//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 2022 Ahoy, https://github.com/lumpapu/ahoy // Creative Commons - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/de/ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __HM_DEFINES_H__ #define __HM_DEFINES_H__ #include "dbg.h" #include union serial_u { uint64_t u64; uint8_t b[8]; }; // units enum {UNIT_V = 0, UNIT_A, UNIT_W, UNIT_WH, UNIT_KWH, UNIT_HZ, UNIT_C, UNIT_PCT, UNIT_VAR, UNIT_NONE}; const char* const units[] = {"V", "A", "W", "Wh", "kWh", "Hz", "°C", "%", "var", ""}; // field types enum {FLD_UDC = 0, FLD_IDC, FLD_PDC, FLD_YD, FLD_YW, FLD_YT, FLD_UAC, FLD_IAC, FLD_PAC, FLD_F, FLD_T, FLD_PF, FLD_EFF, FLD_IRR, FLD_Q, FLD_EVT, FLD_FW_VERSION, FLD_FW_BUILD_YEAR, FLD_FW_BUILD_MONTH_DAY, FLD_FW_BUILD_HOUR_MINUTE, FLD_HW_ID, FLD_ACT_ACTIVE_PWR_LIMIT, /*FLD_ACT_REACTIVE_PWR_LIMIT, FLD_ACT_PF,*/ FLD_LAST_ALARM_CODE}; const char* const fields[] = {"U_DC", "I_DC", "P_DC", "YieldDay", "YieldWeek", "YieldTotal", "U_AC", "I_AC", "P_AC", "F_AC", "Temp", "PF_AC", "Efficiency", "Irradiation","Q_AC", "ALARM_MES_ID","FWVersion","FWBuildYear","FWBuildMonthDay","FWBuildHourMinute","HWPartId", "active PowerLimit", /*"reactive PowerLimit","Powerfactor",*/ "LastAlarmCode"}; const char* const notAvail = "n/a"; // mqtt discovery device classes enum {DEVICE_CLS_NONE = 0, DEVICE_CLS_CURRENT, DEVICE_CLS_ENERGY, DEVICE_CLS_PWR, DEVICE_CLS_VOLTAGE, DEVICE_CLS_FREQ, DEVICE_CLS_TEMP}; const char* const deviceClasses[] = {0, "current", "energy", "power", "voltage", "frequency", "temperature"}; enum {STATE_CLS_NONE = 0, STATE_CLS_MEASUREMENT, STATE_CLS_TOTAL_INCREASING}; const char* const stateClasses[] = {0, "measurement", "total_increasing"}; typedef struct { uint8_t fieldId; // field id uint8_t deviceClsId; // device class uint8_t stateClsId; // state class } byteAssign_fieldDeviceClass; const byteAssign_fieldDeviceClass deviceFieldAssignment[] = { {FLD_UDC, DEVICE_CLS_VOLTAGE, STATE_CLS_MEASUREMENT}, {FLD_IDC, DEVICE_CLS_CURRENT, STATE_CLS_MEASUREMENT}, {FLD_PDC, DEVICE_CLS_PWR, STATE_CLS_MEASUREMENT}, {FLD_YD, DEVICE_CLS_ENERGY, STATE_CLS_TOTAL_INCREASING}, {FLD_YW, DEVICE_CLS_ENERGY, STATE_CLS_TOTAL_INCREASING}, {FLD_YT, DEVICE_CLS_ENERGY, STATE_CLS_TOTAL_INCREASING}, {FLD_UAC, DEVICE_CLS_VOLTAGE, STATE_CLS_MEASUREMENT}, {FLD_IAC, DEVICE_CLS_CURRENT, STATE_CLS_MEASUREMENT}, {FLD_PAC, DEVICE_CLS_PWR, STATE_CLS_MEASUREMENT}, {FLD_F, DEVICE_CLS_FREQ, STATE_CLS_NONE}, {FLD_T, DEVICE_CLS_TEMP, STATE_CLS_MEASUREMENT}, {FLD_PF, DEVICE_CLS_NONE, STATE_CLS_NONE}, {FLD_EFF, DEVICE_CLS_NONE, STATE_CLS_NONE}, {FLD_IRR, DEVICE_CLS_NONE, STATE_CLS_NONE} }; #define DEVICE_CLS_ASSIGN_LIST_LEN (sizeof(deviceFieldAssignment) / sizeof(byteAssign_fieldDeviceClass)) // indices to calculation functions, defined in hmInverter.h enum {CALC_YT_CH0 = 