mirror of https://github.com/lumapu/ahoy.git
committed by
9 changed files with 1111 additions and 4538 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
# Python |
# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files |
__pycache__/ |
*.py[cod] |
*$py.class |
# Virtual Environment |
venv/ |
# vim leftovers |
**.swp |
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ |
[mqtt] |
host = |
port = 1883 |
user = bla |
password = blub |
[dtu] |
serial = 99978563412 |
[inverter] |
serial = 444473104619 |
@ -1,345 +1,212 @@ |
""" |
First attempt at providing basic 'master' ('DTU') functionality |
for Hoymiles micro inverters. |
Based in particular on demostrated first contact by 'of22'. |
""" |
#!/usr/bin/env python3 |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
import sys |
import argparse |
import time |
import struct |
import crcmod |
import json |
import re |
import time |
from datetime import datetime |
from RF24 import RF24, RF24_PA_LOW, RF24_PA_MAX, RF24_250KBPS |
import argparse |
import hoymiles |
from RF24 import RF24, RF24_PA_LOW, RF24_PA_MAX, RF24_250KBPS, RF24_CRC_DISABLED, RF24_CRC_8, RF24_CRC_16 |
import paho.mqtt.client |
from configparser import ConfigParser |
import yaml |
from yaml.loader import SafeLoader |
cfg = ConfigParser() |
cfg.read('ahoy.conf') |
mqtt_host = cfg.get('mqtt', 'host', fallback='') |
mqtt_port = cfg.getint('mqtt', 'port', fallback=1883) |
mqtt_user = cfg.get('mqtt', 'user', fallback='') |
mqtt_password = cfg.get('mqtt', 'password', fallback='') |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Ahoy - Hoymiles solar inverter gateway') |
parser.add_argument("-c", "--config-file", nargs="?", |
help="configuration file") |
global_config = parser.parse_args() |
radio = RF24(22, 0, 1000000) |
mqtt_client = paho.mqtt.client.Client() |
mqtt_client.username_pw_set(mqtt_user, mqtt_password) |
mqtt_client.connect(mqtt_host, mqtt_port) |
mqtt_client.loop_start() |
# Master Address ('DTU') |
dtu_ser = cfg.get('dtu', 'serial', fallback='99978563412') # identical to fc22's |
# inverter serial numbers |
inv_ser = cfg.get('inverter', 'serial', fallback='444473104619') # my inverter |
if global_config.config_file: |
with open(global_config.config_file) as yf: |
cfg = yaml.load(yf, Loader=SafeLoader) |
else: |
with open(global_config.config_file) as yf: |
cfg = yaml.load('ahoy.yml', Loader=SafeLoader) |
# all inverters |
#... |
f_crc_m = crcmod.predefined.mkPredefinedCrcFun('modbus') |
f_crc8 = crcmod.mkCrcFun(0x101, initCrc=0, xorOut=0) |
radio = RF24(22, 0, 1000000) |
hmradio = hoymiles.HoymilesNRF(device=radio) |
mqtt_client = None |
command_queue = {} |
mqtt_command_topic_subs = [] |
def ser_to_hm_addr(s): |
""" |
Calculate the 4 bytes that the HM devices use in their internal messages to |
address each other. |
""" |
bcd = int(str(s)[-8:], base=16) |
return struct.pack('>L', bcd) |
def main_loop(): |
inverters = [ |
inverter for inverter in ahoy_config.get('inverters', []) |
if not inverter.get('disabled', False)] |
def ser_to_esb_addr(s): |
""" |
Convert a Hoymiles inverter/DTU serial number into its |
corresponding NRF24 'enhanced shockburst' address byte sequence (5 bytes). |
The NRF library expects these in LSB to MSB order, even though the transceiver |
itself will then output them in MSB-to-LSB order over the air. |
The inverters use a BCD representation of the last 8 |
digits of their serial number, in reverse byte order, |
followed by \x01. |
""" |
air_order = ser_to_hm_addr(s)[::-1] + b'\x01' |
return air_order[::-1] |
for inverter in inverters: |
print(f'Poll inverter {inverter["serial"]}') |
poll_inverter(inverter) |
def poll_inverter(inverter): |
inverter_ser = inverter.get('serial') |
dtu_ser = ahoy_config.get('dtu', {}).get('serial') |
def compose_0x80_msg(dst_ser_no=72220200, src_ser_no=72220200, ts=None): |
""" |
Create a valid 0x80 request with the given parameters, and containing the |
current system time. |
if len(command_queue[str(inverter_ser)]) > 0: |
payload = command_queue[str(inverter_ser)].pop(0) |
else: |
payload = hoymiles.compose_set_time_payload() |
payload_ttl = 4 |
while payload_ttl > 0: |
payload_ttl = payload_ttl - 1 |
com = hoymiles.InverterTransaction( |
radio=hmradio, |
dtu_ser=dtu_ser, |
inverter_ser=inverter_ser, |
request=next(hoymiles.compose_esb_packet( |
payload, |
seq=b'\x80', |
src=dtu_ser, |
dst=inverter_ser |
))) |
response = None |
while com.rxtx(): |
try: |
response = com.get_payload() |
payload_ttl = 0 |
except Exception as e: |
print(f'Error while retrieving data: {e}') |
pass |
