+ command queue
+ feedback from inverter for actual power limit via InfoCmd -> SystemConfigPara (0x05)
+ REST API will enqueue a new info command
+ change in power limit will enqueue infocm to get actual power limit
+ actual power limit is available under mqtt topic <TOPIC>/<NAME>/ch0/PowerLimit ALWAYS in percent
+ Firmware information will be requested automatically up on start of dtu
- Solves Issue 156, 158, 159
- Uncheck "Reboot after save" by default, It is only madatory if an inverter is added or changed (name,address)
- Add "*" to denote mandatory fields in setup
- Remove "MQTT Interval read only" in setup
- Correct typos in Markdown files
* request only one inverter per loop (https://github.com/grindylow/ahoy/issues/53#issuecomment-1147042489)
* mqtt loop interval calculated by # of inverters and inverter request interval
* limit maximum number of retries
* added feature request #62 (readable names for channels)
* improved setup page, added javascript to hide / show channel fields
** IMORTANT: memory layout change, all configuration will be lost, except WiFI **
* fixed behavior if no MQTT IP is set (the system was nearly unusable because of delayed responses)
* fixed Station / AP WiFi on startup -> more information will be printed to the serial console
* added new ticker for serial value dump
* added option to compile WiFi SSID + PWD to firmware
* added option to configure WiFi access point name and password
* added feature to retry connect to station WiFi (configurable timeouts)
* updated index.html
* added option for factory reset
* added info about project on index.html
* moved "update" and "home" to footer
* fixed#23 HM1200 yield day unit
* fixed DNS name of ESP after setup (some commits before)
* fix: RF24 power setting configuration
* added RF24 isChipConnected
* added MQTT port configuration
* fix offsets for HM400 and HM600 inverters
* added warning if configuration was changed without reboot
* html / css files are now located inside PROGMEM
* conversion of files is done with python script (OS independent, open source)
* moved as much as possible for now to the hm* modules - the app should only be the body
* successfully tested with HM1200