* moved MqTT info to `system`
* added CMT info for ESP32 devices
* improved CMT settings, now `SCLK` and `SDIO` are configurable #1046, #1150
* changed `Power-Limit` in live-view to `Active Power Control`
* increase length of update file selector #1132
* added default pins for opendtu-fusion-v1 board
* fixed hw version display in `live`
* removed development builds, renamed environments in `platform.ini`
* reset alarms at midnight (if inverter is not available) #1105, #1096
* add option to reset 'max' values on midnight #1102
* added default pins for CMT2300A (matching OpenDTU)
* fix Contrast for Nokia Display #1041
* attempt to fix#1016 by improving inverter status
* added option to adjust effiency for yield (day/total) #1028
* fix display of hidden SSID checkbox
* changed yield correction data type to `double`, now decimal places are supported
* corrected name of 0.91" display in settings
* attempt to fix MqTT zero values only if setting is there #980, #957
* made AP password configurable #951
* added option to start without time-sync, eg. for AP-only-mode #951
* further improved save settings
* removed `#` character from ePaper
* fixed saving pinout for `Nokia-Display`
* removed `Reset` Pin for monochrome displays
Warning: old exports are not compatible any more!
further save settings improvements (only store inverters which are existing)
improved display of settings save return value
made save settings asynchronous (more heap memory is free)
fix limit in [User_Manual.md](../User_Manual.md)
changed `contrast` to `luminance` in `setup.html`
try to fix SSD1306 display #759
only show necessary display pins depending on setting
improved saving settings of display #747, #746
disabled contrast for Nokia display #746
added Prometheus as compile option #719, #615
update MQTT lib to v1.4.1
limit decimal places to 2 in `live`
added `-DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_MMU_CACHE16_IRAM48` to esp8266 debug build #657
a `max-module-power` of `0` disables channel in live view `setup`