if response: |
dt = datetime.now() |
print(f'{dt} Payload: ' + hoymiles.hexify_payload(response)) |
decoder = hoymiles.ResponseDecoder(response, |
request=com.request, |
inverter_ser=inverter_ser |
) |
result = decoder.decode() |
if isinstance(result, hoymiles.decoders.StatusResponse): |
data = result.__dict__() |
print(f'{dt} Decoded: {data["temperature"]}', end='') |
phase_id = 0 |
for phase in data['phases']: |
print(f' phase{phase_id}=voltage:{phase["voltage"]}, current:{phase["current"]}, power:{phase["power"]}, frequency:{data["frequency"]}', end='') |
phase_id = phase_id + 1 |
string_id = 0 |
for string in data['strings']: |
print(f' string{string_id}=voltage:{string["voltage"]}, current:{string["current"]}, power:{string["power"]}, total:{string["energy_total"]/1000}, daily:{string["energy_daily"]}', end='') |
string_id = string_id + 1 |
print() |
if mqtt_client: |
mqtt_send_status(mqtt_client, inverter_ser, data, |
topic=inverter.get('mqtt', {}).get('topic', None)) |
def mqtt_send_status(broker, inverter_ser, data, topic=None): |
""" Publish StatusResponse object """ |
if not topic: |
topic = f'hoymiles/{inverter_ser}' |
# AC Data |
phase_id = 0 |
for phase in data['phases']: |
broker.publish(f'{topic}/emeter/{phase_id}/power', phase['power']) |
broker.publish(f'{topic}/emeter/{phase_id}/voltage', phase['voltage']) |
broker.publish(f'{topic}/emeter/{phase_id}/current', phase['current']) |
phase_id = phase_id + 1 |
# DC Data |
string_id = 0 |
for string in data['strings']: |
broker.publish(f'{topic}/emeter-dc/{string_id}/total', string['energy_total']/1000) |
broker.publish(f'{topic}/emeter-dc/{string_id}/power', string['power']) |
broker.publish(f'{topic}/emeter-dc/{string_id}/voltage', string['voltage']) |
broker.publish(f'{topic}/emeter-dc/{string_id}/current', string['current']) |
string_id = string_id + 1 |
# Global |
broker.publish(f'{topic}/frequency', data['frequency']) |
broker.publish(f'{topic}/temperature', data['temperature']) |
def mqtt_on_command(client, userdata, message): |
""" |
Handle commands to topic |
hoymiles/{inverter_ser}/command |
frame a payload and put onto command_queue |
if not ts: |
ts = 0x623C8ECF # identical to fc22's for testing # doc: 1644758171 |
# "framing" |
p = b'' |
p = p + b'\x15' |
p = p + ser_to_hm_addr(dst_ser_no) |
p = p + ser_to_hm_addr(src_ser_no) |
p = p + b'\x80' |
# encapsulated payload |
pp = b'\x0b\x00' |
pp = pp + struct.pack('>L', ts) # big-endian: msb at low address |
#pp = pp + b'\x00' * 8 # of22 adds a \x05 at position 19 |
pp = pp + b'\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00' |
Inverters must have mqtt.send_raw_enabled: true configured |
# CRC_M |
crc_m = f_crc_m(pp) |
This can be used to inject debug payloads |
The message must be in hexlified format |
p = p + pp |
p = p + struct.pack('>H', crc_m) |
Use of variables: |
tttttttt gets expanded to a current int(time) |
crc8 = f_crc8(p) |
p = p + struct.pack('B', crc8) |
return p |
Example injects exactly the same as we normally use to poll data: |
mosquitto -h broker -t inverter_topic/command -m 800b00tttttttt0000000500000000 |
def print_addr(a): |
print(f"ser# {a} ", end='') |
print(f" -> HM {' '.join([f'{x:02x}' for x in ser_to_hm_addr(a)])}", end='') |
print(f" -> ESB {' '.join([f'{x:02x}' for x in ser_to_esb_addr(a)])}") |
# time of last transmission - to calculcate response time |
t_last_tx = 0 |
def on_receive(p, ch_rx=None, ch_tx=None): |
This allows for even faster hacking during runtime |
""" |
Callback: get's invoked whenever a packet has been received. |
:param p: Payload of the received packet. |
""" |
d = {} |
t_now_ns = time.monotonic_ns() |
ts = datetime.utcnow() |
ts_unixtime = ts.timestamp() |
d['ts_unixtime'] = ts_unixtime |
d['isodate'] = ts.isoformat() |
d['rawdata'] = " ".join([f"{b:02x}" for b in p]) |
print(ts.isoformat(), end='Z ') |
# check crc8 |
crc8 = f_crc8(p[:-1]) |
d['crc8_valid'] = True if crc8==p[-1] else False |
# interpret content |
mid = p[0] |
d['mid'] = mid |
d['response_time_ns'] = t_now_ns-t_last_tx |
d['ch_rx'] = ch_rx |
d['ch_tx'] = ch_tx |
d['src'] = 'src_unkn' |
d['name'] = 'name_unkn' |
if mid == 0x95: |
src, dst, cmd = struct.unpack('>LLB', p[1:10]) |
d['src'] = f'{src:08x}' |
d['dst'] = f'{dst:08x}' |
d['cmd'] = cmd |
print(f'MSG src={d["src"]}, dst={d["dst"]}, cmd={d["cmd"]}:') |
if cmd==1: |
d['name'] = 'dcdata' |
unknown1, u1, i1, p1, u2, i2, p2, unknown2 = struct.unpack( |
'>HHHHHHHH', p[10:26]) |
d['u1_V'] = u1/10 |
d['i1_A'] = i1/100 |
d['p1_W'] = p1/10 |
d['u2_V'] = u2/10 |
d['i2_A'] = i2/100 |
