You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

402 lines
16 KiB

// 2022 Ahoy,
// Creative Commons -
#include "web.h"
#include "html/h/index_html.h"
#include "html/h/style_css.h"
#include "favicon.h"
#include "html/h/setup_html.h"
#include "html/h/visualization_html.h"
web::web(app *main, sysConfig_t *sysCfg, config_t *config, char version[]) {
mMain = main;
mSysCfg = sysCfg;
mConfig = config;
mVersion = version;
mWeb = new ESP8266WebServer(80);
mUpdater = new ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer();
void web::setup(void) {
mWeb->on("/", std::bind(&web::showIndex, this));
mWeb->on("/style.css", std::bind(&web::showCss, this));
mWeb->on("/favicon.ico", std::bind(&web::showFavicon, this));
mWeb->onNotFound ( std::bind(&web::showNotFound, this));
mWeb->on("/uptime", std::bind(&web::showUptime, this));
mWeb->on("/reboot", std::bind(&web::showReboot, this));
mWeb->on("/erase", std::bind(&web::showErase, this));
mWeb->on("/factory", std::bind(&web::showFactoryRst, this));
mWeb->on("/setup", std::bind(&web::showSetup, this));
mWeb->on("/save", std::bind(&web::showSave, this));
mWeb->on("/cmdstat", std::bind(&web::showStatistics, this));
mWeb->on("/visualization", std::bind(&web::showVisualization, this));
mWeb->on("/livedata", std::bind(&web::showLiveData, this));
mWeb->on("/json", std::bind(&web::showJson, this));
mWeb->on("/api", HTTP_POST, std::bind(&web::showWebApi, this));
void web::loop(void) {
void web::showIndex(void) {
String html = FPSTR(index_html);
html.replace(F("{DEVICE}"), mSysCfg->deviceName);
html.replace(F("{VERSION}"), mVersion);
html.replace(F("{TS}"), String(mConfig->sendInterval) + " ");
html.replace(F("{JS_TS}"), String(mConfig->sendInterval * 1000));
html.replace(F("{BUILD}"), String(AUTO_GIT_HASH));
mWeb->send(200, "text/html", html);
void web::showCss(void) {
mWeb->send(200, "text/css", FPSTR(style_css));
void web::showFavicon(void) {
static const char favicon_type[] PROGMEM = "image/x-icon";
static const char favicon_content[] PROGMEM = FAVICON_PANEL_16;
mWeb->send_P(200, favicon_type, favicon_content, sizeof(favicon_content));
void web::showNotFound(void) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("showNotFound - ") + mWeb->uri());
String msg = F("File Not Found\n\nURI: ");
msg += mWeb->uri();
mWeb->send(404, F("text/plain"), msg);
void web::showUptime(void) {
char time[21] = {0};
uint32_t uptime = mMain->getUptime();
uint32_t upTimeSc = uint32_t((uptime) % 60);
uint32_t upTimeMn = uint32_t((uptime / (60)) % 60);
uint32_t upTimeHr = uint32_t((uptime / (60 * 60)) % 24);
uint32_t upTimeDy = uint32_t((uptime / (60 * 60 * 24)) % 365);
snprintf(time, 20, "%d Days, %02d:%02d:%02d", upTimeDy, upTimeHr, upTimeMn, upTimeSc);
mWeb->send(200, "text/plain", String(time) + "; now: " + mMain->getDateTimeStr(mMain->getTimestamp()));
void web::showReboot(void) {
mWeb->send(200, F("text/html"), F("<!doctype html><html><head><title>Rebooting ...</title><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"10; URL=/\"></head><body>rebooting ... auto reload after 10s</body></html>"));
void web::showErase() {
void web::showFactoryRst(void) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("showFactoryRst"));
String content = "";
int refresh = 3;
if(mWeb->args() > 0) {
if(mWeb->arg("reset").toInt() == 1) {
content = F("factory reset: success\n\nrebooting ... ");
refresh = 10;
else {
content = F("factory reset: aborted");
refresh = 3;
else {
content = F("<h1>Factory Reset</h1>"
"<p><a href=\"/factory?reset=1\">RESET</a><br/><br/><a href=\"/factory?reset=0\">CANCEL</a><br/></p>");
refresh = 120;
mWeb->send(200, F("text/html"), F("<!doctype html><html><head><title>Factory Reset</title><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"") + String(refresh) + F("; URL=/\"></head><body>") + content + F("</body></html>"));
if(refresh == 10) {
void web::showSetup(void) {
String html = FPSTR(setup_html);
html.replace(F("{SSID}"), mSysCfg->stationSsid);
// PWD will be left at the default value (for protection)
// -> the PWD will only be changed if it does not match the default "{PWD}"
