//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 2022 Ahoy, https://www.mikrocontroller.net/topic/525778 // Creative Commons - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/de/ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "main.h" #include "version.h" #include "html/h/style_css.h" #include "html/h/setup_html.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main::Main(void) { mDns = new DNSServer(); mWeb = new ESP8266WebServer(80); mUpdater = new ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer(); mUdp = new WiFiUDP(); mApActive = true; mWifiSettingsValid = false; mSettingsValid = false; mLimit = 10; mNextTryTs = 0; mApLastTick = 0; snprintf(mVersion, 12, "%d.%d.%d", VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_PATCH); memset(&mDeviceName, 0, DEVNAME_LEN); mEep = new eep(); Serial.begin(115200); DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("Main::Main")); mUptimeSecs = 0; mUptimeTicker = 0xffffffff; mUptimeInterval = 1000; #ifdef AP_ONLY mTimestamp = 1; #else mTimestamp = 0; #endif mHeapStatCnt = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Main::setup(uint32_t timeout) { DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("Main::setup")); bool startAp = mApActive; mLimit = timeout; mWeb->on("/setup", std::bind(&Main::showSetup, this)); mWeb->on("/save", std::bind(&Main::showSave, this)); mWeb->on("/uptime", std::bind(&Main::showUptime, this)); mWeb->on("/time", std::bind(&Main::showTime, this)); mWeb->on("/style.css", std::bind(&Main::showCss, this)); mWeb->on("/reboot", std::bind(&Main::showReboot, this)); mWeb->on("/factory", std::bind(&Main::showFactoryRst, this)); mWeb->onNotFound ( std::bind(&Main::showNotFound, this)); startAp = getConfig(); #ifndef AP_ONLY if(false == startAp) startAp = setupStation(timeout); #endif mUpdater->setup(mWeb); mApActive = startAp; mStActive = !startAp; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Main::loop(void) { //DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("M")); if(mApActive) { mDns->processNextRequest(); #ifndef AP_ONLY if(checkTicker(&mNextTryTs, (WIFI_AP_ACTIVE_TIME * 1000))) { mApActive = setupStation(mLimit); if(mApActive) { if(strlen(WIFI_AP_PWD) < 8) DPRINTLN(DBG_ERROR, F("password must be at least 8 characters long")); mApLastTick = millis(); mNextTryTs = (millis() + (WIFI_AP_ACTIVE_TIME * 1000)); setupAp(WIFI_AP_SSID, WIFI_AP_PWD); } } else { if(millis() - mApLastTick > 10000) { uint8_t cnt = WiFi.softAPgetStationNum(); if(cnt > 0) { DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, String(cnt) + F(" clients connected, resetting AP timeout")); mNextTryTs = (millis() + (WIFI_AP_ACTIVE_TIME * 1000)); } mApLastTick = millis(); DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("AP will be closed in ") + String((mNextTryTs - mApLastTick) / 1000) + F(" seconds")); } } #endif } mWeb->handleClient(); if(checkTicker(&mUptimeTicker, mUptimeInterval)) { mUptimeSecs++; if(0 != mTimestamp) mTimestamp++; else { if(!mApActive) { mTimestamp = getNtpTime(); DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, "[NTP]: " + getDateTimeStr(mTimestamp)); } } /*if(++mHeapStatCnt >= 10) { mHeapStatCnt = 0; stats(); }*/ } if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, "[WiFi]: Connection Lost"); mStActive = false; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Main::getConfig(void) { DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("Main::getConfig")); bool mApActive = false; mWifiSettingsValid = checkEEpCrc(ADDR_START, ADDR_WIFI_CRC, ADDR_WIFI_CRC); mSettingsValid = checkEEpCrc(ADDR_START_SETTINGS, ((ADDR_NEXT)-(ADDR_START_SETTINGS)), ADDR_SETTINGS_CRC); if(mWifiSettingsValid) { mEep->read(ADDR_SSID, mStationSsid, SSID_LEN); mEep->read(ADDR_PWD, mStationPwd, PWD_LEN); mEep->read(ADDR_DEVNAME, mDeviceName, DEVNAME_LEN); } if((!mWifiSettingsValid) || (mStationSsid[0] == 0xff)) { snprintf(mStationSsid, SSID_LEN, "%s", FB_WIFI_SSID); snprintf(mStationPwd, PWD_LEN, "%s", FB_WIFI_PWD); snprintf(mDeviceName, DEVNAME_LEN, "%s", DEF_DEVICE_NAME); } return mApActive; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Main::setupAp(const char *ssid, const char *pwd) { DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("Main::setupAp")); IPAddress