//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 2023 Ahoy, https://github.com/lumpapu/ahoy // Creative Commons - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __COMMUNICATION_H__ #define __COMMUNICATION_H__ #include "CommQueue.h" #include #include "../utils/crc.h" #include "Heuristic.h" #define MI_TIMEOUT 250 // timeout for MI type requests #define FRSTMSG_TIMEOUT 150 // how long to wait for first msg to be received #define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 500 // timeout for regular requests #define SINGLEFR_TIMEOUT 100 // timeout for single frame requests #define MAX_BUFFER 250 typedef std::function *)> payloadListenerType; typedef std::function *)> alarmListenerType; class Communication : public CommQueue<> { public: void setup(uint32_t *timestamp, bool *serialDebug, bool *privacyMode, bool *printWholeTrace, uint16_t *inverterGap) { mTimestamp = timestamp; mPrivacyMode = privacyMode; mSerialDebug = serialDebug; mPrintWholeTrace = printWholeTrace; mInverterGap = inverterGap; } void addImportant(Inverter<> *iv, uint8_t cmd) { mState = States::RESET; // cancel current operation CommQueue::addImportant(iv, cmd); } void addPayloadListener(payloadListenerType cb) { mCbPayload = cb; } void addAlarmListener(alarmListenerType cb) { mCbAlarm = cb; } void loop() { get([this](bool valid, const queue_s *q) { if(!valid) { if(mPrintSequenceDuration) { mPrintSequenceDuration = false; DPRINT(DBG_INFO, F("com loop duration: ")); DBGPRINT(String(millis() - mLastEmptyQueueMillis)); DBGPRINTLN(F("ms")); DBGPRINTLN(F("-----")); } return; // empty } if(!mPrintSequenceDuration) // entry was added to the queue mLastEmptyQueueMillis = millis(); mPrintSequenceDuration = true; uint16_t timeout = (q->iv->ivGen == IV_MI) ? MI_TIMEOUT : (((q->iv->mGotFragment && q->iv->mGotLastMsg) || mIsRetransmit) ? SINGLEFR_TIMEOUT : ((q->cmd != AlarmData) && q->cmd != GridOnProFilePara ? DEFAULT_TIMEOUT : (1.5 * DEFAULT_TIMEOUT))); uint16_t timeout_min = (q->iv->ivGen == IV_MI) ? MI_TIMEOUT : ((q->iv->mGotFragment || mIsRetransmit)) ? SINGLEFR_TIMEOUT : FRSTMSG_TIMEOUT; /*if(mDebugState != mState) { DPRINT(DBG_INFO, F("State: ")); DBGHEXLN((uint8_t)(mState)); mDebugState = mState; }*/ switch(mState) { case States::RESET: if(millis() < mWaitTimeout) return; mMaxFrameId = 0; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_PAYLOAD_ENTRIES; i++) { mLocalBuf[i].len = 0; } if(*mSerialDebug) mHeu.printStatus(q->iv); mHeu.getTxCh(q->iv); q->iv->mGotFragment = false; q->iv->mGotLastMsg = false; q->iv->curFrmCnt = 0; mIsRetransmit = false; if(NULL == q->iv->radio) cmdDone(false); // can't communicate while radio is not defined! q->iv->mCmd = q->cmd; q->iv->mIsSingleframeReq = false; mState = States::START; break; case States::START: setTs(mTimestamp); if((IV_HMS == q->iv->ivGen) || (IV_HMT == q->iv->ivGen)) { // frequency was changed during runtime if(q->iv->curCmtFreq != q->iv->config->frequency) { if(q->iv->radio->switchFrequencyCh(q->iv, q->iv->curCmtFreq, q->iv->config->frequency)) q->iv->curCmtFreq = q->iv->config->frequency; } } if(q->isDevControl) { if(ActivePowerContr == q->cmd) q->iv->powerLimitAck = false; q->iv->radio->sendControlPacket(q->iv, q->cmd, q->iv->powerLimit, false); } else q->iv->radio->prepareDevInformCmd(q->iv, q->cmd, q->ts, q->iv->alarmLastId, false); q->iv->radioStatistics.txCnt++; mWaitTimeout = millis() + timeout; mWaitTimeout_min = millis() + timeout_min; mIsRetransmit = false; mlastTO_min = timeout_min; setAttempt(); if(q->cmd == AlarmData || q->cmd == GridOnProFilePara) incrAttempt(q->cmd == AlarmData? 