mirror of https://github.com/lumapu/ahoy.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
745 lines
28 KiB
745 lines
28 KiB
// 2023 Ahoy, https://ahoydtu.de
// Creative Commons - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed
#ifndef __SETTINGS_H__
#define __SETTINGS_H__
#if defined(F) && defined(ESP32)
#undef F
#define F(sl) (sl)
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <LittleFS.h>
#include "../defines.h"
#include "../utils/dbg.h"
#include "../utils/helper.h"
#if defined(ESP32)
#define MAX_ALLOWED_BUF_SIZE ESP.getMaxAllocHeap() - 1024
#define MAX_ALLOWED_BUF_SIZE ESP.getMaxFreeBlockSize() - 1024
* More info:
* https://arduino-esp8266.readthedocs.io/en/latest/filesystem.html#flash-layout
* */
#define DEF_PIN_OFF 255
#define PROT_MASK_INDEX 0x0001
#define PROT_MASK_LIVE 0x0002
#define PROT_MASK_SERIAL 0x0004
#define PROT_MASK_SETUP 0x0008
#define PROT_MASK_UPDATE 0x0010
#define PROT_MASK_SYSTEM 0x0020
#define PROT_MASK_API 0x0040
#define PROT_MASK_MQTT 0x0080
#define DEF_PROT_INDEX 0x0001
#define DEF_PROT_LIVE 0x0000
#define DEF_PROT_SERIAL 0x0004
#define DEF_PROT_SETUP 0x0008
#define DEF_PROT_UPDATE 0x0010
#define DEF_PROT_SYSTEM 0x0020
#define DEF_PROT_API 0x0000
#define DEF_PROT_MQTT 0x0000
typedef struct {
uint8_t ip[4]; // ip address
uint8_t mask[4]; // sub mask
uint8_t dns1[4]; // dns 1
uint8_t dns2[4]; // dns 2
uint8_t gateway[4]; // standard gateway
} cfgIp_t;
typedef struct {
char deviceName[DEVNAME_LEN];
char adminPwd[PWD_LEN];
uint16_t protectionMask;
bool darkMode;
bool schedReboot;
#if defined(ETHERNET)
// ethernet
#else /* defined(ETHERNET) */
// wifi
char stationSsid[SSID_LEN];
char stationPwd[PWD_LEN];
char apPwd[PWD_LEN];
bool isHidden;
#endif /* defined(ETHERNET) */
cfgIp_t ip;
} cfgSys_t;
typedef struct {
bool enabled;
uint16_t sendInterval;
uint8_t maxRetransPerPyld;
uint8_t pinCs;
uint8_t pinCe;
uint8_t pinIrq;
uint8_t pinMiso;
uint8_t pinMosi;
uint8_t pinSclk;
uint8_t amplifierPower;
} cfgNrf24_t;
typedef struct {
bool enabled;
uint8_t pinCsb;
uint8_t pinFcsb;
uint8_t pinIrq;
} cfgCmt_t;
typedef struct {
char addr[NTP_ADDR_LEN];
uint16_t port;
uint16_t interval; // in minutes
} cfgNtp_t;
typedef struct {
float lat;
float lon;
bool disNightCom; // disable night communication
uint16_t offsetSec;
} cfgSun_t;
typedef struct {
uint16_t interval;
bool showIv;
bool debug;
} cfgSerial_t;
typedef struct {
uint8_t led0; // first LED pin
uint8_t led1; // second LED pin
bool led_high_active; // determines if LEDs are high or low active
} cfgLed_t;
typedef struct {
char broker[MQTT_ADDR_LEN];
uint16_t port;
char clientId[MQTT_CLIENTID_LEN];
char user[MQTT_USER_LEN];
char pwd[MQTT_PWD_LEN];
char topic[MQTT_TOPIC_LEN];
uint16_t interval;
} cfgMqtt_t;
typedef struct {
bool enabled;
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
serial_u serial;
uint16_t chMaxPwr[6];
double yieldCor[6]; // YieldTotal correction value
