mirror of https://github.com/lumapu/ahoy.git
committed by
1 changed files with 0 additions and 757 deletions
@ -1,757 +0,0 @@ |
// 2023 Ahoy, https://ahoydtu.de
// Creative Commons - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/de/
#ifndef __MI_PAYLOAD_H__ |
#define __MI_PAYLOAD_H__ |
//#include "hmInverter.h"
#include "../utils/dbg.h" |
#include "../utils/crc.h" |
#include "../config/config.h" |
#include <Arduino.h> |
typedef struct { |
uint32_t ts; |
bool requested; |
uint8_t txCmd; |
uint8_t len[MAX_PAYLOAD_ENTRIES]; |
bool complete; |
bool dataAB[3]; |
bool stsAB[3]; |
uint8_t sts[5]; |
uint8_t txId; |
uint8_t invId; |
uint8_t retransmits; |
uint8_t skipfirstrepeat; |
bool gotFragment; |
uint8_t maxPackId; |
bool lastFound;*/ |
} miPayload_t; |
typedef std::function<void(uint8_t)> miPayloadListenerType; |
template<class HMSYSTEM> |
class MiPayload { |
public: |
MiPayload() {} |
void setup(IApp *app, HMSYSTEM *sys, statistics_t *stat, uint8_t maxRetransmits, uint32_t *timestamp) { |
mApp = app; |
mSys = sys; |
mStat = stat; |
mMaxRetrans = maxRetransmits; |
mTimestamp = timestamp; |
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_INVERTERS; i++) { |
reset(i); |
} |
mSerialDebug = false; |
mHighPrioIv = NULL; |
mCbMiPayload = NULL; |
} |
void enableSerialDebug(bool enable) { |
mSerialDebug = enable; |
} |
void addPayloadListener(miPayloadListenerType cb) { |
mCbMiPayload = cb; |
} |
void addAlarmListener(alarmListenerType cb) { |
mCbMiAlarm = cb; |
} |
void loop() { |
if(NULL != mHighPrioIv) { |
ivSend(mHighPrioIv, true); // for devcontrol commands?
mHighPrioIv = NULL; |
} |
} |
void ivSendHighPrio(Inverter<> *iv) { |
mHighPrioIv = iv; |
} |
void ivSend(Inverter<> *iv, bool highPrio = false) { |
if(!highPrio) { |
if (mPayload[iv->id].requested) { |
if (!mPayload[iv->id].complete) |
process(false); // no retransmit
if (!mPayload[iv->id].complete) { |
if (!mPayload[iv->id].gotFragment) |
mStat->rxFailNoAnser++; // got nothing
else |
mStat->rxFail++; // got fragments but not complete response
iv->setQueuedCmdFinished(); // command failed
if (mSerialDebug) |
miDPRINTHead(DBG_INFO, iv->id); |
DBGPRINTLN(F("enqueued cmd failed/timeout")); |
if (mSerialDebug) { |
miDPRINTHead(DBG_INFO, iv->id); |
DBGPRINT(F("no Payload received! (retransmits: ")); |
DBGPRINT(String(mPayload[iv->id].retransmits)); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
reset(iv->id); |
mPayload[iv->id].requested = true; |
yield(); |
if (mSerialDebug){ |
miDPRINTHead(DBG_INFO, iv->id); |
DBGPRINT(F("Requesting Inv SN ")); |
DBGPRINTLN(String(iv->config->serial.u64, HEX)); |
} |
if (iv->getDevControlRequest()) { |
if (mSerialDebug) { |
miDPRINTHead(DBG_INFO, iv->id); |
DBGPRINT(F("Devcontrol request 0x")); |
DBGPRINT(String(iv->devControlCmd, HEX)); |
DBGPRINT(F(" power limit ")); |
DBGPRINTLN(String(iv->powerLimit[0])); |
} |
mSys->Radio.sendControlPacket(iv->radioId.u64, iv->devControlCmd, iv->powerLimit, false); |
mPayload[iv->id].txCmd = iv->devControlCmd; |
//iv->enqueCommand<InfoCommand>(SystemConfigPara); // read back power limit
} else { |
uint8_t cmd = iv->getQueuedCmd(); |
miDPRINTHead(DBG_INFO, iv->id); |
DBGPRINT(F("prepareDevInformCmd 0x")); |
DBGPRINTLN(String(cmd, HEX)); |
uint8_t cmd2 = cmd; |
if (cmd == 0x1 ) { //0x1
cmd = 0x0f; |
cmd2 = 0x00; |
