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387 lines
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387 lines
18 KiB
// 2023 Ahoy, https://ahoydtu.de
// Creative Commons - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/de/
#ifndef __MI_PAYLOAD_H__
#define __MI_PAYLOAD_H__
#include "../utils/dbg.h"
#include "../utils/crc.h"
#include "../config/config.h"
#include <Arduino.h>
typedef struct {
uint32_t ts;
bool requested;
uint8_t txCmd;
bool complete;
bool stsa;
bool stsb;
uint8_t txId;
uint8_t invId;
uint8_t maxPackId;
bool lastFound;
uint8_t retransmits;
bool gotFragment;*/
} miPayload_t;
typedef std::function<void(uint8_t)> miPayloadListenerType;
template<class HMSYSTEM>
class MiPayload {
MiPayload() {}
void setup(IApp *app, HMSYSTEM *sys, statistics_t *stat, uint8_t maxRetransmits, uint32_t *timestamp) {
mApp = app;
mSys = sys;
mStat = stat;
mMaxRetrans = maxRetransmits;
mTimestamp = timestamp;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_INVERTERS; i++) {
mSerialDebug = false;
mCbMiPayload = NULL;
void enableSerialDebug(bool enable) {
mSerialDebug = enable;
void addPayloadListener(miPayloadListenerType cb) {
mCbMiPayload = cb;
void loop() {}
void ivSend(Inverter<> *iv) {
mPayload[iv->id].requested = true;
if (mSerialDebug)
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("(#") + String(iv->id) + F(") Requesting Inv SN ") + String(iv->config->serial.u64, HEX));
uint8_t cmd = iv->type == INV_TYPE_4CH ? 0x36 : 0x09; //iv->getQueuedCmd();
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("(#") + String(iv->id) + F(") prepareDevInformCmd"));
mSys->Radio.prepareDevInformCmd(iv->radioId.u64, cmd, mPayload[iv->id].ts, iv->alarmMesIndex, false, cmd);
mPayload[iv->id].txCmd = cmd;
void add(Inverter<> *iv, packet_t *p) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("MI got data [0]=") + String(p->packet[0], HEX));
if (p->packet[0] == (0x08 + ALL_FRAMES)) { // MI status response to 0x09
mPayload[iv->id].stsa = true;
/*decode here or memcopy payload for later decoding?
for decoding see
void MI600StsMsg (NRF24_packet_t *p){
STAT = (int)((p->packet[11] << 8) + p->packet[12]);
FCNT = (int)((p->packet[13] << 8) + p->packet[14]);
FCODE = (int)((p->packet[15] << 8) + p->packet[16]);
#ifdef ESP8266
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("Inverter ") + String(iv->id) + F(": status msg ") + p->packet[0]);
} else if (p->packet[0] == (0x12 + ALL_FRAMES)) { // MI status response to 0x11
mPayload[iv->id].stsb = true;
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("Inverter ") + String(iv->id) + F(": status msg ") + p->packet[0]);
} else if (p->packet[0] == (0x09 + ALL_FRAMES)) { // MI data response to 0x09
mPayload[iv->id].txId = p->packet[0];
if (INV_TYPE_2CH == iv->type) {
mSys->Radio.prepareDevInformCmd(iv->radioId.u64, iv->getQueuedCmd(), mPayload[iv->id].ts, iv->alarmMesIndex, false, 0x11);
} else { // additional check for mPayload[iv->id].stsa == true might be a good idea (request retransmit?)
mPayload[iv->id].complete = true;
/*decode here or memcopy payload for later decoding?
void MI600DataMsg(NRF24_packet_t *p){
U_DC = (float) ((p->packet[11] << 8) + p->packet[12])/10;
I_DC = (float) ((p->packet[13] << 8) + p->packet[14])/10;
U_AC = (float) ((p->packet[15] << 8) + p->packet[16])/10;
F_AC = (float) ((p->packet[17] << 8) + p->packet[18])/100;
P_DC = (float)((p->packet[19] << 8) + p->packet[20])/10;
Q_DC = (float)((p->packet[21] << 8) + p->packet[22])/1;
TEMP = (float) ((p->packet[23] << 8) + p->packet[24])/10;
if ((30<U_DC<50) && (0<I_DC<15) && (200<U_AC<300) && (45<F_AC<55) && (0<P_DC<420) && (0<TEMP<80))
DataOK = 1; //we need to check this, if no crc
else { DEBUG_OUT.printf("Data Wrong!!\r\n");DataOK =0; return;}
if (p->packet[2] == 0x89) {PV= 0; TotalP[1]=P_DC; pvCnt[0]=1;}//port 1
if (p->packet[2] == 0x91) {PV= 1; TotalP[2]=P_DC; pvCnt[1]=1;}//port 2
TotalP[0]=TotalP[1]+TotalP[2]+TotalP[3]+TotalP[4];//in TotalP[0] is the totalPV power
if((P_DC>400) || (P_DC<0) || (TotalP[0]>MAXPOWER)){// cant be!!