char chName[6][MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
} cfgIv_t;
typedef struct {
bool enabled;
bool rstYieldMidNight;
bool rstValsNotAvail;
bool rstValsCommStop;
bool rstMaxValsMidNight;
bool startWithoutTime;
float yieldEffiency;
} cfgInst_t;
typedef struct {
uint8_t type;
bool pwrSaveAtIvOffline;
bool pxShift;
uint8_t rot;
//uint16_t wakeUp;
//uint16_t sleepAt;
uint8_t contrast;
uint8_t disp_data;
uint8_t disp_clk;
uint8_t disp_cs;
uint8_t disp_reset;
uint8_t disp_busy;
uint8_t disp_dc;
} display_t;
typedef struct {
display_t display;
} plugins_t;
typedef struct {
cfgSys_t sys;
cfgNrf24_t nrf;
cfgCmt_t cmt;
cfgNtp_t ntp;
cfgSun_t sun;
cfgSerial_t serial;
cfgMqtt_t mqtt;
cfgLed_t led;
cfgInst_t inst;
plugins_t plugin;
bool valid;
} settings_t;
class settings {
settings() {
mLastSaveSucceed = false;
void setup() {
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("Initializing FS .."));
mCfg.valid = false;
#if !defined(ESP32)
LittleFSConfig cfg;
#define LITTLFS_TRUE true
#define LITTLFS_FALSE false
if(!LittleFS.begin(LITTLFS_FALSE)) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F(".. format .."));
if(LittleFS.begin(LITTLFS_TRUE)) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F(".. success"));
} else {
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F(".. failed"));
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F(" .. done"));
// should be used before OTA
void stop() {
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("FS stopped"));
void getPtr(settings_t *&cfg) {
cfg = &mCfg;
bool getValid(void) {
return mCfg.valid;
inline bool getLastSaveSucceed() {
return mLastSaveSucceed;
void getInfo(uint32_t *used, uint32_t *size) {
#if !defined(ESP32)
FSInfo info;
*used = info.usedBytes;
*size = info.totalBytes;
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, String(info.usedBytes) + F(" of ") + String(info.totalBytes) + F(" used"));
DPRINTLN(DBG_WARN, F("not supported by ESP32"));
bool readSettings(const char* path) {
File fp = LittleFS.open(path, "r");
DPRINTLN(DBG_WARN, F("failed to load json, using default config"));
else {
//DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, fp.readString());
//fp.seek(0, SeekSet);
DynamicJsonDocument root(MAX_ALLOWED_BUF_SIZE);
DeserializationError err = deserializeJson(root, fp);
if(!err && (root.size() > 0)) {
mCfg.valid = true;
if(root.containsKey(F("wifi"))) jsonNetwork(root[F("wifi")]);
if(root.containsKey(F("nrf"))) jsonNrf(root[F("nrf")]);
#if defined(ESP32)
if(root.containsKey(F("cmt"))) jsonCmt(root[F("cmt")]);
if(root.containsKey(F("ntp"))) jsonNtp(root[F("ntp")]);
if(root.containsKey(F("sun"))) jsonSun(root[F("sun")]);
if(root.containsKey(F("serial"))) jsonSerial(root[F("serial")]);
if(root.containsKey(F("mqtt"))) jsonMqtt(root[F("mqtt")]);
if(root.containsKey(F("led"))) jsonLed(root[F("led")]);
if(root.containsKey(F("plugin"))) jsonPlugin(root[F("plugin")]);
