//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 2022 Ahoy, https://ahoydtu.de // Creative Commons - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/de/ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __SETTINGS_H__ #define __SETTINGS_H__ #include #include #include #include "../utils/dbg.h" #include "../defines.h" /** * More info: * https://arduino-esp8266.readthedocs.io/en/latest/filesystem.html#flash-layout * */ typedef struct { uint8_t ip[4]; // ip address uint8_t mask[4]; // sub mask uint8_t dns1[4]; // dns 1 uint8_t dns2[4]; // dns 2 uint8_t gateway[4]; // standard gateway } cfgIp_t; typedef struct { char deviceName[DEVNAME_LEN]; char adminPwd[PWD_LEN]; // wifi char stationSsid[SSID_LEN]; char stationPwd[PWD_LEN]; cfgIp_t ip; } cfgSys_t; typedef struct { uint16_t sendInterval; uint8_t maxRetransPerPyld; uint8_t pinCs; uint8_t pinCe; uint8_t pinIrq; uint8_t amplifierPower; } cfgNrf24_t; typedef struct { char addr[NTP_ADDR_LEN]; uint16_t port; } cfgNtp_t; typedef struct { float lat; float lon; bool disNightCom; // disable night communication } cfgSun_t; typedef struct { uint16_t interval; bool showIv; bool debug; } cfgSerial_t; typedef struct { uint8_t led0; // first LED pin uint8_t led1; // second LED pin } cfgLed_t; typedef struct { char broker[MQTT_ADDR_LEN]; uint16_t port; char user[MQTT_USER_LEN]; char pwd[MQTT_PWD_LEN]; char topic[MQTT_TOPIC_LEN]; } cfgMqtt_t; typedef struct { bool enabled; char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; serial_u serial; uint16_t chMaxPwr[4]; char chName[4][MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; } cfgIv_t; typedef struct { bool enabled; cfgIv_t iv[MAX_NUM_INVERTERS]; } cfgInst_t; typedef struct { cfgSys_t sys; cfgNrf24_t nrf; cfgNtp_t ntp; cfgSun_t sun; cfgSerial_t serial; cfgMqtt_t mqtt; cfgLed_t led; cfgInst_t inst; } settings_t; class settings { public: settings() {} void setup() { DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("Initializing FS ..")); mValid = false; LittleFSConfig cfg; cfg.setAutoFormat(false); LittleFS.setConfig(cfg); if(!LittleFS.begin()) { DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F(".. format ..")); LittleFS.format(); if(LittleFS.begin()) DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F(".. success")); else DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F(".. failed")); } else DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F(" .. done")); readSettings(); } // should be used before OTA void stop() { LittleFS.end(); DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("FS stopped")); } void getPtr(settings_t *&cfg) { cfg = &mCfg; } bool getValid(void) { return mValid; } void getInfo(uint32_t *used, uint32_t *size) { FSInfo info; LittleFS.info(info); *used = info.usedBytes; *size = info.totalBytes; DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("-- FILESYSTEM INFO --")); DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, String(info.usedBytes) + F(" of ") + String(info.totalBytes) + F(" used")); } void readSettings(void) { loadDefaults(); File fp = LittleFS.open("/settings.json", "r"); if(!fp) DPRINTLN(DBG_WARN, F("failed to load json, using default config")); else { DynamicJsonDocument json(8192); DeserializationError err = deserializeJson(json, fp); if(!err) { mValid = true; JsonObject root = json.to(); jsonWifi(root["wifi"]); jsonNrf(root["nrf"]); jsonNtp(root["ntp"]); jsonSun(root["sun"]); jsonSerial(root["serial"]); jsonMqtt(root["mqtt"]); jsonLed(root["led"]); jsonInst(root["inst"]); } else { Serial.println(F("failed to parse json, using default config")); } fp.close(); } } bool saveSettings(void) { DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("save settings")); File fp = LittleFS.open("/settings.json", "w"); if(!fp) { DPRINTLN(DBG_ERROR, F("can't open settings file!")); return false; } DynamicJsonDocument json(8192); JsonObject root = json.to(); jsonWifi(root["wifi"], true); jsonNrf(root["nrf"], true); jsonNtp(root["ntp"], true); jsonSun(root["sun"], true); jsonSerial(root["serial"], true); jsonMqtt(root["mqtt"], true); jsonLed(root["led"], true); jsonInst(root["inst"], true); if(0 == serializeJson(root, fp)) { DPRINTLN(DBG_ERROR, F("can't write settings file!")); return false; } return true; } bool eraseSettings(bool eraseWifi = false) { loadDefaults(eraseWifi); return saveSettings(); } String ip2Str(uint8_t ip[]) { return String(ip[0]) + F(".") + String(ip[1]) + F(".") + String(ip[2]) + F(".") + String(ip[3]); } void ip2Arr(uint8_t ip[], const char *ipStr) { char *tmp = new char[strlen(ipStr)]; strncpy(tmp, ipStr, strlen(ipStr)); char *p = strtok(tmp, "."); uint8_t i = 0; while(NULL != p) { ip[i++] = atoi(p); p = strtok(NULL, "."); } delete[] tmp; } private: void loadDefaults(bool wifi = true) { DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("loadDefaults")); memset(&mCfg, 0, sizeof(settings_t)); snprintf(mCfg.sys.stationSsid, SSID_LEN, FB_WIFI_SSID); snprintf(mCfg.sys.stationPwd, PWD_LEN, FB_WIFI_PWD); snprintf(mCfg.sys.deviceName, DEVNAME_LEN, DEF_DEVICE_NAME); mCfg.nrf.sendInterval = SEND_INTERVAL; mCfg.nrf.maxRetransPerPyld = DEF_MAX_RETRANS_PER_PYLD; mCfg.nrf.pinCs = DEF_CS_PIN; mCfg.nrf.pinCe = DEF_CE_PIN; mCfg.nrf.pinIrq = DEF_IRQ_PIN; mCfg.nrf.amplifierPower = DEF_AMPLIFIERPOWER & 0x03; snprintf(mCfg.ntp.addr, NTP_ADDR_LEN, "%s", DEF_NTP_SERVER_NAME); mCfg.ntp.port = DEF_NTP_PORT; mCfg.sun.lat = 0.0; mCfg.sun.lon = 0.0; mCfg.sun.disNightCom = false; mCfg.serial.interval = SERIAL_INTERVAL; mCfg.serial.showIv = false; mCfg.serial.debug = false; mCfg.mqtt.port = DEF_MQTT_PORT; snprintf(mCfg.mqtt.broker, MQTT_ADDR_LEN, "%s", DEF_MQTT_BROKER); snprintf(mCfg.mqtt.user, MQTT_USER_LEN, "%s", DEF_MQTT_USER); snprintf(mCfg.mqtt.pwd, MQTT_PWD_LEN, "%s", DEF_MQTT_PWD); snprintf(mCfg.mqtt.topic, MQTT_TOPIC_LEN, "%s", DEF_MQTT_TOPIC); mCfg.led.led0 = DEF_LED0_PIN; mCfg.led.led1 = DEF_LED1_PIN; } void jsonWifi(JsonObject obj, bool set = false) { if(set) { obj[F("ssid")] = mCfg.sys.stationSsid; obj[F("pwd")] = mCfg.sys.stationPwd; obj[F("dev")] = mCfg.sys.deviceName; obj[F("adm")] = mCfg.sys.adminPwd; obj[F("ip")] = ip2Str(mCfg.sys.ip.ip); obj[F("mask")] = ip2Str(mCfg.sys.ip.mask); obj[F("dns1")] = ip2Str(mCfg.sys.ip.dns1); obj[F("dns2")] = ip2Str(mCfg.sys.ip.dns2); obj[F("gtwy")] = ip2Str(mCfg.sys.ip.gateway); } else { snprintf(mCfg.sys.stationSsid, SSID_LEN, "%s", obj[F("ssid")].as()); snprintf(mCfg.sys.stationPwd, PWD_LEN, "%s", obj[F("pwd")].as()); snprintf(mCfg.sys.deviceName, DEVNAME_LEN, "%s", obj[F("dev")].as()); snprintf(mCfg.sys.adminPwd, PWD_LEN, "%s", obj[F("adm")].as()); ip2Arr(mCfg.sys.ip.ip, obj[F("ip")]); ip2Arr(mCfg.sys.ip.mask, obj[F("mask")]); ip2Arr(mCfg.sys.ip.dns1, obj[F("dns1")]); ip2Arr(mCfg.sys.ip.dns2, obj[F("dns2")]); ip2Arr(mCfg.sys.ip.gateway, obj[F("gtwy")]); } } void jsonNrf(JsonObject obj, bool set = false) { if(set) { obj[F("intvl")] = mCfg.nrf.sendInterval; obj[F("maxRetry")] = mCfg.nrf.maxRetransPerPyld; obj[F("cs")] = mCfg.nrf.pinCs; obj[F("ce")] = mCfg.nrf.pinCe; obj[F("irq")] = mCfg.nrf.pinIrq; obj[F("pwr")] = mCfg.nrf.amplifierPower; } else { mCfg.nrf.sendInterval = obj[F("intvl")]; mCfg.nrf.maxRetransPerPyld = obj[F("maxRetry")]; mCfg.nrf.pinCs = obj[F("cs")]; mCfg.nrf.pinCe = obj[F("ce")]; mCfg.nrf.pinIrq = obj[F("irq")]; mCfg.nrf.amplifierPower = obj[F("pwr")]; } } void jsonNtp(JsonObject obj, bool set = false) { if(set) { obj[F("addr")] = mCfg.ntp.addr; obj[F("port")] = mCfg.ntp.port; } else { snprintf(mCfg.ntp.addr, NTP_ADDR_LEN, "%s", obj[F("addr")].as()); mCfg.ntp.port = obj[F("port")]; } } void jsonSun(JsonObject obj, bool set = false) { if(set) { obj[F("lat")] = mCfg.sun.lat; obj[F("lon")] = mCfg.sun.lon; obj[F("dis")] = mCfg.sun.disNightCom; } else { mCfg.sun.lat = obj[F("lat")]; mCfg.sun.lon = obj[F("lon")]; mCfg.sun.disNightCom = obj[F("dis")]; } } void jsonSerial(JsonObject obj, bool set = false) { if(set) { obj[F("intvl")] = mCfg.serial.interval; obj[F("show")] = mCfg.serial.showIv; obj[F("debug")] = mCfg.serial.debug; } else { mCfg.serial.interval = obj[F("intvl")]; mCfg.serial.showIv = obj[F("show")]; mCfg.serial.debug = obj[F("debug")]; } } void jsonMqtt(JsonObject obj, bool set = false) { if(set) { obj[F("broker")] = mCfg.mqtt.broker; obj[F("port")] = mCfg.mqtt.port; obj[F("user")] = mCfg.mqtt.user; obj[F("pwd")] = mCfg.mqtt.pwd; obj[F("topic")] = mCfg.mqtt.topic; } else { mCfg.mqtt.port = obj[F("port")]; snprintf(mCfg.mqtt.broker, MQTT_ADDR_LEN, "%s", obj[F("broker")].as()); snprintf(mCfg.mqtt.user, MQTT_USER_LEN, "%s", obj[F("user")].as()); snprintf(mCfg.mqtt.pwd, MQTT_PWD_LEN, "%s", obj[F("pwd")].as()); snprintf(mCfg.mqtt.topic, MQTT_TOPIC_LEN, "%s", obj[F("topic")].as()); } } void jsonLed(JsonObject obj, bool set = false) { if(set) { obj["0"] = mCfg.led.led0; obj["1"] = mCfg.led.led1; } else { mCfg.led.led0 = obj["0"]; mCfg.led.led1 = obj["1"]; } } void jsonInst(JsonObject obj, bool set = false) { if(set) { obj["en"] = mCfg.inst.enabled; } else { mCfg.inst.enabled = obj["en"]; } for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_INVERTERS; i++) { jsonIv(obj["iv"][i], mCfg.inst.iv[i], set); } } void jsonIv(JsonObject obj, cfgIv_t cfg, bool set = false) { if(set) { obj["en"] = cfg.enabled; obj["name"] = cfg.name; obj["serial"] = cfg.serial.u64; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { obj["chPwr"][i] = cfg.chMaxPwr[i]; obj["chName"][i] = cfg.chName[i]; } } else { cfg.enabled = obj["en"]; snprintf(cfg.name, MAX_NAME_LENGTH, "%s", obj[F("name")].as()); cfg.serial.u64 = obj["serial"]; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { cfg.chMaxPwr[i] = obj["chPwr"][i]; snprintf(cfg.chName[i], MAX_NAME_LENGTH, "%s", obj["chName"][i].as()); } } } settings_t mCfg; bool mValid; }; #endif /*__SETTINGS_H__*/