#ifdef ESP8266
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("Inverter ") + String(iv->id) + F(": data msg ") + p->packet[0]);
} else if (p->packet[0] == (0x11 + ALL_FRAMES)) { // MI data response to 0x11
mPayload[iv->id].txId = p->packet[0];
mPayload[iv->id].complete = true;
//decode here or memcopy payload for later decoding?
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("Inverter ") + String(iv->id) + F(": data msg ") + p->packet[0]);
} else if (p->packet[0] >= (0x36 + ALL_FRAMES) && p->packet[0] <= (0x39 + ALL_FRAMES)) { // MI 1500 data response to 0x11
mPayload[iv->id].txId = p->packet[0];
if (p->packet[0] < (0x39 + ALL_FRAMES)) {
mSys->Radio.prepareDevInformCmd(iv->radioId.u64, iv->getQueuedCmd(), mPayload[iv->id].ts, iv->alarmMesIndex, false, p->packet[0] + 1 - ALL_FRAMES);
} else {
mPayload[iv->id].complete = true;
//decode here or memcopy payload for later decoding?
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("Inverter MI1500 ") + String(iv->id) + F(": data msg ") + p->packet[0]);
/*if (p->packet[0] == (TX_REQ_INFO + ALL_FRAMES)) { // response from get information command
mPayload[iv->id].txId = p->packet[0];
DPRINTLN(DBG_DEBUG, F("Response from info request received"));
uint8_t *pid = &p->packet[9];
if (*pid == 0x00) {
DPRINT(DBG_DEBUG, F("fragment number zero received and ignored"));
} else {
DPRINTLN(DBG_DEBUG, "PID: 0x" + String(*pid, HEX));
if ((*pid & 0x7F) < MAX_PAYLOAD_ENTRIES) {
memcpy(mPayload[iv->id].data[(*pid & 0x7F) - 1], &p->packet[10], p->len - 11);
mPayload[iv->id].len[(*pid & 0x7F) - 1] = p->len - 11;
mPayload[iv->id].gotFragment = true;
if ((*pid & ALL_FRAMES) == ALL_FRAMES) {
// Last packet
if (((*pid & 0x7f) > mPayload[iv->id].maxPackId) || (MAX_PAYLOAD_ENTRIES == mPayload[iv->id].maxPackId)) {
mPayload[iv->id].maxPackId = (*pid & 0x7f);
if (*pid > 0x81)
mPayload[iv->id].lastFound = true;
} else if (p->packet[0] == (TX_REQ_DEVCONTROL + ALL_FRAMES)) { // response from dev control command
DPRINTLN(DBG_DEBUG, F("Response from devcontrol request received"));
mPayload[iv->id].txId = p->packet[0];
if ((p->packet[12] == ActivePowerContr) && (p->packet[13] == 0x00)) {
String msg = "";
if((p->packet[10] == 0x00) && (p->packet[11] == 0x00))
msg = "NOT ";
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("Inverter ") + String(iv->id) + F(" has ") + msg + F("accepted power limit set point ") + String(iv->powerLimit[0]) + F(" with PowerLimitControl ") + String(iv->powerLimit[1]));
iv->enqueCommand<InfoCommand>(SystemConfigPara); // read back power limit
iv->devControlCmd = Init;
void process(bool retransmit) {
for (uint8_t id = 0; id < mSys->getNumInverters(); id++) {
Inverter<> *iv = mSys->getInverterByPos(id);
if (NULL == iv)
continue; // skip to next inverter
if (IV_HM == iv->ivGen) // only process MI inverters
continue; // skip to next inverter
/*if ((mPayload[iv->id].txId != (TX_REQ_INFO + ALL_FRAMES)) && (0 != mPayload[iv->id].txId)) {
// no processing needed if txId is not 0x95
mPayload[iv->id].complete = true;
continue; // skip to next inverter
if (!mPayload[iv->id].complete) {
bool crcPass, pyldComplete;
crcPass = build(iv->id, &pyldComplete);
if (!crcPass && !pyldComplete) { // payload not complete
if ((mPayload[iv->id].requested) && (retransmit)) {
if (iv->devControlCmd == Restart || iv->devControlCmd == CleanState_LockAndAlarm) {
// This is required to prevent retransmissions without answer.