mSys->Radio.sendCmdPacket(iv->radioId.u64, cmd, cmd2, false); |
} else { |
mSys->Radio.prepareDevInformCmd(iv->radioId.u64, cmd2, mPayload[iv->id].ts, iv->alarmMesIndex, false, cmd); |
}; |
mPayload[iv->id].txCmd = cmd; |
if (iv->type == INV_TYPE_1CH || iv->type == INV_TYPE_2CH) { |
mPayload[iv->id].dataAB[CH1] = false; |
mPayload[iv->id].stsAB[CH1] = false; |
mPayload[iv->id].dataAB[CH0] = false; |
mPayload[iv->id].stsAB[CH0] = false; |
} |
if (iv->type == INV_TYPE_2CH) { |
mPayload[iv->id].dataAB[CH2] = false; |
mPayload[iv->id].stsAB[CH2] = false; |
} |
} |
} |
void add(Inverter<> *iv, packet_t *p) { |
//DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("MI got data [0]=") + String(p->packet[0], HEX));
if (p->packet[0] == (0x08 + ALL_FRAMES)) { // 0x88; MI status response to 0x09
miStsDecode(iv, p); |
} |
else if (p->packet[0] == (0x11 + SINGLE_FRAME)) { // 0x92; MI status response to 0x11
miStsDecode(iv, p, CH2); |
} |
else if ( p->packet[0] == 0x09 + ALL_FRAMES || |
p->packet[0] == 0x11 + ALL_FRAMES || |
( p->packet[0] >= (0x36 + ALL_FRAMES) && p->packet[0] < (0x39 + SINGLE_FRAME) ) ) { // small MI or MI 1500 data responses to 0x09, 0x11, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38 and 0x39
mPayload[iv->id].txId = p->packet[0]; |
miDataDecode(iv,p); |
} |
else if (p->packet[0] == ( 0x0f + ALL_FRAMES)) { |
// MI response from get hardware information request
record_t<> *rec = iv->getRecordStruct(InverterDevInform_All); // choose the record structure
rec->ts = mPayload[iv->id].ts; |
mPayload[iv->id].gotFragment = true; |
Polling the device software and hardware version number command |
start byte Command word routing address target address User data check end byte |
byte[0] byte[1] byte[2] byte[3] byte[4] byte[5] byte[6] byte[7] byte[8] byte[9] byte[10] byte[11] byte[12] |
0x7e 0x0f xx xx xx xx YY YY YY YY 0x00 CRC 0x7f |
Command Receipt - First Frame |
start byte Command word target address routing address Multi-frame marking User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data check end byte |
byte[0] byte[1] byte[2] byte[3] byte[4] byte[5] byte[6] byte[7] byte[8] byte[9] byte[10] byte[11] byte[12] byte[13] byte[14] byte[15] byte[16] byte[17] byte[18] byte[19] byte[20] byte[21] byte[22] byte[23] byte[24] byte[25] byte[26] byte[27] byte[28] |
0x7e 0x8f YY YY YY YY xx xx xx xx 0x00 USFWBuild_VER APPFWBuild_VER APPFWBuild_YYYY APPFWBuild_MMDD APPFWBuild_HHMM APPFW_PN HW_VER CRC 0x7f |
Command Receipt - Second Frame |
start byte Command word target address routing address Multi-frame marking User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data check end byte |
byte[0] byte[1] byte[2] byte[3] byte[4] byte[5] byte[6] byte[7] byte[8] byte[9] byte[10] byte[11] byte[12] byte[13] byte[14] byte[15] byte[16] byte[17] byte[18] byte[19] byte[20] byte[21] byte[22] byte[23] byte[24] byte[25] byte[26] byte[27] byte[28] |
0x7e 0x8f YY YY YY YY xx xx xx xx 0x01 HW_PN HW_FB_TLmValue HW_FB_ReSPRT HW_GridSamp_ResValule HW_ECapValue Matching_APPFW_PN CRC 0x7f |
Command receipt - third frame |
start byte Command word target address routing address Multi-frame marking User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data check end byte |
byte[0] byte[1] byte[2] byte[3] byte[4] byte[5] byte[6] byte[7] byte[8] byte[9] byte[10] byte[11] byte[12] byte[13] byte[14] byte[15] byte[16] byte[15] byte[16] byte[17] byte[18] |
