# Information This repository contains the sources for https://ahoydtu.de. The sources are converted by a *static site generator* [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/). The main Repository URL is: https://github.com/lumapu/ahoy # Contribute Feel free to modify / add contents of the website which helps other users to understand better how to start or use AhoyDTU. ## Quick Howto * edit files inside the directory `content` most of them are Markdown files (\*.md). * once you're finish commit your changes (as Pull-Request) * wait until a collaborator merges your changes ## Design / CSS * this site uses [Bootstrap 5](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.2/getting-started/introduction/) ## Offline convertion of sources to website ### Docker * you can use a local docker container which runs Hugo to convert the sources to a static site: `docker run --rm -it -v ${pwd}\:/src -p 80:1313 klakegg/hugo:0.101.0-ext-alpine shell` * from the shell start hugo server by typing `hugo server` * point your browser to http://localhost ### Hokus Hokus is a WYSIWYG Hugo Editor [](https://www.hokuscms.com/)