@ -73,7 +73,23 @@ For now the following inverters should work out of the box:
## Changelog
(*) EEPROM changes require settings to be changed, your settings will be overwritten and need to be set again!
- v0.5.6 *fix only MQTT sub after the first loop in a conenction
- v0.5.5 *fixed MQTT sub only after connection is established (HorstG-57)
+ added in app.cpp some compiler if statements
*fix: compile possible for non repository versions (if project was download as zip - lumapu)
*fix README.md - Update line 69 (`RF24` 1.4.2 -> 1.4.5) (DanielR92)
*Update hmRadio.h (lumapu)
- v0.5.4 + added Github report text with a URL (aschiffler)
+ added auto_firmware_version.py for GIT_HASH
+ added switch case AlarmData/AlarmUpdate
- v0.5.3 #Bugfix #125 PowerLimit
+ prototype webapi to get info, improved pwr limit (aschiffler)
+ Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into pwrlimit
- v0.5.2 add #114 ntp_server_name and port to eeprom
+ stefan123t added some functions (devcontrol/cbMqtt/...)
- v0.5.1 *Merge branch 'upstream/HEAD' into control
*update revision (0.4.26 -> 0.5.1)
- v0.4.26 first poc for power set via mqtt
- v0.4.25 added default SERIAL/MQTT/SEND_INTERVAL #100 , fixed env:node_mcu_v2 build #101
- v0.4.24 added fixes for #63 , #88 , #93 . revert #36 (*) EEPROM changes
- v0.4.23 added workflow, fix index.html to load inverter info immediately, changed timestamp to 1 for stand alone ESP #90 , Implement MQTT discovery for Home Assistant