0x7e 0x8f YY YY YY YY xx xx xx xx 0x12 APPFW_MINVER HWInfoAddr PNInfoCRC_gusv PNInfoCRC_gusv CRC 0x7f |
*/ |
case InverterDevInform_All: |
rec->length = (uint8_t)(HMINFO_LIST_LEN); |
rec->assign = (byteAssign_t *)InfoAssignment; |
rec->pyldLen = HMINFO_PAYLOAD_LEN; |
break; |
const byteAssign_t InfoAssignment[] = { |
{ FLD_FW_VERSION, UNIT_NONE, CH0, 0, 2, 1 }, |
{ FLD_FW_BUILD_YEAR, UNIT_NONE, CH0, 2, 2, 1 }, |
{ FLD_HW_ID, UNIT_NONE, CH0, 8, 2, 1 } |
}; |
*/ |
if ( p->packet[9] == 0x00 ) {//first frame
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) { |
iv->setValue(i, rec, (float) ((p->packet[(12+2*i)] << 8) + p->packet[(13+2*i)])/1); |
} |
mStat->rxSuccess++; |
mSys->Radio.sendCmdPacket(iv->radioId.u64, 0x0f, 0x01, false);*/ |
} else if ( p->packet[9] == 0x01 ) {//second frame
miDPRINTHead(DBG_INFO, iv->id); |
DBGPRINTLN(F("got 2nd frame (hw info)")); |
//mSys->Radio.sendCmdPacket(iv->radioId.u64, 0x0f, 0x12, false);
} else if ( p->packet[9] == 0x12 ) {//3rd frame
miDPRINTHead(DBG_INFO, iv->id); |
DBGPRINTLN(F("got 3rd frame (hw info)")); |
iv->setQueuedCmdFinished(); |
mStat->rxSuccess++; |
} |
} else if (p->packet[0] == (TX_REQ_INFO + ALL_FRAMES)) { // response from get information command
// atm, we just do nothing else than print out what we got...
// for decoding see xls- Data collection instructions - #147ff
mPayload[iv->id].txId = p->packet[0]; |
DPRINTLN(DBG_DEBUG, F("Response from info request received")); |
uint8_t *pid = &p->packet[9]; |
if (*pid == 0x00) { |
DPRINT(DBG_DEBUG, F("fragment number zero received")); |
iv->setQueuedCmdFinished(); |
} //else {
DPRINTLN(DBG_DEBUG, "PID: 0x" + String(*pid, HEX)); |
if ((*pid & 0x7F) < MAX_PAYLOAD_ENTRIES) { |
memcpy(mPayload[iv->id].data[(*pid & 0x7F) - 1], &p->packet[10], p->len - 11); |
mPayload[iv->id].len[(*pid & 0x7F) - 1] = p->len - 11; |
mPayload[iv->id].gotFragment = true; |
} |
if ((*pid & ALL_FRAMES) == ALL_FRAMES) { |
// Last packet
if (((*pid & 0x7f) > mPayload[iv->id].maxPackId) || (MAX_PAYLOAD_ENTRIES == mPayload[iv->id].maxPackId)) { |
mPayload[iv->id].maxPackId = (*pid & 0x7f); |
if (*pid > 0x81) |
mPayload[iv->id].lastFound = true; |
} |
} |
} |
} */ |
} else if (p->packet[0] == (TX_REQ_DEVCONTROL + ALL_FRAMES)) { // response from dev control command
miDPRINTHead(DBG_DEBUG, iv->id); |
DBGPRINTLN(F("Response from devcontrol request received")); |
mPayload[iv->id].txId = p->packet[0]; |
iv->clearDevControlRequest(); |
if ((p->packet[12] == ActivePowerContr) && (p->packet[13] == 0x00)) { |
String msg = ""; |
if((p->packet[10] == 0x00) && (p->packet[11] == 0x00)) |
mApp->setMqttPowerLimitAck(iv); |
else |
msg = "NOT "; |
//DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("Inverter ") + String(iv->id) + F(" has ") + msg + F("accepted power limit set point ") + String(iv->powerLimit[0]) + F(" with PowerLimitControl ") + String(iv->powerLimit[1]));
miDPRINTHead(DBG_INFO, iv->id); |
DBGPRINTLN(F("has ") + msg + F("accepted power limit set point ") + String(iv->powerLimit[0]) + F(" with PowerLimitControl ") + String(iv->powerLimit[1])); |
iv->clearCmdQueue(); |
iv->enqueCommand<InfoCommand>(SystemConfigPara); // read back power limit
} |
iv->devControlCmd = Init; |
} else { // some other response; copied from hmPayload:process; might not be correct to do that here!!!
