mirror of https://github.com/lumapu/ahoy.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
71 lines
2.9 KiB
71 lines
2.9 KiB
import re
import os
import gzip
from pathlib import Path
def convert2Header(inFile, compress):
fileType = inFile.split(".")[1]
define = inFile.split(".")[0].upper()
define2 = inFile.split(".")[1].upper()
inFileVarName = inFile.replace(".", "_")
print(inFile + ", compress: " + str(compress))
if os.getcwd()[-4:] != "html":
outName = "html/" + "h/" + inFileVarName + ".h"
inFile = "html/" + inFile
outName = "h/" + inFileVarName + ".h"
f = open(inFile, "r")
data = f.read()
if fileType == "html":
if False == compress:
data = data.replace('\n', '')
data = re.sub(r"\>\s+\<", '><', data) # whitespaces between xml tags
data = re.sub(r"(\r\n|\r|\n)(\s+|\s?)", '', data) # whitespaces inner javascript
length = len(data) # get unescaped length
if False == compress:
data = re.sub(r"\"", '\\\"', data) # escape quotation marks
elif fileType == "js":
#data = re.sub(r"(\r\n|\r|\n)(\s+|\s?)", '', data) # whitespaces inner javascript
#data = re.sub(r"\s?(\=|\!\=|\{|,)+\s?", r'\1', data) # whitespaces inner javascript
length = len(data) # get unescaped length
if False == compress:
data = re.sub(r"\"", '\\\"', data) # escape quotation marks
data = data.replace('\n', '')
data = re.sub(r"(\;|\}|\:|\{)\s+", r'\1', data) # whitespaces inner css
length = len(data) # get unescaped length # get unescaped length
f = open(outName, "w")
f.write("#ifndef __{}_{}_H__\n".format(define, define2))
f.write("#define __{}_{}_H__\n".format(define, define2))
if compress:
zipped = gzip.compress(bytes(data, 'utf-8'))
zippedStr = ""
for i in range(len(zipped)):
zippedStr += "0x{:02x}".format(zipped[i]) #hex(zipped[i])
if (i + 1) != len(zipped):
zippedStr += ", "
if (i + 1) % 16 == 0 and i != 0:
zippedStr += "\n"
f.write("#define {}_len {}\n".format(inFileVarName, len(zipped)))
f.write("const uint8_t {}[] PROGMEM = {{\n{}}};\n".format(inFileVarName, zippedStr))
f.write("const char {}[] PROGMEM = \"{}\";\n".format(inFileVarName, data))
f.write("const uint32_t {}_len = {};\n".format(inFileVarName, length))
f.write("#endif /*__{}_{}_H__*/\n".format(define, define2))
convert2Header("index.html", True)
convert2Header("setup.html", True)
convert2Header("visualization.html", True)
convert2Header("update.html", True)
convert2Header("serial.html", True)
convert2Header("style.css", True)
convert2Header("api.js", True)