[![CC BY-NC-SA 4.0][cc-by-nc-sa-shield]][cc-by-nc-sa] [![Ahoy Dev Build][dev-action-badge]][dev-action-link] This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License][cc-by-nc-sa]. [![CC BY-NC-SA 4.0][cc-by-nc-sa-image]][cc-by-nc-sa] [cc-by-nc-sa]: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.de [cc-by-nc-sa-image]: https://licensebuttons.net/l/by-nc-sa/4.0/88x31.png [cc-by-nc-sa-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-CC%20BY--NC--SA%204.0-lightgrey.svg [dev-action-badge]: https://github.com/lumapu/ahoy/actions/workflows/compile_development.yml/badge.svg [dev-action-link]: https://github.com/lumapu/ahoy/actions/workflows/compile_development.yml # πŸ– Ahoy! ![Logo](https://github.com/grindylow/ahoy/blob/main/doc/logo1_small.png?raw=true) **Communicate with Hoymiles inverters via radio**. Get actual values like power, current, daily energy and set parameters like the power limit via web interface or MQTT. In this repository you will find different approaches means Hardware / Software to realize the described functionalities. Table of approaches: | Board | MI | HM | HMS/HMT | comment | HowTo start | | ------ | -- | -- | ------- | ------- | ---------- | | [ESP8266/ESP32, C++](Getting_Started.md) | βœ”οΈ | βœ”οΈ | coming soon✨ | πŸ‘ˆ the most effort is spent here | [create your own DTU](https://ahoydtu.de/getting_started/) | | [Arduino Nano, C++](tools/nano/NRF24_SendRcv/) | ❌ | βœ”οΈ | ❌ | | | [Raspberry Pi, Python](tools/rpi/) | ❌ | βœ”οΈ | ❌ | | | [Others, C/C++](tools/nano/NRF24_SendRcv/) | ❌ | βœ”οΈ | ❌ | | ## Getting Started [Guide how to start with a ESP module](Getting_Started.md) [ESP Webinstaller (Edge / Chrome Browser only)](https://ahoydtu.de/web_install) ## Our Website [https://ahoydtu.de](https://ahoydtu.de) ## Success Stories - [Getting the data into influxDB and visualize them in a Grafana Dashboard](https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/16850-pv-power-ahoy/) (thx @Carl) ## Support, Feedback, Information and Discussion - [Discord Server (~ 3.800 Users)](https://discord.gg/WzhxEY62mB) - [The root of development](https://www.mikrocontroller.net/topic/525778) ### Development If you encounter issues use the issues here on github. Please try to describe your issues as precise as possible and think about if this is a issue with the software here in the repository or other software components. **Contributors are always welcome!** ### Related Projects - [OpenDTU](https://github.com/tbnobody/OpenDTU) <- Our sister project ✨ for Hoymiles HM-300, HM-600, HM-1200 (for ESP32 only!) - [DTU Simulator](https://github.com/Ziyatoe/DTUsimMI1x00-Hoymiles) <- Go here ✨ for Hoymiles MI-300, MI-600, MI-1200 Software (single inverter only)