* further improved save settings
* removed `#` character from ePaper
* fixed saving pinout for `Nokia-Display`
* removed `Reset` Pin for monochrome displays
Warning: old exports are not compatible any more!
further save settings improvements (only store inverters which are existing)
improved display of settings save return value
made save settings asynchronous (more heap memory is free)
fix limit in [User_Manual.md](../User_Manual.md)
changed `contrast` to `luminance` in `setup.html`
try to fix SSD1306 display #759
only show necessary display pins depending on setting
improved saving settings of display #747, #746
disabled contrast for Nokia display #746
added Prometheus as compile option #719, #615
update MQTT lib to v1.4.1
limit decimal places to 2 in `live`
added `-DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_MMU_CACHE16_IRAM48` to esp8266 debug build #657
a `max-module-power` of `0` disables channel in live view `setup`
webserial minor overflow fix#660
web `index.html` improve version information #701
fix MQTT sets power limit to zero (0) #692
changed `reset at midnight` with timezone #697
reenabled FlashStringHelper because of lacking RAM
complete rewrite of monochrome display class, thx to @dAjaY85 -> displays are now configurable in setup
improved `isAvailable`, checkes all record structs, inverter becomes available more early because version is check first
fix tickers were not set if NTP is not available
disabled annoying `FlashStringHelper` it gives randomly Expeptions during development, feels more stable since then
moved erase button to the bottom in settings, not nice but more functional
split `tx_count` to `tx_cnt` and `retransmits` in `system.html`
fix mqtt retransmit IP address #602
added debug infos for `scheduler` (web -> `/debug` as trigger prints list of tickers to serial console)
fix Prometheus and JSON endpoints (`config_override.h`) #561
publish MQTT with fixed interval even if inverter is not available #542
added JSON settings upload. NOTE: settings JSON download changed, so only settings should be uploaded starting from version `0.5.70` #551
MQTT topic and inverter name have more allowed characters: `[A-Za-z0-9./#$%&=+_-]+`, thx: @Mo Demman
improved potential issue with `checkTicker`, thx @cbscpe
MQTT option for reset values on midnight / not avail / communication stop #539
small fix in `tickIVCommunication` #534
add `YieldTotal` correction, eg. to have the option to zero at year start #512
fix Prometheus and JSON endpoints (`config_override.h`) #561
publish MQTT with fixed interval even if inverter is not available #542
added JSON settings upload. NOTE: settings JSON download changed, so only settings should be uploaded starting from version `0.5.70` #551
MQTT topic and inverter name have more allowed characters: `[A-Za-z0-9./#$%&=+_-]+`, thx: @Mo Demman
improved potential issue with `checkTicker`, thx @cbscpe
MQTT option for reset values on midnight / not avail / communication stop #539
small fix in `tickIVCommunication` #534
add `YieldTotal` correction, eg. to have the option to zero at year start #512