if(root.containsKey(F("inst"))) jsonInst(root[F("inst")]);
else {
Serial.println(F("failed to parse json, using default config"));
return mCfg.valid;
bool saveSettings() {
DPRINTLN(DBG_DEBUG, F("save settings"));
DynamicJsonDocument json(MAX_ALLOWED_BUF_SIZE);
JsonObject root = json.to<JsonObject>();
jsonNetwork(root.createNestedObject(F("wifi")), true);
jsonNrf(root.createNestedObject(F("nrf")), true);
#if defined(ESP32)
jsonCmt(root.createNestedObject(F("cmt")), true);
jsonNtp(root.createNestedObject(F("ntp")), true);
jsonSun(root.createNestedObject(F("sun")), true);
jsonSerial(root.createNestedObject(F("serial")), true);
jsonMqtt(root.createNestedObject(F("mqtt")), true);
jsonLed(root.createNestedObject(F("led")), true);
jsonPlugin(root.createNestedObject(F("plugin")), true);
jsonInst(root.createNestedObject(F("inst")), true);
DPRINT(DBG_INFO, F("memory usage: "));
DPRINT(DBG_INFO, F("capacity: "));
DPRINT(DBG_INFO, F("max alloc: "));
if(json.overflowed()) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_ERROR, F("buffer too small!"));
mLastSaveSucceed = false;
return false;
File fp = LittleFS.open("/settings.json", "w");
if(!fp) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_ERROR, F("can't open settings file!"));
mLastSaveSucceed = false;
return false;
if(0 == serializeJson(root, fp)) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_ERROR, F("can't write settings file!"));
mLastSaveSucceed = false;
return false;
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("settings saved"));
mLastSaveSucceed = true;
return true;
bool eraseSettings(bool eraseWifi = false) {
if(true == eraseWifi)
return LittleFS.format();
return saveSettings();
void loadDefaults(bool keepWifi = false) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("loadDefaults"));
cfgSys_t tmp;
if(keepWifi) {
// copy contents which should not be deleted
memset(&tmp.adminPwd, 0, PWD_LEN);
memcpy(&tmp, &mCfg.sys, sizeof(cfgSys_t));
// erase all settings and reset to default
memset(&mCfg, 0, sizeof(settings_t));
mCfg.sys.darkMode = false;
mCfg.sys.schedReboot = false;
// restore temp settings
#if defined(ETHERNET)
memcpy(&mCfg.sys, &tmp, sizeof(cfgSys_t));
#else /* defined(ETHERNET) */
memcpy(&mCfg.sys, &tmp, sizeof(cfgSys_t));
else {
snprintf(mCfg.sys.stationSsid, SSID_LEN, FB_WIFI_SSID);
snprintf(mCfg.sys.stationPwd, PWD_LEN, FB_WIFI_PWD);
snprintf(mCfg.sys.apPwd, PWD_LEN, WIFI_AP_PWD);
mCfg.sys.isHidden = false;
#endif /* defined(ETHERNET) */
snprintf(mCfg.sys.deviceName, DEVNAME_LEN, DEF_DEVICE_NAME);
mCfg.nrf.sendInterval = SEND_INTERVAL;
mCfg.nrf.maxRetransPerPyld = DEF_MAX_RETRANS_PER_PYLD;
mCfg.nrf.pinCs = DEF_CS_PIN;
mCfg.nrf.pinCe = DEF_CE_PIN;
mCfg.nrf.pinIrq = DEF_IRQ_PIN;
mCfg.nrf.pinMiso = DEF_MISO_PIN;
mCfg.nrf.pinMosi = DEF_MOSI_PIN;
mCfg.nrf.pinSclk = DEF_SCLK_PIN;
mCfg.nrf.amplifierPower = DEF_AMPLIFIERPOWER & 0x03;
mCfg.nrf.enabled = true;
#if defined(ESP32)
