.attr,
b = a.barWidth,
c = a.padding;
return b + c
renderAggregates: function(d, c, b, t, u, z) {
var D = this,
s = this.attr,
j = s.dataX,
v = s.matrix,
e = v.getXX(),
r = v.getYY(),
l = v.getDX(),
h = v.getDY(),
o = s.barWidth / e,
C, k = s.ohlcType,
f = Math.round(o * 0.5 * e),
a =,
y = d.close,
B = d.maxY,
p = d.minY,
q = d.startIdx,
m, g, E, n, A, x, w = s.lineWidth * t.devicePixelRatio / 2;
w -= Math.floor(w);;
C = this.raiseTemplate;
C.useAttributes(u, z);
for (x = c; x < b; x++) {
if (a[x] <= y[x]) {
m = Math.round(a[x] * r + h) + w;
g = Math.round(B[x] * r + h) + w;
E = Math.round(p[x] * r + h) + w;
n = Math.round(y[x] * r + h) + w;
A = Math.round(j[q[x]] * e + l) + w;
D[k](u, m, g, E, n, A, f)
C = this.dropTemplate;
C.useAttributes(u, z);
for (x = c; x < b; x++) {
if (a[x] > y[x]) {
m = Math.round(a[x] * r + h) + w;
g = Math.round(B[x] * r + h) + w;
E = Math.round(p[x] * r + h) + w;
n = Math.round(y[x] * r + h) + w;
A = Math.round(j[q[x]] * e + l) + w;
D[k](u, m, g, E, n, A, f)
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.CandleStick", {
extend: "Ext.chart.series.Cartesian",
requires: ["Ext.chart.series.sprite.CandleStick"],
alias: "series.candlestick",
type: "candlestick",
seriesType: "candlestickSeries",
config: {
openField: null,
highField: null,
lowField: null,
closeField: null
fieldCategoryY: ["Open", "High", "Low", "Close"],
themeColorCount: function() {
return 2
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.Polar", {
extend: "Ext.chart.series.Series",
config: {
rotation: 0,
radius: null,
center: [0, 0],
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
showInLegend: true,
xField: null,
yField: null,
angleField: null,
radiusField: null,
xAxis: null,
yAxis: null
directions: ["X", "Y"],
fieldCategoryX: ["X"],
fieldCategoryY: ["Y"],
deprecatedConfigs: {
field: "angleField",
lengthField: "radiusField"
constructor: function(b) {
var c = this,
a = c.getConfigurator(),
e = a.configs,
if (b) {
for (d in c.deprecatedConfigs) {
if (d in b && !(b in e)) {
Ext.raise("'" + d + "' config has been deprecated. Please use the '" + c.deprecatedConfigs[d] + "' config instead.")
getXField: function() {
return this.getAngleField()
updateXField: function(a) {
getYField: function() {
return this.getRadiusField()
updateYField: function(a) {
applyXAxis: function(a, b) {
return this.getChart().getAxis(a) || b
applyYAxis: function(a, b) {
return this.getChart().getAxis(a) || b
getXRange: function() {
return [this.dataRange[0], this.dataRange[2]]
getYRange: function() {
return [this.dataRange[1], this.dataRange[3]]
themeColorCount: function() {
var c = this,
a = c.getStore(),
b = a && a.getCount() || 0;
return b
isStoreDependantColorCount: true,
getDefaultSpriteConfig: function() {
return {
type: this.seriesType,
renderer: this.getRenderer(),
centerX: 0,
centerY: 0,
rotationCenterX: 0,
rotationCenterY: 0
applyRotation: function(a) {
return Ext.draw.sprite.AttributeParser.angle(a)
updateRotation: function(a) {
var b = this.getSprites();
if (b && b[0]) {
baseRotation: a
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.Gauge", {
alias: "series.gauge",
extend: "Ext.chart.series.Polar",
type: "gauge",
seriesType: "pieslice",
requires: ["Ext.draw.sprite.Sector"],
config: {
needle: false,
needleLength: 90,
needleWidth: 4,
donut: 30,
showInLegend: false,
value: null,
colors: null,
sectors: null,
minimum: 0,
maximum: 100,
rotation: 0,
totalAngle: Math.PI / 2,
rect: [0, 0, 1, 1],
center: [0.5, 0.75],
radius: 0.5,
wholeDisk: false
coordinateX: function() {
return this.coordinate("X", 0, 2)
coordinateY: function() {
return this.coordinate("Y", 1, 2)
updateNeedle: function(b) {
var a = this,
d = a.getSprites(),
c = a.valueToAngle(a.getValue());
if (d && d.length) {
startAngle: (b ? c : 0),
endAngle: c,
strokeOpacity: (b ? 1 : 0),
lineWidth: (b ? a.getNeedleWidth() : 0)
themeColorCount: function() {
var c = this,
a = c.getStore(),
b = a && a.getCount() || 0;
return b + (c.getNeedle() ? 0 : 1)
updateColors: function(a, b) {
var f = this,
h = f.getSectors(),
j = h && h.length,
e = f.getSprites(),
c = Ext.Array.clone(a),
g = a && a.length,
if (!g || !a[0]) {
for (d = 0; d < j; d++) {
c[d + 1] = h[d].color || c[d + 1] || a[d % g]
if (e.length) {
strokeStyle: c[0]
fillStyle: c,
strokeStyle: c
updateRect: function(f) {
var d = this.getWholeDisk(),
c = d ? Math.PI : this.getTotalAngle() / 2,
g = this.getDonut() / 100,
e, b, a;
if (c <= Math.PI / 2) {
e = 2 * Math.sin(c);
b = 1 - g * Math.cos(c)
} else {
e = 2;
b = 1 - Math.cos(c)
a = Math.min(f[2] / e, f[3] / b);
this.setCenter([f[2] / 2, a + (f[3] - b * a) / 2])
updateCenter: function(a) {
centerX: a[0],
centerY: a[1],
rotationCenterX: a[0],
rotationCenterY: a[1]
updateRotation: function(a) {
rotationRads: a - (this.getTotalAngle() + Math.PI) / 2
doUpdateShape: function(b, f) {
var a, d = this.getSectors(),
c = (d && d.length) || 0,
e = this.getNeedleLength() / 100;
a = [b * e, b];
while (c--) {
endRho: a,
startRho: b / 100 * f
updateRadius: function(a) {
var b = this.getDonut();
this.doUpdateShape(a, b)
updateDonut: function(b) {
var a = this.getRadius();
this.doUpdateShape(a, b)
valueToAngle: function(a) {
a = this.applyValue(a);
return this.getTotalAngle() * (a - this.getMinimum()) / (this.getMaximum() - this.getMinimum())
applyValue: function(a) {
return Math.min(this.getMaximum(), Math.max(a, this.getMinimum()))
updateValue: function(b) {
var a = this,
c = a.getNeedle(),
e = a.valueToAngle(b),
d = a.getSprites();
d[0].rendererData.value = b;
startAngle: (c ? e : 0),
endAngle: e
processData: function() {
var f = this,
j = f.getStore(),
a, d, h, b, g, e = j && j.first(),
c, i;
if (e) {
c = f.getXField();
if (c) {
i = e.get(c)
if (a = f.getXAxis()) {
d = a.getMinimum();
h = a.getMaximum();
b = a.getSprites()[0].fx;
g = b.getDuration();
if (Ext.isNumber(d)) {
} else {
if (Ext.isNumber(h)) {
} else {
if (!Ext.isNumber(i)) {
i = f.getMinimum()
getDefaultSpriteConfig: function() {
return {
type: this.seriesType,
renderer: this.getRenderer(),
fx: {
customDurations: {
translationX: 0,
translationY: 0,
rotationCenterX: 0,
rotationCenterY: 0,
centerX: 0,
centerY: 0,
startRho: 0,
endRho: 0,
baseRotation: 0
normalizeSectors: function(f) {
var d = this,
c = (f && f.length) || 0,
b, e, g, a;
if (c) {
for (b = 0; b < c; b++) {
e = f[b];
if (typeof e === "number") {
f[b] = {
start: (b > 0 ? f[b - 1].end : d.getMinimum()),
end: Math.min(e, d.getMaximum())
if (b == (c - 1) && f[b].end < d.getMaximum()) {
f[b + 1] = {
start: f[b].end,
end: d.getMaximum()
} else {
if (typeof e.start === "number") {
g = Math.max(e.start, d.getMinimum())
} else {
g = (b > 0 ? f[b - 1].end : d.getMinimum())
if (typeof e.end === "number") {
a = Math.min(e.end, d.getMaximum())