html.replace(F("{DEVICE}"), String(mSysCfg->deviceName));
html.replace(F("{VERSION}"), String(mVersion));
html.replace("{IP}", String(F("")));
html.replace("{IP}", (F("http://") + String(WiFi.localIP().toString())));
String inv = "";
Inverter<> *iv;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_INVERTERS; i ++) {
iv = mMain->mSys->getInverterByPos(i);
inv += F("<p class=\"subdes\">Inverter ") + String(i) + "</p>";
inv += F("<label for=\"inv") + String(i) + F("Addr\">Address</label>");
inv += F("<input type=\"text\" class=\"text\" name=\"inv") + String(i) + F("Addr\" value=\"");
if(NULL != iv)
inv += String(iv->serial.u64, HEX);
inv += F("\"/ maxlength=\"12\" onkeyup=\"checkSerial()\">");
inv += F("<label for=\"inv") + String(i) + F("Name\">Name</label>");
inv += F("<input type=\"text\" class=\"text\" name=\"inv") + String(i) + F("Name\" value=\"");
if(NULL != iv)
inv += String(iv->name);
inv += F("\"/ maxlength=\"") + String(MAX_NAME_LENGTH) + "\">";
inv += F("<label for=\"inv") + String(i) + F("ActivePowerLimit\">Active Power Limit (W)</label>");
inv += F("<input type=\"text\" class=\"text\" name=\"inv") + String(i) + F("ActivePowerLimit\" value=\"");
if(NULL != iv)
inv += String(iv->powerLimit[0]);
inv += F("\"/ maxlength=\"") + String(6) + "\">";
inv += F("<label for=\"inv") + String(i) + F("ModPwr0\" name=\"lbl") + String(i);
inv += F("ModPwr\">Max Module Power (Wp)</label>");
for(uint8_t j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
inv += F("<input type=\"text\" class=\"text sh\" name=\"inv") + String(i) + F("ModPwr") + String(j) + F("\" value=\"");
if(NULL != iv)
inv += String(iv->chMaxPwr[j]);
inv += F("\"/ maxlength=\"4\">");
inv += F("<br/><label for=\"inv") + String(i) + F("ModName0\" name=\"lbl") + String(i);
inv += F("ModName\">Module Name</label>");
for(uint8_t j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
inv += F("<input type=\"text\" class=\"text sh\" name=\"inv") + String(i) + F("ModName") + String(j) + F("\" value=\"");
if(NULL != iv)
inv += String(iv->chName[j]);
inv += F("\"/ maxlength=\"") + String(MAX_NAME_LENGTH) + "\">";
html.replace(F("{INVERTERS}"), String(inv));
// pinout
String pinout;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
pinout += F("<label for=\"") + String(pinArgNames[i]) + "\">" + String(pinNames[i]) + F("</label>");
pinout += F("<select name=\"") + String(pinArgNames[i]) + "\">";
for(uint8_t j = 0; j <= 16; j++) {
pinout += F("<option value=\"") + String(j) + "\"";
switch(i) {
default: if(j == mConfig->pinCs) pinout += F(" selected"); break;
case 1: if(j == mConfig->pinCe) pinout += F(" selected"); break;
case 2: if(j == mConfig->pinIrq) pinout += F(" selected"); break;
pinout += ">" + String(wemosPins[j]) + F("</option>");
pinout += F("</select>");
html.replace(F("{PINOUT}"), String(pinout));
// nrf24l01+
String rf24;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i <= 3; i++) {
rf24 += F("<option value=\"") + String(i) + "\"";
if(i == mConfig->amplifierPower)
rf24 += F(" selected");
rf24 += ">" + String(rf24AmpPowerNames[i]) + F("</option>");
html.replace(F("{RF24}"), String(rf24));
html.replace(F("{INV_INTVL}"), String(mConfig->sendInterval));
html.replace(F("{INV_RETRIES}"), String(mConfig->maxRetransPerPyld));
html.replace(F("{SER_INTVL}"), String(mConfig->serialInterval));
html.replace(F("{SER_VAL_CB}"), (mConfig->serialShowIv) ? "checked" : "");
html.replace(F("{SER_DBG_CB}"), (mConfig->serialDebug) ? "checked" : "");
html.replace(F("{NTP_ADDR}"), String(mConfig->ntpAddr));
html.replace(F("{NTP_PORT}"), String(mConfig->ntpPort));
html.replace(F("{MQTT_ADDR}"), String(mConfig->;
html.replace(F("{MQTT_PORT}"), String(mConfig->mqtt.port));
html.replace(F("{MQTT_USER}"), String(mConfig->mqtt.user));
html.replace(F("{MQTT_PWD}"), String(mConfig->mqtt.pwd));
html.replace(F("{MQTT_TOPIC}"), String(mConfig->mqtt.topic));
html.replace(F("{MQTT_INTVL}"), String("0"));
mWeb->send(200, F("text/html"), html);
void web::showSave(void) {
if(mWeb->args() > 0) {
char buf[20] = {0};
// general
if(mWeb->arg("ssid") != "")
mWeb->arg("ssid").toCharArray(mSysCfg->stationSsid, SSID_LEN);
