You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

280 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Hoymiles output plugin library
import socket
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from hoymiles.decoders import StatusResponse
from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient
except ModuleNotFoundError:
class OutputPluginFactory:
def __init__(self, **params):
Initialize output plugin
:param inverter_ser: The inverter serial
:type inverter_ser: str
:param inverter_name: The configured name for the inverter
:type inverter_name: str
self.inverter_ser = params.get('inverter_ser', '')
self.inverter_name = params.get('inverter_name', None)
def store_status(self, response, **params):
Default function
:raises NotImplementedError: when the plugin does not implement store status data
raise NotImplementedError('The current output plugin does not implement store_status')
class InfluxOutputPlugin(OutputPluginFactory):
""" Influx2 output plugin """
api = None
def __init__(self, url, token, **params):
Initialize InfluxOutputPlugin
The following targets must be present in your InfluxDB. This does not
automatically create anything for You.
:param str url: The url to connect this client to. Like http://localhost:8086
:param str token: Influx2 access token which is allowed to write to bucket
:param org: Influx2 org, the token belongs to
:type org: str
:param bucket: Influx2 bucket to store data in (also known as retention policy)
:type bucket: str
:param measurement: Default measurement-prefix to use
:type measurement: str
self._bucket = params.get('bucket', 'hoymiles/autogen')
self._org = params.get('org', '')
self._measurement = params.get('measurement',
client = InfluxDBClient(url, token, bucket=self._bucket)
self.api = client.write_api()
def store_status(self, response, **params):
Publish StatusResponse object
:param hoymiles.decoders.StatusResponse response: StatusResponse object
:type response: hoymiles.decoders.StatusResponse
:param measurement: Custom influx measurement name
:type measurement: str or None
:raises ValueError: when response is not instance of StatusResponse
if not isinstance(response, StatusResponse):
raise ValueError('Data needs to be instance of StatusResponse')
data = response.__dict__()
measurement = self._measurement + f',location={data["inverter_ser"]}'
data_stack = []
time_rx =
if 'time' in data and isinstance(data['time'], datetime):
time_rx = data['time']
# InfluxDB uses UTC
utctime = datetime.fromtimestamp(time_rx.timestamp(), tz=timezone.utc)
# InfluxDB requires nanoseconds
ctime = int(utctime.timestamp() * 1e9)
# AC Data
phase_id = 0
for phase in data['phases']:
data_stack.append(f'{measurement},phase={phase_id},type=power value={phase["power"]} {ctime}')
data_stack.append(f'{measurement},phase={phase_id},type=voltage value={phase["voltage"]} {ctime}')
data_stack.append(f'{measurement},phase={phase_id},type=current value={phase["current"]} {ctime}')
phase_id = phase_id + 1
# DC Data
string_id = 0
for string in data['strings']:
data_stack.append(f'{measurement},string={string_id},type=total value={string["energy_total"]/1000:.4f} {ctime}')
data_stack.append(f'{measurement},string={string_id},type=power value={string["power"]:.2f} {ctime}')
data_stack.append(f'{measurement},string={string_id},type=voltage value={string["voltage"]:.3f} {ctime}')
data_stack.append(f'{measurement},string={string_id},type=current value={string["current"]:3f} {ctime}')
string_id = string_id + 1
# Global
if data['event_count'] is not None:
data_stack.append(f'{measurement},type=total_events value={data["event_count"]} {ctime}')
if data['powerfactor'] is not None:
data_stack.append(f'{measurement},type=pf value={data["powerfactor"]:f} {ctime}')
data_stack.append(f'{measurement},type=frequency value={data["frequency"]:.3f} {ctime}')
data_stack.append(f'{measurement},type=temperature value={data["temperature"]:.2f} {ctime}')
self.api.write(self._bucket, self._org, data_stack)
import paho.mqtt.client
except ModuleNotFoundError:
class MqttOutputPlugin(OutputPluginFactory):
""" Mqtt output plugin """
client = None
def __init__(self, *args, **params):
Initialize MqttOutputPlugin
:param host: Broker ip or hostname (defaults to:
:type host: str
:param port: Broker port
:type port: int (defaults to: 1883)