5 : 3); mState = States::WAIT; break; case States::WAIT: /*if(millis() > mWaitTimeout_min) { if(mIsRetransmit) { // we already have been through... mWaitTimeout = mWaitTimeout_min; } else if(q->iv->mGotFragment) { // nothing received yet? if(q->iv->mGotLastMsg) { //mState = States::CHECK_FRAMES; mWaitTimeout = mWaitTimeout_min; } } else if(mFirstTry) { if(*mSerialDebug) { DPRINT_IVID(DBG_INFO, q->iv->id); DBGPRINT(String(millis() - mWaitTimeout_min + mlastTO_min)); DBGPRINTLN(F("ms - second try")); } mFirstTry = false; mlastTO_min = timeout_min; q->iv->radioStatistics.retransmits++; // got nothing mState = States::START; break; } }*/ if(millis() < mWaitTimeout) return; mState = States::CHECK_FRAMES; break; case States::CHECK_FRAMES: { if((q->iv->radio->mBufCtrl.empty() && !mIsRetransmit) || (0 == q->attempts)) { // radio buffer empty or no more answers if(*mSerialDebug) { DPRINT_IVID(DBG_INFO, q->iv->id); DBGPRINT(F("request timeout: ")); DBGPRINT(String(millis() - mWaitTimeout + timeout)); DBGPRINTLN(F("ms")); } if(!q->iv->mGotFragment) { if((IV_HMS == q->iv->ivGen) || (IV_HMT == q->iv->ivGen)) { q->iv->radio->switchFrequency(q->iv, HOY_BOOT_FREQ_KHZ, (q->iv->config->frequency*FREQ_STEP_KHZ + HOY_BASE_FREQ_KHZ)); mWaitTimeout = millis() + 1000; } } closeRequest(q, false); break; } mFirstTry = false; // for correct reset if((IV_MI != q->iv->ivGen) || (0 == q->attempts)) mIsRetransmit = false; while(!q->iv->radio->mBufCtrl.empty()) { packet_t *p = &q->iv->radio->mBufCtrl.front(); printRxInfo(q, p); if(validateIvSerial(&p->packet[1], q->iv)) { q->iv->radioStatistics.frmCnt++; q->iv->mDtuRxCnt++; if (p->packet[0] == (TX_REQ_INFO + ALL_FRAMES)) { // response from get information command if(parseFrame(p)) q->iv->curFrmCnt++; } else if (p->packet[0] == (TX_REQ_DEVCONTROL + ALL_FRAMES)) { // response from dev control command if(parseDevCtrl(p, q)) closeRequest(q, true); else closeRequest(q, false); q->iv->radio->mBufCtrl.pop(); return; // don't wait for empty buffer } else if(IV_MI == q->iv->ivGen) { if(parseMiFrame(p, q)) q->iv->curFrmCnt++; } } //else -> serial does not match q->iv->radio->mBufCtrl.pop(); yield(); } if(0 == q->attempts) { DPRINT_IVID(DBG_INFO, q->iv->id); DBGPRINT(F("no attempts left")); closeRequest(q, false); } else { if(q->iv->ivGen != IV_MI) { mState = States::CHECK_PACKAGE; } else { bool fastNext = true; if(q->iv->miMultiParts < 6) { mState = States::WAIT; if((millis() > mWaitTimeout && mIsRetransmit) || !mIsRetransmit) { miRepeatRequest(q); return; } } else { mHeu.evalTxChQuality(q->iv, true, (4 - q->attempts), q->iv->curFrmCnt); if(((q->cmd == 0x39) && (q->iv->type == INV_TYPE_4CH)) || ((q->cmd == MI_REQ_CH2) && (q->iv->type == INV_TYPE_2CH)) || ((q->cmd == MI_REQ_CH1) && (q->iv->type == INV_TYPE_1CH))) { miComplete(q->iv); fastNext = false; } if(fastNext) miNextRequest(q->iv->type == INV_TYPE_4CH ? MI_REQ_4CH : MI_REQ_CH1, q); else closeRequest(q, true); } } } } break; case States::CHECK_PACKAGE: uint8_t framnr = 0; if(0 == mMaxFrameId) { uint8_t i = 0; while(i < MAX_PAYLOAD_ENTRIES) { if(mLocalBuf[i].len == 0) { framnr = i+1; break; } i++; } } if(!framnr) { for(uint8_t i = 0; i < mMaxFrameId; i++) { if(mLocalBuf[i].len == 0) { framnr = i+1; break; } } } if(framnr) { setAttempt(); if(*mSerialDebug) { DPRINT_IVID(DBG_WARN, q->iv->id); DBGPRINT(F("frame ")); DBGPRINT(String(framnr)); DBGPRINT(F(" missing: request retransmit (")); DBGPRINT(String(q->attempts)); DBGPRINTLN(F(" attempts left)")); } if (!mIsRetransmit) q->iv->mIsSingleframeReq = true; sendRetransmit(q, (framnr-1)); mIsRetransmit = true; mlastTO_min = timeout_min; return; } compilePayload(q); if((NULL != mCbPayload) && (GridOnProFilePara != q->cmd) && (GetLossRate != q->cmd)) (mCbPayload)(q->cmd, q->iv); closeRequest(q, true); break; } }); } private: inline void printRxInfo(const queue_s *q, packet_t *p) { DPRINT_IVID(DBG_INFO, q->iv->id); DBGPRINT(F("RX ")); if(p->millis < 100) DBGPRINT(F(" ")); DBGPRINT(String(p->millis)); DBGPRINT(F("ms | ")); DBGPRINT(String(p->len)); if((IV_HM == q->iv->ivGen) || (IV_MI == q->iv->ivGen)) { DBGPRINT(F(" CH")); if(3 == p->ch) DBGPRINT(F("0")); DBGPRINT(String(p->ch)); DBGPRINT(F(" ")); } else { DBGPRINT(F(" ")); DBGPRINT(String(p->rssi)); DBGPRINT(F("dBm | ")); } if(*mPrintWholeTrace) { if(*mPrivacyMode) ah::dumpBuf(p->packet, p->len, 1, 8); else ah::dumpBuf(p->packet, p->len); } else { DBGPRINT(F("| ")); DHEX(p->packet[0]); DBGPRINT(F(" ")); DBGHEXLN(p->packet[9]); } } inline bool validateIvSerial(uint8_t buf[], Inverter<> *iv) { uint8_t tmp[4]; CP_U32_BigEndian(tmp, iv->radioId.u64 >> 8); for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if(tmp[i] != buf[i]) { DPRINT(DBG_WARN, F("Inverter serial does not match, got: 0x")); DHEX(buf[0]);DHEX(buf[1]);DHEX(buf[2]);DHEX(buf[3]); DBGPRINT(F(", expected: 0x")); DHEX(tmp[0]);DHEX(tmp[1]);DHEX(tmp[2]);DHEX(tmp[3]); DBGPRINTLN(""); return false; } } return true; } inline bool checkFrameCrc(uint8_t buf[], uint8_t len) { return (ah::crc8(buf, len - 1) == buf[len-1]); } inline bool parseFrame(packet_t *p) { uint8_t *frameId = &p->packet[9]; if(0x00 == *frameId) { DPRINTLN(DBG_WARN, F("invalid frameId 0x00")); return false; // skip current packet } if((*frameId & 0x7f) > MAX_PAYLOAD_ENTRIES) { DPRINTLN(DBG_WARN, F("local buffer to small for payload fragments")); return false; // local storage is to small for id } if(!checkFrameCrc(p->packet, p->len)) { DPRINTLN(DBG_WARN, F("frame CRC is wrong")); return false; // CRC8 is wrong, frame invalid } if((*frameId & ALL_FRAMES) == ALL_FRAMES) { mMaxFrameId = (*frameId & 0x7f); if(mMaxFrameId > 8) // large payloads, e.g. AlarmData incrAttempt(mMaxFrameId - 6); } frame_t *f = &mLocalBuf[(*frameId & 0x7f) - 1]; memcpy(f->buf, &p->packet[10], p->len-11); f->len = p->len - 11; f->rssi = p->rssi; return true; } inline bool parseMiFrame(packet_t *p, const queue_s *q) { if ((p->packet[0] == MI_REQ_CH1 + ALL_FRAMES) || (p->packet[0] == MI_REQ_CH2 + ALL_FRAMES) || ((p->packet[0] >= (MI_REQ_4CH + ALL_FRAMES)) && (p->packet[0] < (0x39 + SINGLE_FRAME)) )) { //&& (p->packet[0] != (0x0f + ALL_FRAMES)))) { // small MI or MI 1500 data responses to 0x09, 0x11, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38 and 0x39 //mPayload[iv->id].txId = p->packet[0]; miDataDecode(p, q); } else if (p->packet[0] == (0x0f + ALL_FRAMES)) miHwDecode(p, q); else if ((p->packet[0] == 0x88) || (p->packet[0] == 0x92)) { record_t<> *rec = q->iv->getRecordStruct(RealTimeRunData_Debug); // choose the record structure rec->ts = q->ts; miStsConsolidate(q, ((p->packet[0] == 0x88) ? 1 : 2), rec, p->packet[10], p->packet[12], p->packet[9], p->packet[11]); //mHeu.setGotFragment(q->iv); only do this when we are through the cycle? } return true; } inline bool parseDevCtrl(packet_t *p, const queue_s *q) { if((p->packet[12] != ActivePowerContr) || (p->packet[13] != 0x00)) return false; bool accepted = true; if((p->packet[10] == 0x00) && (p->packet[11] == 0x00)) q->iv->powerLimitAck = true; else accepted = false; DPRINT_IVID(DBG_INFO, q->iv->id); DBGPRINT(F("has ")); if(!accepted) DBGPRINT(F("not ")); DBGPRINT(F("accepted power limit set point ")); DBGPRINT(String(q->iv->powerLimit[0])); DBGPRINT(F(" with