* bound html through ajax to parse setup page (not finished now)
* added compression option for static html to python module
* removed generated h-file from index (redundant information), they will be created on compile time
Development -> Main 0.5.15
- v0.5.15
* Bug fix: mqtt payload handling (thx @klahus1, silverserver)
* Bug fix: eeprom alignment fixed (thx @klahus1)
* mqtt reconnect improvements (thx @tastendruecker123 , @HorstG-57 )
* simple command scheduler (one place fifo)
* InverterDevInform_All Command parser and output to mqtt
* New workflow to build github release
* Introduction of a command queue (like OpenDTU)
* Feedback from inverter for actual power limit via InfoCmd -> SystemConfigPara (0x05) placed in visualization
* REST API will enqueue a new info command (all commands supported)
* Change in power limit will (Setup, MQTT or REST API) enqueues a new infocmd request to get actual power limit
* Actual power limit is available under MQTT topic <TOPIC>/<INVERTER-NAME>/ch0/PowerLimit ALWAYS in percent
* Firmware information will be requested automatically up on start of dtu
* Added User_Manual.md
- Known Open Points
* Not all parsers are implemented but can now easy be down by just adding byte mapping
* More than one InfoCmd in the loop WILL require a stream/websocket to update live data.
+ command queue
+ feedback from inverter for actual power limit via InfoCmd -> SystemConfigPara (0x05)
+ REST API will enqueue a new info command
+ change in power limit will enqueue infocm to get actual power limit
+ actual power limit is available under mqtt topic <TOPIC>/<NAME>/ch0/PowerLimit ALWAYS in percent
+ Firmware information will be requested automatically up on start of dtu