0, CALC_YD_CH0, CALC_UDC_CH, CALC_PDC_CH0, CALC_EFF_CH0, CALC_IRR_CH}; enum {CMD_CALC = 0xffff}; // CH0 is default channel (freq, ac, temp) enum {CH0 = 0, CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4}; enum {INV_TYPE_1CH = 0, INV_TYPE_2CH, INV_TYPE_4CH}; typedef struct { uint8_t fieldId; // field id uint8_t unitId; // uint id uint8_t ch; // channel 0 - 4 uint8_t start; // pos of first byte in buffer uint8_t num; // number of bytes in buffer uint16_t div; // divisor / calc command } byteAssign_t; /** * indices are built for the buffer starting with cmd-id in first byte * (complete payload in buffer) * */ //------------------------------------- // HM-Series //------------------------------------- const byteAssign_t InfoAssignment[] = { { FLD_FW_VERSION, UNIT_NONE, CH0, 0, 2, 1 }, { FLD_FW_BUILD_YEAR, UNIT_NONE, CH0, 2, 2, 1 }, { FLD_FW_BUILD_MONTH_DAY, UNIT_NONE, CH0, 4, 2, 1 }, { FLD_FW_BUILD_HOUR_MINUTE, UNIT_NONE, CH0, 6, 2, 1 }, { FLD_HW_ID, UNIT_NONE, CH0, 8, 2, 1 } }; #define HMINFO_LIST_LEN (sizeof(InfoAssignment) / sizeof(byteAssign_t)) #define HMINFO_PAYLOAD_LEN 14 const byteAssign_t SystemConfigParaAssignment[] = { { FLD_ACT_ACTIVE_PWR_LIMIT, UNIT_PCT, CH0, 2, 2, 10 }/*, { FLD_ACT_REACTIVE_PWR_LIMIT, UNIT_PCT, CH0, 4, 2, 10 }, { FLD_ACT_PF, UNIT_NONE, CH0, 6, 2, 1000 }*/ }; #define HMSYSTEM_LIST_LEN (sizeof(SystemConfigParaAssignment) / sizeof(byteAssign_t)) #define HMSYSTEM_PAYLOAD_LEN 0 // 0: means check is off const byteAssign_t AlarmDataAssignment[] = { { FLD_LAST_ALARM_CODE, UNIT_NONE, CH0, 0, 2, 1 } }; #define HMALARMDATA_LIST_LEN (sizeof(AlarmDataAssignment) / sizeof(byteAssign_t)) #define HMALARMDATA_PAYLOAD_LEN 0 // 0: means check is off //------------------------------------- // HM300, HM350, HM400 //------------------------------------- const byteAssign_t hm1chAssignment[] = { { FLD_UDC, UNIT_V, CH1, 2, 2, 10 }, { FLD_IDC, UNIT_A, CH1, 4, 2, 100 }, { FLD_PDC, UNIT_W, CH1, 6, 2, 10 }, { FLD_YD, UNIT_WH, CH1, 12, 2, 1 }, { FLD_YT, UNIT_KWH, CH1, 8, 4, 1000 }, { FLD_IRR, UNIT_PCT, CH1, CALC_IRR_CH, CH1, CMD_CALC }, { FLD_UAC, UNIT_V, CH0, 14, 2, 10 }, { FLD_IAC, UNIT_A, CH0, 22, 2, 100 }, { FLD_PAC, UNIT_W, CH0, 18, 2, 10 }, { FLD_Q, UNIT_VAR, CH0, 20, 2, 10 }, { FLD_F, UNIT_HZ, CH0, 16, 2, 100 }, { FLD_PF, UNIT_NONE, CH0, 24, 2, 1000 }, { FLD_T, UNIT_C, CH0, 26, 2, 10 }, { FLD_EVT, UNIT_NONE, CH0, 28, 2, 1 }, { FLD_YD, UNIT_WH, CH0, CALC_YD_CH0, 0, CMD_CALC }, { FLD_YT, UNIT_KWH, CH0, CALC_YT_CH0, 0, CMD_CALC }, { FLD_PDC, UNIT_W, CH0, CALC_PDC_CH0, 0, CMD_CALC }, { FLD_EFF, UNIT_PCT, CH0, CALC_EFF_CH0, 0, CMD_CALC } }; #define HM1CH_LIST_LEN (sizeof(hm1chAssignment) / sizeof(byteAssign_t)) #define HM1CH_PAYLOAD_LEN 30 //------------------------------------- // HM600, HM700, HM800 //------------------------------------- const byteAssign_t hm2chAssignment[] = { { FLD_UDC, UNIT_V, CH1, 2, 2, 10 }, { FLD_IDC, UNIT_A, CH1, 4, 2, 100 }, { FLD_PDC, UNIT_W, CH1, 6, 2, 10 }, { FLD_YD, UNIT_WH, CH1, 22, 2, 1 }, { FLD_YT, UNIT_KWH, CH1, 14, 4, 1000 }, { FLD_IRR, UNIT_PCT, CH1, CALC_IRR_CH, CH1, CMD_CALC }, { FLD_UDC, UNIT_V, CH2, 8, 2, 10 }, { FLD_IDC, UNIT_A, CH2, 10, 2, 100 }, { FLD_PDC, UNIT_W, CH2, 12, 2, 10 }, { FLD_YD, UNIT_WH, CH2, 24, 2, 1 }, { FLD_YT, UNIT_KWH, CH2, 18, 4, 1000 }, { FLD_IRR, UNIT_PCT, CH2, CALC_IRR_CH, CH2, CMD_CALC }, { FLD_UAC, UNIT_V, CH0, 26, 2, 10 }, { FLD_IAC, UNIT_A, CH0, 34, 2, 100 }, { FLD_PAC, UNIT_W, CH0, 30, 2, 10 }, { FLD_Q, UNIT_VAR, CH0, 32, 2, 10 }, { FLD_F, UNIT_HZ, CH0, 28, 2, 100 }, { FLD_PF, UNIT_NONE, CH0, 36, 2, 1000 }, { FLD_T, UNIT_C, CH0, 38, 2, 10 }, { FLD_EVT, UNIT_NONE, CH0, 40, 2, 1 }, { FLD_YD, UNIT_WH, CH0, CALC_YD_CH0, 0, CMD_CALC }, { FLD_YT, UNIT_KWH, CH0, CALC_YT_CH0, 0, CMD_CALC }, { FLD_PDC, UNIT_W, CH0, CALC_PDC_CH0, 0, CMD_CALC }, { FLD_EFF, UNIT_PCT, CH0, CALC_EFF_CH0, 0, CMD_CALC } }; #define HM2CH_LIST_LEN (sizeof(hm2chAssignment) / sizeof(byteAssign_t)) #define HM2CH_PAYLOAD_LEN 42 //------------------------------------- // HM1200, HM1500 //------------------------------------- const byteAssign_t hm4chAssignment[] = { { FLD_UDC, UNIT_V, CH1, 2, 2, 10 }, { FLD_IDC, UNIT_A, CH1, 4, 2, 100 }, { FLD_PDC, UNIT_W, CH1, 8, 2, 10 }, { FLD_YD, UNIT_WH, CH1, 20, 2, 1 }, { FLD_YT, UNIT_KWH, CH1, 12, 4, 1000 }, { FLD_IRR, UNIT_PCT, CH1, CALC_IRR_CH, CH1, CMD_CALC }, { FLD_UDC, UNIT_V, CH2, CALC_UDC_CH, CH1, CMD_CALC }, { FLD_IDC, UNIT_A, CH2, 6, 2, 100 }, { FLD_PDC, UNIT_W, CH2, 10, 2, 10 }, { FLD_YD, UNIT_WH, CH2, 22, 2, 1 }, { FLD_YT, UNIT_KWH, CH2, 16, 4, 1000 }, { FLD_IRR, UNIT_PCT, CH2, CALC_IRR_CH, CH2, CMD_CALC }, { FLD_UDC, UNIT_V, CH3, 24, 2, 10 }, { FLD_IDC, UNIT_A, CH3, 26, 2, 100 }, { FLD_PDC, UNIT_W, CH3, 30, 2, 10 }, { FLD_YD, UNIT_WH, CH3, 42, 2, 1 }, { FLD_YT, UNIT_KWH, CH3, 34, 4, 1000 }, { FLD_IRR, UNIT_PCT, CH3, CALC_IRR_CH, CH3, CMD_CALC }, { FLD_UDC, UNIT_V, CH4, CALC_UDC_CH, CH3, CMD_CALC }, { FLD_IDC, UNIT_A, CH4, 28, 2, 100 }, { FLD_PDC, UNIT_W, CH4, 32, 2, 10 }, { FLD_YD, UNIT_WH, CH4, 44, 2, 1 }, { FLD_YT, UNIT_KWH, CH4, 38, 4, 1000 }, { FLD_IRR, UNIT_PCT, CH4, CALC_IRR_CH, CH4, CMD_CALC }, { FLD_UAC, UNIT_V, CH0, 46, 2, 10 }, { FLD_IAC, UNIT_A, CH0, 54, 2, 100 }, { FLD_PAC, UNIT_W, CH0, 50, 2, 10 }, { FLD_Q, UNIT_VAR, CH0, 52, 2, 10 }, { FLD_F, UNIT_HZ, CH0, 48, 2, 100 }, { FLD_PF, UNIT_NONE, CH0, 56, 2, 1000 }, { FLD_T, UNIT_C, CH0, 58, 2, 10 }, { FLD_EVT, UNIT_NONE, CH0, 60, 2, 1 }, { FLD_YD, UNIT_WH, CH0, CALC_YD_CH0, 0, CMD_CALC }, { FLD_YT, UNIT_KWH, CH0, CALC_YT_CH0, 0, CMD_CALC }, { FLD_PDC, UNIT_W, CH0, CALC_PDC_CH0, 0, CMD_CALC }, { FLD_EFF, UNIT_PCT, CH0, CALC_EFF_CH0, 0, CMD_CALC } }; #define HM4CH_LIST_LEN (sizeof(hm4chAssignment) / sizeof(byteAssign_t)) #define HM4CH_PAYLOAD_LEN 62 #endif /*__HM_DEFINES_H__*/