@ -13,28 +13,6 @@ import paho.mqtt.client
import yaml
from yaml . loader import SafeLoader
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = ' Ahoy - Hoymiles solar inverter gateway ' )
parser . add_argument ( " -c " , " --config-file " , nargs = " ? " ,
help = " configuration file " )
global_config = parser . parse_args ( )
if global_config . config_file :
with open ( global_config . config_file ) as yf :
cfg = yaml . load ( yf , Loader = SafeLoader )
else :
with open ( global_config . config_file ) as yf :
cfg = yaml . load ( ' ahoy.yml ' , Loader = SafeLoader )
radio = RF24 ( 22 , 0 , 1000000 )
hmradio = hoymiles . HoymilesNRF ( device = radio )
mqtt_client = None
command_queue = { }
mqtt_command_topic_subs = [ ]
def main_loop ( ) :
inverters = [
inverter for inverter in ahoy_config . get ( ' inverters ' , [ ] )
@ -45,62 +23,66 @@ def main_loop():
print ( f ' Poll inverter { inverter [ " serial " ] } ' )
poll_inverter ( inverter )
def poll_inverter ( inverter ) :
def poll_inverter ( inverter , retries = 4 ) :
inverter_ser = inverter . get ( ' serial ' )
dtu_ser = ahoy_config . get ( ' dtu ' , { } ) . get ( ' serial ' )
if len ( command_queue [ str ( inverter_ser ) ] ) > 0 :
# Queue at least status data request
command_queue [ str ( inverter_ser ) ] . append ( hoymiles . compose_set_time_payload ( ) )
# Putt all queued commands for current inverter on air
while len ( command_queue [ str ( inverter_ser ) ] ) > 0 :
payload = command_queue [ str ( inverter_ser ) ] . pop ( 0 )
else :
payload = hoymiles . compose_set_time_payload ( )
payload_ttl = 4
while payload_ttl > 0 :
payload_ttl = payload_ttl - 1
com = hoymiles . InverterTransaction (
radio = hmradio ,
dtu_ser = dtu _ser,
inverter_ser = inverter_ser ,
request = next ( hoymiles . compose_esb_packet (
payload ,
seq = b ' \x80 ' ,
src = dtu_ser ,
dst = inverter_ser
) ) )
response = None
while com . rxtx ( ) :
try :
response = com . get_payload ( )
payload_ttl = 0
except Exception as e :
print ( f ' Error while retrieving data: { e } ' )
if response :
dt = datetime . now ( )
print ( f ' { dt } Payload: ' + hoymiles . hexify_payload ( response ) )
decoder = hoymiles . ResponseDecoder ( response ,
request = com . request ,
inverter_ser = inverter_ser
result = decoder . decode ( )
if isinstance ( result , hoymiles . decoders . StatusResponse ) :
data = result . __dict__ ( )
print ( f ' { dt } Decoded: { data [ " temperature " ] } ' , end = ' ' )
phase_id = 0
for phase in data [ ' phases ' ] :
print ( f ' phase { phase_id } =voltage: { phase [ " voltage " ] } , current: { phase [ " current " ] } , power: { phase [ " power " ] } , frequency: { data [ " frequency " ] } ' , end = ' ' )
phase_id = phase_id + 1
string_id = 0
for string in data [ ' strings ' ] :
print ( f ' string { string_id } =voltage: { string [ " voltage " ] } , current: { string [ " current " ] } , power: { string [ " power " ] } , total: { string [ " energy_total " ] / 1000 } , daily: { string [ " energy_daily " ] } ' , end = ' ' )
string_id = string_id + 1
print ( )
if mqtt_client :
mqtt_send_status ( mqtt_client , inverter_ser , data ,
topic = inverter . get ( ' mqtt ' , { } ) . get ( ' topic ' , None ) )
# Send payload {ttl}-times until we get at least one reponse
payload_ttl = retries
while payload_ttl > 0 :
payload_ttl = payload_ttl - 1
com = hoymiles . InverterTransaction (
radio = hmradio ,
dtu_ser = dtu_ser ,
inverter_ser = inverter _ser ,
request = next ( hoymiles . compose_esb_packet (
payload ,
seq = b ' \x80 ' ,
src = dtu_ser ,
dst = inverter_ser
) ) )
response = None
while com . rxtx ( ) :
try :
response = com . get_payload ( )
payload_ttl = 0