} else {
a = d.getMaximum()
f[b].start = g;
f[b].end = a
} else {
f = [{
start: d.getMinimum(),
end: d.getMaximum()
return f
getSprites: function() {
var j = this,
m = j.getStore(),
l = j.getValue(),
c, g;
if (!m && !Ext.isNumber(l)) {
return []
var h = j.getChart(),
b = j.getAnimation() || h && h.getAnimation(),
f = j.sprites,
k = 0,
o, n, e, d, a = [];
if (f && f.length) {
return f
d = {
store: m,
field: j.getXField(),
angleField: j.getXField(),
value: l,
series: j
o = j.createSprite();
zIndex: 10
}, true);
o.rendererData = d;
o.rendererIndex = k++;
n = j.normalizeSectors(j.getSectors());
for (c = 0, g = n.length; c < g; c++) {
e = {
startAngle: j.valueToAngle(n[c].start),
endAngle: j.valueToAngle(n[c].end),
label: n[c].label,
fillStyle: n[c].color,
strokeOpacity: 0,
doCallout: false,
labelOverflowPadding: -1
Ext.apply(e, n[c].style);
o = j.createSprite();
o.rendererData = d;
o.rendererIndex = k++;
o.setAttributes(e, true);
lineWidth: a
return f
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.sprite.Line", {
alias: "sprite.lineSeries",
extend: "Ext.chart.series.sprite.Aggregative",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
smooth: "bool",
fillArea: "bool",
step: "bool",
preciseStroke: "bool",
xAxis: "default",
yCap: "default"
defaults: {
smooth: false,
fillArea: false,
step: false,
preciseStroke: true,
xAxis: null,
yCap: Math.pow(2, 20),
yJump: 50
triggers: {
dataX: "dataX,bbox,smooth",
dataY: "dataY,bbox,smooth",
smooth: "smooth"
updaters: {
smooth: function(a) {
var c = a.dataX,
b = a.dataY;
if (a.smooth && c && b && c.length > 2 && b.length > 2) {
this.smoothX = Ext.draw.Draw.spline(c);
this.smoothY = Ext.draw.Draw.spline(b)
} else {
delete this.smoothX;
delete this.smoothY
list: null,
updatePlainBBox: function(d) {
var b = this.attr,
c = Math.min(0, b.dataMinY),
a = Math.max(0, b.dataMaxY);
d.x = b.dataMinX;
d.y = c;
d.width = b.dataMaxX - b.dataMinX;
d.height = a - c
drawStrip: function(a, c) {
a.moveTo(c[0], c[1]);
for (var b = 2, d = c.length; b < d; b += 2) {
a.lineTo(c[b], c[b + 1])
drawStraightStroke: function(p, q, e, d, u, h) {
var w = this,
o = w.attr,
n = o.renderer,
g = o.step,
a = true,
l = {
type: "line",
smooth: false,
step: g
m = [],
l, z, v, f, k, j, t, c, s, b, r;
for (r = 3; r < u.length; r += 3) {
t = u[r - 3];
c = u[r - 2];
k = u[r];
j = u[r + 1];
s = u[r + 3];
b = u[r + 4];
if (n) {
l.x = k;
l.y = j;
l.x0 = t;
l.y0 = c;
v = [w, l, w.rendererData, e + r / 3];
z = Ext.callback(n, null, v, 0, w.getSeries())
if (Ext.isNumber(k + j + t + c)) {
if (a) {
q.moveTo(t, c);
m.push(t, c);
f = t;
a = false
} else {
if (g) {
q.lineTo(k, c);
m.push(k, c)
q.lineTo(k, j);
m.push(k, j);
if (z || !(Ext.isNumber(s + b))) {;
Ext.apply(q, z);
if (o.fillArea) {
q.lineTo(k, h);
q.lineTo(f, h);
w.drawStrip(q, m);
m = [];
a = true
calculateScale: function(c, a) {
var b = 0,
d = c;
while (d < a && c > 0) {
d += c >> b
return Math.pow(2, b > 0 ? b - 1 : b)
drawSmoothStroke: function(u, v, c, b, C, f) {
var G = this,
t = G.attr,
d = t.step,
z = t.matrix,
s = t.renderer,
e = z.getXX(),
p = z.getYY(),
m = z.getDX(),
k = z.getDY(),
r = G.smoothX,
q = G.smoothY,
I = G.calculateScale(t.dataX.length, b),
o, F, n, E, h, g, B, a, A, w, H, D, l = {
type: "line",
smooth: true,
step: d
v.moveTo(r[c * 3] * e + m, q[c * 3] * p + k);
for (A = 0, w = c * 3 + 1; A < C.length - 3; A += 3, w += 3 * I) {
o = r[w] * e + m;
F = q[w] * p + k;
n = r[w + 1] * e + m;
E = q[w + 1] * p + k;
h = u.roundPixel(C[A + 3]);
g = C[A + 4];
B = u.roundPixel(C[A]);
a = C[A + 1];
if (s) {
l.x0 = B;
l.y0 = a;
l.cx1 = o;
l.cy1 = F;
l.cx2 = n;
l.cy2 = E;
l.x = h;
l.y = g;
D = [G, l, G.rendererData, c + A / 3 + 1];
H = Ext.callback(s, null, D, 0, G.getSeries());;
Ext.apply(v, H)
if (t.fillArea) {
v.moveTo(B, a);
v.bezierCurveTo(o, F, n, E, h, g);
v.lineTo(h, f);
v.lineTo(B, f);
v.lineTo(B, a);
v.moveTo(B, a);
v.bezierCurveTo(o, F, n, E, h, g);
v.moveTo(B, a);
if (s) {
v.moveTo(h, g)
drawLabel: function(k, i, h, o, a) {
var q = this,
n = q.attr,
e = q.getMarker("labels"),
d = e.getTemplate(),
m = q.labelCfg || (q.labelCfg = {}),
c = q.surfaceMatrix,
g, f, j = n.labelOverflowPadding,
l, b, r, p, s;
m.x = c.x(i, h);
m.y = c.y(i, h);
if (n.flipXY) {
m.rotationRads = Math.PI * 0.5
} else {
m.rotationRads = 0
m.text = k;
if (d.attr.renderer) {
p = [k, e, m, q.rendererData, o];
r = Ext.callback(d.attr.renderer, null, p, 0, q.getSeries());
if (typeof r === "string") {
m.text = r
} else {
if (typeof r === "object") {
if ("text" in r) {
m.text = r.text
s = true
b = q.getMarkerBBox("labels", o, true);
if (!b) {
q.putMarker("labels", m, o);
b = q.getMarkerBBox("labels", o, true)
l = b.height / 2;
g = i;
switch (d.attr.display) {
case "under":
f = h - l - j;
case "rotate":
g += j;
f = h - j;
m.rotationRads = -Math.PI / 4;
f = h + l + j
m.x = c.x(g, f);
m.y = c.y(g, f);
if (s) {
Ext.apply(m, r)
q.putMarker("labels", m, o)
drawMarker: function(j, h, d) {
var g = this,
e = g.attr,
f = e.renderer,
c = g.surfaceMatrix,
b = {},
i, a;
if (f && g.getMarker("markers")) {
b.type = "marker";
b.x = j;
b.y = h;
a = [g, b, g.rendererData, d];
i = Ext.callback(f, null, a, 0, g.getSeries());
if (i) {
Ext.apply(b, i)
b.translationX = c.x(j, h);
b.translationY = c.y(j, h);
delete b.x;
delete b.y;
g.putMarker("markers", b, d, !f)
drawStroke: function(a, c, h, b, f, e) {
var d = this,
g = d.attr.smooth && d.smoothX && d.smoothY;
if (g) {
d.drawSmoothStroke(a, c, h, b, f, e)
} else {
d.drawStraightStroke(a, c, h, b, f, e)
renderAggregates: function(B, w, l, N, o, I, D) {
var m = this,
k = m.attr,
s = k.dataX,
r = k.dataY,
h = k.labels,
v = k.xAxis,
a = k.yCap,
g = k.smooth && m.smoothX && m.smoothY,
d = h && m.getMarker("labels"),
t = m.getMarker("markers"),
E = k.matrix,
u = N.devicePixelRatio,
C = E.getXX(),
f = E.getYY(),
c = E.getDX(),
b = E.getDY(),
q = m.list || (m.list = []),
F = B.minX,
e = B.maxX,
j = B.minY,
P = B.maxY,
U = B.startIdx,
S = true,
Q, T, L, K, R, G;
m.rendererData = {
store: m.getStore()
q.length = 0;
for (R = w; R < l; R++) {
var O = F[R],
p = e[R],
M = j[R],
n = P[R];
if (O < p) {
q.push(O * C + c, M * f + b, U[R]);
q.push(p * C + c, n * f + b, U[R])
} else {
if (O > p) {
q.push(p * C + c, n * f + b, U[R]);
q.push(O * C + c, M * f + b, U[R])
} else {
q.push(p * C + c, n * f + b, U[R])
if (q.length) {
for (R = 0; R < q.length; R += 3) {
L = q[R];
K = q[R + 1];
if (Ext.isNumber(L + K)) {
if (K > a) {
K = a
} else {
if (K < -a) {
K = -a
q[R + 1] = K
} else {
S = false;
G = q[R + 2];
if (t) {
m.drawMarker(L, K, G)
if (d && h[G]) {
m.drawLabel(h[G], L, K, G, D)
m.isContinuousLine = S;
if (g && !S) {
Ext.raise("Line smoothing in only supported for gapless data, where all data points are finite numbers.")