mCfg.cmt.pinCsb = DEF_CMT_CSB;
mCfg.cmt.pinFcsb = DEF_CMT_FCSB;
mCfg.cmt.pinIrq = DEF_CMT_IRQ;
mCfg.cmt.pinCsb = DEF_PIN_OFF;
mCfg.cmt.pinFcsb = DEF_PIN_OFF;
mCfg.cmt.pinIrq = DEF_PIN_OFF;
mCfg.cmt.enabled = false;
snprintf(mCfg.ntp.addr, NTP_ADDR_LEN, "%s", DEF_NTP_SERVER_NAME);
mCfg.ntp.port = DEF_NTP_PORT;
mCfg.ntp.interval = 720;
mCfg.sun.lat = 0.0;
mCfg.sun.lon = 0.0;
mCfg.sun.disNightCom = false;
mCfg.sun.offsetSec = 0;
mCfg.serial.interval = SERIAL_INTERVAL;
mCfg.serial.showIv = false;
mCfg.serial.debug = false;
mCfg.mqtt.port = DEF_MQTT_PORT;
snprintf(mCfg.mqtt.broker, MQTT_ADDR_LEN, "%s", DEF_MQTT_BROKER);
snprintf(mCfg.mqtt.user, MQTT_USER_LEN, "%s", DEF_MQTT_USER);
snprintf(mCfg.mqtt.pwd, MQTT_PWD_LEN, "%s", DEF_MQTT_PWD);
snprintf(mCfg.mqtt.topic, MQTT_TOPIC_LEN, "%s", DEF_MQTT_TOPIC);
mCfg.mqtt.interval = 0; // off
mCfg.inst.rstYieldMidNight = false;
mCfg.inst.rstValsNotAvail = false;
mCfg.inst.rstValsCommStop = false;
mCfg.inst.startWithoutTime = false;
mCfg.inst.rstMaxValsMidNight = false;
mCfg.inst.yieldEffiency = 0.955f;
mCfg.led.led0 = DEF_PIN_OFF;
mCfg.led.led1 = DEF_PIN_OFF;
mCfg.led.led_high_active = false;
memset(&mCfg.inst, 0, sizeof(cfgInst_t));
mCfg.plugin.display.pwrSaveAtIvOffline = false;
mCfg.plugin.display.contrast = 60;
mCfg.plugin.display.pxShift = true;
mCfg.plugin.display.rot = 0;
mCfg.plugin.display.disp_data = DEF_PIN_OFF; // SDA
mCfg.plugin.display.disp_clk = DEF_PIN_OFF; // SCL
mCfg.plugin.display.disp_cs = DEF_PIN_OFF;
mCfg.plugin.display.disp_reset = DEF_PIN_OFF;
mCfg.plugin.display.disp_busy = DEF_PIN_OFF;
mCfg.plugin.display.disp_dc = DEF_PIN_OFF;
void jsonNetwork(JsonObject obj, bool set = false) {
if(set) {
char buf[16];
#if !defined(ETHERNET)
obj[F("ssid")] = mCfg.sys.stationSsid;
obj[F("pwd")] = mCfg.sys.stationPwd;
obj[F("ap_pwd")] = mCfg.sys.apPwd;
obj[F("hidd")] = (bool) mCfg.sys.isHidden;
#endif /* !defined(ETHERNET) */
obj[F("dev")] = mCfg.sys.deviceName;
obj[F("adm")] = mCfg.sys.adminPwd;
obj[F("prot_mask")] = mCfg.sys.protectionMask;
obj[F("dark")] = mCfg.sys.darkMode;
obj[F("reb")] = (bool) mCfg.sys.schedReboot;
ah::ip2Char(mCfg.sys.ip.ip, buf); obj[F("ip")] = String(buf);
ah::ip2Char(mCfg.sys.ip.mask, buf); obj[F("mask")] = String(buf);
ah::ip2Char(mCfg.sys.ip.dns1, buf); obj[F("dns1")] = String(buf);
ah::ip2Char(mCfg.sys.ip.dns2, buf); obj[F("dns2")] = String(buf);
ah::ip2Char(mCfg.sys.ip.gateway, buf); obj[F("gtwy")] = String(buf);
} else {
#if !defined(ETHERNET)
getChar(obj, F("ssid"), mCfg.sys.stationSsid, SSID_LEN);
getChar(obj, F("pwd"), mCfg.sys.stationPwd, PWD_LEN);
getChar(obj, F("ap_pwd"), mCfg.sys.apPwd, PWD_LEN);
getVal<bool>(obj, F("hidd"), &mCfg.sys.isHidden);
#endif /* !defined(ETHERNET) */
getChar(obj, F("dev"), mCfg.sys.deviceName, DEVNAME_LEN);
getChar(obj, F("adm"), mCfg.sys.adminPwd, PWD_LEN);
getVal<uint16_t>(obj, F("prot_mask"), &mCfg.sys.protectionMask);