PowerLimitControl ")); DBGPRINTLN(String(q->iv->powerLimit[1])); q->iv->actPowerLimit = 0xffff; // unknown, readback current value return accepted; } inline void compilePayload(const queue_s *q) { uint16_t crc = 0xffff, crcRcv = 0x0000; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < mMaxFrameId; i++) { if(i == (mMaxFrameId - 1)) { crc = ah::crc16(mLocalBuf[i].buf, mLocalBuf[i].len - 2, crc); crcRcv = (mLocalBuf[i].buf[mLocalBuf[i].len-2] << 8); crcRcv |= mLocalBuf[i].buf[mLocalBuf[i].len-1]; } else crc = ah::crc16(mLocalBuf[i].buf, mLocalBuf[i].len, crc); } if(crc != crcRcv) { DPRINT_IVID(DBG_WARN, q->iv->id); DBGPRINT(F("CRC Error ")); if(q->attempts == 0) { DBGPRINTLN(F("-> Fail")); closeRequest(q, false); } else DBGPRINTLN(F("-> complete retransmit")); mState = States::RESET; return; } /*DPRINT_IVID(DBG_INFO, q->iv->id); DBGPRINT(F("procPyld: cmd: 0x")); DBGHEXLN(q->cmd);*/ memset(mPayload, 0, MAX_BUFFER); int8_t rssi = -127; uint8_t len = 0; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < mMaxFrameId; i++) { if(mLocalBuf[i].len + len > MAX_BUFFER) { DPRINTLN(DBG_ERROR, F("payload buffer to small!")); return; } memcpy(&mPayload[len], mLocalBuf[i].buf, mLocalBuf[i].len); len += mLocalBuf[i].len; // get worst RSSI (high value is better) if(mLocalBuf[i].rssi > rssi) rssi = mLocalBuf[i].rssi; } len -= 2; DPRINT_IVID(DBG_INFO, q->iv->id); DBGPRINT(F("Payload (")); DBGPRINT(String(len)); if(*mPrintWholeTrace) { DBGPRINT(F("): ")); ah::dumpBuf(mPayload, len); } else DBGPRINTLN(F(")")); if(GridOnProFilePara == q->cmd) { q->iv->addGridProfile(mPayload, len); return; } record_t<> *rec = q->iv->getRecordStruct(q->cmd); if(NULL == rec) { if(GetLossRate == q->cmd) { q->iv->parseGetLossRate(mPayload, len); //closeRequest(q, true); //@lumapu: Activating would crash most esp's! return; } else { DPRINTLN(DBG_ERROR, F("record is NULL!")); closeRequest(q, false); } return; } if((rec->pyldLen != len) && (0 != rec->pyldLen)) { if(*mSerialDebug) { DPRINT(DBG_ERROR, F("plausibility check failed, expected ")); DBGPRINT(String(rec->pyldLen)); DBGPRINTLN(F(" bytes")); } /*q->iv->radioStatistics.rxFail++;*/ closeRequest(q, false); return; } rec->ts = q->ts; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < rec->length; i++) { q->iv->addValue(i, mPayload, rec); } q->iv->rssi = rssi; q->iv->doCalculations(); if(AlarmData == q->cmd) { uint8_t i = 0; while(1) { if(0 == q->iv->parseAlarmLog(i++, mPayload, len)) break; if (NULL != mCbAlarm) (mCbAlarm)(q->iv); yield(); } } } void sendRetransmit(const queue_s *q, uint8_t i) { if(q->attempts) { q->iv->radio->sendCmdPacket(q->iv, TX_REQ_INFO, (SINGLE_FRAME + i), true); q->iv->radioStatistics.retransmits++; mWaitTimeout = millis() + SINGLEFR_TIMEOUT; // timeout mState = States::WAIT; } else { //add(q, true); closeRequest(q, false); } } private: void closeRequest(const queue_s *q, bool crcPass) { mHeu.evalTxChQuality(q->iv, crcPass, (4 - q->attempts), q->iv->curFrmCnt); if(crcPass) q->iv->radioStatistics.rxSuccess++; else if(q->iv->mGotFragment) q->iv->radioStatistics.rxFail++; // got no complete payload else q->iv->radioStatistics.rxFailNoAnser++; // got nothing mWaitTimeout = millis() + *mInverterGap; bool keep = false; if(q->isDevControl) keep = !crcPass; cmdDone(keep); q->iv->mGotFragment = false; q->iv->mGotLastMsg = false; q->iv->miMultiParts = 0; mIsRetransmit = false; mFirstTry = false; // for correct reset mState = States::RESET; DBGPRINTLN(F("-----")); } inline void miHwDecode(packet_t *p, const queue_s *q) { record_t<> *rec = q->iv->getRecordStruct(InverterDevInform_All); // choose