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("Prevent retransmit on Restart / CleanState_LockAndAlarm..."));
mPayload[iv->id].retransmits = mMaxRetrans;
} else if(iv->devControlCmd == ActivePowerContr) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("retransmit power limit"));
mSys->Radio.sendControlPacket(iv->radioId.u64, iv->devControlCmd, iv->powerLimit, true);
} else {
if (mPayload[iv->id].retransmits < mMaxRetrans) {
if(false == mPayload[iv->id].gotFragment) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_WARN, F("(#") + String(iv->id) + F(") nothing received"));
mPayload[iv->id].retransmits = mMaxRetrans;
} else {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < (mPayload[iv->id].maxPackId - 1); i++) {
if (mPayload[iv->id].len[i] == 0) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_WARN, F("Frame ") + String(i + 1) + F(" missing: Request Retransmit"));
mSys->Radio.sendCmdPacket(iv->radioId.u64, TX_REQ_INFO, (SINGLE_FRAME + i), true);
break; // only request retransmit one frame per loop
} else if(!crcPass && pyldComplete) { // crc error on complete Payload
if (mPayload[iv->id].retransmits < mMaxRetrans) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_WARN, F("CRC Error: Request Complete Retransmit"));
mPayload[iv->id].txCmd = iv->getQueuedCmd();
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("(#") + String(iv->id) + F(") prepareDevInformCmd 0x") + String(mPayload[iv->id].txCmd, HEX));
mSys->Radio.prepareDevInformCmd(iv->radioId.u64, mPayload[iv->id].txCmd, mPayload[iv->id].ts, iv->alarmMesIndex, true);
} else { // payload complete
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("procPyld: cmd: 0x") + String(mPayload[iv->id].txCmd, HEX));
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("procPyld: txid: 0x") + String(mPayload[iv->id].txId, HEX));
DPRINTLN(DBG_DEBUG, F("procPyld: max: ") + String(mPayload[iv->id].maxPackId));
record_t<> *rec = iv->getRecordStruct(mPayload[iv->id].txCmd); // choose the parser
mPayload[iv->id].complete = true;
uint8_t payload[128];
uint8_t payloadLen = 0;
memset(payload, 0, 128);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < (mPayload[iv->id].maxPackId); i++) {
memcpy(&payload[payloadLen], mPayload[iv->id].data[i], (mPayload[iv->id].len[i]));
payloadLen += (mPayload[iv->id].len[i]);
payloadLen -= 2;
if (mSerialDebug) {
DPRINT(DBG_INFO, F("Payload (") + String(payloadLen) + "): ");
mSys->Radio.dumpBuf(payload, payloadLen);
if (NULL == rec) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_ERROR, F("record is NULL!"));
} else if ((rec->pyldLen == payloadLen) || (0 == rec->pyldLen)) {
if (mPayload[iv->id].txId == (TX_REQ_INFO + ALL_FRAMES))
rec->ts = mPayload[iv->id].ts;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < rec->length; i++) {
iv->addValue(i, payload, rec);
if(AlarmData == mPayload[iv->id].txCmd) {
uint8_t i = 0;
uint16_t code;
uint32_t start, end;
while(1) {
code = iv->parseAlarmLog(i++, payload, payloadLen, &start, &end);
if(0 == code)
if (NULL != mCbAlarm)
(mCbAlarm)(code, start, end);
} else {
DPRINTLN(DBG_ERROR, F("plausibility check failed, expected ") + String(rec->pyldLen) + F(" bytes"));
void notify(uint8_t val) {
if(NULL != mCbMiPayload)
bool build(uint8_t id, bool *complete) {
uint16_t crc = 0xffff, crcRcv = 0x0000;
if (mPayload[id].maxPackId > MAX_PAYLOAD_ENTRIES)
mPayload[id].maxPackId = MAX_PAYLOAD_ENTRIES;
// check if all fragments are there
*complete = true;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < mPayload[id].maxPackId; i++) {
if(mPayload[id].len[i] == 0)
*complete = false;
return false;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < mPayload[id].maxPackId; i++) {
if (mPayload[id].len[i] > 0) {
if (i == (mPayload[id].maxPackId - 1)) {
crc = ah::crc16(mPayload[id].data[i], mPayload[id].len[i] - 2, crc);
crcRcv = (mPayload[id].data[i][mPayload[id].len[i] - 2] << 8) | (mPayload[id].data[i][mPayload[id].len[i] - 1]);
} else
crc = ah::crc16(mPayload[id].data[i], mPayload[id].len[i], crc);
return (crc == crcRcv) ? true : false;*/
return true;
void reset(uint8_t id) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, "resetPayload: id: " + String(id));
memset(mPayload[id].len, 0, MAX_PAYLOAD_ENTRIES);
mPayload[id].gotFragment = false;
mPayload[id].retransmits = 0;
mPayload[id].maxPackId = MAX_PAYLOAD_ENTRIES;
mPayload[id].lastFound = false;*/
mPayload[id].complete = false;
mPayload[id].txCmd = 0;
mPayload[id].requested = false;
mPayload[id].ts = *mTimestamp;
mPayload[id].stsa = false;
mPayload[id].stsb = false;
IApp *mApp;
statistics_t *mStat;
uint8_t mMaxRetrans;
uint32_t *mTimestamp;
miPayload_t mPayload[MAX_NUM_INVERTERS];
bool mSerialDebug;
payloadListenerType mCbMiPayload;
#endif /*__MI_PAYLOAD_H__*/