if (v) {
T = v.getAlignment() === "vertical";
if (Ext.isNumber(v.floatingAtCoord)) {
Q = (T ? D[2] : D[3]) - v.floatingAtCoord
} else {
Q = T ? D[0] : D[1]
} else {
Q = k.flipXY ? D[0] : D[1]
if (k.preciseStroke) {
if (k.fillArea) {
if (k.transformFillStroke) {
m.drawStroke(N, o, w, l, q, Q);
if (k.transformFillStroke) {
} else {
m.drawStroke(N, o, w, l, q, Q);
if (S && g && k.fillArea && !k.renderer) {
var A = s[s.length - 1] * C + c + u,
z = r[r.length - 1] * f + b,
J = s[0] * C + c - u,
H = r[0] * f + b;
o.lineTo(A, z);
o.lineTo(A, Q - k.lineWidth);
o.lineTo(J, Q - k.lineWidth);
o.lineTo(J, H)
if (k.transformFillStroke) {
if (k.fillArea) {
o.fillStroke(k, true)
} else {
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.Line", {
extend: "Ext.chart.series.Cartesian",
alias: "series.line",
type: "line",
seriesType: "lineSeries",
requires: ["Ext.chart.series.sprite.Line"],
config: {
selectionTolerance: 20,
smooth: false,
step: false,
fill: undefined,
aggregator: {
strategy: "double"
defaultSmoothness: 3,
overflowBuffer: 1,
themeMarkerCount: function() {
return 1
getDefaultSpriteConfig: function() {
var d = this,
e = d.callParent(arguments),
c = Ext.apply({}, d.getStyle()),
b, a = false;
if (typeof d.config.fill != "undefined") {
if (d.config.fill) {
a = true;
if (typeof c.fillStyle == "undefined") {
if (typeof c.strokeStyle == "undefined") {
b = d.getStyleWithTheme();
c.fillStyle = b.fillStyle;
c.strokeStyle = b.strokeStyle
} else {
c.fillStyle = c.strokeStyle
} else {
if (c.fillStyle) {
a = true
if (!a) {
delete c.fillStyle
c = Ext.apply(e || {}, c);
return Ext.apply(c, {
fillArea: a,
step: d.config.step,
smooth: d.config.smooth,
selectionTolerance: d.config.selectionTolerance
updateStep: function(b) {
var a = this.getSprites()[0];
if (a && a.attr.step !== b) {
step: b
updateFill: function(b) {
var a = this.getSprites()[0];
if (a && a.attr.fillArea !== b) {
fillArea: b
updateSmooth: function(a) {
var b = this.getSprites()[0];
if (b && b.attr.smooth !== a) {
smooth: a
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.sprite.PieSlice", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Sector",
mixins: {
markerHolder: "Ext.chart.MarkerHolder"
alias: "sprite.pieslice",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
doCallout: "bool",
label: "string",
rotateLabels: "bool",
labelOverflowPadding: "number",
renderer: "default"
defaults: {
doCallout: true,
rotateLabels: true,
label: "",
labelOverflowPadding: 10,
renderer: null
config: {
rendererData: null,
rendererIndex: 0,
series: null
setGradientBBox: function(q, k) {
var j = this,
i = j.attr,
g = (i.fillStyle && i.fillStyle.isGradient) || (i.strokeStyle && i.strokeStyle.isGradient);
if (g && !i.constrainGradients) {
var b = j.getMidAngle(),
d = i.margin,
e = i.centerX,
c = i.centerY,
a = i.endRho,
l = i.matrix,
o = l.getScaleX(),
n = l.getScaleY(),
m = o * a,
f = n * a,
p = {
width: m + m,
height: f + f
if (d) {
e += d * Math.cos(b);
c += d * Math.sin(b)
p.x = l.x(e, c) - m;
p.y = l.y(e, c) - f;
} else {
j.callParent([q, k])
render: function(b, c, g, f) {
var e = this,
a = e.attr,
h = {},
if (a.renderer) {
h = {
type: "sector",
text: a.text,
centerX: a.centerX,
centerY: a.centerY,
margin: a.margin,
startAngle: Math.min(a.startAngle, a.endAngle),
endAngle: Math.max(a.startAngle, a.endAngle),
startRho: Math.min(a.startRho, a.endRho),
endRho: Math.max(a.startRho, a.endRho)
d = Ext.callback(a.renderer, null, [e, h, e.rendererData, e.rendererIndex], 0, e.getSeries());
e.useAttributes(c, g)
e.callParent([b, c, g, f]);
if (a.label && e.getMarker("labels")) {
placeLabel: function() {
var z = this,
s = z.attr,
r = s.attributeId,
t = Math.min(s.startAngle, s.endAngle),
p = Math.max(s.startAngle, s.endAngle),
k = (t + p) * 0.5,
n = s.margin,
h = s.centerX,
g = s.centerY,
f = Math.sin(k),
c = Math.cos(k),
v = Math.min(s.startRho, s.endRho) + n,
m = Math.max(s.startRho, s.endRho) + n,
l = (v + m) * 0.5,
b = z.surfaceMatrix,
o = z.labelCfg || (z.labelCfg = {}),
e = z.getMarker("labels"),
d = e.getTemplate(),
a = d.getCalloutLine(),
q = a && a.length || 40,
u, j, i, A, w;
o.text = s.label;
j = h + c * l;
i = g + f * l;
o.x = b.x(j, i);
o.y = b.y(j, i);
j = h + c * m;
i = g + f * m;
o.calloutStartX = b.x(j, i);
o.calloutStartY = b.y(j, i);
j = h + c * (m + q);
i = g + f * (m + q);
o.calloutPlaceX = b.x(j, i);
o.calloutPlaceY = b.y(j, i);
if (!s.rotateLabels) {
o.rotationRads = 0
} else {
switch (d.attr.orientation) {
case "horizontal":
o.rotationRads = k + Math.atan2(b.y(1, 0) - b.y(0, 0), b.x(1, 0) - b.x(0, 0)) + Math.PI / 2;
case "vertical":
o.rotationRads = k + Math.atan2(b.y(1, 0) - b.y(0, 0), b.x(1, 0) - b.x(0, 0));
o.calloutColor = (a && a.color) || z.attr.fillStyle;
if (a) {
if (a.width) {
o.calloutWidth = a.width
} else {
o.calloutHasLine = false
o.globalAlpha = s.globalAlpha * s.fillOpacity;
o.hidden = (s.startAngle == s.endAngle);
if (d.attr.renderer) {
w = [z.attr.label, e, o, z.rendererData, z.rendererIndex];
A = Ext.callback(d.attr.renderer, null, w, 0, z.getSeries());
if (typeof A === "string") {
o.text = A
} else {
Ext.apply(o, A)
z.putMarker("labels", o, r);
u = z.getMarkerBBox("labels", r, true);
if (u) {
if (s.doCallout) {
if (d.attr.display === "outside") {
z.putMarker("labels", {
callout: 1
}, r)
} else {
if (d.attr.display === "inside") {
z.putMarker("labels", {
callout: 0
}, r)
} else {
z.putMarker("labels", {
callout: 1 - z.sliceContainsLabel(s, u)
}, r)
} else {
z.putMarker("labels", {
globalAlpha: z.sliceContainsLabel(s, u)
}, r)
sliceContainsLabel: function(d, f) {
var e = d.labelOverflowPadding,
h = (d.endRho + d.startRho) / 2,
g = h + (f.width + e) / 2,
i = h - (f.width + e) / 2,
j, c, b, a;
if (e < 0) {
return 1
if (f.width + e * 2 > (d.endRho - d.startRho)) {
return 0
c = Math.sqrt(d.endRho * d.endRho - g * g);
b = Math.sqrt(d.endRho * d.endRho - i * i);
j = Math.abs(d.endAngle - d.startAngle);
a = (j > Math.PI / 2 ? i : Math.abs(Math.tan(j / 2)) * i);
if (f.height + e * 2 > Math.min(c, b, a) * 2) {
return 0
return 1
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.Pie", {
extend: "Ext.chart.series.Polar",
requires: ["Ext.chart.series.sprite.PieSlice"],
type: "pie",
alias: "series.pie",
seriesType: "pieslice",
config: {
donut: 0,
rotation: 0,
clockwise: true,
totalAngle: 2 * Math.PI,
hidden: [],
radiusFactor: 100,
highlightCfg: {
margin: 20
style: {}
directions: ["X"],
applyLabel: function(a, b) {
if (Ext.isObject(a) && !Ext.isString(a.orientation)) {
Ext.apply(a = Ext.Object.chain(a), {
orientation: "vertical"
return this.callParent([a, b])
updateLabelData: function() {
var h = this,
j = h.getStore(),
g = j.getData().items,
e = h.getSprites(),
a = h.getLabel().getTemplate().getField(),
d = h.getHidden(),
b, f, c, k;
if (e.length && a) {
c = [];
for (b = 0, f = g.length; b < f; b++) {
for (b = 0, f = e.length; b < f; b++) {
k = e[b];
label: c[b]
k.putMarker("labels", {
hidden: d[b]
}, k.attr.attributeId)
coordinateX: function() {
var t = this,
f = t.getStore(),
q = f.getData().items,
c = q.length,
b = t.getXField(),
e = t.getYField(),
l, a = 0,
m, k, s = 0,
o = t.getHidden(),
d = [],
p, g = 0,
h = t.getTotalAngle(),
r = t.getClockwise() ? 1 : -1,
j = t.getSprites(),
if (!j) {
for (p = 0; p < c; p++) {
l = Math.abs(Number(q[p].get(b))) || 0;
k = e && Math.abs(Number(q[p].get(e))) || 0;
if (!o[p]) {
a += l;
if (k > s) {
s = k
d[p] = a;
if (p >= o.length) {
o[p] = false
o.length = c;
t.maxY = s;
if (a !== 0) {
m = h / a
for (p = 0; p < c; p++) {
startAngle: g,
endAngle: g = (m ? r * d[p] * m : 0),
globalAlpha: 1
if (c < t.sprites.length) {
for (p = c; p < t.sprites.length; p++) {
n = t.sprites[p];
t.sprites.length = c
for (p = c; p < t.sprites.length; p++) {
startAngle: h,
endAngle: h,
globalAlpha: 0
updateCenter: function(a) {
translationX: a[0] + this.getOffsetX(),
translationY: a[1] + this.getOffsetY()
updateRadius: function(a) {
startRho: a * this.getDonut() * 0.01,
endRho: a * this.getRadiusFactor() * 0.01
getStyleByIndex: function(c) {
var g = this,
j = g.getStore(),
k = j.getAt(c),
f = g.getYField(),
d = g.getRadius(),
a = {},
e, b, h;
if (k) {
h = f && Math.abs(Number(k.get(f))) || 0;
e = d * g.getDonut() * 0.01;
b = d * g.getRadiusFactor() * 0.01;
a = g.callParent([c]);
a.startRho = e;
a.endRho = g.maxY ? (e + (b - e) * h / g.maxY) : b
return a
updateDonut: function(b) {
var a = this.getRadius();
startRho: a * b * 0.01,