the record structure rec->ts = q->ts; /* Polling the device software and hardware version number command start byte Command word routing address target address User data check end byte byte[0] byte[1] byte[2] byte[3] byte[4] byte[5] byte[6] byte[7] byte[8] byte[9] byte[10] byte[11] byte[12] 0x7e 0x0f xx xx xx xx YY YY YY YY 0x00 CRC 0x7f Command Receipt - First Frame start byte Command word target address routing address Multi-frame marking User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data check end byte byte[0] byte[1] byte[2] byte[3] byte[4] byte[5] byte[6] byte[7] byte[8] byte[9] byte[10] byte[11] byte[12] byte[13] byte[14] byte[15] byte[16] byte[17] byte[18] byte[19] byte[20] byte[21] byte[22] byte[23] byte[24] byte[25] byte[26] byte[27] byte[28] 0x7e 0x8f YY YY YY YY xx xx xx xx 0x00 USFWBuild_VER APPFWBuild_VER APPFWBuild_YYYY APPFWBuild_MMDD APPFWBuild_HHMM APPFW_PN HW_VER CRC 0x7f Command Receipt - Second Frame start byte Command word target address routing address Multi-frame marking User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data check end byte byte[0] byte[1] byte[2] byte[3] byte[4] byte[5] byte[6] byte[7] byte[8] byte[9] byte[10] byte[11] byte[12] byte[13] byte[14] byte[15] byte[16] byte[17] byte[18] byte[19] byte[20] byte[21] byte[22] byte[23] byte[24] byte[25] byte[26] byte[27] byte[28] 0x7e 0x8f YY YY YY YY xx xx xx xx 0x01 HW_PN HW_FB_TLmValue HW_FB_ReSPRT HW_GridSamp_ResValule HW_ECapValue Matching_APPFW_PN CRC 0x7f Command receipt - third frame start byte Command word target address routing address Multi-frame marking User data User data User data User data User data User data User data User data check end byte byte[0] byte[1] byte[2] byte[3] byte[4] byte[5] byte[6] byte[7] byte[8] byte[9] byte[10] byte[11] byte[12] byte[13] byte[14] byte[15] byte[16] byte[15] byte[16] byte[17] byte[18] 0x7e 0x8f YY YY YY YY xx xx xx xx 0x12 APPFW_MINVER HWInfoAddr PNInfoCRC_gusv PNInfoCRC_gusv CRC 0x7f */ /* case InverterDevInform_All: rec->length = (uint8_t)(HMINFO_LIST_LEN); rec->assign = (byteAssign_t *)InfoAssignment; rec->pyldLen = HMINFO_PAYLOAD_LEN; break; const byteAssign_t InfoAssignment[] = { { FLD_FW_VERSION, UNIT_NONE, CH0, 0, 2, 1 }, { FLD_FW_BUILD_YEAR, UNIT_NONE, CH0, 2, 2, 1 }, { FLD_FW_BUILD_MONTH_DAY, UNIT_NONE, CH0, 4, 2, 1 }, { FLD_FW_BUILD_HOUR_MINUTE, UNIT_NONE, CH0, 6, 2, 1 }, { FLD_BOOTLOADER_VER, UNIT_NONE, CH0, 8, 2, 1 } }; */ if ( p->packet[9] == 0x00 ) {//first frame //FLD_FW_VERSION for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) { q->iv->setValue(i, rec, (float) ((p->packet[(12+2*i)] << 8) + p->packet[(13+2*i)])/1); } q->iv->isConnected = true; if(*mSerialDebug) { DPRINT_IVID(DBG_INFO, q->iv->id); DBGPRINT(F("HW_VER is ")); DBGPRINTLN(String((p->packet[24] << 8) + p->packet[25])); } record_t<> *rec = q->iv->getRecordStruct(InverterDevInform_Simple); // choose the record structure rec->ts = q->ts; q->iv->setValue(1, rec, (uint32_t) ((p->packet[24] << 8) + p->packet[25])/1); q->iv->miMultiParts +=4; } else if ( p->packet[9] == 0x01 || p->packet[9] == 0x10 ) {//second frame for MI, 3rd gen. answers in 0x10 DPRINT_IVID(DBG_INFO, q->iv->id); if ( p->packet[9] == 0x01 ) { DBGPRINTLN(F("got 2nd frame (hw info)")); /* according to xlsx (different start byte -1!) byte[11] to byte[14] HW_PN byte[15] byte[16] HW_FB_TLmValue byte[17] byte[18] HW_FB_ReSPRT byte[19] byte[20] HW_GridSamp_ResValule byte[21] byte[22] HW_ECapValue byte[23] to byte[26] Matching_APPFW_PN*/ DPRINT(DBG_INFO,F("HW_PartNo ")); DBGPRINTLN(String((uint32_t) (((p->packet[10] << 8) | p->packet[11]) << 8 | p->packet[12]) << 8 | p->packet[13])); record_t<> *rec = q->iv->getRecordStruct(InverterDevInform_Simple); // choose the record structure rec->ts = q->ts; q->iv->setValue(0, rec, (uint32_t) ((((p->packet[10] << 8) | p->packet[11]) << 8 | p->packet[12]) << 8 | p->packet[13])/1); if(*mSerialDebug) { DPRINT(DBG_INFO,F("HW_FB_TLmValue ")); DBGPRINTLN(String((p->packet[14] << 8) + p->packet[15])); DBGPRINT(F("HW_FB_ReSPRT ")); DBGPRINTLN(String((p->packet[16] << 8) + p->packet[17])); DBGPRINT(F("HW_GridSamp_ResValule ")); DBGPRINTLN(String((p->packet[18] << 8) + p->packet[19])); DBGPRINT(F("HW_ECapValue ")); DBGPRINTLN(String((p->packet[20] << 8) + p->packet[21])); DBGPRINT(F("Matching_APPFW_PN ")); DBGPRINTLN(String((uint32_t) (((p->packet[22] << 8) | p->packet[23]) << 8 | p->packet[24]) << 8 | p->packet[25])); } if(NULL != mCbPayload) (mCbPayload)(InverterDevInform_All, q->iv); q->iv->miMultiParts +=2; } else { DBGPRINTLN(F("3rd gen. inverter!")); } } else if ( p->packet[9] == 0x12 ) {//3rd frame DPRINT_IVID(DBG_INFO, q->iv->id); DBGPRINTLN(F("got 3rd frame (hw info)")); /* according to xlsx (different start byte -1!) byte[11] byte[12] APPFW_MINVER byte[13] byte[14] HWInfoAddr byte[15] byte[16] PNInfoCRC_gusv byte[15] byte[16] PNInfoCRC_gusv (this really is double mentionned in xlsx...) */ if(*mSerialDebug) { DPRINT(DBG_INFO,F("APPFW_MINVER ")); DBGPRINTLN(String((p->packet[10] << 8) + p->packet[11])); DBGPRINT(F("HWInfoAddr ")); DBGPRINTLN(String((p->packet[12] << 8) + p->packet[13])); DBGPRINT(F("PNInfoCRC_gusv ")); DBGPRINTLN(String((p->packet[14] << 8) + p->packet[15])); } if(NULL != mCbPayload) (mCbPayload)(InverterDevInform_Simple, q->iv); q->iv->miMultiParts++; } //if(q->iv->miMultiParts > 5) //closeRequest(q->iv, true); //else //if(q->iv->miMultiParts < 6) // mState = States::WAIT; /*if (mPayload[iv->id].multi_parts > 5) { iv->setQueuedCmdFinished(); mPayload[iv->id].complete = true; mPayload[iv->id].rxTmo = true; mPayload[iv->id].requested= false; iv->radioStatistics.rxSuccess++; } if (mHighPrioIv == NULL) mHighPrioIv = iv; */ } inline void miDataDecode(packet_t *p, const queue_s *q) { record_t<> *rec = q->iv->getRecordStruct(RealTimeRunData_Debug); // choose the parser rec->ts = q->ts; //mState = States::RESET; if(q->iv->miMultiParts < 6) q->iv->miMultiParts += 6; uint8_t datachan = ( p->packet[0] == (MI_REQ_CH1 + ALL_FRAMES) || p->packet[0] == (MI_REQ_4CH + ALL_FRAMES) ) ? CH1 : ( p->packet[0] == (MI_REQ_CH2 + ALL_FRAMES) || p->packet[0] == (0x37 + ALL_FRAMES) ) ? CH2 : p->packet[0] == (0x38 + ALL_FRAMES) ? CH3 : CH4; // count in RF_communication_protocol.xlsx is with offset = -1 q->iv->setValue(q->iv->getPosByChFld(datachan, FLD_UDC, rec), rec, (float)((p->packet[9] << 8) + p->packet[10])/10); q->iv->setValue(q->iv->getPosByChFld(datachan, FLD_IDC, rec), rec, (float)((p->packet[11] << 8) + p->packet[12])/10); q->iv->setValue(q->iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_UAC, rec), rec, (float)((p->packet[13] << 8) + p->packet[14])/10); q->iv->setValue(q->iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_F, rec), rec, (float) ((p->packet[15] << 8) + p->packet[16])/100); q->iv->setValue(q->iv->getPosByChFld(datachan, FLD_PDC, rec), rec, (float)((p->packet[17] << 8) + p->packet[18])/10); q->iv->setValue(q->iv->getPosByChFld(datachan, FLD_YD, rec), rec, (float)((p->packet[19] << 8) + p->packet[20])/1); q->iv->setValue(q->iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_T, rec), rec, (float) ((int16_t)(p->packet[21] << 8) + p->packet[22])/10); q->iv->setValue(q->iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_IRR, rec), rec, (float) (calcIrradiation(q->iv, datachan))); if (datachan == 1) q->iv->rssi = p->rssi; else if(q->iv->rssi > p->rssi) q->iv->rssi = p->rssi; if (p->packet[0] >= (MI_REQ_4CH + ALL_FRAMES) ) { /*For MI1500: if (MI1500) { STAT = (uint8_t)(p->packet[25] ); FCNT = (uint8_t)(p->packet[26]); FCODE = (uint8_t)(p->packet[27]); }*/ miStsConsolidate(q, datachan, rec, p->packet[23], p->packet[24]); if (p->packet[0] < (0x39 + ALL_FRAMES) ) { mHeu.evalTxChQuality(q->iv, true, (4 - q->attempts), 1); miNextRequest((p->packet[0] - ALL_FRAMES + 1), q); } else { q->iv->miMultiParts = 7; // indicate we are ready //miComplete(q->iv); } } else if((p->packet[0] == (MI_REQ_CH1 + ALL_FRAMES)) && (q->iv->type == INV_TYPE_2CH)) { //addImportant(q->iv, MI_REQ_CH2); miNextRequest(MI_REQ_CH2, q); mHeu.evalTxChQuality(q->iv, true, (4 - q->attempts), q->iv->curFrmCnt); //use also miMultiParts here for better statistics? //mHeu.setGotFragment(q->iv); } else { // first data msg for 1ch, 2nd for 2ch q->iv->miMultiParts += 6; // indicate we are ready //miComplete(q->iv); } } void miNextRequest(uint8_t cmd, const queue_s *q) { incrAttempt(); // if function is called, we got something, and we necessarily need more transmissions for MI types... if(*mSerialDebug) { DPRINT_IVID(DBG_WARN, q->iv->id); DBGPRINT(F("next request (")); DBGPRINT(String(q->attempts)); DBGPRINT(F(" attempts left): 0x")); DBGHEXLN(cmd); } if(q->iv->miMultiParts == 7) { //mHeu.setGotAll(q->iv); q->iv->radioStatistics.rxSuccess++; } else //mHeu.setGotFragment(q->iv); /*iv->radioStatistics.rxFail++; // got no complete payload*/ //q->iv->radioStatistics.retransmits++; q->iv->radio->sendCmdPacket(q->iv, cmd, 0x00, true); mWaitTimeout = millis() + MI_TIMEOUT; mWaitTimeout_min = mWaitTimeout; q->iv->miMultiParts = 0; q->iv->mGotFragment = 0; mIsRetransmit = true; chgCmd(cmd); //mState = States::WAIT; } void miRepeatRequest(const queue_s *q) { setAttempt(); // if function is called, we got something, and we necessarily need more transmissions for MI types... if(*mSerialDebug) { DPRINT_IVID(DBG_WARN, q->iv->id); DBGPRINT(F("resend request (")); DBGPRINT(String(q->attempts)); DBGPRINT(F(" attempts left): 0x")); DBGHEXLN(q->cmd); } q->iv->radio->sendCmdPacket(q->iv, q->cmd, 0x00, true); mWaitTimeout = millis() + MI_TIMEOUT; mWaitTimeout_min = mWaitTimeout; //mState = States::WAIT; mIsRetransmit = false; } void miStsConsolidate(const queue_s *q, uint8_t stschan, record_t<> *rec, uint8_t uState, uint8_t uEnum, uint8_t lState = 0, uint8_t lEnum = 0) { //uint8_t status = (p->packet[11] << 8) + p->packet[12]; uint16_t statusMi = 3; // regular status for MI, change to 1 later? if ( uState == 2 ) { statusMi = 5050 + stschan; //first approach, needs review! if (lState) statusMi += lState*10; } else if ( uState > 3 ) { statusMi = uState*1000 + uEnum*10; if (lState) statusMi += lState*100; //needs review, esp. for 4ch-8310 state! //if (lEnum) statusMi += lEnum; if (uEnum < 6) { statusMi += stschan; } if (statusMi == 8000) statusMi = 8310; //trick? } uint16_t prntsts = statusMi == 3 ? 1 : statusMi; bool stsok = true; if ( prntsts != rec->record[q->iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_EVT, rec)] ) { //sth.'s changed? q->iv->alarmCnt = 1; // minimum... stsok = false; //sth is or was wrong? if ( (q->iv->type != INV_TYPE_1CH) && ( (statusMi != 3) || ((q->iv->lastAlarm[stschan].code) && (statusMi == 3) && (q->iv->lastAlarm[stschan].code != 1))) ) { q->iv->lastAlarm[stschan+q->iv->type==INV_TYPE_2CH ? 