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clean up

lumapu 2 years ago
  1. 22
  2. BIN
  3. 117
  4. 187
  5. BIN


@ -22,28 +22,6 @@ This work is licensed under a
This repository offers hardware and software solutions for communicating with Hoymiles inverters via radio. With our system, you can easily obtain real-time values such as power, current, and daily energy. Additionally, you can set parameters like the power limit of your inverter to achieve zero export. You can access these functionalities through our user-friendly web interface, MQTT, or JSON. Whether you're monitoring your solar panel system's performance or fine-tuning its settings, our solutions make it easy to achieve your goals.
This fork aims to improve the display layouts of several low-res displays, starting with the Nokia5110.
Current status of progress:
- improved layout with additional fixed headline for day of week, date and time, and centered text (already merged in lumapu >=0.7.34)
- improved 5x8 pixel font (some glyphes like dot and zero were deformed) and enhanced by ahoy specific symbols
- added sun and moon symbols with values that show number of producing and sleeping inverters (working)
- added calender and sigma symbols for YieldDay and YieldTotal
- added symbol for WiFi and MQTT that indicates WiFi and MQTT connection status (working)
- added RSSI bar for WiFi (working)
- added symbol für NRF24 that indicates if radio board is connected (working)
- added RSSI bar for NRF24 (basically working but currently only fed by inverter status due to missing RSSI value of NRF24. This should be improved in the future by using transition package heuristics)
![alt text](
There is also already a working implementation for OLED 128x64, with a bit of a higher font and symbol resolution.
The reason why this is not published at the moment is that OLEDs tend to quickly burn-in. Moving the screen content is no option for this layout because the layout is very well optimized and so pixels would quickly move off-screen. The only option would be to limit the on-time of the display by a means to activate it, e.g. a button or a sensor. This however would require a free GPIO pin, which are already rare on EPS8266... Other Ideas welcome!
![alt text](
Table of approaches:
| Board | MI | HM | HMS/HMT | comment | HowTo start |


Binary file not shown.


@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
date/time : 2023-08-16, 18:26:15, 482ms
computer name : ADAM
user name : Mandi
registered owner : Mandi
operating system : Windows NT New x64 build 9200
system language : German
system up time : 5 days 11 hours
program up time : 53 seconds
processors : 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz
physical memory : 2590/8076 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 8,68 GB
display mode : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id : $2594
allocated memory : 89,69 MB
executable : Fony.exe
exec. date/time : 2013-07-26 14:53
version :
compiled with : Delphi 2010
madExcept version : 3.0l
Fony.exe.mad : $00027f1c, $5ec042fa, $52ce3375
callstack crc : $995e12b8, $c17583ff, $c17583ff
count : 3
exception number : 1
exception class : EStringListError
exception message : List index out of bounds (22851).
main thread ($47fc):
0048fd79 +01d Fony.exe segment%32 public%3422
00699a7c +190 Fony.exe segment%226 public%14304
004983d3 +00f Fony.exe segment%32 public%3750
00527ae5 +031 Fony.exe segment%66 public%6729
00528830 +050 Fony.exe segment%66 public%6787
00498297 +013 Fony.exe segment%32 public%3739
0056db61 +085 Fony.exe segment%83 public%8192
00580ea9 +015 Fony.exe segment%85 public%8649
0056da66 +0b2 Fony.exe segment%83 public%8190
00498a80 +014 Fony.exe segment%32 public%3772
771d5bfb +00b user32.dll DispatchMessageW
0053b85d +11d Fony.exe segment%67 public%7204
0053b8a2 +00a Fony.exe segment%67 public%7206
0053bbcd +0c9 Fony.exe segment%67 public%7211
006a9d16 +136 Fony.exe segment%349 public%14518
754100c7 +017 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $15f8:
76288e83 +93 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
76288c62 +92 KERNELBASE.dll GetOverlappedResult
754100c7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $2fc0:
754100c7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $3d8:
754100c7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $49fc:
76292fed +fd KERNELBASE.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
0045f435 +0d Fony.exe segment%23 public%2294
0045f49f +37 Fony.exe segment%23 public%2295
754100c7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($47fc) at:
76670ef1 +00 combase.dll
thread $3628:
754100c7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $2ad8:
754100c7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $130c:
0045f435 +0d Fony.exe segment%23 public%2294
0045f49f +37 Fony.exe segment%23 public%2295
754100c7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($47fc) at:
76670ef1 +00 combase.dll
thread $2ef8:
771dc517 +47 user32.dll MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx
0045f435 +0d Fony.exe segment%23 public%2294
0045f49f +37 Fony.exe segment%23 public%2295
754100c7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by thread $2fc0 at:
7647c623 +00 shcore.dll
thread $2888:
754100c7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $342c:
754100c7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $313c:
754100c7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $2cb4:
754100c7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $940:
754100c7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $2824:
762b28cd +3d KERNELBASE.dll ConnectNamedPipe
754100c7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $1f7c:
754100c7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $f90:
754100c7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $588:
76292fed +fd KERNELBASE.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
0045f435 +0d Fony.exe segment%23 public%2294
0045f49f +37 Fony.exe segment%23 public%2295
754100c7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by thread $130c at:
76670ef1 +00 combase.dll