endRho: a * this.getRadiusFactor() * 0.01
rotationOffset: -Math.PI / 2,
updateRotation: function(a) {
rotationRads: a + this.rotationOffset
updateTotalAngle: function(a) {
getSprites: function() {
var k = this,
h = k.getChart(),
n = k.getStore();
if (!h || !n) {
return []
var j = n.getData().items,
b = j.length,
d = k.getAnimation() || h && h.getAnimation(),
g = k.sprites,
o, l = 0,
f, e, c = false,
m = k.getLabel(),
a = m.getTemplate();
f = {
store: n,
field: k.getXField(),
angleField: k.getXField(),
radiusField: k.getYField(),
series: k
for (e = 0; e < b; e++) {
o = g[e];
if (!o) {
o = k.createSprite();
if (k.getHighlight()) {
o.config.highlight = k.getHighlight();
o.addModifier("highlight", true)
if (a.getField()) {
labelOverflowPadding: k.getLabelOverflowPadding()
callout: 200
o.rendererData = f;
o.rendererIndex = l++;
c = true
if (c) {
return k.sprites
betweenAngle: function(d, f, c) {
var e = Math.PI * 2,
g = this.rotationOffset;
if (!this.getClockwise()) {
d *= -1;
f *= -1;
c *= -1;
f -= g;
c -= g
} else {
f += g;
c += g
d -= f;
c -= f;
d %= e;
c %= e;
d += e;
c += e;
d %= e;
c %= e;
return d < c || c === 0
getItemForAngle: function(a) {
var h = this,
f = h.getSprites(),
a %= Math.PI * 2;
while (a < 0) {
a += Math.PI * 2
if (f) {
var j = h.getStore(),
g = j.getData().items,
c = h.getHidden(),
b = 0,
e = j.getCount();
for (; b < e; b++) {
if (!c[b]) {
d = f[b].attr;
if (d.startAngle <= a && d.endAngle >= a) {
return {
series: h,
sprite: f[b],
index: b,
record: g[b],
field: h.getXField()
return null
getItemForPoint: function(f, e) {
var t = this,
c = t.getSprites();
if (c) {
var s = t.getCenter(),
q = t.getOffsetX(),
p = t.getOffsetY(),
j = f - s[0] + q,
h = e - s[1] + p,
b = t.getStore(),
g = t.getDonut(),
o = b.getData().items,
r = Math.atan2(h, j) - t.getRotation(),
a = Math.sqrt(j * j + h * h),
l = t.getRadius() * g * 0.01,
m = t.getHidden(),
n, d, k;
for (n = 0, d = o.length; n < d; n++) {
if (!m[n]) {
k = c[n].attr;
if (a >= l + k.margin && a <= k.endRho + k.margin) {
if (t.betweenAngle(r, k.startAngle, k.endAngle)) {
return {
series: t,
sprite: c[n],
index: n,
record: o[n],
field: t.getXField()
return null
provideLegendInfo: function(f) {
var h = this,
j = h.getStore();
if (j) {
var g = j.getData().items,
b = h.getLabel().getTemplate().getField(),
c = h.getXField(),
e = h.getHidden(),
d, a, k;
for (d = 0; d < g.length; d++) {
a = h.getStyleByIndex(d);
k = a.fillStyle;
if (Ext.isObject(k)) {
k = k.stops && k.stops[0].color
name: b ? String(g[d].get(b)) : c + " " + d,
mark: k || a.strokeStyle || "black",
disabled: e[d],
series: h.getId(),
index: d
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.sprite.Pie3DPart", {
extend: "Ext.draw.sprite.Path",
mixins: {
markerHolder: "Ext.chart.MarkerHolder"
alias: "sprite.pie3dPart",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
centerX: "number",
centerY: "number",
startAngle: "number",
endAngle: "number",
startRho: "number",
endRho: "number",
margin: "number",
thickness: "number",
bevelWidth: "number",
distortion: "number",
baseColor: "color",
colorSpread: "number",
baseRotation: "number",
part: "enums(top,bottom,start,end,innerFront,innerBack,outerFront,outerBack)",
label: "string"
aliases: {
rho: "endRho"
triggers: {
centerX: "path,bbox",
centerY: "path,bbox",
startAngle: "path,partZIndex",
endAngle: "path,partZIndex",
startRho: "path",
endRho: "path,bbox",
margin: "path,bbox",
thickness: "path",
distortion: "path",
baseRotation: "path,partZIndex",
baseColor: "partZIndex,partColor",
colorSpread: "partColor",
part: "path,partZIndex",
globalAlpha: "canvas,alpha"
defaults: {
centerX: 0,
centerY: 0,
startAngle: Math.PI * 2,
endAngle: Math.PI * 2,
startRho: 0,
endRho: 150,
margin: 0,
thickness: 35,
distortion: 0.5,
baseRotation: 0,
baseColor: "white",
colorSpread: 1,
miterLimit: 1,
bevelWidth: 5,
strokeOpacity: 0,
part: "top",
label: ""
updaters: {
alpha: "alphaUpdater",
partColor: "partColorUpdater",
partZIndex: "partZIndexUpdater"
bevelParams: [],
constructor: function(a) {
this.bevelGradient = new Ext.draw.gradient.Linear({
stops: [{
offset: 0,
color: "rgba(255,255,255,0)"
}, {
offset: 0.7,
color: "rgba(255,255,255,0.6)"
}, {
offset: 1,
color: "rgba(255,255,255,0)"
alphaUpdater: function(a) {
var d = this,
c = a.globalAlpha,
b = d.oldOpacity;
if (c !== b && (c === 1 || b === 1)) {
d.scheduleUpdater(a, "path", ["globalAlpha"]);
d.oldOpacity = c
partColorUpdater: function(a) {
var d =,
b = d.toString(),
e = a.colorSpread,
switch (a.part) {
case "top":
c = new Ext.draw.gradient.Radial({
start: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
r: 0
end: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
r: 1
stops: [{
offset: 0,
color: d.createLighter(0.1 * e)
}, {
offset: 1,
color: d.createDarker(0.1 * e)
case "bottom":
c = new Ext.draw.gradient.Radial({
start: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
r: 0
end: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
r: 1
stops: [{
offset: 0,
color: d.createDarker(0.2 * e)
}, {
offset: 1,
color: d.toString()
case "outerFront":
case "outerBack":
c = new Ext.draw.gradient.Linear({
stops: [{
offset: 0,
color: d.createDarker(0.15 * e).toString()
}, {
offset: 0.3,
color: b
}, {
offset: 0.8,
color: d.createLighter(0.2 * e).toString()
}, {
offset: 1,
color: d.createDarker(0.25 * e).toString()
case "start":
c = new Ext.draw.gradient.Linear({
stops: [{
offset: 0,
color: d.createDarker(0.1 * e).toString()
}, {
offset: 1,
color: d.createLighter(0.2 * e).toString()
case "end":
c = new Ext.draw.gradient.Linear({
stops: [{
offset: 0,
color: d.createDarker(0.1 * e).toString()
}, {
offset: 1,
color: d.createLighter(0.2 * e).toString()
case "innerFront":
case "innerBack":
c = new Ext.draw.gradient.Linear({
stops: [{
offset: 0,
color: d.createDarker(0.1 * e).toString()
}, {
offset: 0.2,
color: d.createLighter(0.2 * e).toString()
}, {
offset: 0.7,
color: b
}, {
offset: 1,
color: d.createDarker(0.1 * e).toString()
a.fillStyle = c;
a.canvasAttributes.fillStyle = c
partZIndexUpdater: function(a) {
var c = Ext.draw.sprite.AttributeParser.angle,
e = a.baseRotation,
d = a.startAngle,
b = a.endAngle,
switch (a.part) {
case "top":
a.zIndex = 5;
case "outerFront":
d = c(d + e);
b = c(b + e);
if (d >= 0 && b < 0) {
f = Math.sin(d)
} else {
if (d <= 0 && b > 0) {
f = Math.sin(b)
} else {
if (d >= 0 && b > 0) {
if (d > b) {
f = 0
} else {
f = Math.max(Math.sin(d), Math.sin(b))
} else {
f = 1
a.zIndex = 4 + f;
case "outerBack":
a.zIndex = 1;
case "start":
a.zIndex = 4 + Math.sin(c(d + e));
case "end":
a.zIndex = 4 + Math.sin(c(b + e));
case "innerFront":
a.zIndex = 2;
case "innerBack":
a.zIndex = 4 + Math.sin(c((d + b) / 2 + e));
case "bottom":
a.zIndex = 0;
a.dirtyZIndex = true
updatePlainBBox: function(k) {
var f = this.attr,
a = f.part,
b = f.baseRotation,
e = f.centerX,
d = f.centerY,
j, c, i, h, g, l;
if (a === "start") {
c = f.startAngle + b
} else {
if (a === "end") {
c = f.endAngle + b
if (Ext.isNumber(c)) {
g = Math.sin(c);
l = Math.cos(c);
i = Math.min(e + l * f.startRho, e + l * f.endRho);
h = d + g * f.startRho * f.distortion;
k.x = i;
k.y = h;
k.width = l * (f.endRho - f.startRho);
k.height = f.thickness + g * (f.endRho - f.startRho) * 2;
if (a === "innerFront" || a === "innerBack") {
j = f.startRho
} else {
j = f.endRho
k.width = j * 2;
k.height = j * f.distortion * 2 + f.thickness;
k.x = f.centerX - j;
k.y = f.centerY - j * f.distortion
updateTransformedBBox: function(a) {
if (this.attr.part === "start" || this.attr.part === "end") {
return this.callParent(arguments)
return this.updatePlainBBox(a)
updatePath: function(a) {
if (!this.attr.globalAlpha) {
if (this.attr.endAngle < this.attr.startAngle) {
this[this.attr.part + "Renderer"](a)
render: function(b, c) {
var d = this,
a = d.attr;
if (!a.globalAlpha) {
d.callParent([b, c]);
d.bevelRenderer(b, c);
if (a.label && d.getMarker("labels")) {
placeLabel: function() {
var z = this,
u = z.attr,
t = u.attributeId,
p = u.margin,
c = u.distortion,
i = u.centerX,
h = u.centerY,
j = u.baseRotation,
v = u.startAngle + j,
r = u.endAngle + j,
m = (v + r) / 2,
w = u.startRho + p,
o = u.endRho + p,
n = (w + o) / 2,
a = Math.sin(m),
b = Math.cos(m),
e = z.surfaceMatrix,
g = z.getMarker("labels"),
f = g.getTemplate(),
d = f.getCalloutLine(),
s = d && d.length || 40,
q = {},
l, k;
q.text = u.label;
l = i + b * n;
k = h + a * n * c;
q.x = e.x(l, k);
q.y = e.y(l, k);
l = i + b * o;
k = h + a * o * c;