apIp(192, 168, 1, 1); DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("\n---------\nAP MODE\nSSID: ") + String(ssid) + F("\nPWD: ") + String(pwd) + F("\nActive for: ") + String(WIFI_AP_ACTIVE_TIME) + F(" seconds") + F("\n---------\n")); DPRINTLN(DBG_DEBUG, String(mNextTryTs)); WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP); WiFi.softAPConfig(apIp, apIp, IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0)); WiFi.softAP(ssid, pwd); mDns->start(mDnsPort, "*", apIp); mWeb->onNotFound([&]() { showSetup(); }); mWeb->on("/", std::bind(&Main::showSetup, this)); mWeb->begin(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Main::setupStation(uint32_t timeout) { DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("Main::setupStation")); int32_t cnt; bool startAp = false; if(timeout >= 3) cnt = (timeout - 3) / 2 * 10; else { timeout = 1; cnt = 1; } WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.begin(mStationSsid, mStationPwd); if(String(mDeviceName) != "") WiFi.hostname(mDeviceName); delay(2000); DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("connect to network '") + String(mStationSsid) + F("' ...")); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(100); if(cnt % 100 == 0) Serial.println("."); else Serial.print("."); if(timeout > 0) { // limit == 0 -> no limit if(--cnt <= 0) { if(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { startAp = true; WiFi.disconnect(); } delay(100); break; } } } Serial.println("."); if(false == startAp) { mWeb->begin(); } delay(1000); return startAp; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Main::showSetup(void) { DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("Main::showSetup")); String html = FPSTR(setup_html); html.replace(F("{SSID}"), mStationSsid); // PWD will be left at the default value (for protection) // -> the PWD will only be changed if it does not match the default "{PWD}" html.replace(F("{DEVICE}"), String(mDeviceName)); html.replace(F("{VERSION}"), String(mVersion)); if(mApActive) html.replace("{IP}", String(F(""))); else html.replace("{IP}", (F("http://") + String(WiFi.localIP().toString()))); mWeb->send(200, F("text/html"), html); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Main::showCss(void) { DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("Main::showCss")); mWeb->send(200, "text/css", FPSTR(style_css)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Main::showSave(void) { DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("Main::showSave")); saveValues(true); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Main::saveValues(bool webSend = true) { DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("Main::saveValues")); if(mWeb->args() > 0) { if(mWeb->arg("ssid") != "") { memset(mStationSsid, 0, SSID_LEN); mWeb->arg("ssid").toCharArray(mStationSsid, SSID_LEN); mEep->write(ADDR_SSID, mStationSsid, SSID_LEN); if(mWeb->arg("pwd") != "{PWD}") { memset(mStationPwd, 0, PWD_LEN); mWeb->arg("pwd").toCharArray(mStationPwd, PWD_LEN); mEep->write(ADDR_PWD, mStationPwd, PWD_LEN); } } memset(mDeviceName, 0, DEVNAME_LEN); mWeb->arg("device").toCharArray(mDeviceName, DEVNAME_LEN); mEep->write(ADDR_DEVNAME, mDeviceName, DEVNAME_LEN); mEep->commit(); updateCrc(); if(webSend) { if(mWeb->arg("reboot") == "on") showReboot(); else // TODO: add device name as redirect in AP-mode mWeb->send(200, F("text/html"), F("Setup saved" "


")); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Main::updateCrc(void) { DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("Main::updateCrc")); uint16_t crc; crc = buildEEpCrc(ADDR_START, ADDR_WIFI_CRC); //Serial.println("new CRC: " + String(crc, HEX)); mEep->write(ADDR_WIFI_CRC, crc); mEep->commit(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Main::showUptime(void) { //DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("Main::showUptime")); char time[20] = {0}; int upTimeSc = uint32_t((mUptimeSecs) % 60); int upTimeMn = uint32_t((mUptimeSecs / (60)) % 60); int upTimeHr = uint32_t((mUptimeSecs / (60 * 60)) % 24); int upTimeDy = uint32_t((mUptimeSecs / (60 * 60 * 24)) % 365); snprintf(time, 20, "%d