* added option to compile WiFi SSID + PWD to firmware
* added option to configure WiFi access point name and password
* added feature to retry connect to station WiFi (configurable timeouts)
* updated index.html
* added option for factory reset
* added info about project on index.html
* moved "update" and "home" to footer
* fixed#23 HM1200 yield day unit
* fixed DNS name of ESP after setup (some commits before)
ersetzt NRF24_SendRcv
Kommentare dazu:
- Projekt jetzt umgenannt in HoyDtuSim (Hoymiles DTU Simulation)
-Läuft auf Arduino (bei mir auf Pro Mini) und ESP (Wemos D1 mini), je
nachdem wie man kompiliert
- Channel hopping für senden und Empfangen (poor man's ...) ist
eingebaut und bringt konstante Antworten; obige Erkenntnisse über Kanäle
abwärts sind noch nicht eingebaut
- da manchmal ein Abbruch der RF-Verbindung vorkam (auch schon oben
erwähnt) wird jetzt nach ca 50 Sekunden ohne Empfang das RF-Modul neu
initialisiert und es geht problemlos weiter
- Definitionen für HM-600 und HM-1200 sind implementiert, andere können
anhand der beiden Beispiele sicher leicht impl. werden
- Anpassungen sind in der Settings.h zu machen
* fixed#11, WiFi password length limit increased to 63, check 802.11i spec:
> A pass-phrase is a sequence of between 8 and 63 ASCII-encoded characters. The limit of 63 comes from the desire to distinguish between a pass-phrase and a PSK displayed as 64 hexadecimal characters.
* fix: RF24 power setting configuration
* added RF24 isChipConnected
* added MQTT port configuration
* fix offsets for HM400 and HM600 inverters
* added warning if configuration was changed without reboot
* html / css files are now located inside PROGMEM
* conversion of files is done with python script (OS independent, open source)
* moved as much as possible for now to the hm* modules - the app should only be the body
* successfully tested with HM1200
* build CRC over settings, only if the CRC matches settings are applied
* send command 0x80 (set time was wrong)
* improved crc16 routine
* added statistics for received commands and send statistics (channels are not correct for now!)
* receive of commands 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x81 and 0x84 working