q.calloutStartX = e.x(l, k);
q.calloutStartY = e.y(l, k);
l = i + b * (o + s);
k = h + a * (o + s) * c;
q.calloutPlaceX = e.x(l, k);
q.calloutPlaceY = e.y(l, k);
q.calloutWidth = 2;
z.putMarker("labels", q, t);
z.putMarker("labels", {
callout: 1
}, t)
bevelRenderer: function(b, c) {
var f = this,
a = f.attr,
e = a.bevelWidth,
g = f.bevelParams,
for (d = 0; d < g.length; d++) {
c.ellipse.apply(c, g[d]);;
c.lineWidth = e;
c.strokeOpacity = e ? 1 : 0;
c.strokeGradient = f.bevelGradient;
lidRenderer: function(o, m) {
var k = this.attr,
g = k.margin,
c = k.distortion,
i = k.centerX,
h = k.centerY,
f = k.baseRotation,
j = k.startAngle + f,
e = k.endAngle + f,
d = (j + e) / 2,
l = k.startRho,
b = k.endRho,
n = Math.sin(e),
a = Math.cos(e);
i += Math.cos(d) * g;
h += Math.sin(d) * g * c;
o.ellipse(i, h + m, l, l * c, 0, j, e, false);
o.lineTo(i + a * b, h + m + n * b * c);
o.ellipse(i, h + m, b, b * c, 0, e, j, true);
topRenderer: function(a) {
this.lidRenderer(a, 0)
bottomRenderer: function(b) {
var a = this.attr;
if (a.globalAlpha < 1 || a.shadowColor !== Ext.draw.Color.RGBA_NONE) {
this.lidRenderer(b, a.thickness)
sideRenderer: function(l, s) {
var o = this.attr,
k = o.margin,
g = o.centerX,
f = o.centerY,
e = o.distortion,
h = o.baseRotation,
p = o.startAngle + h,
m = o.endAngle + h,
a = o.thickness,
q = o.startRho,
j = o.endRho,
r = (s === "start" && p) || (s === "end" && m),
b = Math.sin(r),
d = Math.cos(r),
c = o.globalAlpha < 1,
n = s === "start" && d < 0 || s === "end" && d > 0 || c,
if (n) {
i = (p + m) / 2;
g += Math.cos(i) * k;
f += Math.sin(i) * k * e;
l.moveTo(g + d * q, f + b * q * e);
l.lineTo(g + d * j, f + b * j * e);
l.lineTo(g + d * j, f + b * j * e + a);
l.lineTo(g + d * q, f + b * q * e + a);
startRenderer: function(a) {
this.sideRenderer(a, "start")
endRenderer: function(a) {
this.sideRenderer(a, "end")
rimRenderer: function(q, e, o, j) {
var w = this,
s = w.attr,
p = s.margin,
h = s.centerX,
g = s.centerY,
d = s.distortion,
i = s.baseRotation,
t = Ext.draw.sprite.AttributeParser.angle,
u = s.startAngle + i,
r = s.endAngle + i,
k = t((u + r) / 2),
a = s.thickness,
b = s.globalAlpha < 1,
c, n, v;
w.bevelParams = [];
u = t(u);
r = t(r);
h += Math.cos(k) * p;
g += Math.sin(k) * p * d;
c = u >= 0 && r >= 0;
n = u <= 0 && r <= 0;
function l() {
q.ellipse(h, g + a, e, e * d, 0, Math.PI, u, true);
q.lineTo(h + Math.cos(u) * e, g + Math.sin(u) * e * d);
v = [h, g, e, e * d, 0, u, Math.PI, false];
if (!o) {
q.ellipse.apply(q, v);
function f() {
q.ellipse(h, g + a, e, e * d, 0, 0, r, false);
q.lineTo(h + Math.cos(r) * e, g + Math.sin(r) * e * d);
v = [h, g, e, e * d, 0, r, 0, true];
if (!o) {
q.ellipse.apply(q, v);
function x() {
q.ellipse(h, g + a, e, e * d, 0, Math.PI, r, false);
q.lineTo(h + Math.cos(r) * e, g + Math.sin(r) * e * d);
v = [h, g, e, e * d, 0, r, Math.PI, true];
if (o) {
q.ellipse.apply(q, v);
function m() {
q.ellipse(h, g + a, e, e * d, 0, u, 0, false);
q.lineTo(h + e, g);
v = [h, g, e, e * d, 0, 0, u, true];
if (o) {
q.ellipse.apply(q, v);
if (j) {
if (!o || b) {
if (u >= 0 && r < 0) {
} else {
if (u <= 0 && r > 0) {
} else {
if (u <= 0 && r < 0) {
if (u > r) {
q.ellipse(h, g + a, e, e * d, 0, 0, Math.PI, false);
q.lineTo(h - e, g);
v = [h, g, e, e * d, 0, Math.PI, 0, true];
if (!o) {
q.ellipse.apply(q, v);
} else {
if (u > r) {
} else {
v = [h, g, e, e * d, 0, u, r, false];
if (c && !o || n && o) {
q.ellipse.apply(q, v);
q.lineTo(h + Math.cos(r) * e, g + Math.sin(r) * e * d + a);
q.ellipse(h, g + a, e, e * d, 0, r, u, true);
} else {
if (o || b) {
if (u >= 0 && r < 0) {
} else {
if (u <= 0 && r > 0) {
} else {
if (u <= 0 && r < 0) {
if (u > r) {
} else {
q.ellipse(h, g + a, e, e * d, 0, u, r, false);
q.lineTo(h + Math.cos(r) * e, g + Math.sin(r) * e * d);
v = [h, g, e, e * d, 0, r, u, true];
if (o) {
q.ellipse.apply(q, v);
} else {
if (u > r) {
q.ellipse(h, g + a, e, e * d, 0, -Math.PI, 0, false);
q.lineTo(h + e, g);
v = [h, g, e, e * d, 0, 0, -Math.PI, true];
if (o) {
q.ellipse.apply(q, v);
innerFrontRenderer: function(a) {
this.rimRenderer(a, this.attr.startRho, true, true)
innerBackRenderer: function(a) {
this.rimRenderer(a, this.attr.startRho, true, false)
outerFrontRenderer: function(a) {
this.rimRenderer(a, this.attr.endRho, false, true)
outerBackRenderer: function(a) {
this.rimRenderer(a, this.attr.endRho, false, false)
Ext.define("Ext.draw.PathUtil", function() {
var a = Math.abs,
c = Math.pow,
e = Math.cos,
b = Math.acos,
d = Math.sqrt,
f = Math.PI;
return {
singleton: true,
requires: ["Ext.draw.overrides.Path", "Ext.draw.overrides.sprite.Path", "Ext.draw.overrides.sprite.Instancing", "Ext.draw.overrides.Surface"],
cubicRoots: function(m) {
var z = m[0],
x = m[1],
w = m[2],
v = m[3];
if (z === 0) {
return this.quadraticRoots(x, w, v)
var s = x / z,
r = w / z,
q = v / z,
k = (3 * r - c(s, 2)) / 9,
j = (9 * s * r - 27 * q - 2 * c(s, 3)) / 54,
p = c(k, 3) + c(j, 2),
n = [],
h, g, o, l, u, y = Ext.Number.sign;
if (p >= 0) {
h = y(j + d(p)) * c(a(j + d(p)), 1 / 3);
g = y(j - d(p)) * c(a(j - d(p)), 1 / 3);
n[0] = -s / 3 + (h + g);
n[1] = -s / 3 - (h + g) / 2;
n[2] = n[1];
o = a(d(3) * (h - g) / 2);
if (o !== 0) {
n[1] = -1;
n[2] = -1
} else {
l = b(j / d(-c(k, 3)));
n[0] = 2 * d(-k) * e(l / 3) - s / 3;
n[1] = 2 * d(-k) * e((l + 2 * f) / 3) - s / 3;
n[2] = 2 * d(-k) * e((l + 4 * f) / 3) - s / 3
for (u = 0; u < 3; u++) {
if (n[u] < 0 || n[u] > 1) {
n[u] = -1
return n
quadraticRoots: function(h, g, n) {
var m, l, k, j;
if (h === 0) {
return this.linearRoot(g, n)
m = g * g - 4 * h * n;
if (m === 0) {
k = [-g / (2 * h)]
} else {
if (m > 0) {
l = d(m);
k = [(-g - l) / (2 * h), (-g + l) / (2 * h)]
} else {
return []
for (j = 0; j < k.length; j++) {
if (k[j] < 0 || k[j] > 1) {
k[j] = -1
return k
linearRoot: function(h, g) {
var i = -g / h;
if (h === 0 || i < 0 || i > 1) {
return []
return [i]
bezierCoeffs: function(h, g, k, j) {
var i = [];
i[0] = -h + 3 * g - 3 * k + j;
i[1] = 3 * h - 6 * g + 3 * k;
i[2] = -3 * h + 3 * g;
i[3] = h;
return i
cubicLineIntersections: function(I, G, F, E, l, k, j, h, M, p, K, n) {
var u = [],
N = [],
D = p - n,
z = K - M,
y = M * (n - p) - p * (K - M),
L = this.bezierCoeffs(I, G, F, E),
J = this.bezierCoeffs(l, k, j, h),
H, x, w, v, g, q, o, m;
u[0] = D * L[0] + z * J[0];
u[1] = D * L[1] + z * J[1];
u[2] = D * L[2] + z * J[2];
u[3] = D * L[3] + z * J[3] + y;
x = this.cubicRoots(u);
for (H = 0; H < x.length; H++) {
v = x[H];
if (v < 0 || v > 1) {
g = v * v;
q = g * v;
o = L[0] * q + L[1] * g + L[2] * v + L[3];
m = J[0] * q + J[1] * g + J[2] * v + J[3];
if ((K - M) !== 0) {
w = (o - M) / (K - M)
} else {
w = (m - p) / (n - p)
if (!(w < 0 || w > 1)) {
N.push([o, m])
return N
splitCubic: function(g, q, p, o, m) {
var j = m * m,
n = m * j,
i = m - 1,
h = i * i,
k = i * h,
l = n * o - 3 * j * i * p + 3 * m * h * q - k * g;
return [
[g, m * q - i * g, j * p - 2 * m * i * q + h * g, l],
[l, j * o - 2 * m * i * p + h * q, m * o - i * p, o]
cubicDimension: function(p, o, l, k) {
var j = 3 * (-p + 3 * (o - l) + k),
i = 6 * (p - 2 * o + l),
h = -3 * (p - o),
q, n, g = Math.min(p, k),
m = Math.max(p, k),
if (j === 0) {
if (i === 0) {
return [g, m]
} else {
q = -h / i;
if (0 < q && q < 1) {
n = this.interpolateCubic(p, o, l, k, q);
g = Math.min(g, n);
m = Math.max(m, n)
} else {
r = i * i - 4 * j * h;
if (r >= 0) {
r = d(r);
q = (r - i) / 2 / j;
if (0 < q && q < 1) {
n = this.interpolateCubic(p, o, l, k, q);
g = Math.min(g, n);
m = Math.max(m, n)
if (r > 0) {
q -= r / j;
if (0 < q && q < 1) {
n = this.interpolateCubic(p, o, l, k, q);
g = Math.min(g, n);
m = Math.max(m, n)
return [g, m]
interpolateCubic: function(h, g, l, k, i) {
if (i === 0) {
return h
if (i === 1) {
return k
var j = (1 - i) / i;
return i * i * i * (k + j * (3 * l + j * (3 * g + j * h)))
cubicsIntersections: function(r, q, p, o, A, z, y, v, g, F, E, D, m, l, k, i) {
var C = this,
x = C.cubicDimension(r, q, p, o),
B = C.cubicDimension(A, z, y, v),
n = C.cubicDimension(g, F, E, D),
s = C.cubicDimension(m, l, k, i),
j, h, u, t, w = [];
if (x[0] > n[1] || x[1] < n[0] || B[0] > s[1] || B[1] < s[0]) {
return []
if (a(A - z) < 1 && a(y - v) < 1 && a(r - o) < 1 && a(q - p) < 1 && a(m - l) < 1 && a(k - i) < 1 && a(g - D) < 1 && a(F - E) < 1) {
return [
[(r + o) * 0.5, (A + z) * 0.5]
j = C.splitCubic(r, q, p, o, 0.5);
h = C.splitCubic(A, z, y, v, 0.5);
u = C.splitCubic(g, F, E, D, 0.5);
t = C.splitCubic(m, l, k, i, 0.5);
