* further improved save settings
* removed `#` character from ePaper
* fixed saving pinout for `Nokia-Display`
* removed `Reset` Pin for monochrome displays
fix add inverter `setup.html` #766
fix MQTT retained flag for total values #726
renamed buttons for import and export `setup.html`
added serial message `settings saved`
fix limit in [User_Manual.md](../User_Manual.md)
changed `contrast` to `luminance` in `setup.html`
try to fix SSD1306 display #759
only show necessary display pins depending on setting
improved saving settings of display #747, #746
disabled contrast for Nokia display #746
added Prometheus as compile option #719, #615
update MQTT lib to v1.4.1
limit decimal places to 2 in `live`
added `-DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_MMU_CACHE16_IRAM48` to esp8266 debug build #657
a `max-module-power` of `0` disables channel in live view `setup`
reduced maximum allowed JSON size for API to 6000Bytes #660
small fix: output command at `prepareDevInformCmd` #692
improved inverter handling for MQTT #671
webserial minor overflow fix#660
web `index.html` improve version information #701
fix MQTT sets power limit to zero (0) #692
changed `reset at midnight` with timezone #697
added part of mac address to MQTT client ID to seperate multiple ESPs in same network
added dictionary for MQTT to reduce heap-fragmentation
removed `last Alarm` from Live view, because it showed always the same alarm - will change in future
fix blue LED lights up all the time #672
fix installing schedulers if NTP server isn't available
improved zero values on triggers #671
hardcoded MQTT subtopics, because wildcard `#` leads to errors
rephrased some messages on webif, thx to @Argafal#638
reenabled FlashStringHelper because of lacking RAM
complete rewrite of monochrome display class, thx to @dAjaY85 -> displays are now configurable in setup