Changelog v0.6.0 ## General * improved night time calculation time to 1 minute after last communication pause #515 * refactored code for better readability * improved Hoymiles commuinication (retransmits, immediate power limit transmission, timing at all) * renamed firmware binaries * add login / logout to menu * add display support for `SH1106`, `SSD1306`, `Nokia` and `ePaper 1.54"` (ESP32 only) * add yield total correction - move your yield to a new inverter or correct an already used inverter * added import / export feature * added `Prometheus` endpoints * improved wifi connection and stability (connect to strongest AP) * addded Hoymiles alarm IDs to log * improved `System` information page (eg. radio statitistics) * improved UI (repsonsive design, (optional) dark mode) * improved system stability (reduced `heap-fragmentation`, don't break settings on failure) #644, #645 * added support for 2nd generation of Hoymiles inverters, MI series * improved JSON API for more stable WebUI * added option to disable input display in `/live` (`max-power` has to be set to `0`) * updated documentation * improved settings on ESP32 devices while setting SPI pins (for `NRF24` radio) ## MqTT * added `comm_disabled` #529 * added fixed interval option #542, #523 * improved communication, only required publishes * improved retained flags * added `set_power_limit` acknowledge MQTT publish #553 * added feature to reset values on midnight, communication pause or if the inverters are not available * partially added Hoymiles alarm ID * improved autodiscover (added total values on multi-inverter setup) * improved `clientID` a part of the MAC address is added to have an unique name