Ahoy needs a current date and time to talk to the inverter.
It works without, but it is recommended to include a time. This allows you to analyze information from the inverter in more detail.
Normally, a date/time should be automatically retrieved from the NTP server. However, it may happen that the firewall of some routers does not allow this.
In the section "Settings -> NTP Server" you can also get the time from your own computer. Or set up your own NTP server.
### 3.) Set inverter data
#### add new inverter
Now it's time to place the inverter. This is necessary because it is not the inverter that speaks first, but the DTU (Ahoy).
Each inverter has its own S.Nr. This also serves as an identity for communication between the DTU and the inverter.
The S.Nr is a 12-digit number. Check [here (german)](https://github.com/lumapu/ahoy/wiki/Hardware#wie-ist-die-serien-nummer-der-inverter-aufgebaut) for more information.
In the upper tab "Inputs" you can enter the data of the solar modules. These are only used directly in Ahoy for calculation and have no influence on the inverter.
#### set radio parameter (not necessary, only for EU)
In the next tab "Radio" you can adjust the power and other parameters if necessary. However, these should be left as default (EU only).