except Exception as e :
print ( f ' Error while retrieving data: { e } ' )
# Handle the response data if any
if response :
dt = datetime . now ( )
print ( f ' { dt } Payload: ' + hoymiles . hexify_payload ( response ) )
decoder = hoymiles . ResponseDecoder ( response ,
request = com . request ,
inverter_ser = inverter_ser
result = decoder . decode ( )
if isinstance ( result , hoymiles . decoders . StatusResponse ) :
data = result . __dict__ ( )
print ( f ' { dt } Decoded: { data [ " temperature " ] } ' , end = ' ' )
phase_id = 0
for phase in data [ ' phases ' ] :
print ( f ' phase { phase_id } =voltage: { phase [ " voltage " ] } , current: { phase [ " current " ] } , power: { phase [ " power " ] } , frequency: { data [ " frequency " ] } ' , end = ' ' )
phase_id = phase_id + 1
string_id = 0
for string in data [ ' strings ' ] :
print ( f ' string { string_id } =voltage: { string [ " voltage " ] } , current: { string [ " current " ] } , power: { string [ " power " ] } , total: { string [ " energy_total " ] / 1000 } , daily: { string [ " energy_daily " ] } ' , end = ' ' )
string_id = string_id + 1
print ( )
if mqtt_client :
mqtt_send_status ( mqtt_client , inverter_ser , data ,
topic = inverter . get ( ' mqtt ' , { } ) . get ( ' topic ' , None ) )
def mqtt_send_status ( broker , inverter_ser , data , topic = None ) :
""" Publish StatusResponse object """
@ -170,8 +152,51 @@ def mqtt_on_command(client, userdata, message):
hoymiles . frame_payload ( payload [ 1 : ] ) )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = ' Ahoy - Hoymiles solar inverter gateway ' , prog = " hoymiles " )
parser . add_argument ( " -c " , " --config-file " , nargs = " ? " , required = True ,
help = " configuration file " )
parser . add_argument ( " --log-transactions " , action = " store_true " , default = False ,
help = " Enable transaction logging output " )
parser . add_argument ( " --verbose " , action = " store_true " , default = False ,
help = " Enable debug output " )
global_config = parser . parse_args ( )
# Load ahoy.yml config file
try :
if isinstance ( global_config . config_file , str ) == True :
with open ( global_config . config_file , ' r ' ) as yf :
cfg = yaml . load ( yf , Loader = SafeLoader )
else :
with open ( ' ahoy.yml ' , ' r ' ) as yf :
cfg = yaml . load ( yf , Loader = SafeLoader )
except FileNotFoundError :
print ( " Could not load config file. Try --help " )
sys . exit ( 2 )
except yaml . YAMLError as ye :
print ( ' Failed to load config frile {global_config.config_file} : {ye} ' )
sys . exit ( 1 )
ahoy_config = dict ( cfg . get ( ' ahoy ' , { } ) )
# Prepare for multiple transceivers, makes them configurable (currently
# only one supported)
for radio_config in ahoy_config . get ( ' nrf ' , [ { } ] ) :
radio = RF24 (
radio_config . get ( ' ce_pin ' , 22 ) ,
radio_config . get ( ' cs_pin ' , 0 ) ,
radio_config . get ( ' spispeed ' , 1000000 ) )
hmradio = hoymiles . HoymilesNRF ( device = radio )
mqtt_client = None
command_queue = { }
mqtt_command_topic_subs = [ ]
if global_config . log_transactions :
if global_config . verbose :
mqtt_config = ahoy_config . get ( ' mqtt ' , [ ] )
if not mqtt_config . get ( ' disabled ' , False ) :
mqtt_client = paho . mqtt . client . Client ( )
@ -202,9 +227,13 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
loop_interval = ahoy_config . get ( ' interval ' , 1 )
try :
while True :
t_loop_start = time . time ( )
main_loop ( )
if loop_interval :
print ( ' ' , end = ' ' , flush = True )
if loop_interval > 0 and ( time . time ( ) - t_loop_start ) < loop_interval :
time . sleep ( time . time ( ) % loop_interval )
except KeyboardInterrupt :