###################################################################### # systemd.service configuration for ahoy (lumapu) # users can modify the lines: # Description # ExecStart (example: name of config file) # WorkingDirectory (absolute path to your private ahoy dir) # To change other config parameter, please consult systemd documentation # # To activate this service, enable and start ahoy.service: # - Create folder ahoy in /home/ and set owner to the user that the # service should be executed for (e.g. pi) # - Copy folder contents to new folder # - Adjust the user that this service should be executed as, avoid root # - Execute commands to setup, check and start/stop as wanted # $ sudo systemctl enable /home/ahoy/tools/rpi/ahoy.service # $ sudo systemctl status ahoy # $ sudo systemctl start ahoy # $ sudo systemctl stop ahoy # # 2023.01 # 2023.03 ###################################################################### [Unit] Description=ahoy (lumapu) as Service After=network.target local-fs.target time-sync.target [Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/env python3 -um hoymiles --log-transactions --verbose --config ahoy.yml RestartSec=10 Restart=on-failure Type=simple User=pi # WorkingDirectory must be an absolute path - not relative path WorkingDirectory=/home/ahoy/tools/rpi EnvironmentFile=/etc/environment [Install] WantedBy=default.target