:param user: Optional username to login to the broker
:type user: str or None
:param password: Optional passwort to login to the broker
:type password: str or None
:param topic: Topic prefix to use (defaults to: hoymiles/{inverter_ser})
:type topic: str
:param paho.mqtt.client.Client broker: mqtt-client instance
:param str inverter_ser: inverter serial
:param hoymiles.StatusResponse data: decoded inverter StatusResponse
:param topic: custom mqtt topic prefix (default: hoymiles/{inverter_ser})
:type topic: str
super().__init__(*args, **params)
mqtt_client = paho.mqtt.client.Client()
mqtt_client.username_pw_set(params.get('user', None), params.get('password', None))
mqtt_client.connect(params.get('host', ''), params.get('port', 1883))
self.client = mqtt_client
def store_status(self, response, **params):
Publish StatusResponse object
:param hoymiles.decoders.StatusResponse response: StatusResponse object
:param topic: custom mqtt topic prefix (default: hoymiles/{inverter_ser})
:type topic: str
:raises ValueError: when response is not instance of StatusResponse
if not isinstance(response, StatusResponse):
raise ValueError('Data needs to be instance of StatusResponse')
data = response.__dict__()
topic = params.get('topic', f'hoymiles/{data["inverter_ser"]}')
# AC Data
phase_id = 0
for phase in data['phases']:
self.client.publish(f'{topic}/emeter/{phase_id}/power', phase['power'])
self.client.publish(f'{topic}/emeter/{phase_id}/voltage', phase['voltage'])
self.client.publish(f'{topic}/emeter/{phase_id}/current', phase['current'])
phase_id = phase_id + 1
# DC Data
string_id = 0
for string in data['strings']:
self.client.publish(f'{topic}/emeter-dc/{string_id}/total', string['energy_total']/1000)
self.client.publish(f'{topic}/emeter-dc/{string_id}/power', string['power'])
self.client.publish(f'{topic}/emeter-dc/{string_id}/voltage', string['voltage'])
self.client.publish(f'{topic}/emeter-dc/{string_id}/current', string['current'])
string_id = string_id + 1
# Global
if data['powerfactor'] is not None:
self.client.publish(f'{topic}/pf', data['powerfactor'])
self.client.publish(f'{topic}/frequency', data['frequency'])
self.client.publish(f'{topic}/temperature', data['temperature'])
import requests
import time
except ModuleNotFoundError:
class VolkszaehlerOutputPlugin(OutputPluginFactory):
def __init__(self, config, **params):
Initialize VolkszaehlerOutputPlugin
self.session = requests.Session()
self.baseurl = config.get('url', 'http://localhost/middleware/')
self.channels = dict()
for channel in config.get('channels', []):
uid = channel.get('uid')
ctype = channel.get('type')
if uid and ctype:
self.channels[ctype] = uid
def store_status(self, response, **params):
Publish StatusResponse object
:param hoymiles.decoders.StatusResponse response: StatusResponse object
:raises ValueError: when response is not instance of StatusResponse
if not isinstance(response, StatusResponse):
raise ValueError('Data needs to be instance of StatusResponse')
if len(self.channels) == 0:
data = response.__dict__()
ts = int(round(data['time'].timestamp() * 1000))
# AC Data
phase_id = 0
for phase in data['phases']:
self.try_publish(ts, f'ac_power{phase_id}', phase['power'])
self.try_publish(ts, f'ac_voltage{phase_id}', phase['voltage'])
self.try_publish(ts, f'ac_current{phase_id}', phase['current'])
phase_id = phase_id + 1
# DC Data
string_id = 0
for string in data['strings']:
self.try_publish(ts, f'dc_power{string_id}', string['power'])
self.try_publish(ts, f'dc_voltage{string_id}', string['voltage'])
self.try_publish(ts, f'dc_current{string_id}', string['current'])
self.try_publish(ts, f'dc_total{string_id}', string['energy_total'])
self.try_publish(ts, f'dc_daily{string_id}', string['energy_daily'])
string_id = string_id + 1
# Global
if data['powerfactor'] is not None:
self.try_publish(ts, f'powerfactor', data['powerfactor'])
self.try_publish(ts, f'frequency', data['frequency'])
self.try_publish(ts, f'temperature', data['temperature'])
def try_publish(self, ts, ctype, value):
if not ctype in self.channels:
uid = self.channels[ctype]
url = f'{self.baseurl}/data/{uid}.json?operation=add&ts={ts}&value={value}'
r = self.session.get(url)
if r.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError('Could not send request (%s)' % url)
except ConnectionError as e:
raise ValueError('Could not send request (%s)' % e)