getVal<bool>(obj, F("dark"), &mCfg.sys.darkMode);
getVal<bool>(obj, F("reb"), &mCfg.sys.schedReboot);
if(obj.containsKey(F("ip"))) ah::ip2Arr(mCfg.sys.ip.ip, obj[F("ip")].as<const char*>());
if(obj.containsKey(F("mask"))) ah::ip2Arr(mCfg.sys.ip.mask, obj[F("mask")].as<const char*>());
if(obj.containsKey(F("dns1"))) ah::ip2Arr(mCfg.sys.ip.dns1, obj[F("dns1")].as<const char*>());
if(obj.containsKey(F("dns2"))) ah::ip2Arr(mCfg.sys.ip.dns2, obj[F("dns2")].as<const char*>());
if(obj.containsKey(F("gtwy"))) ah::ip2Arr(mCfg.sys.ip.gateway, obj[F("gtwy")].as<const char*>());
if(mCfg.sys.protectionMask == 0)
void jsonNrf(JsonObject obj, bool set = false) {
if(set) {
obj[F("intvl")] = mCfg.nrf.sendInterval;
obj[F("maxRetry")] = mCfg.nrf.maxRetransPerPyld;
obj[F("cs")] = mCfg.nrf.pinCs;
obj[F("ce")] = mCfg.nrf.pinCe;
obj[F("irq")] = mCfg.nrf.pinIrq;
obj[F("sclk")] = mCfg.nrf.pinSclk;
obj[F("mosi")] = mCfg.nrf.pinMosi;
obj[F("miso")] = mCfg.nrf.pinMiso;
obj[F("pwr")] = mCfg.nrf.amplifierPower;
obj[F("en")] = (bool) mCfg.nrf.enabled;
} else {
getVal<uint16_t>(obj, F("intvl"), &mCfg.nrf.sendInterval);
getVal<uint8_t>(obj, F("maxRetry"), &mCfg.nrf.maxRetransPerPyld);
getVal<uint8_t>(obj, F("cs"), &mCfg.nrf.pinCs);
getVal<uint8_t>(obj, F("ce"), &mCfg.nrf.pinCe);
getVal<uint8_t>(obj, F("irq"), &mCfg.nrf.pinIrq);
getVal<uint8_t>(obj, F("sclk"), &mCfg.nrf.pinSclk);
getVal<uint8_t>(obj, F("mosi"), &mCfg.nrf.pinMosi);
getVal<uint8_t>(obj, F("miso"), &mCfg.nrf.pinMiso);
getVal<uint8_t>(obj, F("pwr"), &mCfg.nrf.amplifierPower);
#if !defined(ESP32)
mCfg.nrf.enabled = true; // ESP8266, read always as enabled
mCfg.nrf.enabled = (bool) obj[F("en")];
if((obj[F("cs")] == obj[F("ce")])) {
mCfg.nrf.pinCs = DEF_CS_PIN;
mCfg.nrf.pinCe = DEF_CE_PIN;
mCfg.nrf.pinIrq = DEF_IRQ_PIN;
mCfg.nrf.pinSclk = DEF_SCLK_PIN;
mCfg.nrf.pinMosi = DEF_MOSI_PIN;
mCfg.nrf.pinMiso = DEF_MISO_PIN;
void jsonCmt(JsonObject obj, bool set = false) {
if(set) {
obj[F("csb")] = mCfg.cmt.pinCsb;
obj[F("fcsb")] = mCfg.cmt.pinFcsb;
obj[F("irq")] = mCfg.cmt.pinIrq;
obj[F("en")] = (bool) mCfg.cmt.enabled;
} else {
mCfg.cmt.pinCsb = obj[F("csb")];
mCfg.cmt.pinFcsb = obj[F("fcsb")];
mCfg.cmt.pinIrq = obj[F("irq")];
mCfg.cmt.enabled = (bool) obj[F("en")];
void jsonNtp(JsonObject obj, bool set = false) {
if(set) {
obj[F("addr")] = mCfg.ntp.addr;
obj[F("port")] = mCfg.ntp.port;
obj[F("intvl")] = mCfg.ntp.interval;
} else {
getChar(obj, F("addr"), mCfg.ntp.addr, NTP_ADDR_LEN);
getVal<uint16_t>(obj, F("port"), &mCfg.ntp.port);
getVal<uint16_t>(obj, F("intvl"), &mCfg.ntp.interval);
if(mCfg.ntp.interval < 5) // minimum 5 minutes
mCfg.ntp.interval = 720; // default -> 12 hours
void jsonSun(JsonObject obj, bool set = false) {
if(set) {
obj[F("lat")] = mCfg.sun.lat;
obj[F("lon")] = mCfg.sun.lon;
obj[F("dis")] = mCfg.sun.disNightCom;
obj[F("offs")] = mCfg.sun.offsetSec;
} else {
getVal<float>(obj, F("lat"), &mCfg.sun.lat);
getVal<float>(obj, F("lon"), &mCfg.sun.lon);
