*`doc/hoymiles-format-description.txt` is a [detailed description of the communications format](doc/hoymiles-format-description.md) and the history of this project
*`doc/getting-started-ESP8266.md` shows the [hardware setup for an ESP8266-based system](doc/getting-started-ESP8266.md)
* A [version for ESP8266](tools/esp8266/) that includes an web interface
* A [version for Arduino Nano](tools/nano/NRF24_SendRcv/)
* An [alternative Version of the above](tools/NRF24_SendRcv/)
* A [different implementation](tools/HoyDtuSim/)
* An [implementation for Raspberry Pi](tools/rpi/) that polls an inverter and archives results as log files/stdout as well as posting them to an MQTT broker.