d['p2_W'] = p2/10 |
d['p_W'] = d['p1_W']+d['p2_W'] |
d['unknown1'] = unknown1 |
d['unknown2'] = unknown2 |
elif cmd==2: |
d['name'] = 'acdata' |
uk1, uk2, uk3, uk4, uk5, u, f, p = struct.unpack( |
'>HHHHHHHH', p[10:26]) |
d['u_V'] = u/10 |
d['f_Hz'] = f/100 |
d['p_W'] = p/10 |
d['wtot1_Wh'] = uk1 |
d['wtot2_Wh'] = uk3 |
d['wday1_Wh'] = uk4 |
d['wday2_Wh'] = uk5 |
d['uk2'] = uk2 |
elif cmd==129: |
d['name'] = 'error' |
elif cmd==131: # 0x83 |
d['name'] = 'statedata' |
uk1, l, uk3, t, uk5, uk6 = struct.unpack('>HHHHHH', p[10:22]) |
d['l_Pct'] = l |
d['t_C'] = t/10 |
d['uk1'] = uk1 |
d['uk3'] = uk3 |
d['uk5'] = uk5 |
d['uk6'] = uk6 |
elif cmd==132: # 0x84 |
d['name'] = 'unknown0x84' |
uk1, uk2, uk3, uk4, uk5, uk6, uk7, uk8 = struct.unpack( |
'>HHHHHHHH', p[10:26]) |
d['uk1'] = uk1 |
d['uk2'] = uk2 |
d['uk3'] = uk3 |
d['uk4'] = uk4 |
d['uk5'] = uk5 |
d['uk6'] = uk6 |
d['uk7'] = uk7 |
d['uk8'] = uk8 |
else: |
print(f'unknown cmd {cmd}') |
else: |
print(f'unknown frame id {p[0]}') |
# output to stdout |
if d: |
print(json.dumps(d)) |
# output to MQTT |
if d: |
j = json.dumps(d) |
mqtt_client.publish(f"ahoy/{d['src']}/{d['name']}", j) |
if d['cmd']==2: |
mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{d["src"]}/emeter/0/voltage', d['u_V']) |
mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{d["src"]}/emeter/0/power', d['p_W']) |
mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{d["src"]}/emeter/0/total', d['wtot1_Wh']) |
mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{d["src"]}/frequency', d['f_Hz']) |
if d['cmd']==1: |
mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{d["src"]}/emeter-dc/0/power', d['p1_W']) |
mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{d["src"]}/emeter-dc/0/voltage', d['u1_V']) |
mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{d["src"]}/emeter-dc/0/current', d['i1_A']) |
mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{d["src"]}/emeter-dc/1/power', d['p2_W']) |
mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{d["src"]}/emeter-dc/1/voltage', d['u2_V']) |
mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{d["src"]}/emeter-dc/1/current', d['i2_A']) |
if d['cmd']==131: |
mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{d["src"]}/temperature', d['t_C']) |
try: |
inverter_ser = next( |
item[0] for item in mqtt_command_topic_subs if item[1] == message.topic) |
except StopIteration: |
print('Unexpedtedly received mqtt message for {message.topic}') |
if inverter_ser: |
p_message = message.payload.decode('utf-8').lower() |
# Expand tttttttt to current time for use in hexlified payload |
expand_time = ''.join(f'{b:02x}' for b in struct.pack('>L', int(time.time()))) |
p_message = p_message.replace('tttttttt', expand_time) |
if (len(p_message) < 2048 \ |
and len(p_message) % 2 == 0 \ |
and re.match(r'^[a-f0-9]+$', p_message)): |
payload = bytes.fromhex(p_message) |
# commands must start with \x80 |
if payload[0] == 0x80: |
command_queue[str(inverter_ser)].append( |
hoymiles.frame_payload(payload[1:])) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
ahoy_config = dict(cfg.get('ahoy', {})) |
mqtt_config = ahoy_config.get('mqtt', []) |
if not mqtt_config.get('disabled', False): |
mqtt_client = paho.mqtt.client.Client() |
mqtt_client.username_pw_set(mqtt_config.get('user', None), mqtt_config.get('password', None)) |
mqtt_client.connect(mqtt_config.get('host', ''), mqtt_config.get('port', 1883)) |
mqtt_client.loop_start() |
mqtt_client.on_message = mqtt_on_command |
def main_loop(): |
""" |
Keep receiving on channel 3. Every once in a while, transmit a request |
to one of our inverters on channel 40. |
""" |
if not radio.begin(): |
raise RuntimeError('Can\'t open radio') |
global t_last_tx |
print_addr(inv_ser) |
print_addr(dtu_ser) |
ctr = 1 |
last_tx_message = '' |
ts = int(time.time()) # see what happens if we always send one and the same (constant) time! |
rx_channels = [3,23,61,75] |
rx_channel_id = 0 |
rx_channel = rx_channels[rx_channel_id] |
tx_channels = [40] |
tx_channel_id = 0 |
tx_channel = tx_channels[tx_channel_id] |
while True: |
# Sweep receive start channel |
rx_channel_id = ctr % len(rx_channels) |
rx_channel = rx_channels[rx_channel_id] |
radio.setChannel(rx_channel) |
radio.enableDynamicPayloads() |
radio.setAutoAck(False) |
radio.setPALevel(RF24_PA_MAX) |
radio.setDataRate(RF24_250KBPS) |
radio.openWritingPipe(ser_to_esb_addr(inv_ser)) |
radio.flush_rx() |
radio.flush_tx() |
radio.openReadingPipe(1,ser_to_esb_addr(dtu_ser)) |
radio.startListening() |
tx_channel_id = tx_channel_id + 1 |
