""" First attempt at providing basic 'master' ('DTU') functionality for Hoymiles micro inverters. Based in particular on demostrated first contact by 'of22'. """ import sys import argparse import time import struct import crcmod import json from datetime import datetime from RF24 import RF24, RF24_PA_LOW, RF24_PA_MAX, RF24_250KBPS, RF24_CRC_DISABLED, RF24_CRC_8, RF24_CRC_16 import paho.mqtt.client from configparser import ConfigParser #from hoymiles import ser_to_hm_addr, ser_to_esb_addr import hoymiles cfg = ConfigParser() cfg.read('ahoy.conf') mqtt_host = cfg.get('mqtt', 'host', fallback='') mqtt_port = cfg.getint('mqtt', 'port', fallback=1883) mqtt_user = cfg.get('mqtt', 'user', fallback='') mqtt_password = cfg.get('mqtt', 'password', fallback='') radio = RF24(22, 0, 1000000) mqtt_client = paho.mqtt.client.Client() mqtt_client.username_pw_set(mqtt_user, mqtt_password) mqtt_client.connect(mqtt_host, mqtt_port) mqtt_client.loop_start() # Master Address ('DTU') dtu_ser = cfg.get('dtu', 'serial', fallback='99978563412') # identical to fc22's # inverter serial numbers inv_ser = cfg.get('inverter', 'serial', fallback='444473104619') # my inverter # all inverters #... f_crc_m = crcmod.predefined.mkPredefinedCrcFun('modbus') f_crc8 = crcmod.mkCrcFun(0x101, initCrc=0, xorOut=0) # time of last transmission - to calculcate response time t_last_tx = 0 def main_loop(): """ Keep receiving on channel 3. Every once in a while, transmit a request to one of our inverters on channel 40. """ global t_last_tx hoymiles.print_addr(inv_ser) hoymiles.print_addr(dtu_ser) ctr = 1 last_tx_message = '' rx_channels = [3,6,9,11,23,40,61,75] rx_channel_id = 0 rx_channel = rx_channels[rx_channel_id] rx_channel_ack = None rx_error = 0 tx_channels = [40] tx_channel_id = 0 tx_channel = tx_channels[tx_channel_id] radio.setChannel(rx_channel) radio.setRetries(10, 2) radio.setPALevel(RF24_PA_LOW) #radio.setPALevel(RF24_PA_MAX) radio.setDataRate(RF24_250KBPS) radio.openReadingPipe(1,hoymiles.ser_to_esb_addr(dtu_ser)) radio.openWritingPipe(hoymiles.ser_to_esb_addr(inv_ser)) while True: m_buf = [] # Channel selection: Sweep receive start channel if not rx_channel_ack: rx_channel_id = ctr % len(rx_channels) rx_channel = rx_channels[rx_channel_id] tx_channel_id = tx_channel_id + 1 if tx_channel_id >= len(tx_channels): tx_channel_id = 0 tx_channel = tx_channels[tx_channel_id] # Transmit: Compose data com = hoymiles.InverterTransaction( request_time = datetime.now(), inverter_ser=inv_ser, request = hoymiles.compose_0x80_msg(src_ser_no=dtu_ser, dst_ser_no=inv_ser, subtype=b'\x0b') ) print(com) # Transmit: Setup radio radio.stopListening() # put radio in TX mode radio.setChannel(tx_channel) radio.setAutoAck(True) radio.setRetries(3, 15) radio.setCRCLength(RF24_CRC_16) radio.enableDynamicPayloads() # Transmit: Send payload t_tx_start = time.monotonic_ns() tx_status = radio.write(com.request) t_last_tx = t_tx_end = time.monotonic_ns() ctr = ctr + 1 # Receive: Setup radio radio.setChannel(rx_channel) radio.setAutoAck(False) radio.setRetries(0, 0) radio.enableDynamicPayloads() radio.setCRCLength(RF24_CRC_16) radio.startListening() # Receive: Loop t_end = time.monotonic_ns()+1e9 while time.monotonic_ns() < t_end: has_payload, pipe_number = radio.available_pipe() if has_payload: # Data in nRF24 buffer, read it rx_error = 0 rx_channel_ack = rx_channel t_end = time.monotonic_ns()+2e8 size = radio.getDynamicPayloadSize() payload = radio.read(size) fragment = hoymiles.InverterPacketFragment( payload=payload, ch_rx=rx_channel, ch_tx=tx_channel, time_rx=datetime.now(), latency=time.monotonic_ns()-t_last_tx ) print(fragment) com.frame_append(fragment) else: # No data in nRF rx buffer, search and wait # Channel lock in (not currently used) rx_error = rx_error + 1 if rx_error > 0: rx_channel_ack = None # Channel hopping if not rx_channel_ack: rx_channel_id = rx_channel_id + 1 if rx_channel_id >= len(rx_channels): rx_channel_id = 0 rx_channel = rx_channels[rx_channel_id] radio.stopListening() radio.setChannel(rx_channel) radio.startListening() time.sleep(0.005) inv_ser_hm = hoymiles.ser_to_hm_addr(inv_ser) try: payload = com.get_payload() except BufferError: payload = None #print("Garbage") iv = None if payload: plen = len(payload) dt = com.time_rx.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") iv = hoymiles.hm600_0b_response_decode(payload) print(f'{dt} Decoded: {plen}', end='') print(f' string1=', end='') print(f' {iv.dc_voltage_0}VDC', end='') print(f' {iv.dc_current_0}A', end='') print(f' {iv.dc_power_0}W', end='') print(f' {iv.dc_energy_total_0}Wh', end='') print(f' {iv.dc_energy_daily_0}Wh/day', end='') print(f' string2=', end='') print(f' {iv.dc_voltage_1}VDC', end='') print(f' {iv.dc_current_1}A', end='') print(f' {iv.dc_power_1}W', end='') print(f' {iv.dc_energy_total_1}Wh', end='') print(f' {iv.dc_energy_daily_1}Wh/day', end='') print(f' phase1=', end='') print(f' {iv.ac_voltage_0}VAC', end='') print(f' {iv.ac_current_0}A', end='') print(f' {iv.ac_power_0}W', end='') print(f' inverter={com.inverter_ser}', end='') print(f' {iv.ac_frequency}Hz', end='') print(f' {iv.temperature}°C', end='') print() # output to MQTT if iv: src = com.inverter_ser # AC Data mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{src}/frequency', iv.ac_frequency) mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{src}/emeter/0/power', iv.ac_power_0) mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{src}/emeter/0/voltage', iv.ac_voltage_0) mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{src}/emeter/0/current', iv.ac_current_0) mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{src}/emeter/0/total', iv.dc_energy_total_0) # DC Data mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{src}/emeter-dc/0/total', iv.dc_energy_total_0/1000) mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{src}/emeter-dc/0/power', iv.dc_power_0) mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{src}/emeter-dc/0/voltage', iv.dc_voltage_0) mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{src}/emeter-dc/0/current', iv.dc_current_0) mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{src}/emeter-dc/1/total', iv.dc_energy_total_1/1000) mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{src}/emeter-dc/1/power', iv.dc_power_1) mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{src}/emeter-dc/1/voltage', iv.dc_voltage_1) mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{src}/emeter-dc/1/current', iv.dc_current_1) # Global mqtt_client.publish(f'ahoy/{src}/temperature', iv.temperature) time.sleep(5) # Flush console print(flush=True, end='') if __name__ == "__main__": if not radio.begin(): raise RuntimeError("radio hardware is not responding") radio.setPALevel(RF24_PA_LOW) # RF24_PA_MAX is default # radio.printDetails(); # (smaller) function that prints raw register values # radio.printPrettyDetails(); # (larger) function that prints human readable data try: main_loop() except KeyboardInterrupt: print(" Keyboard Interrupt detected. Exiting...") radio.powerDown() sys.exit()