w.push.apply(w, C.cubicsIntersections.apply(C, j[0].concat(h[0], u[0], t[0])));
w.push.apply(w, C.cubicsIntersections.apply(C, j[0].concat(h[0], u[1], t[1])));
w.push.apply(w, C.cubicsIntersections.apply(C, j[1].concat(h[1], u[0], t[0])));
w.push.apply(w, C.cubicsIntersections.apply(C, j[1].concat(h[1], u[1], t[1])));
return w
linesIntersection: function(k, p, j, o, h, n, q, m) {
var l = (j - k) * (m - n) - (o - p) * (q - h),
i, g;
if (l === 0) {
return null
i = ((q - h) * (p - n) - (k - h) * (m - n)) / l;
g = ((j - k) * (p - n) - (o - p) * (k - h)) / l;
if (i >= 0 && i <= 1 && g >= 0 && g <= 1) {
return [k + i * (j - k), p + i * (o - p)]
return null
pointOnLine: function(j, m, h, l, g, n) {
var k, i;
if (a(h - j) < a(l - m)) {
i = j;
j = m;
m = i;
i = h;
h = l;
l = i;
i = g;
g = n;
n = i
k = (g - j) / (h - j);
if (k < 0 || k > 1) {
return false
return a(m + k * (l - m) - n) < 4
pointOnCubic: function(w, u, s, r, l, k, h, g, p, o) {
var C = this,
B = C.bezierCoeffs(w, u, s, r),
A = C.bezierCoeffs(l, k, h, g),
z, v, n, m, q;
B[3] -= p;
A[3] -= o;
n = C.cubicRoots(B);
m = C.cubicRoots(A);
for (z = 0; z < n.length; z++) {
q = n[z];
for (v = 0; v < m.length; v++) {
if (q >= 0 && q <= 1 && a(q - m[v]) < 0.05) {
return true
return false
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.Pie3D", {
extend: "Ext.chart.series.Polar",
requires: ["Ext.chart.series.sprite.Pie3DPart", "Ext.draw.PathUtil"],
type: "pie3d",
seriesType: "pie3d",
alias: "series.pie3d",
isPie3D: true,
config: {
rect: [0, 0, 0, 0],
thickness: 35,
distortion: 0.5,
donut: false,
hidden: [],
highlightCfg: {
margin: 20
shadow: false
rotationOffset: -Math.PI / 2,
setField: function(a) {
return this.setXField(a)
getField: function() {
return this.getXField()
updateRotation: function(a) {
baseRotation: a + this.rotationOffset
updateDistortion: function() {
updateThickness: function() {
updateColors: function(a) {
baseColor: a
applyShadow: function(a) {
if (a === true) {
a = {
shadowColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.8)",
shadowBlur: 30
} else {
if (!Ext.isObject(a)) {
a = {
shadowColor: Ext.draw.Color.RGBA_NONE
return a
updateShadow: function(g) {
var e = this,
f = e.getSprites(),
d = e.spritesPerSlice,
c = f && f.length,
b, a;
for (b = 1; b < c; b += d) {
a = f[b];
if (a.attr.part = "bottom") {
getStyleByIndex: function(b) {
var d = this.callParent([b]),
c = this.getStyle(),
a = d.fillStyle || d.fill || d.color,
e = c.strokeStyle || c.stroke;
if (a) {
d.baseColor = a;
delete d.fillStyle;
delete d.fill;
delete d.color
if (e) {
d.strokeStyle = e
return d
doUpdateStyles: function() {
var g = this,
h = g.getSprites(),
f = g.spritesPerSlice,
e = h && h.length,
c = 0,
b = 0,
a, d;
for (; c < e; c += f, b++) {
d = g.getStyleByIndex(b);
for (a = 0; a < f; a++) {
h[c + a].setAttributes(d)
coordinateX: function() {
var w = this,
m = w.getChart(),
u = m && m.getAnimation(),
f = w.getStore(),
t = f.getData().items,
d = t.length,
b = w.getXField(),
p = w.getRotation(),
s = w.getHidden(),
n, c = 0,
h, e = [],
k = w.getSprites(),
a = k.length,
l = w.spritesPerSlice,
g = 0,
o = Math.PI * 2,
v = 1e-10,
r, q;
for (r = 0; r < d; r++) {
n = Math.abs(Number(t[r].get(b))) || 0;
if (!s[r]) {
c += n
e[r] = c;
if (r >= s.length) {
s[r] = false
s.length = d;
if (c === 0) {
h = 2 * Math.PI / c;
for (r = 0; r < d; r++) {
e[r] *= h
for (r = 0; r < a; r++) {
for (r = 0; r < d; r++) {
for (q = 0; q < l; q++) {
k[r * l + q].setAttributes({
startAngle: g,
endAngle: e[r] - v,
globalAlpha: 1,
baseRotation: p
g = e[r]
for (r *= l; r < a; r++) {
startAngle: o,
endAngle: o,
globalAlpha: 0,
baseRotation: p
updateLabelData: function() {
var l = this,
m = l.getStore(),
k = m.getData().items,
h = l.getSprites(),
b = l.getLabel().getTemplate().getField(),
f = l.getHidden(),
a = l.spritesPerSlice,
d, c, g, e, n;
if (h.length && b) {
e = [];
for (d = 0, g = k.length; d < g; d++) {
for (d = 0, c = 0, g = h.length; d < g; d += a, c++) {
n = h[d];
label: e[c]
n.putMarker("labels", {
hidden: f[c]
}, n.attr.attributeId)
applyRadius: function() {
var f = this,
d = f.getChart(),
h = d.getInnerPadding(),
e = d.getMainRect() || [0, 0, 1, 1],
c = e[2] - h * 2,
a = e[3] - h * 2 - f.getThickness(),
g = c / 2,
b = g * f.getDistortion();
if (b > a / 2) {
return a / (f.getDistortion() * 2)
} else {
return g
getSprites: function() {
var y = this,
e = y.getStore();
if (!e) {
return []
var n = y.getChart(),
p = y.getSurface(),
t = e.getData().items,
l = y.spritesPerSlice,
a = t.length,
v = y.getAnimation() || n && n.getAnimation(),
x = y.getCenter(),
w = y.getOffsetX(),
u = y.getOffsetY(),
b = y.getRadius(),
q = y.getRotation(),
d = y.getHighlight(),
c = {
centerX: x[0] + w,
centerY: x[1] + u - y.getThickness() / 2,
endRho: b,
startRho: b * y.getDonut() / 100,
thickness: y.getThickness(),
distortion: y.getDistortion()
k = y.sprites,
h = y.getLabel(),
f = h.getTemplate(),
m, g, o, s, r;
for (s = 0; s < a; s++) {
g = Ext.apply({}, this.getStyleByIndex(s), c);
if (!k[s * l]) {
for (r = 0; r < y.partNames.length; r++) {
o = p.add({
type: "pie3dPart",
part: y.partNames[r]
if (r === 0 && f.getField()) {
o.bindMarker("labels", h)
o.fx.setDurationOn("baseRotation", q);
if (d) {
o.config.highlight = d;
o.addModifier("highlight", true)
} else {
m = k.slice(s * l, (s + 1) * l);
for (r = 0; r < m.length; r++) {
o = m[r];
if (v) {
return k
betweenAngle: function(d, f, c) {
var e = Math.PI * 2,
g = this.rotationOffset;
f += g;
c += g;
d -= f;
c -= f;
d %= e;
c %= e;
d += e;
c += e;
d %= e;
c %= e;
return d < c || c === 0
getItemForPoint: function(k, j) {
var h = this,
g = h.getSprites();
if (g) {
var l = h.getStore(),
b = l.getData().items,
a = h.spritesPerSlice,
e = h.getHidden(),
c, f, m, d;
for (c = 0, f = b.length; c < f; c++) {
if (!e[c]) {
d = c * a;
m = g[d];
if (m.hitTest([k, j])) {
return {
series: h,
sprite: g.slice(d, d + a),
index: c,
record: b[c],
category: "sprites",
field: h.getXField()
return null
provideLegendInfo: function(f) {
var h = this,
k = h.getStore();
if (k) {
var g = k.getData().items,
b = h.getLabel().getTemplate().getField(),
j = h.getField(),
e = h.getHidden(),
d, a, c;
for (d = 0; d < g.length; d++) {
a = h.getStyleByIndex(d);
c = a.baseColor;
name: b ? String(g[d].get(b)) : j + " " + d,
mark: c || "black",
disabled: e[d],
series: h.getId(),
index: d
}, function() {
var b = this.prototype,
a = Ext.chart.series.sprite.Pie3DPart.def.getInitialConfig().processors.part;
b.partNames = a.replace(/^enums\(|\)/g, "").split(",");
b.spritesPerSlice = b.partNames.length
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.sprite.Polar", {
extend: "Ext.chart.series.sprite.Series",
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
processors: {
centerX: "number",
centerY: "number",
startAngle: "number",
endAngle: "number",
startRho: "number",
endRho: "number",
baseRotation: "number",
labels: "default",
labelOverflowPadding: "number"
defaults: {
centerX: 0,
centerY: 0,
startAngle: 0,
endAngle: Math.PI,
startRho: 0,
endRho: 150,
baseRotation: 0,
labels: null,
labelOverflowPadding: 10
triggers: {
centerX: "bbox",
centerY: "bbox",
startAngle: "bbox",
endAngle: "bbox",
startRho: "bbox",
endRho: "bbox",
baseRotation: "bbox"
updatePlainBBox: function(b) {
var a = this.attr;
b.x = a.centerX - a.endRho;
b.y = a.centerY + a.endRho;
b.width = a.endRho * 2;
b.height = a.endRho * 2
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.sprite.Radar", {
alias: "sprite.radar",
extend: "Ext.chart.series.sprite.Polar",
getDataPointXY: function(d) {
var u = this,
n = u.attr,
f = n.centerX,
e = n.centerY,
o = n.matrix,
t = n.dataMinX,
s = n.dataMaxX,
k = n.dataX,
j = n.dataY,
l = n.endRho,
p = n.startRho,
g = n.baseRotation,
i, h, m, c, b, a, q;
if (n.rangeY) {
q = n.rangeY[1]
} else {
q = n.dataMaxY
c = (k[d] - t) / (s - t + 1) * 2 * Math.PI + g;
m = j[d] / q * (l - p) + p;
b = f + Math.cos(c) * m;
a = e + Math.sin(c) * m;
i = o.x(b, a);
h = o.y(b, a);
return [i, h]
render: function(a, l) {
var h = this,
f = h.attr,
g = f.dataX,
b = g.length,
e = h.surfaceMatrix,
d = {},
c, k, j, m;
for (c = 0; c < b; c++) {
m = h.getDataPointXY(c);
k = m[0];
j = m[1];
if (c === 0) {
l.moveTo(k, j)
l.lineTo(k, j);
d.translationX = e.x(k, j);
d.translationY = e.y(k, j);
h.putMarker("markers", d, c, true)
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.Radar", {
extend: "Ext.chart.series.Polar",
type: "radar",
seriesType: "radar",