if tx_channel_id >= len(tx_channels): |
tx_channel_id = 0 |
tx_channel = tx_channels[tx_channel_id] |
inverters = [inverter.get('serial') for inverter in ahoy_config.get('inverters', [])] |
for inverter in ahoy_config.get('inverters', []): |
inverter_ser = inverter.get('serial') |
command_queue[str(inverter_ser)] = [] |
# |
# TX |
# Enables and subscribe inverter to mqtt /command-Topic |
# |
radio.stopListening() # put radio in TX mode |
radio.setChannel(tx_channel) |
radio.openWritingPipe(ser_to_esb_addr(inv_ser)) |
ts = int(time.time()) |
payload = compose_0x80_msg(src_ser_no=dtu_ser, dst_ser_no=inv_ser, ts=ts) |
dt = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") |
last_tx_message = f"{dt} Transmit {ctr:5d}: channel={tx_channel} len={len(payload)} | " + \ |
" ".join([f"{b:02x}" for b in payload]) + f" rx_ch: {rx_channel}" |
print(last_tx_message) |
# for i in range(0,3): |
result = radio.write(payload) # will always yield 'True' because auto-ack is disabled |
# time.sleep(.05) |
t_last_tx = time.monotonic_ns() |
ctr = ctr + 1 |
t_end = time.monotonic_ns()+5e9 |
tslots = [1000] #, 40, 50, 60, 70] # switch channel at these ms times since transmission |
for tslot in tslots: |
t_end = t_last_tx + tslot*1e6 # ms to ns |
radio.stopListening() |
radio.setChannel(rx_channel) |
radio.startListening() |
while time.monotonic_ns() < t_end: |
has_payload, pipe_number = radio.available_pipe() |
if has_payload: |
size = radio.getDynamicPayloadSize() |
payload = radio.read(size) |
# print(last_tx_message, end='') |
last_tx_message = '' |
dt = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") |
print(f"{dt} Received {size} bytes on channel {rx_channel} pipe {pipe_number}: " + |
" ".join([f"{b:02x}" for b in payload])) |
on_receive(payload, ch_rx=rx_channel, ch_tx=tx_channel) |
else: |
pass |
# time.sleep(0.001) |
rx_channel_id = rx_channel_id + 1 |
if rx_channel_id >= len(rx_channels): |
rx_channel_id = 0 |
rx_channel = rx_channels[rx_channel_id] |
print(flush=True, end='') |
# time.sleep(2) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
if not radio.begin(): |
raise RuntimeError("radio hardware is not responding") |
radio.setPALevel(RF24_PA_LOW) # RF24_PA_MAX is default |
# radio.printDetails(); # (smaller) function that prints raw register values |
# radio.printPrettyDetails(); # (larger) function that prints human readable data |
if inverter.get('mqtt', {}).get('send_raw_enabled', False): |
topic_item = ( |
str(inverter_ser), |
inverter.get('mqtt', {}).get('topic', f'hoymiles/{inverter_ser}') + '/command' |
) |
mqtt_client.subscribe(topic_item[1]) |
mqtt_command_topic_subs.append(topic_item) |
loop_interval = ahoy_config.get('interval', 1) |
try: |
main_loop() |
while True: |
main_loop() |
if loop_interval: |
time.sleep(time.time() % loop_interval) |
except KeyboardInterrupt: |
print(" Keyboard Interrupt detected. Exiting...") |
radio.powerDown() |
sys.exit() |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
--- |
ahoy: |
interval: 0 |
sunset: true |
mqtt: |
disabled: false |
host: example-broker.local |
port: 1883 |
user: 'username' |
password: 'password' |
dtu: |
serial: 99978563001 |
inverters: |
- name: 'balkon' |
serial: 114172220003 |
mqtt: |
send_raw_enabled: false # allow inject debug data via mqtt |
topic: 'hoymiles/114172221234' # defaults to 'hoymiles/{serial}' |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
@ -0,0 +1,475 @@ |
import struct |
import crcmod |
import json |
import time |
import re |
from datetime import datetime |
from RF24 import RF24, RF24_PA_LOW, RF24_PA_MAX, RF24_250KBPS, RF24_CRC_DISABLED, RF24_CRC_8, RF24_CRC_16 |
from .decoders import * |
f_crc_m = crcmod.predefined.mkPredefinedCrcFun('modbus') |
f_crc8 = crcmod.mkCrcFun(0x101, initCrc=0, xorOut=0) |
def ser_to_hm_addr(s): |
""" |
Calculate the 4 bytes that the HM devices use in their internal messages to |
address each other. |
""" |
bcd = int(str(s)[-8:], base=16) |
return struct.pack('>L', bcd) |
def ser_to_esb_addr(s): |
""" |
Convert a Hoymiles inverter/DTU serial number into its |
corresponding NRF24 'enhanced shockburst' address byte sequence (5 bytes). |
The NRF library expects these in LSB to MSB order, even though the transceiver |
itself will then output them in MSB-to-LSB order over the air. |
The inverters use a BCD representation of the last 8 |
digits of their serial number, in reverse byte order, |
followed by \x01. |
""" |
air_order = ser_to_hm_addr(s)[::-1] + b'\x01' |
return air_order[::-1] |
def print_addr(a): |
print(f"ser# {a} ", end='') |