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("procPyld: cmd: 0x") + String(mPayload[iv->id].txCmd, HEX)); |
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("procPyld: txid: 0x") + String(mPayload[iv->id].txId, HEX)); |
//DPRINTLN(DBG_DEBUG, F("procPyld: max: ") + String(mPayload[iv->id].maxPackId));
record_t<> *rec = iv->getRecordStruct(mPayload[iv->id].txCmd); // choose the parser
mPayload[iv->id].complete = true; |
uint8_t payload[128]; |
uint8_t payloadLen = 0; |
memset(payload, 0, 128); |
/*for (uint8_t i = 0; i < (mPayload[iv->id].maxPackId); i++) {
memcpy(&payload[payloadLen], mPayload[iv->id].data[i], (mPayload[iv->id].len[i])); |
payloadLen += (mPayload[iv->id].len[i]); |
yield(); |
}*/ |
payloadLen -= 2; |
if (mSerialDebug) { |
DPRINT(DBG_INFO, F("Payload (") + String(payloadLen) + "): "); |
mSys->Radio.dumpBuf(payload, payloadLen); |
} |
if (NULL == rec) { |
DPRINTLN(DBG_ERROR, F("record is NULL!")); |
} else if ((rec->pyldLen == payloadLen) || (0 == rec->pyldLen)) { |
if (mPayload[iv->id].txId == (TX_REQ_INFO + ALL_FRAMES)) |
mStat->rxSuccess++; |
rec->ts = mPayload[iv->id].ts; |
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < rec->length; i++) { |
iv->addValue(i, payload, rec); |
yield(); |
} |
iv->doCalculations(); |
notify(mPayload[iv->id].txCmd); |
if(AlarmData == mPayload[iv->id].txCmd) { |
uint8_t i = 0; |
uint16_t code; |
uint32_t start, end; |
while(1) { |
code = iv->parseAlarmLog(i++, payload, payloadLen, &start, &end); |
if(0 == code) |
break; |
if (NULL != mCbMiAlarm) |
(mCbMiAlarm)(code, start, end); |
yield(); |
} |
} |
} else { |
DPRINTLN(DBG_ERROR, F("plausibility check failed, expected ") + String(rec->pyldLen) + F(" bytes")); |
mStat->rxFail++; |
} |
iv->setQueuedCmdFinished(); |
} |
} |
void process(bool retransmit) { |
for (uint8_t id = 0; id < mSys->getNumInverters(); id++) { |
Inverter<> *iv = mSys->getInverterByPos(id); |
if (NULL == iv) |
continue; // skip to next inverter
if (IV_HM == iv->ivGen) // only process MI inverters
continue; // skip to next inverter
if ( !mPayload[iv->id].complete && |
(mPayload[iv->id].txId != (TX_REQ_INFO + ALL_FRAMES)) && |
(mPayload[iv->id].txId < (0x36 + ALL_FRAMES)) && |
(mPayload[iv->id].txId > (0x39 + ALL_FRAMES)) && |
(mPayload[iv->id].txId != (0x09 + ALL_FRAMES)) && |
(mPayload[iv->id].txId != (0x11 + ALL_FRAMES)) && |
(mPayload[iv->id].txId != (0x88)) && |
(mPayload[iv->id].txId != (0x92)) && |
(mPayload[iv->id].txId != 0 )) { |
// no processing needed if txId is not one of 0x95, 0x88, 0x89, 0x91, 0x92 or resonse to 0x36ff
mPayload[iv->id].complete = true; |
continue; // skip to next inverter
} |
//delayed next message?
if (mPayload[iv->id].skipfirstrepeat) { |
mPayload[iv->id].skipfirstrepeat = 0; //reset counter*/
continue; // skip to next inverter
} |
if (!mPayload[iv->id].complete) { |
//DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("Pyld incompl code")); //info for testing only
bool crcPass, pyldComplete; |
crcPass = build(iv->id, &pyldComplete); |
if (!crcPass && !pyldComplete) { // payload not complete
if ((mPayload[iv->id].requested) && (retransmit)) { |
if (iv->devControlCmd == Restart || iv->devControlCmd == CleanState_LockAndAlarm) { |
// This is required to prevent retransmissions without answer.
