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688 B

Getting Started with an ESP8266

Wire Connections

    +-----------+          +-----------+
    | nRF24L01+ |--colour--| ESP8266   |
    |           |          |           |
    |       GND |---black--| GND       |
    |       VCC |----red---| +3.3V     |
    |        CE |---grey---| D4        |
    |       CSN |--purple--| D8        |
    |       SCK |---blue---| D5        |
    |      MOSI |---green--| D7        |
    |      MISO |---brown--| D6        |
    |       IRQ |--yellow--| D3        |
    +-----------+          +-----------+



  • AhoyMiles_bb.png
  • AhoyMiles_schem.png
  • AhoyMiles.fzz

by "isnoAhoy"