alias: "series.radar",
requires: ["Ext.chart.series.sprite.Radar"],
themeColorCount: function() {
return 1
isStoreDependantColorCount: false,
themeMarkerCount: function() {
return 1
updateAngularAxis: function(a) {
updateRadialAxis: function(a) {
coordinateX: function() {
return this.coordinate("X", 0, 2)
coordinateY: function() {
return this.coordinate("Y", 1, 2)
updateCenter: function(a) {
translationX: a[0] + this.getOffsetX(),
translationY: a[1] + this.getOffsetY()
updateRadius: function(a) {
endRho: a
updateRotation: function(a) {
rotationRads: a
updateTotalAngle: function(a) {
getItemForPoint: function(k, j) {
var h = this,
m = h.sprites && h.sprites[0],
f = m.attr,
g = f.dataX,
a = g.length,
l = h.getStore(),
e = h.getMarker(),
b, o, p, d, n, c;
if (h.getHidden()) {
return null
if (m && e) {
c = m.getMarker("markers");
for (d = 0; d < a; d++) {
n = c.getBBoxFor(d);
b = (n.width + n.height) * 0.25;
p = m.getDataPointXY(d);
if (Math.abs(p[0] - k) < b && Math.abs(p[1] - j) < b) {
o = {
series: h,
sprite: m,
index: d,
category: "markers",
record: l.getData().items[d],
field: h.getYField()
return o
return h.callParent(arguments)
getDefaultSpriteConfig: function() {
var a = this.callParent(),
b = {
customDurations: {
translationX: 0,
translationY: 0,
rotationRads: 0,
dataMinX: 0,
dataMaxX: 0
if (a.fx) {
Ext.apply(a.fx, b)
} else {
a.fx = b
return a
getSprites: function() {
var d = this,
c = d.getChart(),
e = d.getAnimation() || c && c.getAnimation(),
b = d.sprites[0],
if (!c) {
return []
if (!b) {
b = d.createSprite()
if (e) {
a = b.getMarker("markers");
if (a) {
return d.sprites
provideLegendInfo: function(d) {
var b = this,
a = b.getSubStyleWithTheme(),
c = a.fillStyle;
if (Ext.isArray(c)) {
c = c[0]
name: b.getTitle() || b.getYField() || b.getId(),
mark: (Ext.isObject(c) ? c.stops && c.stops[0].color : c) || a.strokeStyle || "black",
disabled: b.getHidden(),
series: b.getId(),
index: 0
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.sprite.Scatter", {
alias: "sprite.scatterSeries",
extend: "Ext.chart.series.sprite.Cartesian",
renderClipped: function(r, s, w, u) {
if (this.cleanRedraw) {
var C = this,
q = C.attr,
l = q.dataX,
h = q.dataY,
z = q.labels,
j = C.getSeries(),
b = z && C.getMarker("labels"),
t = C.attr.matrix,
c = t.getXX(),
p = t.getYY(),
m = t.getDX(),
k = t.getDY(),
n = {},
D, B, d = r.getInherited().rtl && !q.flipXY ? -1 : 1,
a, A, o, e, g, f, v;
if (q.flipXY) {
a = u[1] - c * d;
A = u[1] + u[3] + c * d;
o = u[0] - p;
e = u[0] + u[2] + p
} else {
a = u[0] - c * d;
A = u[0] + u[2] + c * d;
o = u[1] - p;
e = u[1] + u[3] + p
for (v = 0; v < l.length; v++) {
g = l[v];
f = h[v];
g = g * c + m;
f = f * p + k;
if (a <= g && g <= A && o <= f && f <= e) {
if (q.renderer) {
n = {
type: "items",
translationX: g,
translationY: f
B = [C, n, {
store: C.getStore()
}, v];
D = Ext.callback(q.renderer, null, B, 0, j);
n = Ext.apply(n, D)
} else {
n.translationX = g;
n.translationY = f
C.putMarker("items", n, v, !q.renderer);
if (b && z[v]) {
C.drawLabel(z[v], g, f, v, u)
drawLabel: function(j, h, g, p, a) {
var r = this,
m = r.attr,
d = r.getMarker("labels"),
c = d.getTemplate(),
l = r.labelCfg || (r.labelCfg = {}),
b = r.surfaceMatrix,
f, e, i = m.labelOverflowPadding,
o = m.flipXY,
k, n, s, q;
l.text = j;
n = r.getMarkerBBox("labels", p, true);
if (!n) {
r.putMarker("labels", l, p);
n = r.getMarkerBBox("labels", p, true)
if (o) {
l.rotationRads = Math.PI * 0.5
} else {
l.rotationRads = 0
k = n.height / 2;
f = h;
switch (c.attr.display) {
case "under":
e = g - k - i;
case "rotate":
f += i;
e = g - i;
l.rotationRads = -Math.PI / 4;
e = g + k + i
l.x = b.x(f, e);
l.y = b.y(f, e);
if (c.attr.renderer) {
q = [j, d, l, {
store: r.getStore()
}, p];
s = Ext.callback(c.attr.renderer, null, q, 0, r.getSeries());
if (typeof s === "string") {
l.text = s
} else {
Ext.apply(l, s)
r.putMarker("labels", l, p)
Ext.define("Ext.chart.series.Scatter", {
extend: "Ext.chart.series.Cartesian",
alias: "series.scatter",
type: "scatter",
seriesType: "scatterSeries",
requires: ["Ext.chart.series.sprite.Scatter"],
config: {
itemInstancing: {
fx: {
customDurations: {
translationX: 0,
translationY: 0
themeMarkerCount: function() {
return 1
applyMarker: function(b, a) {
return this.callParent(arguments)
provideLegendInfo: function(d) {
var b = this,
a = b.getMarkerStyleByIndex(0),
c = a.fillStyle;
name: b.getTitle() || b.getYField() || b.getId(),
mark: (Ext.isObject(c) ? c.stops && c.stops[0].color : c) || a.strokeStyle || "black",
disabled: b.getHidden(),
series: b.getId(),
index: 0
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Blue", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["", "chart.theme.Blue"],
config: {
baseColor: "#4d7fe6"
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.BlueGradients", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["", "chart.theme.Blue:gradients"],
config: {
baseColor: "#4d7fe6",
gradients: {
type: "linear",
degrees: 90
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Category1", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["chart.theme.category1", "chart.theme.Category1"],
config: {
colors: ["#f0a50a", "#c20024", "#2044ba", "#810065", "#7eae29"]
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Category1Gradients", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["chart.theme.category1-gradients", "chart.theme.Category1:gradients"],
config: {
colors: ["#f0a50a", "#c20024", "#2044ba", "#810065", "#7eae29"],
gradients: {
type: "linear",
degrees: 90
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Category2", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["chart.theme.category2", "chart.theme.Category2"],
config: {
colors: ["#6d9824", "#87146e", "#2a9196", "#d39006", "#1e40ac"]
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Category2Gradients", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["chart.theme.category2-gradients", "chart.theme.Category2:gradients"],
config: {
colors: ["#6d9824", "#87146e", "#2a9196", "#d39006", "#1e40ac"],
gradients: {
type: "linear",
degrees: 90
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Category3", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["chart.theme.category3", "chart.theme.Category3"],
config: {
colors: ["#fbbc29", "#ce2e4e", "#7e0062", "#158b90", "#57880e"]
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Category3Gradients", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["chart.theme.category3-gradients", "chart.theme.Category3:gradients"],
config: {
colors: ["#fbbc29", "#ce2e4e", "#7e0062", "#158b90", "#57880e"],
gradients: {
type: "linear",
degrees: 90
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Category4", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["chart.theme.category4", "chart.theme.Category4"],
config: {
colors: ["#ef5773", "#fcbd2a", "#4f770d", "#1d3eaa", "#9b001f"]
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Category4Gradients", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["chart.theme.category4-gradients", "chart.theme.Category4:gradients"],
config: {
colors: ["#ef5773", "#fcbd2a", "#4f770d", "#1d3eaa", "#9b001f"],
gradients: {
type: "linear",
degrees: 90
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Category5", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["chart.theme.category5", "chart.theme.Category5"],
config: {
colors: ["#7eae29", "#fdbe2a", "#910019", "#27b4bc", "#d74dbc"]
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Category5Gradients", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["chart.theme.category5-gradients", "chart.theme.Category5:gradients"],
config: {
colors: ["#7eae29", "#fdbe2a", "#910019", "#27b4bc", "#d74dbc"],
gradients: {
type: "linear",
degrees: 90
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Category6", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["chart.theme.category6", "chart.theme.Category6"],
config: {
colors: ["#44dce1", "#0b2592", "#996e05", "#7fb325", "#b821a1"]
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Category6Gradients", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["chart.theme.category6-gradients", "chart.theme.Category6:gradients"],
config: {
colors: ["#44dce1", "#0b2592", "#996e05", "#7fb325", "#b821a1"],
gradients: {
type: "linear",
degrees: 90