miDPRINTHead(DBG_INFO, iv->id); |
DBGPRINTLN(F("Prevent retransmit on Restart / CleanState_LockAndAlarm...")); |
mPayload[iv->id].retransmits = mMaxRetrans; |
} else if(iv->devControlCmd == ActivePowerContr) { |
miDPRINTHead(DBG_INFO, iv->id); |
DBGPRINTLN(F("retransmit power limit")); |
mSys->Radio.sendControlPacket(iv->radioId.u64, iv->devControlCmd, iv->powerLimit, true); |
} else { |
uint8_t cmd = mPayload[iv->id].txCmd; |
if (mPayload[iv->id].retransmits < mMaxRetrans) { |
mPayload[iv->id].retransmits++; |
if( !mPayload[iv->id].gotFragment ) { |
miDPRINTHead(DBG_INFO, iv->id); |
DBGPRINTLN(F("nothing received")); |
mPayload[iv->id].retransmits = mMaxRetrans; |
} else if ( cmd == 0x0f ) { |
//hard/firmware request
mSys->Radio.sendCmdPacket(iv->radioId.u64, 0x0f, 0x00, true); |
//cmd = iv->getQueuedCmd();
} else { |
bool change = false; |
if ( cmd >= 0x36 && cmd < 0x39 ) { // MI-1500 Data command
cmd++; // just request the next channel
change = true; |
} else if ( cmd == 0x09 ) {//MI single or dual channel device
if ( mPayload[iv->id].dataAB[CH1] && iv->type == INV_TYPE_2CH ) { |
if (!mPayload[iv->id].stsAB[CH1] && mPayload[iv->id].retransmits<2) {} |
//first try to get missing sts for first channel a second time
else if (!mPayload[iv->id].stsAB[CH2] || !mPayload[iv->id].dataAB[CH2] ) { |
cmd = 0x11; |
change = true; |
mPayload[iv->id].retransmits = 0; //reset counter
} |
} |
} else if ( cmd == 0x11) { |
if ( mPayload[iv->id].dataAB[CH2] ) { // data + status ch2 are there?
if (mPayload[iv->id].stsAB[CH2] && (!mPayload[iv->id].stsAB[CH1] || !mPayload[iv->id].dataAB[CH1])) { |
cmd = 0x09; |
change = true; |
} |
} |
} |
miDPRINTHead(DBG_INFO, iv->id); |
if (change) { |
DBGPRINT(F("next request is 0x")); |
} else { |
DBGPRINT(F("not complete: Request Retransmit 0x")); |
} |
DBGPRINTLN(String(cmd, HEX)); |
//mSys->Radio.sendCmdPacket(iv->radioId.u64, cmd, cmd, true);
mSys->Radio.prepareDevInformCmd(iv->radioId.u64, cmd, mPayload[iv->id].ts, iv->alarmMesIndex, true, cmd); |
mPayload[iv->id].txCmd = cmd; |
yield(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} else if(!crcPass && pyldComplete) { // crc error on complete Payload
if (mPayload[iv->id].retransmits < mMaxRetrans) { |
mPayload[iv->id].retransmits++; |
miDPRINTHead(DBG_WARN, iv->id); |
DBGPRINTLN(F("CRC Error: Request Complete Retransmit")); |
mPayload[iv->id].txCmd = iv->getQueuedCmd(); |
miDPRINTHead(DBG_INFO, iv->id); |
DBGPRINTLN(F("prepareDevInformCmd 0x") + String(mPayload[iv->id].txCmd, HEX)); |
mSys->Radio.prepareDevInformCmd(iv->radioId.u64, mPayload[iv->id].txCmd, mPayload[iv->id].ts, iv->alarmMesIndex, true); |
} |
} |
/*else { // payload complete
//This tree is not really tested, most likely it's not truly complete....