print(f" -> HM {' '.join([f'{x:02x}' for x in ser_to_hm_addr(a)])}", end='') |
print(f" -> ESB {' '.join([f'{x:02x}' for x in ser_to_esb_addr(a)])}") |
# time of last transmission - to calculcate response time |
t_last_tx = 0 |
class ResponseDecoderFactory: |
model = None |
request = None |
response = None |
def __init__(self, response, **params): |
self.response = response |
if 'request' in params: |
self.request = params['request'] |
elif hasattr(response, 'request'): |
self.request = response.request |
if 'inverter_ser' in params: |
self.inverter_ser = params['inverter_ser'] |
self.model = self.inverter_model |
def unpack(self, fmt, base): |
size = struct.calcsize(fmt) |
return struct.unpack(fmt, self.response[base:base+size]) |
@property |
def inverter_model(self): |
if not self.inverter_ser: |
raise ValueError('Inverter serial while decoding response') |
ser_db = [ |
('HM300', r'^1121........'), |
('HM600', r'^1141........'), |
('HM1200', r'^1161........'), |
] |
ser_str = str(self.inverter_ser) |
model = None |
for m, r in ser_db: |
if re.match(r, ser_str): |
model = m |
break |
if len(model): |
return model |
raise NotImplementedError('Model lookup failed for serial {ser_str}') |
@property |
def request_command(self): |
r_code = self.request[10] |
return f'{r_code:02x}' |
class ResponseDecoder(ResponseDecoderFactory): |
def __init__(self, response, **params): |
ResponseDecoderFactory.__init__(self, response, **params) |
def decode(self): |
model = self.inverter_model |
command = self.request_command |
model_decoders = __import__(f'hoymiles.decoders') |
if hasattr(model_decoders, f'{model}_Decode{command.upper()}'): |
device = getattr(model_decoders, f'{model}_Decode{command.upper()}') |
else: |
device = getattr(model_decoders, f'DEBUG_DecodeAny') |
return device(self.response) |
class InverterPacketFragment: |
def __init__(self, time_rx=None, payload=None, ch_rx=None, ch_tx=None, **params): |
""" |
Callback: get's invoked whenever a Nordic ESB packet has been received. |
:param p: Payload of the received packet. |
""" |
if not time_rx: |
time_rx = datetime.now() |
self.time_rx = time_rx |
self.frame = payload |
# check crc8 |
if f_crc8(payload[:-1]) != payload[-1]: |
raise BufferError('Frame kaputt') |
self.ch_rx = ch_rx |
self.ch_tx = ch_tx |
@property |
def mid(self): |
""" |
Transaction counter |
""" |
return self.frame[0] |
@property |
def src(self): |
""" |
Sender dddress |
""" |
src = struct.unpack('>L', self.frame[1:5]) |
return src[0] |
@property |
def dst(self): |
""" |
Receiver address |
""" |
dst = struct.unpack('>L', self.frame[5:8]) |
return dst[0] |
@property |
def seq(self): |
""" |
Packet sequence |
""" |
result = struct.unpack('>B', self.frame[9:10]) |
return result[0] |
@property |
def data(self): |
""" |
Packet without protocol framing |
""" |
return self.frame[10:-1] |
def __str__(self): |
dt = self.time_rx.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") |
size = len(self.frame) |
channel = f' channel {self.ch_rx}' if self.ch_rx else '' |
raw = " ".join([f"{b:02x}" for b in self.frame]) |
return f"{dt} Received {size} bytes{channel}: {raw}" |
class HoymilesNRF: |
tx_channel_id = 0 |
tx_channel_list = [40] |
rx_channel_id = 0 |
rx_channel_list = [3,23,40,61,75] |
rx_channel_ack = False |
rx_error = 0 |
def __init__(self, device): |
self.radio = device |
def transmit(self, packet): |
""" |
Transmit Packet |
""" |
#dst_esb_addr = b'\x01' + packet[1:5] |
#src_esb_addr = b'\x01' + packet[6:9] |
#hexify_payload(dst_esb_addr) |
#hexify_payload(src_esb_addr) |
self.radio.stopListening() # put radio in TX mode |
self.radio.setDataRate(RF24_250KBPS) |
#self.radio.openReadingPipe(1, src_esb_addr ) |
#self.radio.openWritingPipe( dst_esb_addr ) |
self.radio.setChannel(self.tx_channel) |
self.radio.setAutoAck(True) |
self.radio.setRetries(3, 15) |
self.radio.setCRCLength(RF24_CRC_16) |
self.radio.enableDynamicPayloads() |
return self.radio.write(packet) |
def receive(self, timeout=None): |
""" |
Receive Packets |
""" |
if not timeout: |
timeout=12e8 |
self.radio.setChannel(self.rx_channel) |
self.radio.setAutoAck(False) |
self.radio.setRetries(0, 0) |
self.radio.enableDynamicPayloads() |
self.radio.setCRCLength(RF24_CRC_16) |
self.radio.startListening() |
fragments = [] |
# Receive: Loop |
t_end = time.monotonic_ns()+timeout |
while time.monotonic_ns() < t_end: |
has_payload, pipe_number = self.radio.available_pipe() |
if has_payload: |
# Data in nRF24 buffer, read it |
self.rx_error = 0 |
self.rx_channel_ack = True |
t_end = time.monotonic_ns()+5e8 |
size = self.radio.getDynamicPayloadSize() |