2: 4] = alarm_t(q->iv->lastAlarm[stschan].code, q->iv->lastAlarm[stschan].start,q->ts); q->iv->lastAlarm[stschan] = alarm_t(prntsts, q->ts,0); q->iv->alarmCnt = q->iv->type == INV_TYPE_2CH ? 3 : 5; } else if ( (q->iv->type == INV_TYPE_1CH) && ( (statusMi != 3) || ((q->iv->lastAlarm[stschan].code) && (statusMi == 3) && (q->iv->lastAlarm[stschan].code != 1))) ) { q->iv->lastAlarm[stschan] = alarm_t(q->iv->lastAlarm[0].code, q->iv->lastAlarm[0].start,q->ts); } else if (q->iv->type == INV_TYPE_1CH) stsok = true; q->iv->alarmLastId = prntsts; //iv->alarmMesIndex; if (q->iv->alarmCnt > 1) { //more than one channel for (uint8_t ch = 0; ch < (q->iv->alarmCnt); ++ch) { //start with 1 if (q->iv->lastAlarm[ch].code == 1) { stsok = true; break; } } } if(*mSerialDebug) { DPRINT(DBG_WARN, F("New state on CH")); DBGPRINT(String(stschan)); DBGPRINT(F(" (")); DBGPRINT(String(prntsts)); DBGPRINT(F("): ")); DBGPRINTLN(q->iv->getAlarmStr(prntsts)); } if(!q->iv->miMultiParts) q->iv->miMultiParts = 1; // indicate we got status info (1+2 ch types) } if (!stsok) { q->iv->setValue(q->iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_EVT, rec), rec, prntsts); q->iv->lastAlarm[0] = alarm_t(prntsts, q->ts, 0); } if (q->iv->alarmMesIndex < rec->record[q->iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_EVT, rec)]) { q->iv->alarmMesIndex = rec->record[q->iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_EVT, rec)]; // seems there's no status per channel in 3rd gen. models?!? if (*mSerialDebug) { DPRINT_IVID(DBG_INFO, q->iv->id); DBGPRINT(F("alarm ID incremented to ")); DBGPRINTLN(String(q->iv->alarmMesIndex)); } } } void miComplete(Inverter<> *iv) { if (*mSerialDebug) { DPRINT_IVID(DBG_INFO, iv->id); DBGPRINTLN(F("got all data msgs")); } record_t<> *rec = iv->getRecordStruct(RealTimeRunData_Debug); iv->setValue(iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_YD, rec), rec, calcYieldDayCh0(iv,0)); //preliminary AC calculation... float ac_pow = 0; if (iv->type == INV_TYPE_1CH) { if ((!iv->lastAlarm[0].code) || (iv->lastAlarm[0].code == 1)) ac_pow += iv->getValue(iv->getPosByChFld(1, FLD_PDC, rec), rec); } else { for(uint8_t i = 1; i <= iv->channels; i++) { if ((!iv->lastAlarm[i].code) || (iv->lastAlarm[i].code == 1)) { uint8_t pos = iv->getPosByChFld(i, FLD_PDC, rec); ac_pow += iv->getValue(pos, rec); } } } ac_pow = (int) (ac_pow*9.5); iv->setValue(iv->getPosByChFld(0, FLD_PAC, rec), rec, (float) ac_pow/10); iv->doCalculations(); // update status state-machine, if (ac_pow) iv->isProducing(); //closeRequest(iv, iv->miMultiParts > 5); //mHeu.setGotAll(iv); //cmdDone(false); if(NULL != mCbPayload) (mCbPayload)(RealTimeRunData_Debug, iv); //mState = States::RESET; // everything ok, next request } private: enum class States : uint8_t { RESET, START, WAIT, CHECK_FRAMES, CHECK_PACKAGE }; typedef struct { uint8_t buf[MAX_RF_PAYLOAD_SIZE]; uint8_t len; int8_t rssi; } frame_t; private: States mState = States::RESET; uint32_t *mTimestamp; bool *mPrivacyMode, *mSerialDebug, *mPrintWholeTrace; uint16_t *mInverterGap; uint32_t mWaitTimeout = 0; uint32_t mWaitTimeout_min = 0; std::array mLocalBuf; bool mFirstTry = false; // see, if we should do a second try bool mIsRetransmit = false; // we alrady had waited one complete cycle uint16_t mlastTO_min = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; // remember timeout_min for correct calculation uint8_t mMaxFrameId; uint8_t mPayload[MAX_BUFFER]; payloadListenerType mCbPayload = NULL; alarmListenerType mCbAlarm = NULL; Heuristic mHeu; uint32_t mLastEmptyQueueMillis = 0; bool mPrintSequenceDuration = false; //States mDebugState = States::START; }; #endif /*__COMMUNICATION_H__*/