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("procPyld: cmd: 0x") + String(mPayload[iv->id].txCmd, HEX)); |
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("procPyld: txid: 0x") + String(mPayload[iv->id].txId, HEX)); |
//DPRINTLN(DBG_DEBUG, F("procPyld: max: ") + String(mPayload[iv->id].maxPackId));
//record_t<> *rec = iv->getRecordStruct(mPayload[iv->id].txCmd); // choose the parser
mPayload[iv->id].complete = true; |
uint8_t ac_pow = 0; |
//if (mPayload[iv->id].sts[0] == 3) {
ac_pow = calcPowerDcCh0(iv, 0)*9.5; |
record_t<> *rec = iv->getRecordStruct(RealTimeRunData_Debug); // choose the parser
iv->setValue(iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_PAC, rec), rec, (float) (ac_pow/10)); |
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("process: compl. set of msgs detected")); |
iv->setValue(iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_YD, rec), rec, calcYieldDayCh0(iv,0)); |
iv->doCalculations(); |
//uint8_t payload[128];
//uint8_t payloadLen = 0;
//memset(payload, 0, 128);
//for (uint8_t i = 0; i < (mPayload[iv->id].maxPackId); i++) {
// memcpy(&payload[payloadLen], mPayload[iv->id].data[i], (mPayload[iv->id].len[i]));
// payloadLen += (mPayload[iv->id].len[i]);
// yield();
//payloadLen -= 2;
//if (mSerialDebug) {
// DPRINT(DBG_INFO, F("Payload (") + String(payloadLen) + "): ");
// mSys->Radio.dumpBuf(payload, payloadLen);
//if (NULL == rec) {
// DPRINTLN(DBG_ERROR, F("record is NULL!"));
//} else if ((rec->pyldLen == payloadLen) || (0 == rec->pyldLen)) {
// if (mPayload[iv->id].txId == (TX_REQ_INFO + ALL_FRAMES))
// mStat->rxSuccess++;
// rec->ts = mPayload[iv->id].ts;
// for (uint8_t i = 0; i < rec->length; i++) {
// iv->addValue(i, payload, rec);
// yield();
// }
// iv->doCalculations();
// notify(mPayload[iv->id].txCmd);
// if(AlarmData == mPayload[iv->id].txCmd) {
// uint8_t i = 0;
// uint16_t code;
// uint32_t start, end;
// while(1) {
// code = iv->parseAlarmLog(i++, payload, payloadLen, &start, &end);
// if(0 == code)
// break;
// if (NULL != mCbAlarm)
// (mCbAlarm)(code, start, end);
// yield();
// }
// }
//} else {
// DPRINTLN(DBG_ERROR, F("plausibility check failed, expected ") + String(rec->pyldLen) + F(" bytes"));
// mStat->rxFail++;
} |
yield(); |
} |
} |
private: |
void notify(uint8_t val) { |
if(NULL != mCbMiPayload) |
(mCbMiPayload)(val); |
} |
void miStsDecode(Inverter<> *iv, packet_t *p, uint8_t stschan = CH1) { |
//DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("(#") + String(iv->id) + F(") status msg 0x") + String(p->packet[0], HEX));
record_t<> *rec = iv->getRecordStruct(RealTimeRunData_Debug); // choose the record structure
rec->ts = mPayload[iv->id].ts; |
mPayload[iv->id].gotFragment = true; |
mPayload[iv->id].txId = p->packet[0]; |
//uint8_t status = (p->packet[11] << 8) + p->packet[12];
uint8_t status = (p->packet[9] << 8) + p->packet[10]; |
//uint8_t stschan = p->packet[0] == 0x88 ? CH1 : CH2;
mPayload[iv->id].sts[stschan] = status; |
mPayload[iv->id].stsAB[stschan] = true; |
if (mPayload[iv->id].stsAB[CH1] && mPayload[iv->id].stsAB[CH2]) |
mPayload[iv->id].stsAB[CH0] = true; |
if ( !mPayload[iv->id].sts[0] || status < mPayload[iv->id].sts[0]) { |
mPayload[iv->id].sts[0] = status; |
iv->setValue(iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_EVT, rec), rec, status); |
} |
if (iv->alarmMesIndex < rec->record[iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_EVT, rec)]){ |
iv->alarmMesIndex = rec->record[iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_EVT, rec)]; // seems there's no status per channel in 3rd gen. models?!?