payload = self.radio.read(size) |
fragment = InverterPacketFragment( |
payload=payload, |
ch_rx=self.rx_channel, ch_tx=self.tx_channel, |
time_rx=datetime.now() |
) |
yield(fragment) |
else: |
# No data in nRF rx buffer, search and wait |
# Channel lock in (not currently used) |
self.rx_error = self.rx_error + 1 |
if self.rx_error > 1: |
self.rx_channel_ack = False |
# Channel hopping |
if self.next_rx_channel(): |
self.radio.stopListening() |
self.radio.setChannel(self.rx_channel) |
self.radio.startListening() |
time.sleep(0.005) |
def next_rx_channel(self): |
if not self.rx_channel_ack: |
self.rx_channel_id = self.rx_channel_id + 1 |
if self.rx_channel_id >= len(self.rx_channel_list): |
self.rx_channel_id = 0 |
return True |
return False |
@property |
def tx_channel(self): |
return self.tx_channel_list[self.tx_channel_id] |
@property |
def rx_channel(self): |
return self.rx_channel_list[self.rx_channel_id] |
def frame_payload(payload): |
payload_crc = f_crc_m(payload) |
payload = payload + struct.pack('>H', payload_crc) |
return payload |
def compose_esb_fragment(fragment, seq=b'\80', src=99999999, dst=1, **params): |
if len(fragment) > 17: |
raise ValueError(f'ESB fragment exeeds mtu ({mtu}): Fragment size {len(fragment)} bytes') |
p = b'' |
p = p + b'\x15' |
p = p + ser_to_hm_addr(dst) |
p = p + ser_to_hm_addr(src) |
p = p + seq |
p = p + fragment |
crc8 = f_crc8(p) |
p = p + struct.pack('B', crc8) |
return p |
def compose_esb_packet(packet, mtu=17, **params): |
for i in range(0, len(packet), mtu): |
fragment = compose_esb_fragment(packet[i:i+mtu], **params) |
yield(fragment) |
def compose_set_time_payload(timestamp=None): |
if not timestamp: |
timestamp = int(time.time()) |
payload = b'\x0b\x00' |
payload = payload + struct.pack('>L', timestamp) # big-endian: msb at low address |
payload = payload + b'\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00' |
return frame_payload(payload) |
def compose_02_payload(timestamp=None): |
payload = b'\x02' |
if timestamp: |
payload = payload + b'\x00' |
payload = payload + struct.pack('>L', timestamp) # big-endian: msb at low address |
payload = payload + b'\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00' |
return frame_payload(payload) |
def compose_11_payload(): |
payload = b'\x11' |
return frame_payload(payload) |
class InverterTransaction: |
tx_queue = [] |
scratch = [] |
inverter_ser = None |
inverter_addr = None |
dtu_ser = None |
req_type = None |
radio = None |
def __init__(self, |
request_time=None, |
inverter_ser=None, |
dtu_ser=None, |
radio=None, |
**params): |
if radio: |
self.radio = radio |
if not request_time: |
request_time=datetime.now() |
self.scratch = [] |
if 'scratch' in params: |
self.scratch = params['scratch'] |
self.inverter_ser = inverter_ser |
if inverter_ser: |
self.inverter_addr = ser_to_hm_addr(inverter_ser) |
self.dtu_ser = dtu_ser |
if dtu_ser: |
self.dtu_addr = ser_to_hm_addr(dtu_ser) |
self.request = None |
if 'request' in params: |
self.request = params['request'] |
self.queue_tx(self.request) |
self.inverter_addr, self.dtu_addr, seq, self.req_type = struct.unpack('>LLBB', params['request'][1:11]) |
self.request_time = request_time |
def rxtx(self): |
""" |
Transmit next packet from tx_queue if available |
and wait for responses |
""" |
if not self.radio: |
return False |
if not len(self.tx_queue): |
return False |
packet = self.tx_queue.pop(0) |
dt = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") |
print(f'{dt} Transmit {len(packet)} | {hexify_payload(packet)}') |
self.radio.transmit(packet) |
wait = False |
try: |
for response in self.radio.receive(): |
print(response) |
self.frame_append(response) |
wait = True |
except TimeoutError: |
pass |
return wait |
def frame_append(self, payload_frame): |
""" |
Append received raw frame to local scratch buffer |
""" |
self.scratch.append(payload_frame) |
def queue_tx(self, frame): |
""" |
Enqueue packet for transmission if radio is available |
""" |
if not self.radio: |
return False |
self.tx_queue.append(frame) |
return True |
def get_payload(self, src=None): |
""" |
Reconstruct Hoymiles payload from scratch |
""" |
if not src: |
src = self.inverter_addr |
# Collect all frames from source_address src |
frames = [frame for frame in self.scratch if frame.src == src] |
tr_len = 0 |
# Find end frame and extract message frame count |
try: |
end_frame = next(frame for frame in frames if frame.seq > 0x80) |
self.time_rx = end_frame.time_rx |
tr_len = end_frame.seq - 0x80 |
except StopIteration: |