Tage, %02d:%02d:%02d", upTimeDy, upTimeHr, upTimeMn, upTimeSc); mWeb->send(200, "text/plain", String(time)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Main::showTime(void) { //DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("Main::showTime")); mWeb->send(200, "text/plain", getDateTimeStr(mTimestamp)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Main::showNotFound(void) { DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("Main::showNotFound - ") + mWeb->uri()); String msg = F("File Not Found\n\nURI: "); msg += mWeb->uri(); msg += F("\nMethod: "); msg += ( mWeb->method() == HTTP_GET ) ? "GET" : "POST"; msg += F("\nArguments: "); msg += mWeb->args(); msg += "\n"; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < mWeb->args(); i++ ) { msg += " " + mWeb->argName(i) + ": " + mWeb->arg(i) + "\n"; } mWeb->send(404, F("text/plain"), msg); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Main::showReboot(void) { DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("Main::showReboot")); mWeb->send(200, F("text/html"), F("Rebooting ...rebooting ... auto reload after 10s")); delay(1000); ESP.restart(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Main::showFactoryRst(void) { DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("Main::showFactoryRst")); String content = ""; int refresh = 3; if(mWeb->args() > 0) { if(mWeb->arg("reset").toInt() == 1) { eraseSettings(true); content = F("factory reset: success\n\nrebooting ... "); refresh = 10; } else { content = F("factory reset: aborted"); refresh = 3; } } else { content = F("

Factory Reset

" "



"); refresh = 120; } mWeb->send(200, F("text/html"), F("Factory Reset") + content + F("")); if(refresh == 10) { delay(1000); ESP.restart(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- time_t Main::getNtpTime(void) { //DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("Main::getNtpTime")); time_t date = 0; IPAddress timeServer; uint8_t buf[NTP_PACKET_SIZE]; uint8_t retry = 0; WiFi.hostByName(NTP_SERVER_NAME, timeServer); mUdp->begin(NTP_LOCAL_PORT); sendNTPpacket(timeServer); while(retry++ < 5) { int wait = 150; while(--wait) { if(NTP_PACKET_SIZE <= mUdp->parsePacket()) { uint64_t secsSince1900; mUdp->read(buf, NTP_PACKET_SIZE); secsSince1900 = (buf[40] << 24); secsSince1900 |= (buf[41] << 16); secsSince1900 |= (buf[42] << 8); secsSince1900 |= (buf[43] ); date = secsSince1900 - 2208988800UL; // UTC time date += (TIMEZONE + offsetDayLightSaving(date)) * 3600; break; } else delay(10); } } return date; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Main::sendNTPpacket(IPAddress& address) { //DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("Main::sendNTPpacket")); uint8_t buf[NTP_PACKET_SIZE] = {0}; buf[0] = B11100011; // LI, Version, Mode buf[1] = 0; // Stratum buf[2] = 6; // Max Interval between messages in seconds buf[3] = 0xEC; // Clock Precision // bytes 4 - 11 are for Root Delay and Dispersion and were set to 0 by memset buf[12] = 49; // four-byte reference ID identifying buf[13] = 0x4E; buf[14] = 49; buf[15] = 52; mUdp->beginPacket(address, 123); // NTP request, port 123 mUdp->write(buf, NTP_PACKET_SIZE); mUdp->endPacket(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- String Main::getDateTimeStr(time_t t) { //DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("Main::getDateTimeStr")); char str[20] = {0}; if(0 == t) sprintf(str, "n/a"); else sprintf(str, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", year(t), month(t), day(t), hour(t), minute(t), second(t)); return String(str); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // calculates the daylight saving time for middle Europe. Input: Unixtime in UTC // from: https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=172044.msg1278536#msg1278536 time_t Main::offsetDayLightSaving (uint32_t local_t) { //DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("Main::offsetDayLightSaving")); int m = month (local_t); if(m < 3 || m > 10) return 0; // no DSL in Jan, Feb, Nov, Dez if(m > 3 && m < 10) return 1; // DSL in Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep int y = year (local_t); int h = hour (local_t); int hToday = (h + 24 * day(local_t)); if((m == 3 && hToday >= (1 + TIMEZONE + 24 * (31 - (5 * y /4 + 4) % 7))) || (m == 10 && hToday < (1 + TIMEZONE + 24 * (31 - (5 * y /4 + 1) % 7))) ) return 1; else return 0; }