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# Getting Started with an ESP8266
Wire Connections
+-----------+ +-----------+
| ESP8266 |--colour--| nRF24L01+ |
| | | |
| GND |---black--|[GND] |
| +3.3V |----red---| VCC |
| D4 |---grey---| CE |
| D8 |--purple--| CSN |
| D5 |---blue---| SCK |
| D7 |---green--| MOSI |
| D6 |---brown--| MISO |
| D3 |--yellow--| IRQ |
+-----------+ +-----------+
Fritzing diagrams & schematics
* [AhoyMiles_bb.png](./AhoyMiles_bb.png)
* [AhoyMiles_schem.png](./AhoyMiles_schem.png)
* [AhoyMiles.fzz](./AhoyMiles.fzz)
Libraries to be installed in Arduino IDE:
* RF24
* TimeLib
Verify & Compile
* Connect to WiFi Network `ESP AHOY`
* Use password `esp_8266`
* Connect to Network settings
* WiFi
* Enter SSID `mynetwork`
* Enter Password `mypassword`
* Device Host Name
* Enter Device Name `esp-ahoy`
* General
* Hoymiles Address (e.g. 114173123456)
* Choose inverter type
* Set individual inverter name
* [x] Reboot device after successful save