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.DefaultGradients", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["chart.theme.default-gradients", "chart.theme.Base:gradients"],
config: {
gradients: {
type: "linear",
degrees: 90
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Green", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["", "chart.theme.Green"],
config: {
baseColor: "#b1da5a"
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.GreenGradients", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["", "chart.theme.Green:gradients"],
config: {
baseColor: "#b1da5a",
gradients: {
type: "linear",
degrees: 90
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Midnight", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["chart.theme.midnight", "chart.theme.Midnight"],
config: {
colors: ["#A837FF", "#4AC0F2", "#FF4D35", "#FF8809", "#61C102", "#FF37EA"],
chart: {
defaults: {
background: "rgb(52, 52, 53)"
axis: {
defaults: {
style: {
strokeStyle: "rgb(224, 224, 227)"
label: {
fillStyle: "rgb(224, 224, 227)"
title: {
fillStyle: "rgb(224, 224, 227)"
grid: {
strokeStyle: "rgb(112, 112, 115)"
series: {
defaults: {
label: {
fillStyle: "rgb(224, 224, 227)"
sprites: {
text: {
fillStyle: "rgb(224, 224, 227)"
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Muted", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["chart.theme.muted", "chart.theme.Muted"],
config: {
colors: ["#8ca640", "#974144", "#4091ba", "#8e658e", "#3b8d8b", "#b86465", "#d2af69", "#6e8852", "#3dcc7e", "#a6bed1", "#cbaa4b", "#998baa"]
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Purple", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["chart.theme.purple", "chart.theme.Purple"],
config: {
baseColor: "#da5abd"
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.PurpleGradients", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["chart.theme.purple-gradients", "chart.theme.Purple:gradients"],
config: {
baseColor: "#da5abd",
gradients: {
type: "linear",
degrees: 90
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Red", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["", "chart.theme.Red"],
config: {
baseColor: "#e84b67"
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.RedGradients", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["", "chart.theme.Red:gradients"],
config: {
baseColor: "#e84b67",
gradients: {
type: "linear",
degrees: 90
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Sky", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["", "chart.theme.Sky"],
config: {
baseColor: "#4ce0e7"
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.SkyGradients", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["", "chart.theme.Sky:gradients"],
config: {
baseColor: "#4ce0e7",
gradients: {
type: "linear",
degrees: 90
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.Yellow", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["chart.theme.yellow", "chart.theme.Yellow"],
config: {
baseColor: "#fec935"
Ext.define("Ext.chart.theme.YellowGradients", {
extend: "Ext.chart.theme.Base",
singleton: true,
alias: ["chart.theme.yellow-gradients", "chart.theme.Yellow:gradients"],
config: {
baseColor: "#fec935",
gradients: {
type: "linear",
degrees: 90
Ext.define("Ext.draw.Point", {
requires: ["Ext.draw.Draw", "Ext.draw.Matrix"],
isPoint: true,
x: 0,
y: 0,
length: 0,
angle: 0,
angleUnits: "degrees",
statics: {
fly: (function() {
var a = null;
return function(b, c) {
if (!a) {
a = new Ext.draw.Point()
a.constructor(b, c);
return a
constructor: function(a, c) {
var b = this;
if (typeof a === "number") {
b.x = a;
if (typeof c === "number") {
b.y = c
} else {
b.y = a
} else {
if (Ext.isArray(a)) {
b.x = a[0];
b.y = a[1]
} else {
if (a) {
b.x = a.x;
b.y = a.y
calculateCartesian: function() {
var b = this,
a = b.length,
c = b.angle;
if (b.angleUnits === "degrees") {
c = Ext.draw.Draw.rad(c)
b.x = Math.cos(c) * a;
b.y = Math.sin(c) * a
calculatePolar: function() {
var b = this,
a = b.x,
c = b.y;
b.length = Math.sqrt(a * a + c * c);
b.angle = Math.atan2(c, a);
if (b.angleUnits === "degrees") {
b.angle = Ext.draw.Draw.degrees(b.angle)
setX: function(a) {
this.x = a;
setY: function(a) {
this.y = a;
set: function(a, b) {
this.constructor(a, b)
setAngle: function(a) {
this.angle = a;
setLength: function(a) {
this.length = a;
setPolar: function(b, a) {
this.angle = b;
this.length = a;
clone: function() {
return new Ext.draw.Point(this.x, this.y)
add: function(a, c) {
var b =, c);
return new Ext.draw.Point(this.x + b.x, this.y + b.y)
sub: function(a, c) {
var b =, c);
return new Ext.draw.Point(this.x - b.x, this.y - b.y)
mul: function(a) {
return new Ext.draw.Point(this.x * a, this.y * a)
div: function(a) {
return new Ext.draw.Point(this.x / a, this.y / a)
dot: function(a, c) {
var b =, c);
return this.x * b.x + this.y * b.y
equals: function(a, c) {
var b =, c);
return this.x === b.x && this.y === b.y
rotate: function(f, c) {
var d, e, b, g, a;
if (this.angleUnits === "degrees") {
f = Ext.draw.Draw.rad(f);
d = Math.sin(f);
e = Math.cos(f)
if (c) {
b = c.x;
g = c.y
} else {
b = 0;
g = 0
a =[e, d, -d, e, b - e * b + g * d, g - e * g + b * -d]).transformPoint(this);
return new Ext.draw.Point(a)
transform: function(a) {
if (a && a.isMatrix) {
return new Ext.draw.Point(a.transformPoint(this))
} else {
if (arguments.length === 6) {
return new Ext.draw.Point(
} else {
Ext.raise("Invalid parameters.")
round: function() {
return new Ext.draw.Point(Math.round(this.x), Math.round(this.y))
ceil: function() {
return new Ext.draw.Point(Math.ceil(this.x), Math.ceil(this.y))
floor: function() {
return new Ext.draw.Point(Math.floor(this.x), Math.floor(this.y))
abs: function(a, b) {
return new Ext.draw.Point(Math.abs(this.x), Math.abs(this.y))
normalize: function(c) {
var b = this.x,
f = this.y,
a, e, d;
c = c || 1;
if (b === 0) {
a = 0;
e = c * Ext.Number.sign(f)
} else {
d = f / b;
a = c / Math.sqrt(1 + d * d);
e = a * d
return new Ext.draw.Point(a, e)
getDistanceToLine: function(c, b) {
if (arguments.length === 4) {
c = new Ext.draw.Point(arguments[0], arguments[1]);
b = new Ext.draw.Point(arguments[2], arguments[3])
var d = b.sub(c).normalize(),
a = c.sub(this);
return a.sub(d.mul(
isZero: function() {
return this.x === 0 && this.y === 0
isNumber: function() {
return Ext.isNumber(this.x + this.y)
Ext.define("Ext.draw.plugin.SpriteEvents", {
extend: "Ext.plugin.Abstract",
alias: "plugin.spriteevents",
requires: ["Ext.draw.PathUtil"],
mouseMoveEvents: {
mousemove: true,
mouseover: true,
mouseout: true
spriteMouseMoveEvents: {
spritemousemove: true,
spritemouseover: true,
spritemouseout: true
init: function(a) {
var b = "handleEvent";
this.drawContainer = a;
click: b,
dblclick: b,
mousedown: b,
mousemove: b,
mouseup: b,
mouseover: b,
mouseout: b,
priority: 1001,
scope: this
hasSpriteMouseMoveListeners: function() {
var b = this.drawContainer.hasListeners,
for (a in this.spriteMouseMoveEvents) {
if (a in b) {
return true
return false
hitTestEvent: function(f) {
var b = this.drawContainer.getItems(),
a, d, c;
for (c = b.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) {
a = b.get(c);
d = a.hitTestEvent(f);
if (d) {
return d
return null
handleEvent: function(f) {
var d = this,
b = d.drawContainer,
g = f.type in d.mouseMoveEvents,
a = d.lastSprite,
if (g && !d.hasSpriteMouseMoveListeners()) {
c = d.hitTestEvent(f);
if (g && !Ext.Object.equals(c, a)) {
if (a) {
b.fireEvent("spritemouseout", a, f)
if (c) {
b.fireEvent("spritemouseover", c, f)
if (c) {
b.fireEvent("sprite" + f.type, c, f)
d.lastSprite = c
Ext.define("Ext.chart.TipSurface", {
extend: "Ext.draw.Container",
spriteArray: false,
renderFirst: true,
constructor: function(a) {
if (a.sprites) {
this.spriteArray = [].concat(a.sprites);
delete a.sprites
onRender: function() {
var c = this,
b = 0,
a = 0,
d, e;
e = c.spriteArray;
if (c.renderFirst && e) {
c.renderFirst = false;
for (a = e.length; b < a; b++) {
d = c.surface.add(e[b]);
hidden: false
}, true)
Ext.define("Ext.chart.interactions.ItemInfo", {
extend: "Ext.chart.interactions.Abstract",
type: "iteminfo",
alias: "interaction.iteminfo",
config: {
extjsGestures: {
start: {
event: "click",
handler: "onInfoGesture"
move: {
event: "mousemove",
handler: "onInfoGesture"
end: {
event: "mouseleave",
handler: "onInfoGesture"
item: null,
onInfoGesture: function(f, a) {
var c = this,
b = c.getItemForEvent(f),
d = b && b.series.tooltip;
if (d) {, f)
if (b !== c.item) {
if (b) {
} else {
c.item = b
return false