* fix display of sunrise in `/system` #1308
* fix overflow of `getLossRate` calculation #1318
* improved MqTT by marking sent data and improved `last_success` resends #1319
* added timestamp for `max ac power` as tooltip #1324#1123#1199
* repaired Power-limit acknowledge #1322
* changed reload time for opendtufusion after update to 5s
* fix default interval and gap for communication
* fix serial number in exported json (was decimal, now correct as hexdecimal number)
* beautified factory reset
* added second stage for erase settings
* increased maximal number of inverters to 32 for opendtufusion board (ESP32-S3)
* fixed crash if CMT inverter is enabled, but CMT isn't configured
* heuristics fix#1269#1270
* moved `sendInterval` in settings, **important:** *will be reseted to 15s after update to this version*
* try to prevent access to radio classes if they are not activated
* fixed millis in serial log
* changed 'print whole trace' = `false` as default
* added communication loop duration in [ms] to serial console
* don't print Hex-Payload if 'print whole trace' == `false`
* fix ESP8266 inverter settings #1226
* send radio statistics via MqTT #1227
* made night communication inverter depended
* added option to prevent adding values of inverter to total values (MqTT only) #1199
* fixed endless loop while switching CMT frequency
* removed obsolete "retries" field from settings #1224
* fixed crash while defining new invertes #1224
* fixed default frequency settings
* added default input power to `400` while adding new inverters
* fixed color of wifi RSSI icon #1224
* prepared PA-Level for CMT
* removed settings for number of retransmits, its fixed to `5` now
* added parentheses to have a excactly defined behaviour
* added active power control in `W` to live view #201, #673
* updated docu, active power control related #706
* added current AC-Power to `index` page and removed version #763
* improved statistic data, moved to entire struct
* removed `/api/statistics` endpoint from REST-API