* fixed docu #1085
* changed active power limit MqTT messages to QOS2 #1072
* improved alarm messages, added alarm-id to log #1089
* trigger power limit read on next day (if inverter was offline meanwhile)
* disabled improv implementation to check if it is related to 'Schwuppdizitaet'
* changed live view to gray once inverter isn't available
* added inverter status to API
* changed sum of totals on WebGui depending on inverter status #1084
* merge maximum power (AC and DC) from PR #1080
webserial minor overflow fix#660
web `index.html` improve version information #701
fix MQTT sets power limit to zero (0) #692
changed `reset at midnight` with timezone #697
* fix negative temperature (OpenDTU issue 246)
* added plausibility check based on payload length
* prepared project for splitting into library and end-user-esp
* added donation link to index.html
* deactivated disclaimer temporarily
+ command queue
+ feedback from inverter for actual power limit via InfoCmd -> SystemConfigPara (0x05)
+ REST API will enqueue a new info command
+ change in power limit will enqueue infocm to get actual power limit
+ actual power limit is available under mqtt topic <TOPIC>/<NAME>/ch0/PowerLimit ALWAYS in percent
+ Firmware information will be requested automatically up on start of dtu
Changes 0.5.14.
- bug fix in mqtt payload handling thx to @klahus1 and silversurfer
- small improvements in code styling
- refactoring to get have the option to implement different parse for InfoCommands
- Get FWVersion by REST API call
- Display FWVersion in webui (only after REST API call)
* added option to compile WiFi SSID + PWD to firmware
* added option to configure WiFi access point name and password
* added feature to retry connect to station WiFi (configurable timeouts)
* updated index.html
* added option for factory reset
* added info about project on index.html
* moved "update" and "home" to footer
* fixed#23 HM1200 yield day unit
* fixed DNS name of ESP after setup (some commits before)