if(mWeb->arg("pwd") != "{PWD}")
mWeb->arg("pwd").toCharArray(mSysCfg->stationPwd, PWD_LEN);
if(mWeb->arg("device") != "")
mWeb->arg("device").toCharArray(mSysCfg->deviceName, DEVNAME_LEN);
// inverter
Inverter<> *iv;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_INVERTERS; i ++) {
iv = mMain->mSys->getInverterByPos(i, false);
// address
mWeb->arg("inv" + String(i) + "Addr").toCharArray(buf, 20);
if(strlen(buf) == 0)
memset(buf, 0, 20);
iv->serial.u64 = mMain->Serial2u64(buf);
// active power limit
uint16_t actPwrLimit = mWeb->arg("inv" + String(i) + "ActivePowerLimit").toInt();
if (actPwrLimit != 0xffff && actPwrLimit > 0)
iv->powerLimit[0] = actPwrLimit;
// name
mWeb->arg("inv" + String(i) + "Name").toCharArray(iv->name, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
// max channel power / name
for(uint8_t j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
iv->chMaxPwr[j] = mWeb->arg("inv" + String(i) + "ModPwr" + String(j)).toInt() & 0xffff;
mWeb->arg("inv" + String(i) + "ModName" + String(j)).toCharArray(iv->chName[j], MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
if(mWeb->arg("invInterval") != "")
mConfig->sendInterval = mWeb->arg("invInterval").toInt();
if(mWeb->arg("invRetry") != "")
mConfig->sendInterval = mWeb->arg("invRetry").toInt();
// pinout
uint8_t pin;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i ++) {
pin = mWeb->arg(String(pinArgNames[i])).toInt();
switch(i) {
default: mConfig->pinCs = pin; break;
case 1: mConfig->pinCe = pin; break;
case 2: mConfig->pinIrq = pin; break;
// nrf24 amplifier power
mConfig->amplifierPower = mWeb->arg("rf24Power").toInt() & 0x03;
// ntp
if(mWeb->arg("ntpAddr") != "") {
mWeb->arg("ntpAddr").toCharArray(mConfig->ntpAddr, NTP_ADDR_LEN);
mConfig->ntpPort = mWeb->arg("ntpPort").toInt() & 0xffff;
// mqtt
if(mWeb->arg("mqttAddr") != "") {
mWeb->arg("mqttAddr").toCharArray(mConfig->, MQTT_ADDR_LEN);
mWeb->arg("mqttUser").toCharArray(mConfig->mqtt.user, MQTT_USER_LEN);
mWeb->arg("mqttPwd").toCharArray(mConfig->mqtt.pwd, MQTT_PWD_LEN);
mWeb->arg("mqttTopic").toCharArray(mConfig->mqtt.topic, MQTT_TOPIC_LEN);
mConfig->mqtt.port = mWeb->arg("mqttPort").toInt();
// serial console
if(mWeb->arg("serIntvl") != "") {
mConfig->serialInterval = mWeb->arg("serIntvl").toInt() & 0xffff;
mConfig->serialDebug = (mWeb->arg("serEn") == "on");
mConfig->serialShowIv = (mWeb->arg("serDbg") == "on");
if(mWeb->arg("reboot") == "on")
mWeb->send(200, F("text/html"), F("<!doctype html><html><head><title>Setup saved</title><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; URL=/setup\"></head><body>"
void web::showStatistics(void) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("web::showStatistics"));
mWeb->send(200, F("text/plain"), mMain->getStatistics());
void web::showVisualization(void) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("web::showVisualization"));
String html = FPSTR(visualization_html);
html.replace(F("{DEVICE}"), mSysCfg->deviceName);
html.replace(F("{VERSION}"), mVersion);
html.replace(F("{TS}"), String(mConfig->sendInterval) + " ");
html.replace(F("{JS_TS}"), String(mConfig->sendInterval * 1000));
mWeb->send(200, F("text/html"), html);
void web::showLiveData(void) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("web::showLiveData"));
mWeb->send(200, F("text/html"), mMain->getLiveData());
void web::showJson(void) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("web::showJson"));
mWeb->send(200, F("application/json"), mMain->getJson());
void web::showWebApi(void) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("web::showWebApi"));
DPRINTLN(DBG_DEBUG, mWeb->arg("plain"));
const size_t capacity = 200; // Use to compute the capacity.
DynamicJsonDocument payload(capacity);
// Parse JSON object
deserializeJson(payload, mWeb->arg("plain"));
// ToDo: error handling for payload
if (payload["tx_request"] == TX_REQ_INFO) {
mMain->mSys->InfoCmd = payload["cmd"];
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("Will make tx-request 0x15 with subcmd ") + String(mMain->mSys->InfoCmd));
mWeb->send ( 200, "text/json", "{success:true}" );