raise BufferError(f'Missing packet: Last packet {len(self.scratch)}') |
# Rebuild payload from unordered frames |
payload = b'' |
for frame_id in range(1, tr_len): |
try: |
data_frame = next(item for item in frames if item.seq == frame_id) |
payload = payload + data_frame.data |
except StopIteration: |
self.__retransmit_frame(frame_id) |
raise BufferError(f'Frame {frame_id} missing: Request Retransmit') |
payload = payload + end_frame.data |
# check crc |
pcrc = struct.unpack('>H', payload[-2:])[0] |
if f_crc_m(payload[:-2]) != pcrc: |
raise ValueError('Payload failed CRC check.') |
return payload |
def __retransmit_frame(self, frame_id): |
""" |
Build and queue retransmit request |
""" |
packet = compose_esb_fragment(b'', |
seq=int(0x80 + frame_id).to_bytes(1, 'big'), |
src=self.dtu_ser, |
dst=self.inverter_ser) |
return self.queue_tx(packet) |
def __str__(self): |
dt = self.request_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") |
size = len(self.request) |
return f'{dt} Transmit | {hexify_payload(self.request)}' |
def hexify_payload(byte_var): |
return ' '.join([f"{b:02x}" for b in byte_var]) |
@ -0,0 +1,311 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/python3 |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
import struct |
class StatusResponse: |
e_keys = ['voltage','current','power','energy_total','energy_daily'] |
def unpack(self, fmt, base): |
size = struct.calcsize(fmt) |
return struct.unpack(fmt, self.response[base:base+size]) |
@property |
def phases(self): |
phases = [] |
p_exists = True |
while p_exists: |
p_exists = False |
phase_id = len(phases) |
phase = {} |
for key in self.e_keys: |
prop = f'ac_{key}_{phase_id}' |
if hasattr(self, prop): |
p_exists = True |
phase[key] = getattr(self, prop) |
if p_exists: |
phases.append(phase) |
return phases |
@property |
def strings(self): |
strings = [] |
s_exists = True |
while s_exists: |
s_exists = False |
string_id = len(strings) |
string = {} |
for key in self.e_keys: |
prop = f'dc_{key}_{string_id}' |
if hasattr(self, prop): |
s_exists = True |
string[key] = getattr(self, prop) |
if s_exists: |
strings.append(string) |
return strings |
def __dict__(self): |
data = {} |
data['phases'] = self.phases |
data['strings'] = self.strings |
data['temperature'] = self.temperature |
data['frequency'] = self.frequency |
return data |
class UnknownResponse: |
@property |
def hex_ascii(self): |
return ' '.join([f'{b:02x}' for b in self.response]) |
@property |
def dump_longs(self): |
res = self.response |
n = len(res)/4 |
vals = None |
if n % 4 == 0: |
vals = struct.unpack(f'>{int(n)}L', res) |
return vals |
@property |
def dump_longs_pad1(self): |
res = self.response[1:] |
n = len(res)/4 |
vals = None |
if n % 4 == 0: |
vals = struct.unpack(f'>{int(n)}L', res) |
return vals |
@property |
def dump_shorts(self): |
n = len(self.response)/2 |
vals = None |
if n % 2 == 0: |
vals = struct.unpack(f'>{int(n)}H', self.response) |
return vals |
@property |
def dump_shorts_pad1(self): |
res = self.response[1:] |
n = len(res)/2 |
vals = None |
if n % 2 == 0: |
vals = struct.unpack(f'>{int(n)}H', res) |
return vals |
class DEBUG_DecodeAny(UnknownResponse): |
def __init__(self, response): |
self.response = response |
longs = self.dump_longs |
if not longs: |
print(' type long : unable to decode (len or not mod 4)') |
else: |
print(' type long : ' + str(longs)) |
longs = self.dump_longs_pad1 |
if not longs: |
print(' type long pad1 : unable to decode (len or not mod 4)') |
else: |
print(' type long pad1 : ' + str(longs)) |
shorts = self.dump_shorts |
if not shorts: |
print(' type short : unable to decode (len or not mod 2)') |
else: |
print(' type short : ' + str(shorts)) |
shorts = self.dump_shorts_pad1 |
if not shorts: |
print(' type short pad1: unable to decode (len or not mod 2)') |
else: |
print(' type short pad1: ' + str(shorts)) |
# 1121-Series Intervers, 1 MPPT, 1 Phase |
class HM300_Decode0B(StatusResponse): |
def __init__(self, response): |
self.response = response |
@property |
def dc_voltage_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 2)[0]/10 |
@property |
def dc_current_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 4)[0]/100 |
@property |
def dc_power_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 6)[0]/10 |
@property |
def dc_energy_total_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>L', 8)[0] |
@property |
def dc_energy_daily_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 12)[0] |
@property |
def ac_voltage_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 14)[0]/10 |
@property |
