* heuristics fix#1269#1270
* moved `sendInterval` in settings, **important:** *will be reseted to 15s after update to this version*
* try to prevent access to radio classes if they are not activated
* fixed millis in serial log
* changed 'print whole trace' = `false` as default
* added communication loop duration in [ms] to serial console
* don't print Hex-Payload if 'print whole trace' == `false`
added part of mac address to MQTT client ID to seperate multiple ESPs in same network
added dictionary for MQTT to reduce heap-fragmentation
removed `last Alarm` from Live view, because it showed always the same alarm - will change in future
-> now Ahoy opens an AP during boot. This will be closed once a station WiFi connection is established
improved NTP after boot, will be synced immediately after successful WiFi connection
removed wrong "inverter type can't be detected!" messages
repaired NTP and static IP #459
MQTT status about availability and produce are retain messages now