getVal<bool>(obj, F("dis"), &mCfg.sun.disNightCom);
getVal<uint16_t>(obj, F("offs"), &mCfg.sun.offsetSec);
void jsonSerial(JsonObject obj, bool set = false) {
if(set) {
obj[F("intvl")] = mCfg.serial.interval;
obj[F("show")] = mCfg.serial.showIv;
obj[F("debug")] = mCfg.serial.debug;
} else {
getVal<uint16_t>(obj, F("intvl"), &mCfg.serial.interval);
getVal<bool>(obj, F("show"), &mCfg.serial.showIv);
getVal<bool>(obj, F("debug"), &mCfg.serial.debug);
void jsonMqtt(JsonObject obj, bool set = false) {
if(set) {
obj[F("broker")] = mCfg.mqtt.broker;
obj[F("port")] = mCfg.mqtt.port;
obj[F("user")] = mCfg.mqtt.user;
obj[F("pwd")] = mCfg.mqtt.pwd;
obj[F("topic")] = mCfg.mqtt.topic;
obj[F("intvl")] = mCfg.mqtt.interval;
} else {
getVal<uint16_t>(obj, F("port"), &mCfg.mqtt.port);
getVal<uint16_t>(obj, F("intvl"), &mCfg.mqtt.interval);
getChar(obj, F("broker"), mCfg.mqtt.broker, MQTT_ADDR_LEN);
getChar(obj, F("user"), mCfg.mqtt.user, MQTT_USER_LEN);
getChar(obj, F("pwd"), mCfg.mqtt.pwd, MQTT_PWD_LEN);
getChar(obj, F("topic"), mCfg.mqtt.topic, MQTT_TOPIC_LEN);
void jsonLed(JsonObject obj, bool set = false) {
if(set) {
obj[F("0")] = mCfg.led.led0;
obj[F("1")] = mCfg.led.led1;
obj[F("act_high")] = mCfg.led.led_high_active;
} else {
getVal<uint8_t>(obj, F("0"), &mCfg.led.led0);
getVal<uint8_t>(obj, F("1"), &mCfg.led.led1);
getVal<bool>(obj, F("act_high"), &mCfg.led.led_high_active);
void jsonPlugin(JsonObject obj, bool set = false) {
if(set) {
JsonObject disp = obj.createNestedObject("disp");
disp[F("type")] = mCfg.plugin.display.type;
disp[F("pwrSafe")] = (bool)mCfg.plugin.display.pwrSaveAtIvOffline;
disp[F("pxShift")] = (bool)mCfg.plugin.display.pxShift;
disp[F("rotation")] = mCfg.plugin.display.rot;
//disp[F("wake")] = mCfg.plugin.display.wakeUp;
//disp[F("sleep")] = mCfg.plugin.display.sleepAt;
disp[F("contrast")] = mCfg.plugin.display.contrast;
disp[F("data")] = mCfg.plugin.display.disp_data;
disp[F("clock")] = mCfg.plugin.display.disp_clk;
disp[F("cs")] = mCfg.plugin.display.disp_cs;
disp[F("reset")] = mCfg.plugin.display.disp_reset;
disp[F("busy")] = mCfg.plugin.display.disp_busy;
disp[F("dc")] = mCfg.plugin.display.disp_dc;
} else {
JsonObject disp = obj["disp"];
getVal<uint8_t>(disp, F("type"), &mCfg.plugin.display.type);
getVal<bool>(disp, F("pwrSafe"), &mCfg.plugin.display.pwrSaveAtIvOffline);
getVal<bool>(disp, F("pxShift"), &mCfg.plugin.display.pxShift);
getVal<uint8_t>(disp, F("rotation"), &mCfg.plugin.display.rot);
//mCfg.plugin.display.wakeUp = disp[F("wake")];
//mCfg.plugin.display.sleepAt = disp[F("sleep")];
getVal<uint8_t>(disp, F("contrast"), &mCfg.plugin.display.contrast);
getVal<uint8_t>(disp, F("data"), &mCfg.plugin.display.disp_data);
getVal<uint8_t>(disp, F("clock"), &mCfg.plugin.display.disp_clk);
getVal<uint8_t>(disp, F("cs"), &mCfg.plugin.display.disp_cs);
getVal<uint8_t>(disp, F("reset"), &mCfg.plugin.display.disp_reset);