def ac_current_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 22)[0]/100 |
@property |
def ac_power_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 18)[0]/10 |
@property |
def frequency(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 16)[0]/100 |
@property |
def temperature(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 26)[0]/10 |
# 1141-Series Inverters, 2 MPPT, 1 Phase |
class HM600_Decode0B(StatusResponse): |
def __init__(self, response): |
self.response = response |
@property |
def dc_voltage_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 2)[0]/10 |
@property |
def dc_current_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 4)[0]/100 |
@property |
def dc_power_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 6)[0]/10 |
@property |
def dc_energy_total_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>L', 14)[0] |
@property |
def dc_energy_daily_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 22)[0] |
@property |
def dc_voltage_1(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 8)[0]/10 |
@property |
def dc_current_1(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 10)[0]/100 |
@property |
def dc_power_1(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 12)[0]/10 |
@property |
def dc_energy_total_1(self): |
return self.unpack('>L', 18)[0] |
@property |
def dc_energy_daily_1(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 24)[0] |
@property |
def ac_voltage_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 26)[0]/10 |
@property |
def ac_current_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 34)[0]/10 |
@property |
def ac_power_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 30)[0]/10 |
@property |
def frequency(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 28)[0]/100 |
@property |
def temperature(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 38)[0]/10 |
class HM600_Decode0C(HM600_Decode0B): |
def __init__(self, response): |
self.response = response |
# 1161-Series Inverters, 4 MPPT, 1 Phase |
class HM1200_Decode0B(StatusResponse): |
def __init__(self, response): |
self.response = response |
@property |
def dc_voltage_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 2)[0]/10 |
@property |
def dc_current_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 4)[0]/100 |
@property |
def dc_power_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 8)[0]/10 |
@property |
def dc_energy_total_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>L', 12)[0] |
@property |
def dc_energy_daily_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 20)[0] |
@property |
def dc_voltage_1(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 2)[0]/10 |
@property |
def dc_current_1(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 4)[0]/100 |
@property |
def dc_power_1(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 10)[0]/10 |
@property |
def dc_energy_total_1(self): |
return self.unpack('>L', 16)[0] |
@property |
def dc_energy_daily_1(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 22)[0] |
@property |
def dc_voltage_2(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 24)[0]/10 |
@property |
def dc_current_2(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 26)[0]/100 |
@property |
def dc_power_2(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 30)[0]/10 |
@property |
def dc_energy_total_2(self): |
return self.unpack('>L', 34)[0] |
@property |
def dc_energy_daily_2(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 42)[0] |
@property |
def dc_voltage_3(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 24)[0]/10 |
@property |
def dc_current_3(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 28)[0]/100 |
@property |
def dc_power_3(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 32)[0]/10 |
@property |
def dc_energy_total_3(self): |
return self.unpack('>L', 38)[0] |
@property |
def dc_energy_daily_3(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 44)[0] |
@property |
def ac_voltage_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 46)[0]/10 |
@property |
def ac_current_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 54)[0]/100 |
@property |
def ac_power_0(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 50)[0]/10 |
@property |
def frequency(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 48)[0]/100 |
@property |
def temperature(self): |
return self.unpack('>H', 58)[0]/10 |
@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ |
paho-mqtt |
crcmod |
paho-mqtt>=1.5 |
crcmod>=1.7 |
PyYAML>=5.0 |
Reference in new issue