miDPRINTHead(DBG_INFO, iv->id); |
DBGPRINTLN(F("alarm ID incremented to ") + String(iv->alarmMesIndex)); |
iv->enqueCommand<InfoCommand>(AlarmData); |
} |
//mPayload[iv->id].skipfirstrepeat = 1;
if (mPayload[iv->id].stsAB[CH0] && mPayload[iv->id].dataAB[CH0] && !mPayload[iv->id].complete) { |
miComplete(iv); |
} |
} |
void miDataDecode(Inverter<> *iv, packet_t *p) { |
record_t<> *rec = iv->getRecordStruct(RealTimeRunData_Debug); // choose the parser
rec->ts = mPayload[iv->id].ts; |
mPayload[iv->id].gotFragment = true; |
uint8_t datachan = ( p->packet[0] == 0x89 || p->packet[0] == (0x36 + ALL_FRAMES) ) ? CH1 : |
( p->packet[0] == 0x91 || p->packet[0] == (0x37 + ALL_FRAMES) ) ? CH2 : |
p->packet[0] == (0x38 + ALL_FRAMES) ? CH3 : |
CH4; |
//DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("(#") + String(iv->id) + F(") data msg 0x") + String(p->packet[0], HEX) + F(" channel ") + datachan);
// count in RF_communication_protocol.xlsx is with offset = -1
iv->setValue(iv->getPosByChFld(datachan, FLD_UDC, rec), rec, (float)((p->packet[9] << 8) + p->packet[10])/10); |
yield(); |
iv->setValue(iv->getPosByChFld(datachan, FLD_IDC, rec), rec, (float)((p->packet[11] << 8) + p->packet[12])/10); |
yield(); |
iv->setValue(iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_UAC, rec), rec, (float)((p->packet[13] << 8) + p->packet[14])/10); |
yield(); |
iv->setValue(iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_F, rec), rec, (float) ((p->packet[15] << 8) + p->packet[16])/100); |
iv->setValue(iv->getPosByChFld(datachan, FLD_PDC, rec), rec, (float)((p->packet[17] << 8) + p->packet[18])/10); |
yield(); |
iv->setValue(iv->getPosByChFld(datachan, FLD_YD, rec), rec, (float)((p->packet[19] << 8) + p->packet[20])/1); |
yield(); |
iv->setValue(iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_T, rec), rec, (float) ((int16_t)(p->packet[21] << 8) + p->packet[22])/10); |
iv->setValue(iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_IRR, rec), rec, (float) (calcIrradiation(iv, datachan))); |
//AC Power is missing; we may have to calculate, as no respective data is in payload
if ( datachan < 3 ) { |
mPayload[iv->id].dataAB[datachan] = true; |
} |
if ( !mPayload[iv->id].dataAB[CH0] && mPayload[iv->id].dataAB[CH2] && mPayload[iv->id].dataAB[CH2] ) { |
mPayload[iv->id].dataAB[CH0] = true; |
} |
if (p->packet[0] >= (0x36 + ALL_FRAMES) ) { |
/*For MI1500:
if (MI1500) { |
STAT = (uint8_t)(p->packet[25] ); |
FCNT = (uint8_t)(p->packet[26]); |
FCODE = (uint8_t)(p->packet[27]); |
}*/ |
uint8_t status = (uint8_t)(p->packet[23]); |
mPayload[iv->id].sts[datachan] = status; |
if ( !mPayload[iv->id].sts[0] || status < mPayload[iv->id].sts[0]) { |
mPayload[iv->id].sts[0] = status; |
iv->setValue(iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_EVT, rec), rec, status); |
} |
if (p->packet[0] < (0x39 + ALL_FRAMES) ) { |
/*uint8_t cmd = p->packet[0] - ALL_FRAMES + 1;
mSys->Radio.prepareDevInformCmd(iv->radioId.u64, cmd, mPayload[iv->id].ts, iv->alarmMesIndex, false, cmd); |
mPayload[iv->id].txCmd = cmd;*/ |
mPayload[iv->id].complete = false; |
} |
else if (p->packet[0] == (0x39 + ALL_FRAMES) ) { |
/*uint8_t cmd = p->packet[0] - ALL_FRAMES + 1;
mSys->Radio.prepareDevInformCmd(iv->radioId.u64, cmd, mPayload[iv->id].ts, iv->alarmMesIndex, false, cmd); |
mPayload[iv->id].txCmd = cmd;*/ |
mPayload[iv->id].complete = true; |
} |
//iv->setValue(iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_EVT, rec), rec, calcMiSts(iv));yield();
if (iv->alarmMesIndex < rec->record[iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_EVT, rec)]){ |
iv->alarmMesIndex = rec->record[iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_EVT, rec)]; |
miDPRINTHead(DBG_INFO, iv->id); |
DBGPRINTLN(F("alarm ID incremented to ") + String(iv->alarmMesIndex)); |
} |
} |
if ( mPayload[iv->id].complete || //4ch device
(iv->type != INV_TYPE_4CH //other devices
&& mPayload[iv->id].dataAB[CH0] |
&& mPayload[iv->id].stsAB[CH0])) { |
miComplete(iv); |
} |
if(AlarmData == mPayload[iv->id].txCmd) { |
uint8_t i = 0; |
uint16_t code; |
uint32_t start, end; |
while(1) { |
code = iv->parseAlarmLog(i++, payload, payloadLen, &start, &end); |
if(0 == code) |
break; |
if (NULL != mCbMiAlarm) |
(mCbAlarm)(code, start, end); |
yield(); |
} |
}*/ |
} |
void miComplete(Inverter<> *iv) { |
mPayload[iv->id].complete = true; // For 2 CH devices, this might be too short...