getVal<uint8_t>(disp, F("busy"), &mCfg.plugin.display.disp_busy);
getVal<uint8_t>(disp, F("dc"), &mCfg.plugin.display.disp_dc);
void jsonInst(JsonObject obj, bool set = false) {
if(set) {
obj[F("en")] = (bool)mCfg.inst.enabled;
obj[F("rstMidNight")] = (bool)mCfg.inst.rstYieldMidNight;
obj[F("rstNotAvail")] = (bool)mCfg.inst.rstValsNotAvail;
obj[F("rstComStop")] = (bool)mCfg.inst.rstValsCommStop;
obj[F("strtWthtTime")] = (bool)mCfg.inst.startWithoutTime;
obj[F("rstMaxMidNight")] = (bool)mCfg.inst.rstMaxValsMidNight;
obj[F("yldEff")] = mCfg.inst.yieldEffiency;
else {
getVal<bool>(obj, F("en"), &mCfg.inst.enabled);
getVal<bool>(obj, F("rstMidNight"), &mCfg.inst.rstYieldMidNight);
getVal<bool>(obj, F("rstNotAvail"), &mCfg.inst.rstValsNotAvail);
getVal<bool>(obj, F("rstComStop"), &mCfg.inst.rstValsCommStop);
getVal<bool>(obj, F("strtWthtTime"), &mCfg.inst.startWithoutTime);
getVal<bool>(obj, F("rstMaxMidNight"), &mCfg.inst.rstMaxValsMidNight);
getVal<float>(obj, F("yldEff"), &mCfg.inst.yieldEffiency);
if(mCfg.inst.yieldEffiency < 0.5)
mCfg.inst.yieldEffiency = 1.0f;
else if(mCfg.inst.yieldEffiency > 1.0f)
mCfg.inst.yieldEffiency = 1.0f;
JsonArray ivArr;
ivArr = obj.createNestedArray(F("iv"));
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_INVERTERS; i++) {
if(set) {
if(mCfg.inst.iv[i].serial.u64 != 0ULL)
jsonIv(ivArr.createNestedObject(), &mCfg.inst.iv[i], true);
} else if(!obj[F("iv")][i].isNull())
jsonIv(obj[F("iv")][i], &mCfg.inst.iv[i]);
void jsonIv(JsonObject obj, cfgIv_t *cfg, bool set = false) {
if(set) {
obj[F("en")] = (bool)cfg->enabled;
obj[F("name")] = cfg->name;
obj[F("sn")] = cfg->serial.u64;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
obj[F("yield")][i] = cfg->yieldCor[i];
obj[F("pwr")][i] = cfg->chMaxPwr[i];
obj[F("chName")][i] = cfg->chName[i];
} else {
getVal<bool>(obj, F("en"), &cfg->enabled);
getChar(obj, F("name"), cfg->name, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
getVal<uint64_t>(obj, F("sn"), &cfg->serial.u64);
uint8_t size = 4;
size = obj[F("pwr")].size();
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if(obj.containsKey(F("yield"))) cfg->yieldCor[i] = obj[F("yield")][i];
if(obj.containsKey(F("pwr"))) cfg->chMaxPwr[i] = obj[F("pwr")][i];
if(obj.containsKey(F("chName"))) snprintf(cfg->chName[i], MAX_NAME_LENGTH, "%s", obj[F("chName")][i].as<const char*>());
#if defined(ESP32)
void getChar(JsonObject obj, const char *key, char *dst, int maxLen) {
snprintf(dst, maxLen, "%s", obj[key].as<const char*>());
template<typename T=uint8_t>
void getVal(JsonObject obj, const char *key, T *dst) {
*dst = obj[key];
void getChar(JsonObject obj, const __FlashStringHelper *key, char *dst, int maxLen) {
snprintf(dst, maxLen, "%s", obj[key].as<const char*>());
template<typename T=uint8_t>
void getVal(JsonObject obj, const __FlashStringHelper *key, T *dst) {
*dst = obj[key];
settings_t mCfg;
bool mLastSaveSucceed;
#endif /*__SETTINGS_H__*/