@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
Latest changes:
1.4.7 (2013-07-26)
* Fixed pasting glyph images from clipboard (glyphs were stretched).
* Added setting to change the default contents of the font preview box.
* Added button to the font preview box to revert to the default contents.
* The text contents of the font preview box is now remembered.
1.4.6 (2012-12-02)
* Fixed Amiga bitmap font import.
1.4.5 (2012-01-31)
* TTF Import now sports a progress bar, improved baseline detection and
improved import speed.
1.4.4 (2012-01-27)
* Fixed BDF export, which was broken due to compiler upgrade.
* Updated version resource.
1.4.3 (2011-11-18)
* Fixed a bug introduced in where font file handling did not work
correctly in some locales, rendering Fony unusable.
* Corrected tabbing order in confirmation dialogs.
1.4.2 (2011-09-27)
* Font Properties shows the point size of the font.
* Got rid of "undo storage not initialized" errors.
* Updated Russian and Finnish translations. (Thanks aleks)
* GUI maintenance, fixed web URLs to point to the new site at
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2010-04-13)
* Fixed the drawing tools broken in previous release.
* Small UI fixes.
* Quick fix for language translations.
* Undo/redo might have some bugs left.
* There may be some unknown bugs introduced due to compiler upgrade.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2010-04-11)
* Multi-level undo/redo.
* Fixed binary data export.
* Small performance/overall improvements.
* Internal changes.
* Upgraded to Delphi 2010.
test 2009-11-05
* Raw binary data export.
* Fixed Bitmap Font Writer import, which had mysteriously ceased working
at some point, plus added ability to import 'invalid' BFW fonts.
* Possibly some tweaks and fixes, I'm not sure.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2009-05-29)
* Pasting a small glyph into a larger one works properly now.
* Fony won't modify glyph sizes when pasting if the font is monospaced now.
* "Reset glyph" didn't reset the value in the glyph width edit box.
* Fixed wrapping in font preview box.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2009-05-17)
* Back to a more sensible version scheme.
* Preview window settings are now saved.
* Japanese and Russian translations updated.
* Arrow keys in font preview memo would also browse glyphs.
1.4.0 beta (2009-05-07)
* User interface revamp - now most things are dockable toolbars.
(Customizable, too - see View->Customize Toolbars.)
* Glyph selector has a context menu now.
* "Open Installed Font" didn't display FNT files.
* Some Unicode strings were not being displayed properly in status bar.
* Saving to Windows' Fonts folder didn't install the font properly.
* "View->Square Pixels" setting wasn't saved.
* "Left mouse toggles pixel" was broken with previous update.
1.4.0 alpha:
* Finally found and fixed the tiny (and stupid) but fatal bug which caused
Fony to calculate invalid offsets for the FON header, causing havoc with
large font files.
* BDF Export dialog with the option to export glyphs without trimming off
padding from glyph edges, to get around faulty bounding box calculations
of some programs.
* BDF Import asks whether to preserve or crop glyphs with invalid width.
* Exporting a bitmap in Bitmap Font Writer format ignored range settings.
* Importing a TTF font made buttons in confirmation dialogs use said font.
* "Install font" should now install font permanently (on XP and below).
* Glyph ranges can now also be selected with the middle mouse button.
* Made the brush alpha-blended for a nicer look.
* Small improvements, nicer easter egg(?)
* Made it possible to select a range of glyphs by depressing Shift while
clicking on the glyph list bar. Effects such as Invert, Mirror, Boldify
now apply to the range of glyphs selected, if applicable. If no range is
selected, they apply to either the current glyph or the whole font,
depending on whether Shift is pressed.
Works with copy/paste too, but not much error checking yet.
* test/Fony.exe: Opening the Properties dialog for a font with multiple
VarFileInfo (or any other) blocks no longer results in a crash.
* test/Fony.exe: Improvements to BDF importing
* Line tool now too supports larger than 1 pixel brushes.
* Custom mouse cursors for the editor window. Hope they don't suck too much?
* "Boldify font" could set font width wrong on monospaced fonts.
* There was no way to convert a monospaced font to a variable pitch one
without accepting the "Crop Width" dialog.
* Fixed a graphical glitch with the brush after resizing glyph/font.
* Added links to Fony website and forum on the Help menu.
* Finally implemented brushes bigger than 1px! (Not for the Line tool, yet.)
* Brush follows mouse. (Will be made optional later.)
* Custom bitmap importer: you can now import by either text color or
background color (anything in chosen color is text vs. anything in
chosen color is background).
* Fixed behaviour of Escape button in question/confirmation dialogs (it
triggered Yes/OK instead of Cancel).
* "Boldify font" feature (remember to set font properties after using it)
* Further improved custom bitmap importer: pan the image by holding down
the middle mouse button; right-click to pick text color; displays glyph
bounds; made the dialog resizable and non-modal so you can modify the
glyphs while working; selection height was off by one pixel; zooming
centers in on selection; bounds checking.
* Custom bitmap import; grab glyphs from any image with some text written in
a fixed-width font. (Create or load a fixed-width font before importing
and set its size to the size of the font in the image. Should be simple to
understand. Threshold is for use when all pixels of the text are not the
same exact color; good for JPEGs and such. Arrow keys fine tune position.)
* View menu is now functional.
* Fixed tab order in some dialogs.
* Oops, changes to Module name and Description strings were ignored.
Changes since 1.3.6: (2008-05-22)
* Preliminary support for Version resources in FON.
* Install/uninstall font.
* Proper font cropping (Edit -> Crop Width).
* Drag'n'drop support.
* "Use old method to save Win3.x FNT files" for possibly(?) better
compatibility. (Win2.x format is always saved using this method.)
* Hugely improved FNT/FON output; Windows 9x and Softy shouldn't choke on
Fony-generated fonts anymore.
* Moved glyph selector from editor window to main window.
* Uses proper dialog font on Windows 9x.
* Other user interface and cosmetics enhancements.
* Only first font resource was saved in FON.
* After a "Save As" to FNT, subsequent saves still saved as FON.
* Font charset combobox always defaulted to "Other:".


Binary file not shown.