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("(#") + String(iv->id) + F(") got all msgs")); |
record_t<> *rec = iv->getRecordStruct(RealTimeRunData_Debug); |
iv->setValue(iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_YD, rec), rec, calcYieldDayCh0(iv,0)); |
//preliminary AC calculation...
float ac_pow = 0; |
for(uint8_t i = 1; i <= iv->channels; i++) { |
if (mPayload[iv->id].sts[i] == 3) { |
uint8_t pos = iv->getPosByChFld(i, FLD_PDC, rec); |
ac_pow += iv->getValue(pos, rec); |
} |
} |
ac_pow = (int) (ac_pow*9.5); |
iv->setValue(iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_PAC, rec), rec, (float) ac_pow/10); |
iv->doCalculations(); |
iv->setQueuedCmdFinished(); |
mStat->rxSuccess++; |
yield(); |
notify(mPayload[iv->id].txCmd); |
} |
bool build(uint8_t id, bool *complete) { |
/*uint16_t crc = 0xffff, crcRcv = 0x0000;
if (mPayload[id].maxPackId > MAX_PAYLOAD_ENTRIES) |
mPayload[id].maxPackId = MAX_PAYLOAD_ENTRIES; |
*/ |
// check if all messages are there
*complete = mPayload[id].complete; |
uint8_t txCmd = mPayload[id].txCmd; |
//uint8_t cmd = getQueuedCmd();
if(!*complete) { |
DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("incomlete, txCmd is 0x") + String(txCmd, HEX)); // + F("cmd is 0x") + String(cmd, HEX));
if (txCmd == 0x09 || txCmd == 0x11 || (txCmd >= 0x36 && txCmd <= 0x39)) |
return false; |
} |
/*for (uint8_t i = 0; i < mPayload[id].maxPackId; i++) {
if (mPayload[id].len[i] > 0) { |
if (i == (mPayload[id].maxPackId - 1)) { |
crc = ah::crc16(mPayload[id].data[i], mPayload[id].len[i] - 2, crc); |
crcRcv = (mPayload[id].data[i][mPayload[id].len[i] - 2] << 8) | (mPayload[id].data[i][mPayload[id].len[i] - 1]); |
} else |
crc = ah::crc16(mPayload[id].data[i], mPayload[id].len[i], crc); |
} |
yield(); |
} |
return (crc == crcRcv) ? true : false;*/ |
return true; |
} |
void miDPRINTHead(uint8_t lvl, uint8_t id) { |
DPRINT(lvl, F("(#")); |
DBGPRINT(String(id)); |
DBGPRINT(F(") ")); |
} |
void reset(uint8_t id) { |
//DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("resetPayload: id: ") + String(id));
miDPRINTHead(DBG_INFO, id); |
DBGPRINTLN(F("resetPayload")); |
memset(mPayload[id].len, 0, MAX_PAYLOAD_ENTRIES); |
mPayload[id].gotFragment = false; |
/*mPayload[id].maxPackId = MAX_PAYLOAD_ENTRIES;
mPayload[id].lastFound = false;*/ |
mPayload[id].retransmits = 0; |
mPayload[id].complete = false; |
mPayload[id].dataAB[CH0] = true; //required for 1CH and 2CH devices
mPayload[id].dataAB[CH1] = true; //required for 1CH and 2CH devices
mPayload[id].dataAB[CH2] = true; //only required for 2CH devices
mPayload[id].stsAB[CH0] = true; //required for 1CH and 2CH devices
mPayload[id].stsAB[CH1] = true; //required for 1CH and 2CH devices
mPayload[id].stsAB[CH2] = true; //only required for 2CH devices
mPayload[id].txCmd = 0; |
mPayload[id].skipfirstrepeat = 0; |
mPayload[id].requested = false; |
mPayload[id].ts = *mTimestamp; |
mPayload[id].sts[0] = 0; |
mPayload[id].sts[CH1] = 0; |
mPayload[id].sts[CH2] = 0; |
mPayload[id].sts[CH3] = 0; |
mPayload[id].sts[CH4] = 0; |
} |
IApp *mApp; |
statistics_t *mStat; |
uint8_t mMaxRetrans; |
uint32_t *mTimestamp; |
miPayload_t mPayload[MAX_NUM_INVERTERS]; |
bool mSerialDebug; |
Inverter<> *mHighPrioIv; |
alarmListenerType mCbMiAlarm; |
payloadListenerType mCbMiPayload; |
}; |
#endif /*__MI_PAYLOAD_H__*/ |
Reference in new issue